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This study explores how hosting an international exchange youth influences families. Participants in the study took part in a four-week summer exchange by hosting a middle school aged Japanese youth through the Kentucky 4-H/Labo program. Labo is a Japanese club program that encourages youth to learn about American culture through international travel. As society becomes more globalized, the skills and abilities associated with international travel are increasingly important (Anderson, Lawton, Rexeisen & Hubbard, 2006). Hosting international youth through exchange programs is one method of developing these skills and abilities. This qualitative study uses thematic analysis to analyze three primary data sources. These were in-depth, semi-structured interviews (n = 20), program evaluation, and lifeline interview methodology graphs. This study explored the gap left by prior research by being concerned with families who have hosted an exchange youth for a short period of time. Previous research has focused on long-term exchanges, individuals and Americans traveling abroad. From this analysis, seven major themes were identified. These include (a) challenges of communication, (b) anxiety of program participants, (c) belief in a privileged experience, (d) personal growth, (e) familial relationship development, (f) feelings of loss upon departure, and (g) increased appreciation of home and foreign cultures. Two outlying themes of (a) father made a surprising contribution to hosting the exchange youth and (b) idealization of Japan were included for the additional context of understanding they provided. These findings offer insights into the efficacy of these programs as well as how they benefit the family. The findings, implications for program managers and potential areas for future research are discussed.
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A Content Analysis of the Counseling Sessions of Dyads with Breast and Prostate Cancer: Linguistic Predictors of Psychosocial Adjustment and Thematic Analysis of Key ConcernsDorros, Sybilla M. January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this investigation was to explore how participants' language use during counseling (overall emotional expression, positive emotional expression, and communal coping, or "we-talk") was associated with superior adjustment, as measured by four psychosocial outcome variables (depression, positive affect, negative affect, and relationship satisfaction); as well as to identify the key concerns of dyads with cancer, how concerns differed by role and sex, and if they were associated with participants' well-being. The present study was a content analysis of the counseling sessions of 43 dyads (N = 86) with breast and prostate cancer. Using a multi-method approach, the audio recordings of 228 counseling sessions were transcribed and analyzed linguistically (quantitatively) and thematically (qualitatively).Results of the linguistic analyses revealed that participant's use of "we-talk" had the most consistent and beneficial effect on outcomes; specifically improved depression, negative affect, and relationship satisfaction. These findings suggest that it might not be as important how much a person expresses themselves emotionally, but rather, whether they have a close relational partner that they see as an instrumental part of their coping process and significantly intertwined in their life, which is reflected in their language use of communal coping.Results of the thematic analyses revealed that survivors' concerns were more focused on cancer and treatment related issues, whereas partners' concerns centered on the well-being of their spouse/partner with cancer, and what they were doing to help their loved one cope with his/her illness. The overarching key concern that was intertwined in participants' discourse was frequent discussion of relationship maintenance, negotiation, and communication issues. In addition, discussion of these concerns showed greatest benefits for women with breast cancer.The findings of this study has implications for counselors and clinicians in that language use and topics discussed during counseling have the potential to increase psychosocial adjustment for dyads coping with cancer. The general discourse of survivors mirrored that of their partners, which indicates that helping to modify or change how one person speaks, has the potential to influence how their partner talks as well; which has implications for the well-being of both dyad members.
