Spelling suggestions: "subject:"toxikologie.""
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Ecotoxicological effects from three antifouling paints on the red macroalga Ceramium tenuicorne.Krantz-Frid, Madelene January 2009 (has links)
Antifouling paints are applied on vessels to prevent growth of fouling organisms such hasbarnacles. Presently, there are a number of different paints available on the Swedish marketwith different strategies and active substances. The paints might work by either continuouslyreleasing biocides or physically by peeling off or provide an easily cleansed surface whereorganisms cannot attach. The physically working paints do not need to register an activesubstance since its purpose is not to affect living organisms by a chemical or biological modeof action. In this study, two commercially available paints, the copper-based Fabi 3959(International Paint Ltd) and physically eroding, biocide-free labelled Mille Light (HempelFärg AB) were compared to Hard Racing superior, containing copper and the forbiddensubstance Tributyltin. Fabi International is only allowed to be used on the Swedish west coastdue to 6% added as active substance while the biocide-free Mille Light is eligible for eastcoast usage. The toxic effect from respective paint was investigated by assembling a growthinhibition test with the red macro alga Ceramium tenuicorne. The results show that all thestudied paints had a negative effect on growth and therefore leaked substances inconcentrations high enough to be harmful to the alga. The toxic response differed with theeffect on growth being in the following order, Hard racing superior>Fabi >Mille Light.Implications regarding the current legalization involving biocide-free labelled antifoulingpaints are discussed.
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Dietary intake estimations of brominated flame retardants for Swedish childrenLindström, Jonna January 2008 (has links)
The dietary intake of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) have been estimated for Swedish children. A dietary survey performed in 2003, including 4, 8-9 and 11-12 year olds, and concentrations in individual food items were combined. The food included in the study was mainly of animal origin, consisting of fish and shellfish, dairy products, meat products, eggs, animal and vegetable fats and fats from miscellaneous food products. The medium-bound intake of PBDEs (9 congeners) were estimated to 23.0 ng/day, 30.9 ng/day and 27.7 ng/day for 4, 8-9 and 11-12 years olds respectively. The corresponding estimations for HBCD were 7.94 ng/day 10.7 ng/day and 9.46 ng/day for 4, 8-9 and 11-12 years olds respectively. These results show a higher daily intake for 8-9 year olds compared with the other age groups. However, when estimating the daily intake per kg bw, the intake decreases with age. BDE-47 contributed the most to the total intake of PBDEs, with approximately 40%. The food group contributing the most to the intake of PBDEs and HBCD was fish and shellfish, of which non-Baltic fatty fish was the largest contributor. There were no considerable differences between boys and girls in any of the aspects examined. The result from this study show a lower intake of PBDEs and HBCD in Swedish children compared with children in other studies made in Europe and the United States. / Bromerade flamskyddsmedel används för att skydda brännbara material från att fatta eld, till exempel skyddas textilier och plaster i bland annat elektronik, fordon och möbler. Två typer av bromerade flamskyddsmedel är polybromerade difenyletrar (PBDE) och hexabromocyklododekan (HBCD). Dessa är additiva flamskyddsmedel och blandas i materialet som ska skyddas men binder inte in i produkten och kan därför lätt läcka ut i miljön, vilket också har skett. Halter har påträffats i miljön och i biota långt från plaster där ämnena produceras eller används. PBDE och HBCD har visats ha hormonstörande och neurotoxiska effekter i studier på råtta och mus. Thyroxinnivåerna sjunker vid exponering av PBDE och HBCD, vilket skulle kunna leda till sköldkörtelproblem och störd utveckling av bland annat hjärnan om exponering sker perinatalt. De neurotoxiska effekterna inkluderar inlärnings- och minnessvårigheter och ett förändrat beteende med hyper- och hypoaktivitet som följd. Human exponering för PBDE och