Spelling suggestions: "subject:"theory off min"" "subject:"theory oof min""
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Religion – evolutionens missfoster eller kärleksbarn? : Kognitionsvetenskaplig religionsforskning och dess relevans för religiösa trosföreställningars rationalitetKnutsson Bråkenhielm, Lotta January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is on Cognitive Science of Religion (CSR) and its relevance for the rationality of religious beliefs. An epistemical model for rationality is developed according to which: a person (or group of persons) is rational to hold a certain belief a) if this belief can be assumed to have been generated by one or more reliable cognitive mechanisms, b) applies whether or not she is aware of what these mechanisms are, but c) only as long as it does not exist or arise some reasons (defeaters) to question the belief; if they occur, she must d) reflect on it and find other reasons or grounds to hold the belief in question. Two different positions are examined, namely: 1) negative relevance: the findings and theories in CSR undermines the rationality of religious beliefs; 2) positive relevance: religious beliefs need not be irrational in the light of CSR, in fact CSR may actually support the rationality of religious beliefs. Two lines of argument can be distinguished among those who argue for a negative relevance: a) the natural explanations that are provided by CSR are preferable; and b) religious beliefs are irrational because they are caused by unreliable cognitive mechanisms. Among those who argue for positive relevance two arguments can be distinguised: a) religious beliefs seem to come naturally to humans and therefore are probably true; and b) CSR confirms empirically that we are equipped with a "divine mechanism" that there are reasons to believe is reliable. The conclusions are: CSR has negative relevance to beliefs in "finite supernatural agency", but not for the faith of "infinite supernatural agency". First, the first type of beliefs is easier to explain by being generated by unreliable cognitive mechanisms; secondly they are difficult to integrate with what we otherwise know about the world. A category that falls outside the scope of CSR and thus not even potentially can be affected, is beliefs in "supernatural non-agency". / The Impact of Religion – Challenges for Society, Law and Democracy
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Cognition sociale et traitement du contexte dans la schizophrénie : effets des stéréotypesCharest, Anick 12 1900 (has links)
Un déficit de la cognition sociale incluant l’attribution d’états mentaux, la
perception sociale et la perception des émotions est l’une des caractéristiques les plus
handicapantes de la schizophrénie. Les résultats d’une étude par Hardy-Baylé et al. (2003)
suggèrent que les difficultés des schizophrènes (SZ) à attribuer des intentions aux autres
seraient dues à l’incapacité à utiliser l’information contextuelle. Certaines études (Ivanko
& Pexman, 2003; Pexman & Olineck, 2002b) démontrent que des facteurs comme le degré
d’incongruité entre le contexte et l’énoncé, l’intonation de la voix et les caractéristiques
des personnages peuvent influencer la compréhension de l’intention ironique chez les
sujets sains (CT). L’objectif de cette étude est de manipuler des informations contextuelles
afin de déterminer si le type de métier du locuteur est un indice social facilitant la
compréhension de l’intention du locuteur (théorie de l’esprit ; TdE) et de la perception
sociale chez les patients SZ. Trente participants SZ appariés avec trente participants CT ont
été recrutés. Ils ont été évalués sur la compréhension de l’ironie et sur la mémoire de
travail. Les histoires étaient développées selon deux conditions de métier: un métier
favorisant la compréhension de l’ironie (e.g. comédien) et un métier ne favorisant pas la
compréhension de l’ironie (e.g. prêtre). Les résultats montrent que les patients SZ ont un
trouble de TdE et ils ne semblent pas sensibles aux stéréotypes contrairement aux
participants CT. Toutefois, les résultats indiquent que les participants SZ n’ont pas de
déficit concernant la perception sociale. / Individuals with schizophrenia (SZ) have a deficit in social cognition including
mental state attribution, social perception and emotional perception. The results of a
study by Hardy-Baylé et al. (2003) suggest that their inability to infer intentions and beliefs
to others may result from their inability to use contextual information. Studies (Ivanko &
Pexman, 2003; Pexman & Olineck, 2002b) showed that several factors such as level of
incongruity between context and speaker’s utterance, vocal inflections and character’s
features can influence the comprehension of an ironic intent among healthy (HT) subjects.
