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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design, simulation, and testing of an electric propulsion cluster frame

Bek, Jeremy January 2021 (has links)
In general, electric propulsion offers very high efficiency but relatively low thrust. To remedy this, several ion engines can be assembled in a clustered configuration and operated in parallel. This requires the careful design of a frame to accommodate the individual propulsion systems. This frame must be modular to be used in different cluster sizes, and verify thermal and mechanical requirements to ensure the nominal operation of the thrusters. The present report aims to show the design process of such a frame, from preliminary modelling to the experimental study of a prototype. This document features an overview of the iterative design process driven by thermal simulations rendered on COMSOL Multiphysics. This process led to the conception of a 2-thruster and 4-thruster cluster frame. A lumped-parameter model of the electric propulsion system was also created to model its complex thermal behaviour. In addition, the 2-thruster frame was studied mechanically with analytical calculations and simulations of simple load cases on SolidWorks. Lastly, a prototype based on the 2-thruster frame model was assembled. The prototype was used to conduct temperature measurements while hosting two operating thrusters inside a vacuum chamber. The temperature distribution in the cluster was measured, and compared to simulation results. Thermal simulations of the 2-thruster and 4-thruster frame showed promising results, while mechanical simulations of the 2-thruster version met all requirements. Moreover, experimental results largely agreed with thermal simulations of the prototype. Finally, the lumped-element model proved instrumental in calibrating the models, with its high flexibility and quick computation time. / Generellt erbjuder elektrisk framdrivning hög verkningsgrad men relativt låg dragkraft. För att avhjälpa detta kan flera jonmotorer sättas samman i en klusterkonfiguration och drivs parallellt. Detta kräver en noggrann utformning av en ram för att rymma de enskilda framdrivningssystemen. Denna ram måste vara modulär för att kunna användas i olika klusterstorlekar och verifiera termiska och mekaniska krav för att säkerställa den nominella driften av motorerna. Föreliggande rapport syftar till att visa designprocessen för en sådan ram, från preliminär modellering till experimentell studie av en prototyp. Detta dokument innehåller en översikt över den iterativa designprocessen, driven av termiska simuleringar gjorda med COMSOL Multiphysics, som ledde till uppfattningen av en 2 motorer och 4 motorer ram. En klumpelementmodell av jonmotorn skapades också för att modellera dess komplexa termiska beteende. Dessutom var den 2 motorer ram studeras mekaniskt med analytiska beräkningar och simuleringar av enkla laddafall med SolidWorks. Slutligen monterades en prototyp baserad på den 2 motorer rammodellen. Prototypen användes för att göra temperaturmätningar medan den är värd för 2 jonmotorer i en vakuumkammare. Temperaturfördelningen i klustret mättes och jämfördes med simuleringsresultat. Termiska simuleringar av den 2 motorer och 4 motorer ramen visade lovande resultat, medan mekaniska simuleringar av den 2 motorer versionen klarade alla krav. Dessutom överensstämde experimentella resultat till stor del med termiska simuleringar av prototypen. Slutligen var klumpelementmodellen mycket användbar för att kalibrera de andra modellerna med sin höga flexibilitet och snabba beräkningstid.

Propulsion System Development for the CanX-4 and CanX-5 Dual Nanosatellite Formation Flying Mission

Risi, Benjamin 04 July 2014 (has links)
The Canadian Nanosatellite Advanced Propulsion System is a liquefied cold-gas thruster system that provides propulsive capabilities to CanX-4/-5, the Canadian Advanced Nanospace eXperiment 4 and 5. With a launch date of early 2014, CanX-4/-5's primary mission objective is to demonstrate precise autonomous formation flight of nanosatellites in low Earth orbit. The high-level CanX-4/-5 mission and system architecture is described. The final design and assembly of the propulsion system is presented along with the lessons learned. A high-level test plan provides a roadmap of the testing required to qualify the propulsion system for flight. The setup and execution of these tests, as well as the analyses of the results found therein, are discussed in detail.

