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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Making Roman Catholic priests in the nineteenth century : a prosopographical study of Scottish Mission's France-trained students and seminarian social identities, 1818-1878

Saarinen, Iida Maria January 2017 (has links)
In the nineteenth century, Scottish Catholic priests were not simply trained; they were made. Preferably selected and intensely trained since boyhood, seminarians – prieststo- be – were set on a lengthy career path which expected them to become exemplary Christians, brilliant scholars, disciplined (celibate) males, loyal subjects of the Pope, and approachable ‘fathers’ to their parishioners in a Presbyterian country historically unsympathetic to their faith. By the time they left the seminary system they had been thoroughly transformed: from children to adults, from boys to men, from students to professionals and from, in many cases, labourers’ and shoemakers’ sons to gentlemen. Aspects of their lives were permanently affected by the process of moulding them into missionary priests in an immersive environment in a foreign country. But regardless of their unique experience, seminarians have rarely been the focus of historical scholarship. This thesis examines the lives and the social identities of a subsection of the Scottish Mission’s seminarians: those trained on French soil between 1818 and 1878 inclusive. It uses the prosopographical method to analyse the lives of a population of 225 France-trained individuals before, beyond and during their study migration abroad. It details the system for the education of missionary priests for Scotland before concentrating specifically on France and the post-Revolution setting of the students’ further studies there, previously undocumented by historians. It addresses the Gallican and Sulpician peculiarities of the French ecclesiastical culture reigning at the seminaries and the impact of the instability of the host society on the Scots seminarians. By using the lenses of gender, class, nation and race, it addresses different intertwining facets of this experience, elaborating on these lives through the concept of belonging. This thesis makes a significant contribution to scholarship on Roman Catholic priesthood, seminary education and Scots Colleges abroad. The individual seminarian lives highlight the paradoxical nature of a Roman Catholic clerical education, designed to mould individuals into cosmopolitan priests for the Scottish Catholic Mission.

\'O contemporâneo\': a vertente jornalística de Púchkin na primeira metade do século XIX / The Contemporary: Pushkin´s journalistic activity at the first half of the nineteenth century

Vitorino, Fabrício Yuri de Souza 26 March 2015 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo apresentar ao leitor as traduções, feitas pela primeira vez para a língua portuguesa diretamente dos originais, em russo, de textos selecionados de Aleksander Serguêievitch Púchkin, publicados em sua revista literária \"O Contemporâneo\", durante a década de 1830. Além disso, o trabalho traça um panorama histórico prévio ao surgimento do periódico, bem como uma análise do momento histórico de sua fundação - rico em jornais e revistas literárias - e o legado deixado por \"O Contemporâneo\", dando subsídios para o entendimento das razões históricas e pessoais para sua realização. / This work aims to present the translations of selected essays and articles, for the very first time straight from the originals in russian directly to portuguese, published by Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin on his literary magazine \"The Contemporary\" during the 1830 decade. Besides that this research traces an historical overview of the preceding decades, as well as analysis of the specific moment of publication of \"The Contemporary\", rich in literary and magazine newspapers. There is also a drilldown of its legacy, providing the reader with subsides to the fully understanding of Pushkin´s personal and literary motivations.

Em distantes paragens: demografia, riqueza, escravidão e mercado em Santa Rita do Turvo na segunda metade do oitocentos / In distant paragens: demography, wealth, slavery and market in Santa Rita do Turvo in the second half of the nineteenth century

