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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimisation de l'immunothérapie non spécifique du cancer superficiel de la vessie

Ayari, Cherifa 18 April 2018 (has links)
Le cancer superficiel de la vessie (CSV) présente un taux élevé de récidive (60%). De ces récidives 10 à 15% progresseront vers un cancer infiltrant beaucoup plus dangereux. La résection transurétrale (RTU) des tumeurs superficielles est souvent suivie d’immunothérapie intravésicale par le BCG (Bacille-Calmette-Guérin) afin de prévenir la récidive et la progression ; cependant ce traitement échoue dans 40% des cas. De plus, la sévérité des effets secondaires empêche plusieurs patients de tolérer un traitement complet. La prédiction de la réponse au BCG et le développement de traitements alternatifs s’avèrent donc nécessaires. Nous avons d’abord évalué la signification clinique de la présence de cellules dendritiques matures infiltrant la tumeur (CDIT) et de macrophages associés aux tumeurs (MAT) dans des CSV à bas risque, traités seulement par RTU. La présence de CDIT a permis d’identifier des patients à risque élevé de progression. Chez des patients à haut risque de récidive et de progression traités au BCG, nous avons observé que ceux qui ont un haut niveau d'infiltration par des CDIT ou des MAT ne répondaient pas efficacement au BCG. Dans un deuxième volet, j’ai exploré la possibilité d’utiliser d’autres agents théarapeutiques pouvant se combiner au BCG ou le remplacer pour stimuler la réponse antitumorale. Pour un tel rôle j’ai choisi les agonistes des Toll-like receptors (TLR). Les TLR, principalement exprimés par les cellules du système immunitaire et quelques cellules épithéliales, jouent un rôle important dans l’immunité innée en reconnaissant des motifs moléculaires conservés de pathogènes. J’ai d’abord montré que les TLR sont exprimés et fonctionnels dans des cellules urothéliales normales et tumorales. Par la suite, j’ai démontré que le poly(I :C), agoniste du TLR3, a un effet cytotoxique et antiprolifératif direct sur des lignées de cancer de vessie. Dans les cellules MGH-U3, il induit également la sécrétion de cytokines pro-inflammatoires et induit fortement l’expression des molécules du CMH de classe I alors que le BCG a très peu d’effet sur l’immunogénicité de ces cellules. Un essai d’inhibition de croissance tumorale utilisant le modèle de cancer de vessie murin MBT-2 a montré que l’utilisation combinée du BCG et du poly(I :C) inhibe très significativement la croissance tumorale alors que chacun des produits utilisés seuls n’avait pas d’effet significatif. Notre étude suggère que le poly(I :C) dû à ses effets anti-néoplasiques pourrait améliorer l’efficacité thérapeutique du BCG dans l’immunothérapie du CSV. / Non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) is characterized by a high rate of recurrence (60%). Ten to fiftheen % of the recurrences will progress toward muscle-invasive tumors, which are more dangerous. Transurethral resection (TUR) of non-muscle invasive tumors is frequently followed by intravesical immunotherapy using BCG (bacillus Calmette-Guérin) to prevent recurrence and progression but this treatment fails in 40% of cases. Moreover, the severity of the side effects prevents many patients to comply with the whole treatment. Tools to predict the response to BCG and the development of alternative treatments are therefore required. We first evaluated the clinical significance of the presence of tumor infiltrating mature dendritic cells (TIDCs) and of tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) in low-risk NMIBCs treated only by TUR. The presence of TIDCs allowed the identification of patients that were at high risk of progression. In patients with NMIBCs at high risk of recurrence and progression treated with BCG, we observed that those with a high level of MAT or TIDC infiltration did not respond efficiently to BCG. In the second part of my work, I have explored the possibility to use other immunomodulatory agents to replace or complement BCG immunotherapy. I therefore selected toll-like receptors (TLRs) agonists for this purpose. TLRs, which are mainly expressed in immune cells but also epithelial cells, play an important role in the innate immunity by recognizing molecular patterns that are conserved between pathogens. I have first showed that TLRs are expressed and functional in normal and tumor urothelial cells. Then, I showed that poly(I:C), a TLR3 agonsist, has direct cytotoxic and antiproliferative effects on bladder cancer cell lines. In MGH-U3 cells, it induces the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines and expression of major histocompatibility class I molecules whereas BCG has little effect on the immunogenicity of these cells. A growth inhibition assay using the MBT-2 murine bladder cancer model showed that the combination of poly(I:C) and BCG inhibited very significantly the growth of bladder cancer cells whereas each product alone had no significant effect. Our study suggests that poly(I:C), due to its anti-tumoral effects, could improve the therapeutic efficacy of BCG for the immunotherapy of NMIBCs.

