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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elektrifiering av lastbilsflotta : Fallstudie på Akka Frakt / Electrifying a truck fleet

Löfgren Wallén, Emma, Khalil Soliman Zaid, Emad January 2023 (has links)
Introduction: The case study was conducted at the transport company Akka Frakt which faces the challenge of electrifying its vehicle fleet. The purpose of the study is to investigate how Akka Frakt can implement the conversion with as little impact as possible on the environment and operational activities. Problem description: Akka Frakt has recently invested in many new fossil-fueled trucks that have a long lifetime left. In addition to that, electric trucks are a new industry, which means that the technology has not been developed to adapt to all types of special constructions for trucks. Theory: The study's theoretical starting point is sustainable development where all three dimensions have been important to review. Method: The empirics was collected through qualitative methods in the form of a literature search, interviews, and the provision of internal documents. When analyzing the data, the tools Ishikawa diagram, breakdown, and risk analysis have been used. Results: The results show that the optimal changeover for Akka Frakt is ongoing over a ten-year period and electrifying all trucks where possible with today's technology. The existing trucks that have not yet been replaced are refueled with HVO100 and where electrification is not possible, the trucks are converted to biogas. Conclusions: There are problems with electrifying Akka Frakt's vehicle fleet. A major problem is the current lack of technology that does not make it possible to electrify the entire vehicle fleet. With the electrification, there are also problems that affect the operational activities, for example a running-in period. / Inledning: Fallstudien har genomförts på transportföretaget Akka Frakt som står inför utmaningen att elektrifiera sin fordonsflotta. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur Akka Frakt kan genomföra omställningen med en så liten påverkan som möjligt på miljön och den operativa verksamheten. Problembeskrivning: Akka Frakt har nyligen investerat i många nya fossildrivna lastbilar som har lång livstid kvar. Utöver det är ellastbilar en ny bransch, vilket gör att tekniken inte utvecklats för att anpassas till alla typer av specialbyggnationer till lastbilar. Teori: Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt är hållbar utveckling där alla tre dimensioner varit viktiga att granska. Metod: Empirin samlades in genom kvalitativa metoder i form av litteratursökning, intervjuer samt tillhandahållandet av interna dokument. Vid analysering av data har verktygen Ishikawa- diagram, uppdelning och riskanalys använts. Resultat: Resultatet visar att den optimala omställningen för Akka Frakt pågår under en tioårsperiod och elektrifierar alla lastbilar där det är möjligt med dagens teknik. De befintliga lastbilar som ej blivit utbytta ännu tankas med HVO100 och där det ej är möjligt att elektrifiera ställs lastbilarna om till biogas. Slutsatser: Det finns problem med att elektrifiera Akka Frakts fordonsflotta. Ett stort problem är den bristande tekniken som finns i nuläget som inte gör det möjligt att elektrifiera hela fordonsflottan. Vid elektrifieringen tillkommer även problem som påverkar den operativa verksamheten, exempelvis en inkörningsperiod.

Working in a Highly Automated Truck - Who, What and Why? / Att Arbeta i en Lastbil med Avancerade Automatiska Funktioner - Vem, Vad och Varför?

