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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Heranças invisíveis do abandono afetivo: um estudo psicanalítico sobre as dimensões da experiência traumática / Invisible heritages of the affective abandonment: a psychoanalytic study about the dimensions of the traumatic experience

Schor, Daniel 08 April 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho se propõe a discutir os destinos psíquicos da experiência traumática, tanto em seus aspectos defensivos, restritivos das capacidades de realização do si-mesmo, quanto no que diz respeito a seus potenciais de simbolização e transformação. Referimo-nos aqui, porém, a uma modalidade particular de traumatismo: aquela que se define por um distanciamento afetivo dos pais em relação à criança, distanciamento esse responsável pelo confronto do sujeito a uma condição de desamparo e impotência insuportáveis. O fracasso dos esforços que, no passado, o indivíduo realizou na tentativa de socorrer os pais em seu sofrimento e de recuperar seu amor deixou como herança um terrível abismo interno e, para sobreviver a essa condição, o psiquismo irá estruturar defesas sofisticadas contra a perda do sentido de si e o colapso da estrutura psíquica de que se vê permanentemente ameaçado, as quais se definem, de nosso ponto de vista, a partir de três vértices principais. Num primeiro plano de análise, pudemos reconhecer que a situação traumática para a qual não se vislumbra nenhuma possibilidade de saída torna-se para o sujeito signo de uma realidade não dimensionável, sem começo, meio e fim, ou seja, uma condição existencial definitiva e inquestionável. Num segundo, fomos levados a tratar os efeitos do abandono afetivo, também, nos termos de um fenômeno de auto-alienação, já que, em meio a uma situação de sofrimento intolerável, uma das primeiras tendências evidenciadas pelo psiquismo é a de mergulhar em um processo de transe, semelhante a uma anestesia, cujo resultado é um estado de desorientação psíquica capaz de suspender a percepção do mal e, junto com ela, a de uma boa parcela da realidade. Consideramos ainda, num terceiro plano, o fato de que, nessa condição, o indivíduo tende a localizar em si mesmo a origem da violência que se abate sobre ele, purificando os pais e a família de todo o seu potencial enlouquecedor e o atribuindo exclusivamente a si. Tais perspectivas se apresentaram para nós como dimensões concomitantes e indissolúveis das configurações subjetivas em que podem ser reconhecidas. A partir de cada uma delas, vemo-nos diante de diferentes aspectos de organizações defensivas criadas contra a angústia de fragmentação e despersonalização gerada pela profunda insegurança a respeito da confiabilidade do objeto. Na última parte da pesquisa, buscamos apresentar possibilidades para o trabalho com pacientes traumatizados, a partir do que nos parecem ser as condições imprescindíveis à simbolização de angústias profundas produzidas pela situação traumática / The present work proposes to discuss the psychic destinies of the traumatic experience, both in their defensive aspects, restrictive of the capacities for realization of the self, and in their potential of symbolization and transformation. We make reference here, however, to a specific modality of traumatism: one which is defined by the affective distance of the parents from the children, distance responsible for the confrontation of the subject with the condition of helplessness and unbearable powerlessness. The failure of the efforts which, in the past, the individual has realized in the attempt to rescue the parents from their suffering and to recover their love left as heritage a terrible interior abyss and, to survive this condition, the psychism will structure sophisticated defences against the loss of the meaning of the self and the collapse of the psychic structure with that is seen permanently threatened, which are defined, in our point of view, from three main angles. In a first level of analysis, we could recognise that the traumatic situation for which is not glimpsed none possibility of exit turns out to be for the subject a sign of a reality which cannot be measured, without beginning, middle and end, that is, a definitive and unquestionable existential condition. In a second level, we were led to treat the effects of the affective abandonment, also, in the terms of a phenomenon of self-alienation, since, in the midst of a situation of intolerable suffering, one of the first tendencies evidenced by the psychism is to submerge in a process of trance, similar to an anesthesia, whose result is a state of psychic disorientation able to cease the perception of the evil and, with it, of a good part of the reality. We also consider, in a third level, the fact that, in this condition, the individual tends to situate in himself or herself the origin of the violence which is inflicted upon him or her, purifying the parents and the family of their whole maddening potential and laying it exclusively to himself or herself. These perspectives have been presented for us as concomitant and indissoluble dimensions of the subjective configurations in which can be recognised. From each one of them, we see us in front of different aspects of defensive organizations created against the angst of fragmentation and depersonalization engendered by the deep insecurity about the confiability of the object. In the last part of the research, we try to present possibilities for a work with traumatized patients, from that appear us to be the essential conditions for the symbolization of deep angsts produced by the traumatic situation

Crise de la symbolisation et Idéal du Moi dans la culture postmoderne : essai de psychanalyse pharmakologique / The Crisis of the Symbolization and the Ego Ideal in the postmodern Culture : essay of pharmakological psychoanalysis

