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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of systemic treatment on immune responses and skin microbiota in acne

Kelhälä, H.-L. (Hanna-Leena) 27 September 2016 (has links)
Abstract Acne is a common skin disease that affects nearly every teenager but in some cases it persists into adulthood as a chronic disease. Acne severity ranges from mild comedonal to severe cystic and scarring disease. The pathogenesis of acne is multifactorial: increased sebum production, hormonal influences, the hypercornification of pilosebaceous ducts, overgrowth of Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) and inflammation around pilosebaceous follicles are considered to be the main pathogenetic factors but few further details are known. The role of innate immunity in the pathogenesis of acne has been studied quite extensively, but the contribution of adaptive immune responses is not well characterized. Although isotretinoin has been the most potent medication for acne over 30 years, its mode of action is partially unknown. Furthermore, modern 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene amplicon sequencing based methods allow quantification of the abundance of skin bacteria, but these culture-independent techniques have not yet been used to assess the effect of systemic treatments, isotretinoin and tetracycline antibiotics on acne skin microbiota. In this study the innate and adaptive immune responses in the skin of acne patients were investigated. Skin biopsies were taken from early-stage acne lesions and from uninvolved skin of acne patients, and the samples were examined for the expression of cytokines, chemokines, transcription factors and antimicrobial peptides, using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In addition, the skin biopsies were examined by immunohistochemistry and Luminex technology, which was also used in the determination of cytokine levels in acne patients’ serum samples. The skin microbiota of swab samples was investigated using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. We found that innate and adaptive immune responses, in particular the activation of the IL-17/Th17 axis, are involved in early-stage acne lesions. Furthermore, the expression of effector cytokine TGF-β and transcription factor of regulatory T cells (Tregs) FoxP3 mRNA was reduced in acne patients’ uninvolved skin compared to normal skin of healthy controls. Isotretinoin has no direct effect on innate and adaptive immune responses in newly formed acne lesions. It did, however, modify some innate immune responses: the expression of IL-1β and toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) mRNA was reduced in uninvolved skin of acne patients, and the number of CD68+ macrophages increased in acne patients’ skin with isotretinoin treatment. After six weeks’ treatment, the abundance of P. acnes was similarly reduced with either isotretinoin or lymecycline treatment. However, previous studies and clinical experience show that isotretinoin is more clinically effective against acne than tetracyclines, probably because of the effect of isotretinoin on sebaceous glands and sebum excretion. Acne is a disease, which at its worst results in significant scarring. Therefore it is important to understand the immunological factors behind its pathogenesis. Our findings show that both adaptive and innate immunity play an important role. Isotretinoin, although currently the most potent anti-acne drug, does not directly affect the adaptive immune response and therefore new medications are required to control the relevant immune responses, especially in severe cystic or fulminant acne. / Tiivistelmä Akne on yleinen ihosairaus, joka koskettaa lähes jokaista teini-iässä ja jatkuu osalla kroonisena sairautena läpi aikuisiän. Aknen vaikeusaste vaihtelee lievästä vaikeisiin, arpeuttaviin tautimuotoihin. Aknen patogeneesin tiedetään olevan monitekijäinen. Tärkeimmät aknen syntyyn vaikuttavat tekijät ovat lisääntynyt talineritys hormonien, erityisesti androgeenien vaikutuksesta, talirauhaskarvatuppitiehyen tukkeutuminen, Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) – bakteerin liikakasvu sekä tulehdusreaktio talirauhaskarvatupen ympärillä. Synnynnäisen immuniteetin roolia aknen synnyssä on tutkittu paljon, sen sijaan hankittua immuniteettia huomattavasti vähemmän. Myöskään yli 30 vuotta käytössä olleen tehokkaimman aknelääkkeen, isotretinoiinin, vaikutusmekanismia ei täysin tiedetä. Lisäksi systeemilääkkeiden, isotretinoiinin ja tetrasykliiniryhmän antibioottien, vaikutusta akneihon bakteeristoon ei ole tutkittu moderneilla, polymeraasiketjututkimuksiin (PCR) perustuvilla menetelmillä. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin synnynnäisiä ja hankittuja immuunireaktiota aknea sairastavien ihossa ja isotretinoiinin vaikutusta näihin reaktioihin. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin aknepotilaiden ihokoepaloja, joista tutkittiin sytokiinien, kemokiinien, transkriptiotekijöiden sekä antimikrobisten peptidien ilmentymistä reaaliaikaisella PCR-menetelmällä. Lisäksi ihokoepaloja tutkittiin immunohistokemiallisilla värjäyksillä ja Luminex-menetelmällä, jota hyödynnettiin myös sytokiini-tasojen määrittämiseen aknepotilaiden seeruminäytteistä. Aknea sairastavien ihon bakteeristoa tutkittiin 16S ribosomaalisen RNA:n geenien sekvensointiin pohjautuvalla menetelmällä. Väitöstutkimuksessa havaitsimme, että varhaisvaiheen aknemuutoksessa käynnistyvät sekä synnynnäisen että hankitun immuniteetin vasteet. Erityisesti IL-17/Th17-akseli on aktivoitunut. Lisäksi aknea sairastavien terveellä iholla tulehduksen välittäjäaineen TGF-1β ja transkriptiotekijän FoxP3 ilmeneminen oli alentunut verrattuna terveihoisiin kontrolleihin. Isotretinoiinilla ei ole suoraa vaikutusta synnynnäisen ja hankitun immuniteetin reaktioihin jo olemassa olevissa varhaisen vaiheen aknemuutoksissa. Aknea sairastavien terveessä ihossa isotretinoiini muokkasi luontaisen immuniteetin vasteita mm. vähentämällä tollin kaltaisen reseptorin (TLR)- 2 ja tulehduksen välittäjäaineen IL-11β ilmenemistä sekä lisäämällä makrofagien kertymistä tulehduspaikalle. Kuuden viikon hoito isotretinoiinilla tai lymesykliinillä vähentää yhtä tehokkaasti aknealueilla P. acnes -bakteerin suhteellista osuutta ihon bakteeristosta. Isotretinoiini on kuitenkin antibiootteja tehokkaampi aknelääke ja lisäksi hoitovaste saavutetaan pitemmäksi aikaa, mikä johtunee isotretinoiinin vaikutuksesta talirauhasiin ja talinerityksen vähentämisestä. Aknen tulehdusmekanismien ymmärtäminen on tärkeää taudissa, joka pahimmillaan johtaa merkittävään arpeutumiseen. Tutkimuksemme perusteella hankittu immuniteetti on tärkeässä roolissa synnynnäisen immuniteetin aktivoitumisen rinnalla aknen synnyssä. Tehokkain aknelääke, isotretinoiini ei vaikuta hankittuun immuunivasteeseen, minkä vuoksi jatkossa tarvitaan uusia lääkkeitä isotretinoiinin rinnalle tulehduksen nopeaan hillitsemiseen vaikeissa aknemuodoissa.

