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Historical Institutionalism and Defense Public Procurement: The Case of Other Transactions AgreementsLopes, Crane L. 24 October 2018 (has links)
Since the 1980s, private sector spending on Research and Development (RandD) has outpaced federal RandD spending. For example, while the Department of Defense (DoD) spent $64 billion on RandD in fiscal year 2015, the private sector spent $260 billion. DoD relies on the private sector to develop advanced technologies for defense requirements. However, some innovative businesses are hesitant to work with DoD because of the perceived bureaucracy of the DoD procurement system. Recognizing this problem, in 1989, Congress created a new type of non-procurement agreement for DoD called Other Transactions Agreements (OTs). OTs are excluded from most laws and regulations that govern traditional procurement agreements. OTs can be written to meet the needs of the parties and the project, enabling agreements that resemble commercial contracting. Congress has expanded OT authority, and DoD has issued OT guidance to its employees. But DoD has not used OTs as widely as expected. This is puzzling because commentators find OTs are helpful to DoD and the private sector in reducing the legal and regulatory compliance costs associated with the DoD procurement system. Using qualitative methods, and drawing on the OT and historical institutionalism literature, this study explores institutional factors that may explain why DoD has not more widely used OTs. The study relied on interviews with DoD employees and contractors. OT case studies were used to triangulate the interview findings. Potential causal mechanisms are identified to support future research of the DoD OT program using causal process tracing. The study findings are used to offer policy recommendations to support the wider use of OTs by DoD. / Ph. D. / Some innovative businesses are reluctant to work with the Department of Defense (DoD) due to the perceived bureaucracy of the DoD procurement system. Recognizing this problem, in 1989, Congress created a new type of non-procurement agreement for DoD called Other Transactions Agreements (OTs). Unlike traditional procurement agreements, OTs are excluded from many of the laws and regulations that reportedly deter the private sector from doing business with DoD. OTs enable agreements that more closely resemble commercial contracting. The terms and conditions of the OT can be written to meet the needs of the parties and the OT project. Thus, OTs are a flexible tool to help attract innovative businesses that would not otherwise work for DoD under traditional procurement agreements. Congress has expanded OT authority to encourage DoD to use OTs more widely. DoD has issued guidance to help its employees negotiate and administer OTs. But DoD has not used OTs as much as expected. This is puzzling because procurement and policy experts find that OTs are helpful to DoD and the private sector in reducing the legal and regulatory compliance costs often associated with the DoD procurement system. This study explores institutional and other factors that may help explain why DoD has not more widely used OTs. The study relied on interviews with DoD employees and contractors. OT case studies were used to corroborate the interview findings. The study findings are used to offer policy recommendations to support the wider use of OTs by DoD.
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Three Essays in Entrepreneurial Finance and Innovation:Zhang, Jingxuan January 2023 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Thomas Chemmanur / My doctoral dissertation consists of three chapters focused on topics in entrepreneurial finance and corporate innovation. In the first chapter, I analyze secondary market patent transactions from public assignors (seller firms) to assignees (buyer firms). I show that firms with higher innovation productivity (more able to innovate) but with lower production efficiency (less able to commercialize) are more likely to sell patents distant from their operations. Using a linked assignor-assignee dataset, I find that patents technologically closer to buyer than to seller firms are more likely to be sold in a patent transaction, implying gains from trading patents. I document that, in the three years following patent transactions, seller firms experience a positive and statistically significant improvement in their ROA and operating profitability. I find that the improvement in ROA and operating profitability is concentrated in seller firms which increase their R&D focus after patent transactions, suggesting that an increase in innovation focus is one of the channels driving these results. Consistent with this channel, I find that inventors who are either newly hired by or remaining in assignor firms over the three years subsequent to patent transactions have technological expertise more similar to those of assignor firms. In the second chapter, co-authored with Xi Chen, we study how venture capitalists (VCs) create value in the product market for the entrepreneurial firms backed by them. By constructing a novel dataset based on Nielsen Retail Scanner and VentureXpert, we document that, compared to non-VC-backed firms, VC-backed startups have more than doubled their sales and seized more nationwide market share in the five years following the first VC investment. A further decomposition indicates that VC-backed firms achieve the growth in sales and market share by lowering their product prices. In addition, subsequent to the first VC investment, VC-backed firms enlarge their product portfolios by introducing new products and establishing new product lines, and they expand their products to more stores and geographic locations. Using the limited partner return as an instrument for the supply of VC financing, we show that the above effects are causal. We document heterogeneous value creation effects of VC financing for firms with different market share and for firms with different geographic proximity to the lead VC investors. This suggests that, apart from providing capital, VCs also add value to startups by directing their marketing strategy and monitoring their operations.
