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Délais d’accès au traitement des patients atteints de cancers en France et impact des inégalités sociales de santé : étude à partir des bases de données médico-administratives / Time to Treatment in Patients Suffering from Cancers in France and Impact of Health Social Inequalities : Study from Medico-Administrative DatabasesKudjawu, Yao Cyril 17 January 2017 (has links)
Contexte : Le délai d’accès au traitement pour cancer est un aspect important de la qualité des soins. Compte tenu de l’augmentation du nombre de cancers, les établissements de soins seront amenés à traiter un nombre élevé de patients atteints de cancers. Notre objectif était d’étudier le délai d’accès au traitement après le diagnostic de cancer chez les patients atteints de cancers du côlon (CC), du rectum-anus (RC) ou du poumon (CP) ainsi que les facteurs associés et l’impact des inégalités sociales.Méthode : A l’aide de codes diagnostiques de la classification internationale des maladies et de codes de la classification commune des actes médicaux, nous avons sélectionné dans la base du programme de médicalisation des systèmes d’information de nouveaux patients diagnostiqués pour CC, RC et CP en 2009-2010 et traités. Les informations sur ces patients ont été croisées avec celles des bénéficiaires d’affection longue durée pour ces cancers et avec celles de l’indice de désavantage social.Résultats : Nous avons inclus 15 694, 6 623 et 14 596 patients atteints et traités respectivement pour CC, CR et CP. Les délais médians entre l’endoscopie et l’accès à : 1) la chirurgie chez les patients avec un parcours chirurgical pour CC, CR et CP étaient respectivement de 22 (Q25 = 14; Q75 = 34), 97 (Q25 = 34; Q75 = 141), et 44 (Q25 = 26; Q75 = 82) jours ; 2) la chimiothérapie chez les patients avec un parcours non-chirurgical pour CC, CR et CP étaient respectivement de 36 (Q25 = 21; Q75 = 59), 40 (Q25 = 27; Q75 = 59) et 33 (Q25 = 22; Q75 = 49) jours; 3) la radiothérapie chez les patients avec un parcours non-chirurgical chez les patients avec CR et CP étaient respectivement de 53 (Q25 = 39; Q75 = 78) et 88 (Q25 = 46; Q75 = 162) jours; 4) au premier traitement, quel que soit le parcours, était de 23 (Q25 = 14; Q75 = 35), 43 (Q25 = 27; Q75 = 74) et 34 (Q25 = 22; Q75 = 50) jours respectivement pour CC, CR et CP. Le délai d’accès au premier traitement variait selon les régions. Il était long dans la plupart des régions du nord et dans les départements d’Outre-mer, court dans les régions d’Île-de-France, du sud, de l’est et parfois de l’ouest pour les trois cancers. En analyse multiniveau, l’âge et le statut de l’établissement du premier traitement étaient significativement associés au délai d’accès au premier traitement pour CC. Ces facteurs, y compris l’indice de désavantage social étaient significativement associés au délai d’accès au premier traitement pour le CR et le CP. Le délai d’accès au premier traitement augmentait avec l’âge. Il était plus élevé dans les hôpitaux publics comparés aux hôpitaux privés et faible chez les patients des communes les moins défavorisées comparés aux patients des communes les plus défavorisées. Conclusion : A notre connaissance, cette étude est la première à décrire les délais d’accès au traitement après endoscopie chez les patients atteints de cancer à partir des bases médico-administratives en France. Les résultats, qui compléteront ceux issus des données registres de cancers et des réseaux régionaux de cancérologie, pourront être utiles aux décideurs politiques dans la mise en place de recommandations de prise en charge des cancers. / Background: timeliness of cancer treatment is an important aspect of health quality. Care centers are expected to treat a growing number of patients with cancer. Our objectives were to examine treatment times from diagnosis to first-course therapy for patients with colon (CC), rectum-anus (RC), and lung (LC) cancers and assess factors associated with time to-treatment and the impact of deprivation index.Methods: using the international classification of diseases and medical procedures codes, from national hospital discharge database which has been crossed with long term illness data and French deprivation Index information, we selected patients newly diagnosed for CC, RC or LC in 2009-2010 who had undergone treatment.Results: We included 15,694, 6,623 and 14,596 patients diagnosed and treated for CC, RC and LC respectively. Median times from endoscopy to: 1) surgery in patients with a surgical treatment pathway for CC, RC, and LC were 22 (Q25 = 14; Q75 = 34), 97 (Q25 = 34; Q75 = 141), and 44 (Q25 = 26; Q75 = 82) days, respectively; 2) to chemotherapy for patients with a non-surgical treatment pathway, for CC, RC, and LC were 36 (Q25 = 21; Q75 = 59), 40 (Q25 = 27; Q75 = 59), and 33 (Q25 = 22; Q75 = 49) days respectively; 3) to radiotherapy in RC and LC patients were 53 (Q25 = 39; Q75 = 78) and 88 (Q25 = 46; Q75 = 162) days respectively; 4) to first treatment, irrespective of pathway and treatment combination for CC, RC and LC were 23 (Q25 = 14; Q75 = 35), 43 (Q25 = 27; Q75 = 74), and 34 (Q25 = 22; Q75 = 50) days respectively.Time to first treatment vary across regions. It was longer in most northern regions and in overseas districts and shorter in Île-de-France, southern, eastern and sometimes in western regions for the three cancers. In multilevel analysis, Age and status of the first care center were significantly associated to time to first treatment in CC patients. Similar factors, including Deprivation index, were significantly associated to time to first treatment in RC and LC patients. The time to first treatment increased with age. It was higher in public hospitals compared to private hospitals and low in patients with low deprivation index compared to patients with high deprivation index. Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first study based on medico-administrative database describing time to first treatment after endoscopy in patients suffering from cancers in France. The results, which will complement those from cancer registry data and regional networks of cancerology, could inform decision-making policies on the implementation of guidelines on timeframes for cancer treatment access.
