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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza zpomalování trolejbusů a vyhodnocení jeho účinků na stojící cestující / Analysis of Deceleration of Trolleybuses and Evaluation of its Impact on Standing Passengers

Semmler, Petr January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is focused on analysis and evaluation of the trolley deceleration effect on his standing passengers. The first part focuses on theoretical knowledge in terms of legislative requirements for the operation of trolleybuses and transport standing passengers. This section also lists physical findings during deceleration and forces acting on the vehicle. The central part is divided into two measurements. The first measure is aimed at obtaining data (deceleration) and information (number of passengers, increased stability, and fall) of the normal operation of the standing passengers in interior trolley. The second measurement will be focused on driving performance demonstration tests with the interior trolley helpers in various traffic situations. The conclusion of this thesis will summarize the values and knowledge of both measurements. The evaluated data set will limit the slowdown in the trolley passengers where standing still maintains stability.

Pomocná jeřábová kočka licího jeřábu / Auxiliary crab for overhead foundry crane

Adam, Petr January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis deals with issue design of crab trolley. Concretely is acted about auxiliary crab trolley with required capacity 65 000 kg. This crab is on overhead crane, which is situated at hall of foundry. In particular chapters is processed design of lifting mechanism and travelling mechanism, which is amended to strength control of frame. This whole leads to output solutions, which is drawing documentation.

Kit-box mekanism / Kit-box mechanism

Boateng, Kevin, Holm, Erick Lucian Matias January 2023 (has links)
På uppdrag av EQpack var projektets mål att utveckla ett koncept för en hyllvagn tänkt att användas i fabriksgolv av montörer. Hyllvagnen ska bära på kit-boxar med komponenter och ta upp mindre golvyta än befintliga hyllvagnar för kit-boxar. EQpacks idé var att till skillnad från konventionella hyllvagnar, i vilka kit-boxar placeras horisontellt till varandra och förs vidare med rullband, i stället ha hyllvagnar där kit-boxar kan placeras vertikalt i relation till varandra. Någon form av mekanism ska möjliggöra styckvis nedförsel av kit-boxar åt montören, i vilken form detta sker var föremål för utveckling i projektet. Utvecklingen av hyllvagnen skedde i fyra faser; analys och avgränsning, faktainsamling, genomförande samt utvärdering. Som förstudie har bland annat befintliga vagnar i en fabrik observerats vid arbete samt har samtal förts med de olika användarna om deras synpunkter. Under samtal med handledare sattes förväntningar, krav och avgränsningar. Genomförandet bestod av att ta fram diverse idéer och testa deras funktionsduglighet m.h.a bland annat lego. De olika koncepten analyserades och jämfördes med puhg matris. Med valda legomodellen som grund gjordes en CAD-modell med standardiserade komponenter som förslag på hur det skulle kunna konstrueras. Modellen uppmättes ta upp ca en fjärdedel av golvytan som en konventionell vagn tar. / The aim of the project was to develop a concept for a shelf trolley for EQpack, intended to be used on factory floors by assemblers. The shelf trolley must be able to carry kit boxes with components and take up less floorspace than existing shelf trolleys for kit boxes. EQpack's idea was to, unlike conventional shelf trolleys, in which kit boxes are placed next to each other horizontally and transported by conveyor belts, instead have shelf trolleys where kit boxes can be placed vertically in relation to each other. Some form of mechanism must enable piecemeal lowering of kit boxes for the assembler. How this is done was subject for development in the project. The development of the shelf trolley took place in four phases; analysis and boundaries, fact-gathering, exicution and evaluation. As a preliminary study, existing trolleys in a factory have been observed at work and discussions have been held with the various users about their views. Through discussion with supervisors the expectations, requirements and boundaries were set. The execution consisted of development of various ideas and testing their functionality with Lego. The different concepts were analyzed and compared with a puhg matrix. With the chosen Lego model as a basis, a CAD model was made with standardized components as suggestions for how a final product could be constructed. The final model was measured to take up about a quarter of the floorspace that the conventional trolley occupies.

Utveckling av multifunktionell cykelvagn : En studie om ökad lastförmåga i vardagen / Development of a multifunctional bicycle carriage : A studie for increased load capacity in everyday life

