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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A critical appraisal of intrinsic activity, efficacy and intrinsic efficacy with reference to the development and the current meaning / Karen Krüger

Kruger, Karen January 2006 (has links)
It has been observed that confusion exists in literature concerning the meaning and use of the term efficacy. Confusion is worsened by the use of the term as a general term describing agonist activity. The meaning of the terms intrinsic activity, efficacy and intrinsic efficacy as used in theoretical models of drug action was investigated. The classical occupation model, the two-state model, the ternary complex model (including conformational change and ideas surrounding G-proteins) and the operational model were studied in order to understand the historical and current usage of these terms. Although efficacy estimates are often reported as a molecular property, it was shown that agonist activity is tissue dependent and cannot be fully portrayed by an efficacy estimate. It was found that efficacy has a different definition in each model. This is not always recognized in literature. It was suggested that the term efficacy should only be used in the context of a specific model / Thesis (M.Sc. (Pharmacology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Stockage de l’hydrogène par des mélanges mécanochimiques à base de magnésium : Étude de composés intermétalliques ternaires à base de bore (structure et essais d’hydrogénation) / Storing hydrogen from mixtures containing magnesium Mechanochemical : Study ternary intermetallic compounds based on boron (structure and hydrogenation tests)

Pall, Liv 25 September 2012 (has links)
Le but de cette étude était la compréhension des mécanismes de stockage de l'hydrogène etl'amélioration de la capacité de stockage dans (1) le magnésium et (2) les composés intermétalliques àbase de bore.(1) Les poudres de magnésium avec ajout de 10% massique d’oxyde de magnésium ont étébroyées à l'aide d'un broyeur planétaire à billes, par broyage mécanique réactif sous atmosphèred'hydrogène (10 bars) pendant 10 heures, en variant deux paramètres: la vitesse de broyage et le nombrede billes utilisées (i.e., le rapport massique poudre : billes). Il semblerait que les poudres broyées à250rpm en utilisant 17 billes (rapport de 1: 13) présentent des performances supérieures en termes de:taille des particules, contenu en MgH2 après broyage, surface spécifique et cinétiquesd'absorption/désorption de l'hydrogène. Nous avons vérifié que l'oxyde de magnésium a un effet deretardement significatif de la croissance des grains. Le calcul des énergies d'activation et l'étude descinétiques ont montré que l'oxyde de magnésium ne joue pas de rôle catalyseur pour la sorptiond'hydrogène.(2) Les composes synthétisés dans les systèmes ternaires La-MT-B, Gd-MT-B et Y-MT-B (MT=Ni,Fe, Co) ont été étudiés en termes de leur structure cristalline, composition chimique et propriétés desorption de l'hydrogène. La majorité des composés obtenus dans ces systèmes cristallisent avec unestructure type CeCo4B, avec des paramètres de maille proches de ceux du composé GdNi4B. Leremplacement total du Ni par des atomes de Fe et/ou Co est possible, indiquant l’existence d’une solutionsolide totale entre TRNi4B et TRFe4B ou TRCo4B. En outre, le bore est supposé occuper partiellementdeux sites cristallographiques différents, mais l’un seul d'entre eux est principalement occupé par le bore.La nouvelle phase GdNi2,5B2,5 a également été observée dans cette étude pour la première fois. Unephase pseudo-binaire GdB3 a été également reportée. Enfin, il est montré que seul le composé LaNi4Babsorbe l'hydrogène, quoique de manière irréversible. / The aim of this study was the comprehension of hydrogen storage mechanisms and theimprovement of storage capacity in (1) magnesium and (2) boron based intermetallic compounds.(1) Magnesium powders with 10 wt.% magnesium oxide were milled using a planetary ball mill, byreactive mechanical grinding under hydrogen atmosphere (10 bar) for 10 hours, varying two parameters:the milling speed and the number of balls used (i.e. the powder-to-ball weight ratio). It appears that thepowders milled at 250 rpm using 17 balls (ratio 1: 13) have superior performances in terms of: particlesize, MgH2 content after milling, specific surface area and hydrogen absorption/desorption kinetics. Wehave verified that the magnesium oxide has a significant effect on grain growth, delaying it. Calculation ofthe activation energies and study of the kinetics showed that magnesium oxide does not play a catalyticrole for hydrogen sorption.(2) The compounds synthesized in the ternary systems La-TM-B, Gd-TM-B and Y-TM-B (TM=Ni,Fe, Co) were studied in terms of their crystal structure, chemical composition and hydrogen sorptionproperties. Most of the compounds obtained in these systems crystallize with a CeCo4B-type structure,with lattice parameters close to those of the compound GdNi4B. A total replacement of Ni by Fe and/or Cois sometimes possible, meaning that a total solid solution exists between RENi4B and REFe4B or RECo4B.Also, the boron is assumed to partially occupy two different crystallographic sites, although only one ofthese is mainly occupied by boron. The new phase GdNi2.5B2.5 was also observed in this study for the firsttime. In addition, a pseudo-binary phase GdB3 is observed. Finally, it is reported that only the compoundLaNi4B absorbs hydrogen, albeit irreversibly.

