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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractérisation biochimique et fonctionnelle de glutathion transférases à cystéine catalytique de peuplier (Populus trichocarpa) / Biochemical and functional characterization of poplar glutathione S-transferases containing a cysteine as a catalytic residue

Lallement, Pierre-Alexandre 12 December 2014 (has links)
Les glutathion transférases (GSTs) constituent une superfamille ubiquitaire d’enzymes multifonctionnelles impliquées dans les processus de détoxication cellulaire en métabolisant des substrats exogènes appelés xénobiotiques et dans le métabolisme secondaire. Pour cela, ces enzymes peuvent catalyser la conjugaison d’une molécule de glutathion (GSH) sur les composés ciblés ou simplement les lier au travers d’une fonction ligandine. Alors que la fonction de conjugaison est catalysée par les GSTs possédant une sérine ou une tyrosine comme résidu catalytique, certaines d’entre elles possèdent à la place une cystéine. Cette substitution change radicalement leurs propriétés puisque les GSTs à cystéine (Cys-GSTs) catalysent plutôt des réactions de déglutathionylation. Les Cys-GSTs sont retrouvées chez la plupart des organismes et sont réparties en plusieurs classes. Chez les plantes, on trouve principalement 4 classes : déshydroascorbate réductases (DHARs), GSTs Lambda (GSTLs), glutathionyl hydroquinone réductases (GHRs) et mPGES2 (microsomal prostaglandine E-synthase type 2). Alors que le rôle des DHARs semble clairement associé à la réduction du déshydroascorbate en ascorbate, la fonction physiologique des autres Cys-GSTs reste majoritairement inconnue. En combinant des approches moléculaires, cellulaires, biochimiques et structurales, l’analyse fonctionnelle des deux GHRs, des trois GSTLs et des trois DHARs chez l’arbre modèle Populus trichocarpa a été entreprise. De façon intéressante, les gènes GSTL et GHR sont majoritairement exprimés dans les fleurs, les fruits et les pétioles par rapport aux feuilles et aux racines. A l’inverse, les gènes DHAR sont principalement exprimés dans les feuilles. De plus, l’expression transitoire de protéines fusionnées à la GFP dans le tabac a montré que les GSTLs et les DHARs sont localisées dans les plastes, le cytoplasme et le noyau alors que les GHRs sont toutes plastidiales. Les études biochimiques et structurales effectuées à l’aide des protéines recombinantes et de substrats modèles ont montré que la plupart des Cys-GSTs possèdent des activités et des structures assez semblables. Cependant, bien que les GSTLs et les DHARs adoptent un repliement GST canonique classique proche de celui des GSTs Oméga fongiques et humaines, elles sont monomériques alors que les GSTs Oméga sont dimériques. Les GHRs sont particulières tant au niveau de leur interface de dimérisation unique qu’au niveau de leurs propriétés spécifiques de réduction de quinones glutathionylées. En résumé, la nature des substrats fixés par les Cys-GSTs (composés cycliques aromatiques) ainsi que les territoires d’expression de ces gènes et protéines suggèrent que ces protéines sont globalement impliquées dans la protection des plantes face aux contraintes environnementales via la modification, le stockage et/ou le transport de métabolites secondaires et autres composés antioxydants. Toutefois, l’objectif suivant sera de déterminer la nature exacte des substrats/ligands associés à chaque enzyme / Glutathione transferases (GSTs) constitute a ubiquitous superfamily of multifunctional enzymes involved in cellular detoxification processes by metabolizing exogenous substrates called xenobiotics and in secondary metabolism. For this purpose, these enzymes catalyze the conjugation of a glutathione molecule (GSH) onto target compounds or simply bind them through a ligandin function. While conjugation reactions are catalyzed by GSTs having a serine or a tyrosine as catalytic residues, other GSTs possess a cysteine. This substitution radically changes their properties since GSTs having a cysteine (Cys-GSTs) rather catalyze deglutathionylation reactions. Cys-GSTs are found in most organisms and are divided into several classes. In plants, there are mainly four classes: dehydroascorbate reductases (DHARs), Lambda GSTs (GSTLs), glutathionyl hydroquinone reductases (GHRs), and microsomal prostaglandin E-synthase type 2 (mPGES). While the role of DHARs seems clearly associated to the reduction of dehydroascorbate into ascorbate, the physiological function of other Cys-GSTs remains largely unknown. By combining molecular, cellular, biochemical and structural approaches, the functional analysis of the two GHRs, the three GSTLs and the three DHARs in the model tree Populus trichocarpa was undertaken. Interestingly, GSTL and GHR genes are predominantly expressed in flowers, fruits and petioles compared to