HBCD sker främst via födan och speciellt via animaliska produkter då dessa ämnen är lipofila, bioackumulerande och ofta biomagnifierande vilket gör att de påträffas i högre koncentrationer högre upp i trofinivåerna. Studier från bland annat Sverige och Finland visar att fisk och skaldjur är den största källan till intag av PBDE. De flesta intagsberäkningar av PBDE och HBCD baseras på livsmedelskonsumtionen hos vuxna och visar följaktligen endast hur intaget ser ut för den delen av populationen. För barn, som är en av de känsligaste grupperna i populationen, finns inte många studier att tillgå, varken från Sverige eller andra delar av världen. I den här studien har därför intaget av PBDE (summan av 9 kongener) och HBCD beräknats för barn i Sverige. I en rikstäckande kostundersökning utförd 2003 deltog barn i åldrarna 4, 8-9 och 11-12 år. De fick i en matdagbok ange sin konsumtion under fyra på varandra följande dagar. Data från denna undersökning kombinerades sedan med haltdata från olika livsmedel för att räkna ut intaget av PBDE och HBCD på individbasis. Undersökningen innefattade främst animaliska livsmedel och innehöll därför fisk och skaldjur, mejeriprodukter, köttprodukter, ägg, animaliskt och vegetabiliskt fett och fett från övriga livsmedel. Resultaten visar att födointaget av PBDE var 23,0 ng/dag, 30,9 ng/dag och 27,7 ng/dag för 4, 8-9 respektive 11-12 åringar. Intaget av HBCD beräknades till 7,94 ng/dag, 10,7 ng/dag och 9,46 ng/dag för 4, 8-9 respektive 11-12 åringar. Detta visar att 8-9 åringar har det högsta dagliga intaget av PBDE och HBCD. När intaget beräknas på kroppsvikt däremot, har de yngsta barnen det högsta intaget som sedan sjunker med åldern. Fisk och skaldjur var den största källan till intaget av PBDE och HBCD, trots att konsumtionen av dessa livsmedel var relativt lågt. Det fanns ingen större skillnad mellan pojkar och flickor, varken i intag av PBDE eller av HBCD. Jämfört med de få studier som gjorts i andra länder, är det tydligt att svenska barn har ett lägre intag av PBDE och HBCD. Undersökningen tyder också på att intaget av PBDE och HBCD hos svenska barn, utifrån de kunskaper vi har idag, inte utgör någon risk med avseende på de effekter av PBDE och HBCD som påträffats i toxikologiska studier. Däremot är barn i ett känsligt skede i livet och upprepad exponering samt exponering för flera miljögifter samtidigt skulle kunna påverka deras utveckling negativt.
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Assessment of zebrafish embryo toxicity of environmentally relevant antibioticsMastrangeli, Ophelia January 2021 (has links)
Antibiotics are essential drugs in modern medicine. After consumption antibiotics are excreted in unmetabolized form in the urine and reach our sewage treatment plants (STP). STP are not able to degrade all antibiotics leading to release of antibiotics into the aquatic environment. Aquatic animals are thus continuously exposed to antibiotics. This study involved assessment of the toxicity of eight antibiotics previously detected in the river Fyrisån, Uppsala, Sweden, in developing zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos up to day six of age. The experiments included assessment of embryonal toxicity for the individual antibiotics as well as mixtures of all antibiotics. The mixtures were based on previously measured concentrations in river Fyrisån and tested in increasing concentrations up to 1000-times higher concentrations. In the toxicity assessment different lethal and sublethal endpoints were observed, such as early movements, heart rate, hatching time and length. These experiments were followed by behaviour study observing the swimming activity during alternating dark-light alternations. Lastly, a bioaccumulation study was performed on mixtures of antibiotics to determine if these antibiotics were bioaccumulative in zebrafish embryos. The results showed that these eight antibiotics, individually and as a mixture did not affect any of the endpoints. As for bioaccumulation, none of the eight antibiotics were bioaccumulating in zebrafish embryos. These antibiotics seem to be non-toxic during fish embryonal development. However, the results cannot determine the long-term effects of antibiotic exposure and thus further studies are needed to assess the potential toxicity of environmentally present antibiotics to fish.