La fonction analytique. Freud, Jung, Lacan : Approche transdisciplinaire / Analytical function. Freud, Jung, Lacan : Transdisciplinary approach

Chabaud, François 15 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse propose un éclairage sur la réalité de la Fonction analytique, sa physiologie, et les pathologies comportementales qui résultent de son dysfonctionnement. Nous y visitons les travaux de Freud, Jung et Lacan. Par une approche de comparatisme de leurs « écritures respectives », nous découvrons les fondements de la Fonction analytique. Tous trois tiennent leur savoir d’une approche transdisciplinaire (mythologie, alchimie, Taoïsme, linguistique, mathématiques, etc.) Freud précise le rôle indispensable de la pulsion en décrivant ses quatre caractéristiques. Avec son travail sur le «Bloc-notes magique », il énonce les modalités de la gravure psychique. La physiologie analytique comprend deux stades distincts : le premier ou « tronc commun » correspond à la gravure de la trace mnésique (Freud). Ce stade se déroule selon le mode binaire : ça pour Freud, persona pour Jung, imaginaire pour Lacan. Le second, se développe à partir du tronc commun, selon la modalité ternaire : la structure arborescente. C’est le stade du moi de Freud, du moi de Jung, du réel de Lacan. Cette phase, comme celle du brassage inter-chromosomique de la méiose biologique, produit une infinité de combinaisons. Modes binaire et ternaire représentent les phases principales de la Fonction analytique. Mais le mode binaire ne doit pas faire barrage au mode ternaire, en enfermant la psyché dans l’imaginaire (Lacan). La psyché doit se dépasser et faire oeuvre d’artiste. Nous montrons que le déséquilibre de l’archétype anima/animus (Jung) est cause de ces pathologies. Nous y voyons également que « la pensée judéo-chrétienne » joue un rôle de censeur, et fait obstacle à la modélisation ternaire. / The following thesis proposes to shed some light on the reality of Analytical Function, its physiology and the behavioural pathologies that derive from its dysfunction. We revisit the works of Freud, Jung and Lacan. Through a comparativistic approach of their “respective writings”, we discover the very fundamentals of Analytical Function. And all three had gathered their knowledge using a transdisciplinary approach (mythology, alchemy, Taoism, linguistics, mathematics etc…) Freud points out the main role of the drive by describing its four characteristics. In his “Magic Note Pad” he states the modalities of the psychic imprint. Analytical physiology comprises two distinct stages: the first one - “the common trunk”- refers to the imprint or engraving of the mnemonic marking. This stage unfolds according to a binary mode: the “It” for Freud, the “persona” for Jung and the “Imaginary” for Lacan. The second stage stems out of the common trunk on a ternary mode: the arborescent structure. This is the stage of the “I” for Freud, the “Self” for Jung and “the Real” for Lacan. This stage-just like the inter-chromosomal brew of the biological meiosis- produces an infinity of combinations. Binary and ternary modes represent the main phases of Analytical Function. Nevertheless the binary mode must not block out the ternary mode by locking the psyche into Lacan’s “Imaginary”. The psyche must go beyond itself and become its own artist. We show that the disequilibrium of Jung’s anima/animus archetype provokes these pathologies. We also notice that the “Judeo-Christian” way of thinking plays a censorship role and becomes an obstacle for the implementation of the ternary mode.

