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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fundamentos da estrutura ecológica : a estrutura ecológica municipal de Santo Tirso

Gomes, Isaura Mariana da Silva Almeida January 2006 (has links)
Tese de mestrado. Planeamento e Projecto do Ambiente Urbano. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto, Faculadde de Arquitectura. Universidade do Porto. 2006

Professionnalisation et mondialisation du rugby à XV : entre modèles sportifs et ancrages territoriaux / Professionalization and globalization in rugby union : between sporting models and territorial anchorage

Le lay, Yvonnick 30 November 2018 (has links)
L’objet de ce travail de recherche est de s’interroger sur la dialectique entre la professionnalisation et la mondialisation du rugby à XV et l’évolution des ancrages territoriaux qui en découle, en fonction du modèle sportif qui est propre à chaque terrain d’investigation sélectionné : la Bretagne, le Munster et la Géorgie. L’enjeu est de démontrer dans quelle mesure la professionnalisation des organisations et des acteurs sportifs est le moteur à la fois de la globalisation rugbystique et de nouvelles logiques oligopolistiques de différentiation territoriale du rugby, aux différentes échelles spatiales. S’étant diffusée au sein des championnats domestiques amateurs, cette professionnalisation provoque des dynamiques au profit des territoires sportifs les plus compétitifs et les mieux intégrés au reste du monde rugbystique globalisé, tout en étant le vecteur d’identités territoriales spécifiques. Le choix des trois terrains d’enquête résulte de la pertinence de s’interroger sur l’articulation entre les modèles sportifs et les ancrages territoriaux pour appréhender chaque modèle de production d’espace rugbystique, et sur les formes spécifiques d’ancrage territorial de la pratique du rugby, en considérant celui-ci comme un médiateur territorial. Pour chaque terrain d’enquête, tout en procédant par itération, la mise en oeuvre de la méthode de la triangulation permet d’approfondir et de mettre à l’épreuve les concepts mobilisés. Trois grandes approches de l’analyse socio-spatiale du sport sont privilégiées : l’approche structurelle, l’approche systémique, et celle qui donne de l’importance au rôle des acteurs. / The aim of this research work is to wonder about the dialectic between the professionalization and the globalization of the rugby union, and the evolution of the resulting territorial anchorages, depending on the specific sporting model of the investigation lands that have been selected: Brittany, Munster and Georgia. The issue is to demonstrate to what extent the professionalization of the organizations and the sporting actors is at the same time the driving force of the rugby globalization and of new rugby territorial differentiations’ oligopolistic logics, on various levels in geographic terms. Being diffused into the domestic amateur championships, this professionalization stimulates dynamics in favor of the much competitive sporting territories and the best integrated to the rest of the globalized world, while being the vector of specific territorial identities. The selection of the three investigation lands stems from the relevantness of the interrogation on the link between the sporting models and the territorial anchorages to comprehend each model of rugby territorial production and the specific forms of the territorial anchorage of the rugby practice, considering this sport as a territorial mediator. For each investigation land, while proceeding by iteration, the triangulation method implemented allows to go deeper and to test the concepts that have been mobilized. Three major socio spatial analysis approaches have been focused: the structural approach, the systemic approach and the approach that highlights the actors’ role.

Feeding Ecology and Territorial Behavior of the Yellow Warbler

Frydendall, Merrill J. 01 May 1967 (has links)
A controversy dating from the appearance of Altum's book, Der Vogel und sein Leben, 1868 (Mayr, 1935) is that of the biological function or functions of the territorial behavior in birds. However, attention was not focused upon this problem until the advent of Howard's book, Territory in Bird Life, published in 1920. In a general review of the problem Hinde (1956) discussed several functions of the territory and presented evidence both for and against their importance. The more important of these presumed functions are; (1) limitation of population density; (2) facilitation of pair formation and maintenance of the pair bond; (3) reduction in interference with reproductive activities by other members of the species; (4) provision of an adequate food supply for rearing the young; (5) reduction of loss to predators; (6) reduction of time spent in aggression; and (7) prevention of epidemics.