In the third chapter, co-authored with Thomas Chemmanur, Jiajie Xu, and Xiang Zheng, we analyze the effect of the composition of venture capital (VC) syndicates on value creation to the entrepreneurial firms they invest in. We hypothesize that VCs may learn about each other’s skills at value creation when they co-invest together in entrepreneurial firms, allowing for more efficient value creation when they co-invest in subsequent syndicates. Further, if VCs view syndication as a repeated game, this may generate incentives to co-operate to a greater extent with each other when investing together in a syndicate, reducing the probability of conflicts among VCs. We empirically analyze the implications of these hypotheses and find the following. First, prior collaboration between a lead VC and any of the VCs in a syndicate leads to greater short-term value creation, as evidenced by greater sales growth, employment growth, probability of patented innovation, and the quality of innovations generated during the three years subsequent to VC syndicate investment. Second, prior collaboration between the lead VC and at least one of the syndicate members leads to greater long-term value creation, as evidenced by the higher probability of a successful exit (IPO or acquisition). Third, if the prior collaboration is very successful (leading to an IPO exit resulting from the previous collaboration), then there is even greater value creation by the VC syndicate compared to the case where the prior collaboration was less successful. Finally, consistent with prior collaboration allowing VCs to learn about each other’s value creation skills and reducing potential conflicts among the VCs forming a syndicate, syndicates with prior collaboration between the lead VC and at least one syndicate member are characterized by more uniform syndicate compositions across financing rounds. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2023. / Submitted to: Boston College. Carroll School of Management. / Discipline: Finance.
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La dimension organisante de la "veille collaborative" : entre communauté et organisation / The organizing of the " collaborative intelligence " : between community and organizationDomingues Aguiar, Tatiana 27 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse CIFRE menée au sein de l'équipe « Veille Innovation » d'EDF R&D décrit le processus de constitution de l'activité de veille collaborative sur le portail collaboratif Hermès. Nous analysons la tension entre, d'une part, un objectif de déploiement basé sur un usage volontaire et émergent valorisant le mode communautaire et, d'autre part, le contexte de l'entreprise marqué par une organisation hiérarchique et en mode projet. Suivant une approche de recherche pragmatique, nous mobilisons un cadre théorique et analytique double : la « Communication Constitutive de l'Organisation » (CCO) et la « Sémiotique des Transactions Coopératives » (STC).Dans la première partie, nous présentons les caractéristiques de l'activité de veille réalisée au sein des entreprises et des outils 2.0 dédiés. Nous décrivons en détail le portail collaboratif de veille Hermès et le travail de son équipe-projet. L'analyse des traces d'usage du portail nous permet de mieux appréhender l'appropriation d'Hermès par ses utilisateurs ainsi que les deux modes de coopération en présence : la coopération indirecte et la coopération directe.Dans la deuxième partie, nous présentons les cadres théoriques qui nous permettent d'introduire la notion de communicologue et de proposer une démarche pour l'engagement des acteurs dans la veille collaborative. En utilisant une démarche de théorisation ancrée, nous analysons les entretiens individuels réalisés avec des veilleurs appartenant à quatre « communautés » Hermès. Nous reconstituons quatre cas de coopération à partir de leur compréhension de l'activité de veille collaborative et de leurs usages du portail.La persistance du mode d'organisation par projets au sein des « communautés » de veille Hermès indique que les changements envisagés par l'équipe-projet de conception ne sont pas produits. Pourtant, nous observons que les « communautés » de veille peuvent construire leur propre mode d'organisation de l'activité communautaire tout en restant en phase avec les besoins et les lignes directrices des projets. Nous faisons l'hypothèse qu'en mettant en place la démarche du communicologue, l'équipe-projet peut aider les communautés Hermès à concevoir leur activité collective selon les caractéristiques