Atividade da própolis verde contra o fitopatógeno Pythium aphanidermatum e análise da interação do composto majoritário Artepillin C com sistemas biomiméticos de membranas / Activity of green propolis against the phytopathogen Pythium aphanidermatum and analysis of the interaction of the majority compound Artepillin C with membrane biomimetic systems

Pazin, Wallance Moreira 21 March 2016 (has links)
O aumento da resistência microbiana devido a fatores como uso excessivo e ineficiente de antibióticos convencionais acarreta a necessidade da busca por novos compostos bioativos que atuem por mecanismos de ação diferentes aos fármacos já conhecidos. Na agricultura, o uso intensivo de pesticidas para o combate de microrganismos que comprometem principalmente a parte alimentícia também traz diversos problemas relacionados à resistência antimicrobiana e a riscos ambientais, oriundos do acúmulo dessas substâncias no solo. Dentro deste aspecto, o pseudofungo Pythium aphanidermatum, da classe dos oomicetos, destaca-se por ser uma espécie agressiva e altamente resistente a fungicidas comuns, apodrecendo raízes e frutos de cultivos de tomate, beterraba, pepino, pimentão, etc. A própolis verde, constituída em sua grande parte por material resinoso coletado e processado pela abelha da espécie Apis mellifera tem sido utilizada na medicina tradicional devido ao seu amplo espectro de ações preventivas e tratamentos de doenças, possuindo propriedades anti-inflamatórias, antimicrobianas, anticancerígenas e antioxidantes, tornando-se um produto de grande interesse na busca de novos compostos bioativos. Dentro destes aspectos apresentados, neste trabalho investigamos a ação da própolis verde contra o fitopatógeno P. aphanidermatum e identificamos através da técnica de cromatografia e bioensaios que a Artepillin C (3,5-diprenil-4-ácido-hidroxicinâmico), majoritária na própolis verde, foi o principal composto nesta ação. Os efeitos terapêuticos desta molécula tem sido foco de muitos estudos, porém ainda não há evidência em sua interação com agregados anfifílicos que mimetizam membranas celulares. O caráter anfifílico do composto, elevado pela presença dos grupos prenilados ligados ao ácido cinâmico, favoreceram a sua inserção nas membranas modelo, principalmente em seu estado agregado. Estas conclusões puderam ser inferidas devido às alterações nas propriedades das bicamadas lipídicas na presença da Artepillin C, podendo causar, especificamente para o caso de fitopatógenos como o P. aphanidermatum, perdas funcionais das proteínas de membranas, liberação de eletrólitos intracelulares e desintegração citoplasmática dos micélios e esporos. Ainda, as diferentes composições lipídicas nas vesículas influenciam no modo de interação do composto e consequentes alterações em suas estruturas, principalmente na presença do colesterol, que auxilia na manutenção da permeabilidade da bicamada lipídica, que pode contribuir para a integridade do conteúdo citoplasmático da célula. / The increase in the microbial resistance due to the excessive and inefficient use of conventional antibiotics brings the necessity to search new bioactive compounds which play their mechanism of action differently from the known drugs. In the agriculture, the intensive use of pesticide for the combat of microorganisms which undermine mainly the food portion also brings several issues related to the antimicrobial resistance and environment risks, originated from the high amount of these substances on the soil. In this aspect, the fungus-like Pythium aphanidermatum microorganism, from class Oomycete, stands out for being an aggressive species and highly resistant to common fungicides, rotting roots and fruits of tomato, beet, cucumber, pepper, etc. Green propolis, constituted by resinous material collected and processed by bees of the species Apis mellifera, has been used in the traditional medicine due its wide spectrum of preventive actions and diseases treatments, promoting anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anticancer and antioxidant properties, becoming a product of interest for investigation in the research of new bioactive compounds. Under all the aspects showed so far, in this work we investigated the action of the green propolis against the phytopathogen P. aphanidermatum and identified through chromatography and bioassays that Artepillin C (3,5-diprenyl-4-hydroxycinnamic acid), majority in the green propolis, was the main compound in this action. The therapeutic effects of this molecule have been the focus of several studies, but, so far there is no evidence for its interaction with amphiphilic aggregates that mimic cell membranes. The amphiphilic character of the compound, enhanced by the presence of two prenylated groups bounded to the cinnamic acid, favors the insertion of the compound in the model membranes mainly in its aggregation state. These conclusions could be inferred due the alterations in the properties of the lipid bilayer in the presence of Artepillin C, that may cause, specifically in the case of phytopathogens like P. aphanidermatum, functional losses of membrane proteins, releasing of intracellular electrolytes and cytoplasmatic disintegration of mycelium and spores. Moreover, the difference of the lipid composition in the vesicles influence in the action of the compound and consequent alteration in their structures, mainly in the presence of cholesterol, that provides the maintenance of permeability of the lipid bilayer, contributing to the integrity of the cytoplasmic material of the cell.