Efeitos do condicionamento radicular com diferentes agentes para a adesão de plasma rico em plaquetas e de células sanguíneas : estudo in vitro /

Dantas, Andréa Abi Rached. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: José Eduardo Cezar Sampaio / Banca: Patrícia Helena Rodrigues de Souza / Banca: Marília Compagnoni Martins / Banca: Élcio Marcantonio Júnior / Banca: Wilson Sallum / Resumo: A remoção da smear layer e a exposição da matriz colágena da dentina de superfícies radiculares desprovidas de sua inserção conjuntiva tem o potencial de auxiliar o tratamento e/ou a regeneração periodontal. Diferentes substâncias têm sido empregadas para remover esta camada e expor fibras colágenas da superfície dental. A adesão de elementos sangüíneos a superfícies radiculares desmineralizadas e a estabilização do colágeno pelas fibras colágenas são de extrema importância no sucesso da cirurgia periodontal. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os diferentes padrões de adsorção e adesão de plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) e de PRP + células sangüíneas a superfícies radiculares quimicamente condicionadas. Oitenta dentes foram raspados, eqüitativamente divididos em 5 grupos: irrigação com soro fisiológico (controle), aplicação de solução de ácido cítrico a 25%, gel de EDTA a 24%, solução de cloridrato de tetraciclina a 50mg/mL e solução de citrato de sódio a 30%. Metade das superfícies condicionadas foi exposta ao PRP e a outra metade ao PRP e sangue fresco para avaliação com microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos quando aplicou-se o PRP seguido de sangue. O EDTA e o ácido cítrico mostraram-se mais efetivos na remoção de smear layer, porém o ácido cítrico foi o único agente que apresentou adesão de PRP nas superfícies radiculares. Dessa forma, o emprego do PRP sobre a superfície radicular pareceu favorecer a adsorção e adesão de células sangüíneas e a estabilização da rede de fibrina. / Abstract: Smear layer removal and collagen fibers exposure may improve periodontal treatment and regeneration. Different substances have been used to remove it and to expose collagen fibers from tooth surface. Blood elements adhesion to demineralized roots and clot stabilization by collagen fibers are extremely important for the success of periodontal surgery. The aim of this study was to evaluate the different patterns of platelet - rich plasma (PRP) and PRP + blood cells adsorption and adhesion to root surfaces chemically conditioned. Eighty teeth were planed and equitably divided into five groups: irrigation with saline solution (control), application of a 25% citric acid solution, 24% EDTA gel, 50mg/mL tetracycline hydrochloride and 30% sodium citrate solution. Half of the conditioned surface was exposed to PRP and another half to the PRP and fresh blood and prepared for scanning electron microscopy. Planed root surfaces and conditioned with EDTA and citric acid were more effective on smear layer removal, but citric acid was the only agent that showed blood cells adhesion to root surface. This way, PRP employments on root surface probably improve blood element adsorption and adhesion to root surface and fibrin network stabilization. / Doutor

