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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Novos algoritmos para aloca??o eficiente de canais em redes ?pticas el?sticas / New algorithms for the efficient allocation of channels in elastic optical networks

Silva, Paulo C?sar Barreto da 05 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:31:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Paulo Cesar Barreto da Silva.pdf: 3934588 bytes, checksum: cbbb71074cd6c370e06fd00f5d3eabce (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-05 / New optical wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) networks are expected to utilize multiple bit rate channels. Moreover, each individual channels may carry over 200 Gb/s and occupy a bandwidth that exceeds the 50-GHz WDM fixed grid. In this scenario, spectral efficiency becomes an important issue and new channel allocation schemes need to be considered. An attractive solution for this problem is the utilization of a WDM grid with variable channel spacing, in the so-called elastic optical network (EON) approach. The main goal of this work is to propose algorithms to solve the spectral efficiency issue in emerging optical WDM networks. Such proposals are divided in two classes. The first one consists of allocating different spectral blocks for channels with different bit rates; this is named as the spectrum block division (SBD) scheme. The second class of our proposals is based on EON schemes. In this case, not only the enhancement of a previously reported algorithm, the Maximize Total Link Spectrum Consecutiveness (MTLSC) algorithm, is considered but also a new algorithm, the Shortest Path with Maximum number of Free Frequency Slot Units (SPMFF) is proposed. Another contribution of this work is the development of an EON simulator, called EONSim, based on JAVA programming language. This simulator was properly tested and reproduced the results of literature papers within a very good accuracy. All of our results were obtained with the aid of EONSim and suggest that the proposed algorithms yield a bandwidth occupation gain that varies from 7 to 18% higher than the one provided by traditional first-fit (FF) algorithms. Such algorithms also provide a blocking probability that is 2 to 8% lower than in FF strategy. On the other hand, it is found that algorithms with higher spectral efficiency use an average number of hops that is up to 16% higher than those necessary for algorithms that do not take bandwidth into account in channel allocation. / Novas redes ?pticas de multiplexa??o por divis?o de comprimento de onda (Wavelength Division Multiplexing, WDM) podem utilizar v?rios canais com taxas diferentes de bits. Al?m disso, cada um dos canais individuais pode transportar mais de 200 Gb/s e ocupar uma largura de banda que excede a grade fixa de 50 GHz da rede WDM. Neste cen?rio, a efici?ncia espectral torna-se uma quest?o importante e novos esquemas de aloca??o de canais precisam ser considerados. Uma solu??o atrativa para este problema ? a utiliza??o de uma rede WDM com espa?amento de canal vari?vel, na abordagem chamada rede ?ptica el?stica (EON). O principal objetivo do presente trabalho ? propor algoritmos para resolver a quest?o da efici?ncia espectral em redes ?pticas WDM emergentes. Tais propostas s?o divididas em duas classes. A primeira consiste em alocar diferentes blocos de espectro para canais com diferentes taxas de bits, o que ? apontado como esquema de divis?o de blocos de espectro (Spectrum Block Division, SBD). A segunda classe ? baseada em esquemas de EON. Neste caso, n?o s? o aperfei?oamento de um algoritmo previamente descrito por WANG (2012), o algoritmo Maximize Total Link Spectrum Consecutiveness (MTLSC), ? considerado, mas tamb?m um novo algoritmo, o Shortest Path with Maximum number of Free Frequency Slot Units (SPMFF) ? proposto. Outra contribui??o deste trabalho ? o desenvolvimento de um simulador de EON, chamado EONSim, com base na linguagem de programa??o JAVA. Este simulador foi devidamente testado e foram reproduzidos os resultados de WANG (2012) dentro de uma precis?o muito boa. Todos os resultados foram obtidos com a ajuda de EONSim e sugerem que os algoritmos propostos produzem um ganho de ocupa??o de banda, que varia de 7 a 18% mais elevada do que a fornecida pelo tradicional algoritmo First Fit (FF). Tais algoritmos tamb?m proporcionam uma probabilidade de bloqueio, que ? de 2 a 8% mais baixa do que na estrat?gia FF. Por outro lado, verifica-se que os algoritmos de melhor ocupa??o espectral utilizam um n?mero m?dio de saltos at? 16% mais elevado do que os necess?rios para os algoritmos de menor caminho, que n?o levam em conta a largura de banda de atribui??o de canal.

