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Geographic Information System Analysis of Changing Demographic Patterns and Ethnic Restaurant Locations in Bowling Green, Kentucky, 1940-2005Jeng, Shwu-Jing 01 May 2010 (has links)
The geography of food has been a popular subject for researchers and scholars who have explored the representative foods of a given region in reference to the area’s cultural identity. Food plays an important role in the development of individual cultures and civilization. Food consumption and dining habits usually reflect individuals’ location, cultural and individual identity, accessibility to food and heritage. United States is a country often called a “melting pot society.” Immigrants in the United States comprise over eight percent of the population, and various ethnic groups have reshaped American society with their unique cultures and foodways.
Driven in part by globalization, food has been commercialized in an effort to increase profit and broaden the diversity of foods available for consumption. By studying ethnic restaurants and the food they offer, one can gain a basic understanding of other information related to ethnic groups. The purpose of this study is to analyze changes in ethnic restaurant numbers, types, and locations from 1940 to 2005, as well as changing demographic patterns in Bowling Green, Kentucky. I hypothesize that a relationship exists between the numbers, locations and diversity of ethnic restaurants and ethnic populations in Bowling Green. Globalization and the influx of ethnic groups will reshape the diversity of ethnic cuisines between 1940 to 2005. In addition, changes in Bowling Green income, education level and ethnic structure are associated with increasing diversity of ethnic restaurants. Relationships between the locations of ethnic neighborhoods and ethnic restaurants are also examined.
The methods of investigation in this thesis include assembling a database of historic restaurant information and using GIS technology to map locations of ethnic restaurants and analyze spatial patterns and ethnic diversity of restaurant types. In order to investigate the association between ethnic structure, income and education level of Bowling Green’s population and the diversity of ethnic restaurant over time, data was collected from the decennial Census of Population and Housing. To research current consumer preferences, a survey was conducted to discover the most influential factors impacting residents’ choice of cuisines and the variation in restaurant preferences among age groups. Interviews with owners of ethnic restaurant shed light on locational choices.
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The use of asthma medications among asthma cases in Saskatchewan from January 1, 1991 to December 31, 2000White, Nicole E. 03 April 2006 (has links)
Asthma affects nearly two and a half million people in Canada. In Saskatchewan, the prevalence of asthma has increased across all age groups since 1981. Current literature indicates that the purchase of all asthma medications increased in the last 20 years both province and nationwide. Since the early 1990s, the Canadian Consensus Guidelines (CCG) for the treatment of asthma recommended increasing the use of inhaled corticosteroids as a mainstay for controlling asthma symptoms. The CCG have also encouraged decreasing the use of short-acting, inhaled beta2-agonist medication. <p>The objective of this descriptive epidemiological study was to investigate asthma medication prescribing at the individual level among physician-diagnosed asthma patients, aged 0 to 64 years, in Saskatchewan from January 1, 1991 to December 31, 2000. Saskatchewan residents covered under the provincial health insurance plan who received a physicians diagnosis of asthma, identified each calendar year, were included in the study (296,430 asthma patients in total). <p>
Nearly 80.0% of this asthma population purchased at least one asthma medication in each calendar year. From 1991 to 2000, users and the mean number of prescriptions of short-acting beta2-agonists decreased slightly. The proportion of users and mean number prescriptions per year of inhaled corticosteroids increased. The highest mean numbers of prescriptions and users of inhaled corticosteroids were among the 0-4 year olds. <p>Short-acting beta2-agonists, inhaled corticosteroids, and oral corticosteroids were the most popular medications. Users of theophyllines and cromoglycates decreased. The 15-34 year old males showed the greatest "inappropriate" use as high users of short-acting beta2-agonists and low users of inhaled corticosteroids. <p>There was increasing compliance with the CCG over the ten years. The combination of beta2-agonists with inhaled corticosteroids usurped beta2-agonist monotherapy as the most popular form of asthma therapy by the year 2000. Users of combination therapy increased from 19% to 38.7%, while users of beta2-agonists alone decreased from 34.5% to 23.1%. <p>From 1996 to 2000, the monthly number of both short-acting beta2-agonists and inhaled corticosteroids prescriptions decreased for all users in July and August. Peak increases in the number of short-acting beta2-agonist prescriptions, for children under 15, occurred in September. For adults, peak increases occurred in December for both medications. <p>These study results will enhance the understanding of asthma medication use among children and adults and will help healthcare professionals develop new treatment programs for the management of asthma.