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Functional characterization of the SLC38 transporters SNAT6, SNAT8 and SNAT10 using CRISPR-Cas9 knockout in vitroHolmberg, Alfred January 2020 (has links)
There are currently over 430 known SLC transporters, over 30% of which have an unknown function. Compared to other transporter gene families, the SLC genes are relatively understudied with many orphan genes. SLC transporters have a high disease relevance and can be associated with many different diseases like gout, type 2 diabetes and different forms of cancer. SLC transporters also appear to be very druggable, thus offering a rare opportunity of an underexplored gene family, that can be linked to many diseases and seem to have a general druggability with small organic molecules. This thesis is evaluating three specific SLC transporters of the SLC38 family to discover their different roles and purposes. In this project CRISPR-Cas9 is used to knockout three SLC38 transporters, called SNAT6, SNAT8 and SNAT10. The cell-line used is HEK293 cells, as they are easy to transfect and are thought to express the three genes, however it is not certain that they do express the three SNAT genes. The project aims to optimize the method for best possible transfection by trying different protocols. A literature study is done on what the future experiments of the knocked-out cells could be, including; ensuring the HEK293 cells express the three genes, controlling the effectiveness of the transfection and analyzing the result of such a transfection. To confirm that the HEK293 cells do express the three SNATs a western blot assay could be performed. RT-qPCR is found to be useful in evaluating whether the knockouts are successful, by measuring if the three SNAT transporter proteins are present or not in the knocked-out cells. A metabolic analysis study to determine the result of the knockouts is also described as a future experiment. The experimental finding was a CRISPR-Cas9 transfection method that yielded enough RNA, enabling future experiments such as RT-qPCR.
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Using effect-based methods to evaluate the presence of bioactive compounds in food contact materials made of paper and cardboardWänn, Mimmi January 2021 (has links)
Food contact materials are materials that are intended to come into contact with food, and we are exposed to different types of chemicals that exist in the packages on a daily basis. In this study, a battery of effect‑based in vitro cellular bioassays was used to evaluate the presence of bioactive compounds in commonly used food contact materials made of paper and cardboard, retrieved from the Swedish market. Sample extracts were tested at concentrations 0.3, 1, 3 and 10 mg food contact material/mL cell culture medium. The use of effect-based bioassays allowed for screening of multiple health-relevant endpoints in a non-targeted approach. Hence, taking unknown substances and mixtures into consideration when addressing potential toxicity of the materials. In essence, detection of bioactivity could be considered as moderate to high in assays of positive effects. Antiandrogenic and antiestrogenic effects were found in 72% of the samples, followed by 47% bioactivity in the Nrf2 assay. No androgenic effect was detected. Usage of effect-based bioassays allows for high sensitivity and low detection limits, and these can be used as a first approach to evaluate package materials to ensure the safety of consumers. / Livsmedelsförpackningar är material som är avsedda att komma i kontakt med livsmedel. Vi exponeras för olika typer av kemikalier som existerar i dessa förpackningar varje dag. I denna studie användes ett batteri av effektbaserade in vitro bioanalytiska metoder för att undersöka förekomst av bioaktiva ämnen i vanligen använda livsmedelsförpackningar tillverkade av papper och kartong, insamlade från den svenska marknaden. Provextrakten testades i koncentrationerna 0.3, 1, 3 och 10 mg livsmedelsförpackning/mL cellmedium. Att använda effektbaserade bioanalyser möjliggör undersökning av flertalet hälsorelevanta effekter genom en icke-riktad strategi. På så sätt tas okända substanser och komplexa blandningar i beaktande. Andelen bioaktiva prover kan anses måttlig till hög för positiva analyser. Antiandrogena och antiöstrogena effekter detekterades i 72% av proverna, följt av 47% bioaktivitet i Nrf2 analysen. Ingen agonistisk androgen effekt observerades. Att använda effektbaserade bioanalyser möjliggör hög sensitivitet och detektion vid låga koncentrationer, därför kan dessa användas som ett första steg för att evaluera förpackningsmaterial för att säkra konsumenternas hälsa.
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Elevated IgG4 is associated with higher risk for cholangitis, cirrhosis, ERCP and liver-transplantation among patients with primary sclerosing cholangitisCarlsson, Jennifer January 2022 (has links)
Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a rare inflammatory chronic liver disease that causes damage to the intra- and or extrahepatic bile ducts leading to cholestasis. As the disease proceeds the development of cirrhosis and eventually liver failure occurs. This study aims to determine the role of IgG subclasses in the prognosis of PSC and its outcome. A retrospective analysis was performed of 183 patients followed at the Department of Upper Abdominal Diseases at the Karolinska University Hospital. Factors that were analysed were sex, age at PSC diagnosis, total IgG values, IgG subclasses values and events of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), colectomy, cirrhosis, cholangitis, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), liver transplantation and cholangiocarcinoma. This study showed that high IgG4 levels were associated with a higher incidence of cirrhosis, liver transplantation, cholangitis and ERCP, while low IgG4 levels were associated with a prior IBD diagnosis. In conclusion, elevated IgG4 levels were associated with a higher occurrence of cirrhosis, cholangitis, ERCP and liver transplantation. It seems that IgG4 could be of importance for outcome prediction in PSC.
