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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mammalian energetic savings in subterranean environment. The case of African mole-rats. / Mammalian energetic savings in subterranean environment. The case of African mole-rats.

OKROUHLÍK, Jan January 2014 (has links)
Mole-rats are placental mammals which are perfectly adapted to subterranean life. In this thesis I present novel findings on working metabolism and thermoregulatory physiology of mole-rats. These animals cope with low availability of food and have thus employed multiple strategies how to conserve energy and/or use it more effectively. Among other adaptations this resulted in lower resting body temperature, tolerance to increase in body temperature during exercise or while at rest, surprisingly efficient cooling while digging and precise diurnal and seasonal timing of activity with regards to environmental conditions. My focus in this work is on the digging metabolic rate and thermoregulation of social Fukomys mechowii and solitary Heliophobius argenteocinereus in soft and hard substrate, thermoregulatory abilities of Fukomys darlingi, seasonal changes of activity in free living Heliophobius argenteocinereus measured as daily energy expenditure and, finally, energetic consequences of the daily activity patterns of Fukomys anselli.

Problematika monitorace tělesné teploty a použití teploměrů na standardních odděleních / Monitoring body temperature and using thermometers in standard departments

HALAMOVÁ, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
Monitoring physiological functions is one of the basic parts of health care. At the moment there is an infinite number of possibilities how to measure body temperature in an effective, fast and non-invasive way. However, if the tools are not used correctly, there is a high possibility that mistakes will occur during measuring and therefore the patient's general state will be distorted. That is why each department has standards of nursing care which need to be followed. Due to EU regulations thermometers with mercury, which are considered the most accurate concerning the non-invasive way of measuring the body temperature, have been eliminated. For research purposes we used quantitative method based on a non-standard questionnaire for nurses working in surgery departments and on an experiment using three kinds of thermometers for carrying out individual patients measurements. The research showed that the most acceptable thermometer for measuring body temperature for nurses is the infrared contactless thermometer, even though many of them are aware that these thermometers can be inaccurate and the measured data distorted. The experiment clearly shows that there is an obvious difference between individual measurements. The results of this research could be beneficial for hospital managements, in particular as a guide when buying thermometers for individual departments. In this way they could ensure the most accurate measurements of body temperature resulting in discovering an incipient infection.

Distribuição espacial de caranguejos-chama-maré: efeitos do sombreamento, competição interespecífica e seleção sexual / Spatial distribution of fiddler crabs: effects of shading, interspecific competition and sexual selection

