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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis of the influence of the characteristics of the environment on the time of pedestrian transhipment in a multimodal transport using the social force model

Asenjo, Christian, Tocas, Frank, Silvera, Manuel, Campos, Fernando 30 September 2020 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM-2010) indicates in Volume III (Chapter 17) how the characteristics of the environment can represent obstacles that influence the determination of the average pedestrian space. However, the HCM does not specifically analyse in detail how these obstacles affect specifically the path, speed and average walking time of pedestrian. This article performs a comparative analysis between two microsimulations models where it is evidence how by not considering the characteristics of the fixed and mobile environment, the transhipment time and the speed of people are modified. As a case study, the obstacles present in the environment during the transhipment carried out by users in an integrated multimodal transport system in the city of Lima are identified. The comparative analysis between both cases shows the influence of the characteristics of the environment of the transhipment and variation in the average speed of the pedestrians. The proposed study methodology is calibrated and validated by microsimulations in Vissim Software. The comparative analysis reflects an increase in the transhipment time of 19.4% and a decrease in the average speed of the pedestrians by 14.8 %, reflecting in the microsimulation model values near to the real behaviour of pedestrians.

Analysis of the OCR System Application in Intermodal Terminals : Malmö Intermodal Terminal

RUBIO VILLALBA, IGNACIO January 2020 (has links)
The analysis carried out in this thesis is made from two different points of view, the qualitative and the quantitative, by using the case study of Malmö intermodal terminal. The first analysis is focused on how the intermodal terminals works and which elements of it interact and how, in order to achieve the purpose of the terminal, and how the Intelligent Video Gate is able to affect in any way to this functioning, mainly in a positive way that allows the better functioning of the terminal.From the quantitative point of view what is carried out is a timing and economic analysis of the Malmö Intermodal Terminal, which is based on the information obtained from the qualitative analysis and from the data provided by the terminal operators that allow to make different simulations to compare the effect of the Intelligent Video Gate implementation in this specific terminal, and that could be extended to similar intermodal terminals located in regions with similar labour conditions and that as the European Union have a huge standardized freight system.Finally, what is stated with the provided data, despite not allowing to make the most complex and representative simulation, is that the aim of the Intelligent Video Gate is reached successfully with a great improvement of the efficiency what allows to ensure with quite certainty that the system implementation is recommended in this kind of terminals.

Rapid Exchange Solution (RES) : En mekanisk omlastningslösning för horisontell överföring av containrar mellan olika transportmedel / Rapid Exchange Solution (RES) : A mechanical solution for horizontal transferring of containers between different means of transportation

Bovin, Jimmy January 2013 (has links)
Detta examensarbete genomfördes våren 2013 på Karlstads universitet där TD Rail & Industry i Västerås stod som uppdragsgivare. Projektet innefattade att kartlägga nuvarande omlastningslösningar av enhetslaster mellan järnvägstransporter och vägtransporter, och utarbeta en konceptuell omlastningslösning med fokus på att öka järnvägstransporternas flexibilitet gentemot vägtransporterna. Där vikten lades på att utarbeta ett välarbetat helhetskoncept. Projektet genomfördes med designprocessen som grund och innehöll bland annat momenten; förstudie, kravspecificering, idégenerering, konceptval m.m. Resultatet blev en vidareutveckling av det redan befintliga systemet CCT som bygger på horisontell överföringsteknik och möjliggör därför omlastning av enhetslaster direkt under kontaktledning. Skillnaden mellan RES och CCT är att man tagit bort ombyggnationen av tågvagn och lastbilschassi, som var en av CCTs stora svagheter, genom två hydrauliska ”teknikplattor”. Tack vare detta tillsammans med sin låga investeringskostnad/driftkostnad öppnar RES nya möjligheter för omlastning på fler strategiska punkter direkt utmed järnvägsnätet och därmed ökar järnvägstransporternas flexibilitet. Som vidareutveckling av RES föreslås ett samarbete med CCT där man initialt utför mer detaljerade beräkningar på teknikplattorna. / This Bachelor of Science thesis was carried out in spring 2013 at Karlstad University for a company called TD Rail and Industry placed in Västerås, Sweden. The project included mapping of current transferring solutions of unit loads between railway and road transports, and the development of a conceptual transferring solution with the focus to increase the flexibility of the railway transport. The importance was to develop a well-made overall concept rather than small detailed parts of it. The project followed the design process methodology and included parts like: pre-study, requirements specification, idea generation, concept selection etc.The result was a further development of an already existing system called CCT based on horizontal transferring technology and therefore allow transferring of units directly under the overhead contact line. Thanks to this, together with its low investment / operating costs RES opens new opportunities for additional strategic transferring places along the railway, thereby increasing the flexibility of rail transports. The difference between RES and CCT is that you no longer need to rebuild the railway cars or the truckchassis , which was one of CCTs major weaknesses, instead the lifting mechanism is replaced by two hydraulic "technique plates". As a further development of the RES a partnership with CCT is proposed.

