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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Distribuição do colágeno tipo I, colágeno tipo III e versican na lâmina própria da prega vocal humana de fetos e adultos: método histoquímico e imunoistoquímico / Collagen type I, collagen type III and versican distribution within the lamina propria of fetal and adult human vocal fold : histochemical and immunohistochemical method

Rogerio Borghi Buhler 22 October 2008 (has links)
A matriz extracelular apresenta importante papel na fisiologia da fonação sendo necessário o conhecimento de seus componentes. Poucos estudos sobre os componentes da matriz em fetos e a ausência de relatos do versican nesta faixa etária, bem como a necessidade de aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre os componentes da matriz em adultos, resultaram na elaboração deste estudo. Analisar a presença e distribuição do colágeno tipo I, colágeno tipo III e proteoglicano versican na lâmina própria da prega vocal de laringes fetais e adultas é o objetivo do estudo. No grupo fetal foram estudadas 7 laringes obtidas de cadáveres variando de 28 a 36 semanas de idade gestacional. No grupo adulto foram estudadas 20 laringes, 10 do sexo masculino, com média de idade de 66 anos, e 10 do sexo feminino com média de idade de 70 anos, com idades pareadas. Utilizou-se método imunoistoquímico para avaliar a expressão do versican no grupo fetal e adulto. Para a avaliação das fibras colágenas utilizou-se o método da Picrosirius polarização no grupo fetal e imunoistoquímico no grupo adulto. A quantificação das fibras colágenas e do versican foi realizada por meio de análise digital de imagens. Os resultados do grupo fetal mostraram uma distribuição homogênea das fibras colágenas formando uma estrutura monolaminar com um entrelaçamento entre as fibras denominado arranjo em cesta de vime; em relação ao versican, este apresentou uma densidade maior na camada superficial e intermediária da lâmina própria. Os resultados do grupo adulto mostraram uma menor densidade de colágeno tipo I na camada intermediária quando comparado à camada superficial (p<0.001) e camada profunda (p=0.005). O colágeno tipo III apresentou distribuição mais homogênea nas camadas da lâmina própria, com uma densidade estatisticamente menor na camada intermediária quando comparada à camada profunda (p=0.001), mas sem diferença estatística na camada superficial. O versican apresentou densidade menor na camada superficial quando comparado à camada intermediária (p=0.036) e camada profunda (p=0.013). Houve menor densidade de versican nas mulheres quando comparado aos homens, percebida apenas na camada superficial. Quando todas as camadas foram consideradas conjuntamente houve uma correlação positiva entre a densidade de versican e colágeno tipo III (r=0.57; p=0.010). Este estudo mostrou as diferenças na distribuição dos componentes da matriz nas camadas da lâmina própria em dois grupos etários proporcionando uma discussão sobre as implicações destes achados na fisiologia vocal e sugerindo que as estruturas glóticas já estariam preparadas para a vocalização ao nascimento / Extracellular matrix has an important rule in the vocal fold physiology and the knowledge about your components is necessary. Fewer studies about matrix extracellular and no studies about versican in fetuses, and the necessity to improve the knowledge about extracellular matrix components in adults group came us to the elaboration of this study that has the objective to analyze the presence and distribution of collagen type I, type III and versican in human vocal fold lamina propria of fetal and adult larynges. Seven fetal larynges obtained from 28- to 36- week-old cadaveric fetuses were studied. Twenty larynges were obtained from adults (10 males and 10 females). Mean age of males was 66 and 70 from females, without significant statistical difference between groups. For the analysis of versican expression, immunohistochemical reactions were carried out in fetal and adult group. The larynges were analyzed through Picrosirius polarization method and immunohistochemistry to visualize the collagen fibers, in fetal and adult group respectively. Collagen fibers and proteoglycan were quantified using a digital image analysis system. In fetuses, the collagen fibers system exhibited homogeneous distribution pattern in a monolaminar layer and spatial arrangement as in a wicker basket; predominance of versican distribution was found out on the superficial and intermediate layer of vocal fold lamina propria. In adult group, there was a lower collagen type I density in the intermediate layer when compared to the superficial (p<0.001) and the deep layers (p=0.005). Collagen type III presented a lower density in the intermediate layer when compared to the deep layer (p=0.001) but without differences in the superficial layer. There was a lower versican density in the superficial layer when compared to the intermediate layer (p=0.036) and deep layer (p=0.013). There was a lower versican density in the lamina propria of females when compared with males. The difference was noted in the superficial layer only. When all layers are considered together there was a positive correlation between versican and collagen type III densities (r=0.57; p=0.010). This study shows the differences in the extracellular matrix components distribution in lamina propria vocal folds in fetal and adult group permitting a discussion about the implications in vocal fold physiology and suggesting that laryngeal structures will be prepared to vocalization at birth

Colágenos tipo I e III da linha alba em mulheres com diástase de músculos retos do abdome