Janson, Amelie, Lindqvist, Caroline January 2017 (has links)
The society is becoming more and more dependent on automated solutions. Automation in the transport and logistic sector is accelerating and highly automated trucks, with level four on the SAE scale, are expected to be commercial in the near future. Although it is a common notion that automation leaves humans idle and hence redundant, history proofs the contrary. Technology has always yielded more jobs than it has replaced, though it has resulted in a bigger need for workers to acquire new skills fast. With the development of highly automated trucks, the driver will have the possibility to shift focus from the road during automated driving and hence being able to do other activities. This thesis work has investigated which activities the truck drivers can perform, to create value for the hauliers. It has also investigated what kind of persons that will fit for the changed work tasks. A theoretical study was made where the changing truck industry and humanautomation interaction overall were investigated. Other professions subject to automation in general, and the aerospace and train industry in particular, were also studied in order to forecast how the automation of trucks can affect the role of the driver. An empirical study was made where ten hauliers, four drivers and two pilots were interviewed. Further, a focus group was conducted with six drivers and a survey was sent out to be answered by drivers. The identified value bringing activities were in brief; administrative work, time-saving activities, activities that enhance the drivers' well-being as well as activities of the drivers' own interests. Further, the insights resulted in four personas of potential future truck drivers, which all had different levels of work experience and worked for road carriers that differed in size, from small family business to large international companies. / Samhället blir mer och mer beroende av automatiska system och utvecklingen går snabbt. Inom transportsektorn har utvecklingen av lastbilar med avancerade automatiska funktioner accelererat och lastbilar med nivå fyra på den internationella SAE-skalan beräknas vara ute på marknaden inom en snar framtid. Trots den allmänna uppfattningen om att automatisering av vissa sysslor ersätter människan och lämnar henne sysslolös, så bevisar historien motsatsen. Ny teknik har alltid resulterat i mer jobb än det har ersatt, dock har det ställts högre krav på att människan skall införskaffa sig nya färdigheter snabbt. Genom utvecklingen av lastbilar med avancerade automatiska funktioner så kommer föraren kommer att ha möjligheten att skifta fokus ifrån vägen under automatiserad körning och kommer alltså kunna ägna sig åt annat än att köra. Detta examensarbete har undersökt värdeskapande aktiviteter för åkeriägare, som förare av fjärrbilar kan ägna sig åt under automatiserad körning. Det har också undersökt vilka personer som kommer passa för dem förändrade arbetsuppgifterna. En teoretisk studie genomfördes där den föränderliga lastbilsindustrin samt interaktionen mellan människa och automatisering undersöktes. Vidare undersöktes även andra yrken som påverkats av automatisering, då särskilt tåg- och flygindustrin, för att förutspå hur automatisering av lastbilar kan påverka förarens roll. En empirisk studie genomfördes där tio åkeriägare, fyra förare och två piloter intervjuades. Vidare hölls en fokusgrupp med sex lastbilsförare samt att en enkät skickades ut för att samla in ytterligare uppgifter ifrån lastbilsförare. De identifierade värdeskapande aktiviteterna är i korthet; administrativt arbete, tidssparande aktiviteter, aktiviteter som ökar förarnas välmående samt aktiviteter av förarnas egna intressen. Vidare så resulterade insikterna i fyra persona av potentiella framtida lastbilsförare, som alla hade olika mycket arbetserfarenhet samt arbetade för åkerier som varierade i storlek, ifrån mindre familjeföretag till större internationella företag

