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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of a multimodal port freight transportation model for estimating container throughput

Gbologah, Franklin Ekoue 08 July 2010 (has links)
Computer based simulation models have often been used to study the multimodal freight transportation system. But these studies have not been able to dynamically couple the various modes into one model; therefore, they are limited in their ability to inform on dynamic system level interactions. This research thesis is motivated by the need to dynamically couple the multimodal freight transportation system to operate at multiple spatial and temporal scales. It is part of a larger research program to develop a systems modeling framework applicable to freight transportation. This larger research program attempts to dynamically couple railroad, seaport, and highway freight transportation models. The focus of this thesis is the development of the coupled railroad and seaport models. A separate volume (Wall 2010) on the development of the highway model has been completed. The model railroad and seaport was developed using Arena® simulation software and it comprises of the Ports of Savannah, GA, Charleston, NC, Jacksonville, FL, their adjacent CSX rail terminal, and connecting CSX railroads in the southeastern U.S. However, only the simulation outputs for the Port of Savannah are discussed in this paper. It should be mentioned that the modeled port layout is only conceptual; therefore, any inferences drawn from the model's outputs do not represent actual port performance. The model was run for 26 continuous simulation days, generating 141 containership calls, 147 highway truck deliveries of containers, 900 trains, and a throughput of 28,738 containers at the Port of Savannah, GA. An analysis of each train's trajectory from origin to destination shows that trains spend between 24 - 67 percent of their travel time idle on the tracks waiting for permission to move. Train parking demand analysis on the adjacent shunting area at the multimodal terminal seems to indicate that there aren't enough containers coming from the port because the demand is due to only trains waiting to load. The simulation also shows that on average it takes containerships calling at the Port of Savannah about 3.2 days to find an available dock to berth and unload containers. The observed mean turnaround time for containerships was 4.5 days. This experiment also shows that container residence time within the port and adjacent multimodal rail terminal varies widely. Residence times within the port range from about 0.2 hours to 9 hours with a mean of 1 hour. The average residence time inside the rail terminal is about 20 minutes but observations varied from as little as 2 minutes to a high of 2.5 hours. In addition, about 85 percent of container residence time in the port is spent idle. This research thesis demonstrates that it is possible to dynamically couple the different sub-models of the multimodal freight transportation system. However, there are challenges that need to be addressed by future research. The principal challenge is the development of a more efficient train movement algorithm that can incorporate the actual Direct Traffic Control (DTC) and / or Automatic Block Signal (ABS) track segmentation. Such an algorithm would likely improve the capacity estimates of the railroad network. In addition, future research should seek to reduce the high computational cost imposed by a discrete process modeling methodology and the adoption of single container resolution level for terminal operations. A methodology combining both discrete and continuous process modeling as proposed in this study could lessen computational costs and lower computer system requirements at a cost of some of the feedback capabilities of the model This tradeoff must be carefully examined.

Transports publics et structuration de l'espace périurbain : méthode d'aide à la décision pour l'implantation d'un tram-train. <br />Exemple d'application de Grenoble à Crolles <br />(moyenne vallée du Grésivaudan).

Bouhet, Olivier 08 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Nous présentant ici la réalisation d'une méthode d'aide à la décision pour l'implantation d'un système de tram-train. L'approche proposée repose sur l'utilisation couplée des Systèmes d'Information Géographique (SIG) et des Analyses Multi-critères (AMC). Elle cherche à déterminer, à travers l'identification de facteurs et de contraintes, des zones pouvant recevoir un système de tram-train (voie, ligne, arrêts, pôles d'échanges...) sur un territoire donné et la pertinence de ce dispositif.<br />L'application de la méthode sur la ville de Grenoble et la zone périurbaine de la moyenne vallée du Grésivaudan sert de test de validation.