Cueille, Julien 20 October 2018 (has links)
Le concept lyotardien de « postmodernité » désigne la crise actuelle, à savoir une crise des « méta-récits » organisateurs de la modernité, et de l’ordre social, épistémique et discursif qui en découle. Face à la tentative hégémonique actuelle de la biomédecine et du cognitivisme, qui proposent un nouveau mythe scientifique, celui du transhumanisme, et font le jeu d’un « bio-pouvoir » accru, une démarche alternative consisterait à faire converger les lectures « déconstructrices » qui, de la psychanalyse à la philosophie en passant par l'anthropologie, font droit à une approche en termes de « pharmakon », c’est-à-dire d’ambivalence du poison et du remède, entre Eros et Thanatos.La recherche des limites est la condition contemporaine de l'« individu incertain », éternel adolescent. On retrouve là la « nouvelle économie psychique » qui fait signe vers une figure clinique nouvelle, celle de l’ « état-limite » qui connaît de multiples avatars et résiste aux classifications.Nombre d’essais sur le « malaise » entremêlent clinique individuelle et spéculations sur la culture, à partir du concept-clé de « désymbolisation ». La carence de Loi et de Père symbolique semble toutefois une explication insuffisante, tout comme la lecture inverse qui pousse à la fuite en avant libertaire. Notre lecture de Lacan refuse de s’inscrire dans ce dualisme Anciens/Modernes, et met l’accent sur la catégorie d’Idéal du Moi et de « trait unaire » qui suggère un nouage du symbolique avec l’imaginaire, loin de les opposer. La symbolisation est donc un processus plus qu’un état, dans lequel le sujet se trouve confronté, dans l’ambivalence, à la question de ses limites. Il doit convertir le Moi idéal en Idéal du Moi.C’est ce à quoi s’emploient les mythes, qui étayent, tels des totems médiateurs, le travail de subjectivation, en engageant les sujets dans un processus identificatoire et « transfictionnel » qui produit des effets créatifs. A notre époque de désenchantement du monde, les mythes disponibles ne sont que de quasi-mythes « évasifs », sur fond de malaise et de mort de Dieu. Mais la littérature populaire, notamment celle qui s’adresse aux adolescents, comme certains récits de vampires, propose des « romans narcissiques », où l’Œdipe passe désormais au second plan. Elle revisite le personnage d’Hamlet.Paradoxalement, les figures des mystiques, adeptes des expériences-limites et imprégnés d’ambivalence, proches de Lacan par leur théologie « négative » de la kénose et leur parole « apophatique », qui cultive la perte, retrouvent également une actualité, ainsi que la figure de l’apôtre Paul, lue par Agamben. Sa christologie du Dieu faible, abaissé, soumis au manque, résonne comme une déconstruction. Elle ouvre à un « temps de la fin », « temps qui reste », qui suspend les identités, désamorce les pouvoirs et rend possible, peut-être, une « promesse » et une « foi » au sens de Derrida, dans une logique ambivalente du sacré où l’idéal voisine avec l’abject.Dès lors, la cure ne devrait-elle pas, en renonçant à une approche trop nosographique et trop centrée sur la castration symbolique, s’attacher à retrouver la trace féconde et vivifiante du trait unaire, c’est-à-dire laisser une place à l’imaginaire ? Ainsi l’analyse jouerait-elle le rôle d’une sorte de « chambre claire » : en laissant affleurer les « mythes ». C’est peut-être au prix du risque, celui de la chute, du « skandalon », que l’on peut espérer que le sujet se déprenne du Moi idéal et de ses pièges pour opérer un autre nouage, jamais prévisible ni assuré d’avance, et toujours au voisinage du « trou » : une nomination, un sinthome. / The Lyotardian concept of "postmodernity" refers to the current crisis, namely a crisis of the "meta-narratives" organizing modernity, and the resulting social, epistemic and discursive order. Faced with the current hegemonic attempt of biomedicine and cognitivism, which propose a new scientific myth, that of transhumanism, and play the game of an increased "bio-power", an alternative approach would be to converge "deconstructive" readings, who, from psychoanalysis to philosophy through a certain anthropology, are entitled to an approach in terms of "pharmakon", that is to say of ambivalence of the poison and the remedy, between Eros and Thanatos.The search for limits is the contemporary condition of the "uncertain individual", eternal adolescent. Here we find the "new psychic economy", making a sign towards a new clinical figure, that of the "borderline” patient, which knows multiple avatars and resists classifications.A number of essays on "discontent" intermingle individual clinical and cultural speculation, based on the key concept of "desymbolization". The lack of Law and the symbolic Father, however, seems an insufficient explanation, as does the reverse reading that leads to the libertarian headlong pursuit. Our reading of Lacan refuses to be part of this Old / Modern dualism, and focuses on the category of Ego Ideal and "unary trait" which suggests a knot of the symbolic with the imaginary, far from opposing them; it plays a vital role, allowing the symbolic to register. Symbolization is thus a process rather than a state, in which the subject is confronted, in ambivalence, with the question of its limits. He must convert the ideal Ego into the Ego Ideal.This is what myths allow to do, they are used to support, as mediating totems, the work of subjectivation, by engaging subjects in an identificatory and "transfictional" process that produces creative effects. In our era of “disenchantment of the world”, the available myths are only quasi-myths, "evasive" myths, against the background of discontent, and death of God. But popular literature, especially the one which is aimed at adolescents, like some vampire stories, offers "narcissistic romances", where Oedipus is now in the background. It revisits the character of Hamlet.Paradoxically, the figures of the mystics, adepts of limit-experiences and impregnated with ambivalence, close to Lacan by their "negative" theology of kenosis and their "apophatic" word, which cultivates loss, also find a new relevance, as well as the figure of the Apostle Paul, read by Agamben. His christology of the weak, depressed God, subject to lack, resonates like a deconstruction. It opens to a "time of the end", "time that remains", which suspends identities, defuses the powers and makes possible, perhaps, a "promise" and a "faith" in the sense of Derrida, in a ambivalent logic of the sacred where the Ideal is close to the abject.Therefore, should not the cure, by renouncing a too nosographic approach, and too much centered on the symbolic castration, endeavor to find the fruitful and invigorating trace of the unary trait, that is to say, to leave a place to the imaginary? Thus the analysis would play the role of a kind of "Camera Lucida": by letting out the "myths".But it is perhaps at the price of the risk, that of the fall, of the "skandalon", that one can hope that the subject is deprived of the ideal Ego and its traps, to effect another knotting, never foreseeable nor assured in advance, and always in the neighborhood of the "hole": a nomination, a sinthome.

