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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kroppsspråk, handpåläggning, hängslen och livrem : ambulanspersonalens upplevelse av att bedöma och vårda patienter vid språkförbistring

Larsen, Anton, Marklund, Andrea January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sverige har genomgått en förändring i demografi där en allt större del av befolkningen inte har svenska som modersmål. Samtidigt går ambulanssjukvården från att vara en transportfunktion där destinationen alltid varit akutsjukhus till att vara patientens första möte i en obruten vårdkedja. I detta nya uppdrag ingår att inhämta information, bedöma, vid behov behandla och slutligen transportera eller hänvisa patienten till rätt vårdnivå. Grunden för detta är en korrekt anamnes, bedömning och triagering.Detta ställer krav på individanpassad och differentierad vård. Språkförbistring på sjukhus har visat sig resultera i ökad handläggningstid, en större mängd undersökningar och fler vårdskador. Prehospitalt har forskning på språkförbistring inriktat sig på larmsamtal. Syfte:Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka ambulanspersonalens upplevelse att bedöma och vårda patienter vid språkförbistring.Metod: Syftet besvarades genom en kvalitativ studie med induktiv kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Deltagarna utgjordes av sex ambulanssjuksköterskor och två ambulanssjukvårdare som alla hadeerfarenhet av att bedöma och vårda patienter vid språkförbistring. Intervjudeltagarna rekryterades genom bekvämlighetsurval från ett mellansvenskt län. Data inhämtades med semistrukturerade enskilda intervjuer och analyserades med hjälp av induktiv innehållsanalys. Resultat: Fyra huvudkategorierframträdde. En mer fysisk bedömning beskrev hur ambulanspersonalen vid språkförbistring i större utsträckning nyttjade yttre, fysiska attribut för att göra en skattning av patientens kontaktorsak och allvarlighetsgrad. Att kommunicera annorlunda rörde hur vårdarna sökte kommunicera med patienten trots språkförbistring. Att handlägga utan information avhandlade information som ambulanspersonalen trots försök upplevde svår att klarlägga samt hur detta påverkade deras handläggning av patienten. Slutligen presenterades kategorin att skapa en relation vid språkförbistring som belyste hur intervjudeltagarna upplevde att deras mellanmänskliga vård påverkades vid språkförbistring. Slutsats:Studiens resultat påvisar att ambulanspersonals upplevelse av bedömning och vård vid språkförbistring karaktäriseradesav osäkerhet och en önskan om att kompensera för informationsluckor. Denna kompensation yttrade sig genom en noggrannare, bredare fysisk undersökning och bedömning samt en handläggning och vård som arbetar efter modellen ”hängslen och livrem”. Detta upplevdes också som begränsande då vårdarna avhöll sig från vissa åtgärder, såsom smärtstillning eller omstyrning till närakut, primärvård eller geriatriskt sjukhus. Då patienten var kritiskt sjuk upplevde inte personalen att omhändertagandet skiljde sig mot ett möte utan språkförbistring. Vid de tillfällen patienten inte var uppenbartakut sjuk upplevde personalen att de inte kunde ge samma möjligheter till en individanpassad vård och handläggning.En del av denna problematik skulle kunna adresseras genom ett utökat och anpassat besluts- och översättningsstöd för ambulanspersonalen. / Background: Sweden is going through a demographic change in which a larger part of the population no longer has swedish as its first language. At the same time the ambulance service is transforming from a purely transporting service to an integrated part of the patients overall healthcare. This new mission involves to gather information, to assess, when needed to treat and finally to transport or direct the patient to the most suited level of care. This process is based on a correct patient history, assesment and triage. Previous research has shown that language barriers in hospitals result in an increased risk of delays, costly examinations and injuries. Prehospital research on language barriers have traditionally focused on the emergency phone-call. Aim: The purpose of this study was to explore ambulance staffs experiences and perceptions of assessing and caring for patients where language was a barrier. Method: This was a qualitative study using a qualitative content analysis. Participants included six Swedish ambulance nurses and two ambulance nursing assistants who all had experience in assessing and caring for patients where language had been a barrier.Participants were recruited based on convenience. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews and analysed using inductive content analysis. Results:Four main categories emerged. A more physical evaluation encompassed how the providers increased the importance of outside physical attributes to assess the patients condition and level of urgency. To communicate differently comprised hos staff despite language barriers sought to communicate with the patient. To process without information described information that staff despite attempts were unable to map and how this affected their assessment and decision-making. The final category regarded to create a relationship through the language barrier and how participants perceived that their interpersonal carewas affected by language difficulties. Conclusion: The ambulance staff perceived and experienced the assesment and care where language was a barrieras characterised by a higher degree of uncertainty and a wish to compensate for alack of information. This compensation manifested itself through a more thorough, wider physical examination and an assessment based on the principle of ”belt and suspenders”. This was perceived as a limitation as staff abstained from certain actions, such as administering pain relief or directly admitting the patient to primary care or a geriatric ward. The assessment and care for the critically ill patient did not differentiate from that of the everyday case. The moderately ill patient however was perceived as not to be given thesameoptions to an individually adapted care and handling. Part of this problematique could be adressed through an expanded and adapted language- and decision making-tool for the crews.

