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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Leucémie Lymphoïde Chronique :étude pronostique des histones désacétylases et des gènes impliqués dans l'hydroxyméthylation de l'ADN

Van Damme, Michaël 14 November 2016 (has links)
La leucémie lymphoïde chronique (LLC) est le cancer hématologique le plus fréquent du monde occidental et est caractérisée par une évolution clinique hétérogène :certains patients vivent plusieurs décennies sans symptôme alors que pour d'autres le besoin de traitements est rapide et voient leur survie globale raccourcie. Il est dès lors primordial de savoir à quel type d’évolution le patient sera confronté afin d’adapter au mieux le suivi de la maladie et la précocité ou non du traitement. Ces dernières années, la génétique a mis en évidence des aberrations chromosomiques et des mutations spécifiques récurrentes dans cette maladie mais le domaine de l'épigénétque est encore peu étudié.L'épigénétique étudie les processus induisant des modifications réversibles et héritables de l’ADN sans altérer la séquence en acides nucléiques. La méthylation de l'ADN, les modifications post-traductionnelles des histones, l'interférence par ARN et l'hydroxyméthylation de l'ADN sont les mécanismes qui induisent ces modifications et ont un impact sur l'expression génique. Dans ce travail, nous traitons des histones désacétylases et des gènes TET et IDH impliqués dans l'hydroxyméthylation de l'ADN.Au cours de ce travail, nous avons dressé le profil d'expression des 18 isoenzymes HDAC dans des lymphocytes B de patients atteints de LLC. Nous avons observé une surexpression globale de celles-ci par rapport à des cellules B saines. Nous avons également démontré que HDAC3, 6, SIRT2, 3 et 6 sont corrélés avec le pronostic pour la survie sans traitement ou la survie globale. Quelques isoenzymes sélectionnées par des analyses multivariées (HDAC6, 7, 10 et SIRT3, 5 et 6) ont été combinées pour générer un score HDAC qui s'est avéré être un facteur pronostic puissant divisant significativement notre cohorte (P<0,0001).L'activité enzymatique globale des HDAC fut par la suite étudiée. Elle fut très significativement corrélée avec les deux types de survie et particulièrement avec la survie sans traitement où elle s'impose comme un facteur indépendant. Les patients avec une haute activité présentent une survie globale médiane de 137 mois alors qu'elle est supérieure à 376 mois pour une faible activité (P<0,0001). De fait elle nous permet de raffiner le pronostic en mettant en évidence des sous-groupes au sein de patients catégorisés par des facteurs pronostiques classiques.Enfin, nous nous sommes penchés sur l'hydroxyméthylation de l'ADN et les gènes associés à ce phénomène (TET et IDH) qui, pour certains, voient leur expression dérégulée dans les cellules leucémiques. TET2 et IDH1 prédisent significativement la survie sans traitement, les patients présentant une haute expression de ces gènes ayant une médiane de survie sans traitement plus grande (111 mois) que les autres (78 mois). De plus, l'expression de TET1 est diminuée alors que celle de TET3 et IDH2 est augmentée dans les lymphocytes B de patients lorsque ceux-ci sont cultivés en présence de cellules stromales mésenchymateuses, des acteurs du microenvironnement. Cependant, ces dérégulations d'expression ne sont pas associées à une modification du taux globale d'hydroxyméthylation de l'ADN.Ce travail met en avant une association évidente entre les gènes HDAC, TET et IDH et le pronostic des patients relevant dès lors la pertinence des changements épigénétiques dans la progression de la LLC. / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques (Médecine) / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Discovery of new modes of action of TET methyldioxygenases

