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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Traumatisme psychique et symbolisation : cas des victimes de guerre en Irak / Psychic traumatism and symbolization : The cases of war victims in Iraq.

Al Jendi, Nada 29 September 2015 (has links)
L’étude de notre thèse porte sur des sujets ayant vécu un traumatisme de guerre ; ces sujets ont vécu, ont été témoins, ou bien ont été confrontés à un ou à des événements durant lesquels des individus proches ou lointains sont morts ou ont été menacés de mort. Le choc traumatique que ces sujets ont subi a, en outre, la particularité de se poursuivre par des phénomènes de répétition sous la forme de souvenirs forcés ou de cauchemars. Notre recherche s’est intéressée à la question du travail d’élaboration psychique de l’événement traumatique, de la mise en pensée et du sens donné. Ce travail d’élaboration se fait en s’appuyant sur des ressources internes et externes. Nous considérons, dès le départ, que dépasser le trauma doit être interprété non comme une résistance au trauma, mais comme une capacité à représenter l’expérience subie. Notre étude a porté sur une population de femmes irakiennes ayant fuit la guerre irako-américaine et la guerre civile. Il s’agit d’une population réfugiée en Syrie. / This thesis deals with subjects who have been through a war traumatism. These subjects have lived, witnessed or have been confronted with one or numerous events where close or far relatives died or were threatened to be killed. Moreover, the specificity of the traumatic shock they have been the victims of lies in the fact it keeps surfacing up repeatedly through forced memories or nightmares.Our research focuses on the question of the psychic elaboration of the traumatic event, the way it becomes a thought, and on the meaning one gives to it. This work of elaboration is realized thanks to internal and external resources.We consider from the outset that overcoming one’s trauma should not be interpreted as a resistance to it but as the capacity to represent the experience that has been undergone. Our study is based on a population of Iraqi women who fled the Iraqi-American war and the civil war. It is a population of refugees who sought asylum in Syria.

Addiction, errance et grande précarité : exploration psychopathologique des mises en scène du corps / Addiction, wandering and great precariousness : psychopathological exploration of body scenes

Thomas, Maxence 10 November 2017 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche tend à explorer les différents niveaux de processus psychiques liés aux problématiques d’addiction et de grande précarité, du point de vue de la psychologie clinique et de la psychopathologie. Ce questionnement s’est construit à partir du cadre d’une pratique professionnelle de psychologue clinicien intervenant auprès d’un public précaire.Nous soutenons que loin d’être unilatéralement une conséquence de la vie dans la grande précarité, ni même la cause de la « clochardisation », la symptomatologie addictive dans un tel contexte témoigne du rapport du sujet précaire à son corps, à l’altérité et à l’environnement. Nous tentons donc d’explorer dans cette recherche la multitude de scènes corporelles rencontrées auprès de nos patients, et leur potentialité symbolisante, tandis que l’objet d’addiction se placerait comme un contenant dont le contenu à incorporer permettrait une réactualisation de scènes traumatiques de l’histoire du sujet.Ces écueils de la symbolisation, que le sujet tente d’incorporer pour les revivre et les loger sous forme de sensations sur et dans le corps, seraient issus d’épisodes de décramponnement à l’objet primaire, générant alors des vécus de honte primaire extrêmement douloureux et destructeurs, que nous qualifions de honte essentielle et d’effondrement honteux.Ces considérations nous ont amenés à proposer plusieurs fonctions de l’addiction chez le sujet précaire. Les rituels d’incorporation et l’incorporation - elle-même - se poseraient en alternative à l’émergence de l’auto-réflexivité et de représentations insupportables.Les scènes du corps révélées durant la prise de produit, à travers leurs différentes formes d’expressions, tenteraient de trouver une issue à une situation de deuil inachevé, tandis que l’appareil somatopsychique pourrait momentanément s’éprouver comme unifié et contenant. Ce reflux de l’informe vers la sensorialité et la motricité témoignerait d’un processus plus large tendant à investir le corporel sur le versant mortifère.Nous proposons d’analyser à l’aide des médiations thérapeutiques quatre situations cliniques, permettant de saisir les enjeux psychiques de l’addiction chez les sujets précaires. / This research aims at exploring the different levels of psychic processes related to addiction problems and great precariousness from a clinical and psychopathological point of view. This questioning was built from the professional experience of a clinical psychologist working with precarious and addicted patients.This work contends that, far from being a unilateral consequence of living in great precariousness, and not even the cause of homelessness, addictive symptomatology in such a context illustrates the relationship of the precarious subject with his body, with the otherness and with his environment. This research tries to explore the great variety of corporal scenes encountered among our patients and their symbolizing potentiality while the addictive object would turn into a container whose contained would allow a reactualization of the subject’s traumatic scenes.These symbolization failures that the subject tries to incorporate in order to live them again and turn them into sensations on and inside his body, would stem from sensations felt when breaking away from primary object, thus generating extremely painful experiences of primary shames called essential shame and shameful collapse. These considerations have led us to offer several functions of addiction for precarious subjects. Rituals of incorporation and incorporation itself, could be an alternative against auto-reflexivity and unbearable representations.While taking drugs, the body scenes revealed through their different forms of expression would strive to solve an unfinished mourning situation, while the somatopsychic apparatus could momentarily feel unified and contained.This backward surge of the formless towards sensoriality and motricity would suggest a wider process tending to place the corporeal image on the deadly side With the help of therapeutic mediations, we propose to analyze four clinical situations that will enable us to understand the psychic stakes of addiction for precarious patients.