Uncovering the cause of pre-analytical errors in the blood sampling process: a framework / Upptäckt av orsaken till föranalytiska fel i blodprovstagningsprocessen: ett ramverk

Bakker, Naomi Michelle, Bomans, Jonas January 2021 (has links)
Since laboratory tests influence as much as 70% of the medical decisions, errors throughout the blood sampling process may jeopardize the safety of the patient. Research has shown that the pre-analytical phase of the blood sampling process is where the most errors occur. Moreover, this phase is said to be the most influential part of the total testing process, due to maximal involvement of humans. In this study, the pre-analytical errors in the blood sample handling process and their causes were investigated. Therefore, a literature study was performed, and first-hand data was collected through interviews. A total of 8 interviews was conducted in Sweden, Belgium, and the Netherlands. From these interviews, qualitative data was collected and analysed with a thematic approach. The 5 themes that were obtained are: nurse vs. lab technician, sample identification, logistics, location dependency of sample quality, and hospital management. Each theme included multiple observations and conclusions. One specific observation was a lack of communication and knowledge management amongst nurses and lab technicians. To minimize this gap between nurse and lab technician from a knowledge transfer perspective, a conceptual framework was constructed. This framework can be used both from an academic and practical point of view. This research has both academic and practical implications. Within the academic perspective, empirical data is gathered among hospitals in three different countries, which is compared to data found in academic literature. Moreover, with the analysis of the empirics gathered in this study and the framework that is proposed, a contribution is made to knowledge management within hospitals. From a practical perspective, a contribution is made in helping to minimise the pre-analytical errors in their blood sampling process, while giving the hospital a better understanding of the lack of communication and knowledge management amongst their key employees. By strengthening the communication and knowledge transfer, errors can be avoided. This would not only benefit the speed and accuracy of the diagnose process, but also benefit the nurses and lab technicians in workload. / Eftersom laboratorietester påverkar så mycket som 70 % av de medicinska besluten kan fel i blodprovstagningen äventyra patientsäkerheten. Forskning visar att det är i den föranalytiska fasen av blodprovstagningsprocessen som de flesta felen uppstår. Dessutom sägs denna fas vara den mest inflytelserika delen av den totala provtagningsprocessen, på grund av den höga graden av människors inblandning. Denna studie undersökte de föranalytiska felen i blodprovshanteringen och deras orsaker. En litteraturstudien genomfördes, och förstahandsuppgifter samlades in genom intervjuer. Totalt åtta intervjuer genomfördes i Sverige, Belgien och Nederländerna. Från dessa intervjuer samlades kvalitativa data in och analyserades med en tematisk ansats. De fem teman som erhölls var: sjuksköterska jämte laboratorietekniker, providentifiering, logistik, platsberoende provkvalitet och sjukhusledning. Varje tema innehöll flera observationer och slutsatser. En specifik observation var bristen på kommunikation och kunskapshantering mellan sjuksköterskor och laboratorietekniker. För att minimera denna klyfta mellan sjuksköterska och laboratorietekniker ur ett kunskapsöverföringsperspektiv konstruerades en konceptuell ram. Denna ram kan användas både ur akademisk och praktisk synvinkel. Denna forskning har både akademiska och praktiska konsekvenser. Utifrån det akademiska perspektivet samlades empiriska data in bland sjukhus i tre olika länder, som jämförs med data i den existerande litteraturen. Med analysen av den empiri som samlats in i den här studien och det ramverk som föreslås ges dessutom ett bidrag till kunskapshantering inom sjukhus. Ur ett praktiskt perspektiv bidrar detta till att minimera de föranalytiska felen i blodprovstagningsprocessen, samtidigt som sjukhuset får en bättre förståelse för bristen på kommunikation och kunskapshantering bland sina nyckelpersoner. Genom att stärka kommunikationen och kunskapsöverföringen kan fel undvikas. Detta skulle inte bara gynna diagnostikprocessens snabbhet och noggrannhet, utan även avlasta sjuksköterskorna och laboratorieteknikernas arbetsbörda.