The aim of this study is to manipulate contextual information to determine if stereotypes
(type of speaker’s occupation) are social factors that cue comprehension of speaker’s
intention (theory of mind; ToM) and social perception in schizophrenia. Thirty SZ patients
and thirty HT participants were recruited for this study. Participants were tested on
working memory and irony comprehension. Each story had been manipulated with two
conditions of speaker’s occupation: occupation that cues ironic intent (e.g. actor), and
occupation that does not cue ironic intent (e.g. priest). The results showed that SZ
patients have an impaired ToM and are not sensitive to stereotypes as CT participants.
However, the results revealed that SZ participants do not have a deficit in social
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Les neurosciences cognitives du langage, de l'autisme et des styles cognitifsBourguignon, Nicolas 02 1900 (has links)
VERSION ANGLAISE DISPONIBLE AU DÉPARTEMENT; THÈSE RÉALISÉE CONJOINTEMENT AVEC L'ÉCOLE DES SCIENCES DE LA COMMUNICATION DE L'UNIVERSITÉ MCGILL (DRS. K. STEINHAUER ET J.E. DRURY). / La présente thèse reprend trois articles de recherche (deux études et un article de revue) portant sur les neurosciences cognitives du langage, chacun desquels a été écrit en vue d’identifier les bénéfices que la théorie (neuro)linguistique contemporaine pourrait tirer d’une étude exhaustive des processus cognitifs et neuraux sous-tendant les troubles du spectre autistique (TSA) et inversement. Deux études y sont présentées, utilisant la méthode des potentiels évoqués, lesquelles fournissent des preuves préliminaires, chez des individus typiques, de deux aspects de la compréhension de phrases nécessitant une recherche approfondie chez des personnes autistes : (1) Les corrélats neuraux de la nature syntaxique et sémantique particulière des verbes d’expérience (par exemple The girl has feared the storm) contrairement aux verbes d’action (par exemple The kids have eaten the fries) et leur interface potentielle avec la Théorie de l’Esprit – la capacité d’attribuer des états mentaux à soi et à autrui – pour laquelle les personnes autistes semble accuser un retard et/ou un déficit, et (2) les corrélats neuraux des compétences en « imagerie visuelle », telles quelles sont identifiées à l’aide des Matrices de Raven, sur les processus de détection de violations de catégories grammaticales (par exemple He made the meal to enjoy with friends/He made the enjoy to meal with friends) dans un paradigme expérimental “équilibré” et en modalité visuelle. L’article de revue cherche à fournir une perspective plus large du rôle que les neurosciences cognitives des TSA peuvent jouer dans l’étude biologique du langage. L’importance de considérer l’autisme comme un « style cognitif » plutôt qu’un trouble en soi y est défendue, en particulier contre la notion commune d’autisme en tant que déficit de Théorie de l’Esprit. Au delà de leurs perspectives potentielles de recherche future auprès de populations autistes, ces trois articles cherchent à répondre à plusieurs questions de recherche cruciales sur le développement et la compréhension du langage (c’est à dire le débat sur la «P600 sémantique», les théorie d’échantillonnage asymétrique de la perception de la parole et de la musique, le rôle de la vision dans le langage, la modularité, les styles cognitifs et l’inférence Bayesienne). / The present thesis comprises a set of three research articles (two studies and one review article) on the cognitive neuroscience of language, all of which were written with the purpose of understanding the benefits that contemporary (neuro)linguistic theory may draw from an extensive study of the cognitive and neural processes underlying Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and vice versa. Two studies are presented, using event-related brain potentials, which provide preliminary evidence in typical individuals for two aspects of sentence processing in need of future investigation in ASD participants: (1) The neural correlates of the peculiar syntactic and semantic nature of verbs of experience (Experiencer Subject verbs, i.e., The girl has feared the storm) as opposed to verbs of action (Agent Subject verbs, i.e., The boys have eaten the fries) and their potential interface with Theory of Mind – the ability to attribute mental states to self and others – known to present delays and impairments in autism, and (2) the neural correlates of “visual imagery” skills, as assessed through the Raven Matrices, on comprehenders’ ability to detect word category violations (e.g., He made the meal to enjoy with friends/He made the enjoy to meal with friends) in a balanced visual paradigm and their potential insights into the role of visual imagery in language comprehension, known to play a potentially predominant role in ASD. The review article attempts to provide a larger perspective on the role of the cognitive neuroscience of ASD in the biology of language, in which the importance of considering autism as a “cognitive style” rather than as a disorder is given greater value, especially relative to the common notion of autism solely as a Theory of Mind impairment. Aside from their potential prospects for future research in autistic populations, these three articles also attempt to frame their topic of inquiry into the broader context of contemporary research questions on language development and language comprehension, such as the role of animacy in language processing (the “semantic P600” debate), asymmetric sampling theories of speech and music perception, the role of vision in language, modularity, cognitive styles or Bayesian inference.
