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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Design Based Research On The Use Of A Blended Learning Environment

Gedik, Nuray 01 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to examine and describe student and instructor experiences and perceptions of course design, and identify the critical issues regarding the use of a blended learning environment. A design based research (DBR) framework with qualitative approaches was carried out by collecting data from an undergraduate course offered to sophomores. The primary approach was phenomenology using the lens of heuristic inquiry. Interviews, questionnaires, documents, observation notes, instructor diary, and weekly reflection reports were the main data sources. Data were collected in three periods: preliminary study, pilot study, and actual implementation. The results of instructor experiences revealed that instructor considerations for the analysis period centered on needs and context. The design and development considerations centered v on pedagogical approach, course materials and documents, course organization, interaction, and instructor-student roles. The enablers (benefits and opportunities) of the implementation period included arousing student interest and participation potentially more, having flexibility, saving time, tracking student progress more easily, and increased interaction, collaboration, and communication opportunities. The barriers (challenges and limitations) were increased workload, difficulties related to the course and time management, overlaps, and creating harmony among F2F and online environments. The students mentioned interaction and communication opportunities, increased motivation, opportunity to voice opinions, and reinforcement of learning as enablers of the blended learning environment. The barriers were increased workload, cultural and technical barriers and dependability of environments. The critical issues were found to be context, pedagogical framework, instructor competency, and technical issues. It can be concluded that use of blended learning environments can be regarded as a paramount initiative for the higher education institutions by maximizing the enablers of both environments but also has its unique barriers to consider. The results also implied that it is the decisions on the instructional design approaches for creating balance in the course activities that is critical to blended learning environment designs.

Innovation Education within the Technology Curriculum in Iceland

Thorsteinsson, G., Denton, H., Page, T., Yokoyama, E. 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Multimedia instruction for individual and collaborative interactive learning environments : a cognitive load approach

Nihalani, Priya K. 08 June 2011 (has links)
This study sought to identify factors that optimize individual and collaborative cognitive processing in complex learning environments. Across two laboratory sessions, the effects of manipulating instructional sequence delivery (high cognitive load vs. low cognitive load) of a simulation-based game and learning condition (individual vs. collaborative) were examined on retention and transfer of instructional content. The instruction was a set of tutorials for preparing novice students to use Aspire, a simulation-based game, developed by Cisco, that teaches entrepreneurial and computer networking skills within the industry of information technology. An instructional sequence by learning condition interaction was found on transfer, but not retention, measures. For delayed transfer performance, individuals who received high load instruction experienced cognitive overload that exceeded their cognitive capacity. Collaborative students were able to collaborate with each other in a way that reduced the high cognitive load imposed by the instructional sequence; thus, they were able to process the instructional content across their collective working memory. Individual students were not able to reduce the cognitive load imposed by the instructional sequence; thus, they had less working memory capacity for processing the instructional content. Collaborative students who received the low load instruction also demonstrated lower motivation than those who received high load instruction. Taken together, these findings support the notions of individual and collective working memory processing differences. This study holds implications for leveraging technology to design learning environments that aid students in attaining collaborative skills and knowledge needed for the 21st century. / text

Adaptyvios e. mokymosi aplinkos intelektualaus komponento kūrimas, naudojant Kohoneno savaime susitvarkančio žemėlapio neuroninį tinklą / Creation of adaptive e-learning environment's intelligent component by using Kohonen's self-organizing map

Lukauskas, Vaidas 16 June 2005 (has links)
In this master graduation work there are analyzed and described the principles of creation an intelligent component of adaptive e-learning system, by using Kohonen self organized map neural networks. There created intelligent component, which was realized by using agent technologies, distinguishes by abilities to make a decision in respect of concrete user needs. In this work there are also described common structure of adaptive e-learning system, by pointing the place, which takes intelligent component, and its relationships with other parts of such adaptive system.

E.studijų organizavimo ir valdymo sistemų lyginamoji analizė / The comparative analysis of e.learning management and organization systems

Varanienė, Loreta 16 August 2007 (has links)
E.mokymasis yra būdas paremti mokymosi procesą, nuotolinis mokymasis padeda išspręsti problemas, kurios atsiranda, individualizuojant mokymosi procesą. Šios tezės taip pat prisideda prie problemų, kurios iškyla, taikant e.mokymąsi, sprendimo- parenkant e.mokymosi sistemą ir terpę bei įdiegiant ją į mokymosi procesą. Kiekvienas mokinys turi skirtingą požiūrį į mokymąsi ir skirtingas žinias, tad sudaryti jam individualų mokymosi planą padeda sukurta duomenų bazė, kuri yra priemonė sukomponuoti mokinio mokymosi planą iš mažų sudedamųjų dalių. Pagal šį mokymosi planą mokiniai renkasi mokymosi medžiagą, pateiktą e.mokymosi terpėje. Šis eksperimentas- e.mokymosi įdiegimas ekonomikos pamokose- gali būti taškas, nuo kurio gali prasidėti e.mokymosi įdiegimas vidurinėje mokykloje. Tezėse palyginamos e.mokymosi sistemos ir terpės, parenkama e.mokymosi terpė, tinkama vidurinei mokyklai. / E.learning is the way to support learning process, distance learning- to solve some problems that emerge when we start to individualise learning process. The reason to respond to students needs, this thesis’s trying to solve the problem- to choose learning environment and apply it in learning process. Due to the fact, that every student has different learning approach and knowledge, to arrange his curriculum helps created Data Bases, what is the implement to assemble student’s curriculum from small pieces. According to this curriculum students choose they learning material from e.learning environment. The experiment – to apply e.learning in one learning subject- economy- could be the starting point for all learning process improvement in secondary school. In this thesis e.learning management systems and environments are compared and there is made selection of environment for secondary school.