Delatte, Benjamin 01 October 2014 (has links)
It has been known for a long time that the cytosine base can be modified to produce a new nucleotide, identified as 5-methylcytosine (mC). In normal cells, mC is correctly distributed into the genome, but in many diseases including life-threatening cancers, its pattern is profoundly perturbed. In 2009, Anjana Rao, published that certain proteins, known as the TET enzymes, are capable of removing mC by further oxidizing it to 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (hmC). This original article, cited more than 1200 times, has led to a great expansion in our understanding of DNA methylation. Such recent publications expanded this knowledge by showing that the TETs successively oxidize hmC to 5-formylcytosine (fC) and 5-carboxylcytosine (caC). <p>These oxidized methylcytosines have been implicated in several mechanisms of DNA demethylation, including “active” demethylation through base excision repair, and “passive” demethylation via successive rounds of DNA replication. In addition, DNA hydroxymethylation is thought to be involved in a wide range of diseases, and a marked decrease of hmC seems to be a “hallmark” of many cancers. <p>However, little is known about the regulation of their modes of action. It is tempting to speculate that these proteins interact with a plethora of factors to elicit coordinated biological functions. Likewise, they might be regulated by environment, which in certain situations, could alter the hydroxymethylome landscape, and lead to cellular malfunction and diseases.<p>In the first study, we pursued a large, unbiased screen of the TET interactome, and discovered that TET2 and TET3 interact with the O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) transferase (OGT). OGT is a glycosyltransferase that adds N-acetylglucose moieties on various proteins, including histone H2B, expanding therefore the “histone code”. We further discovered that the TET-OGT association seems to enhance OGT activity and to potentiate glycosylation and stabilization of SET1/COMPASS, a complex that is responsible for the global deposition of the H3K4me3 histone mark that “decorates” active promoters. Finally, we could confirm a decreased genome-wide H3K4me3 deposition in a model of acute myeloid leukemia mutated for TET2, suggesting that the TET-OGT link is implicated in Health and Disease.<p>In the second study, we looked at the impact of the environment on TET activity and on cellular hydroxymethylomes. We focused on oxidative stress assaults that are known to be involved in inflammation, a mediator of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. We observed a significant decrease of hmC in cell lines treated with various oxidant stressors, likely due to a direct inactivation of the TETs catalytic domain. Moreover, gene ontology analysis of differentially hydroxymethylated regions (dhMRs), profiled by deep-sequencing on treated vs non-treated cells, highlighted pathways involved in oxidative stress response. The implication of TETs in oxidative stress response was further emphasized by a decreased proliferation of TET1-depleted cells when they are treated with oxidant stressors. Importantly, those results were confirmed in mice knockout for the major antioxidant enzymes GPx1 and GPx2. <p>In conclusion, the work of this thesis contributed to better understand the modes of action of the TET proteins, through (1) direct interaction with OGT, and (2) via direct regulation by oxidative-stress-associated molecules, and we hope that these results will bring new insights to better understand these fascinating enzymes. <p> / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Fonction du facteur de transcription Sox17 dans la myélinisation / Function of the transcription factor Sox17 during developmental myelination

Fauveau, Mélissa 28 October 2015 (has links)
SOX17 est un facteur de transcription à motif HMG-box, du sous-groupe SoxF, identifié comme étant un nouveau régulateur du développement oligodendrocytaire. L’expression de SOX17 est maximale au stade oligodendrocyte pré-myélinisant. In vitro, les approches de gain et perte de fonction de Sox17 suggèrent que ce facteur favorise la sortie de cycle et/ou la différenciation des OPCs (Sohn et al., 2006). In vivo, la fonction de SOX17 dans la prolifération et la différenciation des OPCs, restait à déterminer. Afin d’établir le rôle de SOX17 in vivo, nous avons généré un modèle de souris transgénique de surexpression inductible sous le contrôle du promoteur Sox10 (système Tet-On). Après traitement à la doxycycline, la surexpression de Sox17 est effective dans les cellules oligodendrogliales du système nerveux central (SNC) et les dérivés des crêtes neurales du système nerveux périphérique (SNP). Les souris TetSox17;Sox10rtTA/+ présentent un phénotype moteur sévère. Nos données montrent que la surexpression de Sox17 induit un délai de la différenciation des OPCs causant une hypomyélinisation de la moelle épinière. L’analyse de la myélinisation chez les souris KO conditionnel, Cnpase-cre;Sox17flox/flox, révèle que Sox17 n’est pas nécessaire à la myélinisation du SNC. De plus, au sein du SNP, le gain de fonction Sox17 provoque un défaut du processus de radial sorting et un blocage des cellules de Schwann au stade pro-myélinisant, résultant en une inhibition de la myélinisation. Nos résultats indiquent une fonction stade-dépendant de Sox17 sur la progression du lignage oligodendrocytaire et identifie Sox17 comme un nouveau régulateur du développement de la cellule de Schwann. / In the central nervous system (CNS), myelination is timely regulated by oligodendroglial cell lineage progression. During development, the transition from proliferative/migrating oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) towards myelinating oligodendrocytes occurs through OPC cycle exit and differentiation. The HMG-box transcription factor Sox17 was previously identified as a new regulator of oligodendrocyte development. The expression of Sox17 peaks at the pre-myelinating stage. In vitro gain- and loss-of-function experiments showed that Sox17 promotes OPC cycle exit and differentiation (Sohn et al., 2006). However in vivo, the function of Sox17 in oligodendrocyte development has not been reported. In the present, we generated a transgenic mouse model overexpressing Sox17 in Sox10+ cells, in a doxycycline (DOX)-inducible manner (Tet-ON system). After DOX treatment, gain of Sox17 function was effective in oligodendroglial cells and neural crest derivatives. Interestingly, Sox17-overexpressing mice exhibited severe motor deficits. Our results demonstrated that SOX17 overexpression induces a delay of OPC differentiation, leading to a severe hypomyelination in the developing spinal cord. Furthermore, our analysis of Cnpase-cre;Sox17flox/flox conditional null mice showed that Sox17 is not required for CNS myelination. Remarkably, our data revealed that Sox17 overexpression inhibits PNS myelination, due to defects of radial sorting and inhibition of Schwann cell at the pro-myelinating stage. Altogether, our data provide new insights into stage-specific functions of Sox17 in oligodendroglial cells and identify Sox17 as a potential regulator of Schwann cell development.