Stressimptomatologie by nooddienspersoneel / Stress symptomatology among emergency service staff

Oosthuizen, Marinda 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die studie fokus op die effek van krisiswerk op die helper in terme van stres, die uitbrandingsindroom en posttraumatiese stresversteuring (PTSV). Salutogeniese konstrukte as moderatorveranderlikes in die stres-siekte-verhouding word ook ondersoek. 'n Beskikbaarheidsteekproef van 52 ambulansmanne en 52 kontrolegroepwerkers is verkry. Biografiese, koherensie-, uitbrandings-, PTSV- en stresvraelyste is ingevul en statisties verwerk. Resultate dui daarop dat ambulansmanne hul werk as buitengewoon stresvol beleef en dat meer ambulansmanne diagnoseerbare PTSV vertoon. Daar blyk geen verskil tussen die twee groepe te wees nie met betrekking tot die voorkoms van uitbranding en streservaring. 'n Negatiewe verband tussen koherensiebelewing en die voorkoms van stressimptome en uitbranding is verkry. Ambulansmanne het 'n buitengewoon stresvolle werk en vertoon meer simptome van stresversteurings as mense in ander beroepe. Aanbevelings word gedoen oor hoe om die negatiewe konsekwensies van stres te verminder. / The study focuses on the effect of crisis work on the assistant in terms of stress, the burnout syndrome and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Salutogenic constructs as moderator variables in the stress-illness relationship are also investigated. An availability sample of 52 ambulancemen and 52 control group workers was obtained. Biographic, coherence, burnout, PTSD and stress questionnaires were completed and statistically processed. Results indicate that ambulancemen experience their work as exceptionally stressful and that more Ambulancemen display diagnosable PTSD. There appears to be no difference between the two groups in respect of the incidence of burnout and experience of stress. A negative connection between the experience of coherence and the incidence of stress symptoms and burnout was obtained. Ambulancemen have an exceptionally stressful job and display more symptoms of stress disorders. Recommendations are made on how to reduce the negative consequences of stress. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Bedryfsielkunde)

Ensuring the quality of pedagogy through games in dental technology at a selected University of Technology.

