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Semantic Role Agency in Perceptions of the Lexical Items Sick and EvilSimmons, Nathan G. 18 November 2008 (has links)
Inspired by an ongoing debate in the clinical sciences concerning the value of evil as a label for human behavior (Mowrer 1960, Staub 1999, Wellman 2000, Williams 2004 etc.), this thesis examines the semantic role of AGENT in the lexical items sick and evil. Williams makes the argument that the label evil removes responsibility from the doctor, whereas, the label sick empowers the doctor in bringing about a cure. While this view is not universally accepted in the field, it does bring to light an interesting question in applied linguistic semantics as to the assignment of agency with respect to sick and evil. Based on the close association of the meanings of sick and evil that stems from historical, psychological, and legal perspectives, this thesis assumes that the semantic feature [+/-RESPONSIBILITY] is assigned to either sick or evil at some point along a continuum. This continuum establishes EVIL at one pole and receives [+RESPONSIBILITY] while SICK is at the opposite pole and receives [-RESPONSIBILITY]. Using a variety of prompts to survey 106 respondents, the continuum model is shown to be only partially true. There is a correlation between NON-RESPONSIBILITY and SICK. Also, a continuum exists that allows the assignment of PARTIAL RESPONSIBILITY to both terms. However, there is no definitive significant correlation between RESPONSIBILITY and EVIL. Further conclusions include the indication of adherence to a legal model of guilt, innocence, and insanity in the general conceptions of SICK and EVIL. Also, demographic variation shows little predictive potential in how people perceive SICK and EVIL. This thesis concludes with a proposal for an alternative model using a Greimas Square to represent the conceptions of SICK and EVIL that more appropriately fits the trends found in the survey data.
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Představy smrti u dětí / Conception of death percieved by childrenKubáňková, Jarmila January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this paper is better understanding how children think about the world and what they know about how it goes there. The ambition of the research is to find meanings that children attach to the death. One of the prerequisites of research is the assumption that images of death can not be asked directly without causing undesirable reduction of potentially rich answers. For this reason, Thematic Apperception test was elected as a tool and the children told stories to a pre-selected board. Eleven children, at the age from nine to ten collaborated on the research. All of them attended, or just completed 3rd class in Prague's elementary schools. The research showed that in the stories of children who would still not reach the stage of abstract intellectual operations already appear phenomena such as paradox, the cycle of life, psychological causes as the reason of death, or the idea that memories of the deceased man is a "being with him "and can be a relief. So it seems that the time when developmental psychology theory replace the concrete to the abstract for some other, better reflect reality is not so far. KEYWORDS conception of death, childhood, narrative approach, TAT, thematic analysis of the story
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Between Defence and Offence: An Analysis Of The US "Cyber Strategic Culture" / Between Defence and Offence: An Analysis Of The US "Cyber Strategic Culture"Persoglia, Davide January 2018 (has links)
The present thesis deals with the US strategic approach and posture to cybersecurity from a national point of view. On such a topic much has been written already, nonetheless the present work finds a degree of originality by tackling such object of analysis shifting the focus to a ideational perspective. By drawing insights from the meta-theory of Constructivism and the rich research tradition on strategic culture, the present thesis aims at understanding what kind of norms seem to be informing/mirroring what has been labelled the US "cyber strategic culture", and if it is possible to speak of a "shift", or at least track an evolution regarding them, in a historical timeframe that runs from the early 2000s up to the present days. To pursue the stated research agenda, a methodology grounded in discourse and thematic analysis is utilised, with an analytical framework centred around two opposite "thematic normative categories" (themes) called "defensiveness" and "offensiveness", each characterised by a "story" made up by three sub-themes, delineating specific strategic behaviours. A set of official strategies, all tackling cybersecurity and published during the mentioned timeframe by both the White House and the military, form the primary sources to which such methodology is applied, with particular...