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Selective Retention of β-Carbolines and 7,12-Dimethylbenz[<i>a</i>]anthracene in the Brain : Role of Neuromelanin and Cytochrome P450 for ToxicityÖstergren, Anna January 2005 (has links)
<p>The ß-carbolines norharman and harman structurally resemble the synthetic compound 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) that is known for its ability to damage neuromelanin-containing dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra and thereby induce parkinsonism. MPTP is, however, not normally present in the environment whereas the ß-carbolines are present in cooked food and tobacco smoke. </p><p>In this thesis it was demonstrated that norharman and harman had affinity to melanin and were retained in neuromelanin-containing neurons of frogs up to 30 days post-injection (the longest survival time examined). It was also demonstrated that norharman induced neurodegeneration, activation of glia cells and motor impairment in mice. Furthermore, this compound induced ER stress and cell death in PC12 cells. An in vitro model of dopamine melanin-loaded PC12 cells was developed in order to study the effect of melanin on norharman-induced toxicity. In this model, melanin seemed to attenuate toxicity induced by low concentrations of norharman. After exposure to the highest concentration of norharman, melanin clusters were disaggregated and there was an increased expression of stress proteins and caspases-3, known to be involved in apoptosis.</p><p>The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, 7,12-dimethylbenz[<i>a</i>]anthracene was demonstrated to have a CYP1A1-dependent localization in endothelial cells in the choroid plexus, in the veins in the leptomeninges and in the cerebral veins of mice pre-treated with CYP1-inducers. </p><p>These results demonstrate that the distribution of environmental compounds could be influenced by the presence of neuromelanin and expression of CYP enzymes in the brain and that norharman may induce neurotoxic effects in vivo and in vitro.</p>
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Selective Retention of β-Carbolines and 7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene in the Brain : Role of Neuromelanin and Cytochrome P450 for ToxicityÖstergren, Anna January 2005 (has links)
The ß-carbolines norharman and harman structurally resemble the synthetic compound 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) that is known for its ability to damage neuromelanin-containing dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra and thereby induce parkinsonism. MPTP is, however, not normally present in the environment whereas the ß-carbolines are present in cooked food and tobacco smoke. In this thesis it was demonstrated that norharman and harman had affinity to melanin and were retained in neuromelanin-containing neurons of frogs up to 30 days post-injection (the longest survival time examined). It was also demonstrated that norharman induced neurodegeneration, activation of glia cells and motor impairment in mice. Furthermore, this compound induced ER stress and cell death in PC12 cells. An in vitro model of dopamine melanin-loaded PC12 cells was developed in order to study the effect of melanin on norharman-induced toxicity. In this model, melanin seemed to attenuate toxicity induced by low concentrations of norharman. After exposure to the highest concentration of norharman, melanin clusters were disaggregated and there was an increased expression of stress proteins and caspases-3, known to be involved in apoptosis. The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene was demonstrated to have a CYP1A1-dependent localization in endothelial cells in the choroid plexus, in the veins in the leptomeninges and in the cerebral veins of mice pre-treated with CYP1-inducers. These results demonstrate that the distribution of environmental compounds could be influenced by the presence of neuromelanin and expression of CYP enzymes in the brain and that norharman may induce neurotoxic effects in vivo and in vitro.