L’improvisation vocale en musicothérapie auprès d’enfants présentant des troubles psychotiques : une voie vers l’harmonisation de l’originaire / Vocal improvisation in music therapy with children presenting psychotic disorders : a way towards the harmonization of the primary psychic processus

Liegl, Darwin 28 January 2009 (has links)
L’auteur centre sa recherche sur la médiation sonore avec des enfants présentant des troubles psychotiques dans le cadre d’une pratique clinique groupale.La production de musique improvisée et l’improvisation vocale sont utilisées en tant que voies d’accès à l’originaire et à l’inconscient afin de favoriser la symbolisation.Complétée par une recherche théorique et des observations cliniques concernant l’émission de la voix archaïque chez nouveaux-nés et bébés, cette élaboration prend appui sur l’analyse du transfert-contre-transfert, la chaîne associative et les référentiels psychanalytiques. L’ensemble des analyses et observations montre que chez l’enfant présentant des troubles psychotiques, la pratique de la médiation sonore en groupe utilisant la technique de l’improvisation vocale, permet la mobilisation et l’harmonisation de séquences traumatiques originaires conduisant à une modification de la relation d’objet et inaugurant une dynamique évolutive accrue. / The author centers his research on sound mediation with children presenting psychotic disorders within the framework of clinical group practice.
The production of improvised music and vocal improvisation are used as gateways to the primary psychic processus and to the unconscious to facilitate symbolization.
Completed by theoretical research and clinical observations concerning the emission of the archaic voice to new-borns and babies, this elaboration is supported by the analysis of the transference-counter-transference, the as-sociative channel and psychoanalytical system of reference.
All the analyses and the obser-vations show that with children presenting psychotic disorders, the practice of group sound mediation using the technique of vocal improvisation, allows the mobilization and the harmo-nization of primary psychic processus traumatic sequences leading to a modification of the relation to object and initiating greater evolutionary dynamics.