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Att synas men inte finnas : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om psykologers upplevelser av trauma & ADHD / To be visible without existing : A qualitative interview study regarding psychologists experiences on trauma & ADHDMadsen, Nathalie, Tetzlaff, Jonas January 2020 (has links)
Författarna till uppsatsen hade i sin kliniska erfarenhet liknande upplevelser kring en bristfällig adressering av trauma i patienters historia samt en känsla av ökande antal ADHD-diagnoser. Tankar och funderingar uppstod kring om det förelåg samband mellan dessa tillstånd och hur trauma används i den kliniska verkligheten. Det huvudsakliga syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka upplevelsen av klinisk utredning gällande trauma och ADHD hos psykologer verksamma på BUP, samt undersöka om psykologer på BUP upplever ett eventuellt samband mellan trauma och ADHD samt om trauma förbises inom klinisk utredning till förmån för ADHD. Inom ramen för dessa frågor genomfördes åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med psykologer verksamma på BUP vid olika regioner i Sverige. Den insamlade datan bearbetades genom tematisk analys. Resultatet redovisas genom de tre huvudteman som identifierats: Vad är trauma egentligen?; Symtomöverlapp; Att hitta eller inte hitta trauma, det är frågan. Det framkom att trauma är brett och svårdefinierat, underdiagnostiserat sett till de manualer som finns tillgängliga och tenderar att undvikas i kliniskt arbete. Resultatet visade också att ADHD troligtvis är både över- och underdiagnostiserat och är en diagnos där det inte råder samstämmighet kring etiologi. Det är också tydligt att de två tillstånden har ett omfattande symtomöverlapp och att differentieringen mellan dem är mycket problematisk. Slutsatser som dras utifrån resultatet innefattar att psykologer vid BUP dels upplever att trauma förbises vid klinisk utredning och dels att ADHD felaktigt kan tillskrivas i vissa kontexter när trauma föreligger som primär problembild för patienten. / The authors of the study had similiar experiences from their clinical work regarding an insufficient focus on trauma in patients history and a feeling that the number of ADHD-diagnosis was increasing. Questions emerged about whether there was a connection between the two conditions and how trauma is used in clinical practice. The main purpose of the study was to examine psychologists experience of clinical assessment regarding trauma and ADHD working within the child and adolescent psychiatry, as well as examining if psychologists experience a possible connection between trauma and ADHD and if trauma is overlooked in clinical assesment in favor of the ADHD-diagnosis. Eight semistructured interviews with psychologists working at child and adolescent psychiatry in Sweden was carried out. The collected data was processed through thematic analysis. It emerged that trauma has a wide understanding and is difficult to define, that it is underdiagnosed looking at the manuals available and tends to be avoided in clinical work. The findings also showed that ADHD probably is both over- and underdiagnosed and that it’s a diagnosis where there is not unanimity regarding etiology. It is also clear that these two conditions have a symtom overlap that is extensive and differentiating between the two is very difficult. Conclusions drawn from the findings include that psychologists working within child and adolescent psychiatry experience partly that trauma is overlooked in clinical assessment and partly that ADHD may be ascribed inadequately in certain contexts when the primary problem for the patient is trauma.
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Antoine Reicha's Theories of Musical FormMcCachren, Jo Renee 12 1900 (has links)
Antoine Reicha stands as an important figure in the growing systematization of musical form. While Traite de melodie (1814) captures the essence of eighteenth-century concern with tonal movement and periodicity, Reicha's later ideas as represented in Traite de haute composition musicale (1824-26) anticipate descriptions of thematic organization characteristic of his nineteenth-century successors. Three important topics emerge as crucial elements: melody, thematic development, and schematic categorization of complete pieces.
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Analysing generational transfer of brand loyalty in the dishwashing liquid product category, in the Western Cape ProvinceCoetzee, Quintin 05 March 2020 (has links)
While the concept of brand loyalty is well-researched, qualitative studies pertaining specifically to generational transfer of brand loyalty in a South African fast-moving consumer goods context are few and far between. This study used the dishwashing liquid product category in the Western Cape Province of South Africa to analyse generational transfer of brand loyalty. Following a qualitative research methodology, using in-person interviews across two generations - children and parents/guardians - raw data was obtained. Participants were asked to provide information relating to their preferred brand of dishwashing liquid, as well as their reasons for using the brand, their loyalty towards the brand, as well as their likelihood of brand switching. The data underwent a thorough thematic data analysis. Codes, categories, and themes were identified, with the researcher continually seeking to identify patterns in responses. A number of findings were laid out, offering insights into the concept of generational transfer of brand loyalty, as well as a foundation for future research into the topic. The study established that, in the dishwashing liquid product category in the Western Cape, there is a strong degree of generational transfer of brand loyalty, and at times, the transfer has taken place across three generations. Aspects such as consumers’ use of a brand out of habit and brand associations also appear to transfer generationally at times. There is also a strong occurrence of brand loyalty in the product category - mostly towards Unilever’s Sunlight brand. Brand switching across generations is uncommon in this sector, prevented by factors including enthusiastic brand loyalty and budgetary limitations. When switching does occur, it is driven mainly by a desire to discover whether a better brand exists, and changes in price and availability. Price and effectiveness frequently combine to form assessments of value during consumers’ purchase decision process in this product category. This study provides insight into the phenomenon of generational transfer of brand loyalty, within the context of the FMCG industry in the Western Cape. The findings within may prove useful both to brand marketers as well as researchers seeking a foundation upon which to conduct further studies in this area. The implications of this study, and recommendations for future, related studies, have been discussed in this report.
