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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The evolution of Turkish nationalism between 1904 and 1980

Limoncuoglu, Alihan January 2015 (has links)
This study aims to look at the discourse and development of Turkish Nationalism. This is done through focusing on four well known thinkers of Turkish Nationalism. In this dissertation, works, actions, discourse and legacies of Mehmet Ziya Gokalp, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Huseyin Nihal Atsiz and Alparslan Turkes are looked at using textual analysis and an ethno-symbolist approach. Through this work the family relation between these thinkers and the boundaries of Turkish Nationalism can be understood. Ziya Gokalp, as the 'father' of the Ideological Turkish Nationalism, has laid the foundation for nationalists after him and his ideas have been instrumental in the setting up of the Republic of Turkey. Gokalp by setting up the three ideals; "To be more Turk, to be more Islamic and to be more modern" has set the tone for the rest of the century for Turkish Nationalism. Kemal Ataturk was the founder of Modern Turkey and was also a nationalist, as a result he implemented many policies that were highly nationalistic. His legacy continues to live on but can be interpreted differently by different people. Nihal Atsiz affected Turkish Nationalism in a very different manner. Instead of having a long term ideological effect he gave 'soul' to nationalism through his literary work and his rich usage of imagery. After him, Alparslan Turkes' struggle in a tumultuous time in Turkey and Turkish Nationalism as a competing ideology in Turkish politics is viewed. This work also takes a look at mainstream political currents in Turkey and nationalists' relations with them and the critique of Turkish Nationalism and Turkish Nationalists, and from the findings of this research, it can be speculated that there are three mainstream political movements, contrary to widely believed two. This can be best personified by the three pashas of the Turkish Independence War; Ismet Inonu, Kazim Karabekir and Fevzi Cakmak. The findings of this research shows that there is a family relation between the four thinkers and despite that there have been some slight differences the discourse and the activities of Turkish Nationalism has stayed on one course.

Zobrazení Tureckého stereotypu v německé kinematografii / The Representation of Turkish Stereotype in German Cinema

Petrtýlová, Katarína January 2014 (has links)
This thesis researches the depiction of Turkish stereotypes in German cinematography. Specifically, it investigates gender stereotypes in Turkish family as seen through the lens of German society and represented in German cinematography; this study accentuates the issue of gender stereotypes in Turkish family as most controversial, debated, and potent in terms of shaping the media image of Germany's Turkish community. The thesis covers long films of German production that deal with the issue of Germany's Turkish community. It spans the time period between 1970, when films covering the Turkish issue began to appear in Germany, and 2010, which enables to maintain a sufficient distance to investigate the film production. Theoretically, the thesis sets itself the task of researching stereotypes, providing its definitions, typologies, and discussing its relevance in research on cinematographic production. It then sheds light on the evolution of the image of a Turk in German society. It also provides a brief historical overview of German film production dealing with the issues of Turkish-German cohabitation in Germany. In the empirical part, the thesis explores two most representative films of the researched period (Gegen die Wand, by Fatih Akin, drama, 2004; die Fremde, by feo Aladag, drama, 2010) in...

Analyse ethnolinguistique de l’immigration turque à Montréal : communautés de pratique et sens social