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Can You Read My Mind? : A Participatory Design Study of How a Humanoid Robot Can Communicate Its Intent and AwarenessThunberg, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
Communication between humans and interactive robots will benefit if people have a clear mental model of the robots' intent and awareness. The aim with this thesis was to investigate how human-robot interaction is affected by manipulation of social cues on the robot. The research questions were: How do social cues affect mental models of the Pepper robot, and how can a participatory design method be used for investigating how the Pepper robot could communicate intent and awareness? The hypothesis for the second question was that nonverbal cues would be preferred over verbal cues. An existing standard platform was used, Softbank's Pepper, as well as state-of-the-art tasks from the RoboCup@Home challenge. The rule book and observations from the 2018 competition were thematically coded and the themes created eight scenarios. A participatory design method called PICTIVE was used in a design study, where five student participants went through three phases, label, sketch and interview, to create a design for how the robot should communicate intent and awareness. The use of PICTIVE was a suitable way to extract a lot of design ideas. However, not all scenarios were optimal for the task. The design study confirmed the use of mediating physical attributes to alter the mental model of a humanoid robot to reach common ground. Further, it did not confirm the hypothesis that nonverbal cues would be preferred over verbal cues, though it did show that verbal cues would not be enough. This, however, needs to be further tested in live interactions.
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Flexibilité cognitive et résolution de problèmes : au-delà des aspects développementaux, confronter son point de vue à un autre / Cognitive Flexibility and Problem Solving : beyond developmental aspects, confronting one’s point of view with another oneBorjon, Florence 21 June 2016 (has links)
Résoudre aisément un problème, c’est-à-dire trouver une procédure rapide et efficace menant à la solution, nécessite de pouvoir considérer la situation selon plusieurs points de vue pour en choisir le plus pertinent, mais aussi de pouvoir en changer lorsque l’on se trouve face à une impasse, ce que l’on peut interpréter comme une expression de la flexibilité cognitive. Une adaptation des problèmes de jarres de Luchins a été présentée à 486 enfants scolarisés en CM1 et en CM2, afin d’observer leur capacité à faire preuve de flexibilité cognitive, puis, après tirage au sort, un certain nombre d’épreuves et d’échelles ont été proposés à 100 d’entre eux, lors de deux entretiens individuels. En effet, l’objet de cette étude est de montrer, auprès d’enfants se situant au niveau des opérations concrètes, que la flexibilité cognitive, qui leur permet d’élaborer des stratégies cognitives variées et de remettre en question leur point de vue initial, est liée, d’une part, à leur niveau de développement opératoire ainsi qu’à leur capacité à prendre en compte un point de vue différent du leur, et cela en lien avec leurs capacités de décentration et la présence d’une théorie de l’esprit. Mais il est, d’autre part, de montrer qu’au-delà de ces aspects développementaux, la flexibilité cognitive est également en lien avec la capacité de pouvoir confronter son point de vue à un autre, ce qui signifie qu’il ne s’agit pas seulement de prendre en compte un autre point de vue que le sien, mais aussi de pouvoir les prendre en compte en même temps, en concevant le fait que ces deux points de vue sur une même réalité sont susceptibles de coexister. Dès lors, faire preuve de flexibilité cognitive serait lié à la capacité de pouvoir confronter son propre point de vue à un autre, en se mettant à la place de l’autre tout en restant soi-même et en supportant la remise en cause que cela induit, donc aux capacités empathiques et à l’estime de soi. Cette recherche exploratoire a permis de valider partiellement nos hypothèses et a révélé, notamment à travers un essai de modélisation, certaines différences liées au genre. / Solving a problem easily, that is to say finding a fast and effective procedure leading to a solution, requires considering the situation from several points of view in order to choose the most appropriate one. However, this also requires being able to switch point of view when faced with a standstill ̶ which can be interpreted as an expression of cognitive flexibility. An adaptation of Luchins’ water jar experiment was presented to 486 school children from French CM1 and CM2 classes (England: Year 5 and Year 6), with the aim of observing their capacity to put cognitive flexibility into practice. Then, following a draw, several tests and levels were presented to 100 children from the group throughout two individual meetings. Indeed, the aim of this study is demonstrating that, for children who are at the stage of concrete operations, cognitive flexibility, which enables them to elaborate various cognitive strategies and question their initial point of view, is linked both to their operational development level and to their ability to take into account a point of view which differs from theirs, in association with their decentration abilities and the presence of a theory of mind. Furthermore, the goal of this study is also demonstrating that, beyond these developmental aspects, cognitive flexibility is also linked to the ability to confront one’s point of view with another one, which means not only taking into account someone else’s point of view but also having the ability to consider both perspectives simultaneously, appreciating that these two points of view on the same reality may co-exist. Consequently, displaying cognitive flexibility is supposedly linked to the capacity to confront one’s point of view with another one, by looking at things from the other’s perspective while also remaining ourselves and bearing the challenge that this implies ̶ and therefore linked to one’s self-esteem and empathetic capabilities. This exploratory research has enabled us to partially validate our hypotheses and has revealed, particularly through a modelling trial, some differences linked to gender.