Blotta, Rosa Maria January 2011 (has links)
A heterogeneidade da linha média observada nas pacientes submetidas à dermolipectomia abdominal e os inúmeros estudos demonstrando a importância do colágeno na estrutura e força tênsil das aponeuroses, suscitaram o interesse em conhecer o índice dos colágenos tipo I e III da linha média. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a quantidade dos colágenos tipo I e III de mulheres com e sem diástase de músculos retos do abdome, assim como identificar se existe diferença na proporção entre colágeno I e III nas aponeuroses da linha média entre os dois grupos. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo de caso-controle aninhado a uma coorte incluindo 18 pacientes do sexo feminino com diástase de músculos retos do abdome e um grupo controle de 18 pacientes de mesmo gênero sem apresentar essa condição. Foram coletadas amostras da linha média 3cm acima e 2cm abaixo da cicatriz umbilical. As amostras foram submetidas a análise imuno-histoquímica utilizando anticorpos policlonais anticolágeno tipos I e III. Resultados: Nas mulheres com diástase de músculos retos do abdome, as quantidades de colágeno tipo I e III são menores de que naquelas sem essa condição, tanto nas amostras de aponeurose da linha alba obtidas acima da cicatriz umbilical quanto abaixo da mesma (P<0,001). A proporção entre colágeno tipos I e III é menor nas mulheres com diástase de músculos retos do abdome nas amostras de aponeurose obtidas acima da cicatriz umbilical (P<0,001), não havendo diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos com e sem diástase (P = 0,110) nas amostras obtidas abaixo da cicatriz umbilical. Conclusões: As menores quantidades de colágeno tipos I e III encontrados na aponeurose da linha média podem ser considerados importante fator na diástase dos músculos retos do abdome. / Differences observed in the midline of the abdominal wall in patients undergoing abdominoplasty and evidence from a number of studies showing the importance of collagen to aponeurotic structures and tensile strength have raised interest in investigating the rates of type I and type III collagen in this anatomic region. The aim of this study was to assess the amount of type I and type III collagen in the linea alba of women with and without diastasis recti and to determine collagen type I/III ratio by comparing these two groups. This is a case-control study nested within a surgical cohort of 18women with diastasis recti and a control group with 18 women without diastasis recti. Samples were collected from de midline of the abdominal wall three centimeters above and two centimeters bellow the umbilical scar. The samples were analyzed by immunohistochemistry using polyclonal antibodies to collagen type I and type III. The amount of collagen type I and type III was smaller in women with diastasis recti than in those without this condition in samples collected from the linea alba above and bellow the umbilical scar (P<0,001). Collagen type I/III ratio was lower in womem with diastasis recti in the samples collected above de umbilical scar (P<0,001). However, there was no statistically significant difference between groups with and without distasis recti in the samples collected bellow de umbilical scar (P = 0,110). The lower amount of collagen type I and III observed in the midline of the abdominal wall could be a factor in diastasis recti.

Xantonas, benzopiranos e floroglucinois diméricos em culturas de tecidos de espécies de hypericum nativas do sul do Brasil / Xantones, benzopyrans and dimeric phloroglucinols in tissue cultures of Hypericum species native from South of Brazil