Boyacıoğlu, Utkan 12 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche se penche sur l’organisation post-migratoire de la communauté turque de Montréal et sur l’influence de cette organisation sur l’utilisation de la langue turque. La recherche a pour but de vérifier deux hypothèses interdépendantes. La première hypothèse est que la communauté turque de Montréal, loin d’être monolithique, est hautement structurée. La deuxième hypothèse est que la structuration de la communauté se reflète dans le discours et se manifeste dans l’utilisation de la langue turque. Afin de vérifier ces deux hypothèses, nous avons utilisé une triple méthodologie. D’abord, les caractéristiques et les dynamiques sociales de la communauté immigrante ont été notées et décrites selon la méthode d’observation participante. Par la suite, des entrevues semi-dirigées ont été réalisées auprès de quarante immigrants turcs (17 femmes et 23 hommes, âgés de 18 à 70 ans et à Montréal depuis au moins 5 ans). Les entrevues ont été structurées en trois modules thématiques : le premier portait sur l’histoire personnelle ; le deuxième traitait de la langue, et le troisième était consacré à l’organisation de la communauté turque et à l’actualité. Finalement, des variables linguistiques pouvant révéler les différences d'utilisation de la langue des groupes de la communauté turque ont été étudiées : 1- le choix lexical pour parler des femmes et des conjoints, et 2- la variété et la fréquence des marqueurs métadiscursifs. Notre étude ethnographique démontre que les Turcs de Montréal forment une communauté immigrante divisée en au moins deux communautés de pratique (CP), traditionnaliste et progressiste, chacune avec ses propres lieux d'interaction sociale, son propre discours et son propre style. L'affiliation des participants à l’une ou à l’autre est tributaire de leurs orientations politiques et de leurs pratiques religieuses. Notre étude a permis d’identifier parmi les participants un troisième groupe, périphérique, n’appartenant à aucune des deux CP. L’analyse du choix lexical a montré que la caractérisation lexicale de la conjointe variait considérablement entre les CP. Il a été observé que les hommes de la communauté traditionnelle préféraient le mot hanım (fr. dame) lorsqu'ils parlaient de leurs femmes, tandis que ceux de la communauté progressiste choisissaient le mot eş (fr. épouse). Ce résultat vient confirmer notre 4 hypothèse selon laquelle les membres de la communauté indexent leur identité sociale à travers la variation lexicale dans les vocables liés au genre. L’analyse a aussi montré que l’identité sociale des individus influence l’utilisation des marqueurs métadiscursifs selon le thème de discussion. Même si l’utilisation des supporteurs semble favorisée par les membres périphériques, les tests statistiques n’ont pas montré de différence significative entre les groupes. Dans le cas des atténuateurs, leur utilisation est significativement favorisée par les membres périphériques, ce qui reflète leur neutralité sociopolitique. L’utilisation des marqueurs métadiscursifs varie également en fonction des thèmes abordés. Si l’utilisation de marqueurs métadiscursifs atténuateurs et supporteurs des participants est équilibrée lorsqu’ils parlent de leur histoire personnelle d’immigration ou de la langue, l'utilisation d'atténuateurs augmente et l'utilisation de supporteurs diminue lorsqu’ils parlent de l’organisation de la communauté turque et de l’actualité. C’est surtout parmi les membres progressistes et traditionnels que cette différence est plus évidente. Cette tendance des participants peut s’expliquer par la volonté d’éviter de marquer son identité en lien avec des enjeux sociopolitiques sensibles en contexte d’entrevue sociolinguistique. / This research examines the post-migration organization of the Turkish community in Montreal and the influence of this organization on the use of the Turkish language. The research aims to test two interrelated hypotheses. The first hypothesis is that the Turkish community in Montreal, far from being monolithic, is highly structured. The second hypothesis is that the structuring of the community is reflected in the discourse and manifested in the use of the Turkish language. In order to test these two hypotheses, we used a triple methodology. First, the characteristics and social dynamics of the immigrant community were noted and described using the participant observation method. Then, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 40 Turkish immigrants (17 women and 23 men, aged 18 to 70 and in Montreal for at least 5 years). The interviews were structured in three thematic modules: the first dealt with personal history; the second with language; and the third with Turkish community organization and current events. Finally, linguistic variables that may reveal differences in language use among groups in the Turkish community were studied: 1- the lexical choice to talk about women and spouses, and 2- the variety and frequency of metadiscursive markers. Our ethnographic study shows that Montreal Turks form an immigrant community divided into at least two communities of practice (CP), traditionalist and progressive, each with its own sites of social interaction, its own discourse and its own style. Participants' affiliation to one or the other is dependent on their political orientations and religious practices. Our study identified a third, peripheral group of participants who do not belong to either CP. The analysis of lexical choice showed that the characterization of the spouse in particular varied considerably between the CPs. It was observed that men from the traditional community preferred the word hanım (eng. lady) when talking about their wives, while those from the progressive community chose the word eş (eng. spouse). This result supports our participant observation that community members index their social identity through lexical variation in gender context. The analysis also showed that individuals' social identity influences the use of metadiscursive markers according to the topic of discussion. Although the use of boosters appeared to be favored by peripheral members, statistical tests did not show a significant difference between groups. In 6 the case of hedges, use was significantly favored by peripheral members, reflecting their socio political neutrality. The use of metadiscursive markers also varied by topic. While participants' use of hedge and booster is balanced when talking about their personal immigration history or language, the use of hedge increases and the use of booster decreases when talking about Turkish community organization and current events. This differentiation is most evident among progressive and traditional members. This tendency of participants may be explained by the desire to avoid the risk of marking one's identity in connection with such sensitive socio-political issues in the context of a sociolinguistic interview.