Vahed, Anisa 20 May 2014 (has links)
Submitted in fulfilment of requirements of the Degree of Doctor of Technology: Operations and Quality Management, Durban University of Technology, 2014. / The need for alternative teaching practices in the face of poor retention and student throughput rates has changed the context of higher education in South Africa. This study interrogates one alternative teaching practice: the use of a board game and a multimedia game. Arguments for the potential benefits of games in higher education have generated a growing body of literature, but the general focus of these studies has been empirical with little theorisation about the associated pedagogy. Using a mixed methods sequential explanatory research design, this thesis aimed to determine the quality of pedagogy through games in providing epistemological access to the subjects Tooth Morphology and Oral Anatomy in a Dental Technology Diploma at a selected University of Technology. The thesis also developed a framework for the design of games to enable quality teaching and learning of vocational subjects. Preliminary and pilot studies were conducted. The preliminary study was conducted over a five-year period from 2003 to 2006. The total sample size for the Tooth Morphology board game was n=128 and for Oral Anatomy multimedia game was n=30. Academic experts validated the study by reviewing the contents of the game. The findings suggested that games assisted students to actively learn. The pilot study was conducted in 2007 and 2008. The total sample size for the Tooth Morphology board game was n=62 and for the Oral Anatomy multimedia game was n=22. Dental technology experts validated the contents of the game. Cronbach’s alpha index was used to assess the reliability of the study and was α=0.45 and α=0.757 for the Tooth Morphology board game and the Oral Anatomy multimedia game, respectively. The low alpha score obtained for the Tooth Morphology board game prompted improvements to be made to the survey for the main study. The main study was conducted in 2009, 2010 and 2011. The total population size for the Tooth Morphology board game was n=83 and for the Oral Anatomy multimedia game was n=82. Surveys and pre- and post-tests were analysed using descriptive statistics, t-tests, factor analysis and cross tabulations. Content validity ensured that the survey focused on concepts and constructs that emerged from the review of literature on games. Cronbach’s alpha index was used to assess the reliability of the surveys and was α=0.794 and α=0.868 for the Tooth Morphology board game and Oral Anatomy multimedia game, respectively. Qualitative analyses entailed focus groups with students who used the games. The data generated was analysed using the conceptual frameworks of Bernstein’s knowledge codes and Maton’s Legitimation Code Theory of Specialisation. Trustworthiness of the data was achieved using methodological triangulation, data triangulation and peer debriefing. Quantitative results revealed that an integrated game design with an appropriate mix of instructional content and applicable game features and mechanisms facilitates the provision of epistemological access to Tooth Morphology and Oral Anatomy. By placing a sociological lens on knowledge in the games, a major finding in the qualitative analyses was that epistemological access using games provided access to particular knowledge-knower structures of the target subjects or disciplines. An LCT (Specialisation) analysis revealed that the games in this study represented a knowledge code as specialist knowledge and skills were valued over the possession of personal attributes and dispositions. This knowledge code was in turn aligned to the knowledge code of the target programme. In synthesising the results there were three recurring issues that emerged from the data as being key, namely: (1) access to knowledge; (2) instructional design of the games; and (3) technical design of the games. The thesis concluded by proposing the KITE framework, a guideline for lecturers to consider when designing games for higher education. / DAAD, NRF In-Country Scholarship

O jovem Prebisch (1901-1943) / The young Prebisch (1901-1943)

Barboza, Darlan Praxedes 05 December 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação se debruça sobre a trajetória de Raúl Prebisch entre 1930-1943, período conhecido na historiografia argentina como a década infame. Objetiva-se capturar como o jovem economista construiu uma exitosa carreira nos escalões superiores da burocracia estatal argentina valendo-se de sua origem social entre os Uriburu de Tucumán (família tradicionalmente vinculada ao poder desde os tempos coloniais), das relações de amizade e colaboração especializada com os responsáveis pela restauração conservadora da década de 1930 e da alta cotação de seus conhecimentos num cenário de emergência econômica. Em meio às repercussões negativas da crise de 1929 sobre a economia argentina e o ressurgimento das forças políticas oligárquicas, que buscaram na ciência econômica sua fonte de legitimidade, Prebisch se capitalizou como a liderança do processo de modernização do Estado ao dispor de uma rede privilegiada de contatos que possibilitou o acesso às novas oportunidades de colocação na burocracia, além de projetá-lo como mediador entre as novas demandas estatais, o poder executivo e os jovens economistas da Universidade de Buenos Aires. / This dissertation focuses on the trajectory of Raúl Prebisch between 1930 and 1943, a period known in Argentine historiography as the \"infamous decade\". It aims to capture how the young economist built a successful career in the upper echelons of the Argentine state bureaucracy using the social origins among the Uriburu of Tucumán (family traditionally linked to power since colonial times), friendship and technical collaboration with those responsible for the conservative restoration of the 1930s and his highly esteemed knowledge in an emergency economic scenario. In the circumstances of the negative repercussions of the 1929 crisis on the Argentine economy and the resurgence of oligarchic political forces, which sought the economic science as their source of legitimacy, Prebisch capitalized himself in the leadership of the process of modernization of the State by having a privileged network of contacts that enabled him to control the new opportunities of placement in the bureaucracy and projected him as a mediator between the new state demands, the executive branch and the young economists of the University of Buenos Aires.