A study of tetracycline resistant Escherichia coli in impala (Aepyceros melampus) and their water sources

Mariano, Valeria 19 February 2009 (has links)
A case control study was performed in the conservancy area of the Kruger National Park (KNP), South Africa to find out whether the faeces of impala (Aepyceros melampus) were more likely to contain tetracycline resistant Escherichia coli (TREC) when they drank from rivers that contained these bacteria, compared to rivers that were uncontaminated with TREC. Five perennial rivers (Crocodile, Letaba, Olifants, Sabie and Sand) were selected. A total of 11 points in these rivers were sampled on three separate occasions and cultured for E. coli. Impala herds within 5 kilometres of each water collection site were identified and between 5 and 10 fresh faeces were collected for each collection period (n=209 faecal specimens). Selective culturing of E. coli was done and the resulting colonies were screened for tetracycline resistance by using the Lederberg Replica Plating (LRP) method. Resistant colonies were those that grew in the presence of 4 mg/L of tetracycline. Both a resistant and/or a susceptible isolate were then selected from each specimen, and subjected to the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) micro-broth dilution test for tetracyclines. The breakpoint for the MIC method was considered ≥ 8 mg/L (which is higher than for the LRP method). Twenty one of the 33 water specimens examined were found to be contaminated by E. coli. Among them (n=21), 76.19% (n=16) were resistant to tetracycline using the LRP method, although using the MIC method only 19.05% (n=4) were resistant. All of the resistant strains originated from the Letaba, Olifants and Crocodile rivers (TRECpos rivers). Among the 209 impala faeces sampled, 191 were positive for the presence of E. coli (91.38%). Within these (n=191), 36.64% (n=70) showed TREC using the RPL method, while using the MIC, 9.95% (n=19) were found to be TREC. The RPL and MIC methods showed a concordance of only 48%. Resistant isolates screened by PCR for tet(A) and tet(B) genes were found to be negative and it was concluded that other resistant genes were responsible. The odds ratios (OR) showed that impala drinking from TRECpos rivers were 19.3 (2. 63-141.68) times more likely to be infected with TREC than unexposed impala / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Paraclinical Sciences / unrestricted

Immune Responses to Gene Product of Inducible Promoters

Le Guiner, Caroline, Stieger, Knut, Synder, Richard O., Rolling, Fabienne, Moullier, Philippe 01 October 2007 (has links)
Efficient gene transfer has been achieved in several animal models using different vector systems, leading to stable transgene expression. The tight control of this expression is now an important outcome for the field of gene therapy. Such regulation is likely to be required for therapeutic applications and in some instances for safety reasons. For this purpose, several regulatable systems depending on small molecules have been developed. Among these, the tetracycline and the rapamycin dependent systems have been largely used. However, if long-term regulation of the transgene has been obtained in small animal models using these inducible systems, when translational studies were initiated in larger animals, the development of an immune response against proteins involved in transgene regulation were often observed. Such immune response was especially documented when using the TetOn tetracycline regulatable system in nonhuman primates (NHP). Humoral and destructive cellular immune responses against the transactivator involved in this regulation system were documented in a large majority of NHP leading to the complete loss of the transgene regulation and expression. This review will describe the immune responses observed in these different model systems applied for transgene regulation. Focus will be finally given on future directions in which such immune responses might be surmounted, enabling long-term transgene regulation in future clinical developments of gene transfer.