Modélisation du transfert thermique couplé conductif et radiatif au sein de milieux fibreux portés à haute température / Modeling of the coupled radiative and conductive heat transfer within fibrous media at high temperature

Dauvois, Yann 14 December 2016 (has links)
Dans ce travail, les propriétés thermiques effectives du milieu fibreux sont déterminées en tenant compte du couplage conduction et rayonnement. Un échantillon numérique fibreux statistiquement homogène composé de deux phases a été généré en empilant des cylindres finis absorbant dans le vide. Ces cylindres sont dispersés selon des fonctions de distribution de la position de leur centre et de leur orientation. L'interpénétration des cylindres est permis. L'extinction, l'absorption et la diffusion sont caractérisées par des fonctions statistiques radiatives qui permettent de savoir si le milieu est Beerien (ou non). Elles sont déterminées précisément à l'aide d'une méthode de Monte Carlo. On montre que la phase gazeuse a un comportement Beerien et que le phase fibreuse a un comportement fortement non Beerien. Le champ de puissance radiative déposée dans le milieu fibreux est calculé en résolvant un modèle qui couple une Équation du Transfert Radiatif Généralisée (ETRG) et une Équation du Transfert radiatif Classique (ETR). Le modèle de conduction thermique est basé sur une méthode de marche aléatoire ne nécessitant aucun maillage. La simulation du mouvement Brownien de marcheurs dans les fibres permet de résoudre l'équation de l'énergie. L'idée de la méthode est de caractériser la température d'un volume élémentaire par une densité de marcheurs, qui peuvent parcourir le milieu. Le problème est gouverné par les conditions aux limites ; Une concentration constante de marcheurs (ou un flux constant) est associée à une température imposée (ou un flux). / In the present work, the effective heat transfer properties of fibrous medium are determined by taking into account a coupling of heat conduction and radiation. A virtual, statistically homogeneous, two-phase fibrous sample has been built by stacking finite absorbing cylinders in vaccum. These cylinders are dispersed according to prescribed distribution functions defining the cylinder positions and orientations. Cylinder overlappings are allowed. Extinction, absorption and scattering are characterised by radiative statistical functions which allow the Beerian behaviour of a medium to be assessed (or not). They are accurately determined with a Monte Carlo method. Whereas the gaseous phase exhibits a Beerian behaviour, the fibre phase is strongly non Beerian. The radiative power field deposited within the fibrous material is calculated by resolving a model which couples a Generalized Radiative Transfer Equation (GRTE) and a classic Radiative Transfer Equation (RTE). The model of conduction transfer is based on a random walk method without meshing. The simulation of Brownian motion of walkers in fibres allows the energy equation to be solved. The idea of the method is to characterize the temperature in an elementary volume by the density of walkers, which roam the medium. The problem is governed by boundary conditions ; A constant concentration of walkers (or a constant flux) is associated with a fixed temperature (or flux).

Contribution à l'étude du couplage énergétique enveloppe / système dans le cas de parois complexes photovoltaïques (PC - PV)

Bigot, Dimitri 10 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse présente un modèle thermique et électrique de paroi photovoltaïque (PV) intégrée ou semi-intégrée au bâtiment. La particularité du modèle est le transfert de chaleur entre le panneau et le bâtiment, décrit de telle manière que leurs modèles respectifs soient totalement couplés. Ceci a l'avantage de permettre la prédiction de l'impact de l'installation PV sur le champ de température du bâtiment et donc sur le confort thermique associé. Le but de l'étude est de mettre en évidence l'impact des panneaux PV en termes d'isolation thermique ou de protection solaire pour le bâtiment et la résultante en termes de gain énergétique. De plus, une séquence expérimentale a été menée à l'île de La Réunion, où le climat est tropical et humide, avec un rayonnement solaire important. Dans de telles conditions, il est important de minimiser la sollicitation thermique à travers l'enveloppe du bâtiment, en particulier la toiture. Le modèle est intégré à un code de simulation thermique du bâtiment (ISOLAB) et peut prédire l'impact des panneaux PV installés selon différentes configurations, mais aussi le productible photovoltaïque de l'installation. Finalement, l'étude expérimentale est utilisée pour fournir des éléments de validation du modèle numérique et une analyse de sensibilité est lancée pour mettre en évidence les paramètres les plus influents du modèle. Il a été démontré que les paramètres radiatifs du panneau PV ont un impact important sur le champ de température du bâtiment et que leur détermination doit être faite correctement. Les résultats de cette analyse sont ensuite utilisés pour optimiser le modèle thermique à l'aide du logiciel d'optimisation GenOpt.