Costa, Fernando Antonio Alves da 26 February 2015 (has links)
Analisamos a riqueza inventariada em Santa Rita do Turvo na segunda metade do século XIX. Inicialmente abordamos o nível de concentração e a composição dos recursos declarados. Posteriormente investigamos separadamente os principais grupos de ativos que compuseram os patrimônios dos indivíduos que faleceram ao longo do período recuperado e que foram inventariados. A análise particularizada permitiu qualificar o tipo de escravidão vigente, a paisagem agrária predominante e o mercado da localidade. Sustentamos que a produção de gêneros configurada em Santa Rita do Turvo assumiu proporções relevantes, conheceu certa estabilidade no correr da segunda metade do Oitocentos e conferiu movimento ao cenário econômico da localidade, independentemente de conexões com regiões de economias mais complexas e vultosas. Contudo, admitimos que as questões apontadas na tese tiveram como base um grupo restrito da população da localidade e não o conjuntos de seus habitantes. Certamente este aspecto conferiu limites para as análises realizadas. / Analyzed the wealth inventoried in Santa Rita do Turvo in the second half of the nineteenth century. Initially approached the level of concentration and the composition of the declared resources. Later separately investigated the main groups of assets that comprised the assets of individuals who died during the period recovered and were inventoried. The detailed analysis allowed qualify the type of current slavery, the dominant agrarian landscape and the market of the town. We hold that the production of genres set in Santa Rita do Turvo assumed relevant proportions, met some stability in the course of the second half of the nineteenth century and gave movement to the economic environment of the locality, regardless of connections to regions of more complex and bulky economies. However, we admit that the issues raised in the thesis were based on a small group of village population and not the sets of its inhabitants. Certainly this aspect given limits for analyzes.

Cativeiros em conflito: crimes e comunidades escravas em Campinas (1850-1888) / Conflicted captivities: crimes and slave communities in Campinas (1850-1888)

Alves, Maíra Chinelatto 03 July 2015 (has links)
Esta tese investiga comunidades escravas na região de Campinas na segunda metade do século XIX. Através da leitura de depoimentos e interrogatórios de cativos e cativas em documentos judiciais de diferentes tipos reunidos no Arquivo Público do Estado de São Paulo (AESP) tem como objetivo compreender as dinâmicas sociais e afetivas que envolviam aqueles indivíduos e as variadas experiências vividas por trabalhadores especializados ou não, casados ou solteiros, de sexo masculino ou feminino que viveram escravizados na região. Questionando a ideia de uma existência forçosa de redes de solidariedade e companheirismo advindas simplesmente do fato de experimentarem juntos a escravidão, esta pesquisa procura perceber manifestações por vezes contraditórias de disputas, amizade, envolvimentos afetivos e sexuais, companheirismo e competição que foram registrados nos autos criminais referentes ao período indicado. / This dissertation investigates slave communities in Campinas, Province de São Paulo, in the second half of the Nineteenth century. Through the analysis of depositions and interrogations of male and female slaves registered in different kinds of court documents gathered in the Arquivo Público do Estado de São Paulo (AESP) this study aims at understanding the social and affective dynamics involving such individuals, as well as the various experiences of skilled or unskilled workers, married or single enslaved men and women who lived in the area. Questioning the idea of an inescapable existence of solidarity and fellowship networks naturally arising from joined experiences of enslavement, this dissertation intends to analyze sometimes contradictory demonstrations of disputes, friendships, sexual and emotional attachment, companionship and competition registered in the documents.

Universo letrado, educação e população negra na Parayba do Norte (século XIX) / Literacy, education and black population in Parahyba do Norte (nineteenth century)