Optimisation de la concentration en électrolytes au sein des matrices à base de HASCA pour la libération prolongée

Abdel Gayed, Salma 07 1900 (has links)
Le sel sodique du carboxyméthylamidon à haute teneur en amylose, HASCA (Amylose 60%-amylopectine 40%), est un polymère hydrophile ionique utilisé pour obtenir des comprimés matriciels à libération prolongée. Il est caractérisé par la formation d'un hydrogel lors de la mise en contact avec le milieu de dissolution. La libération du principe actif (PA) à travers ce polymère est principalement contrôlée par la diffusion fickienne et la relaxation du réseau polymérique. De plus, la solubilité du PA est un facteur qui permet de moduler la libération, cependant, la solubilité d’un médicament dépend de la forme utilisée et du pH. Les bases ou les acides libres présentent une solubilité moins élevée que leurs sels. Nous proposons d’étudier l’effet d’une combinaison entre le sel et la forme acide ou le sel et la forme alcaline dans le même comprimé matriciel d’HASCA. Comme objectif de ce travail, nous étudions l’influence de la nature du polymère sur le profil de libération de PA dans un milieu aqueux en gradient de pH à cause de la nature des matrices à base d’HASCA caractérisées par la présence de groupement carboxyliques, ionisés ou non selon l’acidité du milieu de dissolution. Nous étudions également l’influence de la nature du PA (base libre ou son sel vs acide libre ou son sel) sur le profil de libération, ceci en sélectionnant des PAs modèles représentatifs de chaque catégorie. L’influence de changement de proportions entre la forme libre (acide ou base) et son sel sur le profil de libération est aussi investiguée. Pour ce, des comprimés à base de HASCA avec des proportions différentes de, soit le naproxène acide et le naproxène de sodium (PA acide et son sel), soit la tétracycline et le chlorhydrate de tétracycline (PA alcalin et son sel) ont été utilisés. Ceux-ci sont évalués lors des tests de dissolution dans un milieu simulant le milieu gastro-intestinal, selon les normes de l’USP (spectrophotométrie UV). Nous avons également menés des études de vitesse de dissolution intrinsèque sur les PAs purs, afin de déterminer leur solubilité et vitesse de libération dans les même pH de dissolution étudiés. Nous avons réussit d’obtenir des comprimés matriciels à base de HASCA convenables à être administrés une fois par jour en utilisant une combinaison du naproxène acide et son sel comme PA. Tandis que les résultats ont montré qu’en utilisant la tétracycline et son sel, les temps de libération étaient trop élevés pour permettre la réalisation d’une formulation convenable pour une administration quotidienne unique / HASCA, High amylose sodium carboxymethyl starch (amylose-amylopectin 60% 40%), a hydrophilic ionic polymer used in sustained release matrix tablets, is characterized by the formation of a hydrogel when in contact with the dissolution medium. Fickian diffusion and relaxation of the polymer chains are the main mechanisms controlling the release of the active ingredients (AI). On the other hand, a common method for sustaining the release of a drug is to decrease its solubility. It’s known that the solubility of a drug depends on the form used, either the free base versus its salt or the free acid versus its salt. A combination of the salt and acid forms or the salt and base forms in the same HASCA matrix tablet was proposed. The objective of this work is to study the effect of the polymer’s nature on the release profile of AI in an aqueous medium with a pH gradient because HASCA is characterized by the presence of a carboxylic group, ionized or not according to the acidity of the dissolution medium. The influence of the nature of the AI, the salt or free base versus the free acid or its salt, on the release profile is also studied by selecting models of AI in each category. The influence of the proportion between the free form (acid or base) and the combination with its salt on the release profile is also investigated. Therefore tablets containing HASCA with different proportion of either naproxen acid and naproxen sodium (acid AI and its salt) or tetracycline and tetracycline hydrochloride (basic AI and it salt) are used. This will be evaluated during dissolution tests in a medium similar to the gastrointestinal environment according to the standards of USP (UV spectrophotometry). Intrinsic dissolution tests will also be conducted on pure AI for different studied pH. This study shows that using HASCA, it’s possible to obtain sustained release tablets for administration once a day using a combination of acid and salt as AI.