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A constituição da teoria da mente: estudo longitudinal sobre uso de termos mentais em situação lúdica e desempenho em tarefas de crença e crença falsaValério, Anegreice 30 May 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-05-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Understanding mental states such as desires, emotions and beliefs is important for the success to our every Day relationships. The acquisition and development of this ability are aspects that have been studied under the name of theory of mind. To study the first manifestations of this comprehension can enable to understand this development. The central objective of this research is to examine the constitution of children s theory of mind. Another objective, a practical one, is to offer assistance for the promotion of activities that favor this development. 58 preschool children of a medium-high socioeconomic level, 29 boys and 29 girls between 1;11 to 3;7 year-olds, were followed for 18 months in 4 gatherings with intervals of 6 months through two procedures: a) observation in playful situation kids were videotaped playing in groups of 4; b) they were given tasks, kids answered individually to tasks of belief and false belief. Verbalizations were typed and submitted to software SPAD-T for treatment and categorization according to the type of attribution of mental states. The performance in the tasks was submitted to the Factorial Analysis. The results showed that the attributions more precocious of mental states to the other one happened at 2 years 5 months (emotion), 2 years and 7 months (desire) and 3 years and 2 months (belief). Differences were found in relation to the period of acquisition in terms related to belief. The most used terms were the verbs gostar (to like), querer (to want) and saber (to know). Other words frequently used were medo (fear), feliz (happy) and triste (sad) at the end of the second year of life and pensar (to think), conhecer (to know), mentir (to lie) and enganar (to cheat) during the third year of life. The factorial analysis revealed that there was age influence in this development and found different profiles of development. The results of both groups of data (verbal manifestations and task performance) were used in the intra-individual analysis of 10 participants and, in all cases, were complemented in the explanation of the behavior of each child / Compreender estados mentais como desejos, emoções e crenças é importante para o êxito de nossas relações cotidianas. A aquisição e o desenvolvimento dessa habilidade são aspectos que têm sido estudados sob o nome de Teoria da Mente. Estudar as primeiras manifestações dessa compreensão pode colaborar para entender esse desenvolvimento. A presente pesquisa é um estudo longitudinal com o objetivo central de examinar a constituição da teoria da mente das crianças. Outro objetivo, de caráter prático, é oferecer subsídios para a promoção de atividades escolares favorecedoras desse desenvolvimento. Participaram da pesquisa 58 crianças, 29 meninos e 29 meninas, entre 1a11m e 3a7m, de uma escola de educação infantil que atende crianças de NSE médio e alto. Os participantes foram acompanhados por 18 meses, em quatro coletas, com intervalos de 6 meses, por meio de dois procedimentos: a) observações em situações lúdicas - as crianças foram vídeo-gravadas brincando em grupos de quatro; b) aplicação de tarefas - as crianças responderam individualmente a tarefas de crença e crença falsa. As verbalizações foram transcritas, submetidas ao software SPAD-T para tratamento e categorizadas segundo o tipo de atribuição de estados mentais. O desempenho nas tarefas foi submetido à Análise Fatorial. Os resultados mostraram que as atribuições mais precoces de estados mentais ao outro ocorreram aos 2a5m (emoção), 2a7m (desejo) e 3a2m (crença). Foram encontradas diferenças em relação ao período de aquisição de termos relativos à crença. Os termos mentais mais utilizados foram os verbos gostar, querer e saber. Outras palavras utilizadas com freqüência foram medo, feliz e triste no final do segundo ano de vida e pensar, conhecer, mentir e enganar durante o terceiro ano. A análise fatorial revelou que houve influência da idade nesse desenvolvimento e encontrou diferentes perfis de desenvolvimento. Os resultados dos dois conjuntos de dados (manifestações verbais e desempenho em tarefas) foram utilizados na análise intra-individual de 10 participantes e, em todos os casos, se complementaram na explicação do comportamento de cada criança
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La teoria della mente in prospettiva life-span / Theory of Mind in a Life-Span PerspectiveCASTELLI, ILARIA 09 March 2007 (has links)
La Teoria della Mente (ToM) capacità di rappresentarsi gli stati mentali propri e altrui e di farvi riferimento per prevedere e spiegare il comportamento proprio e altrui riveste un ruolo fondamentale nelle interazioni sociali per un efficace adattamento all'ambiente. Dopo essere stata a lungo indagata in età evolutiva, recentemente la ricerca sulla ToM ha effettuato uno shifting verso fasi successive del ciclo di vita (età adulta ed età anziana) aprendo un nuovo filone di studio in prospettiva life-span. Oggetto della presente tesi di dottorato è lo studio della ToM in prospettiva life-span con tre obiettivi: (1) studiare l'evoluzione della ToM in età adulta e le sue possibile relazioni con la capacità di decision-making, anch'essa dall'alto valore adattivo; (2) studiare la possibile involuzione della ToM in età anziana in condizioni di normalità e di patologia (mild-Alzheimer's disease); (3) indagare i correlati neurali della ToM con metodiche di neuroimaging (fMRI) in soggetti adulti, anziani sani e anziani clinici (Mild Cognitive Impairment, MCI). Le tre ricerche empiriche condotte nella presente tesi di dottorato hanno consentito di rilevare rispettivamente che: (1) la ToM è altamente implicata nei processi di decision-making in età adulta; (2) la ToM subisce una involuzione nei soggetti anziani clinici sin dai livelli più semplici di tale abilità; (3) i circuiti neurali della ToM inizierebbero a mostrare una parziale deattivazione in soggetti anziani clinici rispetto a soggetti di controllo anziani e adulti. / Theory of Mind (ToM) the ability to meta-represent self and others' mental states and to refer to them to foresee and explain the behaviour plays a crucial role in social interactions to provide a successful adaptation to the environment. After being extensively studied in developmental psychology, the research on ToM has recently undergone a shifting towards other life-ages (adulthood and elderly) thus opening a new field if research in a life-span perspective. The object of this PhD thesis is to study of ToM in a life-span perspective with three goals: (1) to study ToM evolution in adult age and to discover its possible relations with the ability of decision-making, which has a major adaptive role as well; (2) to study the possible decay of ToM in old age in normal and clinical conditions (mild-Alzheimer's disease); (3) to study the neural circuits of ToM with neuroimaging methods (fMRI) in adults, healthy old subjects and clinical old subjects (Mild Cognitive Impairment, MCI). The three empiric researches carried on for this PhD thesis provided the following major findings: (1) ToM is highly involved in decision-making processes in adult age; (2) ToM undergoes a decay in clinical old subjects with onset from very simple levels of this ability; (3) ToM neural circuits seem to show a partial deactivation in clinical old subjects and not in healthy old and adult controls.
