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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A indústria do conhecimento, o médico e a indústria farmacêutica: uma coprodução de técnicos e técnicas de poder / The knowledge industry, the medical and pharmaceutical industry: a co-production of technical and techniques of power

Vera Regina da Silva Miguelote 29 April 2008 (has links)
Este estudo abordou o contexto de uma engrenagem macropolítica, na qual o poder dominante (representado pela indústria farmacêutica) se articula à indústria do conhecimento, condicionando construção e divulgação de conhecimento biomédico à mesma lógica da produção e distribuição capitalista de mercadorias. A indústria farmacêutica tem investido em projetos de pesquisas clínicas, com o objetivo de legitimar, cientificamente, seus produtos. A investigação deste papel financiador de ensaios clínicos baseou-se nos depoimentos de quatro médicos, professores de Medicina, coparticipantes de projetos da indústria farmacêutica. Os resultados evidenciaram que os protocolos das pesquisas são elaborados pela própria indústria, sem participação do médico colaborador; o acesso à íntegra dos dados coletados é de exclusividade dos coordenadores centrais da pesquisa; e, os resultados dos ensaios, apresentados através de resumos, são previamente submetidos a critérios de seleção de dados. Com o objetivo de articular saber médico a expectativas de mercado, o poder dominante se exerce através de técnicas de poder (estratégias de marketing), atribuindo aos médicos o papel de técnicos de poder, a serviço de seus interesses. Essa relativização de valores clama por uma crítica revisão ética. / This study is an approach to the macro-political engine where the dominant power (represented by the pharmaceutical industry) articulates with the knowledge industry promoting the construction and transmission of a biomedical knowledge with the same logic production and distribution of capitalist commodities. The pharmaceutical companies have been investing in clinical research projects with the intention to scientifically legitimate its products. The investigation of the financial role of these clinical trials was based on the interviews with four physicians who are also medicine professors engaged in these pharmaceutical projects. The results showed that the research protocols are elaborated by the pharmaceutical industry without the participation of the engaged doctors; the whole access to the research data is only available to the main research supervisors and the results are submitted to previous data selection. The dominant power of the pharmaceutical industry is exercised through market power techniques. It establishes a technical power position to the physicians enrolled in the research who are also in service of the industries interests. This relativistic approach concerning health values claims for a critical and ethical revision.

O processo de trabalho dos auxiliares e técnicos de enfermagem na atenção básica à saúde / Working process of auxiliaries and nursing technicians in Primary Health Care