d'un régime de coopération communautaire. Enfin, cette recherche nous permet de distinguer les activités de veille collaborative et de veille communautaire au sens propre. / This CIFRE thesis, conducted within the team "Veille Innovation" at the R&D direction of EDF, describes the constitution process of the collaborative intelligence activity through the collaborative portal Hermes. We analyze the tension between, on one hand, a deployment strategy based on a voluntary and emerging use that values community based organization and, secondly, the business context marked by a hierarchical and project based organization. Following a pragmatic research approach, we mobilize a double theoretical and analytical framework: the "Communicative Constitution of Organizations" (CCO) and "Semiotics of Cooperative Transactions" (STC).In the first part, we present the characteristics of the competitive intelligence activity carried out within companies using dedicated 2.0 tools. We describe in detail the collaborative portal Hermes and the work of its project team. The analysis of the portal's usage quantitative data allows us to better understand the appropriation of Hermes for its users and the two modes of cooperation involved: indirect cooperation and direct cooperation.In the second part, we present the theoretical frameworks that allow us to introduce the concept of “communicologue” and to propose an approach for the engagement of stakeholders in collaborative intelligence activity. Using a grounded theory approach, we analyze individual interviews with users belonging to four Hermès "communities". We reconstruct four cases of cooperation from their understanding of the collaborative intelligence activity and their use of the portal.The persistence of the project mode organization in the Hermès "communities" indicates that the changes envisioned by the project team are not produced. However, we observe that the "communities" can build their own community based organization while remaining in line with the needs and guidelines of the projects. We assume that by the implementation of the “communicologue” approach, the project team can help Hermes communities design their collective activity following the characteristics of a community cooperative regime. Finally, this research allows us to distinguish the activities of collaborative intelligence and community watch literally.
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A Dynamic Security And Authentication System For Mobile Transactions : A Cognitive Agents Based ApproachBabu, B Sathish 05 1900 (has links)
In the world of high mobility, there is a growing need for people to communicate with each other and have timely access to information regardless of the location of the individuals or the information. This need is supported by the advances in the technologies of networking, wireless communications, and portable computing devices with reduction in the physical size of computers, lead to the rapid development in mobile communication infrastructure. Hence, mobile and wireless networks present many challenges to application, hardware, software and network designers and implementers. One of the biggest challenge is to provide a secure mobile environment. Security plays a more important role in mobile communication systems than in systems that use wired communication. This is mainly because of the ubiquitous nature of the wireless medium that makes it more susceptible to security attacks than wired communications.
The aim of the thesis is to develop an integrated dynamic security and authentication system for mobile transactions. The proposed system operates at the transactions-level of a mobile application, by intelligently selecting the suitable security technique and authentication protocol for ongoing transaction. To do this, we have designed two schemes: the transactions-based security selection scheme and the transactions-based authentication selection scheme. These schemes use transactions sensitivity levels and the usage context, which includes users behaviors, network used, device used, and so on, to decide the required security and authentication levels. Based on this analysis, requisite security technique, and authentication protocols are applied for the trans-action in process. The Behaviors-Observations-Beliefs (BOB) model is developed using cognitive agents to supplement the working of the security and authentication selection schemes. A transaction classification model is proposed to classify the transactions into various sensitivity levels.