La nouvelle prédominance du mode partenariat public-privé dans la production de tramways au Canada

Villeneuve, Dominic 18 September 2013 (has links)
Afin de comprendre pourquoi tous les nouveaux projets de tramways en cours de développement au Canada sont réalisés en mode partenariat public-privé (PPP) plutôt que grâce au mode traditionnel (gestion publique) utilisé par le passé, cette recherche porte sur trois projets de tramways présentement en cours de réalisation (Edmonton, Ottawa et Toronto). À l’aide de trois études de cas, nous explorons l’argumentaire entourant chacune des décisions menant au choix du mode de gouvernance PPP ainsi que la forme prise par ce PPP. Nous démontrons que dans tous les cas, il est possible d’observer les mécanismes du transfert de politique, tant volontaire que coercitif. Nous croyons que le transfert de politique peut donc fournir un élément de réponse à notre question. De plus, l’argumentaire utilisé par les acteurs locaux pour justifier le choix du mode PPP, bien que semblable sur plusieurs points, comporte tout de même une combinaison de justifications unique à chacun des cas, ce qui nous laisse croire que le PPP est un instrument de politique polyvalent. Ces constats démontrent l’intérêt de prendre en considération les transferts de politique au niveau municipal et non seulement les transferts qui prennent place entre les États nationaux. To understand why all new light rail projects under development in Canada are carried out in public-private partnership (P3) rather than through the traditional mode (public administration) that prevailed in the past, this research explores three light rail projects currently underway in Edmonton, Ottawa and Toronto. We study the arguments surrounding each decision leading to the choice of P3 governance. We show that in all cases, it is possible to observe the mechanisms of policy transfer, whether voluntary or coercive. Moreover, the argument used by local actors to justify the choice of P3, although similar in several respects, still forms a unique combination of justifications for each case, which leads us to believe that P3s are a versatile policy instrument. These findings demonstrate the importance of taking into account policy transfer at the municipal level and not only transfers that take place between national states.

Minimising track degradation through managing vehicle/track interaction

Hawari, Haitham M. January 2007 (has links)
The rate at which a railway track deteriorates depends on the response of the track under different static and repeated dynamic forces. These wheel/rail forces lead to imperfections in the rail surface and deviation in track geometry alignment. The wheel/rail forces are dependent upon the quality of maintenance of the characteristics of both train and track. If train components such as wheelsets and suspensions are maintained to a high standard, less dynamic forces are generated at the wheel/rail interface and less damage is caused over time. Therefore, the amount and cost of maintenance of track are reduced. However, there is little known about how the characteristics of train components affect time-dependent track degradation. Track degradation through deviation of track from its ideal position has the most effect on maintenance costs. Therefore, the present research aims to investigate this track degradation and improve understanding of the effects of train characteristics (such as train mass and speed, suspension stiffness and damping) on railway tracks. The research is conducted by looking into the relationship between wheel/rail forces and track degradation on one hand and between wheel/rail forces and train characteristics on the other hand, with the objective of assisting in managing vehicle/track interaction in order to minimise track degradation. This aim is achieved by investigating the above two relationships to attain the desired relationship between track degradation and train characteristics. The research focuses on wheel/rail vertical forces (both amplitudes and frequencies), vertical track alignment (longitudinal vertical profile), and rail head defects. The study started by collecting wheel/rail vertical forces data in addition to data on vertical track degradation under sustained traffic loads on a heavy haul railway section of track in Central Queensland. Also, five years of degradation and maintenance history data were collected on three other test sections of railway track under variety of traffic conditions and loads in Central Queensland. There were four main analyses of this data employed to probe the study. The first analysis was performed by examining the track degradation history data. The standard deviation method was used in this first analysis to acquire the rate of deterioration in terms of its relationship to track profile (roughness). The second analysis was accomplished by correlating the vertical wheel/rail forces to both vertical track profile and rail roughness using signal processing principles and a function know as coherence. The third analysis was carried out by using the computer simulation software NUCARS to obtain the link between wheel/rail forces and the deterioration of the vertical track profile. The fourth analysis was achieved by combining the results obtained from the above three analyses to acquire the rate of track deterioration in terms of its relationship to varying train characteristics. The first analysis mentioned above quantified the relationship between the level of roughness of the track and rate at which that roughness deteriorated. An important outcome of this relationship is that there is a threshold of roughness below which track deterioration is minimal. The track maintenance planners can now use that threshold for cost effective targeting of tamping activities. The correlation study between track roughness and wheel/rail forces using the coherence function found, surprisingly, that the overall deterioration of the track roughness, in the absence of frequencies of forces above 30 Hz, is due to the so-called quasi-static lower frequency oscillations of dynamic forces. This conclusion together with the relationship between vehicle characteristics and track forces, established in the analyses above, has significant implications for the design of wagon bogies and for charges track owners might levy on trains using their tracks. This research is part of a larger Rail CRC project 11/4 called 'Enhancing the Optimisation of Maintenance/Renewal' being carried out in the School of Urban Development in Queensland University of Technology.

