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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les formes d'accompagnement et de médiation dans le système éducatif congolais : réalités et perspectives / Forms of accompaniment and mediation in the Congolese educational system (DRC) : realities and perspectives

Seruhungo, Désiré 18 September 2018 (has links)
L’enseignement en RDC, favorise une partie des élèves et en désavantage d’autres, parce qu’elle propose à tous les élèves une seule et même voie d’apprentissage, sans tenir compte du style d’apprentissage de chacun. Ce qui explique les échecs et les abandons. C’est le cas des enfants de la rue et des enfants-soldats démobilisés qui, suite au manque d’encadrement, risqueront d’être un danger social. Or ces jeunes, s’ils avaient été orientés vers les structures scolaires correspondant à leurs rythmes et styles d’apprentissage pourraient s’intégrer dans la société. Malheureusement, elles n’existent pas. Pour que le système scolaire soit épanouissant pour tous et chacun, il faudrait que les autorités de la RDC, ouvrent le système scolaire aux nouvelles approches pédagogiques, forment les enseignants, leur donnent un salaire décent, construisent de nouvelles écoles et les équipent. / Education in the DRC (Republic Democratic of Congo) favors some students and disadvantages others because it offers all the students a single learning path, regardless of their learning style. Which explains the failures and the abandonments. This is the case of street and demobilized child soldiers who, due to lack of supervision, may be a social danger.However, if these young people had been oriented towards school structures corresponding to their rhythms and learning styles, they could integrate into society. Unfortunately, they do not exist. For the education system that benefiting everyone, the DRC authorities should open up the school system with new pedagogical approaches, train teachers, give them a good salary, build new schools and equip them.

A reestruturação da orla ferroviária de Jundiaí : requalificação urbana e infraestrutura de transportes

Liboni, Rodrigo Seixas 23 March 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:22:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rodrigo Seixas Liboni.pdf: 21275527 bytes, checksum: 3836e912ddd1849436a7024fe010f80e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-23 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / The theme for this research includes the analysis of the role that urban contemporary interventions and mobility networks play on urban renewal of railway line districts and terminal stations in urban centers, having the case of the Jundiaí Station as the object of study. The Station is located in the namesake city of Jundiaí, in the state of São Paulo, and there are proposals, plans and projects regarding it, which have been under development by the City Hall and the CPTM (Paulista Company of Metropolitan Trains) since the early 2010's. This study is based on the fact that promoting urban development is not only supported by the application of local public policies - shown through the employment of the instrument of the Concerted Urban Operations - but also by the proper conception of its transportation networks. A case study about the city of Jundiaí and its railway line district was developed throughout the work, analysing the interdependence relationship between the city's demographic, economic and territorial expansion, and its location as a regional center with access to diferent mobility networks. The southeastern sector of the city is home to a still operational terminal rail station built in the nineteenth century. This sector is a strong candidate to receive one of the train stops from a more modern system; the regional train; as proposed by the government of the State of São Paulo, to link the state's main centralities, and a concerted urban operation, promoted by local administration. These measures aim to potentially enhance this currently underused area, turning it into an important focal point of local, regional, and even global dynamics in the region. In order to aid the understanding of the study, this essay will analyse urban interventions in other cities, which have reached the status of "centrality" due to adequate providing of transportation infrastructure, focusing on evaluate the efficiency of the public policies applied in these cases in providing social and urban improvements. The reference cases used here are: the Água Branca Urban Operation, in São Paulo; the Tamanduatehy River Axis Project, in Santo André; and the ZAC Paris Rive Gauche, in Paris, France. These cases may be added to the theoretical framework developed throughout the research and thus, provide the basis for a critical analysis of the urban operation and mobility network proposals presented for the so-called area of Jundiaí. / O tema desta pesquisa envolve a análise do papel de intervenções urbanas contemporâneas e infraestruturas de mobilidade na requalificação urbanística de orlas ferroviárias e estações terminais em centros urbanos, tendo como objeto de estudo o caso da Estação Jundiaí, situada em cidade de mesmo nome do Estado de São Paulo, para a qual estão sendo desenvolvidas propostas, planos e projetos por parte da prefeitura municipal e da CPTM desde o início da década de 2010. Esta pesquisa assume como premissa o fato de que a promoção do desenvolvimento urbano pode se apoiar tanto na aplicação de políticas públicas locais, manifestas principalmente através do emprego do instrumento das Operações Urbanas Consorciadas, quanto na adequada concepção de suas redes de transporte. Ao longo deste trabalho foi desenvolvido um estudo de caso sobre o referido município e sua orla ferroviária, analisando a interdependência de sua expansão demográfica, econômica e territorial com seu posicionamento regional e acesso a diferentes redes de mobilidade. O setor Sudeste desta cidade, que conta com uma estação ferroviária terminal construída no século XIX ainda em operação, pode vir a receber uma nova parada de uma rede mais moderna de transporte ferroviário, o sistema de Trens Regionais proposto pelo Governo do Estado de São Paulo para interligar suas principais centralidades, e uma Operação Urbana Consorciada promovida pela administração local. Estas medidas teriam potencial para promover esta área subutilizada, transformando-a em importante ponto de convergência de dinâmicas locais, metropolitanas e globais em sua região. Para amparar esse entendimento esta dissertação analisará intervenções urbanas em outras cidades e regiões, que foram alçadas à condição de centralidade em função da provisão de infraestruturas de transporte, analisando a eficácia das políticas públicas nelas aplicadas a fim de promover melhorias sociais e no espaço construído. Esses casos referenciais são a Operação Urbana Água Branca em São Paulo, o Projeto Eixo Tamanduatehy em Santo André e a ZAC Paris Rive Gauche em Paris, França, os quais, combinados ao quadro teórico construído ao longo da pesquisa, fornecem importante subsídio para uma análise crítica das propostas de operação urbana e de infraestrutura de mobilidade desenvolvidas para a referida área de Jundiaí.

