Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tårfilmen"" "subject:"naturfilm""
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Koffeins påverkan på osmolariteten i tårfilmenKlinthage, Jakob January 2014 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate if there was a difference in the tear film’s osmolarity before and after drinking coffee. ' Method: All subjects in this study were asked to fill in a questionnaire to diagnose factors in their subjective symptoms, the questionnaire TERTC-DEQ. The subjects with a total graduated points of over 17 were not allowed to participate in the further measurements. In the study there was a total amount of 38 subjects, were 5 participated twice for both measurements, coffee and water. The measurements were done by TearLab to bring the the osmolarity values, of coffee and water, the before and after measurements, to be compared with each column. Each subject was measured before the drinks was served, 200 milliliters of water or 200 milliliters of coffee. 45 minutes after the first measurement, after the intake of one of the liquids, then the second measurement was occured with TearLab. All of these values and measurements was later compared to each columns of coffee or water. Results: There was no significant difference between neither the coffee or water results (p>0,05). Though there was a little quotable difference between the before and after measurement values of coffee, but not significant. Conclusion: There was no significant difference related to coffe drinking and tear osmolarity. There is no contribution to the tear film’s osmolarity and it will not work as a factor into the dry eyes diagnosis.
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Förändringar av tårfilmens osmolaritet mellan morgon och kväll hos personer utan symptom på torra ögonCsobod, Sylvia January 2013 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att utvärdera om det fanns någon variation av tårfilmens osmolariet, morgon och kväll hos personer utan symptom av torra ögon. Metod: Tårfilmens osmolaritet mättes på totalt 30 patienter, två gånger på en dag; morgon och kväll. Mätningarna utfördes med TearLabTM osmolarity system. Både höger och vänster öga mättes på varje patient. Samtliga deltagande ombads fylla i en symptomenkät vid namn TERTC-DEQ. Endast personer utan symptom på torra ögon tilläts delta i studien. Alltså personer med totalt 17 poäng på TERTC-DEQ. Resultat: Ingen statistisk signifikant skillnad kunde iakttas hos personernas osmolaritet mellan morgon och kväll (P > 0.05). Slutsats: I studien kunde ingen skillnad på osmolaritet i tårfilmen iakttas mellan morgon och kväll hos personer utan symptom på torra ögon. Därmed tros tårfunktionen hos dessa personer fungera korrekt. Tårfilmens osmolaritet upprätthåller rätt balans och förändras därför inte från morgon till kväll. / Aim: The aim of this study was to determine if there is an diurnal variation in tear osmolarity among healty non dry-eye subjects. Method: The osmolarity of the tearfilm was measured in a total of 30 subjects twice a day; morning and evening, using the TearLabTM osmolarity system. Measurements were performed on both right and left eye in all the subjects. All subjects were asked to fill in a symptom questionnaire named TERTC-DEQ and only those with a total score of 17 points were allowed to participate in the study. Subjects below this score had therefore no symptoms of dry eye. Results: There was no statistical significant difference between the subjects tear osmolarity comparing the morning and evening values (P>0,05). Conclusion: This study did not show any difference in the subjects tear osmolarity, comparing morning and evening measurements. None of the individuals had any symptoms of dry eye. Therefore it is believed that in subjects with no symptoms of dry eye, the tear osmolarity remains stable between morning and evening.