Du TGV Rhin-Rhône au "Territoire" Rhin-Rhône : réticularité, mobilité et territorialité dans un espace intermédiaire / From the Rhin-Rhône TGV to the Rhin-Rhône "territory" : reticularity, mobility and territoriality in an intermediary space

Carrouet, Guillaume 19 March 2013 (has links)
La grande vitesse ferroviaire, destinée à réduire les distances-temps entre les grandes métropoles françaises et européennes, conduit à inscrire les espaces intermédiaires dans une situation peu favorable. Fortement polarisé par les grands foyers urbains qui l’encadrent, ce type d’espace est généralement réduit à son unique statut d’aire de transit. Pourtant, la branche Est, premier tronçon du projet de LGV Rhin-Rhône, de par sa dimension régionale, constitue le facteur d’émergence d’un processus de territorialisation de l’aire Rhin-Rhône. Ainsi, l’arrivée de la grande vitesse ferroviaire est à l’origine de la création d’un réseau de villes qui s’étend de Dijon à Bâle. Pour répondre à cette problématique territoriale, l’analyse fine des configurations spatiales, enrichie par l’approche des représentations, permet de voir dans quelle mesure l’aire Rhin-Rhône est, à l’heure actuelle, dépourvue d’une dimension territoriale. Ensuite, l’entrée par les configurations des réseaux de transport et les pratiques de mobilité permettent de voir comment le projet de LGV Rhin-Rhône s’insère au sein de l’aire d’étude. Enfin, les trois formes d’appropriation choisies : les jeux d’acteurs dans la définition du tracé, les projets de valorisation et les stratégies de promotion territoriale associées à la nouvelle offre ferroviaire, visent à montrer comment les perceptions des gains d’accessibilité par les acteurs locaux peuvent conduire à inscrire l’aire Rhin-Rhône dans un processus de territorialisation. Cette recherche met en évidence la difficile adaptation de la grande vitesse ferroviaire à la desserte des espaces intermédiaires. La localisation des nouvelles gares TGV en périphérie des agglomérations franc-comtoises et la construction de deux contournements ferroviaires aux extrémités de la LGV, constituent des freins au développement de la grande vitesse régionale, condition pourtant nécessaire au fonctionnement territorial de l’aire Rhin-Rhône. En plus d’être un facteur du renforcement de la situation intermédiaire de l’aire Rhin-Rhône, la branche Est exacerbe les concurrences et rivalités entre territoires. En témoigne la redondance des projets de valorisation destinés à accueillir des activités tertiaires, les agglomérations, séparées seulement d’une centaine de kilomètres, adoptant des stratégies similaires. Si l’analyse de l’insertion de la branche Est au sein de l’aire Rhin-Rhône souligne la rigidité du modèle français à grande vitesse, ce cas d’étude fournit des pistes de réflexion sur l’élaboration des futurs projets de LGV, dont la réalisation sera étroitement dépendante du soutien financier des collectivités territoriales. / High-speed rail, destined to reduce the times-distances between major French and European cities, tends to push intermediary spaces into a rather unfavorable situation. Strongly polarized by the large urban centers that surround them, these intermediary areas are usually reduced to their sole status of transit areas. However, the Eastern tract, the first section of the LGV Rhine-Rhône project, through its regional dimension, constitutes a factor in the emergence of a territorialization process of the Rhine-Rhone area. Thus, the arrival of high speed rail is responsible for the creation of a network of cities that extends from Dijon to Basel.To address this territorial issue, a detailed analysis of spatial patterns, enriched by a representative approach, allows one to realize how devoid of any territorial dimension the Rhine-Rhône area currently is. A subsequent focus on the configurations of the transportation networks and on human-mobility practices shows how the proposed Rhine-Rhône LGV fits into the study area. Finally, the three forms of appropriation strategies selected; the stakeholders’ interactions in the project delineation, the development projects and the territorial promotion strategies associated to the new rail service, are aimed at showing how perceptions of accessibility gains by local stakeholders can lead to the inclusion of the Rhine-Rhone area into a process of territorialization.This research highlights the difficult adaptation of high-speed rail to the service of intermediary spaces. The location of new TGV stations on the outskirts of Franche-Comté cities and the construction of two railway bypasses at the ends of the LGV, constitute hurdles to the development of a regional high speed network, itself a necessary pre-condition to a territorial operation of the Rhine-Rhône area. In addition to being a factor in the cementing of the intermediary situation of the Rhine-Rhône area, the Eastern tract exacerbates territorial competition and rivalry. This is further shown by the redundancy of development projects designed to accommodate tertiary activities, whereby cities, separated by a mere hundred kilometers, adopt similar strategies. While the analysis of the insertion of the Eastern tract into the Rhine-Rhone area emphasizes the rigidity of the French high-speed model, this case study provides food for thought on the development of future LGV projects, whose implementation will be closely dependent upon the financial support of local authorities.

