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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude des choix didactiques et des démarches d'enseignement / apprentissage de la littérature dans les cursus universitaires de FLE : le cas de l'université de Birzeit en Palestine / Didactical choices and teaching-learning approaches for literature in a university French department : the case of Birzeit University, Palestine

Marcant, Marie-Dominique 19 October 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur l’enseignement de la littérature dans un cursus universitaire de français langue étrangère. Elle questionne la notion de culture littéraire à travers les « canons littéraires », les littératures « mineures » selon la terminologie de G. Deleuze, et leur contextualisation d’une part, et, d’autre part, à travers la mise en place de pratiques enseignantes visant sa transmission / construction. Cette recherche étant ancrée dans les sciences humaines par ses champs d’étude – la littérature et la didactique – et étant, par conséquent, relativement subjective, nous avons choisi d’étudier un cas particulier, celui dans lequel nos questions sont apparues, afin de mettre en évidence ses spécificités mais aussi des traits généralisables ou, du moins, ouvrant des pistes de réflexions transposables dans d’autres contextes. Pour effectuer cette étude, nous avons privilégié une approche inductive et compréhensive et nous avons opté pour une méthode mixte ou une triangulation permettant le croisement de différentes données dans le but d’avoir une vision globale de la situation en termes de pratiques, de potentiels et de limites. Les résultats obtenus dans ce contexte ouvrent un champ de possibles pour penser une didactique du FLE adaptée à un enseignement littéraire en milieu universitaire. / This research focuses on teaching literature at a university-level French language department. It questions the concept of literary culture through the concepts of “literary canon”, “minor” literature, following G. Deleuze’s terminology, and their contextualization on the one hand, and on the other, through the implementation of teaching practices aiming at transmitting / building it. This research, rooted in human sciences because of its fields of study – literature and didactics – and as a consequence, being relatively subjective, is focused on a specific case, the one where our questions first emerged from: the French department at Birzeit University in Palestine. This approach allows us to enhance the specificities of this context while drawing at the same time some features that could be generalized, or at least that could open some opportunities for transferable reflections on other contexts. In conducting this study an inductive and comprehensive approach has been favored. A mixed-method approach or triangulation was used, allowing us to cross-compare data in order to get a more global view of the situation in terms of practice, potential and limits. The results obtained in this context then open new horizons to think adapted French as a foreign language didactics to literary teaching/learning in an academic context.

Desenvolvimento de um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem sobre gerenciamento em eventos adversos nos serviços de enfermagem / Development of a learning virtual environment on management in adverse events in nursing services