Destins de la sensorimotricité dans le transfert du transfert : vers une symbolisation institutionnelle : nouvelles perspectives sur les dispositifs de soin institutionnels dans les autismes et la psychose infantile / Fates of the sensory motor skills in transferring the transfer : towards an institutional symbolization : new perspectives on institutional care devices en autism and infantile psychosis

Grondin, Phillipe 08 December 2015 (has links)
Dans le cadre des soins institutionnels apportés à des enfants psychotiques et autistes, il s’agit de s‘interroger sur les processus soignants en groupe déployés à partir de la relation transférocontre- transférentielle en appui à des cadres-dispositifs groupaux, notamment des ateliers à médiations thérapeutiques. Des mouvements transférentiels essentiellement sensori-moteurs se déploient en chaîne de transferts au sein des espaces interstitiels envisagés comme non dédiés au transfert. Ces derniers sont alors oblitérés par des vécus contre-transférentiels massifs et radicaux des soignants. Dès lors, comment l’institution va t-elle appréhender ces moments destructeurs vécus comme des passages à l’acte de plus en plus bruyants ? Nous verrons dans quelles conditions le dispositif analysant institutionnel à l’épreuve de la malléabilité peut participer à la transformation de ces passages à l’acte en mises en acte, s’organisant en processus associatif sensori-perceptivo-moteur. / Within the institutional care offered to psychotic and autistic children, our aim is to question the care-giving group processes which are deployed through the transference and counter transference relationship and which provide support to group settings, particularly groups using therapeutic mediations. Transference movements, especially sensory-motor movements, are displayed in a chain of transferences, within the interstitial spaces which are considered as none dedicated to transference. These spaces are then blocked by massive and dramatic counter transference experiences of the caregivers. Therefore how will the institution apprehend these destructive moments which are experienced as acting outs that are more and more severe? We will see in which condition the institutional analyzing framework, testing its malleability, can participate in the transformation of these acting outs into enactments which organize themselves in a sensory-perceptive-motor associative process.

La peinture et le dessin de l'enfant comme écriture de l'inconscient : sublimation et symbolisation / Painting and child's drawing as a scripture of the unconscious : sublimation and symbolization

Voynova, Ruzhena 22 September 2012 (has links)
L’enfant, en dessinant, crée et organise son monde, il y inscrit son identité. L’expression de l’inconscient exige cette nécessité de mise en forme que les productions picturales viendront étayer, notamment dans le champ clinique et thérapeutique de l’enfant. L’acte sublimatoire se révèle être un acte de détournement pulsionnel de son but premier : la satisfaction immédiate à même le corps. Les tableaux de peintres accueillent cette dynamique sublimatoire dont font preuve les artistes. Le dessin de l’enfant pour sa part, se fait support de cette symbolisation, c’est en mettant dehors, en donnant forme à ce qui échappe, en le regardant de loin que l’enfant arrive à le réintégrer et le rendre sien, toujours soutenu par une relation transférentielle, dans un lien à l’autre. Les apports théoriques illustrés par les vignettes cliniques nous amènerons finalement à répondre à notre interrogation première : l’enfant sublime-t-il en dessinant ? / The child, when he draws, creates and organizes his world, he inscribes his identity. The expression of the unconscious requires this need of formatting which will underpin pictorial productions, particularly in the clinical and therapeutic field of children. We will talk about imaginarisation, symbolization and especially sublimation. The act of sublimation proves to be an act of avoids the “pulsion”’s primary goal: the immediate satisfaction on the body. The paintings demonstrate this dynamic process. The work of art itself is a sort of a story of life, survival times, presentation, subject to the gaze of the other, without being made to please. The picture is more than a mere attempt of symbolization. The drawing of the child for its part is supporting this symbolization, always supported by a transference relationship. The theory illustrated by clinical vignettes will bring us finally to answer our first question: is it a question about sublimation when the child draws?