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Hoitoon pääsyn moniulotteisuus erikoissairaanhoidossaValtokari, M. (Maria) 29 September 2015 (has links)
The aim of the study was to describe and analyse access to care and factors relating to access to care theoretically and empirically. Access to care is a theoretical concept, analysed through waiting list lengths categorised by field of special health care. Public health services and related factors, access to care and the disparity between demand and supply are analysed within a theoretical framework.
The study is divided into a theoretical and an empirical section. Access to care was studied through a mixed methods approach, based on a two-phase empiric material. The first phase is composed of focus group interviews (N=4). Interviewees were hospital district administrators and medical directors as well as chairpersons of the board and council or their representatives. The interviews were analysed by phenomenographic methods. The second phase is composed of waiting list data collected by THL (N=79) as well as population and prevalence data acquired from SOTKAnet (N=12) for 2008–2010. For 2009–2010, hospital district documents include financial statements (N=16), annual reports (N=23), annual statistics (N=6), personnel reports (N=21) and balance sheet books (N=6). The second phase were statistically analyzed.
Results of the study on factors affecting access to care are divided into two themes: 1. challenges related to access to care from the hospital district’s perspective and 2. component factors of the realisation of access to care. Macro-level challenges related to access to care are legislation, politics, regulatory bodies, uniform grounds for non-urgent treatment, Current Care Guidelines recommendations and the connection between access to care, Current Care Guidelines recommendations, uniform grounds for non-urgent treatment, prioritisation and regulations. Meso-level challenges are operative decision-making and organisational operations models, resources, supply-based demand and the chain of treatment. Component factors of the realisation of access to care are the variance in waiting list lengths between different fields; the connection between waiting lists, the population and the hospital district; population size and its prevalence as well as resources and financial factors. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata ja analysoida hoitoon pääsyä ja siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä teoreettisesti ja empiirisesti. Hoitoon pääsy on teoreettinen käsite, jota analysoidaan erikoisaloittaisten jonojen pituutena. Teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä tarkastellaan julkisen terveydenhuollon palveluja ja niihin vaikuttavia tekijöitä, hoitoon pääsyä sekä kysynnän ja tarjonnan epäsuhtaa.
Tutkimus jakautuu teoreettiseen ja empiiriseen osaan. Hoitoon pääsyä tutkittiin mixed methods -menetelmällä kaksivaiheisen empiirisen aineiston pohjalta. Ensimmäinen vaihe koostui fokusryhmähaastatteluista (N=4). Haastateltavina olivat SHP:n johtajat ja johtajaylilääkärit sekä SHP:n ky:n valtuuston ja hallituksen puheenjohtajat tai heidän edustajansa. Haastattelut analysoitiin fenomenografisen menetelmän mukaisesti. Toinen vaihe koostui THL:n erikoisaloittaisista jonotiedoista (N=79) ja SOTKAnetistä saaduista väestö- ja sairastavuustiedoista (N=12) vuosilta 2008–2010. Aineistona vuosilta 2009–2010 käytettiin myös SHP:n dokumentteja, joita olivat tilinpäätökset (N=16), vuosi-/toimintakertomukset (N=23), vuositilastot (N=6), henkilöstökertomukset (N=21) ja tasekirjat (N=6). Toinen vaihe analysoitiin tilastollisesti.
Tutkimustulokset hoitoon pääsyyn vaikuttavista tekijöistä jakaantuivat kahteen teemaan: 1. hoitoon pääsyn haasteisiin SHP:n näkökulmasta sekä 2. hoitoon pääsyn toteutumisen osatekijöihin. Hoitoon pääsyn haasteita makrotasolla olivat lainsäädäntö, politiikka, STM, THL ja EOA merkityksellisinä tahoina, yhtenäiset kiireettömän hoidon perusteet, Käypä hoito -suositukset sekä hoitoon pääsyn, Käypä hoito -suositusten, yhtenäisten kiireettömän hoidon perusteiden sekä priorisoinnin ja sääntelyn yhteys. Mesotason haasteita olivat operatiivinen päätöksenteko ja organisatoriset toimintamallit, resurssit, tarjontalähtöinen kysyntä ja hoitoketju. Hoitoon pääsyn toteutumisen osatekijöitä ovat erikoisaloittaisten jonojen pituuden vaihtelu, jonojen yhteys väestöön ja SHP:iin, väestön määrä ja sen sairastavuus sekä resurssit ja taloudelliset tekijät.
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Comprehensive Psychosocial Distress Screening in Patients Newly Diagnosed with Lung Cancer – A Mixed Methods StudyEmidio, Oluwabunmi M. 28 January 2022 (has links)
Background: Patients with newly diagnosed lung cancer have one of the highest rates of psychosocial distress which may be reduced by identifying factors associated with psychosocial distress. This dissertation examined the association of neighborhood-level Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) and delay in treatment initiation with psychosocial distress. It also qualitatively explored perceptions and practices of the lung cancer care team regarding psychosocial distress screening.