Jonasson, Rasmus January 2021 (has links)
Denna rapport behandlar ett projekt för examen inom programmet Högskoleingenjör inom innovationsteknik och design. Projektet genomfördes tillsammans med företaget Atran Velo med målet att utveckla en cykel-/dragvagn som ska integreras med företagets AVS-system. Projektet genomfördes under våren 2021 vid Karlstads universitet och omfattar 22,5 hp. Projektets syfte är att ta fram en vagn som ökar lastförmågan hos en standardcykel. Detta möjliggör att människor kan bruka sin cykel vid flera tillfällen, vilket bidrar till flera positiva aspekter. Genom att transportera sig med cykel i stället för bilen bidrar det till minskade utsläpp. Detta har en positiv påverkan på miljön och klimatet. Det ökar även den fysiska aktiviteten hos människan, vilket bidrar till att individens välmående ökar. Projektet har utgått från produktutvecklingsprocessen med faserna: projektplanering, förstudie, produktspecifikation, konceptgenerering, konceptval, konstruktion, slutprocess och rapportskrivning. I faserna har olika beprövade metoder används.  Projektet resulterade i ett konceptförslag på en vagn och koppling som företaget ska arbeta vidare med efter detta projekt. Vagnen fungerar som både en cykel- och dragvagn som enkelt går att koppla på och av cykeln med en AVS-adapter. Till exempel för att cykla förbi affären och använda vagnen för mathandling. Vagnen har två lastytor som har integrerade AVS-bryggor vilket gör vagnen till en AVS-bärare, med detta menas att vagnen kan användas med företagets olika tillbehör. Vagnen går även att vika ihop för platsbesparing i hemmet för att öka kundvärdet. Vagnen är tillverkad av aluminium för att minimera vikten på produkten och motstå korrosion. / This report deals with a project for a Bachelor of Science in innovation technology and design engineering degree at Karlstad University. The project was conducted on behalf of the company Atran velo. The goal of this project is to develop a bicycle/tractor that is integrated with the company´s AVS-system. The project was carried out during the spring 2021 and comprises 22,5 hp.  The purpose of this project is to develop a trolly that can increase the load capacity when using a standard bicycle. This allows people to use their bicycle on several occasions which contributes to many positive aspects. By taking the bicycle instead of the car it contributes to reduced emission, which has a positive effect on the environment. It can also increase the physical activity of people which contributes to the individual’s health.  The project has been based on the product development process with the phases project planning, pilot study, product specification, concept selection, design, final process, and report writing. In these phases various proven methods have been used.  The result of this project is a concept of a trolley with coupling. The trolley can be used both as a bicycle cart and carriage. It can easily be connected and disconnected from the bicycle, when for example doing grocery shopping. The trolley has two loading surfaces, and both are integrated with AVS - bridges which makes it work like an AVS-carrier. It can also be folded for space saving witch increase customer value. Most of the trolley is made of aluminum which minimize the weight and is corrosion resistance.

Minimising track degradation through managing vehicle/track interaction

Hawari, Haitham M. January 2007 (has links)
The rate at which a railway track deteriorates depends on the response of the track under different static and repeated dynamic forces. These wheel/rail forces lead to imperfections in the rail surface and deviation in track geometry alignment. The wheel/rail forces are dependent upon the quality of maintenance of the characteristics of both train and track. If train components such as wheelsets and suspensions are maintained to a high standard, less dynamic forces are generated at the wheel/rail interface and less damage is caused over time. Therefore, the amount and cost of maintenance of track are reduced. However, there is little known about how the characteristics of train components affect time-dependent track degradation. Track degradation through deviation of track from its ideal position has the most effect on maintenance costs. Therefore, the present research aims to investigate this track degradation and improve understanding of the effects of train characteristics (such as train mass and speed, suspension stiffness and damping) on railway tracks. The research is conducted by looking into the relationship between wheel/rail forces and track degradation on one hand and between wheel/rail forces and train characteristics on the other hand, with the objective of assisting in managing vehicle/track interaction in order to minimise track degradation. This aim is achieved by investigating the above two relationships to attain the desired relationship between track degradation and train characteristics. The research focuses on wheel/rail vertical forces (both amplitudes and frequencies), vertical track alignment (longitudinal vertical profile), and rail head defects. The study started by collecting wheel/rail vertical forces data in addition to data on vertical track degradation under sustained traffic loads on a heavy haul railway section of track in Central Queensland. Also, five years of degradation and maintenance history data were collected on three other test sections of railway track under variety of traffic conditions and loads in Central Queensland. There were four main analyses of this data employed to probe the study. The first analysis was performed by examining the track degradation history data. The standard deviation method was used in this first analysis to acquire the rate of deterioration in terms of its relationship to track profile (roughness). The second analysis was accomplished by correlating the vertical wheel/rail forces to both vertical track profile and rail roughness using signal processing principles and a function know as coherence. The third analysis was carried out by using the computer simulation software NUCARS to obtain the link between wheel/rail forces and the deterioration of the vertical track profile. The fourth analysis was achieved by combining the results obtained from the above three analyses to acquire the rate of track deterioration in terms of its relationship to varying train characteristics. The first analysis mentioned above quantified the relationship between the level of roughness of the track and rate at which that roughness deteriorated. An important outcome of this relationship is that there is a threshold of roughness below which track deterioration is minimal. The track maintenance planners can now use that threshold for cost effective targeting of tamping activities. The correlation study between track roughness and wheel/rail forces using the coherence function found, surprisingly, that the overall deterioration of the track roughness, in the absence of frequencies of forces above 30 Hz, is due to the so-called quasi-static lower frequency oscillations of dynamic forces. This conclusion together with the relationship between vehicle characteristics and track forces, established in the analyses above, has significant implications for the design of wagon bogies and for charges track owners might levy on trains using their tracks. This research is part of a larger Rail CRC project 11/4 called 'Enhancing the Optimisation of Maintenance/Renewal' being carried out in the School of Urban Development in Queensland University of Technology.