Utah's Delegates To Congress, 1851-1896

Haslam, Larry 01 May 1962 (has links)
Utah existed as a territory for some forty-five years, 1851-1896. During these years Utah continued to occupy an interesting and controversial position on the national scene. The fact that Utah was predominantly Mormon, and that the Mormons were unusual in their beliefs and practices, made the territory and its people a target for the law-making body of the nation as well as the general citizenry. Utah was made an integral part of the congressional discussions and debates in almost every session of Congress during the period of 1851-1896, and there were repeated attempts to punish the Mormons for their "anachronistic" practices. The major link and contact between Utah and the national government was the territorial delegate. It was his responsibility to represent fairly the interests of Utah in Congress and attempt to present the issues in a manner that would facilitate favorable action and legislation in behalf of Utah. This delegate was a voteless agent and was virtually without power or authority at the seat of government. Nevertheless, his constituents respected and depended upon him.

Transformaciones, conflictos y tensiones al interior de las regiones commodities, San Francisco de Chiu Chiu y la minería en los últimos 40 años

Espinoza Iglesias, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
Memoria para optar al título de Geógrafo

Permanencias y transformaciones territoriales : la construcción histórica del territorio en la micro región de los valles interandinos de Cochabamba (Bolivia)

Loza Armand Ugon, Andrés 14 October 2008 (has links)
Face à la vitesse des échanges et transformations qui semblent redéfinir l’ensemble de pratiques et valeurs qui font au rapport société/espace, la dimension historique acquérir des nouvelles relevances et comme référence identitaire/patrimoniale et comme indicateur d’une cohérence territoriale, supposée ou souhaitée. Le recours à l’histoire constitue une des stratégies courantes qui visent la mise en évidence des particularités qui font à l’originalité de chaque territoire dans le concert mondial. Le risque de cette approche est celle d’une lecture partielle et narcissiste qui réduit l’histoire de nos territoires à des clichés échangeables. Pourtant, si on l’envisage autrement cette tendance peut ouvrir les portes à la problématisation des processus actuels en reconnaissant le rôle dynamique de l’histoire dans la construction des territoires. Ainsi étant, la question n’est pas l’exaltation de certains valeurs mais la reconnaissance de l’épaisseur historique, des valeurs historiques/identitaires que définissent la particularité des territoires et qui pourraient être mobilisées autour des nouveaux projets de territoire. Dans cet esprit, notre recherche vise à contribuer à la compréhension du processus de construction territorial de la micro région des vallées inter andins –Totora et Pocona- du département de Cochabamba, en Bolivie. Un territoire rurale qui historiquement à joué un rôle importante à niveau régional –lié notamment à la production de la feuille de coca- et qu’à présent traverse une situation de crise. Ce qu’on propose est la reconstruction des processus qui ont caractérisée chaque période de l’histoire micro régionale et que, en tant que rugosités ou inerties dynamiques, s’articulent dans la construction actuelle et projectuelle de ce territoire. Il s’agit, d’un côté, de mettre en évidence l’épaisseur historique/territorial en fonction de l‘interpellation aux dynamiques actuelles où la problématique patrimoniale/identitaire semble redéfinir les rapports avec l’histoire et le territoire ; et de générer une autre vision qui permette de repenser la pratique de la planification et l’aménagement territorial. Contribuant ainsi à la génération de nouveaux projets de territoire, cohérents avec les particularités locales, les principes d’articulation solidaire et ceux d’un développement centré dans les gens et la communauté.

