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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studies on the roles of polyunsaturated fatty acids for thermal adaptation / 多価不飽和脂肪酸の温度適応における役割に関する研究

Suito, Takuto 25 March 2019 (has links)
付記する学位プログラム名: 充実した健康長寿社会を築く総合医療開発リーダー育成プログラム / 京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第21794号 / 工博第4611号 / 新制||工||1718(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科合成・生物化学専攻 / (主査)教授 梅田 眞郷, 教授 跡見 晴幸, 教授 秋吉 一成 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DGAM

Toward a Better Understanding of the Thermal and Cardiovascular Strain Experienced by Older Adults During Extreme Heat Events

Meade, Robert 12 May 2021 (has links)
This thesis evaluated physiological responses of young and older adults during extreme heat events and the extent to which commonly recommended heat-health guidelines (indoor temperature limits) and heat mitigation strategies (cooling centres) are effective at limiting hyperthermia and cardiovascular burden. A multidisciplinary narrative review and three experimental studies were conducted. In the review, the mechanisms by which aging impairs the regulation of body temperature and hemodynamic stability, and how they may contribute to the increased risk of heat-related mortality and morbidity in older adults, were summarized. A lack of ecologically minded study designs in previous research evaluating the physiological responses supporting homeostasis and health during heat stress (i.e., body temperature regulation and cardiovascular stability) was also identified. The three experiments were therefore designed as day-long (8-9 hour) extreme heat simulations to 1) evaluate age-related alterations in thermoregulatory and cardiovascular function during peak heat conditions; 2) assess how these responses translate to indoor environments; and 3) quantify the effectiveness of cooling centers, a widely recommended heat mitigation strategy, for limiting hyperthermia and cardiovascular burden. In the first study, healthy older adults (age: 64-78 years; n=19) stored 87 kJ [95% confidence limits: 33, 141] more heat than their younger (age: 19-31 years; n=20) counterparts (328 [71] kJ vs. 241 [SD: 87]; P<0.001) during the first three hours of a 9-hour exposure to extreme heat (40°C and 15% relative humidity). This resulted in a 0.4°C [0.2, 0.6] greater increase in body core temperature in the older adults that was maintained throughout exposure (1.0 [0.3] vs 0.6 [0.3]°C; P<0.001). These findings were extended in the second study, wherein it was demonstrated that healthy older adults (age: 66-78 years, n=8) exhibit progressive elevations in body temperatures (P<0.001) and attenuations in cardiovascular autonomic function (P<0.001) during 8 hours of rest in conditions representative of those experienced indoors during extreme heat events. These ranged from an actively cooled environment (22°C), through indoor temperature thresholds recommended by Toronto Public Health (26°C) and the World Health Organization (31°C), to poorly insulated and ventilated homes and/or dwellings without access to air conditioning (36°C; 45% relative humidity in all conditions). In the third study, it was shown that short-term exposure to a cool environment midway through (hours 5-6) a day-long (9 hour) simulated heat event reduced core temperature in a group of healthy older adults (age: 67-78 years; n=8) by 0.8°C [0.6, 1.0] compared to an age-matched group not removed from the heat (from study 1). Despite this, core temperature rose rapidly upon return to the heat and was statistically equivalent in both groups by the end of exposure (37.8 [0.3] vs 37.9 [0.3]°C; P=0.011). The findings of this thesis indicate that even healthy older adults experience sustained elevations in body temperature and cardiovascular burden during extreme heat events and that commonly recommended heat-health guidelines (indoor temperature limits) and mitigation strategies (cooling centres) may not provide adequate protection. Collectively, this work represents a considerable advance in our understanding of the physiological burden experienced by older adults during hot weather and extreme heat events.

An Improved Thermoregulatory Model For Cooling Garment Applications With Transient Metabolic Rates