Methods: Sociodemographic, clinical, and SDOH data of patients newly diagnosed with lung cancer between 2017 and 2021 was analyzed via logistic regression. Thematic analysis was done for interviews conducted with the lung cancer care team.
Results: SDOH and delay in treatment were not significantly associated with psychosocial distress. However, a high deprivation level of SDOH was associated with delay in treatment initiation. Qualitatively, four principal themes emerged: (1) Timing and frequency of screening: Multiple screenings at different time points may be more effective; (2) Training needs: All staff would benefit from training; (3) Staffing needs: More psychologists and social workers are needed to address identified patient psychosocial distress and; (4) Opportunity for holistic patient care: Consistent communication of distress screening information to physicians and surgeons may enhance a holistic care model for patients.
Conclusions: The lung cancer care team valued psychosocial distress screening and identified opportunities for improving screening processes. The finding of association of high deprivation level of SDOH with greater delay in treatment initiation suggests that targeted interventions to reduce delay in treatment initiation, focusing on economically marginalized groups may be warranted.
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Effectiveness of fluoroscopy-guided intra-articular steroid injection for hip osteoarthritisSubedi, N., Chew, N.S., Chandramohan, M., Scally, Andy J., Groves, C. 05 September 2015 (has links)
No / To demonstrate the benefits of fluoroscopy-guided intra-articular steroid injection in the hip with varying degrees of disease severity, and to investigate the financial aspects of the procedure and impact on waiting time. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective study was undertaken of patients who underwent fluoroscopic intra-articular steroid injection over the 9-month study period. Comparative analysis of the Oxford hip pain score pre- and 6-8 weeks post-intra-articular injection was performed. Hip radiographs of all patients were categorised as normal, mild, moderate, or severe disease (four categories) based on the modified Kellgren-Lawrence severity scale, and improvement on the Oxford hip pain score on each of these four severity categories were assessed. RESULTS: Within the study cohort of 100 patients, the mean increase in post-procedure hip score of 7.32 points confirms statistically significant benefits of the therapy (p<0.001, 95% confidence interval: 5.55-9.09). There was no significant difference in pre-injection hip score or change in score between the four severity categories (p=0.51). Significant improvement in hip score (p<0.05) was demonstrated in each of the four severity categories 6-8 weeks post-injection. No associated complications were observed. CONCLUSION: The present study confirms that fluoroscopy-guided intra-articular steroid injection is a highly effective therapeutic measure for hip osteoarthritis across all grades of disease severity with significant cost savings and the potential to reduce waiting times.
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Rana karotidna endarterektomija nakon akutnog neurološkog deficita / Early carotid endarterectomy after acute neurological deficitKoprivica Radenko 02 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Ciljevi: Cilj ove studije je da ispita bezbednost rane karotidne endarterektomije (CEA) u odnosu na odložene CEA nakon akutnog ishemijskog neurološkog deficita (TIA/CVI). Drugi cilj je da istražimo da li postoji razlika u brzini neurološkog oporavka između navedenih grupa. Metode: Ukupno 157 ispitanika u prospektivnoj studiji je praćeno 30 dana postoperativno. Grupa I ili rana CEA, je imala 50 ispitanika operisanih od 3. do 14. dana po TIA/CVI događaju. Grupa II ili odložena CEA, je imala 107 ispitanika operisanih od 15. do 180. dana nakon TIA/CVI. Praćen je proceduralni opšti i specifični morbiditet i mortalitet u 30-dnevnom postoperativnom periodu. Rankin skor (mRS) smo koristili za procenu neurološkog invaliditeta. U odnosu na vrednost mRS skora smo formirali dve podgrupe mRS<3 i mRS3. U statističkoj analizi koristili smo Pirsonov hi test, Studentov test, ANOVU analizu varijanse, Boniferonijev test i multiplu analizu varijanse za ponovljena merenja (GLM- general line model), kao i parametarsku i neparametarsku korelaciju i regresiju. Nivo značajnosti je bio 0,05. Rezultati: Prosečna starost ispitanika je bila 66,72 godine uz 66,2% osoba muškog pola. U grupi I je prosečno vreme do intervencije bilo 9,5 dana, a u grupi II 72,22 dana. Grupe su homogene u odnosu na faktore rizika i komorbiditet. Grupa I je imala 54% nestabilnih aterosklerotskih plakova u poređenju sa grupom II gde ih je bilo 31,8% (χ2 = 7.084; p < 0.01). U grupi I TIA je imalo 50% ispitanika, a u grupi II CVI nalaza je bilo 68,2% (χ2 =4.825; p <0.05). CVI do 1 cm veličine je statistički značajno više zastupljen u grupi I , a CVI do 2 cm u grupi II (χ2 = 6.913; p <0.05). Stopa CVI je u grupi I bila 2.0% a u grupi II je 2.8% (F = 0.083; p > 0.05). Stopa postoperativnog infarkta miokarda (IM) je u grupi I je 2.0% a u grupi II je 1.9%. Stopa specifičnog hirurškog morbiditeta je u grupi I 4.0% a u grupi II 3.7%. U grupi I ukupni morbiditet bio 6.0% a u grupi II 7.5%, razlika nije bila statistički značajna (F =0.921; p > 0.05). Mortaliteta u obe grupe nije bilo. CVI/IM/smrt stopa je u grupi I bio 4.0% a u grupi II je bio 4.7% (F = 0.122; p >0.05). Hiperlipidemija je signifikantan faktor rizika za CVI/IM/smrt (χ2 = 4.083; p < 0.05). Poboljšanje mRS je u grupi I imalo 52%, a u grupi II 31,8% pacijenata (χ2 = 5.903; p <0.01). Relativni rizik je 2,4 odnosno toliko puta je veća šansa da kod bolesnika dođe do promene mRS ako je bolesnik u grupi I. Pad mRS koji nastupa između trećeg i desetog dana nakon CEA je statistički visoko značajno izraženiji u grupi ranih CEA ( F 3,701 df 1 p=0,029). Kod bolesnika sa TIA u preko 60% slučajeva došlo je do pada mRS, a kod onih koji su imali CVI u oko 25.5% (χ2 = 18.050; p < 0.01). Kod Rankin skora podgrupe mRS<3 i mRS3 je pad bio značajan i po vremenu (F 18,774; df 6; p=0,000) i po podgrupi ali je daleko brži pad zapažen u podgrupi mRS<3(F 6,010; df 1; p=0,003). Zaključak: Rana CEA je jednako bezbedna kao i odložena CEA u pogledu incidence perioperativnog morbiditeta i mortaliteta. Ranom CEA se postiže znatno brži neurološki oporavak pacijenata, naročito onih sa TIA i mRS<3 skorom.