El desplazamiento forzado en el interior de Colombia: caracterización sociodemográfica y pautas de distribución territorial 2000-2004

Ruiz Ruiz, Nubia Yaneth 18 January 2008 (has links)
La migración ha sido una estrategia consolidada y utilizada por los seres humanos en su afán permanente de encontrar mejores condiciones de vida. La posibilidad de migrar o no es un derecho vital, pues el ejercicio del mismo garantiza en muchos casos la sobrevivencia de la población cuando al migrar se huye de un riesgo inminente en que está la vida, que puede ser de carácter social, ambiental, político o bélico; la migración cobija dimensiones tanto sociales como espaciales; al migrar se transforma el entorno social y cambia el territorio donde se desarrolla la vida; el espacio de vida. Dependiendo de los factores que las causan, las migraciones pueden entenderse como el ejercicio de un derecho o como la consecuencia de la violación de uno o más derechos humanos. Ello depende de si la decisión de cambiar temporal o permanentemente el lugar de vivienda habitual, es un acto voluntario y discrecional o es un recurso para huir de condiciones de vida que resultan insoportables. La migración en Colombia a causa del desplazamiento no voluntario de la población, considerada migración forzada, es el tema del cual se ocupa la presente investigación. El desplazamiento forzado en Colombia ha generado corrientes de migrantes hacia las áreas metropolitanas y los centros urbanos, influyendo así en la reactivación del flujo rural-urbano de movilidad interna. El impacto del desplazamiento forzado en la migración rural-urbana es importante. El desplazamiento forzado se agudizó a principios de la década de 1990, generando un flujo de población que ha llegado principalmente a las ciudades intermedias, lo que conllevó que áreas urbanas continuaran recibiendo flujos de población procedente de regiones rurales o semirrurales. La llegada de grandes flujos de migrantes forzados al espacio urbano presiona la demanda de servicios básicos, infraestructura vial y equipamiento urbano necesario para satisfacer las necesidades de esta población, en su mayoría pobre y con grandes carencias de atención. Es así como el desplazamiento impacta de manera negativa el territorio receptor, generando altas concentraciones de población urbana y dejando algunos municipios pequeños con saldos negativos causando, en algunos casos, el despoblamiento de territorios. El desplazamiento forzado no obedece únicamente a la presencia de actores armados. Es un problema profundamente ligado a la tenencia de la tierra y a los intereses de grandes propietarios territoriales. Por lo tanto, la relación que establece el desplazamiento con la violencia y la apropiación de tierras es una de las hipótesis por validar en la presente investigación.La migración masiva de mitad del siglo XX se concentró predominantemente entre los grupos etáreos de jóvenes y adultos jóvenes compuestos principalmente por mujeres. Tal migración selectiva por sexo y edad generó un desequilibrio en la distribución de género de la población. Esta selectividad migratoria, en la cual son las mujeres las de mayor probabilidad de movilidad, se mantiene para la migración forzada y es objeto de detallado análisis. El desplazamiento forzado se concentra primordialmente en los grupos de edad menores de 18 años y en las mujeres adultas; de esta manera se está generando un impacto demográfico relevante, semejante a la selectividad migratoria presentada en el éxodo de la década de 1950.La movilidad forzada es movimiento migratorio de corta distancia que incrementa las condiciones de pobreza de la población afectada. Se da con mayor intensidad en territorios estratégicos, poseedores de grandes riquezas naturales o que tienen una importancia geopolítica notable, ya sea porque están ubicados en la zona central del país que es la de mayor desarrollo o en territorios de frontera. La connotación de ser una migración forzada en la que muchas veces está en peligro la vida de la población determina que los flujos de movilidad en muchas ocasiones se dirijan al lugar más cercano, el cual ofrece algún nivel de protección. Ahora bien, la investigación que hemos concluido es un trabajo que tiene mucha importancia para los ámbitos académico y político colombianos. Es una compleja exploración de la migración forzada en el conjunto del territorio nacional, que exigió, en primer lugar, un análisis histórico del conflicto interno en el cual se inscribe el fenómeno, análisis que posteriormente constituyó parte fundamental de los elementos explicativos en la territorialidad de la migración forzada. El trabajo hace un profundo análisis de las características sociodemográficas de la población afectada por el fenómeno; desarrolla una lectura de la distribución territorial de la población desplazada y de la nueva geografía humana que dibuja el movimiento masivo de población, que tiene como área de origen principal las zonas rurales del país. Finalmente, la investigación aborda el proceso de construcción y análisis de las variables, como elementos causales