A Comprehensive View of the Epigenetic Landscape Part I: DNA Methylation, Passive and Active DNA Demethylation Pathways and Histone Variants

Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna, Kostrzewa, Richard M., Filip, Małgorzata 01 January 2015 (has links)
In multicellular organisms, all the cells are genetically identical but turn genes on or off at the right time to promote differentiation into specific cell types. The regulation of higher-order chromatin structure is essential for genome-wide reprogramming and for tissue-specific patterns of gene expression. The complexity of the genome is regulated by epigenetic mechanisms, which act at the level of DNA, histones, and nucleosomes. Epigenetic machinery is involved in many biological processes, including genomic imprinting, X-chromosome inactivation, heterochromatin formation, and transcriptional regulation, as well as DNA damage repair. In this review, we summarize the recent understanding of DNA methylation, cytosine derivatives, active and passive demethylation pathways as well as histone variants. DNA methylation is one of the well-characterized epigenetic signaling tools. Cytosine methylation of promoter regions usually represses transcription but methylation in the gene body may have a positive correlation with gene expression. The attachment of a methyl group to cytosine residue in the DNA sequence is catalyzed by enzymes of the DNA methyltransferase family. Recent studies have shown that the Ten-Eleven translocation family enzymes are involved in stepwise oxidation of 5-methylcytosine, creating new cytosine derivatives including 5-hydroxymethylcytosine, 5-formylcytosine, and 5-carboxylcytosine. Additionally, histone variants into nucleosomes create another strategy to regulate the structure and function of chromatin. The replacement of canonical histones with specialized histone variants regulates accessibility of DNA, and thus may affect multiple biological processes, such as replication, transcription, DNA repair, and play a role in various disorders such as cancer.

Thermal Property Measurement of Thin Fibers by Complementary Methods

Munro, Troy Robert 01 May 2016 (has links)
To improve measurement reliability and repeatability and resolve the orders of magnitude discrepancy between the two different measurements (via reduced model transient electrothermal and lock-in IR thermography), this dissertation details the development of three complementary methods to accurately measure the thermal properties of the natural and synthetic Nephila (N.) clavipes spider dragline fibers. The thermal conductivity and diffusivity of the dragline silk of the N. clavipes spider has been characterized by one research group to be 151-416 W m−1 K −1 and 6.4-12.3 ×10−5 m2 s −1 , respectively, for samples with low to high strains (zero to 19.7%). Thermal diffusivity of the dragline silk of a different spider species, Araneus diadematus, has been determined by another research group as 2 ×10−7 m2 s −1 for un-stretched silk. This dissertation seeks to resolve this discrepancy by three complementary methods. The methods detailed are the transient electrothermal technique (in both reduced and full model versions), the 3ω method (for both current and voltage sources), and the non-contact, photothermal, quantum-dot spectral shape-based fluorescence thermometry method. These methods were also validated with electrically conductive and non-conductive fibers. The resulting thermal conductivity of the dragline silk is 1.2 W m−1 K −1 , the thermal diffusivity is 6 ×10−7 m2 s −1 , and the volumetric heat capacity is 2000 kJ m−3 K −1 , with an uncertainty of about 12% for each property

Untersuchung der Funktion des Transkriptionsfaktors GATA-4 durch eine Mausmutante mit einem induzierbaren RNA-Interferenz System

