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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Det ska inte vara för klurigt… inte heller för lätt” : En utvärdering av motiverande matematikuppgifter för elever i årskurs 2

Ståhl, Jennie, Haeggman, Emelie January 2019 (has links)
Denna studies syfte var att undersöka vilka uppgifter i matematikämnet som elever själva valde när de gavs möjlighet. Bakgrunden till studien har sitt ursprung i en systematisk litteraturstudie med syftet att se om undervisningens utformning kan påverka elevernas motivation och attityd inför matematikämnet. Studien och resultatet bygger på semistrukturerade intervjuer med 30 elever från två olika skolor. I intervjun fick eleverna börja med att själva berätta vad de tycker om att arbeta med inom matematik. Därefter utvärderades åtta olika matematikuppgifter och eleverna fick svara på vilka de föredrog att arbeta med. Denna studie visar att eleverna själva föredrog matematikuppgifter kopplade till den inre motivationen då de känner en tilltro till sin egen förmåga när de själva gav möjlighet att välja uppgifter. De uppgifter som eleverna föredrog är de uppgifter som ligger på en elevnära, spännande och lustfylld nivå som är rätt för varje enskild individ.

To be, or not to be, organic : Motives and barriers for Swedish wine farmers to use organic practices

Länn, Andreas, Wikholm, Philip January 2019 (has links)
Wine production is one of the farming practices with the highest negative environmental impacts, mainly due to a heavy use of pesticides, why it is important to find more sustainable wine production practices. One such practice is organic farming, but the transition is slow and the number of organic certified vineyards remain low. The purpose of this study is to map what motives and barriers Swedish wine farmers perceive in using organic practices in their production, and to what extent the decision to do so is guided by intrinsic or extrinsic motivation. This was studied by visiting 11 Swedish vineyards and conducting interviews with the wine farmers. The theoretical framework used in this thesis builds on the Self-determination theory about motivation together with previous research on motives and barriers to convert to organic farming. The results show that despite that only 5% of the Swedish vineyards are organically certified, all visited vineyards almost exclusively use organic practices in their production. The main motives to use organic practices were identified to be soil protection and long-term scope of the vineyard, biodiversity and ecosystem protection, lower exposure to agrochemicals, to produce an honest product, and the possibility of increased sales. Perceived barriers with using organic practices among Swedish wine producers were increased workload and labour costs, lack of access to knowledge about organic viticulture, difficulties with weed and pest control, and lower harvest yields. The decision to use organic practices are mainly guided by inner beliefs about producing the wine in harmony with nature, not causing unnecessary damage, producing a high-quality product they can be proud of, and the desire to get a professional challenge and develop as winemakers, consequently indicating that Swedish wine farmers are motivated by intrinsic motivation. Only weak indicators of extrinsic motivation were found in the study. Furthermore, the study found that the climate in southern Sweden is facilitating for organic viticulture which together with a lack of regulations regarding grape- and vine varieties could act as a foundation for Sweden to become a leader in sustainable wine production, but that a lack of knowledge and the strict regulation on sales of alcohol might prevent this.

Viljan till förändring : Har beroendebehandlare i Sverige ett medvetet sätt att framkalla och underhålla motivationen hos klienterna? Utifrån ett SDT-perspektiv / Willingness to change. : Do addiction councelors in Sweden have a conscious way to induce motivation with their clients? From an SDT perspective.

Engström, Jimmy January 2019 (has links)
Arbetet handlar om motivation inom beroendevården i Sverige. Beroende av alkohol och andra droger har arbetats med i flera tusen år på olika sätt och med olika framgång. Allt ifrån inlåsningar på psykiatriska institutioner till elchocker. Syftet med denna studie var att se om behandlare i Sverige har speciella medvetna strategier i sättet de jobbar på för att väcka motivation hos klienterna till fortsatt behandling.    En större del av de tillfrågade (87 %) uppgav att de använder en speciell metod eller har en speciell tanke innan ett första möte. Flertalet av dessa använder sig av motiverande samtal eller lågaffektivt bemötande.    Flera av de tillfrågade ansåg att vara lyhörd och förmedla tillit var de viktigaste sakerna i ett första bemötande med en ny klient.    Det finns stöd för att behandlare inom beroendevården i Sverige använder sig av specifika metoder i ett möte med klienten. Flera av dessa metoder finner stöd i tidigare forskning och litteratur i att vara främjande för att skapa känslor av autonomitet, samband/släktskap och kompetens. Enligt Self-Determination theory (jfr. Deci & Ryan, 2008) kan detta ses som något som något som är nödvändigt för att kunna bygga en stark inre motivation. Studier visar att en stark inre motivation är positivt för att kunna tillgodogöra sig behandlingen.