L'hypersomnie à l'adolescence de la passivité à la symbolisation / Hypersomnia during adolescence : from passivity to symbolization

Dubois, Fanny 28 September 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche vise à explorer et comprendre ce qu’est l’hypersomnie adolescente, et dans quels contextes psychopathologiques elle survient.Nous tenterons d’exposer comment l’hypersomnie chez l’adolescent constitue une forme d’agir pour signifier et symboliser les transformations adolescentes, ainsi que le retour de vécus bruts engrammés dans son psychosoma.En lien avec le mécanisme de passivation première, ce refuge dans le sommeil long et profond permettrait au sujet de se retirer de la scène externe au profit d’une scène corporelle nécessaire à la maturation somato-psychique.Au travers de la symptomatologie hypersomniaque, l'expérience de rêve lucide permettrait à l’adolescent de figurer des conflits et des évènements irreprésentables dans l'aire de jeu que constitue l'espace onirique conscientisé.En appui sur des éléments épistémologiques transdisciplinaires, nous proposons de revenir sur les caractéristiques cliniques, psychopathologiques et psychosomatiques propres à ce trouble du sommeil qui fait irruption dans la vie de jeunes. A l’aide de plusieurs outils, il s’agit d’explorer les représentations psycho-sociales, les pratiques cliniques et usages autour dusommeil, et d’identifier les principaux facteurs de risque psychopathologique(s) chez l’adolescent.A partir d’une étude descriptive et analytique et d’une analyse de cas cliniques issus de l’accompagnement psychologique de ces adolescents, nous tenterons d’analyser comment l'écoute de cette hypersomnie participerait d’une relance de la vie psychique du sujet adolescent. / This research tries to explore and understand the adolescent hypersomnia, and in which psychological contexts it happens.We try to explain how the hypersomnia at the teenage age constitutes a shape to act and to symbolize the adolescent transformations, as well as the return of rough recorded real-life experiences in its psychosoma.In connection with the mechanism of passivation (the first one), this haven in the long and deep sleep could allow themselves to retreat from the external scene for the benefit of a physical scene needed for necessary somato-psychic maturation.Through hypersomnia symptomatology, the experience of lucid dream would allow the teenager to represent conflicts and unrepresentable events in the game’s area which establishes the raised awareness dreamlike space.Based on interdisciplinary epistemological elements, we suggest returning to the clinical characteristics, psychopathology and psychosomatic appropriate to this disorder of the sleep which penetrates the lives of young people. Through a variety of tools, it’s about exploring the psychosocial representations, the clinical practices and uses around the sleep, and identifying the main risk factors psychopathology at the teenager.From a descriptive and analytical study and from the analysis of clinical cases from the counselling of these teenagers, we shall try to analyze how the listening of this hypersomnia could participate in a relaunching of the adolescent’s psychic life.