Barros, Surya Aaronovich Pombo de 09 March 2017 (has links)
Trata-se de uma pesquisa histórica sobre a educação da população negra na Parahyba do Norte. A partir dos aportes teóricos da história social e da micro-história, e da contribuição de pesquisas em história da escravidão e da população negra, e de investigações sobre a história da educação, foram consultadas fontes primárias como imprensa, relatórios e documentos da instrução pública, literatura memorialística e arquivos eclesiásticos, a fim de acompanhar a relação entre negros e educação ao longo do século XIX. Partiu-se do expressivo percentual de população negra que compunha a província e da ausência de pesquisas sobre a temática para acompanhar as experiências e iniciativas voltadas para a população negra e as oriundas dessa camada da população no contato com a escola e o conhecimento da leitura e escrita numa sociedade que transitava do domínio da oralidade para o da escrita. Analisaram-se leis e regulamentos da instrução com interdições a não brancos a fim de perceber como a administração provincial lidou com a presença negra e comparou-se esse conjunto com os de outras províncias, inserindo-se a Parahyba do Norte no Brasil Império. Discutiram-se sentidos e significados de ser negro na província, observando-se cores, qualidades e condições jurídicas dos sujeitos da tese, denominados em conjunto como negros e destacou-se a instabilidade entre escravidão e liberdade para esses. Foram enfatizadas, também, outras experiências possíveis para homens negros no período a partir de um conjunto de personagens que se sobressaíram por seu pertencimento à elite educacional da região. Para isso, o fio condutor da análise foi a vida e trajetória de um desses sujeitos, o professor, político e coronel Graciliano Fontino Lordão. Entende-se que para que estes tenham logrado esse destaque na sociedade local, inúmeros outros sujeitos de origem negra se relacionavam com o universo letrado. Acompanhou-se o contato com a leitura e escrita na escola e em outros espaços de aprendizado de pessoas escravas, filhos de homens e de mulheres de cor livres, filhos de escravas, pretos, pardos e mestiços, alunos de instituições para pobres e desvalidos desde o início do período imperial até a abolição da escravidão e proclamação da República. A análise dos rastros que sobreviveram nas fontes primárias permitiu observar a heterogeneidade das experiências negras na Parahyba do Norte e as possibilidades de inserção desse grupo no universo letrado. / This is a historical research on education of black population in Parahyba do Norte. Based on theoretical contributions of social history and microhistory, of research on the history of slavery and the black population, as well as investigations into the history of education, primary sources were consulted, such as the press, reports and documents related to the public instruction, memorial literature and ecclesiastical archives, in order to follow the relation between blacks and education throughout the nineteenth century. Considering the expressive percentage of the black population that constituted the province and the lack of research on this topic, we followed the experiences and initiatives towards the black population and those coming from this layer of the population in contact with the school and the knowledge of reading and writing in a society that moved from the domain of orality to writing. We analyzed laws and regulations of the public instruction with prohibitions to non-whites in order to understand how the provincial administration dealt with the black presence. We also compared this legislation with those of other provinces, circumscribing Parahyba do Norte within the Brazil Empire. We discussed the senses and meanings of being black in the province, observing the colors, qualities and legal conditions of the subjects analyzed in this thesis, jointly denominated as blacks, emphasizing the instability among slavery and freedom. We also highlighted other possible experiences for black men in the period from a group of characters who stood out for their membership in the region\'s educational elite. To do this, the guiding thread of the analysis was the life and trajectory of one of these subjects, teacher, politician and colonel Graciliano Fontino Lordão. It is understood that these subjects achieved this prominence in local society since numerous other subjects of black origin had contact with the literacy. We took into account the contact with reading and writing in school and in other learning spaces of slave people, children of free colored men and women, children born to slave women, blacks, mulattos and mestizos, students of institutions for the poor and helpless since the beginning of the imperial period until the abolition of slavery and proclamation of the Republic. The analysis of the traces that remained in the primary sources allowed us to observe the heterogeneity of the black experiences in Parahyba do Norte and the possibilities of insertion of this group in the literacy.

Um cronista na tribuna: Joaquim Manuel de Macedo, imprensa e política na consolidação do Estado-nacional brasileiro / A columnist in the tribune: Joaquim Manuel de Macedo - Press and politics in the consolidation of brazilian nation-state