leaves and roots. Conversely, the DHAR genes are mainly expressed in leaves. Furthermore, transient expression of proteins fused to GFP in tobacco showed that GSTLs and DHARs are localized in plastids, cytoplasm and nucleus while GHRs are all localized in plastids. Biochemical and structural studies using recombinant proteins and model substrates showed that most Cys-GSTs have similar activities and structures. However, although GSTLs and DHARs adopt a canonical GST folding similar to that of fungal and human Omega GSTs, they are monomeric whereas Omega GSTs are dimeric. GHRs are particular owing to their unique dimerization interface and to their specific capacity to reduce glutathionylated quinones. In summary, the nature of the substrates bound by Cys-GSTs (heterocyclic aromatic compounds) as well as the expression territories of these genes and proteins, suggest that they are generally involved in the protection of plants towards environmental constraints through the modification, storage and/or transport of secondary metabolites and other antioxidants. However, the next goal will be to determine the exact nature of the substrates/ligands associated with each enzyme

Kinetic studies of a xyloglucan endotransglycosylase, a key enzyme in plant cell morphogenesis

Saura Valls, Marc 28 September 2007 (has links)
El present treball de recerca s'emmarca en un projecte Europeu anomenat E.D.E.N. (Enzyme Discovery in hybrid aspen for fibre ENgineering, QLK5-CT-2001-00443), l'objectiu del qual és la identificació de nous enzims vegetals per entendre amb major profunditat els processos de formació i modificació de les fibres vegetals per abordar en el futur la millora dels paràmetres de qualitat d'aquestes fibres, mitjançant la generació de línies transgèniques de plantes. En el present projecte es pretén aprofundir en el coneixement de les xiloglucà endotransglicosilases (XET), enzims claus en la construcció i modificació controlada de la xarxa de xiloglucà cel·lulosa, estudiant el seu mecanisme d'acció i la seva especificitat per substrat. En aquest treball s'estudia una XET de Populus tremula x tremuloides, concretament la XET16A (Ptt-XET16A). Es dissenya i es valida un nou assaig enzimàtic mitjançant electroforesis capil·lar (HPCE), que permet l'estudi cinètic de les XET, emprant oligosacàrids de baix pes molecular de xiloglucà amb una estructura coneguda. Aquest substrats han estat sintetitzats en el present treball i també per l'equip del Dr. Driguez en el CERMAV-CNRS. Es determina que el màxim d'activitat de la Ptt-XET16A es dóna entre pH 5 i 5.5 i entre 30 i 40 ºC. Es demostra que aquest enzim actua mitjançant un mecanisme cinètic bi-bi ping-pong, en el que l'acceptor actua com a inhibidor competitiu del donador unint-se a l'enzim lliure i en el que, depenent del donador emprat, aquest també poc actuar com a inhibidor competitiu de l'acceptor, unint-se als subsetis positius de l'intermedi glicosil-enzim i donant diferent reaccions secundàries com són la polimerització del donador o l'elongació del producte, només en el cas que el donador presenti un grup glucosil en l'extrem no reductor. S'avalua un llibreria de xilogluco-oligosacàrids sintetitzada per l'equip del Dr. Driguez al CERMAV-CNRS com a donadors de la Ptt-XET16A. D'aquesta forma s'aprofundeix en el coneixement de l'activitat de les XTH, en el coneixement de la seva especificitat per substrat i es realitza un mapeig del centre actiu, obtenint la contribució dels diferents subsetis de la Ptt-XET16A en l'estabilització de l'estat de transició de la reacció de transglicosidació catalitzada per l'enzim estudiat. Finalment, s'ha dissenyat un substrat bifluorogènic derivat del tetradecasacàrid emprat com a substrat estàndard en el present treball, per mesurar les activitats hidrolasa i transglicosilasa de les XETs mitjançant fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). El substrat bifluorogènic ha estat obtingut i caracteritzat, tanmateix, no s'ha pogut demostrar si aquest substrat és adequat per mesurar les activitats hidrolasa i transglicosilasa de les XETs ja que les propietats fluorescents del marcador s'han perdut en el procés de síntesis del substrat. / El presente trabajo de investigación se enmarca en un proyecto Europeo llamado E.D.E.N. (Enzyme Discovery in hybrid aspen for fibre ENgineering, QLK5-CT-2001-00443), el objetivo del cual es la identificación de nuevos enzimas vegetales para entender con mayor profundidad los procesos de formación y modificación de las fibras vegetales para abordar en el futuro la mejora de los parámetros de calidad de estas fibras, mediante la generación de líneas transgénicas de plantas. En el presente proyecto se pretende profundizar en el conocimiento de las xiloglucano endotransglicosilasas (XET), enzimas claves en la construcción y modificación controlada de la red de xiloglucano-celulosa, estudiando