Source de particules neutres monocinétiques : diagnostics spécifiques et étude physique d'une source de Hall en plasma d'argon ou en mixture xénon-argon / Single-velocity neutral source : diagnostics and physical study of Hall source in argon or xenon-argon mixture plasma

Diop-Ngom, Fatou 22 July 2015 (has links)
Des années 50 à nos jours, la propulsion électrique n'a cessé d'évoluer afin de s'imposer dans le domaine de la propulsion spatiale. Les Propulseurs à effet Hall (PEH) sont principalement utilisés pour des missions de correction de trajectoire ou de maintien en orbite des satellites. Ils délivrent des faisceaux d'ions à forte densité de courant et à faible énergie, ce qui en font de bons candidats potentiels pour d'autres applications comme la microélectronique ou encore les traitements de surfaces. Le xénon est l'ergol le plus utilisé en raison de sa masse élevée et de son faible énergie d'ionisation. Cependant son coût élevé et la difficulté d’approvisionnement motivent la recherche d'alternatives pour le fonctionnement des MEH. C'est dans ce cadre que cette thèse s'est inscrite avec l'idée d'un développement d'une source de faible puissance fonctionnelle en argon. L'amorçage d'une telle décharge n'étant pas immédiat, une démarche progressive qui passe par des décharges de mélange de gaz a été adoptée. Les décharges Xe-Ar se sont révélées très intéressantes pour la compréhension des mécanismes physiques qui régissent les PEH. La caractérisation en vitesse des ions Xe II (par Fluorescence Induite par Laser) associée à l'analyse en énergie par RPA a permis de remonter à des informations utiles sur les zones d'ionisation et d'accélération. Une technique originale de résolution temporelle du RPA basée sur une interruption rapide de la décharge ou sur les oscillations naturelles du courant de décharge, a été développée et a permis l'identification et la quantification des différentes espèces présentes dans le jet d'ions. Grâce aux résultats de l'étude paramétrique des décharges de mélange Xe-Ar, une décharge d'argon pur a pu être amorcée et caractérisée pour la première fois dans un PEH de faible puissance. / Since the 50s, electric propulsion has improved in order to establish itself on space propulsion field. The Hall Effect Thruster (HET) are mainly used for trajectory correction or satellites orbit maintaining. The HET provide high current densities and low energy ion beam that making it a good candidate for other applications such as microelectronics or surface treatments. Xenon propellant is most commonly used due to its high atomic mass and its low ionization energy. However, the high cost and difficult supply of xenon, leads to looking for alternative propellant for HET operation. In this context, this PhD thesis had as goal the development of a functional Argon low power source. Argon discharge ignition is not immediate, that why a progressive approach which involves gas mixture discharges was adopted. The Xe-Ar discharge gives very interesting results for the understanding of physical mechanisms governing HET. The characterization of Xe II ions velocity (Laser Induced Fluorescence) associated to the energy analysis by RPA have provided access to useful information on ionization and acceleration areas. An original time resolved RPA technique, based on an ultra-fast discharge interruption or on the discharge current oscillations, has been developed. This technique allows the identification and the quantification of different species present in the ion beam. Thanks to the discharge Xe-Ar study, a pure argon discharge could be initiated and characterized for the first time in a low power HET.

Vacuum Chamber Adaptation for Low-Power Electric Propulsion Testing : Optimizing Anode Configuration and Electrical Interface for Hollow Cathode Testing, and Conceptualizing a Setup for Field Emission Electric Propulsion Testing / Adaption av vakuumkammare för testning av lågeffektelektrisk framdrivning : Optimering av anodkonfiguration och elektriskt gränssnitt för testning av hålkatoder, samt konceptualisering av en testuppställning för fältjonisationsframdrivning