Heranças invisíveis do abandono afetivo: um estudo psicanalítico sobre as dimensões da experiência traumática / Invisible heritages of the affective abandonment: a psychoanalytic study about the dimensions of the traumatic experience

Daniel Schor 08 April 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho se propõe a discutir os destinos psíquicos da experiência traumática, tanto em seus aspectos defensivos, restritivos das capacidades de realização do si-mesmo, quanto no que diz respeito a seus potenciais de simbolização e transformação. Referimo-nos aqui, porém, a uma modalidade particular de traumatismo: aquela que se define por um distanciamento afetivo dos pais em relação à criança, distanciamento esse responsável pelo confronto do sujeito a uma condição de desamparo e impotência insuportáveis. O fracasso dos esforços que, no passado, o indivíduo realizou na tentativa de socorrer os pais em seu sofrimento e de recuperar seu amor deixou como herança um terrível abismo interno e, para sobreviver a essa condição, o psiquismo irá estruturar defesas sofisticadas contra a perda do sentido de si e o colapso da estrutura psíquica de que se vê permanentemente ameaçado, as quais se definem, de nosso ponto de vista, a partir de três vértices principais. Num primeiro plano de análise, pudemos reconhecer que a situação traumática para a qual não se vislumbra nenhuma possibilidade de saída torna-se para o sujeito signo de uma realidade não dimensionável, sem começo, meio e fim, ou seja, uma condição existencial definitiva e inquestionável. Num segundo, fomos levados a tratar os efeitos do abandono afetivo, também, nos termos de um fenômeno de auto-alienação, já que, em meio a uma situação de sofrimento intolerável, uma das primeiras tendências evidenciadas pelo psiquismo é a de mergulhar em um processo de transe, semelhante a uma anestesia, cujo resultado é um estado de desorientação psíquica capaz de suspender a percepção do mal e, junto com ela, a de uma boa parcela da realidade. Consideramos ainda, num terceiro plano, o fato de que, nessa condição, o indivíduo tende a localizar em si mesmo a origem da violência que se abate sobre ele, purificando os pais e a família de todo o seu potencial enlouquecedor e o atribuindo exclusivamente a si. Tais perspectivas se apresentaram para nós como dimensões concomitantes e indissolúveis das configurações subjetivas em que podem ser reconhecidas. A partir de cada uma delas, vemo-nos diante de diferentes aspectos de organizações defensivas criadas contra a angústia de fragmentação e despersonalização gerada pela profunda insegurança a respeito da confiabilidade do objeto. Na última parte da pesquisa, buscamos apresentar possibilidades para o trabalho com pacientes traumatizados, a partir do que nos parecem ser as condições imprescindíveis à simbolização de angústias profundas produzidas pela situação traumática / The present work proposes to discuss the psychic destinies of the traumatic experience, both in their defensive aspects, restrictive of the capacities for realization of the self, and in their potential of symbolization and transformation. We make reference here, however, to a specific modality of traumatism: one which is defined by the affective distance of the parents from the children, distance responsible for the confrontation of the subject with the condition of helplessness and unbearable powerlessness. The failure of the efforts which, in the past, the individual has realized in the attempt to rescue the parents from their suffering and to recover their love left as heritage a terrible interior abyss and, to survive this condition, the psychism will structure sophisticated defences against the loss of the meaning of the self and the collapse of the psychic structure with that is seen permanently threatened, which are defined, in our point of view, from three main angles. In a first level of analysis, we could recognise that the traumatic situation for which is not glimpsed none possibility of exit turns out to be for the subject a sign of a reality which cannot be measured, without beginning, middle and end, that is, a definitive and unquestionable existential condition. In a second level, we were led to treat the effects of the affective abandonment, also, in the terms of a phenomenon of self-alienation, since, in the midst of a situation of intolerable suffering, one of the first tendencies evidenced by the psychism is to submerge in a process of trance, similar to an anesthesia, whose result is a state of psychic disorientation able to cease the perception of the evil and, with it, of a good part of the reality. We also consider, in a third level, the fact that, in this condition, the individual tends to situate in himself or herself the origin of the violence which is inflicted upon him or her, purifying the parents and the family of their whole maddening potential and laying it exclusively to himself or herself. These perspectives have been presented for us as concomitant and indissoluble dimensions of the subjective configurations in which can be recognised. From each one of them, we see us in front of different aspects of defensive organizations created against the angst of fragmentation and depersonalization engendered by the deep insecurity about the confiability of the object. In the last part of the research, we try to present possibilities for a work with traumatized patients, from that appear us to be the essential conditions for the symbolization of deep angsts produced by the traumatic situation

Nos limites da transferência: dimensões do intransferível para a psicanálise contemporânea / In the limits of the transference: dimensions of the non-transferable for contemporary psychoanalysis

