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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vad kan man egentligen tro? : En läroboksanalys av läroböckers etikavsnitt utifrån breda och tunna etiska begrepp. / What can one actually believe? : A Textbook analysis of the ethics and morals chapter in textbooks using broad and thin ethics.

Lejon, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
The following essay examines if five Swedish textbooks aimed for religious studies in upper secondary school might show similar flaws to those presented by the Swedish Schools Inspectorate in their review of religious studies conducted in 2012. The method used in this essay is a qualitative study of Swedish textbooks influenced by Lantz definition of wide and thin ethics. This in practice means that I have analysed the five Swedish textbooks using thin and broad ethics while conducting the analysis of the five. The purpose of the essay was to see if the flaws presented in “Mer än vad du kan tro” regarding ethics and moral education might be present in Swedish textbooks as well. My essay shows that four out of the five Swedish textbooks included in the study show signs of the flaws presented in “Mer än vad du kan tro” and that the books apply thin and broad ethics to a varying degree.

Conjunto dos números irracionais: a trajetória de um conteúdo não incorporado às práticas escolares

Nakamura, Keiji 30 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:58:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Keiji Nakamura.pdf: 1405144 bytes, checksum: 8b57bd3e002695a33fe5b4bdbf0840e3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-30 / Sociedade de Cultura e Educação do Litoral Sul / The main objective of this work is to investigate the difficulties that appeared along the history for the development of the mathematical content irrational numbers and which are the approaches present in the text books. The subject irrational numbers is considered important in the basic education of Mathematics and it comes for the students, in the text books, as an obstacle to its full understanding. One of the aspects that can justify such situation is the complexity that the subject shows. However, the irrational number can be worked in a historical-epistemological process, by doing a study of how the transformation of scientific object to an object of teaching in a praxeological organization has been processing. That organization is the final result of a mathematical activity that presents two inseparable aspects: the mathematical practice, that consists of tasks and techniques, and the speech based on that practice that is constituted by technologies and theories. Our analyses point that factors exist which interfere in the process of teaching-learning of irrational numbers related with the praxeological organization of that content in the collections of the text books of the 70s, 90s and 2000. The proof of the irrationality with traditional Euclidian approach served as parameter to evaluate the degree of difficulty and to analyze the type of tasks, techniques and the theoretical-technological speech for the demonstration of the irrational number. The organization points that the most difficulty is in the axiomatic system that should satisfy to two conditions: to be solid, it means, the postulates cannot contradict each other for themselves or for their consequences; to be complete and enough, in the sense of having conditions to prove true or false all propositions formulated in the context of the theory in subject. The proof of the irrationality in a modern Dedekind approach analyzed by the type of tasks, techniques and for the theoretical-technological speech enlarges the numeric domain, joining to the rational numbers a new category of irrational numbers that fill out the gaps of the numeric straight line. To build techniques to modify and to enlarge the concept of irrationality of other numbers is an approach that explores numbers in the form a+b√2, with rational a and b, and that contributes to overcome the idea that there are few irrational numbers / O objetivo principal deste trabalho é investigar as dificuldades que surgiram ao longo da história para o desenvolvimento do conteúdo matemático números irracionais e quais a abordagens estão presentes nos livros didáticos. O assunto números irracionais é considerado importante na escolaridade básica de Matemática e apresenta-se para os alunos, nos livros didáticos, como um obstáculo a sua plena compreensão. Um dos aspectos que pode justificar tal situação é a complexidade com que esse assunto se manifesta. No entanto, o número irracional pode ser trabalhado em um processo histórico-epistemológico, fazendo-se um estudo de como se tem processado a transformação de objeto científico a objeto de ensino em uma organização praxeológica. Essa organização é o resultado final de uma atividade matemática que apresenta dois aspectos inseparáveis: a prática matemática, que consta de tarefas e técnicas, e o discurso fundamentado sobre essa prática, que é constituída por tecnologias e teorias. Nossas análises apontam que existem fatores os quais interferem no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de números irracionais relacionados com a organização praxeológica desse conteúdo nas coleções dos livros didáticos dos anos 70, 90 e 2000. A prova da irracionalidade com abordagem tradicional euclidiana serviu de parâmetro para avaliar o grau de dificuldade e analisar o tipo de tarefas, técnicas e o discurso teórico-tecnológico para a demonstração do número irracional. A organização aponta que a maior dificuldade está no sistema axiomático que deve satisfazer a duas condições: ser consistente, quer dizer, os postulados não podem contradizer uns aos outros por si mesmos ou por suas conseqüências; ser completo e suficiente, no sentido de se ter condições para provar verdadeiras ou falsas todas proposições formuladas no contexto da teoria em questão. A prova da irracionalidade em uma abordagem moderna dedekindiana analisada pelo tipo de tarefas, técnicas e pelo discurso teórico-tecnológico amplia o domínio numérico, juntando aos números racionais uma nova categoria de números irracionais que vêm preencher as lacunas da reta numérica. Construir técnicas para modificar e ampliar o conceito de irracionalidade de outros números é uma abordagem que explora números na forma a+b2, com a e b racionais, e que contribui para a superação da idéia de que há poucos números irracionais