The BOB model
The BOB model is a cognitive theory based model, to generate beliefs over a user, by observing various behaviors exhibited by a user during transactions. The BOB model uses two types of Cognitive Agents (CAs), the mobile CAs (MCAs) and the static CAs (SCAs). The MCAs are deployed over the client devices to formulate beliefs by observing various behaviors of a user during the transaction execution. The SCA performs belief analysis, and identifies the belief deviations w.r.t. established beliefs. We have developed four constructs to implement the BOB model, namely: behaviors identifier, observations generator, beliefs formulator, and beliefs analyser. The BOB model is developed by giving emphasis on using the minimum computation and minimum code size, by keeping the resource restrictiveness of the mobile devices and infrastructure. The knowledge organisation using cognitive factors, helps in selecting the rational approach for deciding the legitimacy of a user or a session. It also reduces the solution search space by consolidating the user behaviors into an high-level data such as beliefs, as a result the decision making time reduces considerably.
The transactions classification model
This model is proposed to classify the given set of transactions of an application service into four sensitivity levels. The grouping of transactions is based on the operations they perform, and the amount of risk/loss involved if they are misused. The four levels are namely, transactions who’s execution may cause no-damage (level-0), minor-damage (level-1), significant-damage (level-2) and substantial-damage (level-3). A policy-based transaction classifier is developed and incorporated in the SCA to decide the transaction sensitivity level of a given transaction.
Transactions-based security selection scheme (TBSS-Scheme)
The traditional security schemes at application-level are either session or transaction or event based. They secure the application-data with prefixed security techniques on mobile transactions or events. Generally mobile transactions possesses different security risk profiles, so, empirically we may find that there is a need for various levels of data security schemes for the mobile communications environment, which face the resource insufficiency in terms of bandwidth, energy, and computation capabilities.
We have proposed an intelligent security techniques selection scheme at the application-level, which dynamically decides the security technique to be used for a given transaction in real-time. The TBSS-Scheme uses the BOB model and transactions classification model, while deciding the required security technique. The selection is purely based on the transaction sensitivity level, and user behaviors. The Security techniques repository is used in the proposed scheme, organised under three levels based on the complexity of security techniques. The complexities are decided based on time and space complexities, and the strength of the security technique against some of the latest security attacks. The credibility factors are computed using the credibility module, over transaction network, and transaction device are also used while choosing the security technique from a particular level of security repository. Analytical models are presented on beliefs analysis, security threat analysis, and average security cost incurred during the transactions session. The results of this scheme are compared with regular schemes, and advantageous and limitations of the proposed scheme are discussed. A case study on application of the proposed security selection scheme is conducted over mobile banking application, and results are presented.
Transactions-based authentication selection scheme (TBAS-Scheme)
The authentication protocols/schemes are used at the application-level to authenticate the genuine users/parties and devices used in the application. Most of these protocols challenges the user/device to get the authentication information, rather than deploying the methods to identify the validity of a user/device. Therefore, there is a need for an authentication scheme, which intelligently authenticates a user by continuously monitoring the genuinity of the activities/events/ behaviors/transactions through out the session.
Transactions-based authentication selection scheme provides a new dimension in authenticating users of services. It enables strong authentication at the transaction level, based on sensitivity level of the given transaction, and user behaviors. The proposed approach intensifies the procedure of authentication by selecting authentication schemes by using the BOB-model and transactions classification models. It provides effective authentication solution, by relieving the conventional authentication systems, from being dependent only on the strength of authentication identifiers. We have made a performance comparison between transactions-based authentication selection scheme with session-based authentication scheme in terms of identification of various active attacks, and average authentication delay and average authentication costs are analysed. We have also shown the working of the proposed scheme in inter-domain and intra-domain hand-off scenarios, and discussed the merits of the scheme comparing it with mobile IP authentication scheme. A case study on application of the proposed authentication selection scheme for authenticating personalized multimedia services is presented.