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The Connection Between School And Student Characteristics With Mathematics Achievement In TurkeySevgi, Sevim 01 October 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of study is to investigate the effects of school characteristics on students&rsquo / mathematics achievement across Turkey by analyzing the data collected from school questionnaire, student background questionnaire and mathematics achievement test in Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2007. The analyzed sample was comprised of 4,498 students in 146 schools. Student level factors were highest level of education of either parent, students speak the language of test at home, students&rsquo / parents born in country, books in home, computer and internet connection, computer use, index of time students spend doing mathematics homework in a normal school week, index of students&rsquo / positive affect toward mathematics, index of students&rsquo / valuing mathematics, index of students&rsquo / self confidence in learning mathematics. School related factors were principals reports on the percentages of students in their schools coming from economically disadvantaged homes, principals report on the percentage of students having the language of test as their native language, index of good attendance, principals time spent on various school related activities, schools encouragement of parental involvement, index of school resources for mathematics instruction, index of principals perception of school climate.
Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) was used for analysis. The result of the study showed that 45% of variance between schools, 54.6 % of variance was in schools, 57.33 % of school variance in mathematics achievement accounted by principals&rsquo / report on percentages of students coming from economically disadvantaged homes, parents to volunteer for school programs, school resources for mathematics instruction and principals&rsquo / perception of school climate.
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Persistency & trends : Stock price impact of interim reportsGyllefjord, Fredrik, Lolic, Vladimir January 2006 (has links)
<p>Problem: Interim and annual reports are some of the most crucial sources of information regarding companies’ performances. Interested parties such as analysts and investors assess this information and compare it with expectations. Analysts’ expectations of companies’ interim reports are of great importance when analysing the future development of share movement. Possible deviations between analysts’ expectations and actual presented results from the individual companies might change the perceptions of specific future stock prices. Furthermore business sectors have different characteristics and might respond differently to unexpected earnings news. Over- and underperformance of the presented results in relation to analysts’ expectations could create specific stock price movements over a forthcoming period depending on the nature of the report. The authors label this phenomenon as persistent trends.</p><p>Purpose: The purpose of this thesis was to establish whether persistency and trends could be observed in the future development of companies’ stock prices with regard to analysts’ expectations and the true result presented by the companies.</p><p>Method: With a quantitative approach the authors conducted an event study aiming to fulfill the purpose of this thesis. The study consisted of all fourth quarter reports presented 2001 throughout 2004 by the companies presently listed on the Most traded section of the Stockholm stock exchange A-list. The authors defined the nature of the studied reports as positive or negative depending on whether the pre-tax earning exceeded or were lower than the analysts’ expectations. Furthermore the authors constructed a mathematical formula which distinguished if the possible deviation of actual results compared to expectations was significant. The share price performance for two months subsequent to the earnings announcement was recorded and compared with the OMXS30 development for the equivalent time, thereby the authors gathered empirical evidence to fulfill the purpose. Furthermore the data was also divided into business subcategories to provide answers to whether there was uniform response to unexpected earnings information among business sectors.</p><p>Results: The authors presented empirically founded evidence for the existence of persistent trends following the presentation of both positive and negative reports. The authors also rejected the presence of a uniform response to deviating earnings information in the business sectors.</p>
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Vikten att följa trender - en inköpares dilemma? : En tvärsnittsstudie om beslutsfattandet inom svenska modeföretags inköpsprocesser / The importance of following trends – a buyer’s dilemma?Sundqvist, Lovisa, Wrang, Annie January 2014 (has links)