Westin, Johan 01 January 2008 (has links)
Current state-of-the-art thermoregulatory models do not predict body temperatures with the accuracies that are required for the development of automatic cooling control in liquid cooling garment (LCG) systems. Automatic cooling control would be beneficial in a variety of space, aviation, military, and industrial environments for optimizing cooling efficiency, for making LCGs as portable and practical as possible, for alleviating the individual from manual cooling control, and for improving thermal comfort and cognitive performance. In this study, we adopt the Fiala thermoregulatory model, which has previously demonstrated state-of-the-art predictive abilities in air environments, for use in LCG environments. We validate the numerical formulation with analytical solutions to the bioheat equation, and find our model to be accurate and stable with a variety of different grid configurations. We then compare the thermoregulatory model s tissue temperature predictions with experimental data where individuals, equipped with an LCG, exercise according to a 700 W rectangular type activity schedule. The root mean square (RMS) deviation between the model response and the mean experimental group response is 0.16°C for the rectal temperature and 0.70°C for the mean skin temperature, which is within state-of-the-art variations. However, with a mean absolute body heat storage error (e_BHS_mean) of 9.7 W·h, the model fails to satisfy the ±6.5 W·h accuracy that is required for the automatic LCG cooling control development. In order to improve model predictions, we modify the blood flow dynamics of the thermoregulatory model. Instead of using step responses to changing requirements, we introduce exponential responses to the muscle blood flow and the vasoconstriction command. We find that such modifications have an insignificant effect on temperature predictions. However, a new vasoconstriction dependency, i.e. the rate of change of hypothalamus temperature weighted by the hypothalamus error signal (DThy·dThy/dt), proves to be an important signal that governs the thermoregulatory response during conditions of simultaneously increasing core and decreasing skin temperatures, which is a common scenario in LCG environments. With the new DThy·dThy/dt dependency in the vasoconstriction command, the e_BHS_mean for the exercise period is reduced by 59% (from 12.9 W·h to 5.2 W·h). Even though the new e_BHS_mean of 5.8 W·h for the total activity schedule is within the target accuracy of ±6.5 W·h, e_BHS fails to stay within the target accuracy during the entire activity schedule. With additional improvements to the central blood pool formulation, the LCG boundary condition, and the agreement between model set-points and actual experimental initial conditions, it seems possible to achieve the strict accuracy that is needed for automatic cooling control development.

Habitat Heterogeneity Affects the Thermal Ecology of the Federally Endangered Blunt-Nosed Leopard Lizard

Gaudenti, Nicole 01 June 2021 (has links) (PDF)
Global climate change is already contributing to the extirpation of numerous species worldwide, and sensitive species will continue to face challenges associated with rising temperatures throughout this century and beyond. It is especially important to evaluate the thermal ecology of endangered ectotherm species now so that mitigation measures can be taken as early as possible. A recent study of the thermal ecology of the federally endangered Blunt-Nosed Leopard Lizard (Gambelia sila) suggested that they face major activity restrictions due to thermal constraints in their desert habitat, but that large shade-providing shrubs act as thermal buffers to allow them to maintain surface activity without overheating. We replicated this study but added a population of G. sila with no access to large shrubs to facilitate comparison of the thermal ecology of G. sila in shrubless and shrubbed populations. We found that G. sila without access to shrubs spent more time sheltering inside rodent burrows than lizards with access to shrubs, especially during the hot summer months. Lizards from a shrubbed population had higher midday body temperatures and therefore poorer thermoregulatory accuracy than G. sila from a shrubless population, suggesting that greater surface activity may represent a thermoregulatory tradeoff for G. sila. Lizards at both sites are currently constrained from using open, sunny microhabitats for much of the day during their short active seasons, and our projections suggest that climate change will exacerbate these restrictions and force G. sila to use rodent burrows for shelter even more than they do now, especially at sites without access to shrubs. The continued management of shrubs and of burrowing rodents at G. sila sites is therefore essential to the survival of this endangered species.

Physiological Implications of Dinosaur Cephalic Vascular Systems

Porter, William Ruger 25 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Blockade of the Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid (TRPV) by Ruthenium Red Does Not Suppress Hypothalamic Neuronal Thermosensitivity

Unger, Nicholas T. 19 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Aspects of the thermal ecology of the group-living lizard, Cordylus cataphractus : a spatial and temporal analysis

