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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enhancing textile electrode performance : Regulating moisture management through textile structure

Backe, Carin January 2017 (has links)
The medical field has been a part of the smart textile area for quite some time. With time come technological advancement and the two fields converge on more and more areas. One such area is that of using textile electrodes, textrodes, for measuring bioelectrical activity, such as heart rate for ECG analysis. There are many components that make for a successful textile electrode and though many studies have been made in the subject there are several aspects that still are difficult. By using textile electrodes the problem with skin irritation from electrolyte gels, commonly used for conventional electrodes, is avoided, however dry textrodes create disturbances in the output signal (heart rate) while subjected to movement and internal dimensional changes. The addition of moisture to a textrode has shown to decrease these intermittent disturbances but the knowledge about fundamental textile structural influence in the matter has not been fully investigated. This study investigates a flat, a 2-thread fleece and an open structure, and their relation to moisture both as textile structures and as textrodes. This way the possibilities of utilising moisture to increase performance in a textrode purpose can be examined and to what extent the textile structure plays a part in that exploitation. The material composition of textile structures also affects their properties The introduction of assistive materials, polyester and viscose, into the Shieldex (conductive yarn) structures is done to test core moisture management properties such as surface tension, absorption and moisture content, and correlate them to electrical properties necessary for textrode function. In the end the gap between textile structure and end product in form of a textrode is closed as the impedance and microclimate of the textrodes are studied. This is mainly to tie together the fundamental textile structures with a complex textile construction. In conclusion the complexity is also confirmed as structural, materialistic and external influences has an impact on the results. The influence of moisture on lowered resistance and impedance in the structures is confirmed but the impact of textile structure can also be seen. The 2-thread fleece and open structures often has a more positive impact on results and therefore has the possibility of enhancing performance of a textrode for bioelectrical signal monitoring. With these results a more effective way of producing long-lasting, patient-friendly, textrodes can be derived and in the future lead to better care in the medical areas.

Contribution à l'étude de la compliance et du vieillissement des prothèses artérielles / Contribution to the study of the compliance and the ageing of arterial prostheses

Khoffi, Foued 20 December 2012 (has links)
Cette étude a pour but d’étudier la compliance et le vieillissement des prothèses artérielles dans des conditions in-vitro réalistes. Une technique de mesure de la compliance statique et dynamique des prothèses artérielles sans ajout de membrane étanche, a été mise au point, contrairement aux essais pratiqués par tous les dispositifs actuels. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les prothèses sont bien moins compliantes qu’annoncé par les fabricants et présentent une compliance très éloignée des artères saines de l’hôte. Il a été démontré que l’ajout d’une membrane même très souple, introduit des couplages entre la structure prothétique et la membrane. La caractérisation physico-chimique des prothèses ayant subi le vieillissement accéléré a permis d’en comprendre les mécanismes liés à la détérioration de la « durée de vie utile » de ces prothèses. Ce processus est marqué essentiellement par une modification de la structure textile de la prothèse (surtout une forte atténuation de cosselage) et une chute de la compliance longitudinale et de la compliance radiale. De plus, une diminution légère des propriétés dynamométriques des filaments constituant les prothèses a été mise en évidence. La dégradation s’est aussi manifestée par une variation du taux de cristallinité des fibres. / The goal of this work is to study the compliance and the ageing of arterial prostheses under in vitro realistic conditions. A technique for measuring the static and dynamic compliance of arterial grafts without internal compliant membrane (ICM) was developed, contrary to the tests performed by all the current devices. Results have show that the prostheses are less compliant than announced by the manufacturers and have a very remote compliance than the healthy host arteries. It was demonstrated that the addition of an ICM introduces coupling between the prosthetic structure and the balloon. The physico-chemical characterization of the prostheses having undergone the accelerated ageing allowed to understand the mechanisms related to the deterioration of the "useful life" of these prostheses. This process is essentially marked by a modification of the textile structure of the prosthesis (particularly a high attenuation of crimping) and a fall of the longitudinal compliance and the radial compliance. In addition, a slight decrease of tensile properties of the filaments constituting the prosthesis was highlighted. Degradation is also appeared by a change in the rate of crystallinity of fibers.