Sedan millenniumskiftet förändrades modevärlden radikalt av fler säsonger, ökad mångfald av trender samtidigt som trendernas livslängds blev allt kortare. Hos inköparna på de stora klädbolagen ställs det idag ett allt större krav att veta vad som kommer att sälja i framtiden. Idag måste besluten tas snabbt så att kläderna hinner producera och levereras i tid innan modet hinner ändra sig. Som ett hjälpmedel för inköpare och designers om i vilken riktning modet kommer att gå finns trender som fungerar som ett avgränsat modeuttryck för att förmedla och tolka en viss stil och därmed ge en tydlig bild om vad som bör produceras och efterfrågas. Men eftersom internet har medfört en ökad acceleration av trender kan det upplevas svårt att veta vad som kommer sälja i framtiden och det är här ser vi trendbyråernas roll. Trendbyråer har en koordinerande roll på marknaden där de ger företag vägledning om förändringar i modet. Genom trendanalyser får företag en överblick hur riktningen i modet kommer att gå, förstå vilka globala influenser som påverkar modet och en reflektion kring hur allt återspeglas till modet. Vad gäller tidigare forskning av begreppen trender och trendbyråer vid beslutsfattande, har ingen omfattande undersökning tidigare gjorts vilket har medfört att vår uppsats känns värdefull för en mer förståelse kring ämnet. Avsikten med vår uppsats är att undersöka och analysera hur trender och trendanalyser har för betydelse vid beslutsfattande inom inköpsprocessens tidiga stadium hos svenska modeföretag. Studien har efter insamling av teori inom områdena beslut, trender och trendanalyser genomförts med en kvalitativ grund där insamling av det empiriska materialet har utgått från semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuer har främst genomförts med respondenter som innehar en roll inom inköp på svenska modeföretag som ingår i beteckningen SME (Small medium Enterprises). Dessa företag är Ellos, Lindex, Gina Tricot och MQ. För att öka förståelsen kring trender och trendanalyser har intervjuer även genomförts med en trendanalytiker från Svenska Moderådet och en författare bakom boken Trendmakarna. Insamlad data har därefter analyserats och ställts mot teorier angående beslut, trender och trendanalyser i syfte att kunna uttala oss om hur inköpare ser på trender och trendbyråers betydelse vid beslutsfattande av inköp. De resultat som empirin bestått av ger indikationer på att trender har en betydande roll men att det både kan öka och minska på osäkerheter samt risker. Inköparna anser att det finns många risker med trendbaserade produkter men att trendanalyser vid beslutsfattande kan användas för att förstå riktningen modet går i för att därefter kunna anpassa inköpen genom volym, budget, material och leverantörer. Därmed kan de vara ett hjälpmedel för att minska på både ett besluts risk och osäkerhet, vilket bekräftar de teorier som tagits upp. Dock kan vi uttala oss om att beslutsfattande inom inköp inte bara baseras på trendanalyser utan andra faktorer och variabler spelar också in.
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Child survival in Rwanda: Challenges and potential for improvement : Population- and hospital-based studiesMusafili, Aimable January 2015 (has links)
After the 1994 genocide and collapse of the health system, Rwanda initiated major social and health reforms in order to reduce child mortality and health inequities in accordance with the Millennium Development Goals. The aim of this thesis was to assess trends in under-five mortality (U5M) and equity in child survival, to study social barriers for improved perinatal and neonatal survival, and to evaluate Helping Babies Breathe (HBB), a newborn resuscitation program. In paper I we analysed trends and social inequities in child mortality 1990−2010, using data from national Demographic and Health Surveys conducted in 2000, 2005, and 2010. The following papers were based on hospital studies in the capital of Rwanda. In paper II we explored social inequities in perinatal mortality. Using a perinatal audit approach, paper III assessed factors related to the three delays, which preceded perinatal deaths, and estimates were made of potentially avoidable deaths. Paper IV evaluated knowledge and skills gained and retained by health workers after training in HBB. Under-five mortality declined from the peak of 238 deaths per 1000 live births (95% CI 226 to 251) in 1994 to 65 deaths per 1000 live births (95% CI 61 to 70) in 2010 and concurred with decreased social gaps in child and neonatal survival between rural and urban areas and household wealth groups. Children born to women with no education still had significantly higher under-five mortality. Neonatal mortality also decreased but at a slower rate as compared to infant and U5M. Maternal rural residence or having no health insurance were linked to increased risk of perinatal death. Neither maternal education nor household wealth was associated with perinatal mortality risks. Lack of recognition of pregnancy danger signs and intrapartum-related suboptimal care were major contributors to perinatal deaths, whereof one half was estimated to be potentially avoidable. Knowledge significantly improved after training in HBB. This knowledge was sustained for at least 3 months following training whereas practical skills had declined. These results highlight the need for strengthening coverage of lifesaving interventions giving priority to underserved groups for improved child survival at community as well as at hospital levels.