</p> / <p>Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the safety of early carotid endarterectomy (CEA) in relation to the delayed CEA after acute ischemic neurological events (TIA / CVI). The second objective was to investigate whether there is a difference in speed of neurological recovery between these groups. Methods: A total of 157 patients in the prospective study followed 30 days postoperatively. Group I or early CEA, had 50 patients operated from 3 to 14 days after TIA / CVI event. Group II or delayed CEA, had 107 patients operated from 15 to 180 days after the TIA / CVI. Accompanied by the general and specific procedural morbidity and mortality in 30-day postoperative folow up. Rankin score (mRS) were used for evaluation of neurologic disability. In relation to the value of mRS score we formed two subgroups mRS <3 i mRS3. In the statistical analysis we used the Pearson chi test, Student's test, ANOVA analysis of variance, Boniferony test and multiple analysis of variance for repeated measures (GLM- general line model), as well parametric and nonparametric correlation and regression. The significance level was 0.05. Results: The mean age was 66.72 years with 66.2% of males. In Group I is the average time to intervention was 9.5 days, and in group II 72.22 days. The groups were homogeneous in relation to risk factors and comorbidities. Group I had 54% of unstable atherosclerotic plaques compared with group II, where it was 31.8% (χ2 = 7.084; p <0.01). In the group I TIA had 50% of respondents, while in group II CVI was 68.2% (χ2 = 4.825; p <0.05). CVI to 1 cm in size were significantly more frequent in the group I, a CVI to 2 cm in group II (χ2 = 6.913; p <0.05). CVI rate in the group I was 2.0%, and in group II was 2.8% (F = 0.083, p> 0.05). Postoperative myocardial infarction (MI) in the group I is 2.0%, and in group II was 1.9%. Specific surgical morbidity rate in the group I and 4.0% in the group II 3.7%. In group I total morbidity was 6.0% in group II 7.5%, the difference was not statistically significant (F = 0.921; p> 0.05). Mortality in both groups was not. CVI/IM/death rate in group I was 4.0% in group II was 4.7% (F = 0.122; p> 0.05). Hyperlipidemia is a significant risk factor for CVI/IM/death (χ2 = 4.083; p<0.05). Improving mRS in the group I had 52% and in group II 31.8% of patients (χ2 = 5.903; p <0.01). The relative risk was 2.4 times as much and is more likely to occur in patients mRS changes if the patient in group I. Improving mRS that occurs between the third and tenth days after CEA was highly statistically significantly greater in the group of early CEA (F 3,701 df 1 p = 0.029). In patients with TIA in 60% of cases there was a decline mRS, and those had CVI in about 25.5% (χ2 = 18.050; p <0.01). In Rankin score subgroups mRS <3 i mRS 3 the decline was significant and time (F 18,774; df 6; p =0.000) and in the subgroup but it is far more rapid decline observed in the subgroup mRS <3 (F 6.010; df 1; p = 0.003). Conclusions: Early CEA is as safe as the delayed CEA in respect incidence of perioperative morbidity and mortality. Early CEA is achieved significantly faster recovery of neurological patients, especially those with TIA and mRS <3 compared with delayed CEA.</p>
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Tempo despendido e fatores associados a atrasos entre a indicação e o uso de sondas enterais em um serviço de emergência : resultados de uma coorte prospectiva / Spent time and factors associated with delays between the indication and the use of enteral feeding tubes in an emergency department : results of a prospective cohort / Tiempo gastado y los factores asociados con retrasos entre la prescripción y el uso de sondas enterales en un servicio de emergencia : resultados de una cohorte prospectivaAnziliero, Franciele January 2016 (has links)
Introdução: Ainda que o uso de Sondas Nasoentéricas (SNE) pareça ser frequente em hospitais, são raros os estudos dimensionando a prevalência do procedimento e o tempo despendido entre indicação e seu uso, especialmente em Emergências. Nestes espaços assistenciais, os atrasos podem contribuir para a manutenção da superlotação e, também, configurarem-se como incidentes no processo assistencial. Objetivo: Conhecer o tempo entre a indicação da SNE e seu efetivo uso e entre as etapas intermediárias desse processo, além de dos fatores associados a atrasos. Método: Entre abril e junho de 2015, foram incluídos adultos admitidos em uma Emergência de um hospital universitário brasileiro em uma coorte prospectiva. Os pacientes foram acompanhados do momento da indicação ao efetivo uso da SNE, mesurando-se os tempos demandados em cada etapa e os possíveis fatores associados ao tempo despendido até a utilização da sonda (variáveis relacionadas à clínica do paciente ou ao processo de trabalho). Para avaliar os fatores associados a ao tempo despendido, adotou-se o