Couches minces de chalcogénures de zinc déposées par spray-CVD assisté par rayonnement infrarouge pour des applications photovoltaïques

Froger, Vincent 20 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Parmi les différentes cellules photovoltaïques existantes, les technologies à base de CIGS représentent aujourd'hui une alternative sérieuse à celles basées sur le silicium. De même, les technologies organiques émergent en vue d'applications sur le marché de la faible puissance. Afin d'être parfaitement concurrentielle, ces cellules doivent s'affranchir au maximum de la présence d'indium (surcoût) au sein de leurs structures (TCO, couche absorbante), ou de matériaux toxiques comme le CdS utilisé en tant que couche tampon. Les chalcogénures de zinc tels que le Zn1-xMgxO ou le ZnOzS1-z peuvent être employées à la place du CdS grâce à leurs propriétés semi-conductrices. En dopant le Zn1-xMgxO par un ou plusieurs atomes métalliques trivalents, on peut également créer des électrodes transparentes (TCO) pouvant substituer les électrodes traditionnelles à base d'indium (ITO). Les couches minces synthétisées au cours de ce travail ont été réalisées par spray-CVD, une technique de dépôt hybride et innovante utilisant un mode de chauffage radiatif. Les améliorations apportées au réacteur expérimental et les avantages qu'elles dégagent en font une alternative crédible aux techniques traditionnelles. Les couches de Zn1-xMgxO ainsi synthétisées exhibent de très bonnes propriétés, dont une énergie de gap facilement ajustable, une forte mobilité électronique et une très bonne transparence. De même, des couches de ZnS ont été réalisées par l'usage d'un précurseur original, permettant de s'affranchir du ZnCl2 (corrosif) couramment utilisé en spray pyrolyse. Les différents TCO étudiés ont montré de faibles résistivités (10-3 Ω.cm) et ont pu être testés dans des cellules solaires organiques en structures inverses.

Conception et étude d'antennes actives optiquement transparentes : de la VHF jusqu'au millimétrique / Conception and study of optically transparent and active antennas : from VHF to millimeter wave

Martin, Alexis 23 October 2017 (has links)
Avec le développement de l’internet des objets et l’augmentation des applications sans fil, les antennes sont de plus en plus présentes au quotidien. Cependant, l’implantation de ces antennes est un challenge tant d’un point de vue technologique (intégration des antennes dans les dispositifs), que psychologique (acceptabilité des antennes par le grand public). Dans ce contexte, le développement d’antennes optiquement transparentes permet non seulement leur implantation sur de nouvelles surfaces (vitrages d’immeubles, écrans de smartphones ...), mais promeut aussi leur acceptabilité par le grand public grâce à leur faible impact visuel. Ce travail présente la conception, la fabrication et la caractérisation d’antennes actives optiquement transparentes. Le matériau transparent et conducteur utilisé est un maillage métallique à pas micrométrique développé spécifiquement, alliant conductivité électrique et transparence optique élevées. Dans ce cadre, un premier prototype d’antenne transparente et miniature en bande FM utilisant un transistor MESFET de dimensions sub-millimétriques a été réalisé. Des antennes agiles en fréquence en bande X (~10 GHz) couplées, soit à une diode varicap localisée (agilité ~10%), soit à un matériau ferroélectrique (agilité ~2%), ont été développées et étudiées. Une antenne passive transparente a été conçue en bande V (~60 GHz). Enfin, une transition optique (1540 nm) / hyperfréquence (1,4 GHz) a été réalisée et caractérisée, basée sur la transmission optique d’un faisceau laser au travers du matériau constitutif de l’antenne. Pour l’ensemble des prototypes réalisés, une transparence optique supérieure à 80% dans le domaine du visible associée à une résistance par carré inférieure à 0,1 ohm/sq ont été utilisées. / Within the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the increase of the wireless communications, antennas are even more present on everyday life. However, antenna implementation is a real challenge, from a technological point of view (antenna integration into the devices) and from a psychological point of view (acceptability by the general public). Within this framework, the development of optically transparent antennas on new surfaces (glass windows, smartphone screens . . . ) is of great interest to improve the network coverage and to assist the general public in acceptability thanks to the low visual impact of such printed antennas. The present work deals with the design, the fabrication and the characterization of optically transparent and active antennas. The transparent and conducting material used is a micrometric mesh metal film specifically developed, associating high electrical conductivity and high optical transparency. A first optically transparent and miniature FM antenna based on a MESFET transistor with micrometric size has been designed and fabricated. Frequency agile antennas operating in X-band (~10 GHz), based on a beam-lead varactor (agility ~10%) and on a ferroelectric material agility ~2%), have been developed and characterized. An optically transparent and passive antenna has been studied in V-band (~60 GHz). At last, optics (1540 nm) / microwave (1.4 GHz) transition has been performed based on the transmission of a laser beam through the transparent antenna. For all prototypes, an optical transparency level higher than 80% coupled with a sheet resistance value lower than 0.1 ohm/sq have been used.