Devenir de polluants émergents lors d'un traitement photochimique ou photocatylitique sous irradiation solaire / Fate of emerging pollutants during photochemical or photocatalytic treatment under solar irradiation

Maroga Mboula, Vanessa 13 November 2012 (has links)
L’industrialisation et l’utilisation dans la vie courante d’un nombre croissant de produits chimiques et médicamenteux sont responsables de la dissémination dans l’environnement de substances variées nommées« polluants émergents ». Les traitements des eaux usées existants ne sont pas conçus pour éliminer cette catégorie de pollution et les polluants émergents sont alors rejetés dans le milieu récepteur. Une possible solution pour limiter le rejet de ces composés par les effluents de station d’épuration serait l’utilisation de procédés de traitement additionnels tels que les procédés d’oxydation avancés. C’est dans ce contexte qu’a démarré le projet Européen Clean Water en 2009 associant 7 entités dont le GEPEA-Ecole des Mines de Nantes. Le concept du projet est de développer des procédés photocatalytiques mettant en œuvre des nanomatériaux actifs sous la lumière solaire. Ces procédés visent à éliminer les polluants émergents tels que les perturbateurs endocriniens ou les produits pharmaceutiques. Dans ce programme, le laboratoire GEPEA est concerné par l’évaluation de l’efficacité des matériaux vis-à-vis de l’élimination des polluants émergents sous irradiations UV et visibles. Pour cela, une méthodologie expérimentale a été établie de façon à exprimer les performances des catalyseurs testés en termes de constantes cinétiques de dégradation, de taux de conversion et de minéralisation des molécules étudiées mais aussi en fonction de la formation de produits intermédiaires. Ces performances sont également évaluées en termes de biodégradabilité, d’effet de toxicité et de perturbation endocrinienne des produits intermédiaires. Dans un premier temps, la méthodologie expérimentale établie a été testée sur la dégradation de la tétracycline en utilisant un catalyseur de référence puis, elle a été appliquée sur la dégradation respective du bisphénol A et de la 17β-oestradiol en utilisant un catalyseur de référence et les catalyseurs élaborés dans le cadre du projet Clean Water. Les résultats sur la dégradation de la tétracycline ont montré que i) les intermédiaires réactionnels sont moins toxiques que la tétracycline, ii) la structure des intermédiaires réactionnelles est semblable à celle de la tétracycline ce qui explique la faible biodégradabilité de ces intermédiaires. Concernant la dégradation du bisphénol A et de la 17β-oestradiol, les résultats ont montré que i) les catalyseurs sont efficaces sous irradiation solaire simulée. Cependant, l’efficacité photocatalytique du catalyseur dépend du composé à dégrader, ii) la nature des intermédiaires réactionnels identifiés du bisphénol A dépend du catalyseur utilisé, iii) l’effet œstrogénique de la solution d’oestradiol persiste au cours du traitement photocatalytique. / Industrialisation, the use of numerous chemical products in domestic activities and the use of medicine drugs have led to the release in the environment of various substances named "emerging pollutants”. The existing wastewater treatments are not designed to eliminate this kind of pollution and then these pollutants are released into the natural aquatic media. To limit the release of these compounds by waste water treatment plant effluent, a solution could be the use of additional treatment processes such as advanced oxidation processes. In this context, the European project Clean Water has started in 2009. Clean Water involves 7 entities including the GEPEA laboratory-Ecole des Mines de Nantes. The aim of the Clean Water project is to develop sustainable and cost effective water treatment and detoxification processes using TiO2 nanomaterials with UV-visible light response under solar light. These processes act to remove emerging contaminants such as endocrine disruptors and pharmaceuticals. In this program, theGEPEA laboratory is concerned with the evaluation of the efficiency of novel photocatalysts under UV and visible irradiations for the elimination of emerging pollutants. For this purpose, an experimental methodology was established to express the efficiency of the tested catalysts in terms of degradation kinetic constants, pollutants conversion and mineralisation and also in terms of the intermediate products formed. The efficiency of photocatalysts is also evaluated in terms of intermediates biodegradability, toxicity and endocrine disruption effects. First, the experimental methodology was tested on the degradation of tetracycline with a reference catalyst. Then, it was applied to the degradation of bisphenol A and estradiol respectively with the reference catalyst and the catalysts developed within the Clean Water Project. The results obtained on the tetracycline degradation have showed that: i) tetracycline intermediate products are less toxic than tetracycline ii) the intermediates structure is similar to that of tetracycline, this can explain the low biodegradability observed for these intermediates. For the degradation of bisphenol A and estradiol, the results showed that: i) the photocatalysts are efficient under simulated solar irradiation. However, the catalyst photocatalytic efficiency depends on the compound to be degraded ii) the nature of the bisphenol A reaction intermediates identified depends on the catalyst used iii)the estrogenic effect of the estradiol treated solution persists during the photocatalytic treatment.