Textile Sensor Using Piezoelectric Fibers for Measuring Dynamic Compression in a Bowel Stent

VAHLBERG, ANNA January 2014 (has links)
In this experimental study the in-lined poled piezoelectric poly(vinylidene fluoride)(PVDF) bicomponent fiber was investigated the suitability in applications within the area of textile sensors when used in a bowel stent. Today there are only piezoelectric films made of PVDF available. Compared to a film, a fiber increases the amounts of application abilities. In this study a plain weave, resembling a coordinate system was made of the piezoelectric PVDF fiber and tested on top of two different beds; one hard and one elastic made of foam. The structure was then developed into two structures; one integrated in the stents structure with a plain weave pattern and one secondary structure as a plain weave placed onto the stent. Two test methods were developed in order to resemble the bowel movements to test the two piezoelectric PVDF fiber based structures. A reliability test in a reometer was made of the fiber, giving high differences in mean values. An in vivo test was conducted in a pig where the stent was placed in the orifice of the stomach. Both structures shown response when both developed methods was used. Due to large irregularities within the piezoelectric PVDF fiber the evaluation between the two structures was not possible. The most favorable structure was the secondary structure due to the larger continuous process ability and application areas. It was also seen that the reliability of the piezoelectric PVDF fiber is low, giving a non-reliable sensor. / Program: Textilteknik

Etude du mouillage de structures fibreuses multi échelles : robustesse de l’hydrophobicité / Study of wetting fibrous multi-scale structures : hydrophobicity's robustness

Melki, Safi 25 September 2014 (has links)
Ces travaux ont pour but d’étudier le comportement au mouillage spontané (statique et dynamique) ainsi que le mouillage forcé, sous l’effet de la compression, de différentes structures textiles hydrophobes. Le mouillage forcé a permis d’évaluer la robustesse de l’hydrophobicité des structures textiles. En parallèle, un nouveau dispositif automatisé et plus approprié à l’étude du mouillage forcé a été mis au point. Les principaux résultats ont montré qu’une bonne hydrophobicité ne conduit pas forcément à une bonne robustesse : spontanément, la structure floquée est la seule à favoriser une configuration de Cassie-Baxter, cependant, sa robustesse est plus faible que celle des tissus. Les différents essais ont mis en évidence l’influence importante et majeure de certains paramètres, appropriés à chaque structure textile, sur son hydrophobicité et sa robustesse comme la densité et la finesse des poils pour les tissus floqués. Ils ont également montré que certains facteurs pouvaient améliorer l’hydrophobicité mais pas sa robustesse ou inversement. Ainsi, la robustesse de l’hydrophobicité n’est pas prévisible à partir des mesures du mouillage spontané. / This work aims to study the spontaneous (static and dynamic) and the forced (under the effect of compression) wetting behaviour of different water-repellent textile structures. Forced wetting allowed to evaluate the robustness of the hydrophobicity of textile structures. In parallel, a new automated and more suitable device was developed for the study of forced wetting. The main results showed that a good hydrophobicity does not necessarily lead to a good robustness: spontaneously, the flocked structure is the only one to foster the Cassie-Baxter state, however, its hydrophobicity’s robustness is lower than that of the tissue. The different tests have highlighted the important and major influence of some parameters, adapted to each textile structure, on its hydrophobicity and its robustness such as the density and fineness of bristles for flocked fabrics. They also showed that some factors can improve the hydrophobicity but not its robustness or vice versa. Thus, the robustness of the hydrophobicity is not predictable from the measures of spontaneous wetting.

Optimisation de la structure textile des prothèses vasculaires pour un développement en monocouche des cellules endotheliales / Vascular textile prostheses optimization for an endothelial cells monolayer devlopment