Propriedades estruturais, eletrônicas e termodinâmicas dos nitretos do grupo-III e de suas ligas / Structural, electronic and thermodynamic properties of group-III nitrides and their alloys.

Teles, Lara Kuhl 10 May 2001 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram efetuados estudos importantes e pioneiros sobre as propriedades estruturais, eletrônicas e termodinâmicas dos nitretos e de suas ligas, através de dois métodos de primeiros princípios distintos, o FLAPW (\"Full-potential Linear Augmented Plane Wave\") e o pseudopotencial combinado com a aproximação quasequímica generalizada. Na primeira parte, utilizando o método FLAPW, calculamos as estruturas de bandas para os nitretos cúbicos do grupo-IH, BN, AIN, GaN e InN. Foram obtidos valores para a constante de rede e \"bulk modulus\" para os nitretos do grupo-III através de cálculos relativísticos da energia total. Através das estruturas de bandas e analisando o topo da banda de valência e o fundo da banda de condução perto do ponto r ou, no ponto k correspondente ao mínimo da banda de condução, derivamos os respectivos valores para as massas efetivas de elétron e de buraco pesado, leve e de \"split-off\' e correspondentes parâmetros de Luttinger. Todos os resultados são comparados com dados experimentais e teóricos existentes na literatura. Na segunda parte, utilizando o método FLAPW, estudamos a influência da impureza de Mg na estrutura eletrônica do GaN cúbico (c-). Realizamos cálculos da otimização da geometria, incluindo deslocamentos dos primeiros e segundos vizinhos, para os casos da impureza com estados de carga neutro e negativo. Obtivemos o valor de 190 meV para o deslocamento de Franck-Condon da energia térmica, o qual apresenta um bom acordo com os dados experimentais de fotoluminescência e efeito Hall. Nós concluímos que os primeiros e segundos vizinhos desempenham um papel importante na determinação das energias do nível aceitador resultante da dopagem do c-GaN com Mg. Na terceira parte, nós apresentamos cálculos das propriedades eletrônicas, estruturais e termodinâmicas de ligas cúbicas envolvendo os nitretos do grupo-III, InxGa1-xN, InxAl-xN, AlxGal-xN, BxGal-xN e BxA1-xN. Nós combinamos o método de expansão de \"clusters\" através da aproximação quasequímica generalizada (\"Generalized Quasichemical Approximation -GQCA\") com cálculos de pseudopotenciais \"ab initio\" DFT-LDA. Para todas a ligas, exceto a de AlxGal-xN, encontramos separação de fase para temperaturas próximas das temperaturas de crescimento. Generalizamos o método de expansão de \"c1usters\" para estudar a influência da tensão biaxial. Encontramos uma significativa supressão da separação de fase induzida pela tensão para as ligas de InxGal-xN e InxAh-xN, sendo no caso da liga de InxGal_xN confirmado experimentalmente. Observamos também que flutuações da energia do \"gap\" da liga de InxGal-xN permitem definir valores mínimo e médio para a energia do \"gap\" com diferentes valores para o \"bowing\". Observamos que a tensão biaxial reduz as flutuações da energia do \"gap\", resultando em uma diminuição do valor do \"bowing\". Através deste estudo mostramos uma possível explicação para a discrepância experimental para valores do \"bowing\". / In this work we performed a pioneer theoretical study of structural, electronic and thermodynamic properties of the group-III nitrides and their alloys, by using two distinct first principles methods, the FLAPW full potential linear augmented plane wave and the pseudopotential-plane-wave method combined with the generalized quasichemical approximation. In the first part of our work, by using the FLAPW, we present the electronic band structures ofthe zinc-blende-type group-III nitrides compounds, BN, AIN, GaN, and InN. Lattice constant and bulk modulus are obtained from fuH relativistic total-energy calculations. Electron, heavy-, light-, and split-off-hole effective masses and corresponding Luttinger parameters are extracted from the band-structure calculations. A comparison with other available theoretical results and experimental data is made. In the second part of our work, by using the FLAPW method, the electronic structure of Mg impurity in zinc-blende (c-) GaN is investigated. Full geometry optimization calculations, including nearest and next-nearest neighbor displacements, were performed for the impurity in the neutral and negatively charged states. A value of 190 meV was obtained for the Franck-Condon shift to the thermal energy, which is in good agreement with that observed in recent low temperature photoluminescence and Hall-effect measurements. We conclude that the nearest and the next-nearest neighbors of the Mg impurity replacing Ga in c-GaN undergo outward relaxations which play an important role in the determination ofthe center acceptor energies. In the third part of our work, we present a study of electronic, structural, and thermodynamic properties of the cubic group-III nitrides alloys, InxGal-xN, InxAll_xN, AlxGal-xN, BxGal-xN e BxAll-xN. We combined the generalized quasichemical approximation (GQCA) with an ab initio pseudopotential-plane-wave method. For alI alIoys, except the AlxGal-xN, we observe a miscibility gap for temperatures near those of the growth. The cluster treatment is generalized to study the influence of biaxial strain. We find a remarkable suppression ofphase separation in InxGal-xN and InxAll-xN induced by strain which is confirmed by experiments on the InxGal_xN alloy. We also observed that the gap fluctuations in the InxGal-xN alloy allow the definition of a minimum gap and an average gap with different bowing parameters. Biaxial strain drastically reduces the gap fluctuations, resulting in a reduction of the bowing. The different gaps and the strain influence investigated provide an explanation for the discrepancies found in the experimental values of the bowing parameter.