Sanches, Fabio Henrique Carretero [UNESP] 23 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Henrique Carretero Sanches (fabiohcsanches@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-08-14T22:13:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese de Doutorado Autoarquivamento - Fabio Sanches.docx: 685079 bytes, checksum: cd5ecced2f7a2083db18a2d02d08fe52 (MD5) / Rejected by Luiz Galeffi (luizgaleffi@gmail.com), reason: Solicitamos que realize uma nova submissão seguindo as orientações abaixo: A versão final da dissertação/tese deve ser submetida no formato PDF (Portable Document Format). O arquivo PDF não deve estar protegido e a dissertação/tese deve estar em um único arquivo, inclusive os apêndices e anexos, se houver. Por favor, corrija o formato do arquivo e realize uma nova submissão. Agradecemos a compreensão. on 2017-08-25T19:31:18Z (GMT) / Submitted by Fabio Henrique Carretero Sanches (fabiohcsanches@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-08-31T19:03:41Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese de Doutorado Autoarquivamento - Fabio Sanches.pdf: 1162414 bytes, checksum: c1e3b3606924d406d77ac6623c77d329 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luiz Galeffi (luizgaleffi@gmail.com) on 2017-08-31T19:31:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 sanches_fhc_dr_bot.pdf: 1162414 bytes, checksum: c1e3b3606924d406d77ac6623c77d329 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-31T19:31:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 sanches_fhc_dr_bot.pdf: 1162414 bytes, checksum: c1e3b3606924d406d77ac6623c77d329 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-23 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Os caranguejos-chama-maré são espécies semiterrestres, sociais, que habitam margens de praias abertas, manguezais e marismas, tanto em zonas tropicais como temperadas. Cada indivíduo concentra suas atividades em torno de uma toca, com as fêmeas possuindo os dois quelípodo de mesmo tamanho, enquanto os machos possuem um dos quelípodo hipertrofiado, usados como armas durante interações agressivas para proteção do território ou durante a corte em um movimento característico de display, sendo excelentes modelos para estudos de competição e seleção sexual. Além disso, a escavação do solo para construção de suas tocas acarreta na maior oxigenação do mesmo, altera as condições de drenagem, distribuição de partículas, disponibilidade de matérias orgânicas e nutrientes, sendo assim considerados engenheiros do ecossistema. Portanto, alterações nos manguezais que influenciam na distribuição desse grupo de caranguejos podem intensificar potenciais impactos nessas regiões. A presente tese de doutorado foi dividida em três capítulos. O estudo do capítulo 1 foi realizado em manguezais do litoral centro/sul do Estado de São Paulo, onde investigamos o efeito do sombreamento na distribuição espacial, comportamento e fisiologia de duas espécies de caranguejos-chama-marés: Leptuca leptodactyla e Leptuca urugayensis. Já o estudo do capítulo 2 foi concretizado durante período de doutorado sanduíche no exterior, realizado na Austrália. Nele, examinamos o efeito da migração de espécies de áreas adjacentes (Tubuca elegans e Tubuca signata), relacionados à elevação do nível do mar, sobre o comportamento social e reprodutivo de outra espécie desse grupo de caranguejos, Austruca mjoebergi. Ainda durante o período de doutorado sanduíche, realizei o estudo do capítulo 3 com ênfase em seleção sexual de caranguejos-chama-maré (Austruca mjoebergi), mais relacionado à linha de pesquisa da minha orientadora no exterior, onde examinamos a precisão e o tempo de escolha das fêmeas em relação à velocidade, quantidade e complexidade dos displays dos machos. / Fiddler crabs are semi-terrestrial and social species that inhabit open beaches margin, mangroves and salt marshes, both in tropical and temperate zones. Each individual concentrates its activities in their territory surrounding a burrow, with females possessing both chelipodes of the same size, while males have one of them hypertrophied, used as weapons during aggressive interactions to protect the territory or during waving displays to attract females, being excellent models for studies of competition and sexual selection. In addition, the excavation of the soil for the construction of its burrows leads to increased oxygenation, changes in drainage conditions, particle distribution, availability of organic matter and nutrients, being considered thus ecosystem engineers. Therefore, alterations in mangroves that influence the distribution of this group of crabs may intensify potential impacts into these regions. The present PhD thesis was divided into three chapters. The study of chapter 1 was carried out in mangroves of the central / southern coast of the state of São Paulo, where we investigated the shading effect on the spatial distribution, behavior and physiology of two species of fiddler crabs: Leptuca leptodactyla and Leptuca urugayensis. The study of chapter 2 was made during a doctorate period sandwich abroad, held in Australia. We examined the effect of the migration of species of adjacent areas (Tubuca elegans and Tubuca signata), related to the elevation of sea level, on the social and reproductive behavior of another species of this group of crabs, Austruca mjoebergi. Also during the sandwich doctorate period, I conducted the study of chapter 3 with an emphasis on sexual selection of Austruca mjoebergi, more related to the research line of my supervisor abroad, where we examined the accuracy and the time of females in relation to the speed, quantity and complexity of male’s displays. / CNPq: 140515/2014-3

Comportamento de nidificação em Polybia platycephala Richards, 1978: dinâmica de temperatura e luminosidade