Implementation of the TBSS and the TBAS schemes for mobile commerce application
We have implemented the integrated working of both the TBSS and TBAS schemes for a mo-bile commerce application. The details on identifying vendor selection, day of purchase, time of purchase, transaction value, frequency of purchase behaviors are given. A sample list of mobile commerce transactions is presented along with their classification into various sensitivity levels. The working of the system is discussed using three cases of purchases, and the results on trans-actions distribution, deviation factor generation, security technique selection, and authentication challenge generation are presented.
In summary, we have developed an integrated dynamic security and authentication system using, the above mentioned selection schemes for mobile transactions, and by incorporating the BOB model, transactions classification model, and credibility modules. We have successfully implemented the proposed schemes using cognitive agents based middleware. The results of experiments suggest that incorporating user behaviors, and transaction sensitivity levels will bring dynamism and adaptiveness to security and authentication system. Through which the mobile communication security could be made more robust to attacks, and resource savvy in terms of reduced bandwidth and computation requirements by using an appropriate security and authentication technique/protocol.
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Etude démographique économique et sociale de la cité de Toulon du début du XVème siècle au premier tiers du XVIème siècle (1535)Luccioni, Jean 14 December 2012 (has links)
La cité maritime subit le trend de la récession du XIVe siècle jusqu'à son inversion pour celui de la croissance, mutation due, à Toulon, au dynamisme de la draperie et de la construction navale. La croissance, élevée après 1517, se matérialise par la reconstruction des faubourgs. Les options commerciales des négociants, vente d'huile, de draps, de cuirs et peaux, de barques et de petites nefs sur un marché élargi, vont dégager des bénéfices considérables. Les édiles vont contrôler progressivement les maux dont souffre la cité : sa carence en céréales, les épidémies de peste et de lèpre, les menaces de flottes hostiles, la dette contractée, après emprunt, chez les marchands florentins avignonnais. Une oligarchie d'une trentaine de familles, associant notaires et marchands, a dirigé la ville. / The maritime city undergoes the recession's trend of the 15th century until its inversion toward growth, a mutation due to the dynamism of Toulon drapery and shipbuilding. The high growth after 1517 is materialized by the reconstruction of the suburbs. The commercial options of traders, selling oil, sheets, hides and skins, boats and small ships on a wider market, will generate substantial profits. The councilors will gradually control the evills of the city : its deficiencies in cereals, epidemies of plagues and leprosy, threats of hostile fleets, debt after borrowing Florentine merchants in Avignon. An oligarchy of thirty families associating notaries and merchants, led the city during the last century of the middle ages.
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Právní regulace platebního styku / Legal regulation of payment transactionsRoušarová, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of legal regulation of cashless payment transactions in the Czech Republic, as well as on European and international level. Furthermore, it focuses on the legal regime of payment accounts in the light of the amended Payment System Act No. 284/2009 Coll. that was adopted as a transposition of the Directive 2014/92/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the comparability of fees related to payment accounts, payment account switching and access to payment accounts with basic features. The aim of this thesis is to analyze and describe the current legal regime, including its critical evaluation and to outline the possible future development in the regulation of cashless payment transactions. The thesis is divided into three chapters. In the introduction, the author lays down the topic and the aim of the thesis and explains her motivation for writing a thesis from this area of law. The first chapter contains a theoretical introduction to the topic. The author explains what is a payment transaction, what forms can it take and who are the parties. In the second chapter, the author introduces the legal regulation of cashless payment transactions. In the subchapter dedicated to international payment transaction, the author explains how do the...
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Operating system transactionsPorter, Donald E. 26 January 2011 (has links)
Applications must be able to synchronize accesses to operating system (OS)
resources in order to ensure correctness in the face of concurrency
and system failures. This thesis proposes system transactions,
with which the programmer
specifies atomic updates to heterogeneous system resources and the OS
guarantees atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID).