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En utvärdering av Non-Invasive Break-Up Time och Tear Break-Up Time hos heltidsstuderande vid Linnéuniversitetet / An evaluation of Non-Invasive Break-Up Time and Tear Break-Up Time in full-time students at Linnaeus UniversitySvedin, Lina, Norrby, Rebecka January 2024 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att utvärdera NIBUT (Non-Invasive Break-Up Time) och TBUT (Tear Break-Up Time) hos heltidsstuderande vid Linnéuniversitetet samt bidra till en ökad förståelse av ögonhälsan hos denna grupp. Metod: Tårfilmens stabilitet kontrollerades med NIBUT och TBUT, tiden mättes direkt efter en blinkning till första uppsprickningen av tårfilmens yta eller ny blinkning. NIBUT utfördes icke invasivt i Sirius och TBUT mättes i biomikroskop med fluorescein. Deltagarna fick inledningsvis svara på en enkät som gjorde det möjligt att analysera insamlad data utifrån ålder, kön, termin, skärmtid och poäng på DEQ-5 (5-Item Dry Eye Questionnaire). Svaren från DEQ-5 möjliggjorde att resultaten från NIBUT och TBUT mätningarna kunde jämföras mot upplevda symtom på torra ögon. Resultat: Studien inkluderade 36 studenter i åldersspannet 18–39 år (medianålder 23 år, IQR 5,25 år). NIBUT och TBUT visade en positiv signifikant korrelation (p <0,001). En kortare TBUT korrelerade negativt med en högre totalpoäng på DEQ-5 (p = 0,004) samt antalet terminer som studerats (p = 0,025). NIBUT visade inte några liknande samband. Referensvärdet för torra ögon diagnostisering med hjälp av NIBUT och TBUT är en tid <10 sekunder. Över hälften av deltagarna i studien, NIBUT 58% och TBUT 53%, hade en nedsatt break-up time <10 sekunder. Vilket kan vara en indikation för torra ögon problematik. Slutsats: Denna studie visar att det finns ett signifikant samband mellan NIBUT och TBUT mätningarna. Kortare TBUT har visat en signifikant korrelation med högre totalpoäng på DEQ-5, likaså har signifikanta samband mellan TBUT och fler lästa terminer konstaterats. Trots korrelationen mellan NIBUT och TBUT påverkades resultaten av skillnader mellan de två mätmetoderna. / Purpose: The purpose of the studies was to evaluate NIBUT (Non-Invasive Break-Up Time) and TBUT (Tear Break-Up Time) in full-time students at Linnaeus University and to contribute to an increased understanding of the eye health of this group. Method: The stability of the tear film was checked with NIBUT and TBUT, the time was measured directly after a blink to the first break-up of the tear film surface or a new blink. NIBUT was performed non-invasively in Sirius and TBUT was measured in a biomicroscope with fluorescein. The participants initially had to answer a questionnaire that made it possible to analyze collected data based on age, sex, number of semesters studied, screen time and score on the DEQ-5 (5-Item Dry Eye Questionnaire). The responses from the DEQ-5 allowed the results from the NIBUT and TBUT measurements to be compared against perceived symptoms of dry eye. Results: The study included 36 students in the age range 18–39 years (median age 23 years, IQR 5.25 years). NIBUT and TBUT showed a positive significant correlation (p <0.001). A shorter TBUT correlated negatively with a higher DEQ-5 total score (p = 0.004) as well as the number of semesters studied (p = 0.025). NIBUT did not show any similar correlations. The reference value for dry eye diagnosis using NIBUT and TBUT is a time <10 seconds. Over half of the participants in the study, NIBUT 58% and TBUT 53%, had a reduced break-up time <10 seconds. Which can be an indication of dry eye problems. Conclusion: This study shows that there is a significant connection between the NIBUT and TBUT measurements. Shorter TBUT has shown a significant correlation with higher total scores on the DEQ-5, likewise significant connections between TBUT and more semesters read have been established. Despite the correlation between NIBUT and TBUT, the results were influenced by differences between the two measurement methods.