Rosicler Xelegati 09 August 2010 (has links)
A busca do conhecimento para melhoria da assistência de enfermagem nos serviços de saúde faz-se rotineiramente e a adoção de novas tecnologias educacionais vem colaborar, de forma relevante, para educação permanente dos profissionais. Inúmeros assuntos pertinentes ao cuidado podem ser aprendidos e discutidos em ambientes virtuais, como, por exemplo, os eventos adversos. O presente estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem (AVA) sobre gerenciamento em eventos adversos para educação permanente de enfermeiros, abordando as temáticas: úlcera por pressão, erros de medicação, flebite, queda e perda de sonda nasogastroenteral. O referencial pedagógico foi fundamentado nos estudos de Gagné (1980) que considera que o processo de aprendizagem é baseado na teoria de processamento de informação e constitui-se em oito fases (fase de motivação, de apreensão, de aquisição, de retenção, de rememoração, de generalização, de desempenho e de feedback). A metodologia, uma pesquisa aplicada, utilizou o Modelo de desenvolvimento de programas de Instrução Auxiliada pelo Computador (Computer Assisted Instruction - CAI) proposto por Price (1991), composto de três estágios: 1. planejamento inicial; 2. planejamento e desenvolvimento do conteúdo instrucional; 3. avaliação e revisão. No estágio 1 foi caracterizado o público alvo, escolhido o tema abordado, bem como definidos os objetivos educacionais, os recursos disponíveis, o design instrucional e as técnicas de modelagem. O desenvolvimento do conteúdo (estágio 2) foi realizado em Módulos, estes constituídos das seguintes estruturas: Identificação do Módulo, Objetivos de Aprendizagem, Conteúdos, Exercícios, Referências e Textos de Apoio. A avaliação técnica e revisão do conteúdo inserido no AVA desenvolvido (estágio 3) será realizado por especialistas da área de informática e enfermagem em estudo futuro. O AVA foi desenvolvido na linguagem HTML (Hyper Text Makep Language) utilizando o programa Microsoft Office Word 2003®. Os exercícios de avaliação inseridos em cada módulo foram criados pela autora deste estudo com a utilização do programa Hot Potatoes versão 6.0 para Windows. Conclui-se que a metodologia adotada na construção do AVA foi adequada para o alcance do objetivo proposto. Como metas futuras, a autora desse estudo avaliará o produto desenvolvido e verificará a possibilidade de seu uso nos serviços de enfermagem, contribuindo com a educação permanente dos enfermeiros. O AVA sobre gerenciamento em eventos adversos nos serviços de enfermagem está disponível para acesso no endereço eletrônico: <http://www.eerp.usp.br/nepien/eventosadversos>. / The search for knowledge to improve nursing care in health services occurs on a routinely basis and the adoption of new educational technologies collaborates, in a relevant way, for professionals\' permanent education. Countless subjects pertaining to care can be learned and discussed in virtual environments, such as adverse events. The present study aimed to develop a virtual learning environment (VLE) on management in adverse events for nurses\' permanent education, addressing the themes: pressure ulcer, medication errors, phlebitis, fall and loss of nasogastroenteral feeding. The pedagogical framework was grounded in Gagné\'s (1980) studies, which considers that the learning process is based on the theory of information processing and consists of eight phases (phase of motivation, apprehension, acquisition, retention, remembering, generalization, performance and feedback). This applied research used the Model of development of Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) programs proposed by Price (1991), consisting of three stages: 1. initial planning; 2. planning and development of instruction content; 3. assessment and review. At stage 1, target public was characterized, theme approached was chosen, and the educational objects, available resources, instructional design and modeling techniques were defined. The content development (stage 2) was carried out in Modules, comprised of the following structures: Identification of the Module, Learning objectives, Contents, Exercises, References and Support Texts. The technical assessment and review of the content inserted in the developed virtual learning environment (stage 3) will be carried out by informatics and nursing experts in a future study. The VLE was developed in HTML (Hypertext Makeup Language) using the program Microsoft Office Word 2003®. The evaluation exercises inserted in each module were created by the study author using the program Hot Potatoes version 6.0 for Windows. It is concluded that the methodology used in the construction of the VLE was appropriate for achieving the proposed objectives. As future aims, the author will assess the developed product and verify the possibility of using it in nursing services, contributing for nurses\' permanent education. The VLE on management in adverse events in nursing services is available at the URL: <http://www.eerp.usp.br/nepien/eventosadversos>.

IntegraÃÃo de um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem com aplicaÃÃes mÃveis de suporte a educaÃÃo a distÃncia. / Integracion of a virtual learning environment of with mobile applicatons of support the distance education

Wellington Wagner Ferreira Sarmento 17 September 2007 (has links)
nÃo hà / Os objetivos deste trabalho sÃo propor um conjunto de AplicaÃÃes MÃveis que possibilitem o suporte a atividades e interaÃÃes oriundas de um processo de EducaÃÃo a DistÃncia, e integrar tais aplicaÃÃes a um Ambiente Virtual de aprendizagem (AVA),possibilitando seu acesso atravÃs de Dispositivos MÃveis. Como contribuiÃÃo para a efetivaÃÃo dos propÃsitos deste trabalho, um modelo de integraÃÃo baseado em ServiÃos Web à apresentado, voltado para a interligaÃÃo de um AVA e trÃs aplicaÃÃes educacionais mÃveis, propostas com o intuito de permitirem uma ampliaÃÃo no que se refere aos mecanismos de notificaÃÃo e comunicaÃÃo, presentes nos atuais ambientes de aprendizagem baseados na Internet, bem como uma melhoria destes no que se refere ao suporte de atividades de campo ou laboratoriais. A justificativa deste esforÃo està centrada na necessidade pedagÃgica premente de flexibilizar cada vez mais o processo de interaÃÃo e comunicaÃÃo entre participantes de ambientes para aprendizagem a distÃncia. / This dissertation proposes an extension of the traditional concept of Learning Management System (LMS) â currently based on the Web technology â where it must act as an integration element for several media aiming the Distance Education process. As a first step heading to this purpose, a web service-based integration model is shown between the SOLAR environment of the web-based distance courses and a set of mobile education applications, which are developed with the intention of allowing an increase of the present resources in the used virtual environment. The model of integration is based in Web Services whom communicate with three educational mobile applications. This mobile applications extend a notify, communication and on field works services of a LMS. The justification of this effort is based on the pedagogic need of having more and more the interaction process.