Spectroscopie Brillouin des micro et nanofils optiques de silice / Brillouin spectroscopy of silica optical micro-nanofibers

Godet, Adrien 19 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat porte sur la conception et la fabrication de microfils optiques de silice par la technique de fusion et d'étirage de fibres optiques standards, ainsi qu'une étude détaillée de leurs propriétés élastiques par spectroscopie Brillouin. Nous apportons une description complète, théorique et expérimentale, des spectres Brillouin rétro-diffusés par les microfils, révélant ainsi l'existence de plusieurs familles d'ondes élastiques, telles que les ondes hybrides et surfacique, ainsi que de nombreux anti-croisements. En exploitant l'ensemble de ces propriétés élastiques, nous démontrons ensuite une technique de mesure optique, simple et non-destructive, du diamètre des microfils et de leur uniformité, avec une très grande précision et une sensibilité de quelques nanomètres, comparable aux techniques conventionnelles comme la microscopie par balayage électronique. Nous réalisons en supplément une cartographie des ondes élastiques le long des microfils optiques par la technique de corrélation Brillouin de phase. Une autre étude majeure de cette thèse a porté sur la dépendance du spectre Brillouin en fonction d'une déformation axiale des microfils optiques qui présentent une très grande élasticité et des coefficients de contraintes élevés. Pour la première fois à notre connaissance, nous avons observé l’effet des non-linéaritiés des constantes élastiques de la silice dans un microfil optique fortement déformé sur les coefficients de contraintes. L'ensemble de ces travaux représente une étude fondamentale du processus de diffusion Brillouin dans les microfils optiques et permet également d'ouvrir la voie aux développements de dispositifs photoniques compacts dans le domaine des capteurs et des télécommunications. / This thesis reports the design and fabrication of subwavelength-diameter silica optical fibers, also known as optical micro and nanowires. These hair-like slivers of glass, manufactured by tapering optical fibers down to a size hundred times smaller than a strand of human hair, have a number of optical and mechanical properties that make them very attractive for both fundamental physics and technological applications. In addition to providing strong light confinement and enhanced nonlinear optical effects, they exhibit a large evanescent field, enabling applications not currently possible with comparatively bulky optical fibers.We here explore their elastic properties through Brillouin spectroscopy. We specifically provide a complete description, both theoretically and experimentally, of the backward Brillouin spectra including the observation of both bulk hybrid and surface acoustic waves with many anti-crossings. A very good agreement is found between numerical simulations of the elastodynamics equation and the experimental Brillouin spectra for a wide range of wire diameters. From this study, we demonstrate a simple and non-destructive in-situ technique for measuring the diameter of these ultra-thin fibers and their uniformity with a high sensitivity of only a few nanometers. A distributed measurement of both the surface and hybrid acoustic waves along an optical microwire was then performed using Brillouin optical correlation technique. We further investigate the tensile strain dependence of Brillouin scattering in optical microwires and report, for the first time to our knowledge, evidence of a strong elasticity and non-linearity of the elastic constants of silica. This thesis therefore demonstrates that optical microwires can find various potential applications for strain optical sensing.