A relaÃÃo pedagÃgica entre tÃcnicos e pequenos produtores rurais assentados: o (des) encontro de discursos, saberes e prÃticas / The pedagogical relationship between technicians and settled rural producers: the (dis) encounter of discourses, knowledge and practices

Nohemy Rezende Ibanez 27 December 1995 (has links)
nÃo hà / Constitui-se intenÃÃo central deste estudo analisar o modo como se estabeleceram as relaÃÃes entre tÃcnicos do Estado e pequenos produtores rurais assentados em Ãreas de Assentamento da Reforma AgrÃria do CearÃ, explicitando os encontros e, ou confrontos de suas prÃticas, seus saberes e sua articulaÃÃo com a questÃo do poder, identificando ao mesmo tempo as possibilidades e os limites da construÃÃo de uma prÃxis educativa entre esses sujeitos e agentes. A escolha deste objeto de estudo està referenciada no percurso prÃtico e teÃrico que vivi na Secretaria da EducaÃÃo do Estado e em outras experiÃncias profissionais junto aos pequenos produtores rurais assentados e suas organizaÃÃes associativas. A reflexÃo teÃrico/prÃtica empreendida teve como campo de observaÃÃo uma experiÃncia concreta â a implementaÃÃo do Programa de Apoio à GestÃo de OrganizaÃÃes de Pequenos Produtores Rurais â que se desenvolveu no espaÃo geogrÃfico e polÃtico de Ãreas de assentamento, no perÃodo de novembro de 1993 a julho de 1994. O Programa foi o resultado de uma histÃria de luta dos assentados junto a instituiÃÃes pÃblicas, na tentativa de viabilizar um processo de cooperaÃÃo tÃcnico-administrativa compatÃvel com seus interesses e necessidades. Para empreender a anÃlise do objeto de estudo, busquei como suporte teÃrico-metodolÃgico a contribuiÃÃo de algumas categorias e concepÃÃes marxistas ou que compartilham dessa interpretaÃÃo, como Estado, trabalho, prÃxis, saber social e poder, instrumentos fundamentais para a compreensÃo mais global do homem como sujeito de sua histÃria e das relaÃÃes que estabelece entre os demais homens e estes com a realidade. Considerando que a prÃxis educativa à uma dimensÃo da prÃxis humana, pontuei como achados deste trabalho os espaÃos potencializadores dessa prÃxis. Processos educativos se gestaram ao longo dos encontros e desencontros de prÃticas, de saberes e poderes, entre assentados e tÃcnicos e destes com as instituiÃÃes que fomentaram o Programa, e legitimaram a presenÃa do Estado. NÃo apenas os encontros (caminhos), mas as oposiÃÃes de prÃticas, saberes e poderes (descaminhos) traduzem a potencialidade de construÃÃo de uma prÃxis educativa, cujas sementes tiveram na experiÃncia do Programa de Apoio um solo fÃrtil para sua germinaÃÃo. / It constitutes the central intent of this study to examine how relations were established between the technicians of the State and smallholder rural settlers settled in Areas of Settlement Land Reform of CearÃ, explaining the encounters and/or confrontations of their practices, their knowledge and their articulation with the power question, identifying both the possibilities and the limits of the construction of an educational praxis between these subjects and agents. The choice of this object of study is referenced in the practical and theoretical path that I lived in the Secretaria da EducaÃÃo do Estado and in other professional experiences along the smallholder rural settlers and their membership organizations. The theoretical / practice reflection had undertaken as observation field a concrete experience - the implementation of the following program: Programa de Apoio à GestÃo de OrganizaÃÃes de Pequenos Produtores Rurais - that was developed in the geographical and political space settlement areas, from November 1993 to July 1994. The program was the result of a history of struggle of the settlers with public institutions in an attempt to enable a process of technical and administrative cooperation compatible with their interests and needs. To undertake the analysis of the object of study, I sought as a theoretical-methodological support the contribution of some marxist categories and conceptions or those that share this interpretation, as State, work, praxis, social knowledge and power, essential tools for a more global understanding of man as the subject of his history and of the relationships that he establishes between other men and them with reality. Whereas the educational praxis is a dimension of human praxis, I pointed out as discoveries of this study, the potentiating spaces of this praxis. Educational processes gave birth over the comings and goings of practices, knowledge and powers, between settlers and technicians and those with institutions that fostered the Program, and legitimized the presence of the state. Not only the meetings (paths), but the oppositions of practices, knowledge and powers (waywardness) translate the potentiality of construction of such an educational praxis whose seeds had in the experiment of the Support Program, a fertile soil for germination.