Vidinė organizacijos mokymosi aplinka, įgalinanti tradicinį darbuotoją virsti žinių darbuotoju: turizmo organizacijų pavyzdžiu / Internal learning environment, enabling transformation of a traditional worker into a knowledge worker: following the example of tourism organizations

Morkovičeva, Rūta 05 June 2010 (has links)
Darbo sudėtinės dalys. Darbas susideda iš dviejų dalių - teorinės ir tiriamosios. Teorinėje dalyje, remiantis lietuvių ir užsienio autorių moksline literatūra išanalizuotas besimokančios organizacijos tipas, išskirtos vidinės organizacijos mokymosi aplinkos sąlygos, stiprinančios darbuotojo motyvaciją mokymosi proceso atžvilgiu, bei nustatyti pagrindiniai veiksniai, lemiantys tradicinio darbuotojo virsmą žinių darbuotoju. Tyrimo įgyvendinimui buvo pasirinktas naudoti kokybinio tipo duomenų rinkimo metodas: duomenų rinkimas klausinėjant (interviu). Apklausti Kauno miesto kelionių agentūrų, orientuotų į išvykstamąjį turizmą, darbuotojai (n = 5). Atsakymų į interviu klausimus turinys analizuotas taikant kokybinės turinio (content) analizės metodą. Remiantis gautais tyrimo rezultatais pateiktos išvados. Raktiniai žodžiai: organizacinis mokymasis, mokymosi aplinka, besimokanti organizacija, žinių darbuotojas, kompetencija. Tyrimo objektas – vidinė organizacijos mokymosi aplinka. Problema: kokie organizacijos vidinės aplinkos veiksniai turėtų lemti tradicinio darbuotojo virsmą žinių darbuotoju. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti bei įvertinti vidinius organizacijos aplinkos veiksnius, įgalinančius tradicinio organizacijos darbuotojo virsmą žinių darbuotoju. Hipotezė: vidinė organizacijos mokymosi aplinka įtakoja tradicinių turizmo organizacijos darbuotojų virsmą žinių darbuotojais. Tyrimo tikslui realizuoti iškelti uždaviniai: 1. Apibrėžti „žinių“ konceptą organizacijų lygmenyje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The work consists of a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part, which is based on reliable scientific literature by Lithuanian and foreign authors, covers an analysis of the concept of a learning organization and an identification of environment conditions of an internal organization, enhancing employee motivation towards learning. Key factors, affecting transformation of a traditional worker into a knowledge worker, are also identified. A qualitative data collection method (interview) was chosen for the research. Employees of Kaunas travel agencies (n = 5), focusing on outbound tourism, participated in the interview. The content of responses was analyzed using qualitative content analysis method. Conclusions were made on the basis of data analysis. Keywords: organizational learning, learning environment, learning organization, knowledge worker, competence. The object of the research was the learning environment inside an organization. The problem: What factors of an internal environmental should determine transformation of a traditional worker into a knowledge worker. The aim of the research was to identify and evaluate internal factors of an organizational environment enabling transformation of a traditional worker into a knowledge worker. Hypothesis: internal organizational learning environment affects transformation of traditional workers into knowledge workers. To achieve the aim of the research, the following objectives were set: 1. To define the... [to full text]

Förutsättningar för lärande? : En fallstudie om medarbetarnas möjligheter och hinder att lära inom den privata äldreomsorgen / Prerequisites for learning? : A case study of employee opportunities and obstacles for learning in the private elderly care