Demand Response In The Engineering Industry

Norberg, Johan January 2017 (has links)
The power utilities in Sweden are planning to replace the major part of thenuclear power plants with renewable energy resource by the year 2030. Some ofthe renewable energy resources are intermittent, which may endanger the powersystem stability. A solution to this problem could be increased exibility in theend-users consumption, which is known as demand response. This is a usefultool that can be used to facilitate the large integration of renewable energyresource into the power grid. Therefore, several of the Swedish governmentauthorities have stated that the possibilities for demand response should befurther investigated.During this thesis, a case study is carried out at Volvo Group Truck OperationsPowertrain Productions in Koping, with the purpose of deriving theirtechnical possibilities for DR in the factory. Volvo in Koping mainly producesgearboxes to all trucks within the Volvo Group concern and belongs to the engineeringindustry sector. The engineering industry has previously not beeninvestigated for DR purposes in Sweden. The main goal of the thesis is to derivethe DR capacity of the factory and the associated time parameters. Onlydemand response by shifting the production in time is considered.One production group (Midiblock 2) in the factory is modelled using MixedInteger Linear Programming and the optimization problem is used to minimizethe electricity cost while fullling the production requirements. The optimizationproblem is done on daily basis and the result is binary operating pointsfor CNC-machines. The output from the Mixed Integer Linear Programmingproblem is sent to a discrete event model, which is used to validate the resultsand display the optimal energy consumption.The simulation results indicates that the modelled production group can performa load shift of 270 kWh/h during 4 hours by scheduling production. Duringthe reduction it should be possible to perform actions such as maintenance andchanging settings of machines. If the results are true for the entire factory, theresulting load reduction is 1.35 MWh/h during 4 hours. However, the nancialincentives to perform load reductions are low. Also, Volvo in Koping does nothave any routines to shut-o the CNC-machines and an extensive work is requiredto make a load reduction possible. Resulting in that DR at the factory isat the moment unrealistic. In addition to the possibilities for DR, the possibleeconomic savings by shutting o the CNC-machines when they are not producingunits are also approximated. Volvo in Koping can save a large amount ofenergy and yearly cut the cost by at least 5 000 000 SEK on these actions, whichis also the rst step towards enabling DR in the factory. / Elkraftsbolagen i Sverige planerar att ersätta kärnkraftverken med förnybaraenergikällor fram till och med år 2030. Några av de förnybara energikällornaär intermittenta i sin produktion och kan på grund av detta medföra en faraför stabilitet i kraftsystemet. En del av lösningen till detta problem kan varaefterfrågeflexibiltet, vilket innebär att el-användarna är mer flexibla i förbrukningenoch anpassar sig till viss del efter kraftsystemets tillstånd. Efterfrågeflexibiltetär ett användbart verktyg som kan underlätta integreringen av de förnybaraenergikällorna. På grund av detta har era svenska statliga företag sagtatt er undersökning bör genomföras inom området efterfrågeflexibiltet.Under detta arbeta har en fallstudie utförts hos Volvo Group Truck OperationPowertrain Production i Köping. Syftet av fallstudien har varit attundersöka möjligheterna för efterfrågeflexibilitet i fabriken. Volvo i Köping producerartill största dels växellådor till samtliga lastbilar inom Volvo Group koncernenoch de tillhör därför industrisektorn verkstadsindustrier.En produktionsgrupp i fabriken modelleras med hjälp av linjärprogrammeringoch modellen används för att för att minimera elkostnaderna genom att föryttalast i tid och samtidigt uppfylla produktionskraven. Optimeringsproblemetberäknas med elpriser för ett dygn och resultatet av problemet är binära tillståndför CNC-maskinerna i produktionsgruppen. De binära tillstånden skickas tillen diskret modell i Matlab som används för att verifiera produktionskraven ochvisa den resulterande energiförbrukningen för produktionsgruppen.Resultatet visar att det är teoretiskt möjligt att förytta 270 kWh/h underen period på 4 timmar genom att förskjuta produktion i tid. Under produktionsstoppenär det möjligt att genomföra underhåll och att förändring iinställningarna på CNC-maskinerna. Om resultaten skalas upp till hela fabrikenskulle den resulterande lastförflyttningen vara 1.35 MWh/h under 4 timmar.Dock så är de ekonomiska incitamenten låga och lastföryttningen är inteekonomiskt hållbar. Ett ytterligare problem är att Volvo i Köping förtillfälletinte har några rutiner för att stänga av maskinerna. Därför krävs det ett omfattandearbete innan det skulle vara möjligt att genomföra en lastförflyttning.Efterfrågeflexibiltet hos Volvo i Köping är därför orealistiskt. Utöver att undersöka möjligheterna för efterfrågeflexibiltet i fabriken, har en del av arbetetsom mål att undersöka de möjliga energi- och kostnadsbesparingar som skapasav att stänga av CNC-maskinerna när de inte producerar enheter. Arbetet harvisat att Volvo i Köping kan varje är spara 5 000 000 SEK på att stänga avmaskinerna, vilket också är ett första steg mot efterfrågeflexibilitet i fabriken.

Improved Functionality for Driveability During Gear-Shift : A Predictive Model for Boost Pressure Drop / Förbättrad Funktionalitet för Körbarhet vid Växling : En Prediktiv Modell för Laddtrycksfall

Brischetto, Mathias January 2015 (has links)
Automated gear-shifts are critical procedures for the driveline as they are demanded to work as fast and accurate as possible. The torque control of a driveline is especially important for the driver’s feeling of driveability. In the case of gear-shifts and torque control in general, the boost pressure is key to achieve good response and thereby a fast gear-shift. An experimental study is carried out to investigate the phenomena of boost pressure drop during gear-shift and gather data for the modelling work. Results confirm the stated fact on the influence of boost pressure drop on gear-shift completion time and also indicate a clear linear dependence between initial boost pressure and the following pressure drop. A dynamic predictive model of the engine is developed with focus on implementation in a heavy duty truck, considering limitations computational complexity and calibration need between truck configurations. The resulting approach is based on a mean value modelling scheme that uses engine control system parameters and functions when possible. To be able to be predictive, a model for demanded torque and engine speed during the gear-shift is developed as reference inputs to the simulation. The simulation is based on a filling and emptying process throughout the engine dynamics, and yields final values of several engine variables such as boost pressure. The model is validated and later evaluated in comparison to measurements gathered in test vehicle experiments and in terms of robustness to input and model deviations. Computer simulations yield estimations of the boost pressure drop within acceptable limits. Consid- ering estimations used prior to this thesis the performance is good. Input deviations and modelling inaccuracies are found to inflict significant but not devastating deviations to the model output, possibly more over time with ageing of hardware taken into account. Final implementation in a heavy duty truck ecu is carried out with results indicating that the current implementation of the module is relatively computationally heavy. At the time of ending the thesis it is not possible to analyse its performance further, and it is suggested that the module is optimized in terms of computational efficiency.