de permanencia y soporte de la migración forzada, haciendo énfasis en algunas regiones y zonas particulares del país. / The migration has been a consolidated strategy and it has been utilized by the human beings in its permanent urge to find better living conditions. The possibility to migrate or not is a vital right, because by doing so it could be guaranteed in many cases the survival of the population, when by migrating they flee of an imminent risk in which life could be compromised, either by social, environmental, political or military causes; the migration involves both social and spatially dimensions; by migrating the social environment changes, and so the territory where life is developed; Space of lifeDepending on the cause factors, the migrations can be understood as the exercise of a right or as the consequence of the violation of one or more human rights. It depends on the origin of the decision of moving, if it is a voluntary and optional choice of changing temporary or permanently the place of habitual dwelling, or if it is a resource to flee living conditions that turn out to be unbearable. The migration in Colombia caused by the displacement not volunteer of the population, considered forced migration, is the topic of which the present investigation is occupied. The forced displacement in Colombia has generated migrations currents towards the metropolitan areas and the cities, influencing thus in the reactivation of the rural-urban flow of internal mobility.The impact of the forced displacement in the rural-urban migration is important. This phenomenon was intensified at the beginning of the decade of 1990, generating a flow of population that has arrived mainly to the intermediate cities, which has caused that urban areas are continually receiving flows of population coming from rural or semi-rural regions.The arrival of large flows of forced migrants to the urban space increase the demand of basic services, road infrastructure and necessary urban equipment to satisfy the needs of this population, mostly poor and with large lacks of attention. This is how the displacement also impacts in a negative way the receiver territory, generating high concentrations of urban population and leaving some small municipalities with negative balance causing, in some cases, the decrease of population or abandon of territories.The forced displacement does not only obey to the presence of armed actors. It is also a problem deeply connected with the possession of the land and to the interests of large territorial owners. Therefore, the relation that exits among the displacement, the violence and the appropriation of lands is one of the hypotheses to validate in the present investigation. The massive migration of the middle of the 20th century was concentrated predominantly in the homogeneous group of youths and young adults and composed mostly by women. Such selective migration by sex and age generated an imbalance in the distribution of gender of the population. This migratory selectivity, in which the women are those of greater probability of mobility, is maintained for the forced migration and is object of detailed analysis. The forced displacement concentrates primarily in the groups of age less than 18 years and in the adult women; in this manner a relevant demographic impact is being generated, similar to the migratory selectivity originated in the exodus of the decade of 1950.The forced mobility is a migratory movement of short distance that increases the conditions of poverty of the population affected. It hits upon greater intensity in strategic territories, owners of considerably natural resources or that have an evident, and important geopolitics, whether because they are located in the central zone of the country that is that of greater development or in territories of border.The connotation of being a forced migration in which many times the life of the population is in danger, determines that the flows of mobility in many cases are directed to the most nearby place, which offers some level of protection.Now well, the research that has been concluded is a work of high importance for the academic and politic field in Colombia. It is a complex exploration of the forced migration in the frame of the national territory, which required, in the first place, a historic analysis of the internal conflict in which the phenomenon is recorded, this analysis subsequently constituted a fundamental part of the explaining elements of territory related causes of forced migration. The study does a deep analysis of the social-demographic characteristics of the population affected by the phenomenon; gives a scope of the territorial distribution of the displaced population and the new human geography resulted of the massive migration that has as an origin area the rural zones of the country. Finally, the investigation undertakes the process of construction and analysis of the variables, as causal elements of continuance and backup of the forced migration, doing emphasis in some regions and particular zones of the country.