Análise de ambientes computacionais para realização de educação a distância

Falsarella, Sueli Aparecida 14 October 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:22:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sueli Aparecida Falsarella.pdf: 727846 bytes, checksum: 1c61cede033103c59360f0a75bc6d7d1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-10-14 / In recent decades, crescent development of technology has caused an imbalance between the teaching-learning methodology and access to these new resources. As a growing number of users who use the Internet via computer or mobile phone, there is a growing demand for new knowledge through virtual learning environments (VLE). This software can collaborate in the teaching-learning process, but barriers still exist for those who want to study or teach through technology. This research makes a study on the use of virtual learning environment Moodle, which offered advantages and disadvantages. According to research data, the results obtained with the use of the environment revealed the lack of trained teachers, and hence no interaction of these with their students. This delay hinders the optimal use of the environment which could contribute greatly to the construction of knowledge. This difficulty occurred since the early deployment of the environment in PUC / SP, Campus Sorocaba. Research shows, however, its implementation can be further adjusted and improved if there are incentives for those who deposited the environment and specific training for teachers that will encourage students to use it. Certification of use of the environment for curriculum, reading and questionnaire prior to classes to make better use of questioning and learning processes encourage students to make use of this new virtual learning environment / Nas últimas décadas, o desenvolvimento acelerado da tecnologia provocou um descompasso entre o ensino-aprendizagem e a metodologia de acesso a esses novos recursos. À medida que cresce o número de usuários que usam a Internet por meio de computador ou celular, cresce a procura por novos conhecimentos através dos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem (AVA). Estes softwares podem colaborar no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, mas ainda existem barreiras para quem estuda ou quer ensinar por meio da tecnologia. Esta pesquisa faz um estudo sobre a utilização do ambiente virtual de aprendizagem MOODLE, o qual ofereceu vantagens e desvantagens. Segundo dados pesquisados, os resultados obtidos com o uso do ambiente revelaram a falta de treinamento dos professores e a consequente não interação desses com os seus alunos. Essa defasagem dificulta o uso otimizado do ambiente, que poderia contribuir muito para a construção de conhecimento. Tal dificuldade se deu desde o início da implantação do ambiente na PUC/SP, no campus Sorocaba. A pesquisa mostra que, no entanto, sua implementação ainda pode ser ajustada e melhorada se houver incentivos para quem depositou o ambiente e treinamentos específicos para os docentes que incitarão os alunos a usá-lo. A certificação do uso do ambiente para fins de currículo, leitura e questionário anterior às aulas para um melhor aproveitamento e questionamento dos processos de aprendizagem estimularão os alunos a fazerem uso desse novo ambiente virtual de aprendizagem