modelo de Equações de Estimações Generalizadas (Generalized Estimating Equations – GEE), respeitando-se a distribuição Gamma da variável diferença de tempo. Para a comparação intrafatores foi adotado o teste de Bonferroni como teste Post Hoc. Resultados: Houve 150 inserções de SNE em 115 pacientes. A mediana de tempo entre a indicação e o uso da sonda foi 573 (IQR: 360 - 1093; mínimo: 63 – máximo: 3120) minutos. Analisando-se as diferentes subetapas do processo, foram identificados como fatores independentes de risco para maior tempo entre a indicação e o uso da SNE: inserção de SNE em paciente que não a utilizava antes do atendimento na Emergência, médico não entregar a prescrição de inserção de sonda ao enfermeiro, inserção de SNE na jornada de trabalho noturna, alocação do paciente na sala de cuidados intensivos, retardos na rotina médica, da nutrição e de enfermagem, uso de ventilação mecânica, noradrenalina e necessidade de jejum. Conclusão: O tempo entre a indicação e o uso de sonda nasoentérica foi elevado, excedendo 10 horas em metade dos casos. Fatores relacionados às condições clínicas dos pacientes e à gestão da assistência contribuiriam para o aumento neste tempo. / Background: Although the use of Nasoenteric tubes (NET) appears to be common in hospitals, few studies measure the prevalence of the procedure and the time between the indication and its use, especially in Emergencie Departement. In the Emergency Departament, delays may contribute to the maintenance of overcrowding and also being configured as incidents in the care process. Objective: Knowing the time spent between the indication of the NET and its effective use, as well as the times and factors associated to delays in sub-steps of process. Method: Between April and June 2015, patients adults admitted to an Emergency Departament of a Brazilian university hospital were included in a prospective Cohort. Patients were followed-up from the NET indication until its effective use. The spent time in each sub-step and the possible associated factors with the time taken to use the NET (variables related to the patient's clinical or work process) were analised. To evaluate the associated factors with time spent, the Generalized Estimating Equations model was adopted, respecting the Gamma distribution of variable "time difference". For intrafatores comparison was adopted Bonferroni test as a post hoc test. Results: There were 150 insertions NET in 115 patients. The median time between the NET indication and its use was 573 (IQR: 360-1093; minimum: 63 - maximum: 3120) minutes. Analyzing the different sub-steps of the process, were identified as independent risk factors for increased time between the NET indication and its use: NET insertion in patients who do not used before the Emergency Departement, doctor does not deliver the NET insert prescription to the nurse, NET insertion in the night working hours, patient allocation in intensive care room, delays in medical, nutrition and nursing routine, patients undergoing mechanical ventilation, norepinephrine and need fasting. Conclusion: The time between the NET indication and its use was high, exceeding 10 hours in half the cases. Factors related to the patients' clinical conditions and the management of the assistance would contribute to the increase at this time lapse. / Introducción: Aunque el usio de Sondas Nasoentericas (SNE) parezca frequenteen Hospitales, son raros los estudios dimensionando el predominio el procedimiento y el tiempo dispensado entre indicación y el uso, especialmente em Emergencias. En estos espacios asistenciales, los atrasos pueden contribuir para el mantenimiento de la super población, tambien se configura como incidentes em el proceso asistencial. Objetivo: Conocer el tiempo entre la indicación de la SNE e su efectivo uso y entrelas etapas intermediarias de este proceso, además de los factores asociados a atrasos. Método: Entre abril y junio de 2015, fueron incluídos adultos admitidos em uma emergência de um hospital universitário brasileño em uma Cohorte prospectiva. Los pacientes fueron acompanados del momento de la indicacional efectivo uso de la SNE, mesurando los tiempo demandados em cada etapa y los posibles factores asociados al tiempo dispoensado hasta la utilización de sonda (variables relacionadas a la paraclinica del paciente al proceso del trabajo). Para evaluar los factores asociados al tiempo dispensado, se adopto el modelo de Ecuaciones de Estimativos Generalizadas (Genneralized Estimating Equations – GEE), respetando la distribución Gamma de la variable diferencia del tiempo. Para la comparación intra factores fue adoptado la tesis de Bonferroni como test Post Hoc. Resultados: hubo 150 inserciones de SNE em 115 pacientes. A mediano tiempo entre la indicación y el uso de la sonda fueron 573 (IQR:360 – 1093; mínimo:63 – máximo: 3120) minutos. Se analizan lãs diferentes sub etapas del proceso, fueron identificados como factores independientes de riesgo para mayor tiempo entre la indicacion y el uso de la SNE: ionserción de SNE em paciente que no la utilizaba antes de la atencion em la Emergencia, médico no entregar la prescripción de inserción de sonda al enfermero, inserción de SNE em la jornada de trabajo nocturno, transferência del paciente em la sala de cuidados intensivos, retardos em la rutina medica, del la nutricion y de Enfermería, uso de ventilación mecânica, noradrenalina y la necesidad de la ayuna. Conclusión: El tiempo ente la indicación y el uso de la sonda nasoenterica fue elevado, exediendose 10 horas em la mitad de los casos. Factores relacionados a lãs condiciones clinicas de los pacientes y de la gestion de la Asistencia contribuyeron para el aumento en este tiempo.