Bäckström, Therese January 2023 (has links)
Electric Propulsion (EP) is widely acknowledged as a crucial technology for future space missions, offering significant propellant savings and enabling exploration of planetary missions with smaller spacecraft (s/c). For precise attitude control of these smaller spacecraft, Field Emission Electric Propulsion (FEEP) has emerged as a favorable option due to its exceptional thrust controllability. However, the successful operation of FEEP, as well as most other EP systems, relies on an electron source, typically a Hollow Cathode (HC), to neutralize the ion beam. This cathode’s behavior must be characterized through ground testing before being integrated with the thruster. Once integrated, the whole thruster undergoes further testing. While the testing phase plays an essential role in achieving mission objectives, there is a scarcity of comprehensive papers describing the design of test setups for cathodes, such as Heaterless Hollow Cathode (HHC), or EP thrusters like FEEP. The lack of detailed information makes it challenging for those not well-versed in this particular testing methodology to effectively replicate the tests. In an effort to address this issue, this thesis utilizes literature studies and thermal analyses to propose a HHC test setup by focusing on the anode configuration and the electrical interface; Subsequently, parts of this HHC test setup are reused in a conceptual vacuum chamber adaptation, facilitating testing of FEEP. Specifically, for the HHC setup, two stainless steel plate-shaped anodes are manufactured, and an accompanying electrical schematic diagram is presented to demonstrate the proper connection of power supplies and other necessary equipment. For the FEEP setup, a chevron beam target, an aluminum shield to protect the pump, and a heat-dissipating stand are introduced. These two test setups, along with the underlying motivation, can ideally simplify future cathode and thruster testing processes, especially for those having limited familiarity with this subject matter. / Elektrisk framdrivning är allmänt erkänt som en avgörande teknologi för framtida rymduppdrag eftersom elektrisk framdrivning erbjuder betydande bränslebesparingar och möjliggör utforskning av planetära uppdrag med mindre rymdfarkoster. För exakt styrning av dessa mindre rymdfarkoster har fältjonisationsframdrivning framträtt som ett fördelaktigt alternativ på grund av sin exceptionellt styrbara drivkraft. Dock är den framgångsrika driften av fältjonisationsframdrivning, liksom de flesta andra elektriska framdrivningssystem, beroende av en elektronkälla, vanligtvis en hålkatod, för att neutralisera jonstrålen. Denna katods beteende måste karakteriseras genom marktester innan den integreras med drivsystemet. Efter integrationen genomgår hela drivsystemet ytterligare tester. Trots att testfasen spelar en avgörande roll för att uppnå uppdragsmålen finns det en brist på omfattande rapporter som beskriver utformningen av testupplägg för katoder, såsom värmelösa hålkatoder, eller elektriska framdrivningssystem så som fältjonisationsframdrivning. Den bristfälliga informationen gör det svårt för dem som inte är insatta i denna specifika testmetodik att effektivt replikera testerna. I ett försök att lösa detta problem använder denna avhandling litteraturstudier och termiska analyser för att föreslå en testuppsättning för en värmelös hålkatod genom att fokusera på anodkonfigurationen och det elektriska gränssnittet; Därefter återanvänds delar av denna värmelösa hålkatods-testuppsättning i en konceptuell vakuumkammar-anpassning för att underlätta testning av fältjonisationsframdrivning. Specifikt för den värmelösa hålkatods-uppsättningen tillverkas två platta anoder av rostfritt stål, och ett tillhörande schematiskt diagram över det elektriska gränssnittet presenteras för att demonstrera korrekt anslutning av strömförsörjning och annan nödvändig utrustning. För fältjonisationsframdrivnings-uppsättningen introduceras ett chevron-mönstrat jonstråle-mål, ett aluminiumskydd för pumpen och ett värmeavledande stativ. Dessa två testuppsättningar, tillsammans med den underliggande motiveringen, kan i bästa fall förenkla framtida testprocesser för katoder och drivsystem, särskilt för dem som har begränsad kännedom om ämnet.

New modelling and simulation methods to support clean marine propulsion

Grant, Michael 24 August 2021 (has links)
The marine industry has increased its adoption of pure-electric, diesel-electric, and other non-traditional propulsion architectures to reduce ship emissions and fuel consumption. While these technologies can improve performance, the design of a propulsion system becomes challenging, given that no single technology is superior across all vessel types. Furthermore, even identical ships with different operating patterns may be better suited to different propulsion technologies. Addressing this problem, previous research has shown that if key elements of a vessel's operational pro file are known, simulation and optimization techniques can be employed to evaluate multiple propulsion architectures and result in a better propulsion system design and energy management strategy for a given vessel. While these studies have demonstrated the performance improvements that can be achieved from optimizing clean marine propulsion systems, they rely on vessel operational profiles obtained through physical measurement from existing ships. From a practical point of view, the optimization of a vessel's propulsion system needs to occur prior to a vessel's construction and thus precludes physical measurement. To this end, this thesis introduces a marine simulation platform for producing vessel operational profiles which enable propulsion system optimization during the ship design process. Core subsystem modules are constructed for simulating ship motions in 3 degrees of freedom and result in operational profile time-series, including propulsion power. Data is acquired from a benchmark vessel to validate the simulation. Results show the proposed approach strikes a balance between speed, accuracy, and complexity compared with other available tools. / Graduate

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