Detoni, Mateus Fajardo de Freitas Salviato January 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-04-17T18:05:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 mateusfajardodefreitassalviatodetoni.pdf: 1310680 bytes, checksum: 07d34f3c206819ff6b208c6ab33be11a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-04-18T13:50:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 mateusfajardodefreitassalviatodetoni.pdf: 1310680 bytes, checksum: 07d34f3c206819ff6b208c6ab33be11a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-18T13:50:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 mateusfajardodefreitassalviatodetoni.pdf: 1310680 bytes, checksum: 07d34f3c206819ff6b208c6ab33be11a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017 / Os ninhos de insetos sociais funcionam como a interface entre as colônias e o ambiente, e estudar como os fatores ambientais se relacionam com o comportamento de nidificação é essencial para compreender o sucesso desses animais em colonizar e sobreviver na área urbana. Dessa forma, este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a relação entre a orientação dos ninhos da vespa social Polybia platycephala em áreas urbanas e a incidência de luz ambiental sobre os mesmos, além de descrever sua dinâmica de temperatura em relação ao microambiente em que estão localizados. Para a orientação e a incidência de luz, 11 ninhos foram selecionados em 2016 na cidade de Juiz de Fora, MG, sendo 11 na estação chuvosa e 11 na seca (n= 22). A orientação dos ninhos foi constatada e a incidência de luz de cada ninho foi verificada ao longo do dia (06:00h – 18:00h). Adicionalmente, seis ninhos tiveram sua orientação experimentalmente invertida e a luminosidade foi acompanhada antes e depois da inversão de forma a verificar o efeito da orientação natural sobre a exposição dos ninhos à luz. Para a dinâmica de temperatura utilizaram-se os mesmos 22 ninhos, e a temperatura dos ninhos e do ambiente foram medidas paralelamente à luminosidade. Para verificar o efeito da atividade das vespas sobre a temperatura da colônia, um ninho abandonado e uma colônia ativa foram acompanhados por 24 horas. Os resultados permitiram-nos concluir que P. platycephala apresenta uma orientação de ninhos fortemente enviesada para leste, aumentando a exposição à luz ambiental no período da manhã; são, no entanto, capazes de modificar esse comportamento para adaptar-se ao seu microambiente para otimizar essa exposição. A temperatura dos ninhos é muito relacionada à ambiente, flutuando paralelamente a esta, o que indica uma grande dependência das colônias do mesmo para sua sobrevivência. De forma geral, constatou-se que P. platycephala possui uma íntima relação com o seu microambiente, o que pode ajudar a explicar seu sucesso em colonizar áreas urbanas, mas também a torna sensível a alterações ambientais e climáticas nas mesmas. / Nests of social insects function as the interface between colonies and the environment, and studying how environmental factors relate to the nesting behavior is essential in order to understand these organisms’ success in settling and surviving in the urban area. On this sense, our work aimed to study the relation between the social wasp Polybia platycephala nest orientation and the incidence of environmental light, aside from describing its temperature dynamics regarding the microenvironment where it is set. In order to study nest orientation and light incidence, 22 nests were chosen in 2016 in the city of Juiz de Fora, MG, being 11 in the rainy season and 11 in the dry (n= 22). Nest orientation was verified and light incidence on each nest was assessed through the day (06:00h - 18:00h). Additionally, six nests had their orientation experimentally inverted and luminosity was