Nunes, Jéssica de Matos January 2014 (has links)
Metabólitos secundários produzidos por espécies vegetais são, há tempos, reconhecidos como moléculas capazes de desempenhar ações farmacológicas. Entre as plantas medicinais mais utilizadas estão espécies do gênero Hypericum, pertencente à família Guttiferae, e que possui 494 espécies. Destas, aproximadamente 20 estão distribuídas no sul e sudeste do Brasil e apresentam o acúmulo de compostos fenólicos como flavonoides, xantonas, benzopiranos e floroglucinois. Como forma de garantia da qualidade e quantidade de plantas medicinais para consumo da indústria farmacêutica, bem como uma alternativa para preservação das espécies, o estabelecimento de protocolos de cultivo apresenta-se como uma opção vantajosa frente ao uso de plantas coletadas diretamente de seus locais de crescimento. Por este motivo, espécies nativas do sul do Brasil como H. polyanthemum, H. ternum, H. myrianthum, H. carinatum e H. campestre tiveram seus protocolos de cultivo in vitro e ex vitro (aclimatização) estabelecidos, verificando-se a possibilidade da produção de biomassa vegetal uniforme e de maneira otimizada, com a manutenção da síntese dos metabólitos de interesse. H. teretiusculum, espécie recém identificada na região central do estado, apresenta o acúmulo de metabólitos secundários e escassos relatos na literatura, focados em seus aspectos botânicos. Estes fatos levaram ao estabelecimento do protocolo de cultivo in vitro e aclimatização da espécie. As plântulas apresentaram crescimento satisfatório quando cultivadas in vitro em meio MΔ apenas ou suplementado com ácido indol butírico. Após 18 semanas de aclimatização, verificou-se o aumento da biomassa e o acúmulo dos derivados do floroglucinol uliginosina B e isohyperbrasilol B, verificados em traços na planta in natura, bem como hiperbrasilol B e japonicina A, não detectados nos extratos das plantas coletadas de seu habitat natural. Este resultado evidencia a relevância do cultivo in vitro como forma de otimização da produção de moléculas bioativas. Entre as espécies nativas estudadas, H. polyanthemum destaca-se por ser a única, até o momento, produtora dos três benzopiranos, HP1, HP2 e HP3. Além deles, a planta também produz o derivado do floroglucinol uliginosina B. A presença de HP1, com atividades analgésica e antidepressiva bem como de uliginosina B, que se classifica como novo protótipo para moléculas antidepressivas, levou ao desenvolvimento de um depósito de patente para o extrato n-hexano da espécie e requer estudos para a investigação da otimização em sua biossíntese. Neste sentido, a influência da imposição de estresse abiótico (ácido salicílico e dano mecânico, sozinhos ou combinados, fertilização e seca, sozinhos ou combinados) em plantas aclimatizadas de H. polyanthemum foi investigada na décima oitava semana de aclimatização. Embora HP2 não tenha apresentado aumento em nenhum dos tratamentos aplicados, o aumento de 40 e 6 vezes na produção de uliginosina B nas folhas e flores, respectivamente, destaca-se entre os resultados obtidos, bem como aumento significativo na síntese de HP1 nas folhas e flores e HP3 nas folhas após a aplicação de seca e seca com fertilização, respectivamente. Os resultados sugerem que a biossíntese dos principais metabólitos de H. polyanthemum pode ser consideravelmente incrementada com a exploração do recurso da imposição de estresse hídrico no mesmo. O estabelecimento do cultivo in vitro de raízes adventícias de H. polyanthemum foi realizado como alternativa de produção rápida e “limpa” dos metabólitos secundários de interesse. No entanto, embora apresentando crescimento satisfatório em meio líquido, a síntese de benzopiranos e floroglucinois não foi verificada, mas a produção de diversas xantonas. Interessante é ressaltar que apenas traços de uma xantona é relatado para plantas in natura da espécie, não sendo detectada em plântulas cultivadas in vitro. Com o objetivo de compreender a produção e regulação na síntese destes compostos, realizou-se a investigação de enzimas poliacetídeo sintases (PKS) do tipo III nos tecidos da espécie, com o objetivo principal da obtenção de uma isobutirofenona sintase, envolvida com a biossíntese de floroglucinois e benzopiranos. Dos screenings realizados com primers de expressão de algumas PKS do tipo III foi possível isolar uma benzofenona sintase (BPS) das culturas de células em suspensão e um fragmento 3’-terminal de uma ORF específica para PKS do tipo III, sem apresentar enzimas funcionalmente relacionadas à BPSs. Estes achados concordam com o perfil fitoquímico das culturas de células em suspensão, que apresentam no mínimo duas xantonas como componentes majoritários, e das plântulas in vitro, que apresentam majoritariamente benzopiranos e derivados do floroglucinol em seus extratos, sem detecção de estruturas relacionadas à xantonas. Considerados em seu conjunto, os resultados do presente trabalho contribuem para a preservação e manutenção da qualidade do material vegetal das espécies de Hypericum com potencial uso na terapêutica, bem como contribui para o entendimento da biosíntese dos principais metabólitos de H. polyanthemum que demonstram variar de acordo com o tecido vegetal. / Plant secondary metabolites are long ago known to be able to perform pharmacological effects. Hypericum genus possesses 494 species distributed around the world and approximately 20 grow in south Brazil and accumulate phenolic compounds such as flavonoids, xanthones, benzopyrans and phloroglucinol derivatives. Aiming plant quantity and quality for pharmaceutical industry purposes, as well as to avoid natural resource exploitation, in vitro and ex vitro (acclimatization) protocols were established for H. polyanthemum, H. ternum, H. myrianthum, H. carinatum e H. campestre, affording uniform and increased vegetal biomass. H. teretiusculum is a species recently found in the state center, demonstrating secondary metabolite accumulation and only few information in literature, most of them directed to botanical aspects. These data leaded to the establishment of in vitro and ex vitro propagation protocols for the species. Plants were successfully micropropagated in MΔ medium with or without IBA supplementation. After 18 weeks of field growth, vegetal biomass increase and phloroglucinol derivatives accumulation was verified, with uliginosin B and isohyperbrasilol B, just found as traces in in natura plants as well as hyperbrasilol B and japonicin A, not detected in plants harvested directly from the wild. These results attest the relevance of cultivation protocols establishment aiming to optimize bioactive molecules obtainment. Among the native studied species, H. polyanthemum is highlighted for HP1, HP2 and HP3 benzopyrans productions, described just for the species until now. Besides, the phloroglucinol uliginosin B is also produced. The presence of HP1, with antinociceptive and antidepressant activities and uliginosin B, classified as a novel prototype for antidepressant-like molecules, a patent was deposited for n-hexanic extract of the species, claiming for investigations focusing on biosynthesis increment. Guided for this objective, abiotic stresses (SA application and mechanical damage, alone or combined, mild fertilization and drough, alone or combined) was imposed to acclimatized plants of H. polyanthemum on eighteenth week of field growth. Although HP2 was not increased with any of the applied treatments, a 40-fold and 6-fold increase on uliginosin B production in leaves and reproductive parts, respectively are highlighted among the obtained results, as well as significant increase in HP1 in leaves and HP3 in reproductive parts after drought and drought + fertilization treatment, respectively. The data suggest that main H. polyanthemum metabolites might be strongly induced by drought stress modulation. The establishment of in vitro adventitious root cultures of H. polyanthemum was described as alternative for rapid and “clean” secondary metabolites obtainment. Nevertheless, even demonstrating ability for stable in vitro growth, benzopyrans and phloroglucinol derivatives were not detected in this tissue, but a wide array of xanthones was detected instead. It is interesting to point out that only traces of xanthone is related for in natura plants and such class of compounds was not detected in in vitro plants. Aiming to understand biosynthesis of these compound, type III polyketide synthases (type III PKS) were investigated in H. polyanthemum tissue, focusing mainly on BUS discovery, involved in benzopyrans and phloroglucinol biosynthesis. After screening cell suspension cultures cDNA, a benzophenone synthase (BPS) enzyme was isolated and biochemically characterized, while in vitro plants afforded a 3’-end fragment of a type III PKS specific ORF and neither other enzymes related with xanthone biosynthesis. These data are in accordance with phytochemical profile displayed by cells suspensions, presenting at least two xanthones as majoritarian compounds in the extracts, and plants, which just accumulate benzopyrans and uliginosin B. Considered compiled data, the present work direct medicinal plant studies into increment of valuable secondary metabolites.

