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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En kvinnas hämnd : Kill Bill och actionhjältinnan / A Womans Revenge : Kill Bill and the Actionheroine

Carlefred, Liza, Hagberg, Linda January 2004 (has links)
I december 2003 gick filmen Kill Bill upp på biograferna med ett våldsamt och blodigt innehåll. Reaktionerna blev starka, vilket kan bero på att Kill Bill är en actionfilm där kvinnorna har en annan roll än den lättklädda medhjälparen. Då kvinnorna står i fokus var filmen som gjord för en analysav hur just kvinnan gestaltas i filmens värld. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om de patriarkala strukturerna förändras när typiskt manliga roller intas av kvinnor. Analysen inriktar sig främst på filmen Kill Bill, men diskuterar också det sammanhang i vilket filmen skapats och lanserats det vill säga filmindustrin i Hollywood som knappast gjort sig känd för några jämställdhetssträvanden. In December 2003 the movie Kill Bill premiered. / The reactions to its violent and bloody plot were strong, perhaps because Kill Bill is a film where women play different roles than the usual "sexy assistant", thus also making it suitable for an analysis of how women are represented on screen. The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the patriarchal structures do change when the typical male part is given to by women characters. The analysis is mainly concentrated on the film Kill Bill, but will also discuss the context in which it was made - the Film Industry in Hollywood which has hardly been known for any ambition to achieve gender equality.

Discursos de intervenção: o cinema de propaganda ideológica para o CPC e o ipês às vésperas do golpe de 1964 / Discursos de intervenção: o cinema de propaganda ideológica para o CPC e o ipês às vésperas do golpe de 1964

Reinaldo Cardenuto Filho 18 April 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem o objetivo de investigar o cinema de propaganda política produzido por duas associações de caráter ideológico, entre os anos 1961 e 1964: o Instituto de Pesquisas e Estudos Sociais (Ipês), dirigido principalmente por ricos empresários liberais e anticomunistas; e o Centro Popular de Cultura (CPC da UNE), constituído por jovens artistas influenciados pelas idéias marxistas. Para tanto, busquei articular informações provenientes da análise intrínseca de seus filmes com as do contexto histórico em que foram feitos e exibidos e, em especial, as extraídas da documentação a que tive acesso, com o intuito, então, de compreender os modelos cinematográficos aos quais essas obras se alinharam. Ao estudar como ipesianos e cepecistas foram adversários em meio às instabilidades de um Brasil próximo ao Golpe de 1964, foi possível constatar como os dois grupos financiaram a atividade cinematográfica com a expectativa de intervir nos rumos socioeconômicos e culturais do país a partir de projetos conflitantes que, por um lado, pretendiam fortalecer o poder da elite com um capitalismo de base liberal e, por outro, romper com as estruturas de poder capitalistas. Nesse sentido, mesmo com essas divergências, a pesquisa demonstra como ambos utilizaram um discurso próximo em suas filmografias, repleto de similaridades, que se manifesta no uso de técnicas e linguagens idênticas, como é o caso das experiências estéticas didáticas e das representações do povo com a finalidade de concretizar um programa ideológico para a nação. Assim, esse mestrado procura defender a hipótese de que, mesmo politicamente opositores, Ipês e CPC manusearam um referencial cinematográfico com diversas semelhanças. / The present dissertation aims the investigation of the political propaganda film industry production between 1961 and 1964 by two ideological character associations: the Instituto de Pesquisas e Estudos Sociais Ipês (Research and Social Studies Institute), managed especially by liberal and anticommunist rich businessmen; and the Centro Popular de Cultura CPC da UNE (Culture Popular Center), constituted of young artists influenced by marxist ideas. And to do so, I tried to join information provided by the intrinsic analysis of their films and the historic context in which they were produced and released and, especially, the information taken from the documentation I had access to, with the purpose of understanding the cinematographic models to which these films attached. By studying how ipesianos (term used to refer to the members of Ipês) and cepecistas (term used to refer to the members of CPC) were opponents in the instable Brazil near the 1964 coup detat, it was possible to observe how both groups financed their cinematographic activity, expecting to exercise some influence on the country cultural and socioeconomic course, by producing conflicting projects intended to, on the one hand, strengthen the power elite by supporting liberal based capitalism, and on the other hand, bring the capitalist power structures to an end. Nevertheless, even showing divergences, this research makes evident how both groups made use of analogue methodology on their filmographies, full of similarities, expressed in their identical techniques and languages, which can be seen in their didactical esthetic experiences and representations of the people with the purpose of concretize an ideological program for the nation. Therefore, the main goal of this masters degree is to support the hypothesis that, even being politically opposite, Ipês and CPC made use of very similar cinematographic referential.