Financování dopravní obslužnosti / Financing of transport services

KUČEROVÁ, Petra January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is occupying with transport services and it's financing. Main goal is appraisal of financial resources for transport services in South Bohemia region. At the beginning, work charakterize transport. It's talking about what role is transport playing in national economy, what is it's meaning and how it's influencing society. Then it's talking about regulation and controlling sphere of transport by transport government policy and shortly describing it's basic strategic documents. Definition of transport services and factors and meanings, which are influencing it, is necessary. In the end theoretical part describing three methods of financing transport services and talking about terms like compensation or provable loss, which are closely related to financing. Practical part is focused on South Bohemia region. It is describing transport services and analyzing financial resources. Public bus transport and regional train transport are solved separately. For analyze were used chosen statistic methods. In the end work is occupying with secondary goal of research, which is suggestion of yet unused method of financing transport services.

Análise da evolução da dinâmica de uma cultura de neurônios dissociados em matriz de microeletrodos usando Coerência Parcial Direcionada e Redes Complexas

Rodriguez, Mayra Mercedes Zegarra 18 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:06:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4845.pdf: 2916613 bytes, checksum: aa64366fdbe9befa8f14547fa4545763 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-18 / Multi-Electrode Array, MEA, was developed more than thirty years ago. This planar device of multiple microelectrodes has been used to detect local electric potential variations created by the ion movement through the protein channels that traverses the cell membranes in the near neighborhood. MEA offers the possibility of non invasive registering of the cell and their network s activities, allowing to know how the neurons start to connect through the synapses forming a network and generating spontaneous electrophysiological activities. In order to understand the neural network dynamics in face of the spontaneous activities and its evolution in dissociated hippocampal cell cultures, important properties in the synaptic plasticity, in this work it is proposed the analysis of the evolution and modeling of the hippocampal cell cultures in MEA using the theory of Partial Directed Coherence and Complex Networks. There were used the electrophysiological records obtained using MEA60 System, of the dissociated neurons of 18 days old Wistar rat embyo, in an experiment denoted as 371, realized at the University of Genoa, Italy. As the results obtained using the Partial Directed Coherence approach, it was verified that the method is capable to detect neuronal connectivity in the neuron cultures using MEA, even with the noisy signals. It was also verified that different time delays between signals during application of the PDC method do not affect directly on the results of the causality. PDC allowed to show that in MEA the amount of direct connections resulted is less than the amount of indirect connections, through the microelectrodes. This can indicate that the neurons prefer to communicate through existing connections than creating new connections. It was also observed that it is easier to lose direct connections than indirect connections between microelectrodes through the time. Through the experiments it can be observed that the culture in 