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主題推進與凝結功能詞在英語閱讀上的探討 / Thematic Progression and Cohesive Devices: An Approach to English Reading藍麗玫, Lan, Li mei Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文藉由探討主題推進類型 (thematic progression patterns)與凝結關係 (cohesive ties) 在高中英文教科書課文的呈現以及在英文大學入學考試試題 (綜合測驗,文意選填,篇章結構) 上的應用,來提倡篇章結構的閱讀方法;希望在英文閱讀方面能有啟發的功效。首先,高中英文教科書中敘述文和說明文類型的文章被挑選出來作分析。為了解釋文章的主題發展,功能語法觀點 (Functional Sentence Perspective) 的語言學家Daneš提出四個主題推進類型,分別為Type 1: Simple Linear TP,Type 2: TP with a continuous (constant) theme,Type 3: TP with derived T’s,Type 4: Exposition of a Split Rheme。Cloran另外建議兩個主題推進類型Type 5: Theme > Rheme 和Type 6: Rheme > Rheme。這六種主題推進類型再加上由Halliday and Hasan所提出的五種凝結關係 (cohesive ties, i.e. reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction, and lexical cohesion) 被用來分析上述的文章並且應用在英文大學入學考試試題的解題。研究發現除了上述六種預設的主題推進類型之外,第七種類型被歸為Referential Type,涉及指稱詞 this和that 的使用。其他的發現敘述如下:在高中英文教科書文章分析方面,Type 1和Type 2出現的頻率最多,第二多是Type 5 and Type 6;Referential Type排名出現頻率的第三名,而Type 4少見,Type 3最罕見.。另外,在英文大學入學考試試題的應用方面,結果亦大致符合上述。至於凝結關係 (cohesive ties) 的頻率,指稱詞 (reference),尤其是人稱代名詞出現最多次,字彙 (lexicon) 次之,然而大部份都是相同字 (same word or repetition) 的一再重複出現;其他字彙的呈現,如同義詞 (synonym)、反義詞 (antonym)、搭配詞 (collocation)、統領詞 (superordinate) 等稍嫌不足。 / Because little attention has been paid to the explicit teaching of text structure
in local senior high schools, this present study analyzes the reading texts to explore how students are exposed to expositive and narrative text types and how the text is structured. Reading texts are selected from textbooks for senior high school students and then theme categories, thematic progression types and cohesive devices are analyzed. Combined Daneš’s theory with Cloran’s suggestion, the following six types of thematic progression (TP) are identified: Type 1, Rheme>Theme pattern (> means ‘followed by’); Type 2, Theme>Theme pattern; Type 3, Split Theme; Type 4, Split Rheme; Type 5, Theme>Rheme pattern; and Type 6, Rheme>Rheme pattern. Besides, five cohesive ties (i.e. reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction, and lexical cohesion) proposed by Halliday and Hasan are identified as clue to trace the progression. Next, evidence is found to decode gapped passages in Integrative Test (綜合測驗, i.e. Cloze Test), Semantic Choice (文意選填), and Discourse Structure (篇章結構).
Besides the presupposed six progression patterns mentioned above, one more type is found and categorized as Referential Type. The progression of Referential Type involves the use of cohesive device this or that. The findings are presented as follows: In the analysis of reading texts in EFL textbooks, thematic progression of Type 1 R>T and Type 2 T>T predominates the frequency of occurrence, while thematic progression of Type 5 T>R and Type 6 R>R follows behind, and Referential Type ranks third in terms of frequency, followed by Type 4 Split R outnumbering Type 3 Split T. Furthermore, while applying to the analysis of test passages, the outcome of progression types is roughly correspondent with what is mentioned above. As for cohesive ties, reference predominates the frequency of occurrence, followed by lexicon. Of all the cohesive devices, items of personal reference are found to appear most frequently, and then the second most are items of the same word.
Through the exploration and analysis of thematic progression and cohesive devices, it is hoped that students’ awareness of textual organization will be enhanced and thus help activate efficient reading.
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Sexualité, bien-être sexuel et actualisation sexuelle des individus à la retraite et en santé, âgés de 65 ans et plus et vivant en couple hétérosexuelBoucher, Annabelle January 2014 (has links)
Résumé : L’expression de comportements sexuels et intimes sont directement reliés à la santé et à la qualité de vie au cours de la vie (Waite & Das, 2010). Pourtant, la sexualité et l’intimité des personnes âgées sont rarement abordées dans les écrits scientifiques ou dans la pratique professionnelle (Syme, 2014). Cette étude comble certaines lacunes de la recherche en approfondissant la compréhension des concepts de sexualité et bien-être sexuel des personnes âgées à partir de 15 entrevues qualitatives et d’une analyse thématique rigoureuse (Braun & Clarke, 2006). Chez les ainés à la retraite, vivant en couple hétérosexuel, en bonne santé générale et âgés de 65 ans et plus, cette recherche a permis d’explorer et de décrire 1) le sens donné à la sexualité, 2) le sens donné au bien-être sexuel, 3) les conditions et 4) les stratégies jugées favorables à leur bien-être sexuel.