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Tempo despendido e fatores associados a atrasos entre a indicação e o uso de sondas enterais em um serviço de emergência : resultados de uma coorte prospectiva / Spent time and factors associated with delays between the indication and the use of enteral feeding tubes in an emergency department : results of a prospective cohort / Tiempo gastado y los factores asociados con retrasos entre la prescripción y el uso de sondas enterales en un servicio de emergencia : resultados de una cohorte prospectivaAnziliero, Franciele January 2016 (has links)
Introdução: Ainda que o uso de Sondas Nasoentéricas (SNE) pareça ser frequente em hospitais, são raros os estudos dimensionando a prevalência do procedimento e o tempo despendido entre indicação e seu uso, especialmente em Emergências. Nestes espaços assistenciais, os atrasos podem contribuir para a manutenção da superlotação e, também, configurarem-se como incidentes no processo assistencial. Objetivo: Conhecer o tempo entre a indicação da SNE e seu efetivo uso e entre as etapas intermediárias desse processo, além de dos fatores associados a atrasos. Método: Entre abril e junho de 2015, foram incluídos adultos admitidos em uma Emergência de um hospital universitário brasileiro em uma coorte prospectiva. Os pacientes foram acompanhados do momento da indicação ao efetivo uso da SNE, mesurando-se os tempos demandados em cada etapa e os possíveis fatores associados ao tempo despendido até a utilização da sonda (variáveis relacionadas à clínica do paciente ou ao processo de trabalho). Para avaliar os fatores associados a ao tempo despendido, adotou-se o modelo de Equações de Estimações Generalizadas (Generalized Estimating Equations – GEE), respeitando-se a distribuição Gamma da variável diferença de tempo. Para a comparação intrafatores foi adotado o teste de Bonferroni como teste Post Hoc. Resultados: Houve 150 inserções de SNE em 115 pacientes. A mediana de tempo entre a indicação e o uso da sonda foi 573 (IQR: 360 - 1093; mínimo: 63 – máximo: 3120) minutos. Analisando-se as diferentes subetapas do processo, foram identificados como fatores independentes de risco para maior tempo entre a indicação e o uso da SNE: inserção de SNE em paciente que não a utilizava antes do atendimento na Emergência, médico não entregar a prescrição de inserção de sonda ao enfermeiro, inserção de SNE na jornada de trabalho noturna, alocação do paciente na sala de cuidados intensivos, retardos na rotina médica, da nutrição e de enfermagem, uso de ventilação mecânica, noradrenalina e necessidade de jejum. Conclusão: O tempo entre a indicação e o uso de sonda nasoentérica foi elevado, excedendo 10 horas em metade dos casos. Fatores relacionados às condições clínicas dos pacientes e à gestão da assistência contribuiriam para o aumento neste tempo. / Background: Although the use of Nasoenteric tubes (NET) appears to be common in hospitals, few studies measure the prevalence of the procedure and the time between the indication and its use, especially in Emergencie Departement. In the Emergency Departament, delays may contribute to the maintenance of overcrowding and also being configured as incidents in the care process. Objective: Knowing the time spent between the indication of the NET and its effective use, as well as the times and factors associated to delays in sub-steps of process. Method: Between April and June 2015, patients adults admitted to an Emergency Departament of a Brazilian university hospital were included in a prospective Cohort. Patients were followed-up from the NET indication until its effective use. The spent time in each sub-step and the possible associated factors with the time taken to use the NET (variables related to the patient's clinical or work process) were analised. To evaluate the associated factors with time spent, the Generalized Estimating Equations model was adopted, respecting the Gamma distribution of variable "time difference". For intrafatores comparison was adopted Bonferroni test as a post hoc test. Results: There were 150 insertions NET in 115 patients. The median time between the NET indication and its use was 573 (IQR: 360-1093; minimum: 63 - maximum: 3120) minutes. Analyzing the different sub-steps of the process, were identified as independent risk factors for increased time between the NET indication and its use: NET insertion in patients who do not used before the Emergency Departement, doctor does not deliver the NET insert prescription to the nurse, NET insertion in the night working hours, patient allocation in intensive care room, delays in medical, nutrition and nursing routine, patients undergoing mechanical ventilation, norepinephrine and need fasting. Conclusion: The time between the NET indication and its use was high, exceeding 10 hours in half the cases. Factors related to the patients' clinical conditions and the management of the assistance would contribute to the increase at this time lapse. / Introducción: Aunque el usio de Sondas Nasoentericas (SNE) parezca frequenteen Hospitales, son raros los estudios dimensionando el predominio el procedimiento y el tiempo dispensado entre indicación y el uso, especialmente em Emergencias. En estos espacios asistenciales, los atrasos pueden contribuir para el mantenimiento de la super población, tambien se configura como incidentes em el proceso asistencial. Objetivo: Conocer el tiempo entre la indicación de la SNE e su efectivo uso y entrelas etapas intermediarias de este proceso, además de los factores asociados