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Integrationens verklighet : En tematisk analys på sekundärdata av syriska flyktingars berättelser / The reality of integration : a thematic analysis of secondary data on the stories of Syrian refugeesHagwall, Elin, Strand, Victoria January 2022 (has links)
The goals of Swedish integration policy consist of equal rights, obligations and opportunities for all, regardless of ethnic and cultural background. However, previous research shows that there is an inequality between native Swedes and refugees in terms of living standards. In addition, it appears that there is frustration over the shortcomings of social work practice in terms of the challenges surrounding integration. From a refugee perspective on integration in Sweden, the study aims to achieve an in-depth understanding from some of those who live in the reality of integration. A thematic analysis has been carried out on secondary data to achieve the purpose of examining Syrian refugees' experiences of what is important and what constitutes an obstacle to integration. The results show that relationships with Swedes appear to be the most significant factor for feeling integrated as a refugee. Stereotypes and prejudices, lack of language skills and settlement location appears to lead to social and spatial isolation for many refugees. Experiences of a randomized system at the Swedish authorities also appears to lead to mistrust of the authorities that are set to cooperate for integration. Finally, it appears that the process of asylum and establishment entails many psychological strains, causing experiences of passivity in the integration process. Finally, the results have been analyzed in relation to previous research and the theoretical concepts of social capital, with focus on Putnam’s distinction between bonding and bridging social capital, stereotypes and prejudices. / De svenska integrationspolitiska målen utgörs av lika rättigheter, skyldigheter och möjlighet för alla oavsett etnisk och kulturell bakgrund. Det framkommer däremot i tidigare forskning att det finns en ojämlikhet mellan infödda svenskar och flyktingar vad gäller levnadsstandard. Därtill framkommer att det råder frustration över det sociala arbetets tillkortakommanden vad gäller utmaningar kring integrationen. I studien intas flyktingars perspektiv på integration i Sverige, med målet att uppnå en fördjupad förståelse från några av dem som lever i integrationens verklighet. En tematisk analys har genomförts på sekundärdata för att uppnå syftet att undersöka syriska flyktingars upplevelser om vad som är betydelsefullt samt utgör hinder i integrationen. Av resultatet framkommer att relationer till svenskar framkommer vara den mest betydande faktorn för att som flykting uppleva sig integrerad. Stereotyper och fördomar, bristande språkkunskaper samt bosättning uppges innebära en social och spatial isolering för många flyktingar. Det framkommer vidare att upplevelser av ett slumpmässigt system hos de svenska myndigheterna föranleder misstro till de myndigheter som är satta att samarbeta för integration. Slutligen framkommer att asyl- och etableringsprocessen medför flertalet psykiska påfrestningar, något som påtalas föranleda upplevelser av passivitet inför den egna integrationsprocessen. Resultatet har slutligen analyserats utifrån tidigare forskning, de teoretiska begreppen socialt kapital, med fokus på Putnams distinktion av sammanlänkande och överbryggande socialt kapital, samt stereotyper och fördomar.