Hospodářské dějiny autorských práv a kreativních průmyslů v Československu / Economic History of Authors' Rights and Creative Industries in Czechoslovakia

Moravcová, Hana January 2020 (has links)
Economic History of Authors' Rights and Creative Industries in Czechoslovakia Hana Moravcová Dissertation thesis Abstract The thesis analyzes the impact of cultural policy on creative industries in Czechoslovakia. The first chapter is devoted to economics of authors' rights. It identifies inconsistencies in its three main assumptions, that undermine proper understanding of the effects of copyright and authors' rights. It provides a framework for optimization behavior of authors, that respects that market transactions between authors, users and consumers take place not on one, but on many markets where a work is spread. The second chapter reveals that the emergence of the Authors' Rights Act in interwar Czechoslovakia was the result of the influence of particular interest groups. The most important organizations are identified. Their mutual interconnection and linkage to the state facilitated their ability to directly influence the wording of the new law and its practical application. They used favorable conditions, like interventionist thinking of the society. Moreover, Czechoslovakia had to implement an international copyright treaty, part of the peace treaty signed by Czechoslovakia after the Great War. The third chapter consists of two case studies about creative industries in Czechoslovakia. The first...

El héroe en el imaginario colectivo. Aproximación arquetípica desde los primeros relatos hasta las industrias de la comunicación y culturales