su mecanismo de acción y su especificidad por sustrato. En este trabajo se estudia una XET de Populus tremula x tremuloides, concretamente la XET16A (Ptt-XET16A). Se diseña y se valida un nuevo ensayo enzimático mediante electroforesis capilar (HPCE), que permite el estudio cinético de las XET, utilizando oligosacáridos de xiloglucano de bajo peso molecular y de estructura conocida como sustratos. Estos sustratos han estado sintetizados en el presente trabajo y también por el equipo del Dr. Driguez en el CERMAV-CNRS. Se determina que el máximo de actividad de la Ptt-XET16A se da entre pH 5 y 5.5 y entre 30 y 40 ºC. Se demuestra que este enzima actúa mediante un mecanismo cinético bi-bi ping-pong, en el que el aceptor actúa como inhibidor competitivo del dador uniéndose al enzima libre y en el que, dependiendo del dador utilizado , éste también puede actuar como inhibidor competitivo del aceptor uniéndose en los subsitios positivos del intermedio glicosilo-enzima y dando diferentes reacciones secundarias como son la polimerización del dador o la elongación del producto, solamente si el dador presenta un grupo glucosilo en el extremo no reductor. Se evalúa una librería de xilogluco-oligosacáridos sintetizada por el equipo del Dr. Driguez en el CERMAV-CNRS como dadores de la Ptt-XET16A. De esta forma se profundiza en el conocimiento de la actividad de las XTHs, en el conocimiento de su especificidad por sustrato y se realiza un mapeo del centro activo del enzima, obteniéndose la contribución de los diferentes subsitios de la Ptt-XET16A en la estabilización del estado de transición de la reacción de transglicosidación catalizada por el enzima estudiado. Finalmente, se ha diseñado un sustrato bifuorogénico derivado del tetradecasacárido utilizado como sustrato estándar en el presente trabajo para medir las actividades hidrolasa y transglicosilasa de las XETs mediante fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). El sustrato biofluorogénico ha sido obtenido y caracterizado, sin embargo no se ha podido demostrar si este sustrato es adecuado para medir las actividades hidrolasa y transglicosilasas de las XETs, ya que las propiedades fluorescentes del marcador se han perdido durante la síntesis del sustrato. / The present work is part of an European project named E.D.E.N. (Enzyme Discovery in hybrid aspen for fibre ENgineering, QLK5-CT-2001-00443). The general objective of the project is to identify novel plant enzymes for deeper understanding of the process of fiber formation and modification for future improvement of the quality parameters of wood fibers. The present project pretends to increase the knowledge about xyloglucan endotransglycosylases (XET), which are thought to be key enzymes in the construction and controlled modification of the xyloglucan¬cellulose network. It is pretended to study the mechanism of action and the substrate specificity of a XET from Populus tremula x tremuloides, concretely XET16A (Ptt-XET16A). A new enzymatic assay based on capillary electrophoresis is designed and validated. This assay allows the kinetic study of XETs using as substrates, low molecular mass xyloglucan oligosaccharides with defined structures. These substrates have been synthesized in the present work and also in collaboration with Dr. Driguez team from CERMAV-CNRS. It is concluded that the maximum of activity of Ptt-XET16A is between pH 5 and 5.5 and 30 and 40 ºC. It is demonstrated that Ptt-XET16A follows a bi-bi ping-pong kinetic mechanism, in which the acceptor acts as competitive inhibitor of the donor binding to the free enzyme and depending on the donor used, this one can act also as competitive inhibitor of the acceptor binding to the acceptor subsites of the glycosyl-enzyme intermediate giving rise to side reaction such as donor polymerization and product elongation only in case that the donor shows a glucosyl residue in the non reducing end. A library of xylogluco-oligosaccharides, synthesized in CERMAV-CNRS by Dr. Driguez team, is evaluated as Ptt-XET16A donors. With this studies we are able to deeper understand the activity of XETs, their substrate specificity and a subsite maping of the binding cleft is done, obtaining the contribution of different subsites of Ptt-XET16A to the stabilization of the transition state of the transglycosylation reaction catalyzed by the studied enzyme. Finally, a bifluorogenic substrate derived from the tetradecasacharide used as standard substrate in this project has been designed to measure hydrolase and transferase activities of XET enzymes by fluorescense resonance energy transfer (FRET). The bifluorogenic substrate was obtained, however, it could not be demonstrated if it is an adequate substrate to measure hydrolase and transferase activities because the fluorescent properties of the label were lost during substrate synthesis.