L’analyse thématique a conduit à l’élaboration de définitions de la sexualité et du bien-être sexuel chez les ainés répondant aux critères mentionnés ci-haut. Chez ces ainés, la sexualité se définit comme un processus dynamique en évolution constante orienté vers le bien-être sexuel et dépendant de la valeur, de la place et du sens qui sont attribués à quatre sources potentielles de sens : le répertoire génital, l’intimité affective, la communion/connexion sexuelle et les pertes sexuelles. Le bien-être sexuel est une composante de la sexualité, son sens fondamental et son but. Il comprend des sentiments de satisfaction physique et psychologique en lien avec la vie sexuelle, ainsi que des sentiments de bonheur avec soi-même et avec l’autre en général ?. La satisfaction sexuelle, enfin, comprend la satisfaction physique, c’est-à-dire le plaisir physique, la satisfaction de la fréquence des rapports sexuels, et la satisfaction psychologique, c’est-à-dire le plaisir de faire plaisir à l’autre et l’intimité affective du couple pendant et en dehors des relations sexuelles. Ces définitions inclusives de la sexualité et du bien-être sexuel des ainés ont été possibles grâce à un canevas de questions basé sur une théorie de l’actualisation du potentiel pendant le vieillissement en lien avec le sens à la vie de Leclerc (2007). C’est ainsi que ces définitions rejoignent des disciplines aussi diverses que la médecine, la psychologie humaniste, la gérontologie ou la sociologie.
La présente recherche a permis de mettre en évidence et de décrire deux catégories de conditions favorables au bien-être sexuel des ainés : les conditions antérieures et les conditions actuelles. La compréhension de ces conditions pourra permettre aux professionnels de la santé de mieux orienter les ainés vers les conditions les plus propices à servir de point d’ancrage à leur actualisation sexuelle. Le thème des conditions antérieures est composé de l’éducation familiale, l’éducation religieuse et les relations précédentes. Le thème des conditions actuelles, quant à lui, regroupe les valeurs fondamentales, la retraite, le rapport au corps et la santé.
Enfin, l’analyse des résultats a mis en évidence plusieurs stratégies relationnelles et sexuelles qui pourront être utilisées dans les plans d’intervention des professionnels de la santé ou les cours destinés aux retraités. Les stratégies relationnelles comprennent la création d’un climat positif, la gestion des activités et du temps et la gestion des conflits. Les stratégies sexuelles se composent de la gestion des relations sexuelles et de la gestion des problèmes sexuels. // Abstract : Sexuality, sexual well - being, and sexual actualization of healthy retired elderly the objective of this qualitative study was to explore: 1) the meaning given to sexuality and 2) sexual well - being, and 3) the conditions and 4) strategies fostering the elderly’s sexual well - being. The sample consisted of 15 healthy, retired individuals in heterosexual and committed relationships, aged between 65 and 7 8 from the province of Quebec, Canada. A thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006) revealed definitions of sexuality and sexual well - being. Sexuality in aging is a dynamic and evolving process leading to sexual well - being based on the value and place assigned to four sources of potential meaning: genital repertoire, emotional intimacy, communion /connection, and sexual losses. Sexual well - being includes feelings of physical and psychological sexual satisfaction and feelings of well - being and happiness with oneself, with others, and in general. Finally, results showed a series of previous and current conditions as well as relationship and sexual strategies fostering the elderly’s sexual well - being.