Efeitos do polimorfismo T-786C do gene da óxido nítrico sintase endotelial (eNOS) e/ou da atorvastatina sobre parâmetros do metabolismo lipídico em adultos assintmáticos / Effects of the polymorphism T-786C of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene and/or atorvastatin on parameters of lipid metabolism in asymptomatic adults

Zago, Vanessa Helena de Souza, 1984- 08 November 2010 (has links)
Orientadores: Eliana Cotta de Faria, José Eduardo Tanus dos Santos / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T16:38:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Zago_VanessaHelenadeSouza_M.pdf: 4029424 bytes, checksum: 82a248a89f7f9c4b4bee67ad6c6f0d07 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: O óxido nítrico (NO) é produzido no endotélio vascular pela óxido nítrico sintase endotelial (eNOS), enzima regulada negativamente pela presença do polimorfismo T- 786C, levando à disfunção endotelial. A lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL) têm funções anti-aterogênicas bem estabelecidas, incluindo mecanismos que aumentam a atividade da eNOS. As estatinas são fármacos que possuem, dentre seus efeitos pleiotrópicos, a melhora na função do endotélio e na composição da HDL. Dada a importância tanto da expressão quanto da atividade da eNOS para a função endotelial, bem como dos efeitos pleiotrópicos das estatinas sobre estas duas variáveis, avaliamos os parâmetros bioquímicos e a composição das sub-frações de HDL (HDL2 e HDL3) após uso de placebo e atorvastatina em uma amostra populacional de 30 indivíduos, divididos em dois grupos: 15 indivíduos portadores do polimorfismo T-786C do gene da eNOS (CC) e 15 não portadores (TT). Duzentos indivíduos foram genotipados, e pareamos conforme idade e IMC 15 indivíduos TT e 15 indivíduos CC, que receberam placebo e/ou atorvastatina na dose de 10mg/dia, por 14 dias. Os parâmetros séricos analisados foram determinados através de métodos bioquímicos enzimáticos, radiométricos, nefelométricos e microultracentrifugação. Mediu-se lípides, lipoproteínas, composição das sub-frações da HDL (HDL2 e HDL3), apolipoproteínas, atividade da proteína de transferência de colesteril éster, metabólitos do NO e proteína C reativa. Após o uso da estatina, como esperado, drásticos efeitos redutores foram observados tanto nos lípides, lipoproteínas, apolipoproteínas e de forma independente do polimorfismo, além da redução de ácidos graxos livres nos portadores do genótipo CC. Nas sub-frações a relação lípides/proteínas foi reduzida tanto em HDL2 quanto em HDL3.O aumento da atividade da CETP nos portadores foi corrigido pela estatina e os níveis de ácidos graxos livres reduziram-se de maneira polimorfismo-dependente, em oposição à redução observada do nitrito, que foi polimorfismo-independente. usPCR e Lp(a) não se modificaram. A atorvastatina pode ter atuado sobre o transporte reverso de colesterol através da redução da atividade da lipase hepática e aumento de atividade da PLTP. Foram observadas interações genótipo/tratamento limítrofes para CETP e Lp(a). Estes resultados sugerem que o tratamento com estatinas pode ser relevante na prevenção primária da aterosclerose em portadores do polimorfismo, independentemente de modificações lipídicas séricas. Portanto estes indivíduos se beneficiariam com o uso de estatinas através da modulação da atividade da CETP e redução da concentração de ácidos graxos livres. / Abstract: Nitric oxide (NO) is produced in the vascular endothelium by endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), an enzyme negatively regulated by the presence of the T-786C polymorphism, leading to endothelial dysfunction. High-density lipoproteins (HDL) have well-established anti-atherogenic functions, for example mechanisms that enhance eNOS activity. Statins are drugs that have pleiotropic effects, such as the improvement in endothelial function and beneficial composition of HDL. Taking into account both the activity of eNOS on endothelial function, and the validity of the pleiotropic effects of statins, we evaluated the biochemical parameters and the composition of subfractions of HDL (HDL2 and HDL3) after use of placebo and atorvastatin at a dose of 10mg/day for 14 days, in a population sample of 30 individuals divided into two genotype groups of the T-786C polymorphism of the eNOS gene: CC (carriers) or TT (non-carriers). Two hundred individuals were genotyped, and the selected groups paired by age and BMI. The serum parameters analyzed were determined using biochemical enzymatic, radiometric, nephelometric and microultracentrifugation methods. We measured lipids, lipoproteins, the composition of sub-fractions of HDL (HDL2 and HDL3), apolipoproteins, activity of cholesteryl ester transfer protein, NO metabolites and hsCRP. After statin, as expected, drastic effects were observed both in lipids, lipoproteins, apolipoproteins, independently of the polymorphism. In HDL sub-fractions the ratio lipid/protein was smaller in both HDL2 and HDL3. CETP activity and free fatty acids were reduced in a polymorphism-dependent manner, and the reduction of nitrite was polymorphism-independent. hsCRP did not change. Atorvastatin may have acted on the reverse cholesterol transport by reducing the activity of hepatic lipase, increased PLTP activity and reducing CETP. There was a genotype/drug interaction effect on CETP and Lp(a). These results suggest that statin treatment may be relevant for primary prevention of atherosclerosis in patients with the polymorphism, irrespective of serum lipid changes. These individuals would benefit from the use of statins because of reduction of CETP activity and free fatty acids. / Mestrado / Ciencias Biomedicas / Mestre em Ciências Médicas