Continuity of care and its effect on patients' motivation to initiate and maintain cardiac rehabilitation

Payne, Liz January 2015 (has links)
Background: Despite national guidance and empirical support for its clinical and cost-effectiveness, cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is underused. Only 44% of patients go to CR, with angioplasty (Percutaneous Coronary Intervention; PCI) patients being least likely to attend (31% of 87,000). Aim: To investigate the relationship between ‘continuity of care’ and patients’ motivation towards CR, through the lens of self-determination theory, and develop a model to inform service design to increase CR uptake and adherence. Methods: A mixed methods approach was used. In Study 1, a theoretical model of continuity of care and motivational antecedents was tested with a cross-sectional sample of 107 PCI patients. To further explore interactions between continuity of care and motivation towards cardiac rehabilitation, a Critical Interpretive Synthesis of the extant literature was used in Study 2, and focus groups were carried out with patients and service providers in Study 3. Results: In Study 1, continuity of care positively predicted patients’ autonomous motivation towards CR, and this was partially mediated by autonomy support. Autonomy support was associated with CR attendance. In Studies 2 and 3, aspects of continuity of care with positive effects on attendance were identified. These included timely, appropriate information provision, relationships bridging CR phases and settings, and continuing management strategies incorporating trusting, warm staff-patient relationships, and positive encouragement and feedback about progress. The SDT constructs of autonomy support, need satisfaction, internalisation and quality of motivation helped to explain positive and negative influences of continuity on attendance. Conclusion: Continuity of care has a positive effect on patients’ motivation towards CR. The most enduring motivation comes from delivering continuity of care in an autonomy-supportive and competence-supportive way. Longitudinal research is needed to compare how need-supportive and need-thwarting aspects of continuity of care affect CR attendance and adherence, and whether these relationships are influenced by need satisfaction and need frustration.

Adaptação e validação transcultural da medida integrada de independência decisória para adolescentes

D'Incao, Daniela Bergesch January 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação de mestrado objetivou a adaptação transcultural para o Português Brasileiro da Medida Integrada de Independência Decisória para Adolescentes (MIIDA). Esta foi desenvolvida por pesquisadores da Bélgica, constitui-se de três subescalas que avaliam a tomada de decisão dependente e independente, com base nos preceitos da Teoria da Autodeterminação (TAD). O estudo de validação contou com uma amostra de 672 adolescentes (52,7% meninas), de 11 a 20 anos (M=15,6; DP=1,6), estudantes de escolas da rede pública de Porto Alegre (RS). Após análises a estrutura do instrumento mostrou-se consistente de acordo com a medida original, apresentando uma solução de dois fatores para as três subescalas: Quem decide, independência decisória e dependência decisória. Além disso, foram realizadas análises de correlação com a escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg (1965) e com a escala de Estilos Parentais (Teixeira, Bardagi & Gomes, 2004) com intuito de verificar a validade de construto da MIIDA. Os resultados demonstraram que a MIIDA apresenta boas propriedades psicométricas e evidências de validade e fidedignidade, sendo um instrumento útil para avaliar a independência decisória em termos de motivação para a tomada de decisão. / This master's thesis made the cultural adaptation to Brazilian Portuguese of the Integrated Measure of Decisional Independence for Adolescents. It is based on the precepts of Self- Determination Theory and consists of three subscales that assess the dependent and independent decision-making. The validation study included a sample of 672 adolescents (52.7 % female) , 11-20 years ( M = 15.6 , SD = 1.6), attending public schools in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Factorial analyses indicated a two-factor solution for the three subscales: Who decides, independent and dependent decision-making. The results pointed out for good psychometric properties and evidence of validity and reliability, being a useful tool to evaluate the decision-making independence regarding motivation for decision-making.