UK sea fisheries policy-making since 1945

Stewart, Heather Jackson January 2018 (has links)
This is a study of approaches to fisheries management in the United Kingdom (UK) between 1945 and 1996. It examines the choices and incentives faced by UK Governments when designing policy instruments to deliver international commitments to sustainable fishing. The failure of international agreements to sustainably manage fisheries resources is often attributed to international institutions, the politicization of negotiations and their distributive outcomes. This thesis makes an original contribution by arguing that the success of international agreements was also dependent upon local negotiations that shaped the design of national delivery mechanisms. The central research question concerns the role and influence of local interests in delivering global economic and environmental agendas and how national governments accommodate local tensions within this process. A sustained content analysis of UK Government archives is used to argue that local political and sectional industry interests had a significant bearing on the development of UK fisheries policy and the design of domestic delivery mechanisms. The exception was UK policy on the international distribution of fisheries resources at the United Nations Law of the Sea Conferences (1958, 1960 and 1973-82). Economic considerations drove early environmental policy with sectional fishing industry interests of secondary importance to the potential economic benefits associated with the more valuable energy resources. In then seeking to implement controls on fishing activity, this thesis argues that UK fisheries management mechanisms were designed to compensate for tension between global commitments mandating a reduction in fishing effort and the local fleets and communities that had to bear the costs of industry contraction. This created a policy-making environment in which social and political motivations continually trumped the application of economic and scientific advice. This advice advocated a contraction in the size of the fleet which had become necessary as technical change and falling stocks resulted in overcapacity. The use of fisheries policy as a political tool to ease local tensions incentivised policy choices that directly contributed to the UK's failure to reduce fishing pressure and deliver international commitments. This thesis demonstrates the importance of local negotiations and interests in the construction of national and international approaches to environmental and natural resources problems.

Protocolo para avaliação do uso de ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem em instituições de ensino superior / Protocol for evaluating the use of Virtual Learning Environments in Higher Education Institutions.

Mesquita, Filipe Gonçalves 28 November 2011 (has links)
A educação superior no Brasil exige que as instituições de ensino procurem melhorar suas práticas educacionais, com o objetivo de aumentar a qualidade de seus cursos. Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um protocolo para avaliação do uso de Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem em Instituições de Ensino Superior, com base em uma pesquisa sobre a utilização de ferramentas e recursos de AVA. Para tratamento dos dados do diagnóstico de utilização, são propostas duas metodologias multicritério de apoio à decisão, AHP para obtenção dos pesos dos critérios e Promethee para classificação dos cursos em grupos. Fez-se também uma comparação da aplicação deste protocolo em dois cenários distintos (cenário 1, com o mesmo valor de peso para todos os critérios e o cenário 2, com valores de pesos atribuídos segundo uma das possibilidades encontradas na literatura), de modo a propor alternativas que contribuam para aprimorar as práticas educacionais. / Higher education in Brazil requires that educational institutions seeking to improve their educational practices, in order to increase the quality of their courses. In this work we developed a protocol for evaluating the use of Virtual Learning Environments in Higher Education Institutions. For treatment of data from diagnostic use of two methodologies are proposed multicriteria decision support; AHP to obtain the weights of the criteria for classification of PROMETHEE and courses in groups. There was also a comparison of the implementation of this protocol in two different scenarios (scenario 1, with the same weight for all criteria and scenario 2, with values of weights assigned according to the possibilities found in the literature), in order to propose alternatives that contribute to improve educational practices.

Experiences of Current or Former Homeschool Students Who Report ADHD Symptoms

Felkins, Melissa 01 January 2018 (has links)
Homeschooling is currently the fastest-growing educational population in the United States with an estimated 2 million students. Because 11% of school children have been diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), there are likely to be many children with ADHD symptoms in the homeschooling population. The purpose of this study was to extend knowledge of the experiences of homeschooling in this population to assist students with ADHD as well as their parents and educators to make informed educational decisions. The multiple intelligences theory provided the theoretical framework for this phenomenological study. The key research question was focused on how current or former homeschool students who report ADHD symptoms describe their experiences in a homeschool environment. Perceptions were collected from 12 participants ranging in age from 12 to 21 years of age who were recruited using criterion sampling. Semi-structured interviews were conducted by phone or face-to-face. Data were analyzed using Moustakas' modification of van Kaam's structure. Through this process, the themes of individualization, self-concept, and experience of symptoms were identified. Specifically, the findings indicated that homeschooling children with ADHD symptoms is an individualized phenomenon and most students thrive in a structured yet flexible environment where tools and methods can be personalized. Participants developed individualized learning practices that would not be acceptable in a more traditional learning environment. This study contributes to the empirical literature promoting social change by providing foundational knowledge that can be built upon in future research to offer evidence-based information to this rapidly-growing population.

