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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Response of Reinforced Concrete Reservoir Walls Subjected to Blast Loading

Fan, Jin January 2014 (has links)
Recent events including deliberate terrorist attacks and accidental explosions have highlighted the need for comprehensive research in the area of structural response to blast loading. Research in this area has recently received significant attention by the civil engineering community. Reinforced Concrete (RC) water reservoir tanks are an integral part of the critical infrastructure network of urban centers and are vulnerable to blast loading. However, there is a lack of research and knowledge on the performance of RC reservoir walls under blast loading. The objective of this research study is to experimentally investigate the performance of reinforced concrete reservoir walls subjected to blast loading and to analyze the structural response. This study provides experimental test data on the performance of reinforced concrete reservoir walls under blast loading and complementary analytical predictions using the Singe-Degree-Of-Freedom (SDOF) analysis method. The reservoir walls in this study were designed according to the water volume capacity using the Portland Cement Association (PCA 1993) methodology. The design was validated using software SAP 2000. The experimental program involved the construction and simulated blast testing of two RC reservoir wall specimens with different support conditions: (1) two opposite lateral edges fixed, bottom edge pinned and top edge free; and (2) two opposite lateral edges fixed, and bottom and top edges free. The first boundary condition was intended to promote two-way bending action, while the second was dominated by one-way bending. The two specimens were each subjected to a total of six consecutive incrementally increasing blast tests. The experimental program was conducted in the shock tube testing facility that is housed in the University of Ottawa. Wall displacements, reinforcement strains, and reflected pressures and impulses were measured during testing. Analytical calculations were conducted using the equivalent SDOF method to simulate the dynamic response of the RC reservoir wall specimens under different blast loadings. Published tables, charts and coefficients contained in Biggs (1964) and UFC 3-340-02 (2008) were adopted in the equivalent SDOF calculations. The analytical results were compared against the ii experimental data. The SDOF method predicted smaller displacements than those recorded during testing. The approximate nature of the parameters and tables used in the equivalent SDOF calculations contributed to the discrepancy between the analytical and experimental results. Furthermore, assumptions regarding the support conditions and neglecting residual damage from previous blast tests contributed to the underestimation of the displacements.

Návrh nosné železobetonové konstrukce rodinného domu / Reinforced concrete structures of a family house

Bátrlová, Petra January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis concerns with a design of structure of a family house, garage and supporting wall. Design of these structures was accomplished id software SCIA Engineer, which uses finite element method and was veryfied by manual calculation. Design was ma-de in accordance with applicable standarts. The results are drawings of reinforcement of family house.

Flying is Dangerous - That is why it is so safe : Miscommunication in aviation

Thörnqvist, Christer January 2020 (has links)
In this essay one has been investigating some of the reasons why aviation incidents take place and also examine what strategies there are to minimize the risks - primarily regarding miscommunication which often seems to be a contributing element or a direct cause in aviation mishaps. The aim of this study is to highlight and raise awareness about this field of study from a communicative point of view.The study has been performed using qualitative interviews with pilots, Air Traffic Controllers and other professionals within the aviation industry. The research has been somewhat hampered by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic but not to an extent that would have corrupted the findings.The key results have indicated that miscommunication still is a problem in the aviation industry, but less so on the local national stage than in a global perspective. Two particular occurrences that have been given extra attention are runway incursions and the use of Controller Pilot Data-Link Communications.One has established that there are technical systems available on the market to improve communication performance and that runway incursion is a problem that grows with the complexity of the airport environment. One has also been made aware of the fact that human factors can only be mitigated so far with technology. The principal question has been: How can Miscommunication in Aviation be reduced? / I denna uppsats har vi tittat på några av de bakomliggande orsakerna till att incidenter fortfarande sker inom trafikflyget samt undersökt vilka strategier som föreligger för att minimera dessa risker - primärt pga felkommunikation vilken ofta tenderar att vara en bakomliggande eller direkt utlösande faktor i flygolyckor. Syftet med denna studie är att uppmärksamma och öka medvetenheten om dessa fenomen från en kommunikativ synvinkel.Studien har genomförts medelst en kvalitativ intervjumetod med piloter, flygledare och andra initierade yrkesgrupper inom flygindustrin. Forskningen har hämmats något pga utbrottet av COVID-19 pandemin men inte i en sådan omfattning att resultatet har förvanskats.De huvudsakliga resultaten har indikerat att felkommunikation fortfarande är ett problem inom flygbranschen, men i en långt mindre omfattning på lokal nationell nivå än i ett globalt perspektiv. Två specifika företeelser som har getts extra uppmärksamhet är rullbaneintrång samt användandet av CPDLC (datalänk).Vi har konstaterat att det finns tekniska system på marknaden för att förbättra prestandan på kommunikationen samt att rullbaneintrång är ett problem som växer med flygplatsens storlek och komplexitetsgrad. Vi har också uppmärksammats på att den mänskliga faktorn endast delvis kan undanröjas med hjälp av teknologi. Den huvudsakliga fågeställningen har varit: Hur kan felkommunikation inom flyget reduceras