ANA MARIA CAMELO CAMPOS 13 May 2008 (has links)
[pt] A capacidade de conexão afetiva parece faltar às crianças com autismo o que prejudica as experiências intersubjetivas primária e secundária e, consequentemente, o desenvolvimento simbólico. As pesquisas desenvolvidas para a compreensão dos déficits na capacidade simbólica das crianças com transtorno do espectro autista (TEA) identificam dados quantitavos em relação aos comportamentos sociais, comunicativos pré-verbais e verbais e afetivos. No entanto, existe uma lacuna na tentativa de compreender como é a qualidade das interações sócio- afetivas iniciais destas crianças. Sabe-se que a conexão afetiva é pré-requisito básico para o desenvolvimento típico (DT) da capacidade de simbolizar. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar se e como ocorreu a conexão afetiva de 2 crianças TEA estando elas em interação com uma terapeuta. Foi incluído um grupo controle composto por 2 crianças DT. A descrição qualitativa de 5 cenas de filmagem mostrou que, apesar de haver diferenças qualitativas entre o grupo TEA e o grupo DT, é possível observar sinais sutis da conexão afetiva entre crianças autistas e a terapeuta. / [en] The ability to establish affective relatedness appears to be lacking in children with autism. As a result, the primary and secondary intersubjective engagements with others are impaired and affect the development of the child`s ability to symbolize. Research conducted on children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has identified quantitative data in connection with social behavior, pre verbal and verbal communication behavior, and emotional behavior. However, this research has not yet addressed the quality of the initial social and emotional relationships established by children with autism. It is widely known that the emotional connection is an important prerequisite for the symbolization ability in typical development (TD). The present research focuses on the investigation of two ASD children`s affective relatedness during their interaction with a therapist. A control group formed by 2 TD children was included in the investigation. The description of 5 taped scenes demonstrates that regardless of the qualitative differences among the ASD and TD groups, it is possible to observe a subtle trace of affective relatedness between the autistic children and the therapist.

A questão da simbolização na psicossomática: estudo com pacientes portadores de transtorno neurovegetativo somatoforme e de transtorno de pânico / The issue of symbolization in Psychosomatics: study of patients with somatoform autonomic dysfunction and panic disorder