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Analisi di processi socio-cognitivi ed affettivi e dello status sociometrico nel fenomeno del bullismo / Analysis of Socio-Cognitive and Affective Processes and Social Status in Bullying PhenomenonCARAVITA, SIMONA CARLA SILVIA 28 February 2007 (has links)
Il bullismo è un fenomeno di gruppo in cui bambini e ragazzi possono essere coinvolti con ruoli differenti Il presente progetto di ricerca comprende tre studi originali, focalizzati su tre comportamenti ed esperienze connesse al bullismo: la condotta prevaricante, il comportamento di difesa della vittima e la vittimizzazione. Il primo studio ha esaminato gli effetti principali e di interazione dell'empatia affettiva e cognitiva, della preferenza sociale e della popolarità percepita su questi tre ruoli di coinvolgimento nel bullismo, nella media fanciullezza e nella prima adolescenza. Il secondo studio ha analizzato le relazioni esistenti tra abilità di teoria della mente (ToM), comportamento prepotente, difesa della vittima e vittimizzazione in un campione di media-fanciullezza. Sono anche stati controllati gli effetti di moderazione delle relazioni tra ToM e coinvolgimento nel bullismo esercitati da variabili individuali e relazionali. Il terzo studio, un progetto di ricerca longitudinale a breve termine, ha riesaminato le associazioni tra variabili rinvenute nel primo studio, valutandone il valore predittivo, oltre a rilevare eventuali effetti di moderazione della stabilità nel tempo di questi comportamenti e situazioni connessi al bullismo. / Bullying is a group phenomenon in which children may be involved with different roles. This project includes three original studies, focussed on three bullying-related behaviours or experiences: bullying, victimization, and defending the victim. The first study examined main and interaction effects of affective and cognitive empathy, social preference and perceived popularity on these three ways of participation in bullying, in middle-childhood and early adolescence. The second study analyzed the relationships between theory of mind skills (ToM), bullying, defending and victimization in a middle-childhood sample. Several individual and relational variables were controlled for, and their moderation effects on the relationships between ToM and involvement in bullying were examined. The third study was a short-term longitudinal research project, examining the predictive values of the associations between variables found in the first study and some possible moderation effects of the stability over time of these social behaviours and situations related to bullying.
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Mindreading, Language and SimulationDeChant, Ryan C 01 August 2010 (has links)
Mindreading is the capacity to attribute psychological states to others and to use those attributions to explain, predict, and understand others’ behaviors. In the past thirty years, mindreading has become the topic of substantial interdisciplinary research and theorizing, with philosophers, psychologists and, more recently, neuroscientists, all contributing to the debate about the nature of the neuropsychological mechanisms that constitute the capacity for mindreading. In this thesis I push this debate forward by using recent results from developmental psychology as the basis for critiques of two prominent views of mindreading. First, I argue that the developmental studies provide evidence of infant mindreading and therefore expose a flaw in José Bermúdez’s view that certain forms of mindreading require language possession. Second, I argue that the evidence of infant mindreading can also be used to undermine Alvin Goldman’s version of Simulation Theory.
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Teoria della mente ed emozione: studi su bambini in età scolare / Theory of Mind and Emotion: Studies on School Age ChildrenCAVALLI, GIULIA 21 February 2008 (has links)
La teoria della mente (toM) è la capacità di attribuire stati mentali a se' e agli altri e di prevedere il comportamento sulla base di essi. recentemente gli studiosi della tom hanno adottato un'ottica life-span (che ha portato alla costruzione di nuovi strumenti per valutare la tom) e iniziato a studiare le differenze individuali in questa capacità (includendo la comprensione delle emozioni e i legami tra tom e funzionamento socio-emotivo). Il presente lavoro ha lo scopo di approfondire lo studio dello sviluppo della comprensione di stati mentali (epistemici ed emotivi) e i suoi legami con le difficoltà emotive nei bambini. Affronta così alcune nuove tematiche nell'ambito degli studi sulla tom, relative alla valutazione della tom in bambini con sviluppo tipico frequentanti la scuola primaria e la relazione tra tom e problemi internalizzanti.
Viene presentato un nuovo compito avanzato di ToM e la sua validazione e standardizzazione su un campione italiano di bambini di 6.5-11.4 anni: il voice test. esso valuta l'abilità di comprendere stati mentali complessi da indici vocali.
Infine, viene studiata la relazione tra tom e rischio psicologico e, in particolare, analizzato il legame tra la scarsa tom e le frequenti lamentele somatiche nei bambini in eta' scolare. / Theory of Mind (ToM) is the ability to impute mental states to the self e to the others as a way of making sense and predicting behaviour. Recently ToM researchers has been adopted a life span perspective, that leads to the construction of new instruments to assess ToM, and studied individual differences in ToM, including emotion understanding and the relationship between ToM and socio-emotional functioning.
The present work is aimed to analyze deeper the development of mental states (both epistemic and emotional) understanding and its link with emotional difficulties, dealing with some novel topics within ToM studies, regarding ToM assessment in school age children and the relationship between ToM and internalizing problems.
After reviewing ToM studies, it presents the Voice Test, a new advanced ToM instrument, and its validation and standardization on an Italian school age children sample aged 6,5-11,4 years; the test assesses the ability to understand a wide range of complex mental states from vocal cues.
finally, it is studied the relationship between ToM and psychological risk and, in particular, it points out the link between poor ToM and frequent somatic complaints in a normal school age children population.
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