assessed before and after the inversion in order to verify the effect of nest orientation on exposure to light. In order to study temperature dynamics, the same 22 nests were used, and the nest and ambient temperatures were assessed in parallel with the luminosity. In order to verify the effect of the wasp activity on colony temperatures, an abandoned nest and an active colony were observed for 24 hours. The results allowed us to conclude that P. platycephala shows nest orientation strongly biased towards east, increasing exposure to light during the morning; colonies are, however, able to perform modifications on this behavior in order to adapt themselves to their microenvironment and optimize this exposure. Nest temperatures are intensely related to the ambient, fluctuating in parallel with it, which indicates a great dependence of the colonies on the environment to assure their survival. Overall, we found that P. platycephala has an intimate relation with its microenvironment, which may help explain its success in settling urban areas, but also makes it sensible to environmental and climatic changes in them.

The Contribution of Body Morphology to Individual Variability in the Thermoregulatory Responses to Exercise, and the Effect of Altered Skin Blood Flow on Heat Loss Potential

Cramer, Matthew Nathaniel January 2015 (has links)
Three studies were performed to examine biophysical sources of individual variability in the thermoregulatory responses to exercise, and the influence of skin blood flow on heat loss potential during severe heat stress. Study 1 investigated whether unbiased comparisons of changes in rectal temperature (ΔTre) should be compared at a fixed absolute rate of heat production (Hprod; W) or a fixed Hprod per unit mass (W/kg), and whether local sweat rates (LSR) should be compared at a fixed evaporative requirement for heat balance (Ereq; W) or a fixed Ereq per unit of surface area (W/m2), between independent groups of unequal body mass and body surface area (BSA). Study 2 examined whether individual variation in ΔTre, whole-body sweat loss (WBSL), and steady-state LSR is best explained by biophysical factors related to Hprod, Ereq, and body size, and if factors related to aerobic fitness (VO2max) and body fatness correlate with the residual variance in these responses. Study 3 tested whether alterations in skin blood flow shift the critical vapour pressure (Pcrit) above which core temperature could no longer be regulated in hot/humid conditions, indicating altered heat loss potential from the skin. In study 1, exercise at fixed absolute Hprod and Ereq resulted in greater ΔTre and LSR in smaller individuals (smaller mass and BSA), but exercise at set Hprod in W/kg and Ereq in W/m2 resulted in no differences in ΔTre and LSR, respectively, regardless of body size and %VO2max. In study 2, 50-71% of the individual variation in ΔTre, whole-body sweat loss (WBSL), and steady-state LSR was explained by Hprod (W/kg), absolute Ereq (W) and Ereq (W/m2) respectively, while body fat percentage and %VO2max contributed merely 1-4% to the total variability. In study 3, despite a ~20% lower skin blood flow, Pcrit was unaffected by a large reduction in skin blood flow following iso-smotic dehydration, with no differences in core and skin temperatures and sweating observed. Collectively, these findings suggest that between-group comparisons and modelling of thermoregulatory responses must first consider biophysical factors related to metabolic heat production and body size, rather than factors related to VO2max and body fatness. Furthermore, lower levels of skin blood flow may not impair maximum heat dissipation from the skin to the external environment during severe passive heat stress as previously thought.