Thurisch, Boris 11 December 2007 (has links)
Hintergrund: Der Transkriptionsfaktor GATA-4 ist für die normale Entwicklung des Endoderms essentiell. Mausmutanten mit einer homozygoten Deletion des gata-4 Gens versterben zwischen den embryonalen Tagen 8.5 - 10.5 aufgrund einer Störung der ventralen Morphogenese und der Ausbildung des Herzschlauches. Zielsetzung und experimentelle Strategie: Um die Bedeutung von GATA-4 auch nach der embryonalen Entwicklung untersuchen zu können, wurden doppelt-transgene Mäuse generiert. Diese Mausmutanten exprimieren einen Tetrazyklin-Repressor und eine gegen GATA-4 gerichtete short hairpin RNA (shGATA-4). Die Expression der shGATA-4 steht dabei unter der Kontrolle eines H1-Promotors, welcher durch ein Tetrazyklin-Operator Element modifiziert wurde. Dadurch ist das System durch Doxyzyklin induzierbar. Ergebnisse: Die Integration der Transgene in dem Genom der Maus wurde durch Southern-Blot Analyse nachgewiesen. Die Expression der shGATA-4 wurde durch die Applikation von Doxyzyklin über das Trinkwasser (20 mg/ml) induziert. Langzeitstudien am Herzen haben dabei eine signifikante Suppression von GATA-4 nach 38 Tagen ergeben (80 %). Diese Reduktion konnte durch Western-Blot Analyse bestätigt werden. Obwohl die Expression verschiedener Zielgene von GATA-4 (ANF, BMP-4) ebenfalls herunterreguliert war, fiel bei den transgenen Mäusen kein kardialer Phänotyp auf. Jedoch wurde die GATA-4 Expression in den Hoden und Ovarien transgener Mäuse supprimiert, nachdem shGATA-4 durch die Applikation von Doxyzyklin induziert wurde. Weiterführende Untersuchungen an adulten Mäusen zeigten eine GATA-4 Reduktion von 20 % auch in nicht mit Doxyzyklin-induzierten Mausmutanten. Diese Reduktion könnte durch einen sog. leaky-Effekt des shGATA-4 Transgens hervorgerufen worden sein, wodurch die stark eingeschränkte Fertilität dieser Mauslinie erklärt werden könnte. Interessanterweise haben ca. 10 % der mit Doxyzyklin behandelten transgenen Weibchen Ovarial-Teratome ausgebildet. Histologisch wiesen diese Teratome überwiegend (neuro-) ektodermale, vereinzelt mesodermale und nahezu keine endodermalen Strukturen auf. Schlussfolgerung: In diesem Modell hat die Suppression von GATA-4 keinen Einfluss auf die Funktion des Herzens der adulten Maus. Jedoch scheint GATA-4 für die Fertilität der Maus von großer Bedeutung zu sein. Weiterhin scheint die Suppression von GATA-4 mit der Ausbildung von Ovarial-Teratomen assoziiert zu sein. / Background: The transcription factor GATA-4 is crucial for the normal endodermal development. In mice, homozygous deficiency of GATA-4 causes defects in ventral morphogenesis and heart tube formation, resulting in embryonic death between day e8.5 and e10.5. Aim and experimental strategy: To analyze the implication of GATA-4 beyond embryonic development a double transgenic mouse expressing the tetracycline repressor (TetR) and an inducible small interfering RNA directed against GATA-4 was generated. This expression construct contains a H1 promoter modified with a tetracycline operator upstream of the coding region for the GATA-4 short hairpin RNA (shGATA-4). Results: The integration of the transgenes in FvB mice (H1:G4/TetR) was confirmed by Southern blot. To induce the expression of the shGATA-4 construct, transgenic mice were treated with doxycycline (20 mg/ml drinking water). In longitudinal analysis, most efficient GATA-4 suppression was detected after 38 days. Quantitative PCR revealed a GATA-4 reduction of about 80 % in the heart, if normalized against the wildtype. Reduction of GATA-4 was confirmed by Western Blot. Although GATA-4 target genes (ANP, BMP-4) were down regulated, the animals showed no clinical phenotype. In opposite to wildtype mice, GATA-4 expression was undetectable in the ovaries and testis of transgenic mice with induced shGATA-4. Additional analysis in adult transgenic mice, which were not treated with doxycycline, also showed a reduction of GATA-4 expression of about 20 %, probably caused by a leaky-effect of the transgene. This may explain the significantly reduced fertility of the colony. Importantly, 10 % of transgenic females treated with doxycycline developed ovarian teratomas. Histological examination of teratomas showed predominantly (neuro-) ectodermal and to a lower degree mesodermal, but almost no endodermal compounds. Conclusions: GATA-4 reduction in the adult murine heart is – at least to a certain degree – clinically redundant. GATA-4 seems to be required for normal fertility. In our model GATA-4 deficiency seems to be associated with an increased risk for developing ovarian teratoma.

