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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of Training in Vocalises on Singing Performance

Rao, Ruchita 05 August 2005 (has links)
No description available.

The evaluation of a Mandarin Chinese course taught as a foreign language for distance learners

Hau-Yoon, Lucia 30 June 2002 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation was to evaluate the Mandarin Chinese course taught as a foreign language for distance learners through a review of distance education and how it applied in foreign language teaching, a learning package based on Unisa's Mandarin Chinese 1, a beginners' course, was fully discussed and demonstrated. An analysis was made of what had been utilised in the learning package and how each element helped distance learners to develop their language skills. Based on the course's learning outcomes, learning material, assessments and learning support, empirical research was done through focus group interviews and questionnaires to test the effectiveness of the Mandarin course. Analysis of the results suggested that: • Students needed to build up a more realistic expectation about learning Chinese. • Students' workloads needed to be re-examined and re-measured. • Certain students lacked learner autonomy. • Mandarin courses should be produced jointly with distance teaching institutions abroad. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Didactics)

Visoke kognitivne funkcije u nastavi lingvistiĉkih predmeta na tercijarnom nivou obrazovanja / Higher cognitive functions in linguistic courses in tertiary education

Votls Isidora 22 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Iskustvo u radu sa studentima pokazalo je da studenti nedovoljno ĉesto ostvaruju zadovoljavajuće ishode uĉenja na lingvistiĉkim predmetima na studijama engleskog jezika, &scaron;to je takoĊe opisano i u stranoj literaturi. Kao jedan od razloga navodi se nastava koja upućuje studente na pasivnost, te oni pribegavaju memorisanju i reprodukciji materijala kao najĉe&scaron;ćim ishodima uĉenja. Biggs (1999) razraĊuje koncepte dubinskog i povr&scaron;inskog pristupa uĉenju, koje relevantna literatura smatra kljuĉnim faktorima za kvalitet ishoda uĉenja. Dubinski pristup uĉenju korelira sa kvalitetnim ishodima uĉenja i funkcionalnim znanjem, a karakteri&scaron;u ga motivacija, zadovoljstvo usled uĉenja, studentska aktivnost i to aktivnost visokih kognitivnih funkcija. Visoke kognitivne funkcije (Bloom i dr. 1956, Anderson i dr. 2001) i povezane kognitivne radnje (re&scaron;avanje problema, analitiĉko, kritiĉko i kreativno razmi&scaron;ljanje) jesu najvaţniji ciljevi visokog obrazovanja jer samo one, usled primene transfera uĉenja, govore o steĉenom i primenljivom, tj. funkcionalnom znanju. Obuka i razvoj visokih kognitivnih funkcija omogući će studentima da uĉenju pristupe dubinski &scaron;to je jo&scaron; jedan razlog da budu osnovni nastavni cilj svih predmeta na ustanovama tercijarnog obrazovanja. U skladu sa ovim teorijskim postavkama postavljene su osnovna i pomoćna hipoteza: upotreba posebno konstruisanih veţbi za aktivaciju vi&scaron;ih kognitivnih funkcija u nastavi lingvistiĉkih predmeta dove&scaron;će do sticanja funkcionalnog znanja na teorijskom i praktiĉnom nivou; steĉeno znanje kroz ovakvu eksperimentalnu nastavu i upotreba tog znanja odraţavaće kognitivne funkcije ne samo niţeg nego i vi&scaron;eg reda: primeniti, analizirati, proceniti, stvoriti, kao i kritiĉko i kreativno razmi&scaron;ljanje i re&scaron;avanje problema. Kako bi se proverile hipoteze, sproveden je eksperiment sa studentima prve godine engleskog jezika (N=34) na Fakultetu za pravne i poslovne studije dr Lazar Vrkatić u Novom Sadu. U istraţivanju sa paralelnim grupama, eksperimentalna grupa je imala veţbe sa aktivnostima koje razvijaju vi&scaron;e kognitivne funkcije na predmetu uvod u op&scaron;tu lingvistiku tokom zimskog semestra &scaron;kolske 2012/2013. godine. UporeĊeni su kvantitativni rezultati kolokvijuma eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe na kraju semestra, a potom je sproveden intervju sa po pet studenata iz svake grupe radi utvrĊivanja kvalitativnih razlika u kognitivnim procesima kod ove dve grupe. Obe grupe su ostvarile podjednak uspeh na kolokvijumu, te je osnovna hipoteza odbaĉena. Kodirani podaci iz intervjua pokazali su da obe grupe podjednako koriste kognitivne funkcije po broju i distribuciji, te je i pomoćna hipoteza odbaĉena. Kao obja&scaron;njenje za odsustvo većeg uspeha EG navedena su metodolo&scaron;ka ograniĉenja istraţivanja: duţina eksperimentalne nastave, problem dokazivosti transfera i problem kodiranja intervjua. Drugi faktori koji mogu objasniti neuspeh su: prethodno steĉene navike u uĉenju, neshvatanje svrhe izuĉavanja predmeta i dr. UporeĊeni su rezultati boljih i slabijih studenata, te je utvrĊeno da bolji studenti pokazuju veći stepen samostalnosti, da