a atrasos. Método: Entre abril y junio de 2015, fueron incluídos adultos admitidos em uma emergência de um hospital universitário brasileño em uma Cohorte prospectiva. Los pacientes fueron acompanados del momento de la indicacional efectivo uso de la SNE, mesurando los tiempo demandados em cada etapa y los posibles factores asociados al tiempo dispoensado hasta la utilización de sonda (variables relacionadas a la paraclinica del paciente al proceso del trabajo). Para evaluar los factores asociados al tiempo dispensado, se adopto el modelo de Ecuaciones de Estimativos Generalizadas (Genneralized Estimating Equations – GEE), respetando la distribución Gamma de la variable diferencia del tiempo. Para la comparación intra factores fue adoptado la tesis de Bonferroni como test Post Hoc. Resultados: hubo 150 inserciones de SNE em 115 pacientes. A mediano tiempo entre la indicación y el uso de la sonda fueron 573 (IQR:360 – 1093; mínimo:63 – máximo: 3120) minutos. Se analizan lãs diferentes sub etapas del proceso, fueron identificados como factores independientes de riesgo para mayor tiempo entre la indicacion y el uso de la SNE: ionserción de SNE em paciente que no la utilizaba antes de la atencion em la Emergencia, médico no entregar la prescripción de inserción de sonda al enfermero, inserción de SNE em la jornada de trabajo nocturno, transferência del paciente em la sala de cuidados intensivos, retardos em la rutina medica, del la nutricion y de Enfermería, uso de ventilación mecânica, noradrenalina y la necesidad de la ayuna. Conclusión: El tiempo ente la indicación y el uso de la sonda nasoenterica fue elevado, exediendose 10 horas em la mitad de los casos. Factores relacionados a lãs condiciones clinicas de los pacientes y de la gestion de la Asistencia contribuyeron para el aumento en este tiempo.
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Tempo despendido e fatores associados a atrasos entre a indicação e o uso de sondas enterais em um serviço de emergência : resultados de uma coorte prospectiva / Spent time and factors associated with delays between the indication and the use of enteral feeding tubes in an emergency department : results of a prospective cohort / Tiempo gastado y los factores asociados con retrasos entre la prescripción y el uso de sondas enterales en un servicio de emergencia : resultados de una cohorte prospectivaAnziliero, Franciele January 2016 (has links)
Introdução: Ainda que o uso de Sondas Nasoentéricas (SNE) pareça ser frequente em hospitais, são raros os estudos dimensionando a prevalência do procedimento e o tempo despendido entre indicação e seu uso, especialmente em Emergências. Nestes espaços assistenciais, os atrasos podem contribuir para a manutenção da superlotação e, também, configurarem-se como incidentes no processo assistencial. Objetivo: Conhecer o tempo entre a indicação da SNE e seu efetivo uso e entre as etapas intermediárias desse processo, além de dos fatores associados a atrasos. Método: Entre abril e junho de 2015, foram incluídos adultos admitidos em uma Emergência de um hospital universitário brasileiro em uma coorte prospectiva. Os pacientes foram acompanhados do momento da indicação ao efetivo uso da SNE, mesurando-se os tempos demandados em cada etapa e os possíveis fatores associados ao tempo despendido até a utilização da sonda (variáveis relacionadas à clínica do paciente ou ao processo de trabalho). Para avaliar os fatores associados a ao tempo despendido, adotou-se o modelo de Equações de Estimações Generalizadas (Generalized Estimating Equations – GEE), respeitando-se a distribuição Gamma da variável diferença de tempo. Para a comparação intrafatores foi adotado o teste de Bonferroni como teste Post Hoc. Resultados: Houve 150 inserções de SNE em 115 pacientes. A mediana de tempo entre a indicação e o uso da sonda foi 573 (IQR: 360 - 1093; mínimo: 63 – máximo: 3120) minutos. Analisando-se as diferentes subetapas do processo, foram identificados como fatores independentes de risco para maior tempo entre a indicação e o uso da SNE: inserção de SNE em paciente que não a utilizava antes do atendimento na Emergência, médico não entregar a prescrição de inserção de sonda ao enfermeiro, inserção de SNE na jornada de trabalho noturna, alocação do paciente na sala de cuidados intensivos, retardos na rotina médica, da nutrição e de enfermagem, uso de ventilação mecânica, noradrenalina e necessidade de jejum. Conclusão: O tempo entre a indicação e o uso de sonda nasoentérica foi elevado, excedendo 10 horas em metade dos casos. Fatores relacionados às condições clínicas dos pacientes e à gestão da assistência contribuiriam para o aumento neste tempo. / Background: Although the use of Nasoenteric tubes (NET) appears to be common in hospitals, few studies measure the prevalence of the procedure and the time between the indication and its use, especially in Emergencie Departement. In the Emergency Departament, delays may contribute to the maintenance of overcrowding and also being configured as incidents in the care process. Objective: Knowing the time spent between the indication of the NET and its effective use, as well as the times and factors associated to delays in sub-steps of process. Method: Between April and June 2015, patients adults admitted to an Emergency Departament of a Brazilian university hospital were included in a prospective Cohort. Patients were followed-up from the NET indication until its effective use. The spent time in each sub-step and the possible associated factors with the time taken to use the