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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kompetens och fungerande samverkan skapar hållbarhet i mötet med perinatal psykisk ohälsa - en kvalitativ intervjustudie

Hellström-Kruséus, Jessica, Kaeiding, Lena January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige förekommer perinatal psykisk ohälsa hos omkring 15 procent av alla gravida och rapporteras öka i samhället. Riskfaktorer för psykisk ohälsa anges vara sociala faktorer såsom våldsutsatthet, tidigare psykisk ohälsa, bristande socialt stöd eller familjehistorik av psykisk ohälsa. Graviditetsrelaterad oro, sömnbesvär och stress ses också öka risken. Barnmorskan har därför en viktig uppgift att tidigt fånga upp psykiska ohälsa under graviditet. Motiv: Gravida har en ökad risk att drabbas av psykisk ohälsa. Att lägga resurser riktade mot perinatal psykisk ohälsa är angeläget, då det kan få konsekvenser för gravida, deras barn, deras närstående samt samhället. Det är därför viktigt att barnmorskor uppmärksammar gravidas mående för att främja en god psykisk hälsa och förhindra negativa utfall under graviditet, förlossning och postpartum.  Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa barnmorskors erfarenheter av att möta kvinnor med perinatal psykisk ohälsa. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie med induktiv ansats användes. Materialet analyserades med tematisk analys. Resultat: Barnmorskorna uttryckte att det var svårt, men viktigt, att fånga upp perinatal psykisk ohälsa. Barnmorskorna försökte att vid behov normalisera kvinnornas känslor. Att planera för en välmående familj var betydelsefullt och ibland var det svårt att släppa tankarna om vissa kvinnor och gå vidare. Samverkan var av stor betydelse då barnmorskornas kompetens inte täckte alla de behov som kvinnorna hade.   Konklusion: När barnmorskor erfar kompetens och fungerande samverkan skapas trygga sammanhang vilket underlättar att fånga upp perinatal psykisk ohälsa.  Förhoppningen är att studien synliggör barnmorskors viktiga arbete med perinatal psykisk ohälsa. Samt bidra till att förbättra vården av kvinnor med perinatal psykisk ohälsa. / Background: In Sweden perinatal mental illness occurs in around 15 percent of all pregnant women and is reported to be increasing in society. Risk factors for mental illness are stated to be social factors, such as domestic violence, previous mental illness, lack of social support or family history of mental illness. Pregnancy-related anxiety, sleep problems and stress are also seen to increase the risk. The midwife has therefore an important task to detect mental illness early during pregnancy.   Motive: Pregnant women has an increased risk of suffering from mental illness. Putting resources towards perinatal mental illness is urgent, as it can have consequences for pregnant women, their children, their relatives and society. It is important that midwives pay attention to pregnant women’s well-being in order to promote good mental health and prevent negative outcomes during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. Aim: The aim of this study was to illustrate midwives' experiences of meeting women with perinatal mental illness.  Methods: A qualitative interview study with inductive approach was used. The material was analyzed with thematic analysis.  Result: The midwives thought it was difficult, but important, to detect perinatal mental illness. The midwives tried to normalize the women's feelings. Planning for a prosperous family was significant and sometimes it was difficult to let go of thoughts about certain women and move on. The collaboration was of great importance as the midwives' skills did not cover all the needs that the women had. Conclusion: When midwives experience competence and effective cooperation, safe contexts are created, which facilitates the detection of perinatal mental illness.The hope is that the study makes visible the important work of midwives with perinatal mental illness. As well as contributing to improving the care of women with perinatal mental illness.