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An interaction between statins and clopidogrel : a pharmacoepidemiology cohort study with survival time analysisBlagojevic, Ana. January 2007 (has links)
Clopidogrel is an antiplatelet drug prescribed to prevent stent thrombosis after a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Previous evidence suggests that some widely prescribed statins may inhibit the antiplatelet effects of clopidogrel via competitive metabolism of its activating enzyme cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4). / The objective was to investigate the possibility of an interaction post-PCI between statins and clopidogrel. / We carried out a population-based cohort study identifying 10,491 patients using clopidogrel post-PCI (2001-2004). The outcome was a composite of death of any cause, myocardial infarction, unstable angina, repeat revascularization, and cerebrovascular events. We found that co-prescription of CYP3A4-metabolized statins (hazard ratio (HR) 0.95, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.79-1.15), or non-CYP3A4-metabolized statins (HR 0.82, 95% CI 0.63-1.07) with clopidogrel was not associated with increase in adverse outcomes. / We observed no evidence of interaction between clopidogrel and statins in a large population cohort of PCI patients, suggesting unlikelihood of an important interaction.
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Analysis of Stream Runoff Trends in the Blue Ridge and Piedmont of Southeastern United StatesKharel, Usha 20 April 2009 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to examine the temporal trends of three monthly variables: stream runoff, rainfall and air temperature and to find out if any correlation exists between rainfall and stream runoff in the Blue Ridge and Piedmont provinces of the southeast United States. Trend significance was determined using the non-parametric Mann-Kendall test on a monthly and annual basis. GIS analysis was used to find and integrate the urban and non-urban stream gauging, rainfall and temperature stations in the study area. The Mann-Kendall test showed a statistically insignificant temporal trend for all three variables. The correlation of 0.4 was observed for runoff and rainfall, which showed that these two parameters are moderately correlated.
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Darnus vystymasis ir demografinių procesų valdymo galimybės Lietuvoje / Sustainable development and possibilities to manage demographic processes in LithuaniaBileišis, Mantas 29 January 2008 (has links)
Darbe yra analizuojama Lietuvos demografinė situacija ir kokią įtaką tai daro darnaus vystymosi politikos įgyvendinimui šalyje. Autorius prieina prie išvados, kad yra daug įvairių priežasčių, kodėl Lietuvoje įsivyravo nepalanki demografinė padėtis. Tačiau darnaus vystymosi požiūriu, spręsti problemą ar bent minimizuoti jos neigiamas pasekmes valstybei turi tapti svarbiausiu prioritetu. Šiuo požiūriu valstybė turi prisiimti visą atsakomybę dėl situacijos gerinimo ir vengti dėl padėties kaltinti visuomenės elgesį, kuris neatitinka darnaus vystymosi reikalavimų. Tokia pozicija negali duoti teigiamų rezultatų ir negali būti neveiklumo pateisinimas. Pripažindamas valstybės pagrindinį vaidmenį įgyvendinant darnaus vystymosi koncepcijos reikalavimus, autorius pastebi, kad tradicinis, teisinis-administracinis viešosios valdžios organizavimo modelis sukelia kliūčių sudaro labai daug kliūčių priimant adekvačius strateginius sprendimus ir juos įgyvendinant. Todėl siūloma įvesti keletą naujų viešojo valdymo procedūrų, kurios leistų tas kliūtis įveikti; tuo pačiu vengti keisti institucinę struktūrą, nes tokios reformos yra politiškai sudėtingos ir nepraktiškos. Nacionalinės darnaus vystymosi strategijos Visuomenės sveikatos skyriaus analizė paremia teiginius, kad dabartinės politinės priemonės nesudaro prielaidų įveikti demografinį iššūkį. / The paper is analyzing the demographical situation in Lithuania and what does it mean to the implementation of the sustainable development policies in the country. The author reaches the conclusion that there is a variety of reasons why the demographic situation in the country is complicated and hard to manage. Yet, solving the problem or at least minimizing the negative consequences of the ongoing depopulation is an absolute priority from the perspectives of sustainable development. In this respect the state must take all the responsibility for the situation as blaming the society for not behaving in a sustainable way is no excuse for inaction, neither is such a stance productive. In recognizing the central role of the state in the paradigm of sustainable development the author suggests that the traditional legal-administrative system of public governance acts as an impediment to reach adequate strategic decisions and later implement them. It is therefore suggested to introduce a different set of procedures to remedy the situation; however the institutional structure should be left intact, because such reforms are politically complicated and impractical. The analysis of the chapter of Public health of the Lithuanian National strategy for sustainable development supports the claims that current policies do not meet the countries demographical challenge.