Assessing Measures of Religion and Secularity with Crowdsourced Data from Amazon’s Mechanical Turk

Baker, Joseph O., Hill, Jonathan P., Porter, Nathaniel D. 01 October 2017 (has links)
Excerpt: Time and expense are perhaps the two biggest challenges in evaluating existing measures and devoloping new metrics. Measuring social characterists of a population such as religion typically involves expensive surveys undertaken by professional survey firms or academic centers.

Art contemporain : la fin de la subversion

Sirois, Dominique January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Au-delà de la simple reconnaissance d'une activité artistique, la croyance en l'art participe à la compréhension de l'art, de sa représentation et de la représentation de sa fonction. Cette croyance artistique est muable et réagit aux différentes approches artistiques qui lui sont soumises alors qu'elle se divise aussi en diverses expectatives. Ainsi, il n'est pas étonnant que, dans le contexte de crise relatif à l'émergence de l'art contemporain et de la récupération des problématiques duchampiennes, la croyance en l'art soit appelée à se transformer. En fait, dès Duchamp, le milieu artistique a dû se réajuster face à un nouveau modèle artistique. Le bouleversement engendré par les procédures duchampiennes de la distribution des rôles au sein du système artistique a façonné un nouvel univers de représentation de l'art et de sa fonction. L'activité et la structure de ce nouveau système affectent la croyance en l'art et sa portée subversive en modifiant justement le rapport de celle-ci à l'esthétique, l'histoire de l'art et l'artiste, c'est-à-dire son principal, et sûrement dernier, croyant. La position particulière de l'artiste, telle qu'étudiée dans les cas des artistes Gavin Turk, des QQistes et de Marc-Antoine K. Phaneuf, au sein du système artistique contemporain comporte une promesse de survie pour la croyance subversive. Cependant, il n'accomplit pas son engagement face à la croyance telle qu'elle sera approfondie dans la présente recherche, au contraire, il la déçoit en utilisant sa pratique artistique au profit de la reconnaissance de son individualité. Ainsi, alors que s'effritent dans la déception les derniers espoirs de conservation de la croyance subversive, il est néanmoins envisageable d'évaluer les limites et les possibilités qui s'imposent et s'offrent à la croyance artistique pour former les modèles d'une esthétique, d'une histoire de l'art et d'un rôle pour l'artiste plus près de ce que devrait être une nouvelle croyance en l'art contemporain. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Subversion, Croyance, Art contemporain, Gavin Turk, QQistes, Marc-Antoine K. Phaneuf.

Turken – Europas ”Den Andre” : En kritisk diskursanalys om den svenska medierapporteringen om debatten kring Turkiet och EU