Valente, Guilherme Borges 12 July 2012 (has links)
A Psicossomática se constituiu como campo de saber tendo como uma de suas principais influências as contribuições de Freud a respeito da relação entre mente e corpo. Desde Alexander até os teóricos de orientação psicanalítica mais atuais, a questão da somatização, no sentido lato, vem sendo discutida e, apesar das divergências teóricas, o que sempre está em pauta nas somatizações é o comprometimento da capacidade de simbolização do sujeito frente às vicissitudes da vida. Essa mesma característica é central nas neuroses atuais, de forma que há possível associação entre a somatização e a neurose atual. Dessa forma, os objetivos principais são verificar se esse comprometimento na capacidade de simbolização está presente e como se apresenta em sujeitos com somatização e em sujeitos com neurose atual. Para se realizar o estudo, foram eleitos dois transtornos que são representantes das categorias acima citadas: nas somatizações, vamos pensar a partir dos transtornos somatoformes, utilizando a subcategoria dos transtornos neurovegetativos somatoformes, elegendo a Síndrome do Intestino Irritável; e nas Neuroses Atuais, o Transtorno de Pânico (Neurose de Angústia). Os resultados vão permitir uma comparação, a partir da capacidade de simbolização, entre essas duas categorias e a verificação de maiores relações entre ambas, assim como relação com alexitimia, pensamento operatório e personalidade tipo A, características geralmente associadas a esses tipos de pacientes. A pesquisa foi feita a partir de estudos bibliográficos e psicodiagnóstico dos sujeitos da pesquisa, com entrevista semi-dirigida, aplicação de pranchas do TAT, escalas de alexitimia (TAS e OAS) e entrevista para Personalidade tipo A. Foram utilizados três sujeitos com Síndrome do Intestino Irritável e dois com Transtorno de Pânico. Nos sujeitos da pesquisa, quando aparece comprometimento na capacidade de simbolização, as histórias no TAT são mais curtas, descritivas, concretas, com introdução de nenhum ou poucos elementos externos à prancha, dificuldade na resolução de conflito, personagens pouco integrados, ausência de referências afetivas ou afetividade negativa, prejuízo da integração do ego, com predomínio de pensamento do tipo operatório. Pensar o comprometimento da capacidade de simbolização em pacientes com somatização a partir do pensamento operatório faz sentido, visto que os sujeitos apresentaram tal forma de pensamento, embora apresentem variações significativas na intensidade e frequência de funcionamento metal do tipo operatório. Contudo, definir o paciente com somatização ou com neurose atual necessariamente como alexitímico é insuficiente, visto que nem todos apresentaram tal característica. Pela análise de dados dos sujeitos, há pacientes os quais o comprometimento na capacidade de simbolização funciona como defesa psíquica diante da angústia, de forma a prejudicar a integração do ego em razão de manter um funcionamento mental mais estável; e há os que esse comprometimento é característico do funcionamento mental. Compreendendo o funcionamento psicológico que há por trás das somatizações o comprometimento da capacidade de simbolização e as formas como se configura na dinâmica psíquica do sujeito como defesa psíquica ou como característica do funcionamento mental pode-se estabelecer métodos de abordagens e técnicas psicoterápicas mais eficientes e condizentes com pacientes com somatizações / The Psychosomatic constituted itself as a field of knowledge has as one of his major influences the contributions of Freud on the relationship between mind and body. From Alexander to the psychoanalytic theoristis more current, the issue of somatization in the broadest sense, has been discussed and, despite the theoretical differences, is always at hand in somatization the impaired ability of symbolization of the subject facing the vicissitudes of life. This same feature is central to the actual neurosis, so that there is a possible association between somatization and actual neurosis. Thus, the main objectives are to determine if that impairment in the ability of symbolization is present and how shown in subjects with somatization and in subjects with actual neurosis. To perform the study, two disorders that are elected representatives of the categories mentioned above: in somatization, we think from the somatoform disorders, using the subcategory of somatoform autonomic dysfunction, electing the Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and in Actual Neurosis, the Panic Disorder (Anxiety Neurosis). The results will allow a comparison, from the capacity for symbolization, between these two categories and the verification of relations between the two, as well as compared with alexithymia, operational thinking and type A personality, characteristics associated with these types of patients. The survey was conducted from bibliographic studies and psychodiagnostic research subjects, with semi-directed interview, application of TAT cards scales of alexithymia (TAS and OAS) and interview for Type A Personality. We used three subjects with Irritable Bowel Syndrome and two with Panic Disorder. In the research subjects, when it appears impairment in the ability of symbolization, the TAT stories are shorter, descriptive, concrete, with few or no introduction of foreign elements to the board, difficulty in conflict resolution, low integrated characters, no references affective or negative affectivity, impaired ego integration, with a predominance of thought like operatory. Thinking the impaired ability of symbolization in patients with somatization from operational thinking makes sense, because the subjects had this way of thinking, although they have shown significant variations in intensity and frequency of operation of the metal type operatory. However, defining the patient with somatization or actual neurosis necessarily as alexithymic is insufficient, since not everyone had such a feature. For the data analysis of the subjects, there are patients who compromise the ability to symbolizing as psychic defense in the face of anguish, in order to undermine the integration of the ego to maintain a more stable mental functioning, and there are that this commitment is characteristic of mental functioning. Understanding the psychological functioning that is behind the somatization - the impaired ability of symbolization - and the ways to configure the psychic dynamics of the subject - such as defense or as a psychological characteristic of mental functioning - can establish methods of psychotherapeutic approaches and techniques more efficient and consistent with patients with somatization

Repercussões da intervenção psicológica em pacientes com Síndrome do Intestino Irritável / Repercussions of psychological intervention on patients with irritable bowel syndrome