Régulation de la synthèse des facteurs de virulence par la température chez la bactérie phytopathogène Dickeya dadantii / Regulation of the synthesis of virulence factors by temperature in the plant pathogenic bacterium Dickeya dadantii

Hérault, Elodie 12 December 2013 (has links)
L’entérobactérie Dickeya dadantii est responsable de la maladie de la pourriture molle sur de nombreux hôtes végétaux. Ce symptôme est essentiellement dû à la production d’un arsenal d’enzymes qui dégradent la pectine, ciment des parois des cellules végétales. Parmi ces enzymes, les pectate lyases (Pels) ont un rôle majeur dans le pouvoir pathogène en raison de leur capacité àreproduire, sous forme purifiée, le symptôme de la pourriture molle. La synthèse des Pels est soumise à un contrôle très fin qui fait intervenir différents régulateurs agissant de manière intégrée via un réseau de régulation. De nombreuses conditions environnementales modulent la synthèse des Pels via l’action de ces régulateurs. La température est un facteur qui agit sur leur synthèse et pour lequel les mécanismes moléculaires restaient non élucidés. Lors de cette étude, nous avons montré que le régulateur PecT, un répresseur du réseau de régulation, intervient dans la thermorégulation de la synthèse des Pels. PecT s’est avéré être également impliqué dans la thermorégulation de deux autres fonctions de virulence : la mobilité et la synthèse desexopolysaccharides de surface. La quantification des transcrits des gènes de ces 3 fonctions de virulence a permis de montrer que l’action de PecT dans ce contrôle a lieu au niveau transcriptionnel. Le mécanisme moléculaire de la thermorégulation exercée par PecT a été étudié plus en détail sur les gènes pel. Des résultats obtenus in vivo ont montré que la fixation de PecT sur les régionsrégulatrices des gènes pel est plus efficace quand la température augmente. La croissance de D. dadantii à hautes températures induit un relâchement de l’ADN. De manière remarquable, un relâchement artificiel de l’ADN par un traitement inhibant la gyrase entraine une augmentation de la fixation de PecT sur les gènes pel même pour des cellules cultivées à basses températures. De plus, la délétion de PecT se traduit par une augmentation de la capacité de D. dadantii à induire la pourriture molle à hautes températures. Ainsi la topologie de l’ADN et PecT agissent de manière concertée pour moduler la synthèse des Pels en fonction de la température.L’ensemble de ces données apporte une preuve supplémentaire de l’importance de la dynamique structurale de la chromatine dans l’ajustement de la physiologie bactérienne en réponse aux variations des conditions environnementales. / Bacteria are colonizers of various environments and host organisms, and they are often subjected to drastic temperature variations. Dickeya dadantii is a Gram-negative pathogen infecting a wide range of plant species. Soft rot, the visible symptom, is mainly due to the production of pectate lyases (Pels) that can destroy the plant cell walls. Production of Pels is controlled by a complex regulation system and responds tovarious stimuli, such as presence of pectin, plant extracts, growth phase, temperature or iron concentration. Although many studies have been carried out, the mechanisms of control of Pels production by temperature have not yet been elucidated. In bacteria, thermoregulation acting at the level of transcription initiation occurs usually both via transcription factors and DNA topology. We show that PecT, a previously identified repressor, is involved in the thermoregulation of the pel gene expression. Using in vivo Chromatin ImmunoPrecipitation (ChIP) coupled to quantitative RT-PCR(qRT-PCR), we reveal that PecT binding to the pel gene promoters is modulated by temperature. By manipulating the DNA topology in vivo, we further show that DNA supercoiling state is involved in the thermoregulation of pel gene expression by PecT. In addition, we show that the development of the pathogenicity of the pecT mutant according to changes in temperature is different from that of the parental strain. This report presents a new example of how plant pathogenic bacteria use transcription factor and DNA topology to adjust synthesis of virulence factors in response to temperature variation.