The role of 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases in epigenetic regulation of cancer

Laukka, T. (Tuomas) 24 October 2018 (has links)
Abstract 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases (2-OGDDs) are an enzyme family that contains many enzymes that modify chromatin in extensive ways. These enzymes include several histone lysine demethylases (KDMs) and TET enzymes that convert methylated cytosine (5-mC) to 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) ultimately leading to DNA demethylation. Disturbed DNA and histone methylation are found in many cancers. However, the role of KDMs and TETs behind these oncogenic changes has so far not been fully investigated. This study focused on the role of these chromatin-modifying enzymes in cancers with special emphasis on enzyme kinetic studies. Cancers with inactivating fumarate hydratase (FH), succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) mutations accumulate fumarate, succinate and R-2-hydroxyglutarate, respectively. In this study we showed how these cancer-associated 2-oxoglutarate (2-OG) analogues can inhibit the TET enzymes and many of the KDMs leading to lower 5-hmC levels and increased H3K27 and H3K9 methylation on chromatin, respectively. We also characterized kinetic properties of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML)-associated TET2 mutants and found that their ability to bind 2-OG or iron was impaired leading to diminished catalytic activity. Tumours are often hypoxic due to inadequate vasculature and blood supply. The TET enzymes and KDMs require oxygen for the reactions they catalyse. We determined the oxygen affinity of TETs and many KDMs and found that a H3K27 demethylase KDM6A has a remarkably low affinity for oxygen indicating that it is inactivated in hypoxic tumours and tissues. H3K27 methylation was found to be increased in hypoxic cells and this blocked cell differentiation. Altogether, these studies shed light on the mechanisms behind the altered DNA and histone methylation found in several cancers with hypoxic conditions or FH, SDH and IDH mutations. Altered DNA and histone methylation has previously been associated with progression of cancer, such as epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). We now linked catalytic inhibition of 2-OGDDs to disturbed DNA and histone methylation that can account for altered cell differentiation, EMT and increased aggressiveness and invasiveness of cancers. / Tiivistelmä 2-oksoglutaraatista riippuvaiset dioksygenaasit ovat entsyymiperhe, johon kuuluu useita entsyymejä, jotka muokkaavat kromatiinin epigeneettisiä merkkejä monin tavoin. Näitä entsyymejä ovat mm. DNA:n demetylaatioon vaikuttavat TET-entsyymit sekä useat histonidemetylaasit. Vaikka muutoksia DNA:n ja histonien metylaatiotasoissa on havaittu useissa syövissä, ei näiden entsyymien roolia muutosten taustalla ole vielä tutkittu. Tämä tutkimus kohdistui näiden epigenetiikkaan vaikuttavien entsyymien roolin ymmärtämiseen syövissä keskittyen erityisesti kyseisten entsyymien kinetiikkaan. Useissa syövissä on havaittu fumaraattihydrataasin, sukkinaattidehydrogenaasin ja isositraattidehydrogenaasien aktiivisuuteen vaikuttavia mutaatioita, jotka johtavat fumaraatin, sukkinaatin ja R-2-hydroksiglutaraatin kertymiseen syöpäsoluihin. Tässä tutkimuksessa osoitimme, kuinka nämä karsinogeeniset 2-oksoglutaraattianalogit voivat inhiboida TET-entsyymejä ja histonidemetylaaseja, mikä alentaa 5-hydroksimetyylisytosiinitasoja ja lisää histonien metylaatiota. Näytämme myös, kuinka tietyillä akuutissa myelooisessa leukemiassa esiintyvillä TET2-mutanteilla on heikentynyt kyky sitoa 2-oksoglutaraattia tai rautaa, mikä johtaa entsyymien aktiivisuuden laskuun. Kasvainkudoksissa happipitoisuudet ovat usein matalia nopean kasvun ja puutteellisen verisuonituksen vuoksi. TET-entsyymit ja histonidemetylaasit vaativat happea katalysoimissaan reaktioissa. Määritimme TET-entsyymien ja monien histonidemetylaasien riippuvuutta hapesta ja osoitimme, että H3K27-histonidemetylaasi KDM6A on erittäin riippuvainen hapesta, mikä osoittaa, ettei se pysty toimimaan kasvaimissa ja kudoksissa, joissa happipitoisuudet ovat matalia. Huomasimme, että vähähappisissa olosuhteissa solujen H3K27 metylaatio on lisääntynyt, mikä johti erilaistumisen estymiseen soluissa. Tämä tutkimus paljasti uusia mekanismeja useista syövistä löytyneiden muuntuneiden DNA:n ja histonien metylaatiotasojen taustalla. Häiriintynyt DNA:n ja histonien metylaatio on aiemmin yhdistetty syöpien etenemiseen, erityisesti solujen erilaistumisen häiriintymisen kannalta. Tässä tutkimuksessa yhdistimme 2-oksoglutaraatista riippuvaisten entsyymien inhibition häiriintyneeseen DNA:n ja histonien metylaatioon, joka voi johtaa muuntuneeseen solujen erilaistumiseen ja lopulta lisääntyneeseen syöpien aggressiivisuuteen ja invasiivisuuteen.