Marciniuk, Gustavo 11 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-24T19:38:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gustavo Marciniuk.pdf: 9151594 bytes, checksum: 94a7264c77b0567f7224ef931267fdab (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work refers to the development of a simple and innovative method for the synthesis of ternary composites of different proportions based on amorphous carbon, polyaniline and manganese (IV) oxide for their future use in electrochemical supercapacitors. The process presented here consists, essentially, of 3 parts: (i) at first, it has been performed the oxidative treatment of amorphous carbon and the separated synthesis of pure MnO2 and polyaniline, when all the materials involved were structurally characterized by XRD, FTIR, RAMAN, DLS and SEM, and electrochemically characterized by cyclic voltammetry measurements, in order to identify its structural, morphological and electrochemical properties and then compared with those presented by the future ternary composites; (ii) synthesis of a binary C/MnO2 composite by the anchoring of the MnO2 particles on the oxidized sites of the amorphous carbon, which represents the first stage on the formation of the ternary composites. Its purpose was to identify possible structural and electrochemical changes caused by MnO2 surface layer in the comparison of the binary composite with its individual components. Therefore, this composite was characterized by the same methods mentioned above; (iii) synthesis and characterization of ternary composites on different proportions, based on the initial formation of binary C/MnO2 followed by in situ polymerization of aniline monomers on their surface structure. The purpose of the synthesis in different proportions is to obtain a response profile when small changes in the quantity of the constituent materials are introduced in the ternary composites. The characterization of the ternary composites were carried out by XRD, FTIR, RAMAN, DLS and SEM, which allow to identify possible structural and morphological changes showed by composites compared to the individual components and, by cyclic voltammetry measurements, when it was possible to notice the electrochemical behavior of these composites and define their specific capacitance values in parallel to their processes of charge storage and ions diffusion. / Neste trabalho, buscou-se desenvolver uma metodologia simples e inovadora para a síntese de compósitos ternários de diversas proporções baseados em carbono amorfo, polianilina e óxido de manganês (IV) visando sua futura utilização em supercapacitores eletroquímicos. O trabalho consiste basicamente de 3 partes; (i) inicialmente realizou-se o tratamento oxidativo do carbono amorfo e a síntese individual dos compostos MnO2 e PAni, onde todos os materiais foram caracterizados estruturalmente por DRX, FTIR, RAMAN, DLS e MEV e eletroquimicamente por medidas de voltametria cíclica, afim identificar suas propriedades estruturais, morfológicas e eletroquímicas e compará-las com as apresentadas pelos futuros compósitos ternários; (ii) síntese de um compósito binário C/MnO2 pelo ancoramento das partículas de MnO2 sobre sítios oxidados do carbono amorfo, a qual configura a 1ª etapa da formação dos compósitos ternários. Sua finalidade foi de identificar as possíveis mudanças estruturais e eletroquímicas ocasionadas pela presença da camada superficial de MnO2 quando comparado o compósito binário aos seus componentes individuais. Para tanto, este compósito foi caracterizado pelos mesmos métodos apresentados acima; (iii) síntese e caracterização de compósitos ternários de diferentes proporções baseados na inicial formação do binário C/MnO2 seguido da polimerização in situ dos monômeros de anilina sobre sua estrutura superficial. A abordagem da síntese em diferentes proporções torna possível a obtenção de um perfil de resposta quando são introduzidas nos compósitos ternários pequenas modificações na quantidade dos materiais constituintes. A caracterização dos compósitos ternários foi realizada pelas técnicas de DRX, FTIR, RAMAN, DLS e MEV, as quais permitem identificar possíveis mudanças estruturais e morfológicas apresentadas pelos compósitos frente aos componentes individuais, e, por medidas de voltametria cíclica, onde foi possível observar o comportamento eletroquímico destes compósitos e definir seus valores de capacitância específica juntamente com seus processos de armazenamento de carga e difusão de íons.