Ação protetora da eritropoietina na injúria renal aguda em modelo experimental de sepse / Erithropoietin protects from acute kidney injury in a experimental model of sepsis

Ana Carolina Cavalcanti Pessôa de Souza 08 April 2010 (has links)
A sepse envolve mecanismos complexos de respostas imunológicas e inflamatórias, e o papel do NF- B é essencial. A diminuição da NO sintase endotelial (eNOS) durante a sepse contribui com a disfunção endotelial. A eritropoietina (EPO) é uma citocina protetora de diversos tecidos durante o estresse. Investigamos o papel da EPO na injúria renal aguda (IRA) induzida pela sepse usando o modelo de ligadura e punção do ceco (LPC). Ratos Wistar foram divididos em três grupos: controle; LPC e LPC+EPO (EPO, 4.000UI/kg, administrada 24h e 1h antes da cirurgia). Com a finalidade de estudar os efeitos precoces e tardios da EPO sobre a IRA induzida pela sepse realizamos três etapas de experimentos: Primeira etapa: 24 horas após LPC; Segunda etapa: 48 horas após LPC; Terceira etapa: análise de sobrevida. No estudo precoce o grupo LPC+EPO apresentou clearance de inulina significativamente maior que o grupo LPC. Recuperou os níveis de hematócrito na sepse, melhorou a pressão arterial e a acidose metabólica. No estudo tardio o grupo LPC+EPO apresentou clearance de creatinina significativamente maior que o grupo LPC. Nesta fase tardia a EPO recuperou os níveis de eNOS, suprimiu a infiltração de macrófagos no tecido renal e inibiu a ativação do NF- B. A EPO protege a função renal e aumenta a sobrevida neste modelo de sepse. A proteção da EPO na sepse é dependente, em parte, da inibição do NF- B e do aumento da expressão de eNOS / The pathophysiology of sepsis involves complex cytokine and inflammatory mediator networks, a mechanism to which nuclear factor-kappa B (NF- B ) activation is central. Downregulation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) contributes to sepsis-induced endothelial dysfunction. Erythropoietin (EPO) has emerged as a major tissue-protective cytokine in the setting of stress. We investigated the role of EPO in sepsis-related acute kidney injury (AKI) using a cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) model. Wistar rats were divided into three groups: control (sham-operated); CLP-only; and CLP+EPO. The EPO (4000 IU/kg BW, i.p.) was administered 24 h and 1 h before CLP. To study the early and late effects of EPO on sepsis-induced AKI, we performed experiments at 24 h and 48 h after CLP/sham operation, and we plotted the survival curves. At post-procedure hour 24, CLP+EPO rats presented significantly higher inulin clearance than did CLP-only rats; EPO treatment restored hematocrit levels, as well as mean arterial pressure and metabolic balance. At post-procedure hour 48, CLP+EPO rats presented significantly higher creatinine clearance than did CLP-only rats; EPO treatment restored eNOS levels, suppressed macrophage infiltration, and inhibited NF-B activation,thereby increasing survival. In conclusion, EPO protects renal function and increases survival in this model of sepsis-induced AKI. This protection is dependent on eNOS activation and is partly due to inhibition of the inflammatory response via downregulation of NF- B