Sínteses e caracterizações óptica e estrutural de nanopartículas de LaF3:Yb3+/Ho3+e LaF3:Yb3+/Tm3+ e cerâmicas transparentes de Y2O3:Eu3+e Y2O3:Tm3+ / Syntheses and optical and structural characterizations of nanoparticles of LaF3_Yb3+Ho3+ e LaF3_Yb3+Tm3+ and transparent ceramic of Y2O3_ Eu3+ e Y2O3_Tm3+

Nuñez, Patrícia Ysabel Poma 28 August 2015 (has links)
Rare-earth ions co-doped lanthanum fluoride (LaF3) nanoparticles (NPs) were synthesized and the effect of different annealing temperatures investigated. We have also investigated the thermo-optical properties of Tm3+ and Eu3+ doped Y2O3 transparent ceramics. The LaF3:Yb3+/Ho3+ and LaF3:Yb3+/Tm3+ NPs were treated thermally by 3 hs at 300, 500, 700, and 900 °C and then characterized with respect to crystalline structures, sizes, shapes, presence of other crystalline phases and luminescent properties. From the experimental results, optimization of optical and structural properties were obtained for the thermal treatment at 500 °C while maintaining the LaF3 crystalline phase. However, it was observed the formation of lanthanum oxifluoride (LaOF) under thermal annealing at 900 °C, with higher luminescence in the near infrared, which makes this host to deserve further study. It was also synthesized LaF3 NPs varying the Tm3+ and Ho3+ ions concentrations with fixed Yb3+ one and these samples were thermally treated at 500 and 900 °C by 3 hs. The 1.2, 1.47, 1.8, and 2 μm emissions behaviors of Tm3+ and Ho3+ ions were investigated, in order to obtain the best concentrations for these emissions in these two hosts: LaF3 and LaOF. We also synthesized Yb3+/Tm3+ and Yb3+/Ho3+ co-doped LaF3 using nitrate and chloride precursors and these samples were annealed at 500 and 900° C to observe what occurs in the structural, morphological, and optical properties of the LaF3 and LaOF. As a result, no significant difference was observed in their structural and optical properties, thus facilitating the use of nitrate and chloride precursors for further researches using these hosts. Another very interesting and promising material is the yttrium oxide (Y2O3) transparent ceramics. In this case, we investigated using the thermal lens technique, conventional spectroscopy of luminescence and temporal dynamic, the thermal and optical properties of Y2O3:Tm3+ and Y2O3:Eu3+. The thermal properties obtained were: thermal diffusivity =26.06x10-3cm2/s, thermal conductivity =5.8 W/m.K, and the temperature coefficient of the optical path length change ⁄=2.978x10-6K-1. Small values for D and k were obtained in comparison to those of the literature, and this was attributed to the grain size of the investigated ceramics. The luminescence decays along with the thermal lens spectroscopy results were complementary to a complete characterization of the Y2O3:Tm3+ ceramics, enabling obtaining the fluorescence quantum efficiency of the Tm3+ 3F4 level emitting at 1.8 μm, which was estimated at η1=0.84. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Nanopartículas (NPs) de fluoreto de lantânio (LaF3) codopadas com íons terras-rara foram sintetizadas e avaliado o efeito de tratamento térmico em diferentes temperaturas. Também investigamos as propriedades termo-ópticas de cerâmicas transparentes de Y2O3 dopadas com os íons Tm3+ e Eu3+. As NPs de LaF3:Yb3+/Ho3+ e LaF3:Yb3+/Tm3+ foram tratadas termicamente por 3 horas nas temperaturas de 300, 500, 700 e 900 °C para então caracterizá-las com relação as suas estruturas cristalinas, tamanhos, formas, presença de outras fases cristalinas e propriedades luminescentes. A partir de resultados experimentais, verificou-se a otimização das propriedades estrutural e óptica no tratamento térmico de 500 °C, mantendo a fase cristalina de LaF3. No entanto, foi observada à formação de óxifluoreto de lantânio (LaOF) no tratamento térmico a 900 °C, resultando em maior luminescência no infravermelho próximo, o que faz essa matriz merecer um estudo mais aprofundado. Também, foram sintetizadas NPs de LaF3, mudando a concentração dos dopantes Tm3+ e Ho3+, mantendo fixa a de Yb3+, e essas amostras foram tratadas termicamente a 500 e 900 °C por 3 horas. Foram investigados os comportamentos das emissões em 1,2; 1,47; 1,8 e 2 μm dos íons Tm3+ e Ho3+, com intuito de se obter as melhores concentrações para essas emissões nessas duas matrizes: LaF3 e LaOF. Sintetizamos também LaF3 codopadas com Yb3+/Tm3+ e Yb3+/Ho3+, usando precursores nitratos e cloretos e as tratamos termicamente a 500 e 900 °C para se observar o que ocorre nas propriedades estruturais, morfológicas e ópticas nas matrizes LaF3 e LaOF. Como resultado, não foram observadas diferenças significativas em suas propriedades estruturais e ópticas, facilitando assim o uso de precursores nitratos e cloretos para futuras pesquisas usando essas matrizes. Outra matriz promissora é a cerâmica transparente de óxido de ítrio (Y2O3). Neste caso, investigamos usando a técnica de lente térmica e espectroscopia convencional de luminescência e dinâmica temporal, as propriedades térmicas e ópticas de Y2O3:Tm3+ e Y2O3:Eu3+. As propriedades termo-ópticas obtidas foram: difusividade térmica =26,06×10-3 cm2/s, condutividade térmica =5,8 W/m.K e o coeficiente de variação do caminho óptico com a temperatura ⁄=2,978×10-6 K-1. Valores pequenos para D e foram obtidos, quando comparados com os da literatura. Tais valores foram atribuídos ao tamanho dos grãos das nossas cerâmicas. Os decaimentos das luminescências, juntamente com os resultados da espectroscopia de lente térmica, foram complementares para uma caracterização completa da cerâmica de Y2O3:Tm3+, possibilitando a obtenção da eficiência quântica de fluorescência do nível 34 do íon Tm3+ emitindo em 1,8 μm, a qual foi estimada em 1=0,84.