upotrebljavaju vi&scaron;e kognitivne funkcije kao i duţe nizove kognitivnih radnji. Posmatrajući kvalitativne podatke, bolji studenti eksperimentalne grupe pokazali su promenu gledanja na svet usled izuĉavanja lingvistike i izrazili su zadovoljstvo zbog uĉenja ovog predmeta. Oni pokazuju i upotrebu najduţih nizova vezanih kognitivnih radnji. Iz ovoga se moţe zakljuĉiti da su oni pristupili uĉenju dubinski i zbog toga ostvarili kvalitetnije ishode uĉenja. U cilju dono&scaron;enja ĉvrstih zakljuĉaka neophodno je sprovesti dugotrajniji i obuhvatniji multidiciplinarni istraţivaĉki projekat, s obzirom da bi pozitivni rezultati bili od velikog znaĉaja za pobolj&scaron;anje ishoda uĉenja na tercijarnom nivou obrazovanja. Ključne reči: uĉenje i nastava na tercijarnom nivou, taksonomija obrazovnih ciljeva, pristupi uĉenju, vi&scaron;e kognitivne funkcije, transfer uĉenja, funckionalno znanje.</p> / <p>The experience of working with university students has shown that the learning outcomes of linguistic courses are infrequently satisfactory, which is also described in literature worldwide. Teaching philosophy in which students are forced into passives roles is one of the causes since such teaching results in low motivation with memorizing and reproduction of learned materials as the most frequent outcomes of learning. Biggs (1999) develops the concepts of deep and superficial learning approaches which have been declared in the relevant literature as key factors for the quality of learning outcomes. Deep approach to learning correlates with high quality learning outcomes, and is characterized by high motivation, satisfaction with learning and student activity of appropriately high cognitive levels. Higher cognitive functions (Bloom et. al. 1956, Anderson at al. 2001) and related cognitive activities (problem solving, analytical, critical and creative thinking) are the most important goals of higher education since these thinking skills are transferable and therefore represent applicable and functional knowledge. The training and development of the higher cognitive skills enables students to use deep approaches to learning, which is an additional reason to consider them as fundamental teaching goals in all courses in tertiary education. Based on this theoretical framework the main hypothesis and sub-hypothesis were formulated as follows: the use of specially designed practices which activate higher cognitive functions (HCF) will result in acquiring functional knowledge at both theoretical and practical levels; the knowledge gained through such teaching will reflect the use of higher cognitive functions: apply, analyze, evaluate, create, as well as show problem solving skills and critical and creative thinking. To test the hypotheses an experiment was conducted with the first year English language students (N=34) at the Faculty of Legal and Business Studies dr Lazar Vrkatić in Novi Sad. In the parallel groups design, the experimental group (EG) was involved with activities which develop HCFs in the course of Introduction to General Linguistics during the winter semester of the 2012/2013. Quantitative data were collected at the end of the semester (the final test) and compared between the two groups to determine whether the EG scored better results than the control group (CG). This was followed by interviews with five respondents from each group to qualitatively compare the cognitive processes. No statistically significant difference between test results in the two groups was found and so the main hypothesis was rejected. The coded data from the interviews showed an equal number of identified CFs with both groups with similar distribution patterns, thus the sub-hypothesis was also rejected. The absence of better scores of the EG can be explained by some methodological limitations of the experiment, such as the length of the experimental activities, the problem of proof of transfer and the coding of the interview data. Other factors include the existing learning habits of students, the inability to grasp the purpose of studying linguistics, etc. The results of better students were compared to those of the weaker ones, which showed that better students are more autonomous, use a greater number of HCFs and string more CFs into a complex response. Qualitative data also showed that better students of the experimental group expressed a change in how they see the world around them and express satisfaction because of studying linguistics. They also string the longest chains of cognitive activities. These findings lead to a conclusion that better students of the EG used deep approaches to learning which resulted in higher quality learning outcomes. In order to achieve conclusive results, a comprehensive long-term multidisciplinary research project should be carried out, since its results would have a significant impact on the quality of learning outcomes in tertiary education.</p>