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Autorių teisių apribojimų samprata: dabartis ir perspektyvos / The Conception of Copyright Limitations: the Today and PerspectivesMeiženytė, Loreta 24 February 2010 (has links)
Beveik nuo pat autorių teisių apsaugos pradžios greta autorių teisių buvo įtvirtinti ir autorių teisių apribojimai. Autorių teisių apribojimai yra viena iš keleto autorių teisių ir visuomenės teisės į informaciją, saviraiškos laisvės, teisės į privatumą, mokslą bei kitų prigimtinių žmogaus teisių suderinimo priemonių, kuri įstatymų specialiai numatytais atvejais riboja autorių turtines teises, suteikdama kūrinių naudotojams teisę atlygintinai ar neatlygintinai naudotis kūriniais be autoriaus ar kito autorių teisių subjekto sutikimo. Atsižvelgiant į autorių teisių apribojimų paskirtį suderinti autorių teises su kitomis prigimtinėmis žmogaus teisėmis, autorių teisių apribojimų sampratą lemia atitinkama autorių teisių ir kitų prigimtinių žmogaus teisių pusiausvyra. Veikiama daugybės skirtingų veiksnių, autorių teisių ir kitų prigimtinių žmogaus teisių pusiausvyra nuolat kinta, o reaguodama į šiuos pokyčius, nuolat kinta ir autorių teisių apribojimų samprata.
Pastaruoju metu vis dažniau manoma, kad dėl įvairių veiksnių, ypač dėl technologinių, šiuolaikinė autorių teisių ir kitų prigimtinių žmogaus teisių pusiausvyra yra gerokai pakreipta autorių pusėn, dėl ko autorių teisių apribojimų išlikimui kyla didelė grėsmė. Atsižvelgiant į šias problemas ir siekiant, kad ateityje autorių teisių apribojimai išliktų ir galėtų tinkamai įgyvendinti savo paskirtį, teisės literatūroje pateikiama daugybė pasiūlymų kaip autorių teisių apribojimai ateityje galėtų ir turėtų būti reformuojami... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Almost from the very beginning of the copyright protection copyright limitations by copyright has been established. Copyright limitations are one of a number of copyright and the society’s right to information, freedom of expression, right to privacy, education and other human rights inherent and harmonization measures that restrict the author’s economic rights with the specifically provided cases by the laws giving users the right repayable or gratuitous to use works without the permission of the author or other copyright subject. In view of purpose of copyright limitations to combine copyright with other inherent human rights copyright limitations are determined by the appropriate copyright and other inherent human rights balance. Copyright and other inherent human rights balance is constantly changed by influencing of many different factors and conception of copyright limitations constantly changes too.
Recently, it has increasingly thought, that due to a variety of factors, especially technological, modern copyright and other inherent human rights are significantly tilted the balance toward the author, on what copyright limitations are creating a serious threat for survival. In view of these problems and on purpose to remain the future of copyright limitations and could properly fulfil its purpose, legal literature contains numerous suggestions on how copyright limitations in the future could and should be reformed. These above mentioned copyright limitations on the... [to full text]
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