Truter, Johannes Christoff 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Botany and Zoology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Includes bibliography. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Thermal ecology is a central theme in reptilian biology because of the thermodynamic rate dependence of virtually all biological processes in these ectothermic animals. Thermoregulation includes active processes (with associated energetic costs related to altered behaviour and physiology) functioning to maintain body temperatures within a preferred temperature range, so that the majority of physiological functions occurs optimally, despite natural variation in the animal’s thermal habitat. The recent development of quantitative thermal indices now allows researchers to describe the thermal habitat and thermoregulatory functioning of an ectotherm within its environment from a cost-benefit perspective. The use of such quantitative biophysical approaches to reptile thermal ecology studies is however limited in the African context. Cordylus cataphractus is one of the best studied cordylids, and exhibits various characteristics atypical for the family, such as permanent group-living, seasonally lowered surface activity, a low resting metabolic rate and large fat bodies. These characteristics are generally thought to be associated with groupliving in a semi-arid habitat, yet, the possible links to thermal ecology remains unexplored. The objectives of the current study was: firstly, to characterize the preferred temperature range (Tp) of C. cataphractus through the use of ecologically realistic laboratory thermal gradients; secondly, to explore seasonal and geographical variation in thermal preference, by comparing Tp among individuals captured from a coastal and inland population and during different seasons (autumn and spring); thirdly, to describe the thermal habitat of a C. cataphractus population during summer, autumn, winter and spring and to then relate these findings to the seasonal activity patterns reported in literature for the species; fourthly, to describe the seasonal patterns of thermoregulation (during summer, autumn, winter and spring) in a C. cataphractus population through quantitative thermoregulatory indices; fifthly, to assess geographic variation in the thermal habitat and IV associated patterns of thermoregulation in C. cataphractus among a coastal population (western range limit) and an inland population (eastern range limit). The thermal habitat of C. cataphractus was described by measuring operative environmental temperatures (Te) with hollow copper lizard models placed around rocks according to the natural surface movement patterns of the species. Variation in thermal habitat quality was subsequently calculated (de = |Te – Tp|) and averaged. Field body temperatures (Tb) of lizards were measured with dorsally attached miniature temperature loggers. Thermoregulatory indices were calculated from Te, Tb and Tp, describing: thermoregulatory accuracy, the effectiveness of thermoregulation and thermal exploitation for each population (coastal and inland) for the respective sampling periods. The preferred body temperature range of C. cataphractus is the lowest recorded among cordylids to date (mean Tp = 29.8oC) and was conserved among different populations and within these populations among seasons, despite the fact that environmental temperatures are known to vary geographically and seasonally. Thermal habitat quality varied significantly at micro spatial scale around rocks in the coastal population. Since C. cataphractus males are territorial, competition for thermal habitat quality around rocks may therefore occur. Such effects will be a function of the time of year since the variability in thermal habitat quality among rock aspects (around rocks) varied seasonally. Thermal habitat quality of crevices varied among seasons and was typically higher in the open, outside rock crevices, during the cooler winter and spring periods, whereas in summer and autumn the crevice environments were more favourable. Thermal habitat quality was high in crevices during autumn, suggesting that the observed repressed surface activity of C. cataphractus described for the time is not necessarily, as previously thought, only due to food constraints. Moreover, in contrast to earlier reports, the current results (Tb versus Te) indicate that individuals emerged from crevices in summer. The geographical assessment indicated that lizards from the coastal population, with generally larger groups, thermoregulated more successfully than those from the inland population. The higher thermoregulatory success in the coastal population occurred in spite of the fact that thermal habitat quality was significantly lower at the coastal locality. The higher thermoregulatory success in the coastal population was likely due to reduced predation risk associated with increased group-size. The seasonal trends in thermoregulation at the coastal and inland population corresponded to the patterns predicted by the cost-benefit model of thermoregulation, accuracy of thermoregulation and the effectiveness of thermal exploitation being higher during the thermally more favourable autumn. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Uittreksel Termiese ekologie is ‘n sentrale tema in reptiel-biologie as gevolg van die termodinamies tempo-afhanklikheid van feitlik alle biologiese prosesse in hierdie ektotermiese diere. Termoregulering sluit aktiewe prosesse (wat lei tot energie-koste in terme van gedrag en fisiologie) in om liggaamstemperature binne ‘n vasgestelde voorkeurtemperatuur-reeks te handhaaf sodat fisiologiese prosesse optimaal kan geskied te midde van natuurlike variasie in die dier se termiese omgewing. Die onlangse ontwikkeling van kwantitatiewe funksionele termiese indekse stel navorsers nou in staat om die werklike termiese omgewing en die funksionering van die ektoterm binne sy omgewing te beskryf en uit ‘n koste (energie)- voordeel oogpunt te verstaan. Die gebruik van hierdie biofisiese koste-voordeel benadering in reptiel termoreguleringstudies is egter beperk in die Afrika-konteks. Cordylus cataphractus is een van die bes bestudeerde lede van familie Cordylidae, en vertoon verskeie eienskappe ongewoon vir hierdie groep akkedisse, soos groeplewendheid, beperkte seisoenale aktiwiteit buite hul skeure, ‘n relatiewe lae rustende metaboliese tempo en relatiewe groot vetliggame. Hierdie unieke eienskappe is al deur navorsers gekoppel aan die groeplewe lewensstrategie. Die potensiële koppeling van die termiese ekologie en die spesifieke lewensstrategie van C. cataphractus benodig verdere studie. Die doelwitte van hierdie studie was eerstens: om die voorkeurtemperatuur-reeks (Tp) van C. cataphractus te bepaal deur van ekologies-realistiese termiese gradiënte in die laboratorium gebruik te maak; tweedens: om geografiese en seisoenale variasie in Tp te ondersoek deur individue te gebruik wat uit binnelandse en kus-populasies, tydens verskillende seisoene, herfs en lente versamel is; derdens: om die termiese omgewing, meer spesifiek die variasie in termiese kwaliteit, binne die habitat van C. cataphractus populasie in verskillende seisoene, somer, herfs, winter en lente, te moduleer en met die gedokumenteerde aktiwiteitspatrone in verband te bring; vierdens: om die seisoenale temoreguleringspatrone (tydens somer, herfs, winter en lente) van C. cataphractus populasie te beskryf; vyfdens: om geografiese variasie in die termiese habitat en geassosieerde termoreguleringspatrone tussen kus-populasie (westelike VII verspreidingsgrens) en binneland-populasie (oostelike verspreidingsgrens) te bestudeer. Die kwaliteit van die termiese habitat van C. cataphractus is bepaal deur hol koper-modelle van akkedisse (operatiewe temperatuur modelle (Te)) te plaas rondom rotse in ooreenstemming met die natuurlike bewegingspatrone van die akkedisse. Die termiese kwaliteit is gevolglik afgelei (de = |Te – Tp|) en gemiddeldes bereken. Die liggaamstemperature (Tb) van vrylopende akkedisse in die veld is met dorsaal-gemonteerde miniatuur temperatuur “data-loggers” gemeet. Termiese indekse (deur Te, Tb en Tp te gebruik) is bereken om die akkuraatheid en effektiwiteit van termoregulering, sowel as termiese benutting van die omgewing vir beide populasies (kus en binneland) tydens verskillende seisoene te beraam. Die voorkeurtemperatuur-reeks van C. cataphractus is die laagste gedokumenteerde temperature vir enige lid van die familie Cordylidae tot op hede bestudeer (gemiddeld van Tp = 29.8oC), en het ten spyte van die feit dat omgewingstemperature wissel op geografiese en seisoenale vlakke, min gevarieer tussen die twee populasies asook tydens verskillende seisoene binne die populasies. Die termiese kwaliteit het beduidend gevarieer tussen seisoene en binne die mikroruimtelike omgewing rondom rotse in die kus-populasie. Aangesien C. cataphractus mannetjies territoriaal is, word die aanname gemaak dat kompetisie vir ‘n ruimtelike posisie ook ‘n termiese koste mag hê aangesien daar beduidende variasie in de om die rotse was. Variasie in termiese kwaliteit rondom rotse was verder ook funksie van die tyd van die jaar (seisoene). Die termiese kwaliteit van skeure het gevarieer tussen seisoene, en termiese kondisies/toestande was oor die algemeen meer gunstig buite die rots-skeure tydens die koeler winter en lente tydperke, terwyl skeure termies meer gunstig was in die somer en herfs maande. Termiese habitat kwaliteit van skeure was besonders hoog gedurende die herfs, en die voorspelling is dus dat die verlaagde oppervlak-aktiwiteit wat gedurende hierdie tyd van die jaar vir C. cataphractus gedokumenteer is nie noodwendig funksie van beperkte voedselbeskikbaarheid is nie. Teenstrydig met gepubliseerde aktiwiteitsrekords dui die resultate (Tb teenoor Te) verder daarop dat individue wel uit skeure kom tydens die warm somer seisoen. Die geografiese ondersoek het gewys dat akkedisse van die kus-populasie (wat gewoonlik uit groter groepe bestaan), meer akkuraat getermoreguleer het as akkedisse van die binneland-populasie. Die hoër akkuraatheid van termoregulering in die kus-populasie is bewerkstellig ten spyte van die feit dat die termiese kwaliteit beduidend laer was as die van die binneland-populasie. Die hoër termoreguleringsakkuraatheid in die kus-populasie kan waarskynlik toegeskryf word aan laer predasie-risiko geassosieer met groter groepe. Die seisoenale variasie-patroon van termoregulering kan verklaar word deur die koste-voordeel model van termoregulering, waarvolgens die akkuraatheid van termoregulering sowel as termiese benutting hoër is tydens periodes van hoë termiese kwaliteit (i.e. herfs).