25 DIV (Days In Vitro) developed more amount of connections between neighboring electrodes, with less overall connections than the culture in 46 DIV, that had more overall connections with less neighborhood connections. Since one of the PDC features is the directionality detection between connections, it was observed direction changes through the connections through the time, even though we do not know the physiological meaning of these changes in the cognitive process. It was also observed that the established connections do not follow random patterns, showing an indicative of a free scale network, although we used small statistical measures to characterize the networks. / Há mais de 30 anos a Matriz de microeletrodos (Multi-Electrode Array,MEA) foi desenvolvida. Este dispositivo planar de múltiplos microeletrodos tem permitido detectar as variações do potencial elétrico local que são criadas pelo movimento de íons através dos canais de proteínas que atravessam as membranas das células neuronais em sua vizinhança imediata. A MEA oferece a possibilidade de gravação não-invasiva da atividade das células e de redes de células, permitindo-nos conhecer como os neurônios se comunicam através de sinapses formando uma rede e disparando atividades eletrofisiológicas espontâneas evocadas. No sentido de poder entender melhor a dinâmica das redes neurais em termos de atividades espontâneas e sua evolução em culturas de células hipocampais dissociadas, que são as propriedades mais importantes na plasticidade sináptica, neste trabalho é proposta a análise da evolução e o modelamento de culturas de células hipocampais na MEA usando a teoria de Coerência Parcial Direcionada (PDC) e de Redes Complexas. Foram usados os registros eletrofisiológicos obtidos usando o sistema MEA60, de neurônios dissociados de embrião de rato Wistar, de 18 dias de vida em um experimento denotado como 371, realizado na Universidade de Gênova, Itália. Como resultados obtidos ao utilizar o método de Coerência Parcial Direcionada, verificou-se que o método é capaz de detectar conectividade neuronal nas culturas de neurônios da MEA, mesmo com sinais com presença de ruído. Também verificou-se que tempos de atraso diferentes na aplicação do PDC não tem uma influência direta nos resultados de causalidade. O PDC permitiu mostrar que na MEA a quantidade de conexões diretas estabelecidas foram sempre em menor quantidade do que as conexões indiretas, através de caminhos. Isso pode ser um indicativo de que os neurônios preferem estabelecer comunicações usando caminhos ja existentes do que criando novas conexões. Também observou-se que com o passar do tempo é mais fácil se perderem conexões diretas do que conexões intermediárias entre neurônios. Através dos experimentos realizados pode se obervar que a cultura no 25 DIV (dias in vitro) desenvolveu maior quantidade de conexões com nós vizinhos, possuindo menos conexões em total, do que a rede no 46 DIV que teve maior quantidade de conexões total mas menor quantidade de conexões com nós vizinhos. Como uma das características do PDC é a deteção da direcionalidade nas conexões, observouse mudanças no sentido das conexões ao longo do registro, embora não saibamos ainda o significado fisiológico dessas mudanças em processos cognoscitivos. Também observou-se que as conexões estabelecidas não seguiam um padrão aleatório, encontrando-se um indicativo de um comportamento de redes livres de escala, embora não possamos afirmar isso por ter utilizado poucas medidas estatísticas para caracterizar as redes.

Análise de dados sequenciais heterogêneos baseada em árvore de decisão e modelos de Markov : aplicação na logística de transporte