Changes of future imagery in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic

Pettersson, Sofia, Eriksson, Ebba January 2021 (has links)
Future imagery can be described as how we imagine ourselves in the future, or which specific future scenarios we see ourselves in. It has been shown that suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder can impair these future images, both in content (eg. less positive images), and in image specificity (the images are described in more general terms and refer to less specific events). The aim of this study was to explore how future imagery is impacted both in content and characteristics (eg. positivity, regularity of rehearsal, vividness etc.) by experiencing the COVID-19 pandemic, here used as a naturally occurring analogue of a stressful event. 74 non-clinical participants described their future images and rated their characteristics once during 2020/2021 regarding before the pandemic (retrospectively), and once regarding during the pandemic. Both descriptions were given on the same day (both descriptions were given during 2020/2021). Participants were also asked to describe in their own words how these images had changed due to the pandemic. Quantitative analyzes were made for the characteristics of the images, whilst the content of the descriptions was analyzed using thematic analysis (qualitative analysis). Results show that the most common content of future-self identities were “parenthood”, “marriage”, “job-specific”, “job-general” and “self-improvement”. Indications of hope for a better future were found in the content of their images related to those identities, as a majority of the participants stated a more positive and COVID-19 adapted future image during the COVID-19 pandemic than before (as rated by the researcher). However, ca. 30% of participants' images were rated as reduced in quality and/or salience. Regarding image characteristics, “positivity” was significantly higher before than during the pandemic, whilst “vividness” was higher during than before the pandemic.The results of the study align with or relate to previous findings and indications within the research field of intrusive memories, trauma and future imagery. The fact that a considerable number of participants indicated that their future images had been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, could add to previous studies’ reports on the need for support and clinical help for those negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Suggestions for future research would be to use coding frameworks that are well-established and adapted to country context, as well as exploring the future images of an older adult sample.

Place-based education with Teaching Green Building for ESD : A qualitative study exploring the perceptions and place-based approaches of secondary teachers with the architectural features of green buildings for teaching ESD in green schools in Hanoi, Vietnam

Ho, Tran Anh Thu January 2020 (has links)
This qualitative research investigates how educators in Hanoi, Vietnam, perceive and utilize place-based approaches in teaching green buildings (TGBs) to deliver education for sustainable development (ESD) lessons. The study involved twelve middle school teachers from five green schools. The interview was the primary data collection of this research. After conducting interviews with participants, thematic analysis was employed to identify five key themes: (1) benefits, (2)limitations, (3) suggestions, (4) planning with TGBs, and (5) teaching activities with place-based education (PBE). The findings revealed that TGBs’ design patterns support their teaching and serve as a tool to foster a stronger connection with nature and the environment, ultimately enhancing pro-sustainable elements in ESD. However, these instructors encounter significant challenges rooted in the Vietnamese cultural context and a lack of support from the school. Teachers can implement some place-based teaching principles into their lessons, but to maximize the teaching potential of TGBs, they must place greater emphasis on the role of place within TGBs and encourage students to be more mindful when learning with TGBs.

Transforming more woth less? : Exploring NGO Communication on Sustainable Anti-Consumption in the Context of Clothing

Birk, Stephanie January 2023 (has links)
The textile industry is an unsustainable industry that contributes to many environmental and social challenges. As a promising approach to its transformation, this thesis explores the con-cept of anti consumption. It investigates how non governmental Organizations (NGOs) com-municate the concept in the context of fashion on Instagram. The study aims to explore the key themes used and seeks to understand how organizations critique the capitalist system and to whom responsibility for its implementation within the communication is attributed . A total of 45 Instagram posts from the organizations Fashion Revolution and Remake were examined in a thematic analysis.The NGOs expose exploitative power dynamics and colonial structures and reveal manipulation as a tool of capitalism. In contrast, the value of clothing is redefined and happiness in individuality is examined. While brands are held accountable in the communication, the emphasis is on individual responsibility.