Morphologie des mélanges ternaires PLA/PBAT/PA / Morphology of PLA/PBAT/PA ternary blends

Fu, Yang 18 December 2017 (has links)
Ce travail vise à obtenir une morphologie cœur-peau directement lors du mélangeage à l’état fondu de polymères ternaires PLA/PBAT/PA. Le but final est d'améliorer la ténacité de l'acide polylactique (PLA). La morphologie des mélanges de polymères multi-phases est contrôlée par la thermodynamique du système. La morphologie des mélanges ternaires peut être prédite à partir des valeurs relatives des trois coefficients d'étalement caractérisant le triplet de polymères. Les coefficients d'étalement sont calculés à partir des valeurs des tensions interfaciales entre les composants binaires. La détermination des tensions interfaciales entre PLA, poly (butylène adipate-co-téréphtalate) (PBAT) et un copolyamide (PA) prédit une morphologie dispersée complexe dans la matrice PLA où les sous-inclusions PA sont partiellement encapsulées dans la phase PBAT. Cette morphologie a été obtenue par mélange à l'état fondu des trois composants, comme observé par les observations en microscopie électronique à balayage. Dans une seconde étape, une compatibilisation sélective a été utilisée pour modifier l'emplacement des sous-inclusions de PA. A cette fin, deux copolymères diblocs PBAT-b-PLA, PA-b-PBAT ont été synthétisés. La présence des copolymères diblocs nous permet de modifier la tension interfaciale des couples PLA/PBAT, PA/PBAT. Cette modification de l'équilibre de tension interfaciale modifie avec succès la morphologie, passant d’une semi-encapsulation à une encapsulation complète des sous-inclusions de PA dans les gouttes de PBAT. La performance mécanique de ce mélange ternaire a été évaluée. / This work aims at achieving direct core-shell morphologies in ternary PLA/PBAT/PA polymer blends by melt mixing. The final goal is to improve the toughness of polylactic acid (PLA). The morphology of multi-phase polymer blends is controlled by the thermodynamics of the system. The morphology of ternary blends can be predicted from the relative values of the three spreading coefficients characterizing the triplet of polymers. Spreading coefficients are calculated from the values of interfacial tensions between binary components. The determination of interfacial tensions between a PLA, a poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT) and a copolyamide (PA) predicts a complex dispersed morphology in the PLA matrix where PA subinclusions are partly encapsulated in the PBAT phase. This morphology was obtained by melt mixing the three components, as observed by scanning electron microscopy. In a second step, selective compatibilization was used to modify the PA sub-inclusion location. To this end, PBAT-b-PLA and PA-b-PBAT di-block copolymers were synthesized. The presence of the di-block copolymers enabled to modify the interfacial tension in PLA/PBAT and PA/PBAT. The modification of the interfacial tension balance was shown to successfully change the morphology from semi-encapsulation to full encapsulation of PA sub-inclusions in the PBAT drops. The mechanical performance of this ternary blend was evaluated.