Alexandre Augusto Martins Maduenho 23 April 2010 (has links)
Em nossa pesquisa discutimos o tema da impossibilidade transferencial na clínica psicanalítica contemporânea e suas conseqüências na direção daquilo que sugerimos como o intransferível. Quando Freud iniciou suas discussões sobre a transferência, nos Estudos Sobre a Histeria e na Interpretação dos Sonhos, estava instituindo um dos conceitos que demarcaria a especificidade da psicanálise. Seus esforços se desenvolveram no sentido de trazer a transferência para o primeiro plano tanto da técnica, quanto da teoria psicanalítica, pois, seu estatuto clínico e metapsicológico definia uma idéia de sintoma neurótico e uma abordagem clínica que, assim como a proposição do inconsciente, caracterizava a singularidade da psicanálise. Entretanto, com o avanço das reflexões freudianas e, em seguida, com a contribuição dos trabalhos pós-freudianos em psicanálise, cada vez mais foram descobertas outras formas de acontecer psíquico que não dispunham de todos os recursos elaborados que a transferência pressupunha. Nesse sentido, propomos com esse trabalho a díade transferível/intransferível como forma de demarcarmos um limite e nos empenharmos na seguinte questão da nossa tese: se, de acordo com o avanço dos estudos psicanalíticos, é possível reconhecermos o estatuto do que é transferido na transferência em termos de elementos e funções, o que seria possível dizer contemporaneamente dos elementos ou estados intransferíveis? Dedicamo-nos aos estudos de tais elementos ou estados, averiguando três fontes didaticamente distintas, porém, absolutamente interligadas em suas ocorrências: as características das formações psíquicas que estão em questão no intransferível, as funções e disfunções que presidem as situações de intransferibilidades e as especificidades das histórias relacionais objetais que determinam tais impossibilidades. Para esse desenvolvimento, trabalhamos a metapsicologia freudiana proposta nos textos Formulações Sobre os Dois Princípios do Acontecer Psíquico e o Além do Princípio do Prazer e autores posteriores a Freud, com destaque especial para Green, Winnicott e Bion. Nessa escolha nos preocupamos em dar continuidade às pesquisas e ao legado de Freud deixado a nós, situado além do princípio do prazer / In our research we discuss the theme of the impossibility of transference in the contemporary psychoanalytic clinic and its consequences in the direction of that which we consider as the intransferable. When Freud started his discussions about transference, in the Studies in Histeria and in the Interpretation of Dreams, he was instituting one of the concepts that would delimit the specificity of psychoanalysis. His efforts developed in the sense of bringing the notion of transference to the first level of the technique and of the psychoanalytic theory. This is due to its clinic and metapsychologic status of the transference, which defined an idea of neurotic symptom and a clinical approach that, as the proposal of the unconscious, characterised the singularity of psychoanalysis. However, with the development of the Freudian thinking and, next, with the contribution of the studies of pos-Freudians, each time more were discovered other forms of psychic happening that did not have all the elaborated resources that the transference required. In this way, we suggest with this study a transferible/intransferable dyad as a way to demark a limit and to focus on the following question of our thesis: if with the development of the psychoanalytic studies, it is possible to recognise the status of that which is transferred in the transference in terms of elements and functions, what would it be possible to say nowadays about intransferable elements or states? We focus on the studies of those elements or states, analysing three sources didactically distinct, but, absolutely interconnected in its occurrences: the characteristics of the psychic formations that are in question in the intransferable, the functions and disfunctions that are in the situations of the intransferiabilities and the specificities of the object relations stories that determine those impossibilities. For this development we elaborate on the Freudian metapsychology proposed in the studies Formulations on the Two Principles of Mental Functioning and Beyond the Pleasure Principle and on pos-freudian authors, specially Green, Winnicott and Bion. In this choice of authors we aim to give continuity to the legacy of Freud, situated beyond the pleasure principle

Destin de la subjectivité du sujet âgé dément : négativité, symbolisation et relation soignante / Destiny of subjectivity from the insane elderly subject : negativity, symbolization and caring relationship