Manipulation et refroidissement par évaporation forcée d'ensembles atomiques ultra-froids pour la production d'un jet intense dans le régime de dégénérescence quantique : vers l'obtention d'un "laser à atomes continu"

Reinaudi, Gael 11 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Ce manuscrit présente différentes études expérimentales qui s'inscrivent dans le cadre d'une recherche dont l'objectif est la réalisation d'un “laser à atomes” continu et intense. Nous commençons par décrire le dispositif expérimental qui permet de mettre en oeuvre le refroidissement par évaporation forcée d'un jet atomique guidé magnétiquement. Le gain observé, d'un facteur 10, sur la densité dans l'espace des phases est limité par la dynamique collisionnelle du jet.<br />Pour améliorer les performances du refroidissement, il apparaît nécessaire de développer de nouvelles techniques expérimentales. Nous détaillons ainsi une nouvelle méthode d'évaporation très efficace, par mise en contact des atomes du jet avec une surface matérielle.<br />Les autres études menées portent sur la production et la manipulation de nuages atomiques ultra-froids. La première consiste à ralentir des paquets atomiques par réflexion sur un miroir magnétique mobile. La seconde permet la capture et le refroidissement d'une succession de paquets atomiques dans un train de pièges de Ioffe-Pritchard. La dernière technique met en oeuvre un piège dipolaire, produit par un faisceau laser de forte puissance, afin de produire puis de mettre en mouvement des paquets atomiques ultra-froids très denses. Nous présentons enfin un nouveau protocole d'imagerie par absorption donnant accès à des mesures quantitatives et précises des nuages atomiques optiquement épais que nous produisons.


Uystepruyst, David 08 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail porte sur le développement d'un code numérique tridimensionnel pour la simulation d'entrées en tunnels de trains à grande vitesse en vue de proposer des solutions afin de réduire les nuisances occasionnées. L'écoulement de l'air est modélisé par les équations d'Euler instationnaires. Ces équations sont discrétisées à l'aide d'une formulation en volumes finis et résolues grâce à un schéma solveur de Riemann approché, d'ordre supérieur, particulièrement adapté à la propagation d'ondes. Pour gérer le mouvement relatif du train par rapport au tunnel, une méthode de maillage glissant est utilisée avec un traitement conservatif des faces aux niveaux des jonctions de maillages. Le domaine est ainsi décomposé en plusieurs sous-domaines, maillés indépendamment avec un mailleur cartésien automatique basé sur un maillage surfacique triangulaire. Pour réduire le domaine, et donc le temps de calcul, et accélérer la stabilisation de l'écoulement avant l'entrée du train, des conditions aux limites non réflectives sont implémentées. La méthodologie est validée sur plusieurs cas tests. Une étude paramétrique de l'influence d'un auvent à l'entrée du tunnel sur le gradient de l'onde de compression pression initiale est effectuée. Les paramètres de cette étude sont la forme, la longueur et la section de l'auvent. Enfin, l'effet d'ouvertures dans l'auvent est simulé.