Sector agropecuario y desarrollo rural. El caso del valle bonaerense del río colorado (argentina)

Pazzi, Andres 20 July 2009 (has links)
El tema de investigación de la presente tesis se enmarca en el análisis de un territorio rural, el Valle Bonaerense del Río Colorado, caracterizado por la producción de materia prima agroalimentaria. En particular, se somete a estudiar su tejido empresario bajo las teorías sobre la estrategia y las teorías sobre el desarrollo. A continuación se presenta una descripción del tema desarrollado a lo largo de la tesis, resaltando los temas sobresalientes de las partes de esta investigación. En la primera parte se articula la fundamentación teórica y la propuesta metodológica. Esta parte esta organizada en tres capítulos: capítulo 2, Teoría sobre la estrategia, capítulo 3, Teorías sobre el desarrollo, y capítulo 4, estrategia de la investigación. En la segunda parte, se lleva a cabo el análisis de la información recogida en el trabajo de campo. Esta parte esta organizada en dos capítulos: capítulo 5, Historia y evolución del sector agropecuario Argentino, y capítulo 6, Análisis de las cadenas de valor agroalimentarias. En la tercera parte, se efectúan las conclusiones del proceso de investigación y sus posibles continuidades que puedan completar las aportaciones de la tesis. Finalmente, se expone las referencias bibliográficas, adjuntando los anexos. / This thesis addresses the analysis of the Valle Bonaerense del Río Colorado, an agri-food raw materials producer area. Especially, the focus is on the firms relationships under the theories of strategy and development. After the Introduction (chapter 1), the thesis is organized as follows: The first part contains both the theoretical basis and a methodological proposal. The three chapters here are: chapter 2 - The theory of strategy; chapter 3 - The theory of development; and chapter 4 - Research strategy. Second part is devoted to the analysis of the empirical evidence obtained in the territory. Chapter 5 records a revision of the history of the rural sector in Argentina; and the following chapter is about the agri-food value chains. The closing part contains the conclusions of the research process and suggestions about future investigations, as well as both the bibliography and the appendixes.

From Stockholm To Hamburg: Do the Actors involved have the same Corridor in Mind?

Hellemeier, Clemens January 2011 (has links)
In the course of the European Commission’s aim at planning for economic territorial cohesion, an increased accessibility of the European regions and a strengthening of the regions’ competitiveness, focus have been drawn on the improvement of infrastructure for transport. This research deals with what can be seen as a pre-discourse in the front end of a planning process for a future transport corridor between the cities of Hamburg and Stockholm, during which the actors are positioning themselves. This is done by a qualitative analysis of selected policy documents from the national, regional and municipal level in Sweden, Denmark and Germany and the European commission. The results indicate that the actors involved interpret the concept of a transport corridor in various ways, since the policy documents that have been analysed for this research reveal possible inherent conflicts. The most considerable differences can be seen between the authorities on the national level on the one hand and the authorities on the regional and municipal level on the other. However, the location of a municipality or region does also influence their interpretation of a future transport corridor.

Reflection on the traditional discourse of territorial sovereignty

Lin, Chih-Ju 28 November 2011 (has links)
Territorial Sovereignty has been treated as a presupposition without the perspective of history in the study of international relations. This paper aims at tracing back the relationship between authority and space in the Middle Ages, finding it was defined by feudatory¡¦s fealty and alliance rather than by boundaries. Therefore, authority space in the Middle Ages could overlap and coexist above one land. On the contrary, modern national boundary excludes other authorities from its territory; territory serves as a container to reify power in the modern time. Besides, this paper shows that processes of re-scaling of authority space, which include sub-national spatial scales of global cities and supra-national spatial scales of the European Union, constitute the current round of globalization. This development of overlapping authority spaces could be conceived as a sign of arrival of Neo-Medievalism.

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