Exploring students’ patterns of reasoning

Matloob Haghanikar, Mojgan January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Physics / Dean Zollman / As part of a collaborative study of the science preparation of elementary school teachers, we investigated the quality of students’ reasoning and explored the relationship between sophistication of reasoning and the degree to which the courses were considered inquiry oriented. To probe students’ reasoning, we developed open-ended written content questions with the distinguishing feature of applying recently learned concepts in a new context. We devised a protocol for developing written content questions that provided a common structure for probing and classifying students’ sophistication level of reasoning. In designing our protocol, we considered several distinct criteria, and classified students’ responses based on their performance for each criterion. First, we classified concepts into three types: Descriptive, Hypothetical, and Theoretical and categorized the abstraction levels of the responses in terms of the types of concepts and the inter-relationship between the concepts. Second, we devised a rubric based on Bloom’s revised taxonomy with seven traits (both knowledge types and cognitive processes) and a defined set of criteria to evaluate each trait. Along with analyzing students’ reasoning, we visited universities and observed the courses in which the students were enrolled. We used the Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol (RTOP) to rank the courses with respect to characteristics that are valued for the inquiry courses. We conducted logistic regression for a sample of 18 courses with about 900 students and reported the results for performing logistic regression to estimate the relationship between traits of reasoning and RTOP score. In addition, we analyzed conceptual structure of students’ responses, based on conceptual classification schemes, and clustered students’ responses into six categories. We derived regression model, to estimate the relationship between the sophistication of the categories of conceptual structure and RTOP scores. However, the outcome variable with six categories required a more complicated regression model, known as multinomial logistic regression, generalized from binary logistic regression. With the large amount of collected data, we found that the likelihood of the higher cognitive processes were in favor of classes with higher measures on inquiry. However, the usage of more abstract concepts with higher order conceptual structures was less prevalent in higher RTOP courses.

The evaluation of a Mandarin Chinese course taught as a foreign language for distance learners

Hau-Yoon, Lucia 30 June 2002 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation was to evaluate the Mandarin Chinese course taught as a foreign language for distance learners through a review of distance education and how it applied in foreign language teaching, a learning package based on Unisa's Mandarin Chinese 1, a beginners' course, was fully discussed and demonstrated. An analysis was made of what had been utilised in the learning package and how each element helped distance learners to develop their language skills. Based on the course's learning outcomes, learning material, assessments and learning support, empirical research was done through focus group interviews and questionnaires to test the effectiveness of the Mandarin course. Analysis of the results suggested that: • Students needed to build up a more realistic expectation about learning Chinese. • Students' workloads needed to be re-examined and re-measured. • Certain students lacked learner autonomy. • Mandarin courses should be produced jointly with distance teaching institutions abroad. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Didactics)