Формирование социокультурной компетенции в образовательной франкоязычной среде Moodle : на примере обучения студентов-лингвистов / Formation des compétences socioculturelles dans un environnement francophone d’apprentissage Moodle : Le cas de la formation des étudiants-linguistes en Russie / Formation of Sociocultural Competency in learning French-speaking environment Moodle : Case of training of students-linguists in Russia

Degil, Irina 22 June 2017 (has links)
Le développement des technologies d’information et de communication et leur introduction dans le système d’enseignement supérieur en Russie et en France vise à contribuer à l’amélioration de la qualité de la formation universitaire. Les établissements supérieurs français et russes mènent des recherches dans le domaine de l’enseignement en ligne dans toutes les filières. Dans ce contexte, la formation des compétences socioculturelles des étudiants-linguistes dans un environnement francophone d’apprentissage Moodle conduit à la confrontation à des problématiques actuelles et importantes pour les sciences de l’éducation. L’objectif de notre recherche est de faire ressortir et expliquer la spécificité de la formation des compétences socioculturelles dans un environnement Moodle. Cet objectif nous a amené à préciser les composantes des compétences socioculturelles à partir de l’analyse des modèles de ces compétences représentées dans des ouvrages russes et francophones. La nécessité de développer toutes les composantes en même temps et utiliser pleinement le potentiel de l’environnement virtuel ont justifié l’élaboration de l’approche intégrative incluant les idées des chercheurs français dans ce domaine. Pour appliquer l’approche intégrative, nous avons procédé à l’analyse des caractéristiques de l’environnement Moodle en utilisant les paramètres psychodiagnostics élaborés par les pédagogues russes et en liant ces caractéristiques aux composantes des compétences socioculturelles. Après avoir construit le cadre théorique de la recherche, nous avons appliqué la méthodologie de l’expérience pédagogique pour argumenter l’efficacité de la formation des compétences socioculturelles dans un environnement francophone d’apprentissage Moodle. Pour cet objectif, un cours virtuel Portrait socioculturel de la France a été créé, mis en place et introduit dans le parcours de formation des étudiants-linguistes à l’Université d’Etat de Tomsk. Ces résultats obtenus sont importants pour la formation des étudiants surtout dans les conditions de l’éloignement géographique. Outre le cours virtuel dans Moodle, nous avons explicité des conseils pour les étudiants et des recommandations pour les enseignants-tuteurs concernant le travail dans un environnement francophone d’apprentissage. / The development of information and communication technologies and introduction in the system of Higher Education in Russia and in France contribute to the improvement of the quality of university education. Universities in France and Russia conduct researches in the field of online education in all disciplines. In this context, the formation of the sociocultural competency of students-linguists in a French-speaking learning environment Moodle becomes important problematic for education sciences. The objectif of our research is to highlight and explain the specificity of the formation of sociocultural competency in the virtual environment Moodle. This objective has led us to specify the components of the sociocultural competency by analyzing the models of this competency represented in Russian and French research. The necessity to develop all the components at the same time and make full use of the potential of the virtual environment led us to develop the integrative approach based on the ideas of the french researchers in this area. To apply the integrative approach, we did the analysis of the characteristics of the environment Moodle by using psychodiagnostics criteria developed by Russian scientists and by linking these characteristics to the components of the sociocultural competency. We constructed the theoretical framework of research and next we applied it to argue the effectiveness of formation of sociocultural competency in a French-speaking learning environment Moodle. For this aim, a virtual course Portrait socio-cultural of the France was created, developed and introduced in the process of the formation of the students-linguists at the Tomsk State University. In addition to the virtual course in Moodle, we have developed student tips and recommendations for tutors working in a French-speaking learning environment Moodle

Ensino Híbrido de Física utilizando o MOODLE: um estudo sobre as contribuições educacionais no Ensino Médio / Hybrid Physics Teaching using MOODLE: a study on educational contributions in High School