Valente, Guilherme Borges 16 December 2016 (has links)
Na Psicossomática, dentro do modelo biopsicossocial, entende-se que respostas psicológicas a condições de vida podem interagir com fatores somáticos existentes, alterando a susceptibilidade e manifestação da doença, o que se mostra evidente nas somatizações, como na Síndrome do Intestino Irritável (SII), onde há alteração da motilidade intestinal e no formato das fezes, acompanhada de dores abdominais. O funcionamento mental associado às somatizações, no qual a pessoa apresenta dificuldade em relacionar o adoecimento com seu universo psicológico, é que a capacidade de simbolização, ou seja, a construção de representações mentais para o alívio do estado emocional, é afetada, cronificando as alterações fisiológicas correspondentes. O objetivo da pesquisa foi verificar se o atendimento clínico psicológico, baseado na técnica da Psicoterapia Breve Operacionalizada (PBO), com ênfase na promoção da capacidade de simbolização em relação a determinadas questões significativas, pode contribuir para a melhora dos sintomas no quadro clínico de pacientes com SII. O método utilizado na pesquisa foi o clínico-qualitativo, a partir do estudo de caso de duas pacientes adultas, com o diagnóstico principal de transtorno neurovegetativo somatoforme, portadoras de SII. A intervenção psicológica foi estruturada em três fases: 1) psicodiagnóstico, composto por entrevista semi-dirigida, Sistema Diagnóstico Adaptativo Operacionalizado (SISDAO) e Teste de Apercepção Temática (TAT), questionário de avaliação clínica da SII; 2) psicoterapia breve, em doze sessões; 3) reavaliação após seis meses. A capacidade de simbolização da primeira participante era comprometida fundamentalmente relacionada à sua dificuldade em lidar com a perda da mãe quando criança, num luto não elaborado. Apresentava dores abdominais forte, a cada dois ou três dias, evacuando uma vez ao dia e quando em crise, duas ou três vezes por dia. A segunda participante apresentou uma capacidade de simbolização que passava a ser comprometida quando o conflito entre o desejo de ser aceita por sua família, em especial sua mãe, e o de rompimento tornava-se insuportável. Apresentava dores moderada, a cada cinco dias, evacuando quatro vezes ao dia e, quando em crise, seis vezes ao dia. A intervenção clinico psicológica em pacientes com SII, baseada na técnica da PBO, com elaboração da demanda psicológica e das questões significativas que comprometiam a capacidade de simbolização, possibilitou a elaboração psicológica dos estados emocionais que estariam influenciando os sintomas da SII, de forma que contribuiu para a melhora do quadro clínico das participantes. Após seis meses da psicoterapia, a primeira participante apresentou dores fracas a cada cinco dias, frequência única de evacuação por dia, não apresentou crises. A segunda participante estava evacuando uma a duas vezes por dia, dores fracas a cada cinco dias e crises ocorriam em menor frequência. O modelo de intervenção mostrou-se vantajoso para as participantes da pesquisa, de forma que seu uso no tratamento clinico psicológica para pacientes com SII, levando em consideração as especificidades do funcionamento mental associado às somatizações, apresenta-se promissor / In Psychosomatics, within the biopsychosocial model, it is understood that psychological responses to living conditions may interact with existing somatic factors, altering the susceptibility and manifestations of diseases, which is evidenced in somatizations, such as the case of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), where there is altered intestinal motility and stool format, accompanied by abdominal pain. The mental functioning associated with somatizations, in which a person presents difficulties in associating the illness to their psychological universe, that is, the capacity of symbolization, i.e. the construction of mental representations for the relief of the emotional state is affected, cronifying the physiological changes. The research objective was to determine whether psychological clinical care, based on the technique of Operationalized Brief Psychotherapy (OBP), with emphasises on promoting symbolization capacity regarding certain significant issues, can contribute to the improvement of symptoms in clinical condition of patients with IBS. The method used in the study was the clinical-qualitative, from the case study of two female adult patients with primary diagnosis of somatoform autonomic disorder, suffering from IBS. Psychological intervention was structured in three phases: 1) psychodiagnosis, composed of semi-directed interview, Operationalized Adaptive Diagnostic System (OADS) and Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), questionnaire of clinical evaluation of IBS; 2) brief psychotherapy split in twelve sessions; 3) re-evaluation after six months. The symbolization capacity of the first participant was compromised primarily because of her difficulty dealing with the loss of her mother when a child, in a non-elaborated mourning. The patient presented strong abdominal pains, every two or three days, evacuating once a day and when in crisis, two or three times a day. The second participant presented a symbolization capacity that began to be compromised when the conflict between the desire to be accepted by her family, especially her mother, and the disruption became unbearable. She felt moderate pain, every five days, evacuating four times a day, and when in crisis, six times a day. Psychological clinical intervention in patients with IBS, based on the technique of OADS, with development of psychological demand and significant issues that compromised the capacity of symbolization, allowed the psychological development of emotional states that would influence the symptoms of IBS, so it contributed to the improvement of the clinical condition of the participants. After six months of psychotherapy, the first participant presented weak pains every five days, single daily stool frequency, no crisis. The second participant was evacuating once or twice a day, felt weak pains every five days and crisis occurred less frequently. The intervention model was advantageous to the participants, so that its use in clinical psychological treatment for IBS patients presents promising, taking into account the specifics of mental functioning associated with somatization