Ataky, Steve Tsham Mpinda 16 October 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Bruna Rodrigues (bruna92rodrigues@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-09-16T12:52:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissSATM.pdf: 3079104 bytes, checksum: 51b46ffeb4387370e30fb92e31771606 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-16T19:59:28Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissSATM.pdf: 3079104 bytes, checksum: 51b46ffeb4387370e30fb92e31771606 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-16T19:59:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissSATM.pdf: 3079104 bytes, checksum: 51b46ffeb4387370e30fb92e31771606 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-16T19:59:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissSATM.pdf: 3079104 bytes, checksum: 51b46ffeb4387370e30fb92e31771606 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-10-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Latterly, the development of data mining techniques has emerged in many applications’ fields with aim at analyzing large volumes of data which may be simple and / or complex. The logistics of transport, the railway setor in particular, is a sector with such a characteristic in that the data available in are of varied natures (classic variables such as top speed or type of train, symbolic variables such as the set of routes traveled by train, degree of tack, etc.). As part of this dissertation, one addresses the problem of classification and prediction of heterogeneous data; it is proposed to study through two main approaches. First, an automatic classification approach was implemented based on classification tree technique, which also allows new data to be efficiently integrated into partitions initialized beforehand. The second contribution of this work concerns the analysis of sequence data. It has been proposed to combine the above classification method with Markov models for obtaining a time series (temporal sequences) partition in homogeneous and significant groups based on probabilities. The resulting model offers good interpretation of classes built and allows us to estimate the evolution of the sequences of a particular vehicle. Both approaches were then applied onto real data from the a Brazilian railway information system company in the spirit of supporting the strategic management of planning and coherent prediction. This work is to initially provide a thinner type of planning to solve the problems associated with the existing classification in homogeneous circulations groups. Second, it sought to define a typology of train paths (sucession traffic of the same train) in order to provide or predict the next movement of statistical characteristics of a train carrying the same route. The general methodology provides a supportive environment for decision-making to monitor and control the planning organization. Thereby, a formula with two variants was proposed to calculate the adhesion degree between the track effectively carried out or being carried out with the planned one. / Nos últimos anos aflorou o desenvolvimento de técnicas de mineração de dados em muitos domínios de aplicação com finalidade de analisar grandes volumes de dados, os quais podendo ser simples e/ou complexos. A logística de transporte, o setor ferroviário em particular, é uma área com tal característica em que os dados disponíveis são muitos e de variadas naturezas (variáveis clássicas como velocidade máxima ou tipo de trem, variáveis simbólicas como o conjunto de vias percorridas pelo trem, etc). Como parte desta dissertação, aborda-se o problema de classificação e previsão de dados heterogêneos, propõe-se estudar através de duas abordagens principais. Primeiramente, foi utilizada uma abordagem de classificação automática com base na técnica por ´arvore de classificação, a qual também permite que novos dados sejam eficientemente integradas nas partições inicial. A segunda contribuição deste trabalho diz respeito à análise de dados sequenciais. Propôs-se a combinar o método de classificação anterior com modelos de Markov para obter uma participação de sequências temporais em grupos homogêneos e significativos com base nas probabilidades. O modelo resultante oferece uma boa interpretação das classes construídas e permite estimar a evolução das sequências de um determinado veículo. Ambas as abordagens foram então aplicadas nos dados do sistema de informação ferroviário, no espírito de dar apoio à gestão estratégica de planejamentos e previsões aderentes. Este trabalho consiste em fornecer inicialmente uma tipologia mais fina de planejamento para resolver os problemas associados com a classificação existente em grupos de circulações homogêneos. Em segundo lugar, buscou-se definir uma tipologia de trajetórias de trens (sucessão de circulações de um mesmo trem) para assim fornecer ou prever características estatísticas da próxima circulação mais provável de um trem realizando o mesmo percurso. A metodologia geral proporciona um ambiente de apoio à decisão para o monitoramento e controle da organização de planejamento. Deste fato, uma fórmula com duas variantes foi proposta para calcular o grau de aderência entre a trajetória efetivamente realizada ou em curso de realização com o planejado.

Uma geofilosofia do cotidiano e dos lugares: modernidade e representações no (e do) trem de passageiros na região do Triângulo Mineiro