Andrade, Priscilla Rampin de 30 September 2011 (has links)
Joaquim Manuel de Macedo foi uma figura importante do Império brasileiro. Durante sua trajetória exerceu muitas atividades foi escritor, político, jornalista, professor, integrou o quadro de sócios IHGB e também foi membro do Conservatório Dramático e da Sociedade da Biblioteca Popular Itaboriense. Dessa maneira, Macedo foi exemplo de um tipo de figura característica do século XIX, que exercia várias funções, participava de muitas instituições e assim se envolveu nas principais discussões do período. Nesse sentido este trabalho procurou demonstrar como acompanhar a sua trajetória, principalmente sua atuação como político, jornalista e professor é um viés importante para compreender um período da história do Brasil, marcado por muitas discussões e mudanças, sobretudo no campo da política. / Joaquim Manuel de Macedo was a major figure of the Brazilian Empire. Throughout his career has had many activities was a writer, politician, journalist, teacher, joined the IHGB the membership and also was a member of the Conservatory of Drama and Society Itaboriense Popular Library. Thus, Macedo was an example of one type of characteristic figure of the nineteenth century, who exercised various functions, participated in many institutions and so became involved in major discussions of the period. In this sense this paper was to demonstrate how to track your career, especially his role as politician, journalist and teacher bias is important to understand a period in Brazil\'s history, marked by many discussions and changes, especially in politics.

Listening to reading aloud: literacy and the novel in nineteenth-century England

Nesbit, Kate 01 August 2019 (has links)
This dissertation considers how listening to reading aloud changed the English novel in the context of rising literacy rates and an accelerating print culture. Traditionally, historians associate mass literacy and cheap, fast print with a shift away from communal, oral reading in the nineteenth century. Accounts of the “revolution” in European reading practices at the end of the 1700s posit a turn toward solitary, private, and silent encounters with a wider range of texts. As a rich body of scholarship has shown, however, oral culture was alive and well in nineteenth-century print culture: public speech and speakers—orators, preachers, elocutionists, and storytellers—filled squares, pulpits, and stages (not to mention novel pages) throughout the century. But what about not-so-public speech? Oral delivery in the home? Communal but domestic, oral but routine, “household reading” slips through the cracks of our go-to methods for categorizing and researching the reading experience. Even so, ample evidence—from home entertainment guides, to elocution manuals, to women’s domestic periodicals and recommended reading pamphlets—points to the prevalence of the practice and, as I profile, its central role in period literacy programs. Family-centered and within the domestic sphere, household reading served as a safe literary practice for the century’s so-called “new readers.” Yet, according to the literature of the period, reading aloud was not “safe” at all. My dissertation identifies fiction’s unruly listeners: tired laborers who zone out while listening to the Bible, women who fall asleep to their husbands’ Shakespeare delivery, and children who eavesdrop on their parents reading the newspaper’s sex scandals. Combining sound studies and reading history, I argue that novelists deploy these intractable audience members as part of a larger campaign to articulate the value of the novel in an era still suspicious of the form and its effects on an expanding national reading public. I structure my chapters around texts frequently depicted in scenes of household reading—Shakespeare’s plays, the Bible, and the newspaper—all texts that had safely secured cultural authority and value. These were also texts associated with public speech and performance—texts read aloud in playhouses, churches, or pubs. Yet, each underwent what I call a “reception crisis”: a period when cheaper production and wider circulation brought the text into more households—in short, became affordable and accessible material for home delivery. And, as my chapters discuss, these changes prompted new anxieties about who could access each text and how they would attend (or not attend) to it. The writers I survey allude to these anxieties in order to demonstrate what their own novels can offer a growing literate public. While the authors I study want to borrow some aspect of another text—to adopt, say, Shakespeare’s cultivation of literary taste, the Bible’s moral instruction, or the newspaper’s candid communication of reality—they also need to articulate fiction’s unique offerings. Here, our unruly listeners come into play. They demonstrate how, where, and with which readers a different text, even a supposed guarantor of truth like the Bible, fails to “work.” These noncompliant listeners, then, function like any advertisement created to distinguish a new product from existing competitors. They showcase the promises of fiction by revealing the shortcomings of another text within the context of the period’s new readers and new ways of reading.