Sanmartín Cava, Josep Francesc 26 April 2022 (has links)
[ES] A lo largo de la historia, cada era configura su propio imaginario respecto al héroe, de modo que la mitología resultante se conforma en función a la cosmogonía del momento. Sin embargo, este imaginario también posee una ascendencia cultural y está constantemente influida por las distintas corrientes cosmogónicas del pasado. Eso permite comprender que la aprehensión del arquetipo sucede en un entorno noológico en transformación constante que se extiende hasta tiempos ancestrales. En esta investigación, presentamos un estudio sobre el arquetipo del héroe en cada edad, para poder comprender la función mítica de este referente mítico a lo largo de la historia, y sus repercusiones en la contemporaneidad. Del mismo modo, esto nos permite reflexionar sobre la función sociopolítica del heroísmo, y cómo la mitología está sujeta al control del discurso de las jerarquías sociales. En cualquier caso, estudiamos cómo frente a esto, en el imaginario colectivo popular subsisten temáticas y héroes independientemente de quien ostente la hegemonía cultural. Analizamos también, el imaginario de la sociedad contemporánea, para determinar qué héroe es el más representativo de nuestro tiempo, en función del orden del discurso y los intereses sociales. Del mismo modo, también prestamos atención a los héroes que, sin ser protagónicos, representan mejor los ideales democráticos que fundamentan las sociedades occidentales. Asimismo, identificamos aquellos héroes que han llegado hasta nuestros días debido a su arraigo cultural. Por último, el desarrollo de la investigación en torno a la noología del héroe y la evolución del imaginario colectivo nos permite comprender mejor el carácter esencial del héroe. Al final de la tesis es posible considerar el grado en que los arquetipos son monolíticos y si, en algunos de los casos, la transformación de su aprehensión puede dar lugar a referentes singulares, a pesar de conservar rasgos comunes. / [CA] Al llarg de la història, cada era configura el seu propi imaginari respecte a l'heroi, de manera que la mitologia resultant es conforma en funció a la cosmogonia del moment. No obstant això, aquest imaginari també posseeix una ascendència cultural i està constantment influïda pels diferents corrents cosmogònics del passat. Això permet comprendre que l'aprehensió de l'arquetip succeeix en un entorn noològic en transformació constant que s'estén fins a temps ancestrals. En aquesta recerca, presentem un estudi sobre l'arquetip de l'heroi en cada edat, per a poder comprendre la funció mítica d'aquest referent mític al llarg de la història, i les seves repercussions en la contemporaneïtat. De la mateixa manera, això ens permet reflexionar sobre la funció sociopolítica de l'heroisme, i com la mitologia està subjecta al control del discurs de les jerarquies socials. En qualsevol cas, estudiem com enfront d'això, en l'imaginari col·lectiu popular subsisteixen temàtiques i herois independentment de qui ostenti l'hegemonia cultural. Analitzem també, l'imaginari de la societat contemporània, per a determinar quin heroi és el més representatiu del nostre temps, en funció de l'ordre del discurs i els interessos socials. De la mateixa manera, també parem esment als herois que, sense ser protagonistes, representen millor els ideals democràtics que fonamenten les societats occidentals. Així mateix, identifiquem aquells herois que han arribat fins als nostres dies a causa del seu arrelament cultural. Finalment, el desenvolupament de la recerca entorn de la noologia de l'heroi i l'evolució de l'imaginari col·lectiu ens permet comprendre millor el caràcter essencial de l'heroi. Al final de la tesi és possible considerar el grau en què els arquetips són monolítics i si, en alguns dels casos, la transformació de la seva aprehensió pot donar lloc a referents singulars, malgrat conservar trets comuns. / [EN] Throughout history, each era configures its own imaginary regarding the hero, so that the resulting mythology is shaped according to the cosmogony of the moment. However, this imaginary also has a cultural ancestry and is constantly influenced by the different cosmogonic currents of the past. This allows us to understand that the apprehension of the archetype happens in a noological environment in constant transformation that extends to ancient times. In this research, we present a study on the archetype of the hero in each age, in order to understand the mythical function of this mythical reference throughout history, and its repercussions in contemporaneity. Similarly, this allows us to reflect on the sociopolitical function of heroism, and how mythology is subject to the discourse control of social hierarchies. In any case, we study how, in the face of this, the themes and heroes subsist in the popular collective imagination regardless of who holds the cultural hegemony. We also analyze the imaginary of contemporary society, to determine which hero is the most representative of our time, based on the order of discourse and social interests. In the same way, we also pay attention to the heroes who, without being protagonists, better represent the democratic ideals that underpin Western societies. Likewise, we identify those heroes who have survived to this day due to their cultural roots. Finally, the development of research around the noology of the hero and the evolution of the collective imagination allows us to better understand the essential character of the hero. At the end of the thesis it is possible to consider the degree to which the archetypes are monolithic and whether, in some of the cases, the transformation of their apprehension can give rise to singular referents, despite preserving common features. / Sanmartín Cava, JF. (2022). El héroe en el imaginario colectivo. Aproximación arquetípica desde los primeros relatos hasta las industrias de la comunicación y culturales [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/182257

Z písaře ministerským radou: Působení Jiřího Mařánka v kinematografii čtyricátých a padesátých let / From Scribe to Ministerial Counsellor: The Involvement of Jiří Mařánek in the Cinematography of the Forties and Fifties

Kupková, Marika January 2017 (has links)
1 Abstract The thesis focuses on the involvement of Jiří Mařánek in the management of the Film Department of the Ministry of Information during the years 1945 - 1948. His ministe- rial engagement is related to the contemporary strengthening of the importance of literary preparation of the film and to the associated state dramaturgical supervision. Jiří Mařánek belongs to the circle of writers connected on one hand through their affiliation with the interwar avant-garde movements, on the other hand by their postwar involve- ment in the power apparatus that ended by the political and economic changes in the late forties and fifties. His professional fate speaks about the changes of cultural policy of the state, about the institutional development of the cinema and about the relations between literary and cinematic arts. It is a testimonial of what a successful professional career meant for a man of letters and what relationship it had to the cinema. We follow therefore a relatively brief but breakthrough episode of a writer and retired officer in the position of the Ministerial Counsellor, and we try to place its course and causes into a complex network of historical and social contexts and personal motivation. Focusing on this personality unburdened neither by a historical uniqueness, fundamental role of...