Onko aika kehittää äidinkielen oppikirjoja? : Kartoitus Ruotsin peruskoulun suomen opetuksessa käytetyistä oppikirjoista / Is it Time to Develop School Books in the Mother Tongue? : A survey of the books used in Finnish language teaching in Swedish primary schools

Turunen, Pauliina January 2010 (has links)
Päättötyöni on kvalitatiivinen kartoitus kymmenestä Ruotsin peruskoulussa vuosiluokilla 1–5 suomen kielen opetuksessa käytetystä oppikirjasta. Kartoitusten lisäksi olen haastatellut kolmea opettajaa ja saanut vastauksia kyselykaavakkeisiin 11 opettajalta heidän mielipiteistään oppikirjoista. Aihe, suomen kielen oppikirjojen kartoitus ja mielipidekysely kirjoista, on tarpeellinen , sillä suomen kieli on ollut yksi Ruotsin viidestä virallisesta, kansallisesta vähemmistökielestä vuodesta 2000 ja peruskouluasetuksen mukaan kaikilla oppilailla on Ruotsin peruskouluissa oikeus oppia ja kehittää suomen kieltä, jos heillä on ennestään perustava kielitaito. Vaikka suomi on ollut virallinen vähemmistökieli jo kymmenen vuotta ja koululainmuutos, jonka mukaan suomen kielen ei enää tarvitse olla aktiivinen kotikieli, on ollut voimassa kaksi vuotta, vasta tämän syksyn aikana painettiin ruotsinsuomalaisia varten ensimmäinen oppikirjasarja 20 vuoteen. 1970- ja 80-luvuilla teetettiin kolme kirjasarjaa, mutta sen jälkeen opettajat ovat joutuneet käyttämään Suomessa tuotettuja ja suomalaisia oloja varten suunniteltuja kirjoja, eivätkä kirjat tutkimukseni mukaan täytä kaikkia ruotsalaisen kurssisuunnitelman tavoitteita. Suomen kielen opettajat ovat kuitenkin tyytyväisiä oppikirjoihinsa, vaikka niissä on puutteita; niiden suurin heikkous on, että ne sisältävät ruotsinsuomalaisille liian vaikeita sanoja ja lauseita / Mitt examensarbete är en kvalitativ kartläggning med fokus på 10 skolböcker som idag används i finskundervisningen i den svenska grundskolan i årskurserna ett till fem. Som komplement till kartläggningen har tre lärare intervjuats och 11 lärare har besvarat ett frågeformulär med åsikter om de böcker som de använder. Uppsatsens ämne är relevant eftersom finskan sedan år 2000 är ett av Sveriges fem officiella, nationella minoritetsspråk. Enligt grundskoleförordningen har alla elever med grundläggande kunskaper i finska rätt att lära sig och att utveckla språket i skolan. Finskan har varit ett officiellt minoritetsspråk i tio år och ändringen i skollagen, att finskan inte längre behöver vara ett aktivt hemspråk för att ge rätt till modersmålsundervisning, kom för två sedan. Ändå är det först nu i höst som de första skolböckerna på 20 år för sverigefinska elever tryckts. På 1970- och 80-talen trycktes tre bokserier, men sedan dess har lärarna fått förlita sig på böcker producerade i Finland som enligt min forskning inte uppfyller alla kursplanens kriterier. Modersmålslärarna är nöjda med sina böcker även om de har brister. Deras största svaghet är, att de innehåller för svåra ord och meningar för sverigefinska elever. / My degree project is a qualitative survey of 10 books used in Swedish primary schools in Finnish teaching. As a complement to the survey I interviewed three teachers and handed out questionnaires to eleven more, asking for their opinions of the school books they are using. The subject is relevant, as Finnish has been one of the five official minority languages in Sweden since the year 2000. According to the Compulsory School Ordinance on the nine-year compulsory school all students with a basic knowledge of Finnish have the right to learn and develop the language in school. Finnish has been a national minority language for ten years and two years ago a change in the school law was introduced, which entitles pupils to classes in Finnish even when Finnish is not an active language at their home. Nevertheless, it was only this autumn that, for the first time in 20 years, school books were printed for Finns in Sweden. In the 1970s and 1980s three book series were printed, but since then teachers have had to rely on books produced in Finland, which, according to the findings of my degree project, do not meet all the criteria of the Swedish course syllabus. The teachers of Finnish are satisfied with the books, although the books have weaknesses; the biggest weakness is that they have too advanced words and sentences for Swedish Finnish pupils.

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