Phagocytes mononucléaires dans la maladie d'Alzheimer : caractérisation et stimulation de mécanismes cellulaires promouvant l'élimination de bêta-amyloïde

Michaud, Jean-Philippe 23 April 2018 (has links)
Tableau d'honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdorales, 2014-2015 / La maladie d’Alzheimer (MA) est la plus fréquente cause de démence mondialement et son incidence augmente en parallèle au vieillissement de la population. La pathogenèse de cette maladie neurodégénérative, actuellement sans traitement curatif, est associée à l’accumulation de bêta-amyloïde (Aβ) dans le parenchyme et la vasculature du cerveau en réponse à l’élimination déficiente de ce peptide neurotoxique. Des évidences épidémiologiques et expérimentales soulignent le rôle crucial du système immunitaire inné dans la MA. Plus précisément, plusieurs études suggèrent que les phagocytes mononucléaires (microglies, monocytes et macrophages cérébraux) constituent des cellules pivots pour combattre l’accumulation d’Aβ. Les études incluses dans cette thèse de doctorat avaient comme objectif d’accroitre les connaissances concernant le rôle des phagocytes mononucléaires dans la pathologie du modèle murin APP/PS1 de la MA. Un nombre croissant d’études indique que les Toll-like receptors (TLRs) seraient critiques pour la clairance d’Aβ par les phagocytes mononucléaires. Nous avons donc étudié le rôle de la protéine adaptatrice myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88), qui permet la transduction du signal intracellulaire de la plupart des TLRs. Nous avons observé une augmentation des niveaux d’Aβ solubles et une aggravation des déficits cognitifs dans les souris APP/PS1 avec une signalisation MyD88 défectueuse, vraisemblablement suite à une réduction de la phagocytose des phagocytes mononucléaires et une coordination défaillante de la réponse immunitaire innée. La stimulation des TLRs pourrait ainsi avoir un grand potentiel thérapeutique pour la MA. Nous avons démontré que des injections systémiques répétées du ligand TLR4 monophosphoryl lipid A (MPL) dans les souris APP/PS1 ont mené à une réduction significative des niveaux d’Aβ et une amélioration des fonctions cognitives. Le MPL induit une forte réponse phagocytique des phagocytes mononucléaires tout en générant une réaction inflammatoire modérée. Finalement, en utilisant la microscopie intravitale biphotonique, nous avons dévoilé que les monocytes patrouilleurs en état basal sont attirés et rampent sur la face luminale de veines contenant de l’Aβ, capturent l’Aβ et ont la capacité de regagner à nouveau la circulation sanguine. L’ablation sélective des monocytes patrouilleurs dans les souris APP/PS1 a induit une augmentation significative des niveaux d’Aβ dans le cortex et l’hippocampe. Ensemble, ces données démontrent que les phagocytes mononucléaires sains et fonctionnels peuvent promouvoir l’élimination d’Aβ et constituent une cible thérapeutique prometteuse pour la MA. / Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia worldwide and its incidence is rising in parallel with the aging population. The pathogenesis of this neurodegenerative disease, currently without curative treatment, is associated with the accumulation of amyloid-β (Aβ) in the brain parenchyma and cerebral vasculature in response to the impaired clearance of this neurotoxic peptide. Epidemiological and experimental evidence underline the crucial role of the innate immune system in AD. More precisely, several studies suggest that mononuclear phagocytes (microglia, monocytes and cerebral macrophages) constitute pivotal cells to fight the accumulation of Aβ. The studies enclosed in this doctoral thesis intended to better understand the role of mononuclear phagocytes on the pathology of the APP/PS1 mouse model of AD. Accumulating evidence indicates a critical role of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) in the clearance of Aβ by mononuclear phagocytes. We thus investigated the role of the myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88), which is the adaptor protein for most of these innate immune receptors, transducing the intracellular signal from TLRs to the nucleus. We observed increased soluble levels of A oligomers and enhanced cognitive deficits in APP/PS1 mice with impaired MyD88 signalling, likely through reduced phagocytosis of mononuclear phagocytes and an impaired coordination of the innate immune response. Compounds that stimulate TLRs to clear Aβ may therefore have great therapeutic potential in AD patients. We demonstrated that repeated systemic injections of the TLR4 ligand monophosphoryl lipid A (MPL) in APP/PS1 mice led to a significant reduction in Aβ load and improved cognitive function. MPL induced a potent phagocytic response by mononuclear phagocytes while triggering a moderate inflammatory reaction. Finally, using live intravital two-photon microscopy, we discovered that patrolling monocytes in steady state are attracted and crawl onto the luminal walls of Aβ-positive veins, uptake Aβ and are able to circulate back into the bloodstream. Selective removal of patrolling monocytes in APP/PS1 mice induced a significant increase of Aβ load in the cortex and hippocampus. Overall, these studies demonstrate that healthy and functional mononuclear phagocytes can promote the elimination of Aβ and constitute a promising therapeutic target for AD.