Investigações sobre os mecanismos de resistência em larvas e adultos de Aedes aegypti, Linnaeus, 1762

Medeiros, Priscila Fernandes Viana January 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Anderson Silva (avargas@icict.fiocruz.br) on 2012-09-21T12:34:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 priscila_f_v_medeiros_ioc_bp_0058_2011.pdf: 6129115 bytes, checksum: a9a22a0f84ef8206e0afcbc77535046a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-09-21T12:34:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 priscila_f_v_medeiros_ioc_bp_0058_2011.pdf: 6129115 bytes, checksum: a9a22a0f84ef8206e0afcbc77535046a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. / O uso de inseticidas neurotóxicos contra o mosquito Aedes aegypti ainda é um componente importante nos programas de controle de dengue. No Brasil, organofosforados (OP) e piretróides (PI) são usados para o controle de larvas e adultos de A. aegypti, respectivamente, desde 1967 e 2000. O uso frequente destes produtos selecionou populações resistentes do vetor, e motivou o Ministério da Saúde (MS) a coordenar, desde 1999, uma rede nacional de monitoramento da resistência de A. aegypti (MoReNAa), da qual nosso laboratório participa desde o início. A resistência é principalmente derivada de fatores metabólicos (enzimas que detoxificam o inseticida) ou de mutações nos sítios-alvo dos inseticidas, no Sistema Nervoso Central. Bioensaios com larvas revelaram a resistência de várias populações ao OP temephos, larvicida empregado há mais de 40 anos no país. A Rede MoReNAa conta também com bioensaios para adultos, com testes moleculares para avaliação de alteração no alvo de PI, o canal de sódio regulado por voltagem (AaNav) e com ensaios bioquímicos para quantificação, em mosquitos adultos, da atividade enzimática de Glutationa S-Transferases (GST), Esterases e Oxidases de Função Mista (MFO) (relacionadas à resistência metabólica), e de Acetilcolinesterase (Ace) (alvo de OP e carbamatos - CB). Além de serem usadas classes distintas de inseticidas contra larvas e adultos, as aplicações são feitas de maneira diferenciada: em 4-6 ciclos anuais sobre as larvas, e apenas em situações de emergência sobre os mosquitos adultos - procedimento que tem o potencial de elicitar mecanismos (e intensidades) de resistência diferentes. Além disso, bioensaios para quantificação da resistência a OP são feitos com larvas, enquanto os ensaios bioquímicos estavam disponíveis apenas para mosquitos adultos. Estes foram os principais motivos para adaptar, no âmbito desta dissertação, ensaios bioquímicos para o estágio larvar do vetor. Em relação ao ensaio da Ace, que conta com duas reações, uma na presença e a outra na ausência do CB propoxur verificamos, por meio de curvas do tipo dose- resposta, diferenças entre larvas e adultos. Além disto identificamos, em algumas populações do vetor resistentes a OP, alterações na atividade total desta enzima. Uma vez que algumas destas enzimas participam também de processos endógenos, que ocorrem naturalmente nos insetos, quantificamos sua atividade ao longo do desenvolvimento da cepa referência de suscetibilidade, Rockefeller, e de duas populações de campo. Nestes ensaios foram observadas quatro grandes “categorias” de perfis de atividade enzimática: 1) maiores atividades no estágio adulto (AChE); 2) maiores atividades no estágio larval (Esterases “α-EST” e “β-EST”); 3) atividades que aumentam no decorrer de cada estágio avaliado (MFO) e 4) atividades que tendem a aumentar no estágio larvar e a diminuir nos primeiros dias de vida adulta (DVA) (Esterase “ρNPA” e GST). Posteriormente, ensaios bioquímicos com larvas e adultos de populações de campo revelaram alterações de Ace e Esterases preferencialmente no estágio larvar, alterações de GST mais restritas ao estágio adulto, e alteração de MFO nos dois estágios do vetor. Estes ensaios possibilitam conhecer com detalhe os mecanismos de resistência em diferentes populações do vetor e podem contribuir com a definição de estratégias racionais para o controle de A. aegypti. / The use of neurotoxic insecticides against the mosquito Aedes aegypti is still an important component in dengue control programs. In Brazil, organophosphates (OP) and pyrethroids (PI) are used for the control of A. aegypti larvae and adults since, respectively, 1967 and 2000. The frequent use of these products has selected resistant vector populations, and prompted the Ministry of Health (MS) to start the coordination, in 1999, of an Aedes aegypti insecticide resistance monitoring network (MoReNAa); our laboratory participates in the network since its