Louchard, Christine 30 January 2018 (has links)
La démence du sujet âgé est une problématique au croisement de plusieurs disciplines scientifiques. Nous avons fait le choix de questionner les constructions et déconstructions psychiques de « celui qui perd la tête » et plus précisément le destin de la subjectivité du sujet âgé dément. Nous en proposons une lecture psychodynamique et psychanalytique. Nous avons rencontré en établissement gériatrique (EHPAD) des sujets confrontés au vieillissement et empruntant la voie démentielle. Notre recherche montre que le destin de la subjectivité est fonction de l’histoire et des constructions psychiques antérieures mais aussi de l’environnement et de la possibilité pour le sujet de s’y maintenir. Nous développons trois hypothèses : La première est quela démence sénile se présente comme un recours face à l’effroi provoqué par la confrontation du sujet avec l’irreprésentable. La solution démentielle viserait à faire le vide à l’endroit d’un trop plein de contraintes pesant sur la psyché. Nous proposons à la suite, comme seconde hypothèse, que la négativité à l’œuvre dans la démence conduit à l’évidement de la psyché. Le vide psychique se situerait à l’aboutissement d’un processus de désymbolisation. En dernier lieu nous faisons l’hypothèse que la subjectivité du sujet âgé dément, et son destin, dépend de la capacité des soignants à maintenir une intersubjectivité. Ces soignants exercent dans une institution que nous envisageons sous l’angle d’une possible recréation de la topique psychique défaillante, ou disparue, des sujets âgés déments. La démence du sujet âgé est selon nous à penser en terme d’organisation(ou de désorganisation) psychique spécifique. Elle est une organisation paradoxale avec ses logiques propres, elle produit un mécanisme de défense particulier : l’évidement. La solution démentielle, ou plus exactement la dis-solution mise en œuvre vise paradoxalement à la préservation du sujet au détriment de la subjectivité. Nous mettons en évidence les effets du processus démentiel sur les appareillages psychiques entre résidents et professionnels mais aussi dans le groupe de professionnels et l’institution. Nous soulignons l’importance et le rôle du métacadre institutionnel. Notre contribution s’inscrit dans l’axe thématique d’étude des états ou processus liés à la vulnérabilité psychique du sujet ainsi que des processus de subjectivation et de symbolisation. Elle vise à éclairer les processus à l’œuvre ainsi que les enjeux de l’accompagnement et de la relation de soin. Elle tend à ouvrir à de nouvelles perspectives soignantes, ou à les conforter, notamment dans les lieux de vie que sont les Etablissements d’Hébergement pour Personnes Agées Dépendantes. / The dementia of the elderly is a problem at the crossroads of several scientific disciplines. We have chosen to question the psychic constructions and deconstructions of "the one who loses his head" – and more precisely, the destiny of the subjectivity of the demented elderly subject. We propose a psychodynamic and psychoanalytical reading. We met in geriatric institution (EHPAD) subjects facing aging and taking the path dementia. Our research shows that the fate of subjectivity is a function of history and previous psychic constructions, but also of the environment and of the possibility for the subject to maintain it. We develop three hypotheses: The first is that senile dementia presents itself as a remedy in the face of the fright provoked by the confrontation of the subject with the irrepresentable. The mad solution would be to empty the place of too many constraints on the psyche. We propose, as a second hypothesis, that the negativity at work in dementia leads to the recess of the psyche. The psychic emptiness would be at the end of a process of desymbolisation. Finally, we make the assumption that the subjectivity of the old subject belies, and his fate, depends on the ability of the caregivers to maintain intersubjectivity. These caregivers practice in an institution that we consider from the angle of a possible recreation of the defective psychic topic, or disappeared, demented elderly subjects. The dementia of the elderly subject is, in our opinion, to think in terms of specific psychic organization (or disorganization). It is a paradoxical organization with its own logic, it produces a particular defense mechanism: the recess. The demented solution, or more exactly the dis-solution implemented, paradoxically aims at the preservation of the subject to the detriment of subjectivity. We highlight the effects of the dementia process on psychic devices between residents and professionals but also in the group of professionals and the institution. We emphasize the importance and the role of the institutional meta-framework. Our contribution is part of the thematic axis of study of the states or processes related to the psychic vulnerability of the subject as well as processes of subjectivation and symbolization. It aims to inform the processes at work as well as the issues of support and care relationship. It tends to open up new perspectives of care, or to comfort them in geriatrics units.

La symbolisation en maternelle : usages et difficultés des élèves : une analyse socio-langagière de la construction de la signification des affiches didactiques en grande section. / Symbolization at the nursery school : uses and difficulties of the pupils : a linguistic analysis socio of the construction of the significance of the didactic posters in great section