Effet de la stimulation du TLR2 et de la sécrétion d'acétate sur la susceptibilité à l'infection au VIH-1 des lymphocytes T CD4+ primaires

Bolduc, Jean-François 17 July 2024 (has links)
Le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine de type 1 (VIH-1), agent causal du syndrome d'immunodéficience humaine (SIDA), est rapidement devenu pandémique suite à son identification en 1981. Les données statistiques publiées par l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour le Syndrome d'Immunodéficience Acquise (ONUSIDA) démontrent que, parmi les 34,3 à 41,4 millions de cas d'infection recensés en 2014, près de 70 % d'entre eux ont été répertoriés en Afrique subsaharienne et environ 6,5 % en Europe et en Amérique du Nord. L'Agence de la santé publique du Canada estimait, quant à elle, à près de 75 500 le nombre de personnes vivant avec le VIH-1 sur son territoire en 2014, dont environ 18 000 résidant au Québec. Malgré l'avènement de trithérapies contrôlant l'infection, à ce jour, aucune médicamentation n'en permet la guérison. La complexité de la pathogenèse virale menant à l'établissement d'une infection latente et à des comorbidités associées à l'état d'inflammation chronique est si considérable qu'aucun traitement ne peut encore enrayer la maladie. La recherche fondamentale et translationnelle, permettant de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement du système immunitaire en réponse à l'infection et d'associer plus efficacement ces avancées faites en laboratoire à la pratique médicale, sont donc primordiales. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse abondent dans ce sens, puisqu'ils mènent à une meilleure compréhension du rôle que peut avoir le microbiote sur la susceptibilité à l'infection au VIH-1 des lymphocytes T CD4+ primaires, ce qui pourrait inspirer l'élaboration de composés médicamenteux limitant le dialogue entre les bactéries et les cellules permissives au virus. En effet, l'infection au VIH-1 peut être associée à un désordre du tractus gastro-intestinal menant à une translocation de bactéries de la lumière intestinale vers les muqueuses avoisinantes. Cette migration bactérienne semble influencer la susceptibilité à l'infection des lymphocytes T CD4+, mais encore aujourd'hui, tous les mécanismes ne sont pas parfaitement connus. Les deux études présentées dans ce manuscrit contribuent donc à l'avancement des connaissances dans le domaine puisqu'elles démontrent que 1) l'engagement du TLR2 semble entraîner la production de virus par les lymphocytes T CD4+ activés en favorisant l'activité de NF-B et la réplication virale chez les cellules CCR6+ et que 2) la sécrétion d'acétate (petit acide gras produit par la fermentation de composés non digestibles par les bactéries du tractus gastro-intestinal) semble promouvoir l'activation cellulaire et la diminution de l'activité des HDAC de classe 1 et 2 de sorte à accentuer l'intégration de l'ADN proviral dans le génome des lymphocytes T CD4+.