Motivation på högsta nivå : att motivera chefer till produktivitet / Motivation at the highest level : motivate managers to productivity

Bäckman, Sofie, Järnberg, Jacquline January 2014 (has links)
En kvantitativ studie med syftet att undersöka chefers arbetsmotivation i en större svensk koncern med runt 1000 anställda har genomförts. Vi har använt Self- determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 2008a) samt Tremblay, Blanchard, Taylor, Pelletier och Villeneuves (2009) WEIMS-test (The work extrinsic and intrinsic motivation scale) som teoretiskt underlag i studien. Vi fokuserade på att jämföra skillnader i arbetsmotivation utifrån ålder och chefsposition samt att koppla arbetsmotivation till produktivitet. Totalt deltog 102 chefer, 27 av dem var arbetsledare, 54 var mellanchefer och 21 var högre chefer. Resultatet visade att cheferna i större utsträckning motiverades av inre motivationshöjande faktorer än av yttre motivationshöjande faktorer. Yngre chefer motiverades mer av inre motivationshöjande faktorer och de äldre cheferna motiverades i högre grad av kontrollerad arbetsmotivation. Det fanns inget samband mellan självbestämd (inre) arbetsmotivation och upplevd produktivitet men däremot fanns ett samband mellan självbestämd arbetsmotivation och attityd till koncernen och dess produktivitet. Slutligen visade sig de lägre cheferna uppleva mer amotivation än de högre cheferna. / Program: Organisations- och personalutvecklare i samhället

Arbetsmotivation bortom lönen? / Motivation to work- beyond salary

Johansson, Sophie, Lundqvist, Albin January 2012 (has links)
Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ studie med syfte att undersöka arbetsmotivationen hos personal på två korttidsboenden i en närliggande kommun till Göteborg. Korttidsboendena är till för ungdomar med neuropsykiatriska diagnoser med utåtagerande problematik. Det råder en tuff arbetsmiljö där hot och våld förekommer. I studien ställer vi oss frågor om personalen upplever sig motiverade i arbetet, vad som motiverar dem och om det finns faktorer som påverkar motivationen negativt.Empiri har samlats genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med nio respondenter från de två korttidsboendena.Resultatet visar på att personalen upplever sig motiverade och att det finns sex faktorer som påverkar arbetsmotivationen bland personalen positivt, negativt och/eller båda och. Dessa faktorer är ekonomiska incitament, arbetsmiljö, arbetskamrater, att arbeta med människor, struktur och arbetsförhållanden. Faktorerna som främst höjde arbetsmotivationen är att personalen får arbeta med människor och den fria strukturen med stort eget ansvar. De faktorer som påverkade arbetsmotivationen negativt är en arbetsmiljö där hot och våld förekommer samt att strukturen upplevs som diffus och arbetsrollen otydlig.Resultatet diskuteras utifrån Frederick Herzbergs tvåfakorsteori, Self-determination-theory av Edward Deci och Richard Ryan tidigare forskning utförd av Yasushi Kudo, Adam M. Grant, Karen Danna och Ricky W. Griffin och Daniel A. Sachau. / Program: Organisations- och personalutvecklare i samhället

O que pensam os professores de ciências sobre a profissão docente: concepções e motivações na formação inicial do professor / What Science teachers think about the teaching profession: conceptions and motivations in the initial formation of the teacher