Recuperação da frequência cardíaca pós-exercício: mecanismos reguladores em normotensos e hipertensos / Heart rate recovery after exercise: regulatory mechanisms in normotensives and hypertensives

Tiago Peçanha de Oliveira 22 November 2016 (has links)
A recuperação da frequência cardíaca pós-exercício (RecFC) é determinada pela reativação vagal e retirada simpática. Essas respostas, por sua vez, são reguladas pela ação integrada dos diversos mecanismos de controle cardiovascular, como o comando central, o mecanorreflexo muscular, o metaborreflexo muscular e a termorregulação. Na hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) ocorre redução da RecFC, refletindo a presença de disfunção autonômica e sugerindo prejuízos nos mecanismos de controle cardiovascular, que precisam ser investigados. Dessa forma, esta tese visou avaliar e comparar a influência dos mecanismos de controle cardiovascular sobre a RecFC e sua regulação autonômica em normotensos (NT) e hipertensos nunca-tratados (HT). Para tanto, 23 homens HT (45±8 anos; 142±8/96±3 mmHg) e 25 NT (43±8 anos; 114±4/77±2 mmHg) realizaram, de forma aleatória, 5 sessões experimentais compostas de: período pré-exercício, 30 min de exercício em cicloergômetro (70% do VO2pico) e 5 min de recuperação. A recuperação diferiu entre as sessões, seguindo os protocolos: a) recuperação inativa (RI) - ausência de movimento; b) recuperação ativa (RA) - manutenção do movimento pelo próprio voluntário; c) recuperação passiva (RP) - manutenção do movimento por força externa; d) recuperação com oclusão (RO) - ausência de movimento e oclusão total da circulação da coxa; e e) recuperação com resfriamento (RR) - ausência de movimento e resfriamento por ventilação. A atividade eletrocardiográfica, a respiração e a pressão arterial foram continuamente registradas. A RecFC foi avaliada por meio do cálculo dos índices: a) RecFC30s, RecFC60s, RecFC300s: i.e., redução da FC após 30s, 60s e 300s de recuperação; b) constante de tempo de curta duração da RecFC (T30) e; c) constante de tempo de longa duração da RecFC (RecFCt). A comparação da RecFC entre RA e RP permitiu avaliar a influência do comando central sobre a RecFC. A RecFC foi mais lenta na RA em comparação à RP (RecFC30s = 11±6 vs. 13±7 bpm, p<0,01), não havendo diferença entre os grupos nessa resposta. A comparação de RP e RI foi utilizada para avaliar o mecanorreflexo. A RecFC foi mais lenta na RP em comparação à RI (T30 = 351±167 vs. 267±128 s, p<0,01) e esse efeito foi maior no grupo HT (+160±154 vs. +32±147 s, p=0,03). A comparação de RI e RO foi utilizada para avaliar o metaborreflexo. A RecFC foi mais lenta na RO que na RI (RecFC300s = 25±14 vs. 37±10 bpm, p<0,01), e esse efeito foi maior nos HT (-16±11 vs. -8±15 bpm, p=0,05). Por fim, a comparação de RI e RR foi utilizada para avaliar a termorregulação. A RecFC foi mais rápida na RR em comparação à RI (RecFC300s = 39±12 vs. 37±10 bpm, p<0,01), não havendo diferença entre os grupos nessa resposta. Conclui-se, que a RecFC é influenciada pela atuação do comando central, mecanorreflexo muscular, metaborreflexo muscular e termorregulação. Em adição, a redução na RecFC na HAS está relacionada, pelo menos em parte, à maior sensibilidade do mecanorreflexo e do metaborreflexo musculares / Post-exercise heart rate recovery (HRR) is determined by vagal reactivation and sympathetic withdrawal. These responses are regulated by the integrated action of several cardiovascular control mechanisms, such as central command, muscle mechanoreflex, muscle metaboreflex and thermoregulation. The reduction in HRR occurs in hypertension, which indicates the presence of autonomic dysfunction and suggests impairments of the cardiovascular control mechanisms that need to be studied. Thus, this thesis assessed and compared the influence of the cardiovascular control mechanisms on HRR and its autonomic regulation in normotensives (NT) and never-treated hypertensives (HT). For this purpose, 23 HT (45±8 years; 142±8/96±3 mmHg) and 25 NT (43±8 years; 114±4/77±2 mmHg) men performed, in a random order, 5 experimental sessions composed by: pre-exercise period, 30 min of cycle ergometer exercise (70% VO2peak) and 5 min of recovery. The recovery was different between the sessions, as follow: a) inactive recovery (IR) - absence of movement; b) active recovery (AR) - maintenance of movement by the own voluntary; c) passive recovery (PR) - maintenance of movement by an external force; d) occlusion recovery (OR) - absence of movement and total circulatory occlusion of hips\' circulation; and e) cooling recovery (CR) - absence of movement and cooling using a fan. Electrocardiographic activity, respiration and blood pressure were continuously registered. HRR was assessed by the calculation of the following indices: a) HRR30s, HRR60s and HRR300s: i.e. heart rate reduction after 30s, 60s and 300s of recovery; b) short-term time-constant of HRR (T30); and c) long-term time-constant of HRR (HRRt). The comparison of HRR between AR and PR allowed the assessment of the central command influence on HRR. HRR was slower in AR in comparison with PR (HRR30s = 11±6 vs. 13±7 bpm, p<0.01), and there were no difference between the groups in this response. The comparison of HRR between PR and IR allowed the assessment of the mechanoreflex influence on HRR. HRR was slower in PR in comparison with IR (T30 = 351±167 vs. 267±128 s, p<0.01), and this effect was greater in the HT (+160±154 vs. +32±147 s, p=0.03). The comparison of HRR between OR and IR allowed the assessment of the metaboreflex influence on HRR. HRR was slower in OR in comparison with IR (HRR300s = 25±14 vs. 37±10 bpm, p<0.01), and this effect was greater in the HT (-16±11 vs. -8±15 bpm, p=0,05). Finally, the comparison of HRR between IR and CR allowed the assessment of the thermoregulation influence on HRR. HRR was accelerated in CR in comparison with IR (HRR300s = 39±12 vs. 37±10 bpm, p<0.01), and there were no difference between the groups in this response. In conclusion: HRR is influenced by the action of central command, muscle mechanoreflex, muscle metaboreflex and thermoregulation. In addition, the reduction in HRR in hypertension is, at least in part, related to a greater sensitivity of the muscle mechanoreflex and metaboreflex