Pillusky, Fernanda Maia 28 August 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of an antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) employing the photosensitizer methylene blue dissolved in ethanol on the systemic oxidative status likewise on the gingival collagen content of rats with periodontitis. Male Wistar rats were randomly divided into two main groups: NC (negative control; no periodontitis) and the remaining animals were submitted to periodontitis induction group. In the last group, the cotton ligature was placed at the first right mandibular molar of each animal in a submarginal position to induce experimental periodontitis. The animals with periodontitis were subdivided into groups according to the periodontal treatment as follow: SRP group (scaling and root planing), aPDT I group (SRP+aPDT+MB dissolved in water), and aPDT II group (SRP+aPDT+MB dissolved in ethanol). After 7 days, the ligature was removed and periodontal treatments were performed. At 7, 15 and 30 days, rats were euthanized and gingival tissue was removed for morphometric analysis. The erythrocytes were used to evaluate systemic oxidative status. Besides that, it indicated a protective influence of aPDT II in erythrocytes already at 15 days observed by the elevation in levels of systemic antioxidant defense. The morphometric findings showed that aPDT II group was the only one that restored the percentage of total collagen area also in 15 days, as well as, aPDT II group recovered the type I collagen area at the same time-point. According to this study we could suggest that aPDT employed as an adjunct to the standard treatment of periodontitis (SRP) increases systemic protective response against oxidative stress periodontitis-induced facilitating and accelerating the periodontal healing particularly when methylene blue is dissolved in ethanol. / O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da terapia fotodinâmica antimicrobiana (TFDa) usando o fotossensibilizador azul de metileno (AM) dissolvido em etanol sobre o status oxidativo sistêmico, bem como sobre o conteúdo de colágeno gengival de ratos com periodontite. Ratos machos Wistar foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos principais: CN (controle negativo; sem periodontite) e os animais restantes foram o grupo submetido a indução de periodontite. No último grupo, a ligadura de algodão foi colocada no primeiro molar inferior direito de cada animal em uma posição subgengival para induzir a periodontite experimental. Os animais com periodontite foram subdivididos em grupos de acordo com o tratamento periodontal, como segue: grupo RAR (raspagem e alisamento radicular), TFDa I grupo (RAR + TFDa + AM dissolvido em água), e grupo TFDa II (RAR + TFDa + AM dissolvido em etanol). Após 7 dias, a ligadura foi removida e foram realizados os tratamentos periodontais. Aos 7, 15 e 30 dias, os ratos foram submetidos à eutanásia e foi removido o tecido gengival para análise morfométrica. Os eritrócitos foram usados para avaliar o status oxidativo sistêmico. O status oxidativo demostrou maiores níveis de peroxidação lipídica no grupo CP em 7, 15 e 30 dias, e indicou uma influência protetora da TFDa II, nos eritrócitos, já em 15 dias, observada a partir da elevação dos níveis de defesa antioxidante sistêmica. Os achados morfométricos mostraram que o grupo TFDa II restabeleceu o percentual de área total de colágeno também em 15 dias, bem como recuperou a área de colágeno tipo I no mesmo tempo. A partir deste estudo podemos sugerir que TFDa utilizada como um adjuvante ao tratamento padrão periodontal (RAR) aumenta a resposta protetora sistêmica contra o estresse oxidativo induzido pela periodontite, facilitando e acelerando a cicatrização periodontal, particularmente quando o azul de metileno é solubilizado em etanol.

Small Molecule Activation of Copper and Iron Complexes with Bis(oxazoline) Ligands

Goswami, Vandana Esther 17 October 2016 (has links)
No description available.

DNA Cleavage By Type III Restriction Enzyme EcoP151 : Properties, Mechanism And Application

Raghavendra, N K 02 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Biochemical Characterization Of An Acid-Adaptive Type III DNA Methyltransferase From Helicobacter Pylori 26695 And Its Biological Significance