Pevnostní analýza a optimalizace kabiny dvoucestného rypadla MH Plus S / Strength analysis and optimization of the two-way excavator MH Plus S cab

Zavadil, Milan January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with stress analysis and optimization of two-way cab excavator MH Plus S with total weight of machine 19375 kg. Stress analysis has been performed using the finite element method (FEM). As next step the structure design of protective frame and strength analysis of the cab and protective frame, which protect crew when the machine is rolled over protective structure (ROPS) according to ČSN EN ISO 3471 standard, have been made. The design documentation is a part of diploma thesis. This diploma thesis was conducted in cooperation with the firm Agrotec a.s.

The Architecture Design and Hardware Implementation of Communications and High-Precision Positioning System

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: Within the near future, a vast demand for autonomous vehicular techniques can be forecast on both aviation and ground platforms, including autonomous driving, automatic landing, air traffic management. These techniques usually rely on the positioning system and the communication system independently, where it potentially causes spectrum congestion. Inspired by the spectrum sharing technique, Communications and High-Precision Positioning (CHP2) system is invented to provide a high precision position service (precision ~1cm) while performing the communication task simultaneously under the same spectrum. CHP2 system is implemented on the consumer-off-the-shelf (COTS) software-defined radio (SDR) platform with customized hardware. Taking the advantages of the SDR platform, the completed baseband processing chain, time-of-arrival estimation (ToA), time-of-flight estimation (ToF) are mathematically modeled and then implemented onto the system-on-chip (SoC) system. Due to the compact size and cost economy, the CHP2 system can be installed on different aerial or ground platforms enabling a high-mobile and reconfigurable network. In this dissertation report, the implementation procedure of the CHP2 system is discussed in detail. It mainly focuses on the system construction on the Xilinx Ultrascale+ SoC platform. The CHP2 waveform design, ToA solution, and timing exchanging algorithms are also introduced. Finally, several in-lab tests and over-the-air demonstrations are conducted. The demonstration shows the best ranging performance achieves the ~1 cm standard deviation and 10Hz refreshing rate of estimation by using a 10MHz narrow-band signal over 915MHz (US ISM) or 783MHz (EU Licensed) carrier frequency. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 2020

Uppdatering av stora interaktiva börstabeller med two-way data binding och virtual dom : En jämförelse av prestanda mellan kärntekniker i AngularJS och React / Updating large interactive stock tables with two-way data binding and virtual dom : A comparison on performance between core techniques in AngularJS and React

Näzell, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
Målet med studien var att undersöka hur tidseffektivt JavaScript ramverket AngularJS och biblioteket React uppdaterar interaktiva börsdatatabeller. Undersökningen är inspirerad av tidigare forskning från Högskolan i Skövde fast med ett fokus på större tabellstorlekar. För att utvärdera prestandan upprättades ett kontrollerat experiment där två applikationer per ramverk/bibliotek skapades för att både jämföra skillnader mellan AngularJS och React men även för att undersöka hur olika designval inom ett ramverk/bibliotek påverkar resultatet. Till applikationerna applicerades sex tabeller med olika rad- och kolumnantal och i varje tabell var det möjligt att både sortera och filtrera innehållet. Resultaten visade att React var snabbare oavsett tabellstorlek och interaktionstyp. Vid sortering fanns det även signifikanta skillnader mellan varianterna inom samma ramverk/bibliotek, främst för AngularJS. Potentiell vidareutveckling av arbetet kan exempelvis inkludera fler aktuella ramverk eller utvärdera mot användare i en fallstudie för att undersöka om skillnaderna upplevs av en användare.