Loneliness and lack of belonging as paramount theme in identity descriptions of Children Born of War

Mitreuter, Saskia, Glaesmer, Heide, Kuwert, Philipp, Kaiser, Marie 20 November 2023 (has links)
Objective: Children Born of War (CBOW) are an international and timeless phenomenon that exists in every country involved in war or armed conflict. Nevertheless, little is known on a systematic level about those children, who are typically fathered by a foreign or enemy soldier and born to a local mother. In particular, the identity issues that CBOW often report have remained largely uninvestigated. In the current qualitative study we began filling this gap in the scientific literature by asking how CBOW construct their identity in self-descriptions. Method: We utilized thematic content analysis of N = 122 German CBOWs' answers to an open-ended questionnaire item asking how they see themselves and their identity in the context of being a CBOW. Results: We identified five key themes in CBOW' identity accounts. Loneliness and lack of belonging appeared as a paramount aspect of their self-descriptions next to narratives about belonging and positive relationship. On a less interpersonal basis, we found fighting and surviving and searching for truth and completion overarching aspects of their identities. There were also few accounts growing up unaffected by the fact of being born a CBOW. Although all themes portray different perspectives, they all (but the last one) clearly indicate the impeded circumstances under which CBOW had to grow up. Conclusions: Integrating our findings with existing interdisciplinary literature regarding identity, we discuss implications for future research and clinical and political practice.

Smart Home Protocols : User perception and experiences

Lagervall, Mattias January 2023 (has links)
Technology is developing at a rapid pace. With this, Internet of Things (IoT) and smart homes are being used by more and more people every day. The amount of network protocols that is being used in relation to smart homes are many and they come with different features and challenges. With one of the main challenges being the issue of interoperability between the protocols. This has led to the introduction of Matter, a new protocol that uses Thread, Wi-Fi and Ethernet as networking technologies underneath. The goal is to enable smart devices from different companies to seamlessly talk to each other. There is a gap in how the different protocols are perceived by users as well as how a standardized protocol like Matter could impact the experience of a smart home. The aim of the study is to better understand the need of consumers for their smart home protocols. This by using a mixed method approach to get the insight of consumers located in Sweden. The data in the study was collected by conducting a survey and two focus group sessions. The survey was answered by 34 respondents and was structured to answer research question 1. The focus group had 4 participants in the first session and 3 participants in the second session and was structured to answer research question 2. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the collected data which concluded into 7 themes from the survey and 5 themes from the focus groups.  The findings were then discussed subsequently with each theme. Using UTAUT2 as the theoretical framework the similarities and general findings were connected to the constructs of the UTAUT2 model. The themes showed that the perception of protocol is closely tied to its influence on factors like performance, reliability, and functionality of smart home devices. Additionally, it was concluded that adopting a standardized protocol such as Matter could potentially enhance interoperability, make it less complex, and address security and privacy concerns. As a result, this could significantly impact the user experience of individuals in their smart homes.

Vem får vara med i Bolibompa? : - Mångfald i public service-barnprogram över tid / Who is allowed to participate in Bolibompa? : - diversity in public service children's programs over time

Kämpe, Wilma, Källstig, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
This is a thematic study examining a popular Swedish public service television show for children. The purpose of the study is to uncover how the show, Bolibompa, has communicated diversity over the last 34 years. Through a thematic analysis with multimodal tools, we investigate three categories of diversity that have undergone change in how they are conveyed: ethnicity & culture, gender and sexuality. A fourth category, disability, is briefly mentioned. Even though Bolibompa has progressed to become more positive towards diversity, there are still aspects left to criticize. While Bolibompa mediates multiculturality, only a few displays of creative diversity are shown. Furthermore, no homo- or bisexuality is seen in Bolibompa, although two trans people are seen and heard in 2020 and 2023 respectively. There are both similarities and differences in how Bolibompa shares its values concerning each of the three categories. Elements such as music, games, colors and clothes are used in different amounts depending on which message of diversity is being conveyed.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av hälsolitteracitet hos föräldrar som är tveksamma till vaccination av sina barn : En intervjustudie / Nurses experience of health literacy of parents who are hesitant to vaccinate their children - an interview study