Ambulance work : relationships between occupational demands, individual characteristics and health-related outcomes /

Aasa, Ulrika, January 2005 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2005. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

Stressimptomatologie by nooddienspersoneel / Stress symptomatology among emergency service staff

Oosthuizen, Marinda 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die studie fokus op die effek van krisiswerk op die helper in terme van stres, die uitbrandingsindroom en posttraumatiese stresversteuring (PTSV). Salutogeniese konstrukte as moderatorveranderlikes in die stres-siekte-verhouding word ook ondersoek. 'n Beskikbaarheidsteekproef van 52 ambulansmanne en 52 kontrolegroepwerkers is verkry. Biografiese, koherensie-, uitbrandings-, PTSV- en stresvraelyste is ingevul en statisties verwerk. Resultate dui daarop dat ambulansmanne hul werk as buitengewoon stresvol beleef en dat meer ambulansmanne diagnoseerbare PTSV vertoon. Daar blyk geen verskil tussen die twee groepe te wees nie met betrekking tot die voorkoms van uitbranding en streservaring. 'n Negatiewe verband tussen koherensiebelewing en die voorkoms van stressimptome en uitbranding is verkry. Ambulansmanne het 'n buitengewoon stresvolle werk en vertoon meer simptome van stresversteurings as mense in ander beroepe. Aanbevelings word gedoen oor hoe om die negatiewe konsekwensies van stres te verminder. / The study focuses on the effect of crisis work on the assistant in terms of stress, the burnout syndrome and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Salutogenic constructs as moderator variables in the stress-illness relationship are also investigated. An availability sample of 52 ambulancemen and 52 control group workers was obtained. Biographic, coherence, burnout, PTSD and stress questionnaires were completed and statistically processed. Results indicate that ambulancemen experience their work as exceptionally stressful and that more Ambulancemen display diagnosable PTSD. There appears to be no difference between the two groups in respect of the incidence of burnout and experience of stress. A negative connection between the experience of coherence and the incidence of stress symptoms and burnout was obtained. Ambulancemen have an exceptionally stressful job and display more symptoms of stress disorders. Recommendations are made on how to reduce the negative consequences of stress. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Bedryfsielkunde)

A profissionalização do técnico em patologia clínica: o caso da Escola de Saúde Pública de Mato Grosso em evidência / The professionalization of the technician in clinical pathology: the case of the School of Public Health of Mato Grosso in evidence