Rôle des récepteurs Toll-like dans la régénérescence d'axones périphériques lésés : iImpacts sur la dégénérescence Wallérienne et la récupération des fonctions locomotrices

Boivin, Audrey 12 April 2018 (has links)
Tableau d’honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2007-2008. / Chaque année, 130 000 personnes subissent une lésion de la moelle épinière, entraînant une paralysie totale ou partielle de leurs membres. Le seul traitement approuvé, un glucocorticoïde, demeure controversé puisque le rôle de la réponse inflammatoire qui se développe à la suite d'une lésion est encore mal compris. Par l'étude d'un nerf périphérique pouvant régénérer de façon autonome, il est possible d'évaluer l'importance de l'inflammation dans le processus de régénérescence axonale. Notre étude porte sur le rôle des récepteurs Toll-like (TLRs) dans l'initiation de la réponse immunitaire, la dégénérescence Wallérienne et le recouvrement locomoteur suite à une lésion nerveuse périphérique. Les expériences furent effectuées en utilisant des animaux déficients en TLR2, TLR4 et MyD88, ou en employant des agonistes ou inhibiteurs des TLRs. Nos résultats suggèrent que les TLRs seraient activés par des molécules endogènes présentes ou relâchées lors d'une blessure physique et, par l'initiation d'une réponse immune, favoriseraient l'élimination des débris de myéline et la régénérescence nerveuse. / Each year, 130 000 people suffer a spinal cord injury, inducing a total or partial paralysis of their members. The only approved treatment, a glucocorticoid, is still controversial since the role of the inflammatory response that develops after injury is still poorly understood. With the study of a peripheral nerve that can regenerate in an autonomous manner, it is possible to evaluate the importance of inflammation in the process of axonal regeneration. Our study involves the role of the toll-like receptors (TLRs) in the initiation of the immune response, Wallerian degeneration and behavioural recovery after a peripheral nerve lesions. The experiments were performed using mice deficient for TLR2, TLR4 and MyD88, or by employing agonists or inhibitors of TLR signaling. Our results indicate that TLRs could be activated by endogenous molecules present or expressed following traumatic injury and, through initiation of immune responses, could permit the elimination of myelin debris and nerve regeneration.

Epigenetic Alterations of Toll-Like Receptors by TET2 in Spontaneous Preterm Labor

Chumble, Anuja 01 January 2014 (has links)
Increasing evidence implicates the presence of bacteria in intrauterine tissues as an important risk factor for spontaneous preterm labor. Epigenetic alterations of innate immunity genes may increase the mother’s sensitivity to subclinical levels of bacteria. This study examined the presence of TET2, TLR-2, and TLR-9 in intrauterine tissue, and evaluated whether epigenetic alterations of these genes, as well as IL-8, changed their expression in human decidual tissue and a macrophage cell culture. Immunohistochemicalstaining was used to detect the presence of these proteins in intrauterine tissue. Gene expression changes were evaluated in stimulated monocytes and macrophages. Fluorescence immunohistochemistry was used to track translocation of TET2 in stimulated monocytes and macrophages. Secreted IL-8 concentration was detected with ELISA. Decidual expression of TET2, TLR-2, and TLR-9 increased in the order TNL < TL < sPTL < iPTL. This study found that TET2, TLR-2, TLR-9, and IL-8 are regulated by epigenetic mechanisms. This study was the first to report activation of TET2 involves its translocation from the cytosol to the nucleus in macrophages.

Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) na modulação da imunidade do tipo 2. / Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and modulation of Th2 immunity.