American leadership and decision-making failures in the Tet Offensive /

Turner, Charles A. P. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (M.M.S.)--U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 2003. / Cover title. Includes bibliographical references. Also available via the World Wide Web.

Autoinducer 2-based quorum sensing response of Escherichia coli to sub-therapeutic tetracycline exposure

Lu, Lingeng 30 October 2006 (has links)
Autoinducer 2 (AI-2) is a quorum sensing signal employed by bacteria to coordinate their response to environmental stresses. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between presence of AI-2 molecules, exposure to sub-therapeutic tetracycline, the expression of genes associated with the conjugal transfer of antibiotic resistance plasmids, and the conjugal transfer of these plasmids in Escherichia coli. The studies showed that AI-2 activity increased in Tets E. coli in the presence of tetracycline (2 µg/mL) under both batch and continuous culture conditions. The presence of AI-2 molecules induced tetracycline tolerance development in Tets E. coli. The studies showed that the survival rates of Tets E. coli exposed to AI-2 molecules were significantly higher compared to the cells not exposed to AI-2 molecules or cells that were exposed to only LB (Lauria-Bertani) broth. Molecular analyses using real-time PCR indicate that the expression of at least one conjugation-associated gene (trbC) is increased 9-fold in cells exposed to AI-2 molecules in the presence of sub-therapeutic tetracycline compared to its negative controls. The transconjugation frequency of the plasmid RP4 carrying the tet(A) gene increased between 10-100 fold in the presence of AI-2 molecules. In companion studies, AI-2-like activity was detected in fish, tomatoes, cantaloupes, carrots and milk samples. Interestingly, ground beef and poultry meat contained substances that appear to inhibit AI-2 activity. Collectively, these results highlight the potential importance of bacterial quorum sensing signals such as AI-2 in the response of bacterial cells to environmental stimuli and the possible role of quorum sensing signals in the quality and safety of foods.

Synthetic studies toward plakortolides : asymmetric synthesis of ent-plakortolide I and seco-plakortolide E

Barnych, Bogdan 09 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis manuscript are described our synthetic efforts and the first total synthesis of two natural products isolated from the sponges of the genus Plakortis. In total, two different synthetic approaches were studied to finally accomplish the synthesis of plakortolide I. The first approach is an extension of the method developed by our group which consists in the creation of the 1,2-dioxane cycle by intramolecular opening of vinyl epoxide with β-hydroperoxy group. Firstly, we was interested in the preparation of alkoxymethylhexa-2,5-dien-1-ol. We have also tried to create the 1,2-dioxane cycle by double opening of bis-1,5-epoxide with hydrogen peroxide. Further more we have synthesised trisubstituted β-hydroperoxy vinyl epoxide, precursor of 1,2-dioxan ring, from R-epichlorohydrin. During this synthesis a procedure of chemoselective methylenation of ketone in the presence of epoxide by Nysted reagent and Ti(OiPr)2Cl2 was developed. Finally, (-)-ent-plakortolide I and seco-plakortolide E were synthesised by intramolecular Michael addition of hydroperoxide to double bond of the butenolide moiety

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