Moraes, Lissandra Maria Cavalcante de January 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-04T12:36:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009 / Este trabalho buscou analisar a contribuição do Curso Técnico em Patologia Clínica da Escola de Saúde Pública de Mato Grosso, para a profissionalização. Mais especificamente, buscou-se identificar quem são os egressos, onde estão atuando, ou seja, em que resultou essa formação, além de avaliar o curso propriamente dito. A Escola de Saúde Pública de MT, propositora da política de educação permanente no estado, priorizou como clientela desse curso os trabalhadores de nível médio inseridos nos serviços de saúde, sem formação específica na área, orientados e treinados em serviço. Este fato denuncia uma demanda de formação técnica que atenda às exigências do mercado e correspondam ao perfil exigido pelo processo de trabalho. A escola constitui-se num centro de referência em Educação Profissional, deste modo, é fundamental avaliar os egressos, como forma de garantir a qualidade do ensino e a resolutividade dos processos formativos. O estudo também se faz necessário, frente às solicitações e demandas dos próprios serviços. Avaliar a contribuição da formação dos Técnicos em Patologia Clínica, no que diz respeito à profissionalização, aprimoramento de sua prática profissional, e melhoria da qualidade do atendimento prestado à população, será de fundamental importância à escola, e à Secretaria de Estado de Saúde de MT. Isto permitirá mensurar tanto os pontos positivos, quanto os negativos, oportunizando melhoria na qualidade do ensino profissional, servindo de referência na implantação de novas turmas, e contribuindo para subsidiar a política de Formação Profissional Estadual da ESPMT. O estudo tem como eixo central a abordagem de caráter quantitativo e qualitativo, através de estudo descritivo-analítico, através de aplicação de questionários. Os sujeitos desta pesquisa foram 52 Técnicos em Patologia Clínica, formados em 2006 nas Regionais de Saúde da Baixada Cuiabana e Peixoto de Azevedo. Os resultados obtidos revelam a existência de diferentes realidades entre as duas Regionais. Após analisar todos dados deste estudo, podemos afirmar que na visão dos egressos, o curso prepara muito bem para o trabalho. Na totalidade, estão muito satisfeitos com o curso. Contudo, nota-se que na Regional Peixoto de Azevedo os índices de satisfação são maiores e os resultados apontam que os seus egressos, em geral, avaliam e dimensionam ainda mais positivamente o curso, apresentando um maior número que passou a atuar na área depois de formados. Tal fato nos leva a crer que a adoção de política de qualificação de equipes técnicas no interior do Estado, tem resultados ainda mais frutíferos no caminho da profissionalização da área. / This study aimed at analyzing the contribution for professionalization of the Technical Course in Clinical Pathology of the Public Health School of Mato Grosso. More specifically, we sought to identify who the students are, where they are acting, that is, what was the result of this formation, besides evaluating the course itself. The Public Health School of MT, that proposed the permanent education policy in the state, gave priority to secondary school level workers already included in the health services, with no specific formation in the area, guided and trained on the job. This fact reveals a demand for technical formation that meets the market requirement and that will correspond to the profile required by the work process. The school is a reference center for Professional Education, thus, it is essential to evaluate the students, in order to guarantee the quality of education and the resolution of the training processes. The study is also necessary due to requests and demands of the services themselves. To evaluate the contribution of the Technicians formation in Clinical Pathology, regarding the professionalization, betterment of their professional practice, and improvement in the quality of attendance offered to the population will be of extreme importance to the school and to the Health Department of the State of MT. This will allow the measurement of both the positive and negative points, providing an improvement in the quality of the professional education, being a reference in the implantation of new groups, and contributing to help the policy of State Professional Formation of ESPMT. The study has as central axis the quantitative and qualitative approach, through a descriptive-analytical study, with the application of questionnaires. The subjects of this research were 52 Technicians in Clinical Pathology, graduated in 2006 in the Health District Systems of Baixada Cuiabana and Peixoto de Azevedo. The results obtained reveal the existence of different realities between both Health Districts. After analyzing all the data of this study, we can state that in the student`s point of view, the course does prepare for the job. In general, they are very satisfied with the course. Yet, it is noted that in the Peixoto de Azevedo Health District, the indexes of satisfaction are greater and the results point that its students, in general, evaluate and measure more positively the course, presenting an increase in the number of people that began to work in the area after graduating. Such a fact makes us believe that adopting a policy for the training of the technical teams in the interior of the State, has more fruitful results in the direction of professionalization of the area.