Bortolatto, Juliana 16 October 2008 (has links)
Lipopolissacarídeos (LPS), pode tanto proteger quanto exacerbar o desenvolvimento da asma. LPS inicia a ativação da resposta imune via ligação da molécula Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) que sinaliza por duas vias distintas, as moléculas adaptadoras MyD88 e TRIF. LPS é um adjuvante que induz resposta do tipo Th1, enquanto que o hidróxido de alumínio (Alum) desperta respostas Th2, porém, a mistura de ambos adjuvantes na indução da resposta alérgica pulmonar ainda não foi investigada. No presente estudo, nós determinamos o efeito de dois agonistas de TLR4, um natural (LPS) e outro sintético (ER-803022) adsorvidos ao Alum sobre o desenvolvimento de doença alérgica pulmonar. Os animais foram sensibilizados pela via subcutânea com os antígenos, Ovoalbumina (OVA) ou Toxóide Tetânico (TT) na presença ou ausência de agonistas de TLR4 co-adsorvidos ao Alum e desafiados com os respectivos antígenos pela via intranasal. Nossos resultados mostraram que a sensibilização com OVA ou TT e LPS coadsorvidos ao Alum, impede o estabelecimento da resposta alérgica mediada por linfócitos Th2, tais como, influxo de eosinófilos, produção de citocinas do tipo 2, hiperreatividade brônquica, secreção de muco, e produção de IgE ou IgG1 anafilática. Apesar dos níveis de IgG2a, isotipo associado com as respostas Th1 estarem aumentados, análise da histopatologia pulmonar não revelou um desvio para o padrão Th1 de inflamação. Verificamos que a presença das moléculas TLR4, MyD88, IL-12/IFN-g mas não TRIF foram necessários para LPS exercer seu efeito inibitório. O agonista sintético de TLR4, menos tóxico que LPS, também protegeu contra o desenvolvimento de inflamação alérgica pulmonar. Em conclusão, nosso trabalho esclarece o efeito da sinalização do TLR4 na sensibilização alérgica e indica que agonista sintético de TLR4 com baixa toxicidade, pode ser utilizado para modular a capacidade adjuvante do Alum e conseqüentemente diminuir a indução de alergias. / Epidemiological and experimental data suggest that bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS) can either protect from or exacerbate allergic asthma. LPS triggers immune responses through Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 that in turn activates two major signaling pathways via either MyD88 or TRIF adaptor proteins. LPS is a pro-Th1 adjuvant while aluminum hydroxide (Alum) is a strong Th2 adjuvant, but the effect of mixing both adjuvants on development of lung allergy has not been investigated. We determined whether natural (LPS) or synthetic (ER-803022) TLR4 agonists adsorbed onto alum adjuvant affect allergen sensitization and development of airway allergic disease. To dissect LPS-induced molecular pathways we used TLR4, MyD88, TRIF, or IL-12/IFN-g deficient mice. Mice were sensitized subcutaneously to allergens such as ovalbumin (OVA) or tetanus toxoid (TT) with or without TLR4 agonists coadsorbed onto Alum and challenged twice via intranasal route with the same allergens. The development of type 2 immunity was evaluated 24 h after last allergen challenge. We found that sensitization with OVA or TT plus LPS co-adsorbed onto Alum impaired allergeninduced Th2-mediated responses such as airway eosinophilia, type 2 cytokines secretion, airway hyperreactivity, mucus hyper production and serum levels of IgE or IgG1 anaphylactic antibodies. Although the levels of IgG2a, a Th1 affiliated isotype increased, investigation into the lung-specific effects revealed that LPS did not induce a Th1 pattern of inflammation. LPS impaired the development of Th2 immunity, signaling via TLR4 and MyD88 molecules via the IL-12/IFN-g axis, but not through TRIF pathway. Moreover, the synthetic TLR4 agonists that proved to have a less systemic inflammatory response than LPS also protected against allergic asthma development. TLR4 agonists co-adsorbed with allergen onto Alum down modulate Th2 immunity and prevent the development of polarized T cell-mediated airway inflammation. Thus, our work clarifies the effect of TLR4 signaling in allergic sensitization and indicates that TLR4 agonists with low toxicity might be useful for down regulating the pro-Th2 adjuvant activity of alum and consequently decrease the induction of allergy.

Relação entre o oncogene BCR-ABL e os receptores de tipo TOLL (TLR). / Relationship between the oncogene BCR-ABL and Toll-like receptors (TLR).