Vestin, Jenny, Back Ågren, Jenny January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund Alla barn i Sverige har rätt till barnhälsovård, vars uppgift bland annat är att följa och stödja barnets hälsa och utveckling. Forskning visar att vaccination är den enskilda orsaken till att sjukdomsutbrott i samhället har minskat. Trots detta råder ibland tveksamhet hos föräldrar att vaccinera sina barn. Bristande kunskap (hälsolitteracitet) hos föräldrar om sjukdomar, vaccin och dess biverkningar har visat sig vara en orsak till tveksamheten. Syfte Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelse av hälsolitteracitet hos de föräldrar som är tveksamma till vaccination av sina barn. Metod Studien har genomförts som en kvalitativ intervjustudie och induktiv ansats. Data har samlats in från åtta sjuksköterskor i Dalarnas län med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Data har analyserats med tematisk analys enligt Braun & Clarke. Resultat Resultatet i denna studie visar att de tveksamma föräldrarna vanligen har fått sin information från sociala medier, släkt och vänner vilket skapar en rädsla för att barnet ska få biverkningar av vaccinet eller ett förändrat immunsystem. En del föräldrar har bristande förtroende för sjuksköterskan och vården och lyssnar hellre på information från sociala medier vilket sjuksköterskorna ofta upplever har ”en stark röst”. Sjuksköterskorna önskar mer kunskap och fakta från staten för att kunna delge föräldrarna relevant och tillförlitlig information. Slutsats Samtliga sjuksköterskor i studien är överens om att det är viktigt att visa respekt och förståelse för föräldrarnas åsikter och möta dem på deras nivå för att skapa ett förtroende och därmed bidra till att öka föräldrars hälsolitteracitet. / Background In Sweden every child has the right to child health. The overall goal of Child health care is to monitor and support the child's health and development. Research shows that vaccination is the only reason why disease outbreaks in society have decreased. Despite this, some parents sometimes hesitate to vaccinate their children. A lack of knowledge (health literacy) among parents about diseases, vaccines and their side effects has been shown to be a reason for the hesitation. Aim The purpose of this study is to describe the nurse's experience of health literacy of parents who are hesitant to vaccinate their children. Method The study has been conducted as a qualitative interview study and an inductive approach. Data has been collected from eight nurses in Dalarna by using semi-structured interviews. The data analysing method was thematic according to Braun & Clarke. Results The results of this study show that the nurse is often faced with difficult challenges. The hesitant parents have usually received their information from social media, relatives and friends which lead to a fear that the child will have side effects from the vaccine or a changed immune system. Some parents have little trust in the nurse and the health care system and prefer to listen to information from social media, which the nurse often feels has "a strong voice". The nurses want more knowledge and facts from the state to be able to provide the parents with relevant and reliable information. Conclusions In this study, all the nurses agreed that it is important to show respect and understanding for parents' opinions and meet them at their level to create trust and be able to increase parents' health literacy.

Anticipated Telehealth Device Usage in Younger Adults

Bull, Tyler 01 January 2015 (has links)
Telehealth and telemedicine have revolutionized the healthcare system in terms of access to information and remote medical treatment. While there is a great deal of literature on current perceptions of telehealth care systems, relatively little is known about perceived user needs and acceptance of future telehealth systems. One way to assess future attitudes is to evaluate anticipated usage of telehealth devices through perceived advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, this study seeks to assess the reliability of a new measure of technology acceptance that capitalizes on human motivation using self-determination theory. An online survey consisted of an original 40-item measure of motivation to use telehealth technology, the Psychosocial Impact of Assistive Devices Scale (PIADS; Jutai & Day, 1996), questions adapted from Edwards et al. (2014) about perceived advantages and disadvantages of telehealth devices, and open-ended questions about advantages, disadvantages, and concerns of interacting with telehealth devices in the future. The open-ended questions were coded for themes. Results also indicated that there was a high reliability between the MUTT and the PIADS, however the MUTT was slightly more reliable. Significant correlations were found between the overall MUTT and subscales of autonomy, competence, relatedness, and goals, as well as moderate correlations between the subscales of the PIADS (i.e., competence, adaptability, self-esteem) and the MUTT. The results of this research will be discussed further.

Using Advanced Land Imager (ALI) and Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) for the detection of the invasive shrub Lonicera maackii in southwestern Ohio forests

Lawlor, Sarah E. 28 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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