Význam termomanagementu v péči o nedonošené děti / Importance of thermomanagement in the care of premature newborn

Stránská, Monika January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on premature newborn thermomanagement. It is focused particularly on very premature and extremely premature newborns which suffer the highest level of thermolability. The theoretical part deals with the particularities of premature newborn thermoregulation, newborns' reactions to thermal stress, thermomanagement in the delivery room and providing a thermoneutral environment in the incubator. The thesis describes a method of servo-control mode of body temperature, which has not been utilised for premature newborns in Czech Republic. The aim of the thesis is to start using this method and compare it with the method of manual control. Based on the total time not meeting the standard, number of failures and other parameters to assess which method is more suitable for body temperature regulation. The research sample consists of 47 newborsn who were born between the 24th and 32nd gestational week. Quantitative data collection at one-minute intervals was conducted in the 72 hours after birth. The method choice was random. Statistically important differences between the two methods were measured regarding the total time not meeting the standards. The incidence of hyperthemia was higher during manual method, hypothermia when servo-control. Total failure amount was 19%. However, the...

Recuperação da frequência cardíaca pós-exercício: mecanismos reguladores em normotensos e hipertensos / Heart rate recovery after exercise: regulatory mechanisms in normotensives and hypertensives

Oliveira, Tiago Peçanha de 22 November 2016 (has links)
A recuperação da frequência cardíaca pós-exercício (RecFC) é determinada pela reativação vagal e retirada simpática. Essas respostas, por sua vez, são reguladas pela ação integrada dos diversos mecanismos de controle cardiovascular, como o comando central, o mecanorreflexo muscular, o metaborreflexo muscular e a termorregulação. Na hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) ocorre redução da RecFC, refletindo a presença de disfunção autonômica e sugerindo prejuízos nos mecanismos de controle cardiovascular, que precisam ser investigados. Dessa forma, esta tese visou avaliar e comparar a influência dos mecanismos de controle cardiovascular sobre a RecFC e sua regulação autonômica em normotensos (NT) e hipertensos nunca-tratados (HT). Para tanto, 23 homens HT (45±8 anos; 142±8/96±3 mmHg) e 25 NT (43±8 anos; 114±4/77±2 mmHg) realizaram, de forma aleatória, 5 sessões experimentais compostas de: período pré-exercício, 30 min de exercício em cicloergômetro (70% do VO2pico) e 5 min de recuperação. A recuperação diferiu entre as sessões, seguindo os protocolos: a) recuperação inativa (RI) - ausência de movimento; b) recuperação ativa (RA) - manutenção do movimento pelo próprio voluntário; c) recuperação passiva (RP) - manutenção do movimento por força externa; d) recuperação com oclusão (RO) - ausência de movimento e oclusão total da circulação da coxa; e e) recuperação com resfriamento (RR) - ausência de movimento e resfriamento por ventilação. A atividade eletrocardiográfica, a respiração e a pressão arterial foram continuamente registradas. A RecFC foi avaliada por meio do cálculo dos índices: a) RecFC30s, RecFC60s, RecFC300s: i.e., redução da FC após 30s, 60s e 300s de recuperação; b) constante de tempo de curta duração da RecFC (T30) e; c) constante de tempo de longa duração da RecFC (RecFCt). A comparação da RecFC entre RA e RP permitiu avaliar a influência do comando central sobre a RecFC. A RecFC foi mais lenta na RA em comparação à RP (RecFC30s = 11±6 vs. 13±7 bpm, p<0,01), não havendo diferença entre os grupos nessa resposta. A comparação de RP e RI foi utilizada para avaliar o mecanorreflexo. A RecFC foi mais lenta na RP em comparação à RI (T30 = 351±167 vs. 267±128 s, p<0,01) e esse efeito foi maior no grupo HT (+160±154 vs. +32±147 s, p=0,03). A comparação de RI e RO foi utilizada para avaliar o metaborreflexo. A RecFC foi mais lenta na RO que na RI (RecFC300s = 25±14 vs. 37±10 bpm, p<0,01), e esse efeito foi maior nos HT (-16±11 vs. -8±15 bpm, p=0,05). Por fim, a comparação de RI e RR foi utilizada para avaliar a termorregulação. A RecFC foi mais rápida na RR em comparação à RI (RecFC300s = 39±12 vs. 37±10 bpm, p<0,01), não havendo diferença entre os grupos nessa resposta. Conclui-se, que a RecFC é influenciada pela atuação do comando central, mecanorreflexo