Gammal, Sofie, Nakatuis, Cosette January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Lärande betraktas idag vara av hög relevans när det gäller organisationers utveckling och konkurrenskraft på marknaden på grund av den snabbt föränderliga omgivningen. I en lärande organisation ses lärandet som ett medel för att skapa en förändringsbenägenhet inom organisationen, skapa innovation, anpassa sig efter omgivningen samt för att skapa konkurrensfördelar. Det finns ingen entydlig definition av organisatoriskt lärande och inte heller hur organisationer agerar eller bör agera för att uppnå detta. Syfte: Studien har ett tvådelat syfte: För det första syftar den till att undersöka konstruktionen av organisatoriskt lärande med avseende på såväl planerade som oplanerade aktiviteter. Detta för att se vad som karaktäriserar lärandet och hur aktiviteterna bidrar till att medarbetarna lär. För det andra syftar den till att lämna rekommendationer som bidrar till förbättringar av lärandet. Metod: För att besvara vårt syfte har en kvalitativ fallstudie utförts genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och observationer på äldreboendet Rosen. Studien har haft en induktiv ansats då empirin ligger till grund för valet av teorier. Slutsats: Genom studien har vi identifierat såväl formellt som informellt lärande i verksamheten. Fokus från organisationen ligger främst på det formella lärandet medan medarbetarna efterfrågar möjligheter att lära genom praktiska övningar. Vidare används möten som en viktig arena för att utbyta kunskaper och erfarenheter. En stor del av arbetet på Rosen handlar om att följa rutiner, minimera avvikelser och säkerställa att de givna ramarna efterföljs. Det finns små möjligheter för medarbetarna att förändra eller ifrågasätta de förutsättningar som styr arbetet och verksamheten. Vidare anser vi att de värderingar och normer som finns i verksamhet styr och vägleder medarbetarna vilket kan begränsa lärande- och kunskapsmöjligheter. / Background: Learning is today considered to be of high relevance in terms of organizations' development and competitiveness in the market due to the rapidly changing environment. In a learning organization, learning is seen as a means to create a propensity for change within the organization, create innovation, adapt to the environment and to create competitive advantages. There is no agreed definition of organizational learning, nor how organizations act or should act to achieve this. Aim/purpose: The study has a dual purpose: First, it aims to examine the structure of organizational learning with respect to both planned and unplanned activities. This in order to see what characterizes learning and how activities can help employees to learn. Secondly, it aims to make recommendations that contribute to the improvement of learning. Methodology: To answer our purpose, a qualitative case study was conducted through semi-structured interviews and observations at the elderly housing Rosen. The study had an inductive approach where empirical data is the basis for the selection of theories. Conclusions: Through the study, we have identified both formal and informal learning activities. The focus from the organization is primarily on formal learning while employees are demanding opportunities to learn by doing. Meetings are an important arena for the exchange of knowledge and experiences. A big part of the tasks at Rosen involves following procedures, minimize deviations and ensuring that the terms of reference is followed. There is little if any room for the employees to review or question the prevailing situation and conditions that govern the work and operations. We believe that the organizations values and norms controls and guides the employees which can limit learning and knowledge opportunities.

"Någons skräp, en annans skatt" : Samspel och skapande med returmaterial i förskolan / ”Somebody’s trash, someone else’s treasure” : Interaction and creation with recycled materials in preschool

Kjellberg, Klara January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Programme development for first year accounting in South African higher education / Jacobus Paulus Fouché

Fouché, Jacobus Paulu January 2006 (has links)
There are various factors that accounting educators should consider when involved in accounting education. These include: A continuous changing business environment; A new generation of learners studying at universities; A lack of skills among learners; Accounting educators resisting changes in accounting education; and The requirements for continuing professional education. From the literature it seems that much research has been done in the field of accounting education, but that it did not find practical application in the classroom. It is therefore necessary to think creatively in order to find practical solutions for the challenges facing both lecturers and facilitators. In the study the following elements of the teaching-learning environment were identified: Learners; The lecturer/facilitator; The milieu; The subject content (including technical content and competencies); and the Teaching methodology. Each of these elements were investigated during the research in order to identify factors from literature that could be included in an improved teaching plan. As part of the plan (methodology) a board game "Commercium™" was developed to meet the requirements of the teaching-learning environment. The board game was evaluated by first year learners at the Potchefstroom Campus of the North-West University. The evaluation proved to be very positive. The learners indicated that technical skills, understanding of the roles of the accountant, soft skills as well as knowledge of the subject content improved as a result. What should especially be noted is their positive reaction due to the fact that the game simulated the business environment and linked theory to practice. They also enjoyed the social and group work aspects of the assignment. The learners further had a general positive attitude towards the game. The highest evaluated positive experiences were described as good, exciting and fresh. On the negative side words such as unhappy, uncomfortable and tensed were recorded. The learners were thus required to move outside their comfort zones. Learners were also required to summarise the project in one word. Two thirds of the remarks were positive, with the number one remark being the word "interesting". The largest negative comment was that the project was confusing at the start. This could, however, be addressed in future projects. In conclusion it can thus be said the Commercium™ game meets the requirements of an effective teaching-learning environment by providing an effective teaching methodology. Lecturers now have an empirically proven effective teaching tool for introductory accounting, based on research of the requirements of the teaching-learning environment. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Accounting))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Facilitating a co-constructed learning environment for caregivers in social gerontology : applying the 'Ripples on a pond' model / Magdel Fivaz

Fivaz, Francina Magdalena January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Research Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

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