Model-Based Design of a Fork Control System in Very Narrow Aisle Forklifts

Bodin, Erik, Davidsson, Henric January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explains the model-based design of a fork control system in a turret head operated Very Narrow Aisle forklift in order to evaluate and push the limits of the current hardware architecture. The turret head movement consists of two separate motions, traversing and rotation, which both are hydraulically actuated. The plant is thoroughly modeled in the Mathworks softwares Simulink/Simscape to assist in the design of the control system. The control system is designed in Simulink/Stateflow and code-generated to be evaluated in the actual forklift. Optimal control theory is used to generate a minimum-jerk trajectory for auto-rotation, that is simultaneous traversing and rotation with the load kept in centre. The new control system is able to control the system within the positioning requirements of +/- 10 mm and +/- 9 mrad for traversing and rotation, respectively. It also shows good overall performance in terms of robustness since it has been tested and validated with different loads and on different versions of the forklift. However, the study also shows that the non-linearities of the system, especially in the hydraulic proportional valves, causes problems in a closed-loop control system. The work serves as a proof of concept for model-based development at the company since the development time of the new control system was significantly lower than for the original control system.

A Study of the Knowledge and Skills of Mobile Home Metalworkers in the Dallas-Fort Worth Area

Cosper, Larry T. 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the required knowledge and skills of mobile home metalworkers in the Dallas-Fort Worth area as compared to the Industrial Arts metalworking curriculum presented in Texas Education Agency, Bulletin 615. Items of significance in Chapter IV appear in findings, conclusions, and recommendations. The "use of basic hand tools" and "safety concepts" were consistently emphasized and required by manufacturing firms. It was found that educational requirements were quite often "some high school" or less. It was found that Industrial Arts metalworking curriculum was closely related to required knowledge and skills of mobile home metalworkers. It was recommended that Industrial Arts course work be extended into lower levels of education.

Contribution to the study of waste heat recovery systems on commercial truck diesel engines / Contribution à l'étude de systèmes de récupération d'énergie sur moteur Diesel de véhicules industriels

Espinosa, Nicolas 24 October 2011 (has links)
L'augmentation du prix du pétrole ainsi qu'une possible future réglementation des émissions de CO2 encourage les fabricants de véhicules industriels à trouver de nouvelles solutions pour améliorer encore la performance de la chaine cinématique. Dans ce cadre, deux solutions de récupérations d'énergie prometteuses sont très souvent rapportées dans la littérature: le système de récupération d'énergie par cycle de Rankine et le générateur thermoélectrique. Après un rappel des conditions limites du fonctionnement d'un camion long routier, cette thèse démontre tout d’abord la modélisation 0-D et 1-D (logiciels commerciaux utilisés) de ces deux systèmes de récupération d’énergie. Pour le générateur thermoélectrique, des études paramétriques (hauteur de jambe thermoélectrique, prix, puissance électrique produite) sont effectuées se basant principalement sur l'utilisation de deux matériaux prometteurs. Une conception du système Rankine est présentée et modélisée avec le solveur 1-D. Des validations partielles sont réalisées sur les composants (turbine). Ce modèle a ensuite permis d'étudier les transitoires du système ainsi que la charge en réfrigérant et un système de contrôle possible. Cette étude montre que le générateur thermoélectrique n’est pas encore mature pour son utilisation dans un camion long routier. Le système Rankine doit quant à lui être testé sur un camion prototype pour pouvoir véritablement estimer son potentiel final / Fuel price increase as well as future fuel consumption regulations lead truck manufacturers to further enhance the current powertrain. In such a context, two waste heat recovery technologies appear as promising: the Rankine system as well as the thermoelectric generator. After a reminding of truck boundary conditions, this thesis work defines 0-D and 1-D modeling (commercial tool used) for both systems.For the thermoelectric generator , parametric 1-D studies are done on the integration/design (number of thermoelements, price, electrical power) of a thermoelecric generator upstream the existing engine exhaust gas recirculation cooler. Main studies are done with thermoelectric materials but other materials are also considered. A Rankine system design is presented and modeled under a 1-D solver. Preliminary validations are presented. Transient aspects are evaluated to better understand the behavior of the system and its bottlenecks. The amount of refrigerant in the circuit and the control schematic are also addressed.From these studies, it appears that the thermoelectric generator technology is not yet mature for a long haul truck due to the low performance of thermoelectric materials. The Rankine system technology should handle a complete truck prototype testing to estimate its potential