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Psykologers yrkesetiska dilemman under en tid präglad av sociala medier : en kvalitativ studie om psykologers erfarenheter av yrkesetiska dilemman kopplat till sociala medier / Psychologists' professional ethical dilemmas during a time centered around social media : a qualitative study of psychologists' experiences of ethical dilemmas related to social mediaEriksson, Julia, Hellsten, Annelie January 2022 (has links)
Föreliggande studies syfte var att undersöka yrkesverksamma psykologers erfarenheter och hantering av yrkesetiska dilemman kopplat till sociala medier. Studien utgjordes av en kvalitativ ansats och baserades på sex semistrukturerade intervjuer. Datamaterialet analyserades genom induktiv tematisk analys, som mynnade ut i tre huvudteman: Psykologen på sociala medier- föreställningar och förväntningar, Gränser samt Vägledning. Två huvudteman bestod i sin tur av två underteman vardera. Resultatet visade att psykologers erfarenheter av yrkesetiska dilemman bestod av både konkreta erfarenheter och en generell medvetenhet inför potentiella dilemman på sociala medier. De yrkesetiska dilemman som framkom i relation till sociala medier berörde i huvudsak interaktion med patienter, hantering av information om patienter samt självutlämnande information om psykologen. En central aspekt av yrkesetiska dilemman berörde samspelet och gränsdragningen mellan rollen som privatperson och rollen som psykolog på sociala medier. Hanteringen av yrkesetiska dilemman bestod av förebyggande åtgärder och strategier som syftade till att tydliggöra och dra gränser mellan de olika rollerna, där yrkesetiska principer och stöd från arbetsplatsen fungerade vägledande. Studiens resultat kan bidra till att skapa en dialog på arbetsplatser och utbildningar kring etiska dilemman. Därtill belyser studien värdet av en medveten reflektion kring ämnet, vilket kan vara till nytta för den enskilde psykologen i arbetet med patienter. Den kunskap som studien bidrar med kan även vara relevant vid en eventuell uppdatering av Psykologförbundets yrkesetiska principer. / The aim of the present study was to explore psychologists' experiences of ethical dilemmas related to social media, and how these ethical dilemmas are managed. This was explored using a qualitative approach and was based on six semi-structured interviews. The data was analyzed through inductive thematic analysis, which resulted in three main themes: The psychologist on social media - perceptions and expectations, Boundaries and Guidance. Two of the main themes consisted of two sub-themes each. The results showed that psychologists' experiences of ethical dilemmas consisted of concrete experiences and a general awareness of potential dilemmas on social media. The ethical dilemmas that emerged in relation to social media concerned interaction with patients, managing information about patients and self-disclosing information about the psychologist. A central aspect of ethical dilemmas concerned the interplay and demarcation between the private role and the role as a psychologist on social media. The management of ethical dilemmas consisted of preventive measures and strategies aimed at clarifying and establishing boundaries between the various roles, where ethical principles and support from the workplace acted as a guide. The results of the study can contribute to creating a dialogue in workplaces and educational systems about ethical dilemmas. In addition, the study highlights the value of awareness about the subject, which can be useful for the individual psychologist in working with patients. The study may also act as a basis in an eventual update of the Swedish Psychological Association's professional ethical principles.
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Political Parody on the Cypriot Twitter. : The case of the parody account of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Cyprus “Lady Emily Kardashian Duchess of Yiolou”Lampiri, Maria Marisa January 2021 (has links)
This thesis examines how a female politician is being represented in a political parody account on Twitter through a thematic analysis of “Lady Emily Kardashian Duchess of Yiolou” (@edPLOgAQvtTQHJc) Tweets, satirizing the Cypriot Minister of Justice & Public Order Ms. Emily Yiolitis. The analysis of both Tweets and official media outlets, during a fixed period of time, demonstrates how a humorous and at the same time critical act of public discourse, can perform as an expression of political action and a form of activism, which can be approached as a branch of the study of anti-fandom.
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Ownership of Englishas a multi-linguafranca : Linguistic identity and innovation in online multilingual practiceKalev, Jaana January 2021 (has links)
In recent years, some of the research within the field of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) seems to have gone through a re-orientation, shifting focus from form to practice. This has highlighted the dynamic nature of languages and identities performed in interaction, leading to the conceptualization of ‘English as a multi-lingua franca’, which refers to placing emphasis on multilingualism in ELF interactions. While much of ELF research has favored in-person spoken interaction, the increasing presence of electronically mediated intercultural communication (EMIC) in society encourages a consideration of online communication as a setting for ELF usage. Online interactions veer between written and spoken communication, thus providing many ways for speakers to express their linguistic identities and show ownership of the language produced. As such, in this paper a temporary multilingual social configuration was observed with regards to participants’ linguistic behavior. Six participants were asked to engage in discussion throughout one week in an online group chat, with the aim of acquiring further insight into how linguistic identity is performed in relation to language ownership and linguistic innovation by ELF speakers within the context of an online environment. The EMIC data was supported by individual interviews that took place prior to the group discussion, and follow-up interviews after the chat had ended. Through a qualitative thematic analysis, the research questions were discussed in relation to the three main focal issues of the study, i.e., linguistic identity, language ownership and linguistic innovation. The findings are in line with recent research that indicate that ELF is a multilingual practice that is shaped by its speakers, as well as the specific context of the interaction.
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