Zenteno, María Emilia 17 November 2010 (has links)
Recentemente, a expressão gênica dos receptores TLR foi encontrada em diversos tipos de células tumorais. A sua participação na biologia do câncer é controversa já que foram descritas ações pró e anti-tumorais após a ativação de sua sinalização. Na Leucemia Mielóide Crônica (LMC) nada se tem demonstrado. BCR-ABL é uma oncoproteína quimérica cujo sítio tirosina quinasa constitutivamente ativado promove inúmeras vias de sinalizações que desencadeia a transformação celular. Este trabalho se inicia com a hipótese de existir uma relação entre o oncogene BCR-ABL e a expressão dos receptores TLRs. Nós verificamos em células murinas TonB210.1 com expressão de BCR-ABL induzível por doxiciclina que Tlr1 e Tlr2 tem sua expressão gênica relativa aumentada na presença da oncoproteína. A regulação positiva de Tlr1 é dependente da ação tirosina quinasa de BCR-ABL. Também mostramos que as vias p38 e JNK estão reprimindo a expressão de Tlr1 induzida por BCR-ABL enquanto que a via ERK é utilizada pelo BCR-ABL para promovê-la. Por outro lado, observamos que a ligação de TLR1/TLR2 com seu agonista sintético Pam3CSK4 em células TonB210.1 BCR-ABL positivas induz um aumento da produção de IL-6 e leva ao aumento da resistência a morte quando induzida pelas drogas Ara-C e VP16. Em conclusão, estes resultados indicam que BCR-ABL esta regulando a expressão gênica de alguns TLRs. Por tanto esses dados contribuem para a compreensão sobre o comportamento de células tumorais BCR-ABL positivas em um contexto de infecção e por conseqüência, dão margem ao estudo de novos alvos de fator de risco para a LMC. / Recently, the gene expression of TLR receptors have been described in several kinds of tumour cells. Its participation in cancer biology is controversial because roles were already been described in pro and anti-tumoral activities after their signaling activation. In Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) there are no published data. BCR-ABL is a quimeric protein and its tyrosine-kinase site is activated constitutively. Thus, many signaling pathways are activated and several cell processes are altered thereby resulting in cellular transformation. This work has started with the hypothesis that a putative relationship between the oncogene BCR-ABL and the expression of TLR receptors could exists. We verified in murine cells TonB210.1 BCR-ABL expression inducible by doxycicline that Tlr1 and Tlr2 have their relative gene expression up-regulated in the presence of the oncoprotein. Therefore the Tlr1 regulation is dependent of BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase action. Using MAPK inhibitors we showed that p38 and JNK pathways are suppressing the TLR1 induction by BCR-ABL while ERK pathway is used by the oncoprotein for promote it. On the other hand, we observed in TonB210.1 BCR-ABL positive cells that the binding of TLR1/TLR2 heterodimer to their synthetic agonist Pam3CSK4 induced an increased production of IL-6 and when these cells were induced by Ara-C and VP-16 drugs the apoptosis resistance increased. In conclusion, these results indicate that the oncoprotein regulates the gene expression of some TLRs. Therefore, this fact gives us data about the behavior of BCR-ABL positive tumor cells in the context of infection and in consequence the study of new risk factor targets for CML.

Traitement anticancéreux et modulation du système immunitaire / Effects of Anticancer Agents on Immune Responses