Tauani Zampieri Fermino 17 September 2010 (has links)
A temática deste estudo trata da prática de enfermagem de trabalhadores de nível médio que atuam em serviços da rede de atenção básica à saúde a partir de meados da década de 1990. Foi desenvolvido com os objetivos de caracterizar o processo de trabalho dos auxiliares e técnicos de enfermagem de uma unidade básica de saúde, do município de Ribeirão Preto - São Paulo, na perspectiva da integralidade da atenção, caracterizar o perfil sócio demográfico dos auxiliares e técnicos de enfermagem integrantes deste serviço de atenção básica à saúde, analisar a concepção destes trabalhadores de enfermagem de nível médio sobre os elementos constitutivos do processo de trabalho na atenção básica à saúde e identificar e analisar os aspectos dificultadores e facilitadores para desenvolver o processo de trabalho na perspectiva da integralidade. Constituiu-se em um estudo de natureza descritiva e abordagem qualitativa. Para a coleta de dados, optamos pela observação participante e entrevista semiestruturada. Participaram deste estudo 10 auxiliares de enfermagem e 02 técnicos de enfermagem e, para a análise dos dados obtidos, utilizou-se a análise temática. No decorrer da análise foi possível identificar duas distintas composições no processo de trabalho destes agentes, sendo que encontramos de modo predominante a organização do processo de trabalho para atender pessoas com necessidade de enfrentar doenças/problemas de saúde, mas também encontramos potencialidades para o desenvolvimento do processo de trabalho na direção da integralidade da atenção. Concluiu-se que, diante do esgotamento dos recursos disponíveis na atenção básica à saúde e do sentimento de impotência no ato de cuidar, estes trabalhadores têm procurado estratégias para tentar ajudar ao usuário que procura o serviço de saúde com problemas que não se enquadram àqueles solucionáveis com consulta médica, medicamentos ou procedimentos técnicos. Considera-se ser necessário introduzir a educação permanente no cotidiano do trabalho na atenção básica à saúde e dentro desta prática, qualificar a escuta dos trabalhadores que atuam nestes serviços. Considera-se também ser necessário ampliar os fóruns de discussões e as ações, incluindo como agentes as universidades, os conselhos de enfermagem e as instâncias políticas de nível nacional, estadual e municipal, para promover transformações estruturais na formação dos trabalhadores de nível médio de enfermagem, de modo que estes desenvolvam as competências necessárias para o trabalho na atenção básica à saúde na perspectiva da integralidade da atenção. / The theme of this study deals with the nursing practice of middle level workers whose field is primary health care services since mid 1990\'s. It was developed with the objectives of distinguishing the working process of primary heath unit auxiliaries and nursing technicians of the city of Ribeirão Preto - São Paulo, through the perspective of the integrality of the action, distinguish the socio-demographic profile of the auxiliaries and nursing technicians members of such primary health care service, analyze the conceptions of these middle level nursing workers under the constitutive elements of the primary health care working process and identify and analyze the complicating and facilitating aspects to develop the working process through the perspective of integrality. It was formed a descriptive nature and qualitative approach study. In order to collect the data, structured observation and semi-structured interview were applied. Ten nursing auxiliaries and two nursing technicians took part of such study and for the obtained data analysis, thematic analysis was employed. During the analysis process it was possible to identify two distinguished compositions in the working process of these agents, where it was found in a predominant way the organization of the working process to assist people with the need to deal with diseases/health problems, but it was also found potentialities for the working process development towards the integrality of attention. It was concluded that facing the exhaustion of resources available in primary health care and the feeling of impotence in the act of taking care, these workers have been searching for strategies to try to help users who seek health service units with problems which do not fit the ones solvable through medical consultation, drugs or technical procedures. It is considered necessary to introduce continuing education in primary health care daily work and within such practice, qualify the listening of workers who act in such services. It is also considered as necessary to expand the discussion forums and the actions, including universities, nursing councils and national, state and municipal political instances as agents to promote structural changes in the training of middle level nursing workers so that they develop the skills necessary for work in primary health care from the perspective of integrality of attention.

De l'avènement du parlant à la seconde guerre mondiale : histoire générale des studios de cinéma en France 1929-1939 / From the coming of the talking films to the second world war : a general history of the movie studios in France (1929>1939))

Lefeuvre, Morgan 07 December 2013 (has links)
A travers une étude générale des infrastructures de production, l’ambition de cette recherche est double. Il s’agit d’une part de mettre en évidence la centralité du studio dans l’organisation de la production cinématographique française des années 1930, mais également de montrer quel a pu être l’impact des évolutions de fonctionnement des studios au cours de la décennie sur les conditions de travail et les modes de sociabilité des ouvriers et techniciens du film. Cette thèse ne se contente pas de rassembler des données factuelles et de dresser un inventaire des structures de production dans la France de l’entre-deux-guerres, elle étudie également les dynamiques d’une branche de l’industrie cinématographique en pleine évolution - les studios – tout en faisant de l’humain – ouvriers et techniciens du film - le pivot de la réflexion. L’analyse des dimensions techniques, économiques et humaines des studios français dans les années 1930, se déploie en trois parties correspondant à trois périodes marquées par des dynamiques différentes.La première partie (1929-1930), aborde la question du passage au parlant en privilégiant une approche descriptive des installations ; elle dresse un tableau de la situation en 1929 et analyse les nouvelles dynamiques économiques et techniques qui modifient en profondeur le paysage des studios français à l’aube de la décennie. La deuxième partie (1931-1933), s’attache à mettre en lumière le fonctionnement quotidien des studios, leur rôle dans la formation et la carrière des professionnels mais également leur impact sur la vie économique et sociale des territoires dans lesquels ils sont implantés. Enfin la troisième partie, (1934-1939), soulève la question du modèle de développement des studios français. Premières victimes de la crise de la production des années 1934-1935, les ouvriers et techniciens du film sont les premiers à réagir, répondant à la dégradation de leurs conditions de travail et de rémunération par un mouvement de revendications et de luttes sociales qui agitent les studios durant toute la seconde moitié de la décennie. / Throughout this general study of the production facilities, the goal of the research is two fold. It aims first at establishing the centrality of the studios in organizing the French movie production in the 1930’s. It equally looks at showing what have been the impacts of the changes which had affected the functioning of the studios during this decade on the working conditions and sociability modes of the working class and technicians of the film industry. Not only this PhD gathers evidences and draws an inventory of the production facilities in the France between the two world wars, but it also studies the dynamics of a fast evolving branch of the film industry, the studios, while making of the human - workers and technicians of the film industry - the centre of the reflection. The analysis of the technical, economic and human dimensions of French movie studios in 1930’s, unfolds in three parts corresponding to three periods marked by different dynamics. The first part (1929-1930), discusses the transition to talking cinema favoring a descriptive approach of the facilities; it paints a picture of the situation in 1929 and analyzes the new economic and technical dynamics that profoundly altered the landscape of French studios at the beginning of the decade. The second part (1931-1933) , aims to highlight the daily operation of the studios, their role in the training and career of professionals but also their impact on economic and social life of the territories in which they are located. Finally, the third part, (1934-1939), raised the question of the development model of French studios. First victims of the crisis of 1934-1935 production year, workers and technicians of the film are the first to react, responding to the deterioration of their working conditions and compensation by a movement of demands and social struggles that stir the studios throughout the second half of the decade.