Fernandes, Paulo Irineu Barreto 07 July 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, we propose an introduction to geophilosophy, understood as a philosophy of relationship between the subject, the place and the everyday life in the context of modernity. At first the understandings are presented from which the researchers deal with the term geophilosophy , to then be introduced the concept of the word that matters to this research, as well as its theoretical and methodological foundation. In its practical aspect, the research investigates a particular phenomenon: the period in which the region of the Triângulo Mineiro had the railroad passenger train, which circulated in the region during the period of a little more than a century (1889-1997). On the occasion of his installation, the railroad train changed the landscape and places, changing old living relations and enabling the emergence of new relations and a new way of life that, over time, and not without contradictions is no longer new and strange, to be incorporated into the day-to-day. A specific aspect of this process is of particular interest, namely: after a century since its installation, the railroad train passengers left the region. The goal is to discuss the representations and objective and subjective impact of passenger transport disruption on railway lines in the localities of the Triângulo Mineiro region. Inferences found, from the consultation to documents, texts and dialogues with people who lived through the railroad train of everyday life in the region, reveal that there is a debt, not always recognized, the locations studied towards the passenger railroad train and with people who were part of their daily lives. Is present in this work is also a global approach to the relationship between the subject, the place and the world. We conclude that the globalized world suffocates the place and the human person and at the same time and dialectically, overwhelms the person and therefore also stifles the place. However, it is clear that, however totalizing it is, modernity cannot be absolute and always leaves a place to the residue. This is one of the faces of modernity, that the geophilosophy, in this study, lists. / Nesta tese, propõe-se uma introdução à geofilosofia, entendida como uma filosofia da relação entre o sujeito, o lugar e o cotidiano, no contexto da modernidade. A princípio, são apresentados os entendimentos a partir dos quais os pesquisadores lidam com o termo geofilosofia , para então ser introduzida a concepção da palavra que interessa a esta pesquisa, bem como a sua fundamentação teórico-metodológica. No seu aspecto prático, a pesquisa investiga um fenômeno em particular: o período em que a região do Triângulo Mineiro contou com o trem de ferro de passageiros, que operou na região durante o período de um pouco mais de um século (1889 a 1997). Por ocasião de sua instalação, o trem de ferro alterou a paisagem e os lugares, modificando velhas relações de convivência e possibilitando o surgimento de novas relações e de um novo modo de vida que, com o passar do tempo, e não sem contradições, deixou de ser novo e estranho, para ser incorporado ao dia-a-dia da região. Um aspecto específico deste processo interessa especialmente, a saber: passado um século desde a sua instalação, o trem de ferro de passageiros deixou a região. O objetivo é discorrer sobre as representações e repercussões objetivas e subjetivas da interrupção do transporte de passageiros em linhas férreas nas localidades da região do Triângulo Mineiro. As inferências encontradas, a partir da consulta a documentos, textos e diálogos com pessoas que viveram o cotidiano do trem de ferro na região, revelam que há uma dívida, nem sempre reconhecida, das localidades estudadas para com o trem de ferro de passageiros e para com as pessoas que fizeram parte do seu cotidiano. Faz-se presente neste trabalho, também, uma abordagem global da relação entre o sujeito, o lugar e o mundo. Conclui-se que o mundo globalizado sufoca o lugar e a pessoa humana e, ao mesmo tempo e dialeticamente, oprime a pessoa e, por isso, também sufoca o lugar. No entanto, evidencia-se que, por mais totalizadora que seja, a modernidade não consegue ser absoluta e sempre deixa um lugar para o resíduo. Essa é uma das faces da modernidade, que a geofilosofia, neste estudo, enumera. / Mestre em Geografia

Estudio de productividad enfocado a la mano obra para proyecto de edificio multifamiliar

Rios Pacheco, Elsie Jennifer, Zavaleta Naccha, Abraham William January 2015 (has links)
La presente tesis posee un enfoque cuantitativo, mientras que su diseño de investigación fue no experimental transversal, cuyo tipo fue exploratorio, descriptivo y correlacional. El problema a resolver fue ¿En qué medida un estudio de productividad influye en la planificación de una obra, enfocado en la mano de obra?, para lo cual se planteó como objetivo principal elaborar un estudio de productividad en obra de un edificio multifamiliar para mejorar la planificación de obra. Para su desarrollo se utilizó la metodología de recolección de datos a través de la observación estructurada, con las herramientas de Carta Balance y Registro de Avance. Del estudio se determinó los factores que perjudican el avance de los trabajadores, que generaban los flujos no contributorios y desgaste de los trenes de actividad, los cuales fueron el inadecuado uso de la mano de obra y distribución del trabajo, así como la falta coordinación y supervisión perenne. This thesis has a quantitative approach, while its research design was not experimental cross, whose type was exploratory, descriptive and correlational. The problem to solve was what extent a productivity study influences the planning of a work focused on labor?, for which he was raised as main objective to develop a study of productivity in a multifamily building work to improve planning work. The data collection methodology used through structured observation for development, tools and Registration Card Balance Forward. Study the factors that hinder the advancement of workers, non-contributory generating flows and wear activity trains, which were the inappropriate use of labor and distribution of work and the lack of coordination was determined and perennial supervision.

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