Santos, Renata Harumi Muniz dos 21 February 2017 (has links)
Garantir que todas as crianças tenham acesso à educação escolar de qualidade é uma das maiores preocupações no atual cenário social, político e cultural do nosso país. Para que esse objetivo seja atingido, é preciso formar professores bem preparados, capazes de se envolver e participar da formação cultural e cidadã dos alunos. Apesar da importância social do papel do professor, a carreira é pouco atrativa devido a fatores como baixos salários, péssimas condições de trabalho, dentre outros. No entanto, mesmo diante dessa perspectiva desanimadora, existem estudantes que desejam se tornar professores. Na presente pesquisa foram analisados os diálogos de um grupo de estudantes de um curso de Licenciatura em Ciências da Natureza da escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades da Universidade de São Paulo durante uma sessão de grupo focal com o objetivo de identificar alguns dos motivos que os levaram a escolher a profissão docente. As respostas e os diálogos forneceram um rico material para nos aproximar do que pensam estes professores em formação inicial. Inicialmente, elaboramos um questionário para identificar alunos que possuíam o desejo de se tornar professores. O questionário foi respondido por diversos alunos do curso de Licenciatura em Ciências da Natureza. Sete estudantes que expressaram a vontade em seguir a carreira docente foram convidados a participar de um grupo focal. A discussão foi gravada e posteriormente transcrita para análise de dados, que se deu através da análise textual discursiva. Durante o estudo, emergiram nove categorias, que possuíam algumas características em comum. Assim, elas foram agrupadas no que denominamos de domínios: o Individual e o Social. As categorias emergentes do domínio Individual são: reconhecimento - desejo de ser admirado pelos outros; vocação - crença que se possui uma aptidão nata; admiração pela docência - apreço pela profissão; conhecimento - gosto pelo aprendizado; e relação ético/afetiva - prazer na relação com o aluno. As categorias do domínio Social são: relação ético/transformadora - possibilitar que o aluno mude sua própria realidade; política - comprometimento em lutar por uma educação de qualidade e engajar os alunos nas questões políticas; importância para a sociedade - reconhecimento do caráter essencial da profissão em relação a formação de todos os cidadãos; e transformação - potencial de transformar a sociedade. As categorias foram organizadas partindo da mais íntima e pessoal para a mais abrangente e coletiva. Depois, traçamos um paralelo entre as categorias e as regulações do contínuo de motivação da Teoria da Autodeterminação. Concluímos que os licenciandos em Ciências da Natureza que desejam se tornar professores podem possuir diversas regulações que os motivam. Essas regulações podem ser muito individuais ou compreender razões que envolvam o coletivo. A análise dos dados e do estudo dos referenciais teóricos aponta para uma crise de sentido no papel do professor. Os alunos compreendem a importância do professor, entretanto apontam muitos aspectos negativos da carreira. É necessário oferecer melhores salários e condições de trabalho, além de proporcionar uma formação inicial e continuada de qualidade. Assim, é possível aumentar a atratividade da profissão e formar cada vez mais professores comprometidos e empenhados na formação de uma sociedade mais justa e democrática. / Ensuring that all children have access to quality education is a major concern in our country\'s current social, political and cultural scene. In order for this objective to be achieved, it is necessary to train well-prepared teachers capable of becoming involved and participating in the students\' cultural and citizen formation. Despite the social importance of the role of the teacher, the career is unattractive due to factors such as low wages, poor working conditions, among others. However, even in the face of this discouraging prospect, there are students who wish to become teachers. In the present research were analyzed the dialogues of Naturals Sciences degree students\' group of School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities of the University of São Paulo during a focus group session that aimed of identifying some of the reasons that led them to choose the teaching profession. The answers and dialogues provided a rich material that bring us closer to what these teachers in inicial formation think. Initially, we developed a questionnaire that aimed to identify students who had the desire to become teachers. Several students of Natural Sciences degree answered the questionnaire. Seven students who expressed their willingness to start a teaching career were invited to participate in a focus group. The discussion was recorded and later transcribed for data analysis, which occurred through the discursive textual analysis. During the study, nine categories emerged, which of them had some common feature. Thus, they were grouped into what we\'ve called domains: the Individual and the Social. The emergent categories of the Individual domain are: recognition - desire to be admired by others; Vocation - belief that has a natural ability; Admiration for teaching - appreciation for the profession; Knowledge - learning appreciation; And ethical / affective relationship - pleasure in the relationship with the student. The categories of the Social domain are: ethical / transforming relationship - enable the student to change his / her own reality; Policy - commitment to strive for quality education and engaging students in policy issues; Importance to society - recognition of the essential character of the profession in relation to the formation of all citizens; And transformation - the potential of transforming the society. The categories were organized from the most intimate and personal to the most comprehensive and collective. Then we draw a parallel between the categories and the regulations of the motivational continuum of Self-Determination Theory. We conclude that the major students in Natural Sciences that wish to become professors can have several regulations that motivate them. These regulations can be very individual or understand reasons involving the collective. The analysis of the data and the study of the theoretical references points to a crisis of meaning in the teacher\'s role. Students understand the importance of the teacher, however they point out many negative aspects of the career. It is necessary to offer better wages and working conditions, as well as to provide initial and continuing quality training. Thus, it is possible to increase the attractiveness of the profession and to train more and more teachers who are committed to the formation of a more just and democratic society.