Estudo de algoritmos RWA em redes GMPLS sobre DWDM

Feres, Mariana Massimino 08 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:05:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 3190.pdf: 9507279 bytes, checksum: 8c55bfbb567b6057f6f56e7a27fb7164 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-08 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The increase in the number of users and the emergence of sophisticated network applications motivate the research to improve the data-communication technologies, and thus to meet the requirement for bandwidth. In optical networks, one of the main advances is wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). An essential issue in designing of optical networks is how the network will be controlled, that is, which type of signaling will be used for resources reservation, routing and wavelength assigning, and how physical impairments will be dealfish. This implies in the necessity of several devices to guarantee the good functioning of the network. The diversity and complexity of administration of these devices stimulate the creation of GMPLS (Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching), in order to provide control, for domains not only based on packages (as it makes the MPLS - Multiprotocol Label Switching), but also on time slots, wavelength and fiber. However, the labels switching on the wavelength multiplexing can generate a NP-complete problem involving the routing and wavelength assignment: if both do no succeed, the connection blocking will occur with and loss of network performance. Another relevant question is that, in all-optical networks, there is some physical impairment that influence the blocking probability e must be taken in consideration in algorithms RWA. This work presents the study of the control plan GMPLS and RWA algorithms for the setting up of connections in alloptical WDM networks. Moreover, the study of two physical impairments (polarization mode dispersion and optical signal noise rate) was done, inserting them in RWA algorithm to reduce the blocking probability due them. The results had shown that the MostUsed algorithm has better performance than the BestFit and the Random one when considered the connection blocking due to resources (lambdas). Moreover, the use of impairments-aware algorithms influence significantly in the reduction of the blocking probability. Therefore, the more advantageous performance was observed in the use of impairment-aware algorithms simultaneously with the MostUsed algorithm. / O aumento de usuários e o surgimento de aplicações de redes sofisticadas impulsionam as pesquisas para aprimorar as tecnologias de transmissão de dados, e assim suprir a exigência por largura de banda. Em redes ópticas, um dos principais avanços é o surgimento da multiplexação de comprimento de onda (WDM). Desta forma, uma questão essencial no projeto de redes ópticas compreende na definição de como a rede será controlada, isto é, qual tipo de sinalização será utilizado para reserva de recursos, definição de rotas, tratamento de falhas, entre outras funções formadoras do plano de controle. Isso implica na necessidade de diversos dispositivos para garantir o bom funcionamento da rede. A diversidade e complexidade de administração desses dispositivos incentivam a criação do GMPLS (Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching), a fim de prover controle, não somente para domínios baseados em pacotes (como faz o MPLS - Multiprotocol Label Switching), mas também em tempo, comprimento de onda e fibra. Porém, a comutação de rótulos sobre a multiplexação de comprimento de onda pode gerar um problema NP-Completo envolvendo o roteamento e a associação de comprimento de onda, uma vez que se ambas não obtiverem sucesso, ocorrerá o bloqueio da conexão e perda de desempenho da rede. Outra questão relevante é que, em redes totalmente ópticas, existem problemas inerentes da camada física os que influenciam na probabilidade de bloqueio e devem ser levados em consideração em algoritmos RWA (roteamento por associação de comprimento de onda). O presente trabalho realiza o estudo do plano de controle GMPLS e de algoritmos RWA para o estabelecimento de conexões em redes WDM transparentes. Além disso, é feito um estudo de duas restrições da camada física (dispersão por modo de polarização e relação sinal ruído óptica) inserindo-as no algoritmo RWA para diminuir a probabilidade de bloqueio devido a elas. Os resultados mostraram que o algoritmo MostUsed possui melhor desempenho em relação ao BestFit e ao Random quando considerado bloqueio por falta de recursos (lambdas). Além disso, o uso de algoritmos cientes de restrições da camada física influencia significamente na diminuição da probabilidade de bloqueio. Portanto, o melhor desempenho foi observado no uso de algoritmos cientes de restrições físicas juntamente com o algoritmo MostUsed.

Desenvolvimento de filmes finos de Óxido de Índio-Estanho para aplicação em dispositivos orgânicos eletroluminescentes