Determinação de tetraciclina utilizando eletrodos compósitos grafite-poliuretana modificados com polímeros metacrilatos com impressão molecular / Determination of tetracycline using graphite-polyuretane composites electrodes modified with methacrylate molecularly imprinted polymers

José Eduardo dos Santos Clarindo 27 September 2017 (has links)
Neste trabalho propôs-se desenvolver eletrodos compósitos à base de grafite-poliuretana modificados com polímeros metacrilatos com impressão molecular (MIP-TC), visando a determinação do antibiótico tetraciclina em formulações farmacêuticas e urina sintética. O trabalho também visou contribuir no desenvolvimento de um sensor com melhor desempenho no que diz respeito à sensibilidade e seletividade do eletrodo compósito modificado, na quantificação do analito/molécula molde em matrizes complexas. Técnicas eletroanalíticas, tais como voltametria cíclica (CV) e voltametria de pulso diferencial (DPV) foram utilizadas para avaliar a resposta em termos de sensibilidade e seletividade do eletrodo compósito na detecção da tetraciclina (TC), proposto neste trabalho. A otimização dos parâmetros, tais como composição do MIP (5,0 %, m/m), amplitude de pulso (50 mV), velocidade de varredura (10 mV s-1), tempo (300 s) e potencial de acumulação [(+ 0,7 V (vs. SCE)] e faixa granulométrica do MIP (150 a 250 μm), usando voltametria de redissolução anódica por pulso diferencial foi realizada para maximizar a determinação da tetraciclina em tampão fosfato 0,10 mol L -1 (pH 2,5), permitindo obter limites de detecção de 0,555 μmol L-1, 2,70 μmol L-1 e 4,71 μmol L-1, respectivamente, para o EGPU-MIP-TC, EGPU e EGPU-NIP, sem necessidade de renovação da superfície do eletrodo entre as sucessivas medidas. Regiões lineares entre 4,0 e 60,0 μmol L-1, 8,0 e 60,0 μmol L-1 e 20,0 e 100,0 μmol L-1/sup> foram observadas, respectivamente, para o EGPU-MIP-TC, EGPU e EGPU-NIP, para o pico anódico em + 0,9 V (vs. SCE). Os EGPU também foram testados quanto à seletividade frente à possíveis interferentes, sendo utilizados clortetraciclina (CTC) e oxitetraciclina (OTC) para os testes de interferência. Em todos os casos, a interferência do EGPU-MIP-TC foi menor do que a obtida com o EGPU-NIP, confirmando que o EGPU-MIP-TC foi mais efetivo na capacidade de reconhecer seletivamente o analito na presença dos interferentes CTC e OTC. Após as etapas de síntese dos MIP/NIP e confecção dos eletrodos, otimização dos parâmetros, avaliações e testes de sensibilidade e seletividade dos EGPU, os eletrodos foram submetidos à aplicação em duas amostras de medicamentos comerciais, TetraMed® 500 mg e genérico de cloridrato de tetraciclina 500 mg e uma amostra sintética de urina. Os resultados foram comparados ao método oficial por HPLC, apresentando 95 % de confiança, de acordo com o teste t-Student. / In this work, graphite-polyurethane composites electrodes were modified with methacrylate molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP-TC) in order to evaluate the electrodes in the determination of tetracycline (TC) antibiotic in pharmaceutical formulations as well as in biological fluid. The work aimed to contribute in development of a sensor with better performance about the sensitivity and selectivity of the composites electrodes modified in quantification of this analyte. Electroanalytical techniques such as cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) were used to evaluate the selectivity and sensitivity of the composite electrodes in the detection of tetracycline. The parameters optimization, such as MIP composition (5.0 %, m/m), pulse amplitude (50 mV), scan rate (10 mV s-1), accumulation time (300 s), accumulation potential [+ 0.7 V (vs. SCE)], and MIP granulometry (150 to 250 μm), using differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry was done to maximize the determination of tetracycline in phosphate buffer 0.1 mol·L-1 pH 2.5 resulting in LOD of 0.555 μmol L-1, 2.70 μmol L-1 and 4.71 μmol L-1, respectively for the EGPU-MIP-TC, EGPU and EGPU-NIP, without the need for surface renovation between the measures. A linear dynamic range from 4.0 to 60.0 μmol L-1, 8.0 to 60.0 μmol L-1 and 20.0 to 100.0 μmol L-1, respectively for the EGPU-MIP-TC, EGPU and EGPU-NIP was observed for the anodic peak at + 0.9 V (vs. SCE). The EGPU were also tested regarding the selectivity compared to possible interferents, such as chlortetracycline (CTC) and oxytetracycline (OTC) for the interference study. In all cases, the interference of EGPU-MIP-TC was lower than the one that was got with EGPU-NIP, confirming that the EGPU-MIP-TC was more selective than the non-imprinted polymer in the capacity of recognizing, selectively, the analyte in presence of CTC and OTC interferents. After the steps of synthesis of MIP/NIP and electrodes confection, parameters optimization, evaluation and EGPU sensitivity and selectivity studies, the electrodes were submitted to the application in two commercial drugs containing 500 mg of tetracycline cloridrate, TetraMed® and generic; and a synthetic urine sample. The results were compared to the official method by HPLC, presenting 95 % confidence according to the t-Student test.