This thesis provides a model for system transactions as a concurrency control mechanism.
System transactions efficiently and cleanly solve long-standing
concurrency problems that are difficult to address with other
For example, malicious users can exploit
race conditions between distinct system calls in privileged applications,
gaining administrative access to a system.
Programmers can eliminate these vulnerabilities by eliminating these
race conditions with system transactions.
Similarly, failed software installations can leave a system unusable.
System transactions can roll back an unsuccessful software installation
without disturbing concurrent, independent updates to the file system.
This thesis describes the design and implementation of TxOS,
a variant of Linux 2.6.22 that implements
system transactions. The thesis contributes new implementation
techniques that yield fast, serializable transactions
with strong isolation and fairness between system transactions and
non-transactional activity.
Using system transactions,
programmers can build
applications with better performance or stronger correctness guarantees
from simpler code. For instance, wrapping an installation of
OpenSSH in a system transaction guarantees that a failed installation
will be rolled back completely. These atomicity properties are
provided by the OS, requiring no modification to the installer itself
and adding only 10% performance overhead. The prototype implementation of system transactions also
minimizes non-transactional overheads. For instance, a non-transactional
compilation of Linux incurs negligible (less than 2%) overhead on TxOS.
Finally, this thesis describes a new lock-free linked list algorithm,
called OLF, for optimistic, lock-free lists.
OLF addresses key limitations of prior algorithms, which
sacrifice functionality for performance.
Prior lock-free list algorithms can
safely insert or delete
a single item, but cannot atomically compose multiple operations
(e.g., atomically move an item between two lists).
OLF provides
both arbitrary composition of list operations as well as performance scalability
close to previous lock-free list designs.
OLF also removes previous requirements for dynamic memory allocation and garbage collection
of list nodes, making it suitable for low-level system software, such as the Linux kernel.
We replace lists
in the Linux kernel's directory cache with OLF lists, which
currently requires a coarse-grained
lock to ensure invariants across multiple lists.
OLF lists in the Linux kernel improve performance of a filesystem metadata microbenchmark
by 3x over unmodified Linux at 8 CPUs.
The TxOS prototype demonstrates that a mature
OS running on commodity hardware can provide system transactions at a
reasonable performance cost.
As a practical OS abstraction for application developers,
system transactions facilitate
writing correct application code in the presence of
concurrency and system failures.
The OLF algorithm demonstrates that application developers can have both
the functionality of locks and the performance scalability of a lock-free linked list. / text
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Verslo transakcijų atvaizdavimas duomenų bazės transakcijomis / Representing business transactions as database transactionsNaujokaitis, Giedrius 11 January 2007 (has links)
Pragmatically motivated communicative action loop (CAL) is proposed for modeling business transactions and designing database transactions. Using parameters of the communicative action loops, activity model can be adapted to particular objective area. Selected parameters are utilizable in formation of database transactions that are oriented in modification of states of objects of activity. Performed database transactions are registered to query register in order to make a database rollback when business transactions are canceled. Database transactions are synchronized between two replicated databases.