Rios, Leisa Brand 17 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Geandra Rodrigues (geandrar@gmail.com) on 2018-10-24T15:44:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 leisabrandrios.pdf: 3333252 bytes, checksum: eb46615b96454ef8cb84c80277532dff (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2018-11-06T13:27:31Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 leisabrandrios.pdf: 3333252 bytes, checksum: eb46615b96454ef8cb84c80277532dff (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-06T13:27:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 leisabrandrios.pdf: 3333252 bytes, checksum: eb46615b96454ef8cb84c80277532dff (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-17 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Neste trabalho, filmes finos de Óxido de Índio-Estanho (ITO) foram crescidos sobre substratos de vidro e de quartzo, pela técnica de deposição por pulverização catódica com radiofrequência assistida por um campo magnético constante do inglês “RF Magnetron Sputtering” à temperatura ambiente. O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar a influência dos parâmetros de deposição nas propriedades elétricas, ópticas e estruturais desses filmes. Caracterizações elétricas, ópticas e estruturais foram realizadas, respectivamente, por medidas de Efeito Hall, absorção óptica no UV-VIS e difração de Raios-X. Observou-se que os parâmetros de deposição - potência de pulverização e pressão de trabalho - têm forte influência sobre as propriedades elétricas e estruturais dos filmes finos ITO, mas a transmitância óptica na região visível (400 ˂ λ ˂ 700) nm sempre esteve acima de 80% para todos os filmes a 550 nm. Por meio das medidas de difração de Raios-X verificamos que os filmes apresentaram pequena orientação na direção [111] e a cristalinidade dos filmes aumentou com o acréscimo da potência de pulverização. A otimização dos parâmetros de crescimento reduziu a resistividade elétrica dos filmes, principalmente devido ao aumento da concentração e da mobilidade dos portadores de carga. Os melhores filmes finos foram obtidos com a potência de pulverização de 140 W, pressão de trabalho de 0,08 mbar e fluxo de argônio de 300 sccm, com baixa resistividade elétrica, e mobilidade e concentração de portadores elevadas de, respectivamente, 8,81 x 10⁻⁴ Ωcm, 9,98 cm²/Vs e 6,30 x 10²⁰ cm⁻³, aliados a uma alta transmitância óptica de 97,7% em 550nm e gap óptico de 3,78 eV. O filme otimizado foi utilizado como cátodo em um diodo emissor de luz orgânico (OLEDs) que apresentou uma eficiência satisfatória quando comparado a um dispositivo similar feito com ITO comercial. O próximo passo foi produzir um diodo emissor de luz orgânico transparente (TOLED), que emite luz para ambos os lados usando filmes transparentes de ITO para ânodo e cátodo. Para isso, as películas de ITO foram depositadas sobre camadas orgânicas, que são sensíveis a potências de pulverização elevadas. Assim, uma nova série de deposições com diferentes pressões de trabalho foram realizadas mantendo-se a potência fixa em 40 W. O melhor filme com esta potência menor foi obtido com pressão de trabalho de 0,08 mbar e fluxo de argônio de 300 sccm. Estes filmes apresentaram, como resistividade elétrica, mobilidade e concentração de portadores, 3,99 x 10⁻³ Ωcm, 2,07 cm²/Vs e 7,55 x 10²⁰ cm⁻³, respectivamente. Eles