Synthèse et application d’inducteurs de gènes photo-activables pour le contrôle in vivo de l’expression d’un gène / Synthesis of gene inducers for in vivo photoactivated gene expression

Goegan, Bastien 10 November 2017 (has links)
La structuration des réseaux neuronaux est un processus fondamental qui assure le bon fonctionnement du cerveau. Afin de comprendre la formation et l’activité de ces réseaux, nous souhaitons développer une méthode qui permette de contrôler in vivo sous l’action de la lumière l'expression de gènes ciblés impliqués dans ce phénomène,à l’échelle d’une cellule neuronale individuelle. Pour ce faire, nous utilisons une réaction de photo-clivage permettant de libérer de façon contrôlée un inducteur d’expression de gène sous l’action de la lumière, à l’aide de groupements photo-labiles sensibles aux excitations bi-photoniques développés au laboratoire et favorables aux applications in vivo. Afin de photo-réguler l'expression des gènes in vivo et avec un contrôle spatiotemporel élevé, nous combinons le système d’expression de gène inductible par la tétracycline « Tet-on » à une variété de précurseurs photo-activables d’analogues de tétracycline que nous avons synthétisés. Ceci devrait nous permettre de disposer d’un système efficace pour l’expression in vivo d’un gène d’intérêt par excitation lumineuse,et plus précisément dans le but de photo-réguler le gène Kir2.1 impliqué dans la régulation de l’activité électrique des neurones. / The structural neural network’s is a fundamental process that ensures the proper functioning of the brain. To understand the formation and activity of these networks, we are developing a method which spatio-temporally controlled in vivo, the expression of targeted genes involved in this process at individual neuron cells scale by light. To achieve this in vivo tests, it is necessary to work with methods which are orthogonal to their cellular environment. Photochemical activation by photo-cleavage of an inert biological precursor offers a unique orthogonal way to attain this spatio-temporal control. Therefore, we have recently developed a new family of photoremovable group which are sensitive to two-photon (TP) excitation sensitive, in order to irradiate at favorable wave-lengths for in vivo applications. Moreover, to photo-regulate the expression of genes with high spatial and temporal resolution, we are combining the inducible gene expression system by tetracycline called « Tet-on » system to different photo-activable precursors of tetracycline analogs obtained by hemi-synthesis. All this, should allow us to get an effective system for the in vivo expression of a gene of interest by light excitation in order to photoactivate Kir2.1, a gene that cell autonomously silences the electrical activity of neurons in a subset of cells.

Determinação de tetraciclina utilizando eletrodos compósitos grafite-poliuretana modificados com polímeros metacrilatos com impressão molecular / Determination of tetracycline using graphite-polyuretane composites electrodes modified with methacrylate molecularly imprinted polymers