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Support intergiciel pour la conception et le déploiement adaptatifs fiables, application aux bâtiments intelligents / Middleware support for adaptive reliable design and deployment, application to building automationSylla, Adja Ndeye 18 December 2017 (has links)
Dans le contexte de l’informatique pervasive et de l’internet des objets, les systèmes sonthétérogènes, distribués et adaptatifs (p. ex., systèmes de gestion des transports, bâtimentsintelligents). La conception et le déploiement de ces systèmes sont rendus difficiles par leurnature hétérogène et distribuée mais aussi le risque de décisions d’adaptation conflictuelleset d’inconsistances à l’exécution. Les inconsistances sont causées par des pannes matériellesou des erreurs de communication. Elles surviennent lorsque des actions correspondant auxdécisions d’adaptation sont supposées être effectuées alors qu’elles ne le sont pas.Cette thèse propose un support intergiciel, appelé SICODAF, pour la conception et ledéploiement de systèmes adaptatifs fiables. SICODAF combine une fiabilité comportementale(absence de décisions conflictuelles) au moyen de systèmes de transitions et une fiabilitéd’exécution (absence d’inconsistances) à l’aide d’un intergiciel transactionnel. SICODAF estbasé sur le calcul autonomique. Il permet de concevoir et de déployer un système adaptatifsous la forme d’une boucle autonomique qui est constituée d’une couche d’abstraction, d’unmécanisme d’exécution transactionnelle et d’un contrôleur. SICODAF supporte trois typesde contrôleurs (basés sur des règles, sur la théorie du contrôle continu ou discret). Il permetégalement la reconfiguration d’une boucle, afin de gérer les changements d’objectifs quisurviennent dans le système considéré, et l’intégration d’un système de détection de pannesmatérielles. Enfin, SICODAF permet la conception de boucles multiples pour des systèmesqui sont constitués de nombreuses entités ou qui requièrent des contrôleurs de types différents.Ces boucles peuvent être combinées en parallèle, coordonnées ou hiérarchiques.SICODAF a été mis en oeuvre à l’aide de l’intergiciel transactionnel LINC, de l’environnementd’abstraction PUTUTU et du langage Heptagon/BZR qui est basé sur des systèmesde transitions. SICODAF a été également évalué à l’aide de trois études de cas. / In the context of pervasive computing and internet of things, systems are heterogeneous,distributed and adaptive (e.g., transport management systems, building automation). Thedesign and the deployment of these systems are made difficult by their heterogeneous anddistributed nature but also by the risk of conflicting adaptation decisions and inconsistenciesat runtime. Inconsistencies are caused by hardware failures or communication errors. Theyoccur when actions corresponding to the adaptation decisions are assumed to be performedbut are not done.This thesis proposes a middleware support, called SICODAF, for the design and thedeployment of reliable adaptive systems. SICODAF combines a behavioral reliability (absenceof conflicting decisions) by means of transitions systems and an execution reliability(absence of inconsistencies) through a transactional middleware. SICODAF is based on autonomiccomputing. It allows to design and deploy an adaptive system in the form of anautonomic loop which consists of an abstraction layer, a transactional execution mechanismand a controller. SICODAF supports three types of controllers (based on rules, on continuousor discrete control theory). SICODAF also allows for loop reconfiguration, to dealwith changing objectives in the considered system, and the integration of a hardware failuredetection system. Finally, SICODAF allows for the design of multiple loops for systems thatconsist of a high number of entities or that require controllers of different types. These loopscan be combined in parallel, coordinated or hierarchical.SICODAF was implemented using the transactional middleware LINC, the abstractionenvironment PUTUTU and the language Heptagon/BZR that is based on transitionssystems. SICODAF was also evaluated using three case studies.