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Balansakten i det psykoterapeutiska arbetet med män som köper sexuella tjänster / The balancing act in psychotherapeutic work with men who buy sexual servicesSjöstedt, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
Inledning: I och med den unika svenska sexköpslagen som infördes 1999 som innebär kriminalisering av köp av sexuella tjänster, har fokus hamnat på den köpande parten i prostitutionen. Vid sidan av kriminaliseringen framhålls vikten av att öka insatserna som riktas mot sexköparna. En av de befintliga insatserna för att bekämpa prostitution är psykoterapi/samtalsbehandling. Syftet med studien är att öka kunskapen om psykoterapi med målgruppen män som köper sexuella tjänster utifrån hur de behandlande psykoterapeuterna upplever behandlingsprocessen. Frågeställning: Hur upplever psykoterapeuter psykodynamiska terapier med män som köper sexuella tjänster? Metod: En kvalitativ metod med deskriptiv och explorativ ansats har använts. Sju psykoterapeuter som arbetar eller har arbetat med män som köper sexuella tjänster har intervjuats. Det transkriberade intervjumaterialet har analyserats med tematisk analys. Resultat: Studiens resultat presenteras med fyra teman där balansakt är ett övergripande tema. Förståelse med undertema förklaringsmodeller och förhållningssätt, förakt med undertema äckel, förförelse samt brottet. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuteras utifrån perversionsbegreppet. Motöverföringskänslor av förakt och äckel stämmer överens med tidigare forskning och teori. Temat förförelse diskuteras utifrån att det skulle kunna vara skamligt att som psykoterapeut känna sig förförd eller attraherad och förledd i relation till patienter. Balansgången mellan att acceptera och patologisera lagbrottet och det avvikande beteendet diskuteras. / Introduction: Sweden has since 1999 a prostitution legislation that prohibits sex purchase. Focus has shifted towards the buyer in prostitution. Apart from the criminalization of sexual purchase actions to reduce prostitution pointed at the buying part is highlighted. One of the available actions is psychotherapy. The objective of the study is to increase the knowledge about psychotherapy focused on males that purchase sexual services from the experience of psychotherapists treating them. Question: How do psychotherapists experience psychodynamic psychotherapy with men who buy sexual services? Method: A qualitative method with a descriptive and explorative onset has been used. Seven psychotherapists that work with or have worked with men that purchase sexual services have been interviewed. The transcribed material has been analyzed using thematic analysis. Result: The result of the study is presented with four themes with the balancing act as an overall theme; Understanding with sub-themes explanation models and approaches; Contempt with sub-theme disgust; Seduction and The crime. Discussion: The results are discussed from the perversion concept. Countertransference emotions of contempt and disgust agree with earlier studies and theories. The theme of seduction is discussed from the perspective that it is shameful for a psychotherapist to feel seduced or attracted and beguiled in relation to the patients. The line between accepting and pathologizing the illegality and the abnormal behavior is discussed.
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Kvinnliga polisstudenters erfarenheter och upplevelser. : En kvalitativ studie med fokus på genus, kön och yrkesroll.Enerdal, Annelie, Börjesson, Andrea January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att utforska vilka erfarenheter och upplevelser kvinnliga polisstudenter hade av kön och genus under polisutbildningen. Data samlades in genom intervjuer med fyra kvinnliga polisstudenter. Materialet analyserades därefter utifrån den kvalitativa analysmetoden tematisk analys. Ur den tematiska analysen konstruerades fyra huvudteman: Bilden av en polis, Den kvinnliga polisen, Uppfattningar om jämlikhet samt Genusfrågornas plats på polisutbildningen. Studiens deltagare målade upp en komplex bild kring hur de upplevde att en kvinnlig polisstudent “skall vara”. Vissa slutsatser som denna studie drar faller i linje med tidigare forskning inom området. Detta då det föreföll som att föreställningar och normer för hur en polis “skall vara” fortsätter att påverka de kvinnliga studenterna på polisutbildningen. Vidare resultat från denna studie visar på att kvinnliga polisstudenter upplevde att den pågående rörelsen inom polisutbildningen mot ett mjukare förhållningssätt med högre värdering av traditionellt mer feminina egenskaper var positivt märkbar.