François, Sébastien 07 December 2009 (has links)
Les prothèses vasculaires textiles en polyéthylène téréphtalate (PET) présentent souvent des occlusions après implantation pour les petits diamètres (6-8mm) car la surface des prothèses est peu hémocompatible. Or, l'hémocompatibilité des prothèses serait largement améliorée si ces dernières se recouvraient d'une couche de cellules endothéliales qui tapissent naturellement les vaisseaux sanguins. Ce projet vise à mettre en évidence que les textiles bruts ne sont pas un support viable pour le développement de ces cellules endothéliales, puis propose de remplacer les matrices protéiniques par un recouvrement synthétique. Pour ce faire, de l'acide poly-L-lactique (PLA) solubilisé a été filé sous forme de nanofibres déposées sur la surface luminale de la prothèse. L'étirage par jet d'air a été caractérisé selon un modèle plan, puis adapté à la fon11e tubulaire des prothèses. Les nanofibres ont été évaluées sur le plan de la cytocompatibilité, de l'adhérence et de la prolifération avec un modèle de cellules endothéliales animales. Ce travail vise aussi à optimiser l'adhérence de ces fibres sur le PET par l'emploi d'une technique de modification de surface par plasma. Les résultats montrent qu'il est possible de produire des nanofibres de PLA et de contrôler leur diamètre, et de sceller la paroi de la prothèse textile. Enfin, les cellules endothéliales prolifèrent en monocouche sur des prothèses recouve1tes de nanofibres. Il est possible d'optimiser l'adhérence des nanofibres sur le PET avec un traitement par plasma. En conclusion nous avons proposé une alternative à l'enduction traditionnelle des prothèses permettant la prolifération en monocouche des cellules endothéliales. / Textile vascular prostheses show poor patency rate for smaller diameter grafts (6-8mm). Mainly due to thrombosis or hyperplasia, graft failures can be explained by meagre hemocompatibility. Lack of neoendothelialization of the inner wall of the graft can be one reason explaining this poor hemocompatibility, This project aimed to prove that bare textiles are not a good support to stand endothelial cells' proliferation. Poly(L-latic) acid was therefore chosen to replace protein coating by being formed as a nanofibres mesh on the PET textile prostheses luminal surface. Air jet spinning process was first evaluated in a basic planar model to determined optimal parameters for nanofibres production. Endothelial cells compatibility, adhesion and proliferation were tested. Then air jet spinning was dedicated to tubular shape of textile vascular prostheses. Nanofibres mesh were analysed for chemical and physical properties, and covered graft were tested for water permeability. Lastly, atmospheric pressure plasma treatment was performed to optimize PLLA nanofibres adhesion on PET. Results showed that nanofibre diameters were controlled by polymer concentration. Nanofibre cristallinities depend of spinning parameters. Air jet spinning allows quick covering of textile surfaces with a dense net of nanofibre scelling the inner wall of the prosthesis, even in tubular samples. Moreover, endothelial ceIls show monolayer proliferation on these nanofibres. Finally, Polylactic acid adhesion on PET was optimized with atmospheric pressure plasma. In conclusion, we bring a new solution to cover inner wall of prostheses, allowing a monolayer proliferation of endothelial cells.

SFB 528: Textile Bewehrungen zur Bautechnischen Verstärkung und Instandsetzung / CRC 528: Textile Reinforcements for Structural Strengthening and Repair. Report for the period II/1999-I/2002

Curbach, Manfred 04 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Durch die beanspruchungsgerechte Anordnung von Fasermaterialien wie Glas oder Carbon mit hervorragenden Trageigenschaften entstehen technische Textilien, die in eine Betonmatrix eingebracht werden können, so daß ein neuer, innovativer Verbundwerkstoff entsteht, der sowohl bei der Herstellung neuer Betonbauteile verwendet werden kann als auch für den Einsatz in der Instandsetzung und Verstärkung bestehender Bauwerke geeignet ist. Da die verwendeten Materialien im Gegensatz zum Stahl nicht korrosionsempfindlich sind und gleichzeitig hohe Festigkeiten aufweisen, können Verstärkungen aus textilbewehrtem Beton mit sehr geringen Abmessungen ausgeführt werden. Bei Holzkonstruktionen können textile Verstärkungen die durch die Anisotropie bedingten Festigkeits- und Steifigkeitsunterschiede kompensieren und die Dauerhaftigkeit erhöhen. Bei Verzicht auf Knotenbleche aus Stahl und durch Applikation von textilen Strukturen können beachtliche Steigerungen der Tragfähigkeit und der Duktilität von Verbindungen erreicht werden. In den fünf Projektbereichen werden in theoretischen und experimentellen Untersuchungen die Grundlagen für die Werkstoffe, die mechanische Beschreibung, die konstruktive Durchbildung und die Bemessung, die technologische Aufbringung, bautechnische Umsetzung und die Langzeiteigenschaften und damit für die Sicherheit und die Lebensdauer bei der Verwendung textiler Bewehrungen für die Instandsetzung und Verstärkung geschaffen. / The stress-oriented arrangement of fibre materials, such as glass or carbon, which have an excellent load-bearing capacity, leads to technical textiles that may be incorporated into a concrete matrix. So a new, innovative composite material is produced, which can be used for the production of new concrete members and also for the restoration and strengthening of existing structures. As the materials used are noncorrosive compared to steel and as they show great strength at the same time, textile-reinforced concrete can be used for strengthening tasks of small dimensions. With regard to timber structures, textile reinforcement can compensate the strength and stiffness differences caused by anisotropy and can increase durability. If textile structures are used instead of steel gussets this may lead to a considerable increase in the ultimate strength and the ductility of joints. The five fields of the project are designed that theoretical and experimental investigations are carried out to provide the fundamentals of the materials. Additionally information will be obtained about the mechanical description, the detailing and the dimensioning, the techniques of applying, the realisation on the site and the long-term behaviour. All leading to a safety concept and also a service life concept for the use of textile reinforcements for restoration and strengthening.