A compreensão de alunos, ao final do ensino médio, relativa ao conceito de variável

Rodrigues, Daniela Milaneze 18 November 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:58:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Daniela Milaneze Rodrigues.pdf: 6569340 bytes, checksum: e50963d2dd92e9ebd4ba8aa9d8e06d24 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-11-18 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The aim of this research was to investigate the third year of high school students´ comprehension of the concept of variable. For its development, it was used a theoretical framework called 3UV model formulated by researchers Trigueros e Ursini (2001). The model involves a decomposition of the concept of variable in its three main uses in elementary algebra unknown, general number and related variables, that is, variables in functional relationship and the essential abilities to comprehend each of them to acquire the concept of variable. This theoretical framework was used as guideline in the design of a questionnaire with 22 items, in which the three uses of variable were used. The questions demanded the capabilities of symbolization, manipulation and interpretation from the students related to the three uses of variable, jointly with the mobilization of the abilities that the 3UV model suggests. According to data collected, through the questionnaire and the interviews, which were realized after the application of the first, it was noticed that the students didn t show difficulties to interpret, symbolize and manipulate the variable as unknown. On the other hand, the comprehension of the variable as a general number and as related variables showed gaps related directly to the lack of mobilization of some abilities of manipulation and interpretation present in the 3UV model as needed abilities to the comprehension of the concept. Thus, this investigation helped to point up the difficulties of the students to deal with problems related to concept of variable and to indicate the abilities that should be better worked, in the teaching process of the concept of variable, to provide its comprehension / A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar a compreensão de alunos do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio a respeito do conceito de variável. Para o seu desenvolvimento, foi utilizada uma ferramenta teórico-metodológica denominada modelo 3UV, elaborada pelas pesquisadoras Trigueros e Ursini (2001). Tal modelo apresenta uma decomposição do conceito de variável em seus três principais usos em álgebra elementar - incógnita, número genérico e variáveis relacionadas, ou variáveis em relação funcional e as habilidades essenciais à compreensão de cada um deles para a aquisição do conceito de variável. Essa ferramenta serviu como guia na elaboração de um questionário contendo 22 itens, envolvendo o emprego dos três usos da variável. As questões formuladas exigiram as capacidades de simbolização, manipulação e interpretação dos alunos relativas à variável em seus três usos, juntamente com a mobilização das habilidades sugeridas no modelo 3UV. Com base nos dados coletados, por meio do questionário e das entrevistas realizadas após sua aplicação, observou-se que os estudantes não apresentaram dificuldades em interpretar, simbolizar e manipular a variável como incógnita. Por outro lado, a compreensão da variável como número genérico e em relação funcional demonstrou lacunas, as quais estão diretamente relacionadas à falta de explicitação de algumas das habilidades específicas de manipulação e de interpretação apresentadas no modelo 3UV como necessárias à compreensão do conceito. Dessa forma, tal investigação possibilitou o apontamento de dificuldades dos alunos ao lidar com problemas em que o conceito de variável fazia-se presente, indicando, para o desenvolvimento de futuras pesquisas, as habilidades que deveriam ser melhor exploradas no processo de ensino para favorecer sua compreensão