Zoubir, Mustapha 06 April 2012 (has links)
Les thérapies anticancéreuses ont apporté un gain largement reconnu en matière de réduction de la charge tumorale, de survie des patients et d’amélioration de leur qualité de vie, dans un certain nombre de cancers. Hélas, ces thérapies exercent un effet immunosuppresseur en détruisant les effecteurs ou en bloquant l’activité de certains facteurs biologiques impliqués dans le recrutement des acteurs du système immunitaire. D’autre part, plusieurs travaux ont permis de démontrer que ces traitements pouvaient avoir un effet contraire en générant ou en favorisant l’induction d’une réponse immunitaire anti-tumorale, soit par effet direct sur le recrutement et l’activation des effecteurs de l’immunité, soit en potentialisant les interactions cellulaires par des mécanismes biologiques. Ces derniers faisant intervenir les cytokines, la stimulation des TLR, l’augmentation des interactions entre cellules du SI; ce qui permet de passer d’une anergie immunologique vers un véritable système d’éradication des cellules cancéreuses.Dans notre laboratoire, nous avons essayé d’évaluer l’implication du système immunitaire dans la réponse thérapeutique induite par des agents cytotoxiques conventionnels. Ici, nous décrivons les effets d’un inhibiteur de cyclines kinases multi-cibles « CDKi PHA-793 887 » testé dans un essai de phase I mené sur deux sites en Europe. C’est le constat inattendu que 6 des 15 patients, traités par ce médicament (PHA-793887) ont développé de graves infections bactériennes et virales et que 6 d’entre eux ont présenté la réactivation du virus de l’herpès qui nous a conduit à étudier ces effets sur le système immunitaire et en particulier sur le dialogue entre cellules dendritiques (CD) et cellules natural killer (NK). Ce travail met en évidence que ce médicament inhibe le signalling des récepteurs toll-like (TLR) réduisant par conséquent l’interaction CD/NK in vitro. Enfin la stimulation des cellules des patients sous traitement démontre une réduction importante de ce signalling ex-vivo. Ainsi, cet effet immunosuppresseur inattendu a permis une réactivation virale chez 40% des patients. La deuxième partie de ce travail, concerne les effets du cyclophosphamide (CTX) utilisé à faible dose. L’injection d'une faible dose chez la souris ou d’un dosage métronomique chez l'homme, promeut la différenciation des cellules lymphocytaires vers Th17 (sécrétant de l’interleukine-17 (IL-17)) et Th1 (sécrétant de l’interféron-γ (IFN)). Ceux-ci ont été retrouvés dans le sang et dans des ascites carcinomateuses de patients. Ainsi, le CTX pourrait participer à la génération de réponses anti-tumorale via la différenciation Th 17 comme cela fut suggéré par de récentes études précliniques montrant l’existence d’une corrélation étroite entre le taux des lymphocytes Th17 infiltrant la tumeur et la destruction tumorale. / Cancer therapies have made a gain widespread recognition in the reduction of tumor burden, patient survival and improved quality of life in a number of cancers. Unfortunately, these therapies exert an immunosuppressive effect by killing effectors or blocking the activity of certain biological factors involved in recruiting of the immune system. On the other hand, several studies have shown that these treatments could have the opposite effect by generating or promoting the induction of antitumor immune response, either by direct effect on the recruitment and activation of effectors immunity, either by potentiating cellular interactions by biological mechanisms. The latter involving cytokines, TLR stimulation, increased interactions between cells of the IS; which toggles between immunological anergy to a real system to eradicate cancer cells. In our laboratory, we tried to evaluate the involvement of the immune system in the therapeutic response induced by conventional cytotoxic agents. Here, we describe the effects of an inhibitor of cyclin kinases multi-target "CDKIs PHA-793887" tested in a phase I trial conducted at two sites in Europe. This unexpected finding is that 6 of 15 patients treated with this drug (PHA-793887) developed severe bacterial and viral infections and six of them showed reactivation of the herpes virus that has led us to study these effects on the immune system and in particular on the dialogue between dendritic (DCs) and natural killer (NK) cells. This work shows that this drug inhibits the signaling of toll-like receptor (TLR) thereby reducing the interaction DC / NK in vitro. Finally, stimulation of the cells of treated patients demonstrated a significant reduction of this signaling ex vivo. Thus, this immunosuppressive effect has an unexpected viral reactivation in 40% of patients. The second part of this work concerns the effects of metronomic dose of cyclophosphamide (CTX). The injection of a low dose in mice or metronomic dosing in humans, markedly promotes the differentiation of CD4+ T helper 17 (Th17) cells that can be recovered in both blood and tumor beds. However, CTX does not convert regulatory T cells into Th17 cells and promotes cell differentiation into Th17 lymphocytes (secreting interleukin-17 (IL-17)) and Th1 (secreting interferon-γ (IFN)). These were found in blood and in ascites carcinoma patients. Thus, CTX may participate in the generation of antitumor responses through Th 17 differentiation as was suggested by recent preclinical studies showing the existence of a correlation between the rate of Th17 lymphocytes infiltrating the tumor and tumor destruction.

Vliv proteinu HBx viru hepatitidy B na aktivaci MEK1/2-ERK signalizace a inhibici IFN typu I v hepatocelulární linii Huh7 / Effect of HBV protein HBx on activation of MEK1/2 signaling and inhibition of type I IFN in hepatoma cell line Huh7

Berehovska, Olena January 2019 (has links)
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is one of the major causes of chronic and cancerous liver disease. Elimination of HBV from chronically infected patients by recombinant interferon α (IFNα) monotherapy shows that the mechanisms of the innate immunity play an important role in suppressing viral infection. However, the mechanisms of recognition of the HBV genome and its escape from the mechanisms of natural immunity are still little known. One of the principal factors enabling the virus to escape from cellular restriction mechanisms is the HBx viral protein. HBx is a 154 amino acid pleiotropic multifunctional protein affecting transcription, signal transduction, cell cycle, protein degradation, apoptosis, and chromosomal stability in the host cell. Previous results from our laboratory have shown that activation of the MEK1/2-ERK signaling pathway in plasmacytoid dendritic cells leads to inhibition of IFNα production. The aim of my work was to determine whether HBx activates the MEK1/2-ERK pathway and thus inhibits IFN type I production also in hepatocytes. For this purpose, I monitored HBx production in the Huh7 hepatoma cell line by transfecting the bicistronic plasmid pHBx- IRES-EGFP and Western blotting. Using the same method, I monitored activation of the MEK1/2-ERK signaling pathway by ERK...

Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) na modulação da imunidade do tipo 2. / Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and modulation of Th2 immunity.

Juliana Bortolatto 16 October 2008 (has links)
Lipopolissacarídeos (LPS), pode tanto proteger quanto exacerbar o desenvolvimento da asma. LPS inicia a ativação da resposta imune via ligação da molécula Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) que sinaliza por duas vias distintas, as moléculas adaptadoras MyD88 e TRIF. LPS é um adjuvante que induz resposta do tipo Th1, enquanto que o hidróxido de alumínio (Alum) desperta respostas Th2, porém, a mistura de ambos adjuvantes na indução da resposta alérgica pulmonar ainda não foi investigada. No presente estudo, nós determinamos o efeito de dois agonistas de TLR4, um natural (LPS) e outro sintético (ER-803022) adsorvidos ao Alum sobre o desenvolvimento de doença alérgica pulmonar. Os animais foram sensibilizados pela via subcutânea com os antígenos, Ovoalbumina (OVA) ou Toxóide Tetânico (TT) na presença ou ausência de agonistas de TLR4 co-adsorvidos ao Alum e desafiados com os respectivos antígenos pela via intranasal. Nossos resultados mostraram que a sensibilização com OVA ou TT e LPS coadsorvidos ao Alum, impede o estabelecimento da resposta alérgica mediada por linfócitos Th2, tais como, influxo de eosinófilos, produção de citocinas do tipo 2, hiperreatividade brônquica, secreção de muco, e produção de IgE ou IgG1 anafilática. Apesar dos níveis de IgG2a, isotipo associado com as respostas Th1 estarem aumentados, análise da histopatologia pulmonar não revelou um desvio para o padrão Th1 de inflamação. Verificamos que a presença das moléculas TLR4, MyD88, IL-12/IFN-g mas não TRIF foram necessários para LPS exercer seu efeito inibitório. O agonista sintético de TLR4, menos tóxico que LPS, também protegeu contra o desenvolvimento de inflamação alérgica pulmonar. Em conclusão, nosso trabalho esclarece o efeito da sinalização do TLR4 na sensibilização alérgica e indica que agonista sintético de TLR4 com baixa toxicidade, pode ser utilizado para modular a capacidade adjuvante do Alum e conseqüentemente diminuir a indução de alergias. / Epidemiological and experimental data suggest that bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS) can either protect from or exacerbate allergic asthma. LPS triggers immune responses through Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 that in turn activates two major signaling pathways via either MyD88 or TRIF adaptor proteins. LPS is a pro-Th1 adjuvant while aluminum hydroxide (Alum) is a strong Th2 adjuvant, but the effect of mixing both adjuvants on development of lung allergy has not been investigated. We determined whether natural (LPS) or synthetic (ER-803022) TLR4 agonists adsorbed onto alum adjuvant affect allergen sensitization and development of airway allergic disease. To dissect LPS-induced molecular pathways we used TLR4, MyD88, TRIF, or IL-12/IFN-g deficient mice. Mice were sensitized subcutaneously to allergens such as ovalbumin (OVA) or tetanus toxoid (TT) with or without TLR4 agonists coadsorbed onto Alum and challenged twice via intranasal route with the same allergens. The development of type 2 immunity was evaluated 24 h after last allergen challenge. We found that sensitization with OVA or TT plus LPS co-adsorbed onto Alum impaired allergeninduced Th2-mediated responses such as airway eosinophilia, type 2 cytokines secretion, airway hyperreactivity, mucus hyper production and serum levels of IgE or IgG1 anaphylactic antibodies. Although the levels of IgG2a, a Th1 affiliated isotype increased, investigation into the lung-specific effects revealed that LPS did not induce a Th1 pattern of inflammation. LPS impaired the development of Th2 immunity, signaling via TLR4 and MyD88 molecules via the IL-12/IFN-g axis, but not through TRIF pathway. Moreover, the synthetic TLR4 agonists that proved to have a less systemic inflammatory response than LPS also protected against allergic asthma development. TLR4 agonists co-adsorbed with allergen onto Alum down modulate Th2 immunity and prevent the development of polarized T cell-mediated airway inflammation. Thus, our work clarifies the effect of TLR4 signaling in allergic sensitization and indicates that TLR4 agonists with low toxicity might be useful for down regulating the pro-Th2 adjuvant activity of alum and consequently decrease the induction of allergy.

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