Mourot, Elisabeth 13 December 2016 (has links)
Adossée aux cadres théoriques d’une psychologie du développement social de l’enfant, d’une sémiologie peircienne et d’une sociologie du langage, cette thèse s’inscrit dans le champ des sciences de l’éducation et cible plus particulièrement les processus de construction des inégalités d’apprentissages qui se forment dès l’école maternelle. Elle soutient l’hypothèse d’un rapport entre le symbolique, le langagier et le cognitif qui, selon les modes socialisation, conduit à des interprétations différenciées des situations d’apprentissage, dès l’école maternelle. Pour cela, elle étudie la manière dont des élèves de grande section, issus de milieux sociaux contrastés, construisent la signification des systèmes plurisémiotisés d’un objet scolaire rarement étudié, l’affiche didactique. En appui d’une méthode inductive portant sur des entretiens d’élèves confrontés à ce type de support, l’analyse des phénomènes cognitivolangagiers et de leurs variations débouche sur des résultats montrant que les modes d’interprétation des élèves se différencient selon leur capacité à symboliser et à utiliser le langage dans sa fonction élaboratrice. L’originalité de cette thèse tient au lien qu’elle permet d’établir, à partir de configurations de sujets-sociaux-interprétants, entre les modes d’interprétation privilégiés par les élèves et les représentations qu’ils se font des objets de savoir, dans le contexte des apprentissages premiers. / Leaned with the theoretical executives of a psychology of the social development of the child, of a semiology peircian and a sociology of the language, this thesis fits in the field of sciences of education and target more particularly the processes of construction of the inequalities of training who are formed as of the nursery school. It supports the assumption of a relationship between the symbolic system, the linguistic one and the cognitive one which, according to the socialization modes, led to the interpretations differentiated from the situations of training, as of the nursery school. For that, she studies the manner whose pupils of great section, resulting from contrasted social environments, build the significance of the plurisemiotized systems of a seldom studied school object, the didactic poster. In support of an analytical method relating to talks of pupils confronted with this kind of support, the analysis of the linguistic phenomena cognitivo and their variations leads to results showing that the modes of interpretation of the pupils are different according to their capacity to symbolize and to use the language in its elaborative function. The originality of this thesis is due to the link that it makes it possible to establish, starting from configurations of subject-social-interpreting, between the modes of interpretation privileged by the pupils and the representations which they are made of the objects of knowing, in the context of the trainings first.

Clinique de l'inceste : Père-fille, enfant sacrifié / The clinic of incest : father - daughter, sacrifice children

Sourd-Pellegrin, Florence 20 December 2014 (has links)
La réalité de l'inceste nous révèle la fréquence de ces pratiques sans différenciation de sexe, d'âge ou de statut social. L'objectif de notre thèse se décline en trois parties: Une première partie, dans laquelle nous donnons un aperçu global sur la question de l'inceste. Ce chapitre est consacré d'abord à la définition de l'inceste, à sa prohibition, son but et son origine selon différents points de vue, socio-anthropologique, biologique, psychanalytique.Une deuxième partie consacrée aux hypothèses de travail à travers des cas cliniques: Hypothèse : que la famille incestueuse va utiliser des procédés calmants et que le passage à l'acte incestueux est l'un de ces procédés. Hypothèse : de l'injonction maternelle pouvant conduire à l'inceste. Une troisième partie sur les versions princeps du conte Peau-Âne (Perrault, Grimm). / The reality of incest reveals the frequency of these acts, committed regardless differentiation of gender, age or social status. The purpose of this thesis is divided into three parts: The first part, we give an overview on the issue of incest. This part deals with the definition of incest, its prohibition, its purpose and origin from diverse theoretical backgrounds, socio-anthropological, biological, and psychoanalytical. A second part develops clinical hypotheses through case studies: Assumption that the incestuous family will use calming strategies and the transition to incest could be one (maladaptive) of these processes. Hypothesis of maternal injunction (implicit and in a systemic approach) could lead to incest A third part is dedicated to the princeps version of the tale "Donkeyskin" (by Perrault and also Grimm) and its useful aspects as a media in group therapy for offenders.

Les médiations thérapeutiques comme dispositif de prise en charge pour les enfants avec un trouble du spectre de l’autisme : Une approche neuropsychologique et psychanalytique / Therapeutic mediations as a model of taking care for children with autism spectrum disorders : a neuroscientific and psychoanalytical approach