Digital Public Relations in the Swedish Cultural Sector : A Study of Effective PR and Two-Way Communication

Arwidson, Ylva January 2020 (has links)
This research is about Swedish cultural institutions’ digital public relations work, with the purpose of investigating what the digital coordinators at the institutions consider to be essential skills in their work and how they define and implement effective and successful communication online. Communicating about culture and cultural heritage is essential and a key priority in order to ensure that the public is educated about the past as well as the present. Through analysing data from interviews conducted with professionals working within communications at Swedish cultural institutions, the study investigates what the main difficulties, similarities and dissimilarities are in digital public relations today and why. The results show that the professionals’ main areas of difficulty lay within conciseness and correctness, these could be attributed to lesser constraints in the digital setting, inattention, the faster pace of working online as well as a higher tolerance for errors. The interviewees showed a dependence on adding links to their digital content, expressing different opinions regarding what purpose linking serves. There is a common trend within the professionals’ work in favour of democratisation of the dynamics between the institution and the public – two-way communication through adapted and personalised dialogue (community management) and valorisation of feedback. The study provides first-hand insight into the strengths and weaknesses of digital public relations actors working within Swedish cultural institutions.

Twitter usage by professional sports teams: A content analysis

Allen, Megan 01 January 2015 (has links)
Twitter has become a foremost public relations tool due to its capacity to facilitate two-way communication; however research suggests few organizations are using it effectively to engage in conversation with their customers (Rybalko & Seltzer, 2010; Briones, Kuch, Liu, & Jin, 2011; Lovejoy, Waters, & Saxon, 2012; Waters & Jamal, 2011). Using Grunig and Hunt's (1984) models of public relations and uses and gratifications theory (Katz, Blumler, & Gurevitch, 1974) as the guiding framework, this study examines how teams in the National Hockey League (NHL) communicate with fans on Twitter. The study used a content analysis and coded 815 team tweets into one of five content themes based on the fan gratification being met. Findings revealed that teams are most likely to meet fans' information needs and use models of press agentry and public information, despite the opportunity for conversation and relationship building Twitter provides. The results indicate there is a lack of two-way conversation being facilitated by NHL teams to build relationships with fans. The results of this study will inform sports teams, as well as other organizations, on current and future communication strategies on social media.

Parental motivation for enrolling a child in a two-way immersion language program

Silver, Barbara L. 01 January 2011 (has links)
This study involved surveying 649 families in Livingston Union School District in Livingston, California, to ascertain parents' motivating factors which led them to enroll their children in a dual-language program at school and to see if there are different motivating factors for English-speaking parents and Spanish-speaking parents. A dual-language program involves integrating students who speak two different languages into a class or program where students learn in both languages. The survey return rate was 41.2%. Of the 268 respondents, 52.9% indicated that they spoke to their children at home in Spanish, 41.4% indicated that they spoke to their children at home in English, 2.6% spoke to their children in Punjabi, 0.3% said they spoke to their children in Urdu, and 2.6% of the respondents declined to answer this question. When asked what motivated the parent to enroll their child in a dual-langauge program, the responses from Spanish-dominant parents were as follows: 90.11% of the respondents enrolled the child in the program because they wanted their child to be able to speak, read, and write in two languages, 67.10% enrolled because they wanted their child to be successful in a global economy, 62% said they enrolled because they wanted their child to be more successful in school, 59.60% said they wanted their child to be comfortable relating to different people and cultures, 57.70% said they wanted their child to be able to relate to his/her heritage, 36.30% enrolled their child because they wanted the child to be with teachers that spoke their language. Approximately 11% wrote in other reasons for enrolling their child in a dual-language program. English-speaking parents chose their reasons for enrolling their child in a dual-language program in almost the same order as the Spanish-speaking parents. However, there are significant differences in the percentage of parents that chose those answers. For example, though the desire to see their child speak, read, and write in two languages was the top choice of both sets of parents, 94.5% of the English-speaking parents chose this answer while only 86.60% of Spanish-speaking parents chose this as their top answer. In addition, there was a significant difference between the two sets of parents when analyzing the choice of wanting their child to be comfortable relating to different people and cultures (English-speaking at 54.90% and Spanish-speaking at 63.3%) and the choice of wanting their child to be with teachers that spoke the same language (English-speaking at 25.20% and Spanish-speaking at 45%). The study ends with recommendation for practice and recommendations for further studies.

Two-way Coupled Multiscale Tsunami Modelling from Generation to Coastal Zone Hydrodynamics / 双方向結合マルチスケールモデルによる波源から沿岸域までの津波解析

William, James Pringle 23 March 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第19677号 / 工博第4132号 / 新制||工||1638(附属図書館) / 32713 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市社会工学専攻 / (主査)教授 五十嵐 晃, 准教授 米山 望, 准教授 森 信人 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

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