beginning. Resistance is mainly derived from metabolic factors (enzymes detoxifying the insecticides) or from mutations at the target sites of insecticides (in the Central Nervous System). Bioassays with larvae disclosed resistance of various populations to the OP temephos, larvicide employed for over 40 years in the country. MoReNAa network also performs bioassays with adults, molecular tests to assess substitution at the PI target site, the voltage regulated sodium channel (AaNAv), and biochemical assays that quantify, in adult mosquitoes, the activity of Glutathione S-Transferases (GST), Esterases and Mixed Function Oxidases (MFO) (related to metabolic resistance), and of Acetylcholinesterase (Ace) (target of OP and carbamates - CB). Besides using different insecticide classes against larvae and adults, the treatment are performed differently: in 4-6 times per year for larvae and only in emergency situations in the case of adult mosquitoes – a procedure that has the potential to elicit different mechanisms (and intensities) of resistance. Furthermore, bioassays for quantification of resistance to OP are made with larvae, while biochemical assays were available only for adult mosquitoes. These were the main reasons to adapt, in the context of this dissertation, biochemical assays for the larval stage of the vector. Considering the Ace test, consisting of two reactions, in the presence or in the absence of the CB propoxur, we identified - through the use of inhibition curves - differences between larvae and adults. We also detected, in some OP resistant vector populations, changes in the total activity of this enzyme. Since some of the enzymes of metabolic resistance are also involved in endogenous processes, that occur naturally in insects, we quantified their activity during the development of the reference strain of susceptibility, Rockefeller, and of two field populations. In these experiments we observed four major "categories " of enzyme activity profiles: 1) higher activity in the adult stage (AChE); 2) higher activity in the larval stage (“α-EST” and “β- EST” Esterases); 3) activities that increase during each stage evaluated (MFO) and 4) activities tending to increase in the end of the larval stage and to decrease in the first days of adult life (DVA) (Esterase “ρNPA” and GST). Subsequently, biochemical assays with larvae and adults of field populations revealed main changes in Ace and Esterases in the larval stage, GST changes preferably in the adult stage, and MFO alterations on both vector stages. These assays enable the detailed knowledge of resistance mechanisms of different vector populations and can contribute to define rational strategies for A. aegypti control.

Potential role of histone deacetylases in the development of the chick and murine retina

Saha, Ankita 04 September 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The epigenetic state of any cell is, in part, regulated by the interaction of DNA with nuclear histones. Histone tails can be modified in a number of ways that impact on the availability of DNA to interact with transcriptional complexes, including methylation, acetylation, phosphorylation, ubiquituination, and sumoylation. Histones are acetylated by a large family of enzymes, histone acetyl transferases (HATs), and deacetylated by the histone deacetylases (HDACs). Acetylated histones are generally considered markers of genomic regions that are actively being transcribed, whereas deacetylated and methylated histones are generally markers of regions that are inactive. The goal of the present study was to 1) study the epigenetic state with regard to the presence of euchromatin and heterochromatin in the developing chick and murine retina, 2) study and compare the localization patterns of the classical HDACs in the developing chick and murine retina with respect retinal progenitors and early differentiated cell types 3) to test the hypothesis that overall HDAC activity is required for dividing retinal progenitors to leave the cell cycle and differentiate. Our results showed that the classical HDACs were ubiquitously expressed in the developing chick and murine retinas. Species specific differences as well as stage dependent variations were observed in the localization of the HDACs in the cell types that were studied in the chick and murine retina. Our preliminary results also showed that HDAC inhibition may lead to the inability of the cell types to leave the cell cycle and a subsequent increase in the number of progenitor cells present in the developing chick retina.

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