Clarindo, José Eduardo dos Santos 27 September 2017 (has links)
Neste trabalho propôs-se desenvolver eletrodos compósitos à base de grafite-poliuretana modificados com polímeros metacrilatos com impressão molecular (MIP-TC), visando a determinação do antibiótico tetraciclina em formulações farmacêuticas e urina sintética. O trabalho também visou contribuir no desenvolvimento de um sensor com melhor desempenho no que diz respeito à sensibilidade e seletividade do eletrodo compósito modificado, na quantificação do analito/molécula molde em matrizes complexas. Técnicas eletroanalíticas, tais como voltametria cíclica (CV) e voltametria de pulso diferencial (DPV) foram utilizadas para avaliar a resposta em termos de sensibilidade e seletividade do eletrodo compósito na detecção da tetraciclina (TC), proposto neste trabalho. A otimização dos parâmetros, tais como composição do MIP (5,0 %, m/m), amplitude de pulso (50 mV), velocidade de varredura (10 mV s-1), tempo (300 s) e potencial de acumulação [(+ 0,7 V (vs. SCE)] e faixa granulométrica do MIP (150 a 250 μm), usando voltametria de redissolução anódica por pulso diferencial foi realizada para maximizar a determinação da tetraciclina em tampão fosfato 0,10 mol L -1 (pH 2,5), permitindo obter limites de detecção de 0,555 μmol L-1, 2,70 μmol L-1 e 4,71 μmol L-1, respectivamente, para o EGPU-MIP-TC, EGPU e EGPU-NIP, sem necessidade de renovação da superfície do eletrodo entre as sucessivas medidas. Regiões lineares entre 4,0 e 60,0 μmol L-1, 8,0 e 60,0 μmol L-1 e 20,0 e 100,0 μmol L-1/sup> foram observadas, respectivamente, para o EGPU-MIP-TC, EGPU e EGPU-NIP, para o pico anódico em + 0,9 V (vs. SCE). Os EGPU também foram testados quanto à seletividade frente à possíveis interferentes, sendo utilizados clortetraciclina (CTC) e oxitetraciclina (OTC) para os testes de interferência. Em todos os casos, a interferência do EGPU-MIP-TC foi menor do que a obtida com o EGPU-NIP, confirmando que o EGPU-MIP-TC foi mais efetivo na capacidade de reconhecer seletivamente o analito na presença dos interferentes CTC e OTC. Após as etapas de síntese dos MIP/NIP e confecção dos eletrodos, otimização dos parâmetros, avaliações e testes de sensibilidade e seletividade dos EGPU, os eletrodos foram submetidos à aplicação em duas amostras de medicamentos comerciais, TetraMed® 500 mg e genérico de cloridrato de tetraciclina 500 mg e uma amostra sintética de urina. Os resultados foram comparados ao método oficial por HPLC, apresentando 95 % de confiança, de acordo com o teste t-Student. / In this work, graphite-polyurethane composites electrodes were modified with methacrylate molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP-TC) in order to evaluate the electrodes in the determination of tetracycline (TC) antibiotic in pharmaceutical formulations as well as in biological fluid. The work aimed to contribute in development of a sensor with better performance about the sensitivity and selectivity of the composites electrodes modified in quantification of this analyte. Electroanalytical techniques such as cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) were used to evaluate the selectivity and sensitivity of the composite electrodes in the detection of tetracycline. The parameters optimization, such as MIP composition (5.0 %, m/m), pulse amplitude (50 mV), scan rate (10 mV s-1), accumulation time (300 s), accumulation potential [+ 0.7 V (vs. SCE)], and MIP granulometry (150 to 250 μm), using differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry was done to maximize the determination of tetracycline in phosphate buffer 0.1 mol·L-1 pH 2.5 resulting in LOD of 0.555 μmol L-1, 2.70 μmol L-1 and 4.71 μmol L-1, respectively for the EGPU-MIP-TC, EGPU and EGPU-NIP, without the need for surface renovation between the measures. A linear dynamic range from 4.0 to 60.0 μmol L-1, 8.0 to 60.0 μmol L-1 and 20.0 to 100.0 μmol L-1, respectively for the EGPU-MIP-TC, EGPU and EGPU-NIP was observed for the anodic peak at + 0.9 V (vs. SCE). The EGPU were also tested regarding the selectivity compared to possible interferents, such as chlortetracycline (CTC) and oxytetracycline (OTC) for the interference study. In all cases, the interference of EGPU-MIP-TC was lower than the one that was got with EGPU-NIP, confirming that the EGPU-MIP-TC was more selective than the non-imprinted polymer in the capacity of recognizing, selectively, the analyte in presence of CTC and OTC interferents. After the steps of synthesis of MIP/NIP and electrodes confection, parameters optimization, evaluation and EGPU sensitivity and selectivity studies, the electrodes were submitted to the application in two commercial drugs containing 500 mg of tetracycline cloridrate, TetraMed® and generic; and a synthetic urine sample. The results were compared to the official method by HPLC, presenting 95 % confidence according to the t-Student test.

Doxycyclin bei der sporadischen Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Krankheit / Doxycycline in sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Disease

Fincke, Fabian 05 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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