Técnicos em farmácia em atividades de assistência farmacêutica na atenção básica à saúde do Sistema Único de Saúde: formas de inserção e participação

Stephanelli, Lásaro Linhares January 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Micheli Abreu (mabreu@fiocruz.br) on 2015-09-25T17:31:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Lasaro_Stephanelli_Mestrado_2015.pdf: 864365 bytes, checksum: f575503a93b6b06c43b8f3d58b9e0087 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Mario Mesquita (mbarroso@fiocruz.br) on 2015-09-28T18:44:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Lasaro_Stephanelli_Mestrado_2015.pdf: 864365 bytes, checksum: f575503a93b6b06c43b8f3d58b9e0087 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Mario Mesquita (mbarroso@fiocruz.br) on 2015-09-28T19:02:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Lasaro_Stephanelli_Mestrado_2015.pdf: 864365 bytes, checksum: f575503a93b6b06c43b8f3d58b9e0087 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-09-28T19:02:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Lasaro_Stephanelli_Mestrado_2015.pdf: 864365 bytes, checksum: f575503a93b6b06c43b8f3d58b9e0087 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Escola Politécnica de Saúde Joaquim Venâncio. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Profissional em Saúde. / Este estudo tem por objetivo identificar formas de inserção dos técnicos de nível médio em farmácia nos serviços de Assistência Farmacêutica (AF) na Atenção Básica à Saúde (ABS) do Sistema de Único de Saúde (SUS). Para isso, foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica e uma análise documental, além de um mapeamento dos cursos técnicos em farmácia, utilizando-se dados disponíveis no Banco de Dados do Observatório dos Técnicos em Saúde (BEPSAÚDE), da Escola Politécnica de Saúde Joaquim Venâncio, da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (EPSJV/Fiocruz). Neste sentido, foram analisados documentos e fontes ligados ao tema da pesquisa, abordando o SUS, a ABS, as Políticas Farmacêuticas no Brasil e a Educação Profissional em Saúde no Brasil com ênfase na formação dos profissionais em farmácia de nível médio. Visando facilitar o estabelecimento de um diálogo entre os documentos elencados para a pesquisa, inicialmente, estes foram organizados em três segmentos distintos: saúde, educação e regulamentação das práticas farmacêuticas. O mapeamento por meio do BEPSAÚDE, apontou: expressiva evasão, a partir do número de matriculados e de concluintes nos cursos técnicos em farmácia; e que o número de concluintes (técnicos em farmácia) pode ser considerado ainda pequeno quando comparado ao número de farmacêuticos inscritos nos conselhos de farmácia. Diante de uma possível ampliação da ABS na incorporação de técnicos em farmácia, sugere-se um maior incentivo para que, preferencialmente, as instituições públicas de ensino, além das privadas, realizem tais cursos, considerando-se que os técnicos de nível médio em farmácia apresentam em seu perfil de formação habilidades e competências condizentes com inúmeras demandas do serviço de AF da ABS do SUS. / This study aims to identify ways of insertion of intermediate level technicians in pharmacy in pharmaceutical assistance activities (PA) in Primary Health Care (PHC) of the Unified Health System (SUS, acronym in Portuguese). For this, a literature review and documental analysis was performed, and a mapping of intermediate technical courses in pharmacy, using data available in the Observatory Database of Health Technicians (BEPSAÚDE, acronym in Portuguese), from the Polytechnic School of Health Joaquim Venâncio, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (EPSJV/Fiocruz). In this sense, documents and sources related to the subject of the research were analyzed, addressing the SUS, the PHC, the Pharmaceutical Policies in Brazil and the Health Professional Education in Brazil with emphasis on training of professionals in intermediate level in pharmacy. To facilitate the relation among selected documents for research, initially, these were organized into three distinct segments: health, education and regulation of pharmaceutical practice. The mapping through BEPSAÚDE, points: a significant evasion, from the number of enrolled and graduating in intermediate technical courses in pharmacy; and that the number of graduates (intermediate technicians in pharmacy) can be considered still small compared to the number of registered pharmacists in regional board of pharmacy. Once there is a possible expansion of PHC in the incorporation of intermediate level technicians in pharmacy, it is suggested a greater incentive for that, preferably, public educational institutions, in addition to private, offer such courses, considering that the intermediate level technicians in pharmacy have training for skills and competencies consistent with numerous demands of the PA service of PHC in the SUS.

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