Temperaturas da superfície da bolsa escrotal antes e após colheita de sêmen mensuradas com termografia digital por infravermelho em Nelore (Bos taurus indicus) / Scrotal Surface Temperature before and after semen collection with digital infrared thermography in Nellore (Bos taurus indicus)

Souza, Camila Dutra de 19 March 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-26T18:55:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Camila Dutra de Souza.pdf: 334960 bytes, checksum: 3cdea75c6dcdafa19c8495c26e9b78e6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-19 / The objective was to study the surface temperature of the scrotum with digital infrared thermography before and after semen collection, and the correlation of these temperatures with semen quality in Nelore bulls bred extensively. 80 Nelore bulls, with an average age of 60 months, of which was collected semen by electroejaculation and digital infrared thermograms (E-40®, FLIR) of the scrotum, before and after collection of semen and measurement of rectal temperature. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and means compared by Tukey at 5% and the correlations were obtained by Pearson at 5%. There were differences (P>0.05) between the surface temperatures of the scrotum, before and after semen collection, between the anatomical points analyzed, where, spermatic cords temperature (T1), temperatures of dorsal, medial and ventral thirds of the testicles (T2, T3 and T4), and epididymal tail temperature. However, there was no difference (P>0.05) comparing times before and after semen collection between the temperatures of each anatomical point of the scrotum. There was decrease in scrotal surface temperature in the dorso-ventral axis, where the difference between spermatic cord temperature (T1) and epididymal tails temperature was 4.04ºC, resulting in a good quality semen. There was correlation between T2 x total defects (r=0,30; P<0,05); T3 x minor defects (r=0,35; P<0,05); T3 x major defects (r=0,30; P<0,05) and T3 x total defects (r=0,42; P<0,05); T4 x minor defects (r=0,30; P<0,05); T4 x major defects (r=0,28; P<0,05) and T4 x total defects (r=0,37; P<0,05); T5 x major defects (r=0,29; P<0,05) e T5 x total defects (r=0,28; P<0,05). There was correlation between rectal temperature RT x T1 (r=0,51; P<0,05); RT x T2 (r=0,43; P<0,05); RT x T3 (r=0,37; P<0,05); RT x T4 (r=0,33; P<0,05) and RT x T5 (r=0,32; P<0,05). The digital infrared thermography is a complementary exam of image with accuracy in the measurements of the scrotal surface temperature indicated before and after semen collection of the bulls bred extensively. Therefore, is recommended this technique as of the screening to detect the adequate scrotal thermoregulation in the breeding bulls selection. / Objetivou-se estudar a temperatura da superfície da bolsa escrotal por meio da termografia digital por infravermelho antes e após a colheita de sêmen bem como a correlação dessas temperaturas com a qualidade do sêmen em touros Nelore criados extensivamente. Foram utilizados 80 touros Nelore, com idade média de 60 meses, dos quais foi coletado o sêmen por eletroejaculação e termografias digitais por infravermelho (E40®, Flir) da bolsa escrotal foram realizadas antes e após a colheita do sêmen e mensurada a temperatura retal. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% e as correlações obtidas pelo coeficiente de Pearson a 5%. Houve diferenças (P<0,05) para as temperaturas da superfície da bolsa escrotal, antes e após a colheita de sêmen, entre os pontos anatômicos estudados, sendo: (T1) temperaturas dos cordões espermáticos, (T2, T3 e T4) temperaturas dos terços dorsal, médio e ventral dos testículos, respectivamente e (T5) temperaturas das caudas dos epidídimos. No entanto, não houve diferença (P>0.05) entre os momentos, antes e após a colheita de sêmen entre as temperaturas dos pontos anatômicos da bolsa escrotal. Houve redução na temperatura da superfície da bolsa escrotal no eixo dorso-ventral, sendo a diferença entre a temperatura do cordão espermático (T1) e cauda do epidídimo (T5) de 4,04ºC, resultando na boa qualidade do sêmen. Houve correlação entre: T2 x defeitos espermáticos totais (r=0,30; P<0,05); T3 x defeitos menores (r=0,35; P<0,05); T3 x defeitos maiores (r=0,30; P<0,05) e T3 x defeitos totais (r=0,42; P<0,05); T4 x defeitos menores (r=0,30; P<0,05); T4 x defeitos maiores (r=0,28; P<0,05) e T4 x defeitos totais (r=0,37; P<0,05); T5 x defeitos maiores (r=0,29; P<0,05) e T5 x defeitos totais (r=0,28; P<0,05). Houve correlação entre temperatura retal (TR) x T1 (r=0,51; P<0,05); TR x T2 (r=0,43; P<0,05); TR x T3 (r=0,37; P<0,05); TR x T4 (r=0,33; P<0,05) e TR x T5 (r=0,32; P<0,05). A termografia digital por infravermelho é um exame de imagem complementar com acurácia nas mensurações da temperatura da superfície da bolsa escrotal indicada antes ou após a colheita de sêmen de bovinos criados extensivamente. Portanto, recomenda-se essa técnica como de triagem na detecção da termorregulação escrotal adequada na seleção de reprodutores.

Termografia digital por infravermelho no estudo de características reprodutivas de touros nelore (Bos taurus indicus) / Digital Infrared thermography in study of reproductive characteristics in Nellore bulls (Bos taurus indicus)