Aksoy, Seda January 2011 (has links)
Uppsatsen behandlar den svenska medierapporteringen kring Turkiet och EU. Syftet var att undersöka om det fanns några imperialistiska och- eller kolonialistiska tankestrukturer i artiklarna kring Turkiets EU-anslutning i Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet. Frågeställningen ämnade till att undersöka två frågor. Den första frågan syftade till att redogöra för hur rapporteringen kring Turkiet och EU sett ut i DN och SvD från och med 1999-då Turkiet officiellt accepterades som kandidatland till EU–fram till 2008. Den andra frågan syftade till att undersöka och belysa om det fanns drag av imperialistiska och- eller orientaliska tankemönster i dessa artiklar. Materialet till undersökningen består av tio artiklar av olika slag, fem stycken från Dagens Nyheter och fem stycken från Svenska Dagbladet, vilka hittades i mediearkivet.se. Teorin som användes i undersökningen är Edward Said's teori om Orientalism. Orientalism redogör för hur framställningarna ”Orienten” i bland annat Europeiska romaner och reseskildringar bidrog till att upprätta en dikotomi mellan européerna och ”de Andra”. Denna dikotomi var central för skapandet av den europeiska kulturen och för att hålla kvar och utveckla makten över Orienten. Kunskapen om Orienten är således långt ifrån objektiv eftersom den producerades av Västerlandet, som ett sätt att förhålla sig till- och kontrollera Orienten. Orientalism ifrågasätter objektiviteten och oskulden inom den västerländska forskningen. I studien har jag även använt mig av Richard Dyer's teori om ”den vita normen” där han menar att ”ras” är något man endast applicerar på icke-vita människor, och beskriver samt diskuterar den vita normens egenskaper. Metoden som tillämpades för att analysera artiklarna var kritisk diskursanalys. Kritisk diskursanalys används för textstudier som syftar till att undersöka texten som en social handling och inte enbart se på dem som informationsbärare. Metoden kam användas till att utforska dolda tankemönster eller ideologier bakom texternas utformning. Jag använde mig av Peter Berglez analysverktyg tematisk struktur, schematisk struktur, frånvarande information och närvarande implikationer, lexikal stil samt politisk/historiska kontextualiseringar. Resultatet av min analys påvisade att det- i de undersökta artiklarna- fanns drag av orientaliska och imperialistiska tankestrukturer i diskursen kring Turkiet och den EU. Turkiet tillskrevs två olika roller som bär typiska mönster för ett imperialistiskt och orientaliskt tankemönster. Antingen så beskrevs Turkiet som den ”underlägsna” Orientalen som ständigt försöker efterlikna europén, genom EU, för kontroll över Turkiet och chansen att påverka resten av mellanöstern, genom Turkiet som ett verktyg, eller som den historiskt rotade västerländska tanken om ”turkfaran”, som ständigt utgör ett hot för Europa.

Transparency of transitivity in pantomime, sign language

Charles Roger Bradley (6410666) 02 May 2020 (has links)
This dissertation investigates whether transitivity distinctions are manifest in the phonetics of linguistic and paralinguistic manual actions, namely lexical verbs and classifier constructions in American Sign Language (ASL) and gestures produced by hearing non-signers without speech (i.e., pantomime). A positive result would indicate that grammatical features are (a) transparent and (b) may thus arise from non-linguistic sources, here the visual-praxic domain. Given previous literature, we predict that transitivity is transparent in pantomime and classifier constructions, but opaque in lexical verbs. <div><br></div><div>We first collected judgments from hearing non-signers who classed pantomimes, classifier constructions, and ASL lexical verbs as unergative, unaccusative, transitive, or ditransitive. We found that non-signers consistently judged items across all three stimulus types, suggesting that there is transitivity-related information in the signed signal. </div><div><br></div><div>We then asked whether non-signers’ judging ability has its roots in a top-down or bottom-up strategy. A top-down strategy might entail guessing the meaning of the sign or pantomime and then using the guessed meaning to assess/guess its transitivity. A bottom-up strategy entails using one or more meaningful phonetic features available in the formation of the signal to judge an item. We predicted that both strategies would be available in classing pantomimes and classifier constructions, but that transitivity information would only be available top-down in lexical verbs, given that the former are argued to be more imagistic generally than lexical verbs. Further, each strategy makes a different prediction with respect to the internal representation xv of signs and pantomimes. The top-down strategy would suggest signs and pantomimes are unanalyzable wholes, whereas the bottom-up strategy would suggest the same are compositional. </div><div><br></div><div>For the top-down analysis, we correlated lexical iconicity score and a measure of the degree to which non-signers ‘agreed’ on the transitivity of an item. We found that lexical iconicity only weakly predicts non-signer judgments of transitivity, on average explaining 10-20% of the variance for each stimulus class. However, we note that this is the only strategy available for lexical verbs. </div><div><br></div><div>For the bottom-up analysis, we annotate our stimuli for phonetic and phonological features known to be relevant to transitivity and/ or event semantics in sign languages. We then apply a text classification model to try to predict transitivity from these features. As expected, our classifiers achieved stably high accuracy for pantomimes and classifier constructions, but only chance accuracy for lexical verbs. </div><div><br></div><div>Taken together, the top-down and bottom-up analyses were able to predict nonsigner transitivity judgments for the pantomimes and classifier constructions, with the bottom-up analysis providing a stronger, more convincing result. For lexical verbs, only the top-down analysis was relevant and it performed weakly, providing little explanatory power. When interpreting these results, we look to the semantics of the stimuli to explain the observed differences between classes: pantomimes and classifier constructions both encode events of motion and manipulation (by human hands), the transitivity of which may be encoded using a limited set of strategies. By contrast, lexical verbs denote a multitude of event types, with properties of those events (and not necessarily their transitivity) being preferentially encoded compared to the encoding of transitivity. That is, the resolution of transitivity is a much more difficult problem when looking at lexical verbs. </div><div><br></div><div>This dissertation contributes to the growing body of literature that appreciates how linguistic and paralinguistic forms may be both (para)linguistic and iconic at the same time. It further helps disentangle at least two different types of iconicities (lexical vs. structural), which may be selectively active in some signs or constructions xvi but not others. We also argue from our results that pantomimes are not holistic units, but instead combine elements of form and meaning in an analogous way to classifier constructions. Finally, this work also contributes to the discussion of how Language could have evolved in the species from a gesture-first perspective: The ‘understanding’ of others’ object-directed (i.e. transitive) manual actions becomes communicative.</div>