La restructuration des chemins de fer en Europe occidentale : les conséquences de la libéralisation des chemins de fer sur l'entreprise ferroviaire et les rôles de l'Etat dans le transport ferroviaire

Yang, Keun-Yul 15 October 1997 (has links) (PDF)
En 1991, pour rendre les transports ferroviaires efficaces et compétitifs par rapport aux autres modes de transport, le Conseil européen a approuvé la directive 91/440. Cette directive prévoit essentiellement 4 grands principes : l'indépendance des chemins de fer sur le plan de la gestion, la séparation entre la gestion de l'infrastructure et les opérations de transport, l'amélioration de la situation financière des chemins de fer nationaux, la liberté d'accès à l'infrastructure ferroviaire. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse s'organise autour d'une question centrale : quelles sont les nouvelles conditions organisationnelles, techniques, économiques et réglementaires dans lesquelles doit désormais évoluer le transport ferroviaire européen ? L'étude se base sur une analyse multicritère. Cette analyse traite les réformes produites dans 3 pays de l'Europe communautaire : l'Allemagne, la France et la Grande-Bretagne. Elle est complétée par l’étude de la réforme suédoise et celle de la restructuration japonaise.

Energy Consumption and Running Time for Trains : modelling of running resistance and driver behaviour based on full scale testing

Lukaszewicz, Piotr January 2001 (has links)
The accuracy in determined energy consumption and runningtime of trains, by means of computer simulation, is dependent upon the various models used. This thesis aims at developing validated models of running resistance, train and of a generaldriver, all based on full scale testing. A partly new simple methodology for determining running resistance, called by energy coasting method is developed and demonstrated. An error analysis for this methodis performed. Running resistance of high speed train SJ X2000, conventional loco hauled passenger trains and freight trains is systematically parameterised. Influence of speed, number of axles, axle load, track type, train length,and train configuration is studied. A model taking into account the ground boundary layer for determining the influence ofmeasured head and tail wind is developed. Different factors and parameters of a train, that are vital for the accuracy in computed energy consumption and runningtime are identified, analysed and finally synthesized into a train model. Empirical models of the braking and the traction system, including the energy efficiency, are developed for the electrical locomotive of typeSJ Rc4, without energy regeneration. Driver behaviour is studied for freight trains and a couple of driving describing parametersare proposed. An empirical model of freight train driver behaviour is developed from fullscale testing and observations. A computer program, a simulator, is developed in Matlabcode, making use of the determined runningresistance and the developed models of train and driver. The simulator calculates the energy consumption and running time ofa single train. Comparisons between simulations and corresponding measurements are made. Finally, the influence of driving on energy consumption and running time is studied and demonstrated in some examples. The main conclusions are that: The method developed for determining running resistanceis quite simple and accurate. It can be used on any train andon any track. The running resistance of tested trains includes some interesting knowledge which is partly believed to be new. Mechanical running resistance is less than proportional to the actual axle load. Air drag increases approximately linearly with train length and the effect of measured head and tail wind on the air drag can be calculated if the groundboundary layer is considered. The developed train model, including running resistance, traction, braking etc. is quite accurate, as verified for the investigated trains. The driver model together with the train model insimulations, is verified against measurements and shows good agreement for energy consumption and running time. It is recommended to use a driver model, when calculating energy consumption and running times for trains. Otherwise, the energy consumption will most likely be over-estimated.This has been demonstrated for Swedish ordinary freighttrains. / QC 20100526

Structures in underground facilities : Analysis of a Concrete Column’s Capacity to Withstand Extraordinary Fire Loads / Konstruktioner i undermarksanläggningar : Analys av en betongpelares förmåga att motstå extraordinär belastning vid brand

Andersson, Anna, Carlson, Eva-Sara January 2012 (has links)
The report present a Master of Science in engineering work carried out at Mälardalen’s University, made this work within the research project METRO. The work is a part of the research project METRO. The focus of the METRO project is on the protection of underground rail mass transport systems e.g. tunnels and subways stations. The aim with this work was to determine if a concrete column placed close to the tracks at a subway station can withstand the effect and temperature of a fire in a burning train comparable to the effects and temperatures that showed at the full scale test carried out within the METRO project. A literature review was made previous to the following case study. The results from this show that the column is negligible affected by the fire. / METRO project 2009-2012

Les grans infrastructures de transport i el desenvolupament de la ciutat mitjana. El Tren d'Alta Velocitat a les ciutats de Lleida, Avinyó i Novara