Delays in the emergency department and their effects on the ambulance provider

Moore, Simon Peter 01 January 2002 (has links)
This thesis is a case analysis of the nature of delays in emergency room admissions and the effects on ambulance dispatching and availability as it occurred in Southern California.

Digital-high definition television servicing curriculum for Santa Ana Community College

Schmidt, David Glenn 01 January 2002 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to develop a semester length community college curriculum for a course in the theory and servicing of digital-high definition television for the students in the service technology field of electronics at Santa Ana Community College in Santa Ana, California. Additionally, it is designed with the current electronic service industry in mind.

Teachers' perceptions of computer technology's impact upon student achievement

Lewis, James Clayton 01 January 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine if computer technology is an effective tool for raising student achievement in education. Much of the related research indicated there is a pressing need for educators, at both the school site and district levels, to develop accurate assessment tools to accurately determine the most effective use of computers as it applies to instructional technology.

Use of Mobile Telephones: Experiences of First Responders in Rural African Communities

Harding, James 01 January 2019 (has links)
Emergency medical technicians (EMTs) usually participate in disaster response in rural African communities. Disasters in African communities are often characterized by huge fatalities, which are associated with a slow pace of response. The use of information and communication technology in disaster response is recognized as an effective conduit for enhancing response. Previous research indicates the efficacy of the use of mobile telephones in disaster response in advance countries. However, there remains a critical gap in the available literature on the experiences of EMTs with the use of mobile telephones in disaster response in rural African communities. The purpose of this generic qualitative study was to explore the experiences of EMTs with the use of mobile telephones in disaster response in rural African communities. The innovation diffusion theory served as the theoretical framework of the study. Data were collected through face to face, semi-structured interviews with 10 EMTs from 2 institutions in Sierra Leone. Data were analyzed with the use of Nvivo. The findings of this research include (a) The key areas in emergency response where mobile telephones are most useful; (b) The benefits of the use of mobile telephones in disaster response, including the enhancement of communication and search and rescue efforts; (c) Challenges to the use of mobile telephones; and (d) Ways to improve the use of mobile telephones. The results of this study may enhance positive social change through contribution to the reduction of fatalities usually associated with slow disaster response. It is recommended that future research be conducted on the experiences of other categories of first responders, and to explore alternative funding sources for disaster response in rural African communities.