Stratégie d'implantation d'une échelle d'évaluation du risque de constipation : approche éducative et collaborative / Implementation strategy for a scale to assess the risk of constipation : a collaborative educational approach

D'Ascia-Berger, Valerie 08 December 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur la co-construction d'une stratégie pour implanter dans la pratique infirmière une échelle d'évaluation du risque de constipation du patient hospitalisé (ERCoPH). Elle s'appuie sur le Modèle humaniste des soins infirmiers (Girard et Cara, 2011) et sur le modèle d'apprentissage socio-constructivisme (Vygotsky, 1997). Le design s'inscrit dans une approche collaborative (Desgagné, 1997). Les objectifs sont de co-construire une stratégie pour implanter cette nouvelle échelle et d'évaluer l'impact de cette approche sur le développement professionnel continu (PDC) des infirmières ayant participé à cette étude et sur le raisonnement clinique de leurs pairs. Cette approche a permis à un groupe d'infirmières lors de séances d'analyse en groupe (Van Campenhoudt &al. 2005) de modéliser des perspectives pour implanter l'échelle ERCoPH. L'impact sur le DPC des équipes non participantes s'est appuyé sur une enquête avant-après. A partir de l'observation d'entretiens d'accueil de patients hospitalisés et d'une enquête sur la capacité à catégoriser les patients à risque de constipation. L'approche collaborative a entrainé chez les infirmières du groupe collaboratif un développement professionnel, notamment dans leurs capacités réflexives. La co-construction de cette stratégie d'implantation de l'échelle ERCoPH peut être associé à un modèle de transfert de connaissances tel que défini par Fixsen et al. (2005) et Graham et al. (2006) dont le but est de permettre l'intégration dans la pratique de nouvelles connaissances et ainsi réduire les écarts avec la pratique. / This study focuses on the co-construction of a strategy aiming to implement, in nursing practice, a rating scale to assess the risk of constipation in hospitalised patients (ARCoPH). It is based on humanistic model of nursing (Girard et Cara, 2011) and on the social constructivist approach to learning (Vygotsky, 1997). The research design uses a collaborative approach (Desgagné, 1997). The objectives are to co-construct a strategy to implement this new scale and the impact of this approach on the continuing professional development (CPD) of nurses who participated in the study and on the clinical reasoning of their peers. Using a collaborative approach, a group of five nurses developed, during group analysis sessions (Van Campenhoudt et al., 2005), practical insights to implement the ARCoHP scale. The impact on their CPD was determined through a group interview and a questionnaire. The effect of this approach on the clinical reasoning of the teams was established using a before and after survey based on the observation of patient intake interviews, and to assess the nurses' ability to identify patients at risk of constipation. This collaborative approach led to the professional development of participating nurses, specifically to the improvement of their reflective skills.The co-construction of this implementation strategy for the ARCoHP scale can be associated with the transfer of learning model as defined by Fixsen et al. (2005) and Graham et al. (2006), and thus help close the gaps between theory and practice.

Building written language: A program for second language literacy in English

Randolph, Gerda Ann Packard 01 January 2000 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to provide an instructional program for students learning English as a second language that will meet their academic needs and facilitate full literacy.

To Build Maps of Writing and Critical Consciousness: Transfer in Writing Studies & Critical Pedagogies

Smith, Spencer J. 05 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.

When Knowing is not enough: A Narrative Exploration of How K-12 Teachers Make Decisions about the Transfer of Critical Competencies from Professional Learning to Daily Practice

Ballard-Jones, Nell E. 16 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Museums, Leadership, and Transfer: An Inquiry into Organizational Supports for Learning Leadership

Johnson, Julie I. 17 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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