também mostraram uma transmitância acima de 92% para 400 < λ < 700 nm e gap óptico de 3,50 eV. Através das medidas de XRD, verificamos que todos os filmes depositados com baixa potência de pulverização apresentaram uma banda amorfa com picos de difração referentes a direção [111] com baixa intensidade, indicando que as películas são praticamente amorfas. Finalmente, serão apresentados os resultados da caracterização de TOLEDs, utilizando os filmes de ITO otimizados fabricados com uma potência de 40 W. / In this work, thin films of Indium-Tin Oxide (ITO) were grown onto glass and quartz substrates by R.F. Magnetron Sputtering deposition technique at room temperature. The objective of this work was to study the influence of deposition parameters on the electrical, optical and structural properties of these films. Electrical, optical and structural characterizations were performed, by Hall Effect measurements, UV-VIS optical absorption and X-ray diffraction, respectively. It was observed that the deposition parameters – sputtering power and working pressure– have a strong influence on the electrical and structural properties of ITO thin films, but the optical transmittance in the visible region (400 ˂ λ ˂ 700) nm was always above 80 % for all films at 550 nm. By means of the XRD measurements, we verified that the films showed small orientation in the direction [111] and the crystallinity of the films increased with the increase of the sputtering power. The optimization of growth parameters reduced the electrical resistivity of the films mainly because of the increase of carrier concentration and carrier mobility. Thin films with the best electrical properties were obtained with sputtering power of 140 W, working pressure of 0.08 mbar and argon flow of 300 sccm. The best ITO thin films had electrical resistivity of 8.81 x 10⁻⁴ Ωcm, mobility of 9.98 cm²/Vs, and carrier concentration of 6.30 x 10²⁰ cm⁻³ together with a high optical transmittance of 97.7 % at 550 nm and a band gap of 3.78 eV. The optimized film was used as cathode in an organic light-emitting diode (OLEDs) that presented a satisfactory efficiency when compared to a similar device made with commercial ITO. The next step was to produce a Transparent Organic Light Emitting Diode (TOLED), which emits light from both sides by using ITO transparent films for both anode and cathode. To do so, ITO films were deposited on top of organic active layers, which are sensitive to high sputtering powers. So a new series of depositions with different working pressures were performed with a fixed power of 40 W. The best film with this smaller power was obtained with working pressure of 0.08 mbar and argon flow of 300sccm. These films presented, as electrical resistivity, mobility and carrier concentration, 3.99 x 10⁻³ Ωcm, 2.07 cm2 / Vs and 7.55 x 10²⁰ cm⁻³, respectively. They also showed a transmittance above 92 % for 400 < λ < 700 nm and band gap of 3.50 eV. Through X rays difraction measurements, we verified that all films deposited with low sputtering power presented an amorphous band with diffraction peaks referring to the [111] direction with low intensity, indicating that the films are practically amorphous. Finally, the results of the characterization of TOLEDs presented, using the optimized ITO films made with a sputtering power of 40 W.