SFB 528: Textile Bewehrungen zur Bautechnischen Verstärkung und Instandsetzung: Arbeits- und Ergebnisbericht für die Periode II/1999 - I/2002

Curbach, Manfred 04 September 2005 (has links)
Durch die beanspruchungsgerechte Anordnung von Fasermaterialien wie Glas oder Carbon mit hervorragenden Trageigenschaften entstehen technische Textilien, die in eine Betonmatrix eingebracht werden können, so daß ein neuer, innovativer Verbundwerkstoff entsteht, der sowohl bei der Herstellung neuer Betonbauteile verwendet werden kann als auch für den Einsatz in der Instandsetzung und Verstärkung bestehender Bauwerke geeignet ist. Da die verwendeten Materialien im Gegensatz zum Stahl nicht korrosionsempfindlich sind und gleichzeitig hohe Festigkeiten aufweisen, können Verstärkungen aus textilbewehrtem Beton mit sehr geringen Abmessungen ausgeführt werden. Bei Holzkonstruktionen können textile Verstärkungen die durch die Anisotropie bedingten Festigkeits- und Steifigkeitsunterschiede kompensieren und die Dauerhaftigkeit erhöhen. Bei Verzicht auf Knotenbleche aus Stahl und durch Applikation von textilen Strukturen können beachtliche Steigerungen der Tragfähigkeit und der Duktilität von Verbindungen erreicht werden. In den fünf Projektbereichen werden in theoretischen und experimentellen Untersuchungen die Grundlagen für die Werkstoffe, die mechanische Beschreibung, die konstruktive Durchbildung und die Bemessung, die technologische Aufbringung, bautechnische Umsetzung und die Langzeiteigenschaften und damit für die Sicherheit und die Lebensdauer bei der Verwendung textiler Bewehrungen für die Instandsetzung und Verstärkung geschaffen. / The stress-oriented arrangement of fibre materials, such as glass or carbon, which have an excellent load-bearing capacity, leads to technical textiles that may be incorporated into a concrete matrix. So a new, innovative composite material is produced, which can be used for the production of new concrete members and also for the restoration and strengthening of existing structures. As the materials used are noncorrosive compared to steel and as they show great strength at the same time, textile-reinforced concrete can be used for strengthening tasks of small dimensions. With regard to timber structures, textile reinforcement can compensate the strength and stiffness differences caused by anisotropy and can increase durability. If textile structures are used instead of steel gussets this may lead to a considerable increase in the ultimate strength and the ductility of joints. The five fields of the project are designed that theoretical and experimental investigations are carried out to provide the fundamentals of the materials. Additionally information will be obtained about the mechanical description, the detailing and the dimensioning, the techniques of applying, the realisation on the site and the long-term behaviour. All leading to a safety concept and also a service life concept for the use of textile reinforcements for restoration and strengthening.

Endogenic Production : subjective matter and bodily involvement

Ställborn, Nils January 2022 (has links)
The word endogenic means growing or proceeding from within, it is commonly used to describe the process of tectonic movement and earth crust formation caused by the extrusion of magmatic material. My project is a metaphorical exploration of the geological term “endogenic process” as well as an exploration of a design approach based on the term.The work explores soft form-bearing structures and textile bodies that contrast in relation to the hard framework of the rectangular room. It touches on material hierarchies in the living environment and the field of spatial design. The research explores the relationship between interior bodies and spatial frameworks. It aims to highlight the importance of the subject within the framework of the rectangular space that divides the interior of most buildings. My work involves exploring the endogenic process as a way of relating to the creative process and through the use of soft structures and drapery creating furniture that engages people with the spatial framework of the rectangular room. It is an exploration of spatial furniture that constitutes a connection and physical involvement between bodies and space, a kind of furniture providing a multiplicity of possibilities.

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