NET (variables related to the patient's clinical or work process) were analised. To evaluate the associated factors with time spent, the Generalized Estimating Equations model was adopted, respecting the Gamma distribution of variable "time difference". For intrafatores comparison was adopted Bonferroni test as a post hoc test. Results: There were 150 insertions NET in 115 patients. The median time between the NET indication and its use was 573 (IQR: 360-1093; minimum: 63 - maximum: 3120) minutes. Analyzing the different sub-steps of the process, were identified as independent risk factors for increased time between the NET indication and its use: NET insertion in patients who do not used before the Emergency Departement, doctor does not deliver the NET insert prescription to the nurse, NET insertion in the night working hours, patient allocation in intensive care room, delays in medical, nutrition and nursing routine, patients undergoing mechanical ventilation, norepinephrine and need fasting. Conclusion: The time between the NET indication and its use was high, exceeding 10 hours in half the cases. Factors related to the patients' clinical conditions and the management of the assistance would contribute to the increase at this time lapse. / Introducción: Aunque el usio de Sondas Nasoentericas (SNE) parezca frequenteen Hospitales, son raros los estudios dimensionando el predominio el procedimiento y el tiempo dispensado entre indicación y el uso, especialmente em Emergencias. En estos espacios asistenciales, los atrasos pueden contribuir para el mantenimiento de la super población, tambien se configura como incidentes em el proceso asistencial. Objetivo: Conocer el tiempo entre la indicación de la SNE e su efectivo uso y entrelas etapas intermediarias de este proceso, además de los factores asociados a atrasos. Método: Entre abril y junio de 2015, fueron incluídos adultos admitidos em uma emergência de um hospital universitário brasileño em uma Cohorte prospectiva. Los pacientes fueron acompanados del momento de la indicacional efectivo uso de la SNE, mesurando los tiempo demandados em cada etapa y los posibles factores asociados al tiempo dispoensado hasta la utilización de sonda (variables relacionadas a la paraclinica del paciente al proceso del trabajo). Para evaluar los factores asociados al tiempo dispensado, se adopto el modelo de Ecuaciones de Estimativos Generalizadas (Genneralized Estimating Equations – GEE), respetando la distribución Gamma de la variable diferencia del tiempo. Para la comparación intra factores fue adoptado la tesis de Bonferroni como test Post Hoc. Resultados: hubo 150 inserciones de SNE em 115 pacientes. A mediano tiempo entre la indicación y el uso de la sonda fueron 573 (IQR:360 – 1093; mínimo:63 – máximo: 3120) minutos. Se analizan lãs diferentes sub etapas del proceso, fueron identificados como factores independientes de riesgo para mayor tiempo entre la indicacion y el uso de la SNE: ionserción de SNE em paciente que no la utilizaba antes de la atencion em la Emergencia, médico no entregar la prescripción de inserción de sonda al enfermero, inserción de SNE em la jornada de trabajo nocturno, transferência del paciente em la sala de cuidados intensivos, retardos em la rutina medica, del la nutricion y de Enfermería, uso de ventilación mecânica, noradrenalina y la necesidad de la ayuna. Conclusión: El tiempo ente la indicación y el uso de la sonda nasoenterica fue elevado, exediendose 10 horas em la mitad de los casos. Factores relacionados a lãs condiciones clinicas de los pacientes y de la gestion de la Asistencia contribuyeron para el aumento en este tiempo.
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Timely care for frail older people referred to hospital improves efficiency and reduces mortality without the need for extra resourcesSilvester, K.M., Mohammed, Mohammed A., Harriman, P., Girolami, A., Downes, T.W. 01 July 2014 (has links)
No / Hospitals are under pressure to reduce waiting times and costs. One strategy that may be effective focuses on optimising the flow of emergency patients. We undertook a patient flow analysis of older emergency patients to identify and address delays in ensuring timely care, without additional resources. Prospective systems redesign study over 2 years. The Geriatric Medicine Directorate in an acute hospital (Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust) with 1920 beds. Older patients admitted as emergencies. Diagnostic patient flow analysis followed by a series of Plan Do Study Act cycles to test and implement changes by a multidisciplinary team using time series run charts. 60% of patients aged 75+ years arrived in the Emergency Department during office hours, but two-thirds of the admissions to GM wards were outside office hours highlighting a major delay. Three changes were undertaken to address this, Discharge to Assess, Seven Day Working and the establishment of a Frailty Unit. Average bed occupancy fell by 20.4 beds (95% confidence interval (CI) -39.6 to -1.2, P = 0.037) for similar demand. The risk of hospital mortality also fell by 2.25% (before 11.4% (95% CI 10.4-12.4%), after 9.15% (95% CI 7.6-10.7%) which equates to a number needed to treat of 45 and a 19.7% reduction in relative risk of mortality. The risk of re-admission remained unchanged. Redesigning the system of care for older emergency patients led to reductions in bed occupancy and mortality without affecting re-admission rates or requiring additional resources.
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