Att vårda barn i prehospital miljö : ambulanspersonalens upplevelser / Caring for children in a prehospital environment : ambulance clinicians experiences

Hemgren Sundberg, Mia, Ekström, Mimmi January 2022 (has links)
Prehospital akutsjukvård är till för patienter i alla åldrar, symtom, tillstånd och sjukdom. Ambulanspersonalen behöver ha kompetens och förmåga att bedöma och behandla alla patienter. Enligt Travelbee främjas den mellanmänskliga relationen genom kommunikation, förståelse och handling vilket skapar förutsättningar för omvårdnaden. Alla patienter har rätt till god och jämlik vård oavsett prehospitala förutsättningar. Syftet var att belysa ambulanspersonalens upplevelser av att vårda barn. Metoden som användes var en litteraturöversikt med en systematisk ansats för att sammanställa befintlig forskning inom området. Både kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar har inkluderats från databaserna Pub Med och Cinahl Complete. Sammanlagt har 15 artiklar inkluderats till resultatet. Resultaten visar att ambulanspersonal upplever otillräcklig utbildning i omhändertagande av barn, att det tillkommer utmaningar kring denna patientgrupp samt olika känslor som uppkommer i vårdmötet med barn. Slutsatsen av litteraturstudien beskriver att vård och omvårdnad av barn prehospitalt leder till känslor som stress, osäkerhet och otrygghet. Det beskrivs bero på begränsad kunskap och erfarenhet av akut sjuka och skadade barn samt mötet med patienternas föräldrar. Ambulanspersonal önskar mer teoretisk och praktisk utbildning av det akut sjuka barnet samt debriefing i samband med särskilt påfrestande händelser. / Prehospital emergency care is for patients of all ages, symptoms, conditions and illness. Ambulance clinicians (AC) need to have the competence to assess and treat all patients. According to Travelbee, the interpersonal relationship is promoted through communication, understanding and action, which creates conditions for nursing. All patients have the same right to good and equal care regardless of different circumstances and/or factors that challenge the AC´s in assessing and treating children in prehospital emergency settings. The aim was to describe ambulance clinicians’ experiences of caring for children in prehospital emergency care. A literature review with a systematic approach was used as a method to compile existing research in the field. Both qualitative and quantitative articles have been included from the databases PubMed and Cinahl Complete. A total of 15 articles have been included in the results. The results show that AC´s experience insufficient training regarding the care of children, that there are challenges to this patient group and different emotions that arise in the care when meeting with children in the prehospital emergency settings. The literature study concludes that the care of children in prehospital emergency settings leads to feelings of stress, uncertainty and insecurity, which is described to be caused due to limited knowledge and experience of acutely ill and injured children as well as the meeting with the patient's parents. AC´s want more theoretical and practical training of the acutely ill child as well as debriefing in connection with particularly stressful events.

Aplicación que conecta técnicos en computación con usuarios cuyos equipos presentan averías: TecniFast / Application that connects computer technicians with users whose equipment is malfunctioning: TecniFast

Acuña Cornejo, Sebastián Fernando, Adrianzen Capurro, Rodrigo Roberto, Marañon Perez, Julian Javier, Torres Arauco, Ana Lucia, Velasquez Guzman, Jorge Eduardo 03 December 2021 (has links)
El trabajo de investigación presente cuenta con el objetivo principal de lograr la validación de nuestro modelo de negocio, con el objetivo de ser implementado en el mercado peruano. Esta aplicación se encuentra basada y centrada en nuestro Business Model Canvas, en cual se validará a través de los recursos clave, costos, ingresos, actividades clave, socios clave, canales, entre otros. TecniFast es un aplicativo móvil, cuyo objetivo es buscar unir técnicos de computadoras con usuarios con el fin de facilitar y resolver sus problemas técnicos de una manera sencilla, segura y rápida. Esta aplicación está enfocada a todas personas que cuentan con una computadora y requieran servicios como limpieza, mantenimiento, instalación de software, cambios de piezas, entre otras más en la ciudad de Lima. Para poder comunicar el mensaje que tiene la empresa a los posibles usuarios se empleó el canal de Facebook y de la landing page, a través de estos canales se emplearon estrategias de comunicación y experimentos para que de esta manera se pueda llegar a nuestros clientes y generar la mayor cantidad de ventas. En relación con el análisis de factibilidad se realizó entrevistas a expertos (técnicos de computación) con el fin de validar si están dispuestos a ser parte de TecniFast como elemento clave para la empresa y también realizaron encuestas posibles usuarios que utilizarían el aplicativo. Con los experimentos realizados se logró identificar a nuestro público objetivo el cual anteriormente se mencionó. Adicionalmente, el otro segmento de TecniFast son los técnicos de computación, quienes hoy en día han sido perjudicados debido a la situación sanitaria y se planteó que mediante esta aplicación ellos podrán ofrecer sus servicios mediante el aplicativos para que puedan llegar a tener una mayor cantidad de clientes. Finalmente, la rentabilidad del proyecto de investigación se demostrará mediante los resultados financieros para que de esta manera la idea de negocio se pueda ejecutar con efectividad en el mercado peruano. / The present research work has the main objective of achieving the validation of our business model, with the aim of being implemented in the Peruvian market. This application is based and focused on our Business Model Canvas, in which it will be validated through key resources, costs, income, key activities, key partners, channels, among others. TecniFast is a mobile application, whose objective is to unite computer technicians with users in order to facilitate and solve their technical problems in a simple, safe and fast way. This application is focused on all people who have a computer and require services such as cleaning, maintenance, software installation, parts changes, among others in the city of Lima. In order to communicate the message that the company has to possible users, the Facebook channel and the landing page were used, through these channels communication strategies and experiments were used so that in this way we can reach our customers and generate the most sales. In relation to the feasibility analysis, interviews were carried out with experts (computer technicians) in order to validate whether they are willing to be part of TecniFast as a key element for the company and also conducted surveys of possible users who would use the application. With the experiments carried out, it was possible to identify our target audience which was previously mentioned. Additionally, the other segment of TecniFast are computer technicians, who today have been harmed due to the health situation and it was proposed that through this application they will be able to offer their services through the applications so that they can have a greater number of customers. Finally, the profitability of the research project will be demonstrated through the financial results so that in this way the business idea can be executed effectively in the Peruvian market. / Trabajo de investigación