Advances in Vehicle Automation: Ethics and Technology

Sütfeld, Leon René 14 September 2021 (has links)
With the arrival of automated vehicles (AVs) on our streets virtually around the corner, this thesis explores advances in automated driving technology with a focus on ethical decision making in dilemmatic traf- fic situations. In a total of five publications, we take a multi-facetted approach to analyse and address the core challenges related to auto- mated ethical decision making in AVs. In publications one through three, we conduct a series of immersive virtual reality studies to analyze human behavior in traffic dilemmas, explore mathematical approaches to model the decision making process, investigate how the assessment methodology can affect moral judgment, and discuss the implications of these studies for algorithmic decision making in the real-world. In publication number four, we provide a comprehensive summary of the status quo of AV technology and legislation with regard to automated ethical decision making. Here, we discuss when and why ethical deci- sion making systems become necessary in AVs, review existing guide- lines for the behavior of AVs in dilemma situations, and compile a set of 10 demands and open questions that need to be addressed in the pursuit of a framework for ethical decision making in AVs. Finally, the basis for automated ethical decision making in AVs will be provided by accurate assessments of the immediate environment of the car. The pri- mary technology used to provide the required information processing of camera and LiDAR images in AVs is machine learning, and in particular deep learning. In publication five, we propose a form of adaptive acti- vation functions, addressing a central element of deep neural networks, which could, for instance, lead to increased detection rates of relevant objects, and thus help to provide a more accurate assessment of the AVs environment. Overall, this thesis provides a structured and compre- hensive overview of the state of the art in ethical decision making for AVs. It includes important implications for the design of decision mak- ing algorithms in practice, and concisely outlines the central remaining challenges on the road to a safe, fair and successful introduction of fully automated vehicles into the market.

Průmyslová hala / Industrial hall

Forman, Radek January 2012 (has links)
Two-bay hall for warehouse and manufacturing purposes with supporting steel structure and thermally insulating sheating with width of 36 metres and lenght of 72 metres. The hall incorporates two overhead cranes with maximum load of 32 and 40 tonnes. The main supporting structure is a system of plate girders and beams. The beams are connected with hinges and are placed with intervals of 6 metres. The hall design is intended for 1st snowing area

Návrh vedení sběrné místní komunikace s tramvajovou tratí linky č.3 areálu Zbrojovky v Brně / Design of the local connecting road with the tram track of the line no.3 in the area of Zbrojovka in Brno

Paszandová, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with design of the tram power collecting route and the tram track of the route no. 3 in reconstruction area recently called “Zbrojovka Brno”. Connection to the present infrastructure is also considered. Housing, resting, administration sectors and tram stops are designed for easy availability in the new area. Because the railroad bounds the area on the East and will be extended in the future, joining the tram transport with integrated transport system in Židenice is possible. Design includes the new bridge across Svitava river and connection with surrounding areas. If we divide individual car transport (IAD) from the tram route, the trolley car transportation is designed in place IAD.

Konceptutveckling av experimentvagn – Med lösningar för att underlätta aktivitet till en levande utställning / Concept development of an experimental trolley – With solutions to facilitate activity for a live show

Danielson, Viktor, Freiholtz, Mattias January 2018 (has links)
Målet med detta examensarbete var att ta fram ett koncept på en experimentvagn åt Tom Tits som ska illustrera hur de tänkta lösningarna ska fungera. Lösningarna ska kunna implementeras på en befintlig konstruktion av vagn som tillhandahållits vid projektets start. Tom Tits hade ett behov av att ta fram och utveckla en ny experimentvagn då deras befintliga vagn ansågs vara otymplig och börjat bli sliten och oestetisk på grund av dess ålder. Experimentvagnen är en del av Tom Tits utställning och används för att utföra experiment inför besökare. Arbetets genomförande har gått ut på att identifiera behov och funktioner utifrån den satta kravspecifikationen för att kunna skapa flertalet lösningsförslag. Därefter har en sållning av lösningsförslagen gjorts för att sedan kunna vidareutveckla ett av förslagen till ett slutgiltigt koncept. Resultatet av arbetet presenteras med figurer och beskrivningar för illustreringarna av de tänkta lösningarna. En prototyp har framställts för analys för att säkerställa att lösningarna kan tillämpas på konstruktionen av den vagn som tillhandahållits. / The aim of this thesis project was to develop a concept for an experiment trolley for Tom Tits to illustrate how the intended solutions will work. The solutions should be able to be implemented on an existing construction of the trolley provided at the start of the project. Tom Tits had a need to develop a new experimental trolley because their existing trolley was considered to be ungainly and started to become timeworn and unaesthetic because of its age. The experiment trolley is a part of Tom Tit's exhibition and is used to perform experiments for visitors. The implementation of the work has focused on identifying needs and functions based on the requirements in order to create multiple solutions. Thereafter a screening of the solutions was made in order to further develop one of them to a final concept. The results of the project are presented with figures and descriptions to illustrate the intended solutions. A prototype has been has created for analysis to ensure that the solutions can be applied to the construction of the trolley provided.

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