Souza, Camila Dutra de 19 March 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-18T17:53:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Camila Dutra de Souza.pdf: 334649 bytes, checksum: 4696659c0bafe83a9b94130700f561b2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-19 / The objective was to study the surface temperature of the scrotum with digital infrared thermography before and after semen collection, and the correlation of these temperatures with semen quality in Nelore bulls bred extensively. 80 Nelore bulls, with an average age of 60 months, of which was collected semen by electroejaculation and digital infrared thermograms (E-40®, FLIR) of the scrotum, before and after collection of semen and measurement of rectal temperature. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and means compared by Tukey at 5% and the correlations were obtained by Pearson at 5%. There were differences (P>0.05) between the surface temperatures of the scrotum, before and after semen collection, between the anatomical points analyzed, where, spermatic cords temperature (T1), temperatures of dorsal, medial and ventral thirds of the testicles (T2, T3 and T4), and epididymal tail temperature. However, there was no difference (P>0.05) comparing times before and after semen collection between the temperatures of each anatomical point of the scrotum. There was decrease in scrotal surface temperature in the dorso-ventral axis, where the difference between spermatic cord temperature (T1) and epididymal tails temperature was 4.04ºC, resulting in a good quality semen. There was correlation between T2 x total defects (r=0,30; P<0,05); T3 x minor defects (r=0,35; P<0,05); T3 x major defects (r=0,30; P<0,05) and T3 x total defects (r=0,42; P<0,05); T4 x minor defects (r=0,30; P<0,05); T4 x major defects (r=0,28; P<0,05) and T4 x total defects (r=0,37; P<0,05); T5 x major defects (r=0,29; P<0,05) e T5 x total defects (r=0,28; P<0,05). There was correlation between rectal temperature RT x T1 (r=0,51; P<0,05); RT x T2 (r=0,43; P<0,05); RT x T3 (r=0,37; P<0,05); RT x T4 (r=0,33; P<0,05) and RT x T5 (r=0,32; P<0,05). The digital infrared thermography is a complementary exam of image with accuracy in the measurements of the scrotal surface temperature indicated before and after semen collection of the bulls bred extensively. Therefore, is recommended this technique as of the screening to detect the adequate scrotal thermoregulation in the breeding bulls selection. / Objetivou-se estudar a temperatura da superfície da bolsa escrotal por meio da termografia digital por infravermelho antes e após a colheita de sêmen bem como a correlação dessas temperaturas com a qualidade do sêmen em touros Nelore criados extensivamente. Foram utilizados 80 touros Nelore, com idade média de 60 meses, dos quais foi coletado o sêmen por eletroejaculação e termografias digitais por infravermelho (E40®, Flir) da bolsa escrotal foram realizadas antes e após a colheita do sêmen e mensurada a temperatura retal. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% e as correlações obtidas pelo coeficiente de Pearson a 5%. Houve diferenças (P<0,05) para as temperaturas da superfície da bolsa escrotal, antes e após a colheita de sêmen, entre os pontos anatômicos estudados, sendo: (T1) temperaturas dos cordões espermáticos, (T2, T3 e T4) temperaturas dos terços dorsal, médio e ventral dos testículos, respectivamente e (T5) temperaturas das caudas dos epidídimos. No entanto, não houve diferença (P>0.05) entre os momentos, antes e após a colheita de sêmen entre as temperaturas dos pontos anatômicos da bolsa escrotal. Houve redução na temperatura da superfície da bolsa escrotal no eixo dorso-ventral, sendo a diferença entre a temperatura do cordão espermático (T1) e cauda do epidídimo (T5) de 4,04ºC, resultando na boa qualidade do sêmen. Houve correlação entre: T2 x defeitos espermáticos totais (r=0,30; P<0,05); T3 x defeitos menores (r=0,35; P<0,05); T3 x defeitos maiores (r=0,30; P<0,05) e T3 x defeitos totais (r=0,42; P<0,05); T4 x defeitos menores (r=0,30; P<0,05); T4 x defeitos maiores (r=0,28; P<0,05) e T4 x defeitos totais (r=0,37; P<0,05); T5 x defeitos maiores (r=0,29; P<0,05) e T5 x defeitos totais (r=0,28; P<0,05). Houve correlação entre temperatura retal (TR) x T1 (r=0,51; P<0,05); TR x T2 (r=0,43; P<0,05); TR x T3 (r=0,37; P<0,05); TR x T4 (r=0,33; P<0,05) e TR x T5 (r=0,32; P<0,05). A termografia digital por infravermelho é um exame de imagem complementar com acurácia nas mensurações da temperatura da superfície da bolsa escrotal indicada antes ou após a colheita de sêmen de bovinos criados extensivamente. Portanto, recomenda-se essa técnica como de triagem na detecção da termorregulação escrotal adequada na seleção de reprodutores.

Termoregulace lesních mravenců r. Formica na výškovém gradientu / Termoregulace lesních mravenců r. Formica na výškovém gradientu

Kadochová, Štěpánka January 2011 (has links)
This study examines thermoregulation behavior of wood ant genus Formica on elevation gradient. Two years long dataloger records of inner nest and ambient temperature were combined with detailed spring-summer manual measurement of nest temperature in different depths below nest surface. Results show that inner nest temperature was higher than air temperature in all seasons. Temperature of ant nest is highest in the deepest layer, the heat flows from inside out. We can assume that thermal homeostasis of ant nest in spring and summer i.e. in period of ant highest activity is influenced mainly by inner heat sources - microbial activity and ant metabolism. Insulation seems to have direct effect on nest temperature only in early spring; in summer insulation affects nest temperature indirectly, via ant activity. In winter there is pronounced effect of nest volume which corresponds high isolative properties of nest material. Our results indicate that thermoregulatory behavior of wood ants is driven by endogenous factors, namely colony needs in sense of queen oviposition brood development. Both of these require high temperature. Nests at variable altitude did not differ in average seasonal temperature or seasonal temperature fluctuation. Variability of nest temperature was bigger among nests from one...

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