“The endless roar in which we live”: the figure of noise in nineteenth-century U.S. literature

Norquest, Christine 01 May 2016 (has links)
My dissertation, The Endless Roar in which We Live: The Figure of Noise in Nineteenth-Century U.S. Fiction is the first extended study that locates an intersection between sound studies and literary studies in order to examine noise as it defines spaces and places, and the characters that live and work in them, in American literature from the second half of the nineteenth century through the beginning of the twentieth century. I evaluate noise in a sampling of American fiction, and consider how the imagined sounds of fiction echo nineteenth-century soundscapes and underscore contemporary discernment of noises – and sometimes the lack of noises – in the national consciousness. I consider the street noise that the upper classes wished away, the factory noise that so many women workers spent a lifetime hearing, and the resounding noise of the United States’ expansion westward. Conversely, I also consider how authors and characters respond to the noises that penetrate their ears and create their soundscapes. Together, these considerations shape my argument that sounds help to construct and characterize localities, just as certain places construct particular sounds. Moreover, however, I argue that noise creates spaces wherein identities – such as those of gender, class, and ethnicity – also often tied to place, are discovered, defined, and challenged. In many ways, classifications of noise are subjective and varied, depending on who makes and who hears the noise, where and why the noise is produced, and how and by whom is the noise interpreted. Considering noise as malleable and interpretable based on context allows me to most effectively examine noise as a facilitator of identity formation.

BVM Catholic schools and teachers: a nineteenth-century U.S. school system

Daack Riley, Rachel Katherine 01 May 2009 (has links)
From the arrival of the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (BVMs) in Dubuque, Iowa, in 1843 through the death of their foundress in 1887, the BVMs created a group identity that they spread through the dispersion of their schools and that they maintained through regular written and personal contact. The identity they maintained was definitely religious in nature, but it was also equally secular. The BVMs provided a type of teaching that historians and geographers of U.S. education have not yet fully investigated, namely Catholic education. These women regularly taught and administered for lifelong careers; interactions among the women teachers and administrators were both deeply personal and pointedly professional; and these U.S. teachers actively supported and benefited from centralization. The research explores the dispersion pattern of the BVM school system, the nature of the institution through the experiences of BVM teachers and administrators, and the importance of recognizing the intertwining secular and sacred aspects of the congregation and its schools. Rather than reducing U.S. education to public education, the findings in this dissertation about BVM teachers and their schools call for a more nuanced understanding of U.S. education in general, one that includes Catholic education as a part of the whole.

Victorian Perspectives on the Supernatural: The Imaginary Versus the Real in Two Brontë Novels

Sidell, Crystal 03 April 2008 (has links)
The Victorians obsessed over the supernatural and this fascination with the otherworldly emerges in the literature of the day. With this thesis, I look at two nineteenth century novels that exhibit supernatural phenomena: Charlotte Brontë's Villette (1853) and Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights (1847). Both novels, I propose, utilize this aspect of the gothic tradition to enhance their characters' psychological realism. With Villette, I examine the supernatural as a fabricated experience. First, I study the protagonist's psyche and show how her emotional state directly contributes to the appearance of fantastic material. Specifically, I examine Lucy Snowe's childhood experiences in Bretton and then look at her continuing emotional isolation at the boarding school in Villette. I then illustrate how Lucy compensates for this loneliness by transforming the identities of her acquaintances and by often embellishing her own experiences. Following this, I examine her response to an external phenomenon, the ghostly nun. I argue that as Lucy discovers emotional fulfillment via her relationship with Paul Emanuel, she grows increasingly skeptical of the nun. This skepticism climaxes in a scene of violence, after which Lucy successfully denies the existence of the otherworldly. With Wuthering Heights, I examine the supernatural as a genuine phenomenon. To begin, I analyze two significant scenes which frame the main narrative: Lockwood's dream and Heathcliff's death. Both events, I subsequently demonstrate, are instances of supernatural interaction with the real world. Finally, I examine the spiritual and occult beliefs of the lovers, Catherine and Heathcliff. I then show how their ideology influences their decisions and, ultimately, brings about their reunion in the afterlife.

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