Banerjee, Arun 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Enzyme DNA methylation is an important biochemical process that imprints DNA with additional information. DNA methylation is catalyzed by S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet)-dependent methyltraferases (MTases). Prokaryotic DNA MTases are usually components of restriction-modification(R-M) systems that enable cells to resist propagation of foreign genomes that would otherwise kill them. Based on the position methyl group transfer on the bases in DNA, MTases are classified into two groups-exocyclic or amino MTases and endocyclic or ring MTases. The amino MTases methylate exocyclic amino nitrogen to form either N6-methyladenine or n4-methycytosine. N6-methyaladenine is mostly found in the genomes of bacteria, archaea protists and fungi. Helicobacter pylori is a gram-negative, flagellated, fastidious bacterium that colonizes the highly acidic environment of the gastric mucosa. Frequently and persistence of H.paylori infection in humans make it attractive model for studying the host- pathogen interaction mechanisms. Analysis of the genome sequence of H.pylori strains 26695, J99.HPAGI, and G27 revealed an abundance of restriction-modification (R-M) systems. Most of the R-M system genes are either conserved among the strains or specific to each strain. Strain specific genes are responsible for different phenotypes in several host adapted pathogens such as H.pylori. Many of the R-M gene homologues exhibit different usages of condon bias and lower G+C content from the average genes suggesting horizontal transfer of the R-M system genes in H. Pylori. Genome analysis of strain 26695 showed the presence of three putative type III R-M systems and hp0592-hp0593 constitutes one such type III R-M system. Based on the conserved motif arrangements, HP0593 MTases belongs to the subgroups of MTases. The amino acid sequence of HP0593 MTases has 38% sequence identity to Ecop11 MTases and EcoP151 MTase, both of which belongs to type IIIR-M systems therefore, it was important to study in detail previously unexplored role of this putative type III DNA MTase (HP0593) in H. Pylori. Investigation of methyltransferease activity and sequence specifically of putative DNA adenine MTase (HP0593) HP0593 (N6-adenine) - DNA MTase is a member of a type III R-M system in H. pylori strain 26695. HP0593 MTase has been cloned, over expressed and purified heterologously in Escherichia coli. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) was carried out with purified HP0593 and profile showed a single peak with expected molecular mass of 70.6kDa. The protein was determined as-5.8. HP0593 MTase exits predominantly as monomer and a small fraction as dimer in solution as determined by size exclusion chromatography and glutaraldehyde cross-linking studies. The recognition sequence of the purified MTase was determined as 5’GCAG-3’ and the target base of methylation is adenine. Dot-blot assay using antibodies that reacted specifically with DNA containing m6A modification confirmed that HP0593 MTase is an adenine specific MTase. Exocyclic MTase have a conserved catalytic motif (D/N/S/SPPY/F/W). Most interestingly, the amino acid sequence analysis of HP0593 MTase revealed the presence of a PCQ-like motif, which is the catalytic motif for C5-cytosine MTase in addition to DPPY motif. In order to check the role of both these MTase by glycine. HP0593 –Y107G and C54G mutant proteins were purified to near homogeneity. It was found that the Y107G mutant protein was catalytically inactive as compared to wild-type HP0593 MTase. On the other hand the C54G mutant protein was found to be as active as the wild-type HP0593 MTase indicating that HP0593 MTase is an adenine MTase and not a C5- cytosine MTase. Kinetic and catalytic properties of HP0593 DNA adenine methyltransferase DNA binding studies were carried out by electrophoretic mobility shift assay using DNA having cognate site and either in absence or presence of AdoHcy or sinefungin. In all the three cases two different DNA-protein complexes were observed-a fast running complex I and a slow running complex 2. It can be surmised that the fast running complex could be HP0593 monomer-DNA and the slow running complex could be a HP0593 dimer-DNA complex. With non specific DNA (lacking 5’-GCAG-3’ sequences) no complexes were formed even in the presence of cofactors. Based on the above observations it is suggested that a specific interactions of HP0593 MTase with DNA occurs on cognate recognition site. The activity of HP0593 MTase is optional at pH 5.5. This is a unique property in context of natural adaptation of H. pylori in its acidic niche. When initial velocities were plotted against varying concentrations of duplex DNA having a single 5’GCAG-3’ site a rectangular hyperbola was obtained confirming that HP0593 MTase obeys michaelis menten kinetics. From non-linear regression analysis of the plot of initial velocity versus DNA concentration Km (DNA) and kcat were calculated. Analysis of initial velocity with AdoMet as a substrate showed that two molecules of AdoMet bind to HP0593 MTase. The nonlinear dependence of methylation activity on enzyme concentration indicated that more than one molecule of methylation activity on enzyme concentration indicated that more than one molecule of enzyme is required for its activity. Metal ion cofactors such as CO 2, Mn2+ and Mg2+ stimulated the HP09593 MTase activity. As Mn2+ showed maximum stimulation of methyaltion activity compared to other metal ions, surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy was used to determine the kinetics of DNA binding by HP0593 MTase in the absence and presence of Mn2+. In the presence of Mn2+, HP0593 MTase showed~1000-fold increase in affinity to duplex DNA. DNA MTase bind substrates in random or sequential order. Preincubation study demonstrated that the preformed enzyme-DNA complex is competent than the preformed enzyme-AdoMet complex. This suggests that MTase binds to DNA first followed by AdoMet. Isotope partitioning analysis indicated that HP0593 MTase shows a distributive mechanism of methylation DNA having more than one recognition site. Effects of inactivation of HP0593 DNA MTase in Helicobacter pylori 26695 strain and its functional role. DNA dot-blot assay using hp0593 gene specific primer showed that this gene is present in 25.15% of the clinical strains checked suggesting that hp0593 is strain-specific gene. Strain-specific genes in many host-adapted pathogene impart strain specific phenotype. Wild-type 26695 strain grew slightly faster at the initial phase of growth in PH 4.5 compared to pH 7.4. A~5-fold enhanced level of hp0593 mRNA expression was growth under acidic condition HP0593 MTase could play an important role in H. pylori physiology through methylation. To elucidate the possible role(s) played by the MTase in H.pylori physiology, an hp0593 knock-out in 26695 strain was generated by chloramphenecol cassette mediated insertional gene inactivation. Growth kinetic study was carried out with both wild-type and hp0593 knock-out strain at pH7.4, the growth of the hp0593 strain. At pH 4.5 no major differences were observed in the growth compared to the wild-type hp0593 knock-out strain. To further investigate the effect of the knock-out, cell-morphology study was carried out after growing the strains at pH 7.4 till mid-exponential phase. Transmission electron microscopy studies reveled changes in cell shape, presence of sheathed structure and production of outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) in the hp0593 knock out strain. OMVs contain effectors molecules during infection helps in pathogenicity caused by H.pylori.This is the first report where inactivation of DNA MTase causes shedding of vesicles. OMVs are also known to modulate the production of IL-8 by gastic epitheial cells. To check weather H.pylori strains could produce IL-8, both wild-type and hp0593 knock-out strains were co-cultured with AGS cell infected with the hp0593 knock out strain. This was further confirmed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis. To analyze the different phenotypes observed in the hp0593 knock-out strain, transcriptome profile were compared by microarray and RT-PCR analysis. In thehp0593 knock-out strain peptidologlycan and murein synthesis genes like pbp2, murC and neu4 showed upregulation which could be responsible for the changes in cell shape presence of sheathed structure and OMVs production. The RT-PCR data showed ~9-fold down-regulation of dank chaperone which might play a key role in slow growth phenotype in the hp0593 knock-out strain. Considering the occurrence of GCAG sequence in the potential promoter regions of physiologically important genes such as dank, neuA, murC, fliH, filP and cag5, the results presented in this study provide impetus for exploring the role of HP0593 DNA MTase in the cellular processes of H.pylori. However, R-M systems are not absolutely essential, but different methylation patterns may contribute to strain-specific epigenetic gene regulation and may contribute to variability among the strains.