Adult Communicative Play in Close Friendships

Douglas E. Pruim (5930162) 19 December 2018 (has links)
Adult communicative play is a pervasive interpersonal phenomenon and a defining element of most close friendships. With a few notable exceptions (e.g., Aune & Wong 2002; Aune & Wong, 2012; Baxter, 1992), adult communicative play is largely understudied within the field of interpersonal communication. A primary factor in satisfaction with friends is fulfillment of relational needs, specifically the needs of autonomy, relatedness, and competence, as described by self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985). In this project, I report two studies exploring the impact of play within close friendships. Study 1 examined the relationships between and among adult communicative play, interpersonal needs, and relationship satisfaction in close, same-sex, platonic friends. The results indicated support for all hypotheses, including support for the theoretical path model. In this path model, a) the effect of adult communicative play on relationship satisfaction is mediated by interpersonal need satisfaction and b) the effect of playfulness on satisfaction is fully mediated by play. Study 2 sought, first, to replicate the findings of Study 1 and, second, to extend Study 1 by exploring whether playfulness and play scores of one friend are associated with his or her partner’s satisfaction, as well as whether playfulness scores are associated with a partner’s score on play. Because of poor model fit in Study 2, the results of Study 1 could not be replicated; instead, post hoc alternative models were explored. Furthermore, path analysis results of an actor-partner interdependence model for indistinguishable pairs revealed that one partner’s playfulness is associated with the other’s reporting of play and one partner’s play is associated with the other’s relationship satisfaction. Implications, limitations, and future recommendations are then discussed.

An exploration of the associations between hypomanic traits, motives and exercise in the context of self-determination theory

Williams, Lucy January 2018 (has links)
Objective: The current study aimed to explore associations between hypomanic personality traits, over-ambitious life goals, exercise motives, behavioural regulation and exercise behaviour. It was hypothesised that hypomanic traits would be significantly associated with setting more overly-ambitious life goals and extrinsic motives for exercise; these were derived from the theoretical perspectives of Self-Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan, 2000) and research into goal dysregulation in Bipolar Disorders (Johnson, 2005). Method: A sample of 165 undergraduate students (83% female [n = 133]; age, M = 19.3 years old, SD = 0.4, range 18-40) was recruited from the University of Exeter to take part in this longitudinal study. Participants completed a selection of self-report questionnaires measuring variables including hypomanic personality traits, over-ambitious goal setting, motives for exercise, behavioural regulation and exercise behaviour via an online survey. Exercise behaviour was then captured a week later in a follow-up survey. Results: Mediation analyses revealed an indirect effect of hypomanic traits on exercise motives via overly-ambitious goal setting. No significant relationships were found between hypomanic traits and exercise behaviour itself and further mediation analyses revealed no effect of exercise motives on exercise behaviour through behavioural regulations. Conclusions: Findings from this study provided mixed support for the proposed hypotheses; despite no significant associations between hypomanic traits and exercise behaviour itself, hypomanic traits appear to make a unique contribution to exercise motives, via over-ambitious goal setting. Therefore, they may play a role in the motivational processes that have consistently shown to be associated with exercise engagement and adherence (Ingledew & Markland, 2008, Teixeira et al., 2012). Exploring these variables within a clinical population may be a useful next step in further understanding these motivational processes.

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