N,N-diethyl-N'-naphthoylacylchalcogourea to metal (II)complexes as precursors for ternary metal chalcogenide thin films via AACVD

Ezenwa, Emmanuel January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis complexes of acylchalcogoureas with cadmium (II), lead (II) and nickel (II) have been synthesised and investigated as single source precursors for the formation of metal chalcogenide thin films viaaerosol assisted chemical vapour deposition (AACVD). Routes to binary thin films have been explored using homoleptic complexes of the general structure bis(N,N-diethyl-N'-naphthoylchalcogoureato)metal(II). Analysis of the thin films produced showed the successful deposition of the binary materials from the synthesised complexes when characterised by powder XRD, ICP-OES, SEM and EDX. Routes to ternary thin films with the general structure MExE'1-x, where M represents a metal (Cd, Ni and Pb); and E chalcogen (S or Se) have been investigated using heteroleptic metal complexes of cadmium, nickel or lead including different chalcogen containing N,N-diethyl-N'-naphthoylchalcogoureato ligands and diethyldithiocarbamate. The precursors were fully characterised and novel compounds had their crystal structures determined. The heteroleptic complexes were thermolysed by AACVD forming the MExE'1-x thin films. In the cases of lead, nickel and cadmium the thin films produced showed that the composition of the film tended heavily towards the metal selenide. Ternary films of type MS1-xSex was prepared by mixing their binary precursors of type bis(N,N-diethyl-N'-naphthoylselenoureato)metal(II) and bis(N,N-diethyl-N'-naphthoylthioureato)metal(II) [metal = Cd, Ni and Pb]. In the case of lead and cadmium chalcogenide films variation of the ratio of sulphur and selenium containing precursors allowed for the full transition in composition between metal sulphide and metal selenide. In the case of CdS1-xSexthe band gap of the films was determined from UV-visible spectroscopy to vary from 2.4 eV (CdS) to 1.7 eV(CdSe). In the case of NiS1-xSex the movement from sulphide to selenide was less simple with multiple phases of nickel chalcogenides produced.

Modelagem e otimização de misturas ternárias de polipropileno (PP), borracha de etileno-propileno-dieno (EPDM) e pó de pneu (SRT). / Modeling and optimization of polypropylene (PP), ethylene-propylene-diene rubber (EPDM) and scrap rubber tire (SRT) ternary mixtures