Influence du système de sécrétion de type III bactérien dans les interactions plante-Pseudomonas spp. fluorescents non pathogènes / Influence of type III bacterial secretion system on the interactions between plant and non pathogenic fluorescent Pseudomonads spp.

Viollet, Amandine 10 November 2010 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de contribuer à faire progresser les connaissances sur les interactions bénéfiques entre les plantes et les microorganismes en évaluant la contribution des systèmes de sécrétion de type III (SST3). Une synthèse des connaissances disponibles relatives aux SST3 chez les Pseudomonas non pathogènes, saprotrophes ou mutualistes, présentée chapitre I, montre que les SST3 ne sont pas cantonnés aux interactions parasites ou pathogènes avec les plantes. Dans l’étude expérimentale présentée chapitre II, nous avons utilisé différents génotypes de Medicago truncatula Gaertn. cv. Jemalong capables (Myc+) ou non (Myc-) d’établir une symbiose mycorhizienne. Ce travail nous a permis de montrer que les Pseudomonas spp. fluorescents possédant un SST3 (SST3+) sont préférentiellement associés aux racines mycorhizées des génotypes Myc+ de M. truncatula (J5 et TRV48) plutôt qu’aux racines du mutant Myc- (TRV25) et au sol nu. Ainsi, la plante seule n’est pas à l’origine de la présence accrue des Pseudomonas SST3+. La colonisation de la racine par les champignons mycorhizogènes à arbuscules (CMA), le développement du mycélium intraradiculaire et/ou la formation associée d’arbuscules, sont également déterminants. Dans l’étude présentée chapitre III, nous avons comparé les effets de la souche modèle promotrice de mycorhization (MHB) P. fluorescens C7R12 (SST3+) et de son mutant C7SM7 (SST3-), sur la mycorhization et la croissance de M. truncatula dans un sol non stérile. Ce travail a permis de montrer que le SST3 de C7R12 contribue à l’effet MHB de la bactérie. La promotion de la colonisation de la racine de M. truncatula par les CMA indigènes induite par le SST3 de C7R12 s’est traduite par une amélioration de la croissance de la plante. En revanche, l’inactivation du SST3 chez C7SM7 a eu un impact délétère sur la colonisation de la racine de M. truncatula par les CMA du sol étudié et sur la croissance de la plante. L’observation d’effets quantitatifs opposés entre C7R12 et C7SM7, nous a conduits à nous interroger sur l’existence d’un effet différentiel de l’inoculation de ces bactéries sur la structure et la diversité des communautés des microorganismes associés. Dans une étude présentée chapitre IV, le suivi dynamique en parallèle de la structure des communautés totales bactériennes (B-RISA) et fongiques (F-RISA) et de la colonisation de la racine par les CMA a été réalisée. Aucun effet de l’inoculation n’a été observé sur la structure des communautés fongiques de la rhizosphère ou des racines. En revanche, la structure des communautés bactériennes a varié selon que les plantes aient été inoculées ou non et selon la souche inoculée. Néanmoins, ces différences ont été observées plusieurs semaines après les effets de l’inoculation de C7R12 ou de C7SM7 sur la colonisation de la racine par les CMA. Ce décalage dans le temps, suggère que les différences observées dans la structure des communautés bactériennes pourraient être une conséquence plutôt qu’une cause des variations observées sur la mycorhization de M. truncatula. Nos résultats n’ont pas permis de mettre en évidence d’effets de l’inoculation sur la diversité des populations des bactéries fixatrices d’azote présentes dans les nodosités de M. truncatula. L’analyse des séquences de la grande sous-unité de l’ADN ribosomique (LSU rDNA) amplifiées à partir d’ADN extrait des racines, a montré pour les plantes inoculées et non inoculées, que les populations de CMA étaient majoritairement apparentées à Glomus intraradices. Un groupe d’isolats spécifiquement associé aux racines inoculées avec C7R12 et apparenté à G. claroideum a été décrit. Le groupe spécifique pourrait être associé à l’amélioration de la mycorhization observée dans les racines inoculées avec C7R12. Néanmoins, compte tenu de sa faible représentation numérique (8%), il semble probable que l’inoculation de C7R12 ait aussi un effet quantitatif sur la colonisation de la racine de M. truncatula par les CMA. etc / No abstract

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