Predictors of Obesity, Acculturation, and Perceived Stress in Meskhetian Turk (Ahiska) Immigrants in the United States

Temircan, Zekeriya 01 January 2017 (has links)
Obesity is a risk factor for chronic diseases among the ethnic minorities for adult immigrants in the United States. There have been many research studies conducted to examine the relationship between the predictors and obesity in minority groups in the United States, that relationship was unknown in Meskhetian Turk (Ahiska) immigrant populations. Guided by social ecological model and acculturation theory, this study examined the predictors of obesity in the Meskhetian Turk (Ahiska) immigrant population in the western United States. Data were collected from 109 participants using CDC's Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Stephenson Multigroup Acculturation Scale, and Perceived Stress Scale. Participants were recruited through flyers in a public setting and data were analyzed through SPSS using logistic regression and Spearman's correlation. The result of the study showed no statistical association between obesity and the predictors of age, gender, socio-economic status, physical activity, acculturation, and perceived stress. This study, however, showed a significant association between daily vegetable, fruit, and hamburger, cheeseburger or meat loaf consumption and obesity, and weekly vegetable consumption, monthly hamburger, cheeseburger or meat loaf consumption and moderate/morbid obesity. The study findings suggest that, through targeted community-based intervention and education programs, there is positive social change in the value of healthy lifestyle and the impact of the predictors of obesity, especially diet of Meskhetian Turk (Ahiska) immigrant population in the United States. Further investigation should focus into other causes of obesity using a larger sample size.

Factors that Explain and Predict Organ Donation Registration: An Application of the Integrated Behavioral Model

Jordan, Matthew R. January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Harnessing Collective Intelligence for Translation: An Asssessment of Crowdsourcing as a Means of Bridging the Canadian Linguistic Digital Divide

O'Brien, Steven 26 May 2011 (has links)
This study attempts to shed light on the efficacy of crowdsourcing as a means of translating web content in Canada. Within, we seek to explore and understand if a model can be created that can estimate the effectiveness of crowdsourced translation as a means of bridging the Canadian Linguistic Digital Divide. To test our hypotheses and models, we use structural equation modeling techniques coupled with confidence intervals for comparing experimental crowdsourced translation to both professional and machine translation baselines. Furthermore, we explore a variety of factors which influence the quality of the experimental translations, how those translations performed in the context of their source text, and the ways in which the views of the quality of the experimental translations were measured before and after participants were made aware of how the experimental translations were created.

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