muscular, metaborreflexo muscular e termorregulação. Em adição, a redução na RecFC na HAS está relacionada, pelo menos em parte, à maior sensibilidade do mecanorreflexo e do metaborreflexo musculares / Post-exercise heart rate recovery (HRR) is determined by vagal reactivation and sympathetic withdrawal. These responses are regulated by the integrated action of several cardiovascular control mechanisms, such as central command, muscle mechanoreflex, muscle metaboreflex and thermoregulation. The reduction in HRR occurs in hypertension, which indicates the presence of autonomic dysfunction and suggests impairments of the cardiovascular control mechanisms that need to be studied. Thus, this thesis assessed and compared the influence of the cardiovascular control mechanisms on HRR and its autonomic regulation in normotensives (NT) and never-treated hypertensives (HT). For this purpose, 23 HT (45±8 years; 142±8/96±3 mmHg) and 25 NT (43±8 years; 114±4/77±2 mmHg) men performed, in a random order, 5 experimental sessions composed by: pre-exercise period, 30 min of cycle ergometer exercise (70% VO2peak) and 5 min of recovery. The recovery was different between the sessions, as follow: a) inactive recovery (IR) - absence of movement; b) active recovery (AR) - maintenance of movement by the own voluntary; c) passive recovery (PR) - maintenance of movement by an external force; d) occlusion recovery (OR) - absence of movement and total circulatory occlusion of hips\' circulation; and e) cooling recovery (CR) - absence of movement and cooling using a fan. Electrocardiographic activity, respiration and blood pressure were continuously registered. HRR was assessed by the calculation of the following indices: a) HRR30s, HRR60s and HRR300s: i.e. heart rate reduction after 30s, 60s and 300s of recovery; b) short-term time-constant of HRR (T30); and c) long-term time-constant of HRR (HRRt). The comparison of HRR between AR and PR allowed the assessment of the central command influence on HRR. HRR was slower in AR in comparison with PR (HRR30s = 11±6 vs. 13±7 bpm, p<0.01), and there were no difference between the groups in this response. The comparison of HRR between PR and IR allowed the assessment of the mechanoreflex influence on HRR. HRR was slower in PR in comparison with IR (T30 = 351±167 vs. 267±128 s, p<0.01), and this effect was greater in the HT (+160±154 vs. +32±147 s, p=0.03). The comparison of HRR between OR and IR allowed the assessment of the metaboreflex influence on HRR. HRR was slower in OR in comparison with IR (HRR300s = 25±14 vs. 37±10 bpm, p<0.01), and this effect was greater in the HT (-16±11 vs. -8±15 bpm, p=0,05). Finally, the comparison of HRR between IR and CR allowed the assessment of the thermoregulation influence on HRR. HRR was accelerated in CR in comparison with IR (HRR300s = 39±12 vs. 37±10 bpm, p<0.01), and there were no difference between the groups in this response. In conclusion: HRR is influenced by the action of central command, muscle mechanoreflex, muscle metaboreflex and thermoregulation. In addition, the reduction in HRR in hypertension is, at least in part, related to a greater sensitivity of the muscle mechanoreflex and metaboreflex

Vliv otužování na duševní pohodu vybraného vzorku populace / An effect of cold showers on the psychological well-being

SCHWACHOVÁ, Nikola January 2019 (has links)
Cold exposure activates the sympathetic nervous system and increases the concentration of beta-endorphin and noradrenaline in the blood, thus contributing to overall well-being. The aim of this thesis is to collect data of a selected sample of the population about their well-being and at the same time-frequency of hardening and find out the possible connection. 39 students from the Pedagogical Faculty of the University of South Bohemia participated in the study of hardening in the age range 19 - 25 years. The probands were divided into experimental and control groups. For about 3 months, 26 probands were hardened by cold showers. Data on the structure of the mental status of probands were obtained using the SUPOS questionnaire before and after the hardening period. Based on this analysis, it was found, that the experimental group showed a higher degree of well-being, with a simultaneous decline in impulsiveness, psychological unrest and anxiety expectations and fears, but statistically inconclusive. The positive influence of hardening of the organism on human well-being cannot be confirmed by the conclusion of this thesis.

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