Wilson Souza da Silva 29 April 2011 (has links)
O aumento nos rejeitos industriais e a contínua produção de resíduos causam muitas preocupações no âmbito ambiental. Neste contexto, o descarte de pneus usados tem se tornado um grande problema por conta da pequena atenção que se dá à sua destinação final. Assim sendo, essa pesquisa propõe a produção de uma mistura polimérica com polipropileno (PP), a borracha de etileno-propileno-dieno (EPDM) e o pó de pneu (SRT). A Metodologia de Superfície de Resposta (MSR), coleção de técnicas estatísticas e matemáticas úteis para desenvolver, melhorar e optimizar processos, foi aplicada à investigação das misturas ternárias. Após o processamento adequado em extrusora de dupla rosca e a moldagem por injeção, as propriedades mecânicas de resistência à tração e resistência ao impacto foram determinadas e utilizadas como variáveis resposta. Ao mesmo tempo, a microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) foi usada para a investigação da morfologia das diferentes misturas e melhor interpretação dos resultados. Com as ferramentas estatísticas específicas e um número mínimo de experimentos foi possível o desenvolvimento de modelos de superfícies de resposta e a otimização das concentrações dos diferentes componentes da mistura em função do desempenho mecânico e além disso com a modificação da granulometria conseguimos um aumento ainda mais significativo deste desempenho mecânico. / The increase in industrial waste and solid waste production cause many concerns in the environment. In this context, the disposal of used tires has become a major problem because of the little attention given to their final destination. Therefore, this research proposes the production of a polymer blend of polypropylene (PP), rubber of ethylene-propylene-diene (EPDM) and tire dust (SRT). The Response Surface Methodology (RSM), a collection of mathematical and statistical techniques useful for developing, improving and optimizing processes, was applied to the investigation of ternary mixtures. After proper processing on twin screw extrusion and injection molding, the mechanical properties of tensile and impact strength were determined and used as response variables. At the same time, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to investigate the morphology of different blends and better interpretation of results. With specific statistical tools and a minimum number of experiments it was possible to develop models of response surfaces and the optimization of the concentrations of different components of the mixture depending on the mechanical performance and even with the change in particle size could increase even more significant this mechanical performance.

Estruturas multiplicativas: concepções de alunos de ensino fundamental

Rasi, Gislaine Carvalho 28 May 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:58:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gislaine Carvalho Rasi.pdf: 1747233 bytes, checksum: 4f40765a8bbdc3c1992a7e8627987590 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-05-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research comprehends the multiplicative structures and its objective is to investigate the conceptions the seventh grade students put in motion when they establish ternary relations and the relational calculus. We especially search to verify how these students deal with the multiplicative relations which involve notions of transformation and binary composition, and how they make use of the properties of multiplication. Our theoretical approach is based upon Vergnaud s contributions (1991, 1996) presented in the Conceptual Fields Theory and in the Multiplicative Conceptual Field, mainly on the notions of relation and relational calculus which allowed the elaboration of activities and the results analysis. As for the methodology adopted, we chose the case study, which allowed a better comprehension of the relations established by students during the resolution of multiplicative problems, and thus contributing to the achievement of our objective. With instruments of data collection, we made observations during the activities accomplishment, in two study groups and we collected the children s written record of these activities resolution. We verified, in the data analysis, that students have a certain difficulty in composing two transformations and a concentration in the establishment of ternary relations which involve the transformation notion. These observations demonstrated the importance of improving the work with multiplicative structures in a way to promote a good variety of situations and relations regarding the Multiplicative Conceptual Field, especially the ternary relations, as a law of binary composition with its properties / Esta pesquisa aborda as estruturas multiplicativas e tem como objetivo investigar as concepções que os alunos do sétimo ano mobilizam quando estabelecem relações ternárias e o cálculo relacional. Procuramos, especialmente, verificar como esses alunos tratam as relações multiplicativas que envolvem noções de transformação e de composição binária e como utilizam as propriedades da multiplicação. Nossa fundamentação teórica apóia-se nas contribuições de Vergnaud (1991, 1996) apresentadas na Teoria dos Campos Conceituais e no Campo Conceitual Multiplicativo, sobretudo, nas noções de relação e cálculo relacional que permitiram a elaboração das atividades e a análise dos resultados. Quanto à metodologia, escolhemos o estudo de caso que possibilitou uma melhor compreensão das relações estabelecidas pelos alunos durante a resolução de problemas multiplicativos, propiciando o alcance de nosso objetivo. Como instrumentos de coleta de dados, fizemos observações durante a aplicação das atividades, em dois grupos de estudo e recolhemos o registro escrito pelas crianças da resolução dessas atividades. Na análise dos dados constatamos que os alunos apresentam alguma dificuldade ao compor duas transformações e uma concentração no estabelecimento das relações ternárias que envolvem a noção de transformação. Estas constatações demonstraram a importância da ampliação do trabalho com as estruturas multiplicativas, de modo a promover grande variedade de situações e relações que dizem respeito ao Campo Conceitual Multiplicativo, em especial, às relações ternárias, como uma lei de composição binária com suas propriedades

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