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Sperm Membrane Channels, Receptors and Kinematics : Using boar spermatozoa for drug toxicity screeningVicente Carrillo, Alejandro January 2016 (has links)
Internal fertilization usually implies that a spermatozoon, with intact attributes for zygote formation, passes all hurdles during its transport through the female genitalia and reaches the oocyte. During this journey, millions to billions of other spermatozoa perish. Spermatozoa are highly differentiated motile cells without synthetic capabilities. They generate energy via glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation to sustain motility and to maintain the stability and functionality of their plasma membrane. In vivo, they spend their short lifespan bathing in female genital tract fluids of different origins, or are in vitro exposed to defined media during diverse sperm handling i.e. extension, cryopreservation, in vitro fertilization, etc. Being excitable cells, spermatozoa respond in vivo to various stimuli during pre-fertilization (capacitation, hyperactivation, oocyte location) and fertilization (acrosome reaction, interaction with the oocyte) events, mediated via diverse membrane ion-conducting channels and ligand-gated receptors. The present Thesis has mapped the presence and reactivity (sperm intactness and kinematics) of selected receptors, water and ion channels in ejaculated boar spermatozoa. The final aim was to find a relevant alternative cell type for in vitro bioassays that could ease the early scrutiny of candidate drugs as well as decreasing our needs for experimental animals according to the 3R principles. Spermatozoa are often extended, cooled and thawed to warrant their availability as fertile gametes for breeding or in vitro testing. Such manipulations stress the cells via osmotic variations and hence spermatozoa need to maintain membrane intactness by controlling the exchange of water and the common cryoprotectant glycerol, via aquaporins (AQPs). Both AQPs-7 and -9 were studied for membrane domain changes in cauda- and ejaculated spermatozoa (un-processed, extended, chilled or frozen-thawed). While AQP-9 maintained location through source and handling, thawing of ejaculated spermatozoa clearly relocated the labelling of AQP-7, thus appearing as a relevant marker for non-empirical studies of sperm cryopreservation. Alongside water, spermatozoa interact with calcium (Ca2+) via the main Ca2+ sperm channel CatSper. Increments in intracellular Ca2+ initiate motility hyperactivation and the acrosome reaction. The four subunits of the CatSper channel were present in boar spermatozoa, mediating changes in sperm motility under in vitro capacitation-inducing conditions (increased extracellular Ca2+ availability and bicarbonate) or challenge by the CatSper antagonists mibefradil and NNC 55-0396. Uterine and oviduct fluids are richest in endogenous opioids as β-endorphins during mating and ovulation. Both μ- and δ- opioid receptors were present in boar spermatozoa modulating sperm motility, as in vitro challenge with known agonists (μ: morphine; δ: DPDPE and κ: U 50488) and antagonists (μ: naloxone; δ: naltrindole and κ: nor-binaltrorphimine) showed that the μ-opioid receptor maintained or increased motility while the δ-opioid receptor mediated decreased motility over time. Finally, boar spermatozoa depicted dose-response effects on sperm kinematics and mitochondrial potential following in vitro challenge with 130 pharmacological drugs and toxic compounds as well as with eight known mito-toxic compounds. In conclusion, boar spermatozoa expressing functional water (AQPs-7 and -9) and ion (CatSper 1-4) channels as well as μ- and δ-opioid receptors are able to adapt to stressful environmental variations, capacitation and pharmacological compounds and drug components. Ejaculated sperm suspensions are easily and painlessly obtained from breeding boars, and are suitable biosensors for in vitro drug-induced testing, complying with the 3R principles of reduction and replacement of experimental animals, during early toxicology screening.
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Development and application of a proteomic approach to the assessment of pollution in the marine environmentApraiz Larrucea, Itxaso January 2009 (has links)
Today, assessment of the health of coastal waters is recognized as being important for both the conservation of nature and well-being of humans. Anthropogenic pollution has been the focus of extensive research for some time and a variety of programs for the monitoring and assessment of environmental pollution have been developed. Determination of the levels of pollution in sensitive ‘sentinels’ such as mussels, allows monitoring of these levels in a given area over a prolonged period of time. Furthermore, the biological effects of pollution are reflected in a series of biomarkers, none of which provides a general picture of the sentinel’s state of health and all of which are individually specific for certain pollutants and influenced by both biotic and abiotic factors. In an attempt to improve biomonitoring of marine pollution, we have developed two proteomic approaches here. In the first portion of the thesis, a proteomic analysis was performed on peroxisomes isolated from mussels exposed either to one of three model anthropogenic pollutants, or two different types of crude oil, or from mussels exposed to the Prestige oil spill. Application of two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) provided protein expression signatures (PES) for exposure to these different pollutants.Furthermore, several individual protein components of these PES could be putatively identified. In the second portion of this work, such analysis of subproteomes was developed further in order to improve the applicability of this approach to biomonitoring. A simple fractionation procedure in combination with liquid chromatography and 2-DE provided samples from mussels residing in different regions of a pollution gradient around the harbor of Gothenburg, as well as from mussels exposed to two types of fuel oil similar to that of the Prestige that were suitable for environmental proteomics. In addition, we constructed a model for this approach that can be cross-validated in the future and applied to assess sources of fuel oil pollution in connection with biomonitoring programs.
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