Di Bisceglie, Frédéric 20 December 2018 (has links)
En France, les nombreuses polémiques au sujet de la prise en charge psychanalytique de l’autisme se sont conclues sur une proposition de résolution totalitaire soumise en octobre 2016 à l’Assemblée nationale visant à interdire les pratiques psychanalytiques sous toutes leurs formes et à imposer la méthode ABA comme prise en charge de l’autisme. La présente thèse vise à dépasser ces clivages à l’aide d’une modélisation des médiations thérapeutiques à partir d’une approche neuroscientifique et psychanalytique. Nous faisons l’hypothèse que les processus de symbolisation (recatégorisations sémantiques et métaphoriques), appuyés par la relation transférentielle, favorisent l’amélioration des troubles autistiques grâce à une mise en forme du Réel de plus en plus complexe. Après avoir mis en évidence une rupture épistémologique freudienne ayant provoqué un refoulement des origines neuroscientifiques de la psychanalyse, nous avons renoué le dialogue avec les neurosciences en présentant l’autisme comme une forme de Locked-in syndrom neurodéveloppemental provoquée par une adaptation singulière du réseau neuronal du Moi (noyau dynamique) face à des conditions invalidantes issues des troubles autistiques. Les médiations thérapeutiques nous ont ainsi permis de mettre en évidence que les processus de symbolisation propres à la création dépendaient de l’activation simultanée des réseaux neuronaux partagés par le langage et l’art, facilitant le renforcement synaptique entre les représentations de ces deux domaines, ce qui permettrait au patient d’exprimer ses expériences difficiles dans un registre artistique/métaphorique. L’expression répétée de ces expériences favoriserait ainsi une réorganisation non-pathologique du noyau dynamique moïque du sujet. Finalement, cinq thérapies médiatisées nous ont permis de soutenir qu’il est possible d’intégrer la subjectivité dans des interventions structurées et motivées théoriquement, tout en proposant de véritables moyens pour évaluer leur efficacité, sans pour autant affecter la qualité de la prise en charge. / In France, several controversies about the psychoanalytical cares of autism have resulted in a proposed law dated October 2016 forbidding all kind of psychoanalytical practices and obliging therapists to apply the ABA method as the preferential way of taking care of autism spectrum disorders. The aim of these thesis is to help align these divisions through the modelling of the therapeutic mediations based on a neuroscientific and psychoanalytical approach. We hypothesized that the symbolization processes (semantical and metaphorical recategorizations) supported by the transference relationship improve autism spectrum disorders through an increasingly complex elaboration of the Real. After having brought to light a Freudian epistemological break which causes the repression of the psychoanalysis’ neuroscientific origins, we have reinitiated dialogue with neurosciences. Thus we have introduced the autism spectrum disorder as a neurodevelopmental locked-in syndrome caused by an unique adaptation of the neural network of the Ego (dynamic core) under crippling conditions caused by this neurodevelopmental disorder. The therapeutic mediations enable us to highlight the fact that the symbolization process in creative process depended on the simultaneous activation of neural network used by language and art, facilitating the synaptic strengthening between the representations of the two areas, what allows the patient to communicate his painful experience through an artistic/metaphorical language. The repeated expression of his experiences would allow reorganizing of the dynamic core of the Ego into a non-pathological way. Finally, five therapeutic mediations allow us to argue that it is possible to integrate the subjectivity into structured and theoretically motivated interventions, proposing a real means of evaluating their efficiency without affecting the quality of the care.

L'hallucinatoire et la clinique de l'irreprésentable / The hallucinatory and the clinic of the unrepresentable

Quagelli, Luca 13 April 2018 (has links)
Depuis les origines de la psychanalyse, le problème de l’hallucinatoire est étroitement lié au problème du fonctionnement de l’inconscient. Dans la métapsychologie « première topique », le modèle de la réalisation hallucinatoire de désir explique autant le fonctionnement du nourrisson (hallucination primitive), que celui du rêve et de la névrose de transfert. Dans Construction dans l’analyse, Freud propose toutefois une hypothèse alternative : l’hallucinatoire peut véhiculer la re- présentation, dans la cure, de noyaux irreprésentables de vérité historique. En s’appuyant sur les réflexions de plusieurs auteurs post-freudiens (Winnicott, Green, Roussillon...), l’auteur développe l’héritage freudien en essayant de l’inscrire dans un modèle capable d’intégrer l’intrapsychique et l’intersubjectif. Il avance et discute l’hypothèse de l’existence d’un fond hallucinatoire du psychisme, régi par la compulsion de répétition, qui re-active les toutes premières expériences relationnelles du sujet. Lorsque la rencontre originaire avec l’objet échoue, les traces de ces situations traumatiques s’enkystent dans le psychisme et font retour, de manière hallucinatoire, dans le transfert, à la recherche d’un autre-semblable capable de leur donner une première forme affective. C’est uniquement grâce à un dur travail d’élaboration contre- transférentielle – illustré ici à travers plusieurs cas d’enfants et d’adolescents psychotiques – que l’analyste arrive parfois à accueillir et à transformer ce transfert du négatif, en accompagnant ainsi ses patients sur le chemin ardu qui mène à la symbolisation (primaire) et à la constitution d’une aire transitionnelle où le je(u) peut enfin advenir. / From the birth of psychoanalysis the conceptualization of the hallucinatory is intimately intertwined with that of the unconscious functioning. In the first topic, the model of the hallucinatory realization of desire explains the baby’s mental functioning, i.e., primal hallucination, the functioning of dreams and neurotic patients in the transference. However, Freud suggests an alternative conceptualization in Constructions in Analysis. Through the hallucinatory, unsymbolized nuclei of historical truth may be re-presented in the treatment. Drawing on Winnicott’s, Green's and Roussillon’s contributions, the Author develops the Freudian heritage and suggests a model in which the intrapsychic and intersubjective dimensions are integrated. The Author puts forward and discusses the existence of a hallucinatory background of the psychism, ruled by the repetition compulsion, that re-activates the psychic inscriptions of early relational experiences. When the primal encounter with the object has failed, traces of these traumatic experiences remain inscribed in the psychism and can be hallucinatory re- activated in the transference in the desperate attempt to find a first representation. Drawing on the case material of psychotic children and adolescents, the Author analyses the complex working through of the countertransference in order to contain this transference of the negative to accompany patients in their arduous way towards (primary) symbolization and the construction of a transitional space of playing.

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