Cinéma et expérience totalitaire : le laboratoire du genre du film de guerre dans l'Italie fasciste (1935-1943) / Cinema and the totalitarian experiment : the laboratory of the war film genre in Fascist Italy (1935-1943)

Courriol, Marie-France 10 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les films de guerre de fiction produits dans l’Italie fasciste de 1935 à 1943, de la Guerre d’Ethiopie à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Elle démontre que le genre de guerre fonctionne comme un laboratoire pour l’entreprise de révolution anthropologique de l’Italie, inhérente à l’expérience totalitaire fasciste. Ce modèle cinématographique et social est en effet célébré comme devant s’étendre à l’ensemble du monde cinématographique italien, et ses caractéristiques à l’écran sont censées fournir l’image d’une société fasciste idéale.Après avoir analysé la mise en place du film de guerre italien dans ses discours, ses institutions et ses circulations internationales, ce travail examine les réponses de la production cinématographique. Il se clôt sur la perception du genre de guerre, ses spectateurs, sa réception et sa publicité. Il montre que les films de guerre de la période forment un lieu où coexistent de nombreux objectifs servant des groupes variés. Reposant en grande partie sur des archives d’Etat et de cinéastes, ce travail se concentre sur des études de cas de producteurs (Scalera, Bassoli Film), de réalisateurs (Goffredo Alessandrini, Mario Camerini, Francesco De Robertis, Augusto Genina, Romolo Marcellini, Roberto Rossellini), de scénaristes (Asvero Gravelli, Gian Gaspare Napolitano) et de réception de films particuliers. Cette étude des réponses multiples aux demandes d’un système totalitaire en formation dans le champ cinématographique entend contribuer au débat historiographique sur l’adhésion populaire au fascisme, en en élargissant les paramètres. En outre, bien que le genre joue un rôle central dans le développement de l’industrie cinématographique nationale, ce travail démontre cependant la nécessité d’interpréter ces films en termes transnationaux et non comme simples produits politiques et nationaux. / This thesis analyses the fictional war films produced in Fascist Italy from 1935 to 1943, from the Ethiopian war to the end of WWII. It argues that this genre functioned as a laboratory for the anthropological renewal of Italy in the Fascist totalitarian experiment. Fascist critics celebrated it as a cinematic and social model that had to be applied to the whole Italian film world, and whose on-screen features were to become the mirror image of an ideal Fascist society. After tracing the foundations of the Italian war film genre (critical debates, international circulation), the thesis interrogates the positioning of film professionals in relation to Fascist cultural policies. Lastly, it redefines the genre in terms of its interactions with Italian viewers and through advertisement. This thesis shows that war films of the period constitute a contested site serving multiple purposes for multiple groups. Relying primarily on archival material from Italy’s state archives and filmmakers’ private papers, this work presents several case studies of producers (Scalera, Bassoli Film), directors (Goffredo Alessandrini, Mario Camerini, Francesco De Robertis Augusto Genina, Romolo Marcellini, Roberto Rossellini), screenwriters (Asvero Gravelli, Gian Gaspare Napolitano) and reception of specific films. A study of the multiple responses to the demands of an aspiring totalitarian system, both from the point of view of film consumption and filmmaking, contributes to the historiographical debate on Fascism by broadening the parameters of the longstanding debate on popular consent for the regime. In addition, this work demonstrates the need to interpret these films in a transnational perspective and not as mere political and national products.

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