Utilisation de nanomatériaux anisotropes pour l'élaboration d'électrodes transparentes conductrices / Use of anisotropic materials for the preparation of transparent and conductive electrodes

Idier, Jonathan 12 December 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse est principalement dédié à la mise en forme et à l’utilisation de nano-objets unidimensionnels comme matériaux d’électrodes transparentes. Les nanofils d’argent font partie des candidats les plus prometteurs pour le remplacement de l’oxyde d’indium-étain, actuellement le plus répandu dans les dispositifs commerciaux. La forte instabilité des nanofils d’argent à l’oxydation est néanmoins un problème critique puisque les électrodes deviennent moins performantes en peu de temps. En premier lieu, la triphénylphosphine a été utilisée comme agent inhibant l’oxydation. Contrairement aux électrodes non modifiées, celles-ci sont stables pendant plus de trois mois. Une deuxième partie est consacrée à l’utilisation de l’électrofilage pour élaborer des électrodes transparentes à base de nanofibres de matériaux conducteurs (nanofibres de cuivre, nanotubes de carbone, oxyde de graphène réduit). Enfin, une dernière partie concerne l’étude des propriétés mécaniques de nanofibres d’alcool polyvinylique par l’écoulement d’un fluide porteur dans une constriction réalisée en impression 3D. Cette méthode permet une analyse et une évaluation simple et rapide de la contrainte à la rupture des nanofibres, propriété difficilement accessible par des mesures mécaniques traditionnelles. / This PhD work deals mainly with the high scale organization and use of unidimensional nano-objects for making transparent electrodes. Among the candidates of choice for the replacement of indium tinoxide, the main material used in commercial devices, silver nanowires (Ag NW) are among the most promising. However, the tendency of silver nanowires to be quickly oxidized can severely affect their performances. Firstly, this drawback is circumvented through the use of triphenylphosphine (PPh3)as a protective agent. Unlike bare Ag NW electrodes, the PPh3 modified Ag NW electrodes are stable over three months. A second part is dedicated to the production of transparent electrodes via the electrospinning technique. Materials such as copper nanofibers, carbon nanotubes and reduced graphene oxide are investigated. The last part of the manuscript deals with the measurement of the mechanical properties of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) nanofibers. To do so, the flowing of a fluid in a3D-printed constriction is used. Usually determined with difficulty, the fracture strength of the nanofibers can be evaluated quickly at ease.

Integration of few kayer graphene nanomaterials in organic solar cells as (transparent) conductor electrodes / Intégration de nanomatériaux à base de quelques couches de graphène servant d'électrode (transparente) conductrice dans les cellules solaires organiques

Pirzado, Azhar Ali Ayaz 12 June 2015 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, des films à base de graphène ont été étudiés comme alternatives viables dans la fabrication d'électrodes transparentes (TCE). Elle met l'accent sur des couches fines de graphène (FLG), sur l'oxyde de graphène réduit (RGO) et leurs hybrides avec des nanotubes de carbone (NTCs) pour être utilisé comme TCE dans les cellule solaires organiques (OSC). Les FLGs et RGO ont été préparés par des méthodes d'exfoliation mécanique ou en phase liquide assistée par micro-ondes. Ces nanomatériaux dilués dans un solvant liquide ont été déposé en couche mince par aérographe. Des caractérisations de transport de charge ont été obtenues grâce à la méthode des 4 pointes. Ces échantillons ont été caractérisés: leur transparence(UV-Visible), leur morphologie et leur topographique (MEB, MET, AFM) ainsi que le travail de sortie (UPS). Pour obtenir des informations sur la qualité structurelle des échantillons, nous avons utilisés les méthodes de spectroscopie XPS, Raman et la photoluminescence. / Graphene mate rials have been researched as viable alternatives of transparent conductors electrodes (TCEs) in this thesis. Current study focuses on few layer graphene (FLG), reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and their hybrids with carbon nanotubes (CNTs) for TCE applications inorganic solar cells (OSCs). FLGs and rGOs have been prepared by mechanical and microwave-assisted exfoliation methods. This films of these materials have been produced by hot-spray method. Results of charge transport characterizations by four-point probes, transparency (UV-Vis), measurements, along with morphological (SEM, TEM) and topgraphic (AFM) studies of films have been presented. UPS studies were performed to determine for a work-function. XPS,Raman and Photoluminescence studies have been employed to obtain the information about the structural quality of the samples.

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