Samband mellan hällbilder och runor?  : Samlokaliseringar och gemensamma symboliseringar av levnadsvärlden

Stille, Leif January 2015 (has links)
Författaren till denna uppsats har ett brett allmänt intresse av alla tänkbara relationer mellan hällbilder och runor ur ett vitt spektrum av aspekter såsom kronologiska, kulturella, epokmässiga, geografiska, semiotiska, språkfunktionella och skrifthistoriska. Särskilt intressant vore att kartlägga och analysera, hur hällbilder och runor kan symboliskt uttrycka religiösa, rituella, kosmologiska och livsåskådningsmässiga föreställningar och ideal. Andra viktiga faktorer, som måste beaktas, är kulturkontinuitet och hur forntidens människor såg på sina ännu äldre föregångares kultur, föreställningar och livsföring. Uppsatsen måste dock begränsa sig att främst behandla två specialområden dels lokaler med överlappande förekomster av hällristningar och runor, dels en jämförelse mellan runnamnens semantiska sfärer och symboliseringar av väsentliga delar i livsvärlden hos de mest frekventa skandinaviska hällbildsfigurstyperna. De frågor uppsatsen vill besvara är primärt: 1/ Vilka samlokaliseringar av hällbilder och runor finns det? 2/ Verkar runinskrifterna på dessa samlokaliseringar kommentera eller anspela på hällbilderna och i så fall hur? 3/ Vilka semantiska sfärer representerar runnamnen och vilka komponenter i de dåtida människornas levnadsvärld refererar de till? 4/ Finns det hällbildsfigurer, som rimligen kan sägas symbolisera samma levnadsvärldskomponenter som runorna? För att besvara dessa frågor presenteras: A/ fem samlokaliseringar av hällbilder och runor; B/ tolkningar av samspelet mellan de fem lokalernas hällbilder och runor; C/ en genomgång av de äldre runnamnens betydelser; D/ förslag på hällbildsfigurer, som symboliskt skulle motsvara runnamnen.  En angenäm effekt av denna uppsats vore, om den kunde leda till en rekategorisering av hällbildernas motiv och symboler utifrån runsystemets förutsatta levnadsvärld och kosmologi.. / The author of this thesis has a broad general interest in all imaginable relations between rock art and runes out of a wide spectrum of aspects such as cronological, cultural, epochic, geografic, semiotic, linguistic and the history of writing. It would be specially interesting to describe (map down) and analyse how rock art and runes in a symbolic way can express beliefs and ideals out of a religious, ritual and cosmological  conception of life. Other important considerations are continuity of culture and how ancient people looked at the culture, beliefs, ideas and living of their ancesters. This thesis has to be limited to deal with two areas, firstly lokacations with overlapping occurrence of rock art and runes and secondly a comparison of the semantic sphere of the names of the runes and symbolizations of important parts of life that can be seen in the most frequently occurring Scandinavian types of rock art figures. The thesis primarily wants to answer the following questions: 1) Which common localisations of rock art and runes are there? 2) Do the runes in these colocalization seem to comment or allude to the rock art? If so, in what way? 3) Which semantic spheres do the names of the runes represent and to which components in the life world of the ancient people do they refere? 4) Are there rock art figures who probably can be said to symbolize the same components of life world as the runes? To answer these questions I will present: A) five common lokalisations of rock art and runes. B) interpretations of the interaction of the rock art and runes in these five lokalisations. C) a catalogue of the meanings of the names of the older runes. D) proposals concerning rock art figures which in a symbolic way could correspond the rune names. A pleasant effect of this thesis would be, if it could leed to a recategorization of the motives and symbols of rock art from the provided life world and cosmology of the runes.

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