Motion Planning and Stabilization for a Reversing Truck and Trailer System / Banplanering och stabilisering av en backande lastbil med släpvagn

Ljungqvist, Oskar January 2015 (has links)
This thesis work contains a stabilization and a motion planning strategy for a truck and trailer system. A dynamical model for a general 2-trailer with two rigid free joints and a kingpin hitching has been derived based on previous work. The model holds under the assumption of rolling without slipping of the wheels and has been used for control design and as a steering function in a probabilistic motion planning algorithm. A gain scheduled Linear Quadratic (LQ) controller with a Pure pursuit path following algorithm has been designed to stabilize the system around a given reference path. The LQ controller is only used in backward motion and the Pure pursuit controller is split into two parts which are chosen depending on the direction of motion. A motion planning algorithm called Closed-Loop Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (CL-RRT) has then been used to plan suitable reference paths for the system from an initial state configuration to a desired goal configuration with obstacle-imposed constraints. The motion planning algorithm solves a non-convex optimal control problem by randomly exploring the input space to the closed-loop system by performing forward simulations of the closed-loop system. Evaluations of performance is partly done in simulations and partly on a Lego platform consisting of a small-scale system. The controllers have been used on the Lego platform with successful results. When the reference path is chosen as a smooth function the closed-loop system is able to follow the desired path in forward and backward motion with a small control error. In the work, it is shown how the CL-RRT algorithm is able to plan non-trivial maneuvers in simulations by combining forward and backward motion. Beyond simulations, the algorithm has also been used for planning in open-loop for the Lego platform. / <p>Links to movies:</p><p>Reference tracking on Lego platform:</p><p>https://www.dropbox.com/s/ebtfgfo7aq9ij8w/reference_tracking.m4v?dl=0</p><p></p><p>Motion planning simulation with CL-RRT:</p><p>https://www.dropbox.com/s/z9kk27cxdxc1llp/CL_RRT_motion_planning.wmv?dl=0</p>

Food truck fever: a spatio-political analysis of food truck activity in Kansas City, Missouri

Petersen, Deanne January 1900 (has links)
Master of Regional and Community Planning / Department of Landscape Architecture/Regional & Community Planning / Hyung Jin Kim / Planning researchers and professionals have recently noted the social, economic, and cultural benefits food truck activity can provide within a community. As a result, the proliferation of food truck activity has challenged planners to reconsider the role of streets and urban spaces. Food trucks have the potential to enliven the urban landscape and enrich the quality of public life by serving as revitalization catalysts in urban spaces. While food trucks have become an increasingly visible aspect of street life, few jurisdictions have determined an effective manner to regulate and promote food truck activity. The study recommends how cities can improve current food truck policies in order to enable the revitalization of urban spaces through food truck activity. Using Kansas City, Missouri as a study area, the primary question was explored through three secondary inquires and their related methods. First, a GIS-based spatial analysis identified the spatio-temporal characteristics of food truck locations via social media data mining processes. Second, a survey of food truck vendors and interviews with city staff highlighted stakeholder conflicts that pose barriers to food truck activity. Third, a policy review in key cities and the development of a policy framework helped determine appropriate policy guidelines that allow food trucks to operate effectively in a city. The cumulative findings of the study informed food truck policy guidelines for Kansas City, Missouri. The policy framework also provides a structure for cities to utilize in order to analyze their own regulations. Sixteen significant policy areas are included in the framework, with the policy areas falling into one of three categories: permitting and enforcement, streets and spaces, or public health and safety. Appropriate policies that balance the needs of stakeholders allow food trucks to operate effectively, thus allowing cities to capitalize on the urban revitalization effects and other benefits that food truck activity provides within urban spaces.