Feliu i Torrent, Jaume 11 February 2005 (has links)
L'objectiu central de la tesi és estudiar els processos que permeten aconseguir un desenvolupament local a llarg termini de les ciutats mitjanes a partir de la implantació d'una gran infrastructura com el Tren d'Alta Velocitat (TAV). Es parteix de la hipòtesi que el desenvolupament local urbà a partir del TAV depèn de factors objectius i de factors subjectius (dels subjectes), uns factors que prenen una forma particular en el desenvolupament de les ciutats mitjanes. La tesi es divideix en una primera part teòrica i segona de més aplicada.Diversos autors han arribat a la conclusió que la relació tradicional que s'ha donat entre les infrastructures de transport i territori parteix d'uns paradigmes deterministes, que s'exemplifiquen amb una relació de "causa-efecte". Per aquest motiu, s'han criticat els estudis sobre els efectes socioeconòmics de les infrastructures de transport, així com el mateix concepte d'"efecte". Aquesta crítica es repeteix els estudis sobre el TAV i les ciutats mitjanes, que arriben a la conclusió que el desenvolupament econòmic no és un fet automàtic i que no es poden predir les conseqüències a mig i llarg termini del TAV.El desenvolupament local a partir del TAV, doncs, estaria relacionat amb tres elements principals. En primer lloc, entendre que la ciutat -i el territori- és un fenomen complex i, com a tal, cal abordar-lo des de la teoria dels sistemes complexos. En segon lloc, la gran infrastructura ha de convertir-se en un recurs endogen (interconnexió amb la xarxa local d'actors i territorialització en el milieu de la ciutat) per a que pugui contribuir al desenvolupament. En tercer lloc, la dinàmica de governance dels actors és primordial, i es divideix en la gestió interna de la xarxa local (projecte local) i la gestió multinivell de les administracions.En base als referents teòrics, es construeix una metodologia per avaluar el grau de desenvolupament local que ha comportat el TAV en tres ciutats mitjanes de l'arc mediterrani europeu, Lleida, Avinyó i Novara, situades respectivament a Espanya, França i Itàlia. La metodologia preveu l'estudi d'aspectes tècnics de la ciutat com els de transport (Posició territorial de la ciutat a partir del TAV, Característiques de l'estació TAV), urbanístics (Model urbanístic a escala municipal/urbana, Model urbanístic a escala de l'estació) i econòmics (Diferents projectes econòmics de la ciutat relacionats amb el TAV). També preveu l'estudi d'aspectes organitzatius externs (Els agents supralocals i els seus projectes, Grau de conflictivitat i cooperació en les relacions dels agents locals i supralocals) i interns (Capacitat de creació d'un projecte de ciutat a partir del TAV, Agents que participen en el projecte local i la seva dinàmica, Àmbit territorial dels projectes). Finalment s'efectua una avaluació del procés i dels resultats del desenvolupament local.Com a conclusió es demostra que el procés de desenvolupament local a partir de les grans infrastructures de transport depèn, en bon part, de la capacitat de governance. Depèn, per un cantó, de la capacitat dels agents locals d'elaborar un projecte de desenvolupament i liderar unes estratègies d'aprofitament i, de l'altre, de la capacitat dels agents del territori (estatals, regionals, locals) de crear aliances i cooperació per planificar la infrastructura de transport. Finalment es presenten un seguit de recomanacions a les ciutats que volen planificar l'arribada del TAV per a que contribueixi a un desenvolupament amb les característiques d'eficàcia, sostenibilitat, productivitat i equitat. / The central goal of this thesis is to study the processes that allow to achieve a long-term local development of medium-sized towns from the implantation of a great infrastructure like High Speed Train (HST). Is started from the hypothesis that the urban local development from the HST depends on objective factors and on subjective factors (of subjects), some factors that take a particular form in the development of medium-sized towns. The thesis is divided into a theoretical part and a second applied part. Several authors have concluded that the traditional relationship between transport infrastructures and territory departs of some deterministic paradigms, such a cause-effect relation. For this motive, they have criticized the studies of socioeconomic effects of transport infrastructures, as well as the concept of "effect". These criticisms are made as well to the relation between HST and medium-sized towns. Many authors conclude that economic development is not an automatic fact and that consequences of HST can not be predicted in half and long term.Local development from the HST, then, would be related to three main elements. First, we need to understand that city and territory are complex phenomenons and, for this, it is necessary to approach them from the theory of complex systems. Second, the great infrastructure has to become an endogenous resource (interconnection with the local network of actors and territorialisation in the milieu of the city) to contribute to development. Third, dynamics of governance between actors is fundamental. It can be divided into internal management of local network (local project) and multilevel management of administrations.With regard to theoretical referents, a methodology is constructed to estimate the degree of local development that has entailed HST in three medium-sized towns of European Mediterranean arch, Lleida, Avingnon and Novara, placed respectively in Spain, France and Italy. The methodology proposes the study of technical aspects of the city like those of transport (Territorial position of the city in HST system, Characteristics of HST station), urban planning (Municipal urban planning model, Urban planning model at scale of station) and economy (Different economic projects of the city related to HST). It also proposes the study of external organizational aspects (Supra-local agents and their projects, Degree of conflictivity and cooperation between local and supra-local agents) and internal (Capacity of creation of a local project from HST, Agents that participate in local project and their dynamics, Territorial area of projects). Finally it is made an evaluation of process and results on local development.As a conclusion it is demonstrated that process of local development from great transport infrastructures depends, basically, on the capacity of governance. It depends, on one side, on the capacity of local agents to elaborate a development project and to lead some strategies and, on the other side, on the capacity of territorial agents (state, region, local) to create alliances and cooperation to planning the transport infrastructure. Finally, some recommendations are presented to the cities that want to plan the arrival of the HST and want to produce development with characteristics of efficiency, sustainability, productivity and equity.