Casagrande, Andréia Moura 04 December 2018 (has links)
A presente pesquisa, de feição quantitativa, constitui uma investigação do tipo experimental-documental que teve por objetivo estudar o impacto da utilização da metodologia blended learning, ou Ensino Híbrido, em uma turma de estudantes do segundo ano do Ensino Médio do Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo - IFSP, Campus Jacareí na disciplina de Física. Para tanto, foi desenvolvido um Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem (AVA), utilizando-se o software MOODLE, que disponibilizou para os estudantes da turma investigada diferentes recursos e atividades que poderiam ser acessados por meio de um computador ligado à Internet. Dentre esses recursos e atividades podemos citar: textos, vídeos, simulações, lições, exercícios resolvidos, demonstrações de experimentos, listas de exercícios com feedback imediato e fóruns. A intenção foi a de avaliar se a integração entre o ensino presencial e o on-line, tornando a ação educativa mais personalizada, seria mais efetiva para a aprendizagem dos estudantes do que as práticas tradicionais de ensino ancoradas na metodologia expositiva. Para avaliar o impacto educacional da metodologia utilizada, comparamos o desempenho dos estudantes por meio da média final do primeiro bimestre do ano letivo de 2018 com os resultados obtidos pela mesma turma quando foram submetidos à metodologia tradicional de ensino durante o primeiro bimestre do ano anterior. Foi analisada também a interação dos estudantes com o AVA do MOODLE para verificar se os estudantes que mais interagiram com os recursos disponíveis foram aqueles que obtiveram melhor desempenho. Os dados foram tratados estatisticamente pelos testes t-student e coeficiente de Pearson e apontam para a existência de evidências significativas de contribuição da utilização da metodologia do Ensino Híbrido, não só no domínio cognitivo como também no afetivo, levando os estudantes a uma maior motivação e autonomia. / The present research, of quantitative nature, is an experimental-documentary research whose objective was to study the impact of the use of the blended learning methodology in a group of students of the second year of High School of the Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology of São Paulo - IFSP, Campus Jacareí in the discipline of Physics. For that, a Virtual Learning Environment (AVA) was developed, using the MOODLE software, which made available to the students of the investigated class different resources and activities that could be accessed through a computer connected to the Internet. Among these resources and activities we can mention: texts, videos, simulations, lessons, solved exercises, demonstrations of experiments, lists of exercises with immediate feedback and forums. The intention was to evaluate if the integration between classroom and online education, making the educational action more personalized, would be more effective for students\' learning than the traditional teaching practices anchored in the expository methodology. In order to evaluate the educational impact of the methodology used, we compared the students\' performance by means of the final average of the first two months of the 2018 school year with the results obtained by the same group when they were submitted to the traditional teaching methodology during the first two months of the previous year. We also analyzed the students\' interaction with the MOODLE AVA to verify if the students who interacted the most with the available resources were the ones that obtained the best performance. The data were treated statistically by the t-student and Pearson coefficient tests and point to the existence of significant evidence of contribution of the Hybrid Teaching methodology, not only in the cognitive domain but also in the affective domain, leading students to a higher motivation and autonomy.

Differences in student perceptions of teacher-student interpersonal behaviour in regional streamed secondary mathematics and science classes

Hedderwick, Helen January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine teacher and students' perceptions of teacher-student interpersonal behaviour in regional secondary classrooms. Teachers were then presented with this information so that a comparison between teacher ideal, teacher actual and student perceptions of their classroom could be examined. The results were then able to be used by teachers to reflect on and seek to improve their teaching practice. This study utilised the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI) to collect data about the classroom learning environment of Australian regional mathematics and science classrooms. Qualitative information in the form of classroom observations and informal interviews has also been collected from a small subset of the student sample. This qualitative information was collected by the researcher in the dual roles of teacher and researcher. Triangulation of the methods of data collection sought to better validate the data collected, and assess multiple perspectives in the classroom. The study has involved a large sample of students from one country high school in Western Australia. All the mathematics classes from Years 8, 9 and 10 and all science classes from Years 8 and 10 have been included in this study. A particular focus for this study was the inclusion of both streamed and non-streamed classes from the mathematics and science areas. / The value of this research has been enhanced in that the results have been used as a teaching feedback tool for participants involved in the study to examine, reflect and improve on their teaching practice. The research is a real world, authentic example of one instance where results from the study were used immediately on a local scale by participants. A unique feature of the outcomes from this project is that the teacher appears to play a greater role in determining the classroom climate than does the homogeneous or heterogenous grouping of students within a subject.

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