Optimization algorithms for maritime terminal and fleet management

Álvarez Serrano, José Fernando 29 September 2008 (has links)
El plan de carga del buque debe adherirse a las instrucciones de estiba del operador del buque. Estas instrucciones especifican las características generales de cada contenedor que habrá de ccargarse. El plan de carga también debe agilizar las operaciones de transporte en la explanada de la terminal. Presentamos dos algoritmos para generar el plan de carga. El primero utiliza el método de descomposición Lagrangeana. El segundo utiliza la metaheurística tabú. Las companías navieras se enfrentan a un problema extremadamente complejo cuando intentan determinar la composición y ruteo óptimo de su flota. Presentamos un modelo y algoritmo para este problema. El modelo representa los costes operativos de una naviera. También permite la respresentación de buques con diferentes propiedades, puntos y costes de transbordo, retrasos en puerto, y la posibilidad de rechazar una solicitud de transporte. Un caso práctico explora la sensitividad de los resultados a cambios en el precio del combustible. / The vessel loading plan must comply with stowage instructions provided by the vessel operator, which specify characteristics of each container to be loaded. Additionally, the vessel loading plan should expedite transport operations in the yard. We present two vessel planning algorithms. In the first model, the vessel planning problem is formulated as a mixed integer programming (MIP) model and solved using Lagrangean relaxation and branch and bound. In the second model, a tabu metaheuristic is employed. Liner companies face a complex decision problem in determining the optimal fleet composition and routing. We present a model that captures the revenues and operating expenses of a liner company. The model allows for vessel types with different cost and operating properties; transhipment hubs; port delays; regional trade imbalances; and the possibility of rejecting transportation demand selectively. A case study explores the sensitivity of optimal fleet composition and routing to bunker costs.

Mejora del transbordo Corredor Rojo-Metro de Lima por medio de un conector peatonal en la intersección de la Av. Javier Prado con Av. Aviación / Improvement of the transhipment “Corredor Rojo”-Lima’s Metro by a pedestrian connector at the intersection of Javier Prado Avenue with Aviacion Avenue

Asenjo Albitres, Christian, Tocas Morales, Frank Anthony 19 November 2020 (has links)
La realidad peruana refleja una falta de integración de los sistemas de transporte. Asimismo, se evidencia bajos estándares de calidad con relación a las infraestructuras urbanas y una inseguridad hacia el peatón en la ciudad de Lima, un ejemplo de lo mencionado ocurre en la intersección de la Avenida Javier Prado con Aviación. Mediante el software Vissim-Visswalk 9 se realiza una microsimulación que refleja las trayectorias, frecuencias y composiciones vehiculares y peatonales, la cual se calibra y valida respectivamente. La metodología propuesta describe una delimitación de la intersección mencionada, luego se realiza la clasificación de usuarios de transportes públicos y tipos de vehículos para proceder al levantamiento de información dinámica en cuanto al aforo de vehículos y peatones y posteriormente registrarlas en el Vissim-Viswalk 9. De manera cualitativa, la seguridad vial se evalúa mediante la utilización de listas de chequeo las cuales reflejan claramente una inseguridad y alta vulnerabilidad hacia la integridad del peatón evidenciado en los 13 ítems analizados. La propuesta de solución consiste en el diseño de un conector peatonal de 320 metros, el cual cumple con los reglamentos requeridos ya que tiene un ancho efectivo constante de 1.6 metros y una pendiente máxima de 5% y 10% en el conector y en la rampa, respectivamente. Los resultados demuestran que la propuesta permite una reducción del tiempo de transbordo en un 17.1% y un aumento en la velocidad promedio de 26.1%, asimismo se evidencia un aumento significativo de la seguridad vial hacia los peatones. / Peruvian reality reflects a lack of integration of transport systems. In addition, low quality standards are evident in relation to urban infrastructures and a pedestrian insecurity in the city of Lima, an example of what is mentioned at the intersection of Avenida Javier Prado with Aviacion. The Vissim-Visswalk 9 software performs a microsimulation that reflects the trajectories, frequencies and vehicular and pedestrian compositions, which is calibrated and validated respectively. The proposed methodology describes a delimitation of the mentioned intersection, then the classification of public transport users and vehicle types is carried out to carry out dynamic information regarding the capacity of vehicles and pedestrians and subsequently register them in Vissim-Viswalk 9. Qualitatively, road safety is evaluated by using checklists which clearly reflect insecurity and high vulnerability to pedestrian integrity evident in the 13 items analyzed. The solution proposal consists of the design of a pedestrian connector of 320 meters, which complies with the required regulations since it has a constant effective width of 1.6 meters and a maximum slope of 5% and 10% on the connector and on the ramp, respectively. The results show that the proposal allows for a reduction in transfer time by 17.1% and an increase in average speed of 26.1%, and there is also a significant increase in road safety towards pedestrians. / Tesis

Optimalizační modely v logistice / Optimization in Logistics

Huclová, Alena January 2010 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the optimization of models of transportation and transshipment problem with random demand, additional edges, and dynamic pricing. The theoretical part of the thesis introduces mathematical models of transportation. The software GAMS, which is used for the solution, is all so described. The practical part is a split among chapters and implements the described models by using real data.

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