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Usages et conservation des communs en contexte de changement climatique dans le delta du Saloum au Sénégal / Use and conservation of commons in the context of climate change in the Saloum Delta, SenegalSarr, Serigne Momar 14 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat a pour objet une exploration des communs sur les modes de gestion ainsi que sur les usages par rapport aux bénéfices collectifs issus de leur exploitation en contexte de changement climatique dans le Delta du Saloum (Centre-Ouest du Sénégal). La recherche prend appui sur un cadre théorique construit à partir de la théorie de la gouvernance des communs à laquelle nous avons combiné les approches de la psychosociologie des représentations sociales, de la socio-anthropologie du développement et de la sociologie de la transaction sociale. Notre zone d’étude est constituée par le delta du Saloum qui est formé par un entrelacs d’îles riches en biodiversité mais vulnérables au changement climatique. En outre, les dynamiques sociales témoignent de l’entrain dans la production du quotidien par les femmes, les jeunes et les projets de développement. À partir d’une posture épistémologique basée sur le « paradigme » de la pensée complexe et la perspective d’une « connaissance subjectale », la méthode de recherche est essentiellement qualitative avec une démarche ethnographique. À partir de l’étude de cas, l’utilisation d’une batterie d’outils (revue documentaire, observation, entretiens individuels et de groupe) a débouché sur une diversité de matériaux discursifs et factuels. L’analyse des données de terrain a été menée par rapport aux dimensions suivantes : les dispositifs organisationnels, les rapports d’action et d’interaction dans l’action collective, l’intentionnalité et l’incertitude des pratiques sociales, l’historicité, l’espace et la prospective. Nos résultats de recherche laissent voir que, nonobstant un contexte de changement climatique contraignant et l’existence de représentations sociales différentielles dues à la présence d’une multiplicité d’acteurs au sein de l’espace du delta du Saloum, la gestion des communs (pêcheries et foresterie) est réussie à travers les organisations communautaires et les structures mêlées de compétences d’acteurs sociaux, étatiques et non-gouvernementaux au moyen de transactions sociales pour la conservation des ressources naturelles par un « ordre négocié » de durabilité d’une part, et d’autre part, les usages des bénéfices collectifs issus de leur exploitation pour réaliser des projets communautaires. En effet, l’action collective des différents acteurs sociaux et institutionnels qui a été désignée « connexité socio-institutionnelle » est une condition à la réussite de la gestion des communs comme celle-ci est une forme d’adaptation au changement climatique par le construit social de l’espace à partir de l’historicité de la communauté des Niominka qui habitent en majorité cet espace. Par ailleurs, les rapports entre les multiples acteurs ainsi qu’avec les objets environnementaux comme les ressources naturelles et l’espace exigent de l’objet de la sociologie un prolongement et un intérêt vers les faits de nature après que l’approche psychosociologique a obtenu droit de cité. Cette voie n’est possible pour l’heure qu’avec l’inter/transdisciplinarité dans les sciences de l’environnement à partir du concept de vulnérabilité. / This PhD thesis explores the management and use of commons in relation to the collective benefits derived from their exploitation in the context of climate change in the Saloum Delta, in central-western Senegal. The research is based on a theoretical framework built on the theory of the governance of the commons, to which we combined approaches of psychosociology of social representations, socio-anthropology of development, and sociology of social transaction. The research was conducted in the Saloum Delta, which is formed by an interlacing of islands rich in biodiversity but vulnerable to climate change. In addition, social dynamics show the drive with which women, youth and development projects produce the everyday. Building on an epistemological posture based on the ‘paradigm’ of complex thought and the perspective of a ‘subjectal knowledge,’ the research methodology is primarily qualitative with an ethnographic approach. Based on a case study, the use of a set of tools (documentary review, observation, individual and group interviews) produced a diversity of discursive and factual data. The analysis of the data collected in the field was conducted with a focus on the following dimensions: organisational settings, action and interaction relations in collective action, intentionality and uncertainty of social practices, historicity, space, and forecasting. Research findings show that commons (fishery and forestry), despite a constraining context of climate change and the existence of differential social representations resulting from the presence of a multiplicity of actors in the Saloum Delta, are successfully managed by community organisations and groups of actors working together, including social, state and non-state actors. This is done through social transactions for the conservation of natural resources through a ‘negotiated order’ of sustainability on the one hand, and the uses of collective benefits derived from their exploitation to carry out community projects on the other hand. In fact, collective action of various social and institutional actors – which has been referred to as ‘socio-institutional connection’ – is a condition for the successful management of commons. It is also an adaption strategy to climate change by the social construct of space based on the historicity of the Niominka community – the main group in this region. Furthermore, relations among various actors and with environmental objects such as natural resources and space require the object of sociology to be extended and an interest in facts of nature after the psychosociological approach gains acceptance. For now, this is only possible with inter- and transdisciplinarity in environmental science starting from the concept of vulnerability.
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