O mercado de trabalho dos motoristas de caminhão no Brasil: caracterização e avaliação do efeito de leis trabalhistas / Labor market of truck drivers in Brazil: characterization and evaluation of the effect of labor laws

Lima, Lucas 06 February 2018 (has links)
O mercado de trabalho de motoristas de caminhão no Brasil é de suma importância para a economia nacional, já que contempla cerca de 2 milhões de caminhoneiros e 61% do transporte de cargas do País é feito pelas rodovias. No entanto, há alguns problemas: os caminhoneiros trabalham sobre um regime de horas exaustivo, o que ocasiona externalidades negativas sérias na economia, como distúrbios de saúde e graves acidentes nas estradas. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho, com base nos dados da PNAD-IBGE, teve dois objetivos: i) para todo o período de 2002 a 2015, realizamos uma análise socioeconômica dos motoristas de caminhão no Brasil; ii) analisamos os impactos da \"Lei do Descanso\" (2012) e da \"Lei do caminhoneiro\" (2015) sobre características importantes do mercado de trabalho dos caminhoneiros. Para a primeira parte, encontramos para 2015 que cerca de 62% dos motoristas de caminhão possuem somente até o Ensino Fundamental; 78% ganham de 1 a 3 salários mínimos; 58% trabalham com carteira assinada e 28% por conta própria; 43% trabalham mais do que 44 horas semanais. Com relação à evolução dessas características ao longo do período analisado, comparamos elas com os atributos do mesmo grupamento ocupacional dos caminhoneiros. Quanto ao rendimento, em 2002, a diferença era de R$ 750,00; em 2015, caiu para R$ 550,00. Já para as horas trabalhadas na semana, em 2002, essa diferença era de 10 horas, passando para 5 horas em 2015. Com respeito ao segundo objetivo, investigamos o efeito das leis mencionadas sobre o rendimento, a jornada de trabalho e a formalização do trabalho dos motoristas de caminhão, utilizando o estimador de diferenças em diferenças com ponderação pelo escore de propensão. Não encontramos efeitos da \"Lei do descanso\" sobre rendimentos e formalização. No entanto, houve, para 15 meses após a vigência da legislação, redução de cerca de uma hora para a jornada de trabalho semanal dos caminhoneiros. No que diz respeito à \"Lei do caminhoneiro\", nossas estimações mostraram que essa lei reduziu o número de horas trabalhadas pelos motoristas de caminhão em cerca de uma hora. Contudo, um dos efeitos adversos da vigência da lei foi a diminuição do rendimento mensal desses profissionais em aproximadamente R$ 70,00. Dessa maneira, pode-se concluir que o governo obteve êxito em reduzir o número de horas trabalhadas pelos caminhoneiros. / The labor market of truck drivers in Brazil is of paramount importance to the national economy, since it includes about 2 million truck drivers and 61 % of the country\'s cargo transport is done by road. However, there are some problems: truck drivers work on an exhausting hours regime, which causes serious negative externalities in the economy, such as health disturbances and serious road accidents. In this context, the present study, based on PNAD-IBGE data, had two objectives: i) for the entire period from 2002 to 2015, we carried out a socioeconomic analysis of truck drivers in Brazil; ii) we analyze the impacts of the \"Lei do descanso\" (2012) and the \"Lei dos caminhoneiros\" (2015) on important characteristics of the labor market of truck drivers. For the first part, we find that about 62% of truck drivers only have until Elementary School; 78% earn from 1 to 3 minimum wages; 58% work with a formal contract and 28% on their own. Regarding the evolution of these characteristics over the analyzed period, we compare them with the attributes of the same occupational grouping of the truck drivers, so that both have similar characteristics. As for income, in 2002, the difference was R$ 750.00; in 2015, fell to R$ 550.00. For the hours worked in the week, in 2002, this difference was 10 hours, going to 5 hours in 2015. With respect to the second objective, we investigated the effect of the mentioned laws using the difference-in-difference estimator weighted by the propensity score. We did not find statistically significant results of the effect of the \"Lei do descanso\" on income and formalization. However, we noted, for 15 months after the legislation was in force, a reduction of about one hour for the truckers\' weekly working day. Regarding the \"Lei do caminhoneiro\", our estimates showed that this law reduced the number of hours worked by truck drivers in about an hour. However, one of the adverse effects of the enactment of the law was to reduce the income of these professionals by approximately R$ 70.00. In this way, it can be concluded that the government succeeded in reducing the number of hours worked by the truck drivers.

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