Development of a multimodal port freight transportation model for estimating container throughput

Gbologah, Franklin Ekoue 08 July 2010 (has links)
Computer based simulation models have often been used to study the multimodal freight transportation system. But these studies have not been able to dynamically couple the various modes into one model; therefore, they are limited in their ability to inform on dynamic system level interactions. This research thesis is motivated by the need to dynamically couple the multimodal freight transportation system to operate at multiple spatial and temporal scales. It is part of a larger research program to develop a systems modeling framework applicable to freight transportation. This larger research program attempts to dynamically couple railroad, seaport, and highway freight transportation models. The focus of this thesis is the development of the coupled railroad and seaport models. A separate volume (Wall 2010) on the development of the highway model has been completed. The model railroad and seaport was developed using Arena® simulation software and it comprises of the Ports of Savannah, GA, Charleston, NC, Jacksonville, FL, their adjacent CSX rail terminal, and connecting CSX railroads in the southeastern U.S. However, only the simulation outputs for the Port of Savannah are discussed in this paper. It should be mentioned that the modeled port layout is only conceptual; therefore, any inferences drawn from the model's outputs do not represent actual port performance. The model was run for 26 continuous simulation days, generating 141 containership calls, 147 highway truck deliveries of containers, 900 trains, and a throughput of 28,738 containers at the Port of Savannah, GA. An analysis of each train's trajectory from origin to destination shows that trains spend between 24 - 67 percent of their travel time idle on the tracks waiting for permission to move. Train parking demand analysis on the adjacent shunting area at the multimodal terminal seems to indicate that there aren't enough containers coming from the port because the demand is due to only trains waiting to load. The simulation also shows that on average it takes containerships calling at the Port of Savannah about 3.2 days to find an available dock to berth and unload containers. The observed mean turnaround time for containerships was 4.5 days. This experiment also shows that container residence time within the port and adjacent multimodal rail terminal varies widely. Residence times within the port range from about 0.2 hours to 9 hours with a mean of 1 hour. The average residence time inside the rail terminal is about 20 minutes but observations varied from as little as 2 minutes to a high of 2.5 hours. In addition, about 85 percent of container residence time in the port is spent idle. This research thesis demonstrates that it is possible to dynamically couple the different sub-models of the multimodal freight transportation system. However, there are challenges that need to be addressed by future research. The principal challenge is the development of a more efficient train movement algorithm that can incorporate the actual Direct Traffic Control (DTC) and / or Automatic Block Signal (ABS) track segmentation. Such an algorithm would likely improve the capacity estimates of the railroad network. In addition, future research should seek to reduce the high computational cost imposed by a discrete process modeling methodology and the adoption of single container resolution level for terminal operations. A methodology combining both discrete and continuous process modeling as proposed in this study could lessen computational costs and lower computer system requirements at a cost of some of the feedback capabilities of the model This tradeoff must be carefully examined.

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