Hernández Vilchez, Luis Alfredo, Saenz Peña, Ivon América, Tejada Tasillo, Patricia Janet, Vásquez Fernández, Stefano Guillermo 06 July 2020 (has links)
DeCasa es una empresa de servicios de mantenimiento en el hogar que brinda soluciones referentes a servicios de limpieza, gasfitería, pintura, cerrajería y decoración de interiores para usuarios de Lima Metropolitana. Dentro de las investigaciones realizadas por nuestro equipo de trabajo, encontramos información relevante que nos sustenta la importancia y necesidad de la sociedad por encontrar soluciones a problemas técnicos en el hogar a través de un aplicativo móvil formal; sin embargo, aún existe una alta dependencia por la demanda de técnicos que trabajan de manera informal.  Asimismo, existe desconfianza por parte de los usuarios para contratar un técnico, ya que no se conoce cuál es el precio adecuado para cada servicio. Por esta razón, hemos diseñado una plataforma digital amigable y confiable que brindará soluciones a problemas domésticos en diferentes áreas, bajo el nombre de DeCasa. Esta aplicación móvil estará disponible para clientes con dispositivos móviles conectados a internet, quienes podrán descargar la aplicación y registrarse para solicitar o programar sus servicios. Al mismo tiempo, los técnicos estarán disponibles para solucionar los requerimientos de los usuarios a tiempo. Dentro de nuestra aplicación los clientes encontrarán referencias y comentarios de otros usuarios para elegir al técnico de su preferencia; es decir, podrán visualizar el historial de calificaciones para conocer los trabajos realizados por el técnico. Asimismo, podrán encontrar información de precios sobre nuestros servicios; en ese sentido,  nuestros clientes podrán tomar una decisión previa  para la elección de nuestros especialistas. / DeCasa is a home maintenance services company in Lima. We are specialists in cleaning services, plumbing, painting, locksmithing and interior desing. Following the research by our team, we have found important information that show us that society requires and need to find solutions to their technical problems at home through a mobile application (app). Even though, we know that people have high demands for the informal work, our interviews has shown that the population needs, an innovation solution for problems at home domestic service.  In that context, customers don't trust to employ a specialist because they don't know which is the correct price for each service. By our research, we have developed a digital, friendly and trustable platform that will provide solutions to domestic problems in different areas. Our app will be available for users who have mobile devices connected to the internet, they will download the App and register for request our service. They will could schedule the specialist service that will be available to approach in time to solve a technical problem, also knowing the price before the specialist arrive. Finally, inside of our app, the customers will find the score of our specialist, recommendation of other customers and rate service. / Trabajo de investigación

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