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En jämförande studie av två metoder för analys av tårfilmen : En pilotstudieEdström, Ola, Gerebo, Linnéa January 2024 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att jämföra två metoder vid undersökning av tårfilmsanalys; tårflödesbeteende-metoden och fluorescein break-up mönster och om deras mätresultat överensstämmer med varandra. Detta för att diskutera om någon av metoderna kunde vara ett bättre alternativ att adaptera ute i praktiken för vårdgivare inom ögonvården. Metod: Initialt fick deltagarna besvara en OSDI-enkät (ocular surface disease index), därefter gjordes resterande mätningar i biomikroskopet. I biomikroskopet utfördes initialt dem icke-invasiva mätningarna som tillhörde tårflödesbeteende-metoden (mätning av TMH (tårmeniskhöjd), debrishastighet efter blinkning och mätning av lipidlagrets interferensmönster) även NiBUT (non-invasive tear break-up time) utfördes. Efter dem icke-invasiva mätningarna tillsattes fluorescein i inferiora temporala fornix och dem invasiva testerna; TBUT (tear break-up time) och FBUP (fluorescein break-up mönster) utfördes tre gånger. Alla mätningar dokumenterades med video. Tre oberoende bedömningar utfördes. Studien undersökte om resultatet av tårflödesbeteendet och FBUP hade ett samband och vilken utav metoderna som fick en högre intravaliditet utefter dem bedömningar som utfördes. Resultat: Totalt deltog 26 deltagare varav 4 exkluderades. Deltagarna var mellan 19–57 år gamla med en genomsnittsålder på 35 år och en standardavvikelse på ±12,3 år. Samtliga presenterade med en OSDI ≥13, alternativt hade en visuellt frekvent blinkfrekvens. Det återfanns ett samband mellan tårflödesbeteende-metoden och FBUP i studien, dock ingen av klinisk signifikans ((bedömare 1, Cramer’s V= 0,46 p=0,06) (bedömare 2, Cramer’s V=0,33 p=0,32) (bedömare 3, Cramer’s V=0,33 p=0,34)). Tårflödesbeteende-metoden (Fleiss kappa =0,29, p=0,40) och FBUP (Fleiss kappa =0,25, p=0,40) uppvisade båda på en mindre god intra-validitet Slutsats: Det finns ett samband mellan tårflödesbeteende-metoden och FBUP men ingen statistisk signifikans. Intravaliditeten är marginellt högre vid tårflödesbeteende-metoden än vid FBUP i studien. / Aim: The aim of this study was to compare two methods used during tear-film analysis; tear-flow behaviour, and fluorescein break-up pattern and if their measured results are in an agreement. This in order to discuss which one of the methods would be more suitable to apply in clinical practice for healthcare workers in the field of optometry. Method: Initially the participants filled out an OSDI questionnaire (ocular surface disease index), thereafter measurements were done in the biomicroscope. Initially the non-invasive measurements such as the tear-flow behaviour method (measurements of TMH (tear meniscus height), speed of debris movement across the tear film after blinking and measurements of the lipid layer interference) and NiBUT (non-invasive break-up time) were measured. Afterwards fluorescein was applied in the inferior temporal fornix and the invasive measurements; TBUT (tear break-up time) and FBUP (fluorescein break-up pattern) were measured three times. All measurements done in the biomicroscope were documented with video and three independent assessments were done. This study looked at the results from the tear-flow behaviour and FBUP and if they agreed with one another. It also looked into which one of the methods presented a higher intra-validity in regard to the assessments made. Results: The study had a total of 26 participants, of which 4 were excluded. The participants were between the ages of 19-57 years old with an average age of 35 years with a standard deviation of ±12,3 years. The participants presented with an OSDI of ≥13, with exceptions made if a participant visually had a high blink frequency. A correspondence between the tear-flow behaviour method and FBUP could be observed, however none of statistical significance ((assessor 1, Cramer’s V= 0,46 p=0,06) (assessor 2, Cramer’s V=0,33 p=0,32) (assessor 3, Cramer’s V=0,33 p=0,34)). The intra-validity of the tear-flow behaviour method (Fleiss kappa =0,29, p=0,40) and FBUP (Fleiss kappa =0,25, p=0,40) were both categorized as weak intra-validity. Conclusion: There is a correspondence between the tear-flow method and FBUP, without statistical significance. The intra-validity was marginally higher within the tear-flow method compared to FBUP in the study.
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