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”Jag tycker alla människor ska prova spela rollspel” : - En intervjustudie om hur rollspelare ser på sina erfarenheter och den utveckling som har skett gällande rollspel från 1990-talet fram till 2016.Öhman Mägi, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
This study aims to investigate how individuals that have been playing pen and paper role-playing games since the 1990s to 2016 view their own experiences and the development of role-playing games. Six informants were interviewed in-depth about their experiences and how they view the change of roleplaying games and how society sees it. All the informants had been playing roleplaying games since the 1990s and are still playing. In the thematic analysis, five themes were identified: negative experiences, relationships, fantasy, development and normative change. This study exemplifies the complexity of belonging to a stigmatized group and also how a cultural phenomenon can grow, change and become accepted. It also highlights the role the informants themselves played in that change. Interestingly, it was found that the informants kept playing, despite the stigma around their hobby, because they found role-playing to be meaningful and stimulating and not for the reason that they identified themselves as role-players. Furthermore, all informants mention that thanks to role-playing they have developed a skill-set (e.g. creativity, problem-solving, understanding of group dynamics), which has become valuable to them later in life. The informants always believed that role-playing was something positive and meaningful, which also was confirmed once enough research had been done.
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Experiences of individuals who have been guided by divinersSchluep, Nicole 03 1900 (has links)
In this qualitative study the researcher explores the experiences and locus of control orientation of five individuals who have been guided by diviners. It also determines whether any traits or demographic variables characterise individuals consulting with diviners. This study is underpinned by three assumptions, namely, that multiple accounts of reality exist (postmodern philosophy), that knowledge cannot be void of subjectivity (constructivist epistemology) and that ‘meaning’ is influenced by dominant discourses (social constructionist paradigm). Individuals’ experiences with diviners are documented using thematic network analysis. Comparative analysis of the participants’ global themes revealed that ‘control’ and ‘self insight’ and ’self expression’ were common themes. Levenson’s Locus of Control Questionnaire was applied and established that an internal locus of control orientation predominated amongst participants. This finding contradicted existing literature.
Professionals in the field of humanities and lay persons interested in divination would appreciate this study. Focal areas for future research and clinical practice are highlighted. / Psychology / (M.A. (Clinical Psychology))
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Proměny obsahu týdeníku Reflex pod vedením jednotlivých šéfredaktorů / Changes of content of weekly Reflex under the influence of its editors -in-chiefKuklík, Vladimír January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis Content changes of Reflex weekly according to the influence of its editors in chief focuses on the changes which this Czech magazine has gone through from its founding in 1990 to 2013 - during these twenty three years the position of editor in chief changed six times, passing from one person to another. The development of this thesis was based on the supposition that each of the personalities has left their mark on the magazine and has influenced its content according to their experience and preferences. In the theoretical part, the thesis deals with history of the magazine, with changes of editors in chief, the publishers, visual aspects, with the composition of editorial team or magazine sections and also with magazine's direct competitors and the number of editions sold. The following chapter focuses on the theoretical context of the research and refers to the analytical part. Terms as neutrality, negativity and agenda settings are being defined here and the impact of commercialization on visual aspect of the print media is being discussed in this chapter as well. The next part is based on the quantitative content analysis and it examines magazine content in specific periods; both the first and last three months of each editor in chief's era. The analysis outcomes present...
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Zkoumání sociální kognice a objektních vztahů u osob se schizofrenií / Assessment of Social Cognition and Object Realtions of Patients with SchizophreniaSmolová, Alžběta January 2015 (has links)
The thesis examines social cognition and object relations in patients with schizophrenia using Thematic Apperception Test evaluated by SCORS. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with schizophrenia, Thematic Apperception Test and its interpretation systems (especially Westen's SCORS). Attention is also paid to the theoretical background of social cognition and object relations in patients with schizophrenia. The aim of the study is to verify the assumption that patients with schizophrenia will reach pathological scores in SCORS. The study also explores the relationships between different dimensions of SCORS in this clinical population. The results indicate that patients with schizophrenia have numerous deficits in social cognition and object relations, as measured by SCORS. Significantly lower scores (that belong or are very close to pathology) were found in a total of five SCORS's dimensions. In the remaining three dimensions patients with schizophrenia achieved below-average results. Cross-correlations among SCORS's dimensions and factor analysis results which revealed a three component structure of SCORS in patients with schizophrenia are also discussed. Keywords: Schizophrenia, social cognition, object relations, SCORS, Thematic Apperception Test, correlation analysis, factor analysis.
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