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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementering av barnkonventionens artikel 31 vid svenska folkbibliotek / Implementation of Article 31 of the UNCRC in Swedish public libraries

Gullö, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med den här undersökningen är att bidra till en fördjupad förståelse av implementering av FN:s konvention om barnets rättigheter (barnkonventionen). Detta har genomförts genom en undersökning av implementering av barnkonventionens artikel 31 i barnverksamheten vid sex svenska folkbibliotek och av hur tre särskilda faktorer: handlingsfrihet, ansvarighet och resurser, som valts med utgångspunkt i närbyråkratperspektivet, påverkat implementeringen. En kvalitativ, intensiv, få-fallsundersökning har genomförts. Undersökningens material omfattar intervjudata som samlades in genom kvalitativa halv-strukturerade forskningsintervjuer med utbildade bibliotekarier som arbetar vid olika folkbibliotek och av utvalda styrdokument som reglerar de olika bibliotekens verksamheter. Ett huvudsakligt resultat i undersökningen är att de folkbibliotek som ingick i undersökningen har gjort ett omfattande arbete med att implementera barnkonventionens artikel 31 och att barnets rätt till deltagande i det kulturella och konstnärliga livet och uppmuntrandet av tillhandahållandet av lämpliga och lika möjligheter för kulturell och konstnärlig verksamhet samt för rekreations- och fritidsverksamhet är aspekter av artikel 31 som särskilt tydligt kan relateras till och har kommit till uttryck i de olika bibliotekens verksamheter. Ytterligare ett huvudsakligt resultat är att de tre faktorerna handlingsfrihet, ansvarighet och resurser tydligt har påverkat implementeringen vid de folkbibliotek som ingår i undersökningen. Ansvarighet och handlingsfrihet påvisades vara faktorer som främst har möjliggjort implementeringen medan tillgången till resurser påvisades vara en faktor som både kan möjliggöra och hindra implementeringsarbete. / The aim of this study was to contribute to a deeper and more thorough understanding of the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). It specifically examined implementation of Article 31 of the UNCRC in six Swedish public libraries using the Street-level bureaucracy approach. The study then selected three specific factors to explore implementation, namely discretion, accountability and resources. A qualitative case study approach was chosen. The research foundation of this consisted specifically of interview data collected through qualitative semi-structured interviews with professionally trained librarians from the six libraries involved in the study. It also included selected documents concerning the regulation of their activities. The study’s primary finding was that these libraries make great effort to implement Article 31 of the UNCRC. The research analysis showed that two particular aspects of Article 31 of the UNCRC are very much apparent in the libraries that were studied. These aspects were the right of the child to participate freely in cultural life and the arts, and the encouragement of the provision of appropriate and equal opportunities for cultural, artistic, recreational and leisure activity. It also found that it was indeed the fact that each of the three chosen factors, discretion, accountability and resources, have specific effects on implementation. The analysis showed that accountability and discretion are indeed factors that enable the implementation and that the availability of resources affected implementation either positively or negatively.

Invisible children in the Dominican Republic : A Minor Field Study on obstacles to birth registration / Niños invisibles en la República Dominicana : Un estudio de campo acerca de los obstáculos para el registro de nacimientos

Flygge, Mikaela January 2009 (has links)
<p>Birth registration is a fundamental key in ensuring several essential rights of the child; including the right to a name and a nationality, the right to education and health care, and protection from abuse and exploitation among others. The United Nation’s Convention on the Right of the Child establishes that the child shall be registered immediately after birth and have the right to a name and a nationality. A total of 22 % of the Dominican children under the age of five are lacking an official proof of their existence within the Dominican society and in the world. A Minor Field study was conducted during a period of two months in 2009 with the aim of clarifying what obstacles to birth registration exist in the South-western part of the Dominican Republic. This clarification will contribute to a wider understanding of the causes to non-registration and the birth registration process in the country. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted with parents to unregistered children, civil registry officials and other relevant actors in the Dominican society. The findings of the study present a wide range of obstacles to birth registration and it is clear that the reasons behind non-registration in this region are numerous, complex and often inter-related. According to most parents, officials and other informants the main obstacle to birth registration was found to be the parents’ lack of a Dominican identification card, a <em>cédula</em>. The lack of awareness about the importance of being registered and neglect by the parents were two other significant barriers to birth registration. The Minor Field Study was conducted with the support of the child rights organisation Plan International - República Dominicana.</p> / <p>Registro de nacimiento es una de las claves más importantes para asegurar los derechos fundamentales del niño; derecho a un nombre y una nacionalidad, derecho a la educación, derecho a servicio de salud, protección contra el abuso y la explotación entre otras cosas. La Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño establece que el niño será inscripto inmediatamente después de su nacimiento y tendrá derecho a un nombre y una nacionalidad. Un total de 22 % de los niños Dominicanos menores de cinco años de edad carece de una prueba oficial de su existencia dentro de la sociedad Dominicana y en el mundo. Un estudio de campo (Minor Field Study) fue realizado durante un período de dos meses en 2009 con el objetivo de aclarar cuáles son los obstáculos para el registro de nacimiento en la parte Sur-occidental de la República Dominicana. Esta aclaración contribuirá a una mayor comprensión de las causas de la no inscripción y el proceso de inscripción de nacimientos en el país. Entrevistas semi-estructuradas fueron realizadas con padres de niños sin registrar, oficiales del Estado civil y otros actores en la sociedad Dominicana. Los resultados de este estudio presentan varios obstáculos para la inscripción de nacimiento y es evidente que las razones de la no inscripción en esta región son numerosas, complejas e interrelacionadas. Según la mayoría de los padres, oficiales del Estado civil y otros informantes el principal obstáculo para el registro de nacimientos se encontró en la falta de cédula de los padres, un problema que muchas veces pasa de una generación a otra. La falta de conciencia sobre la importancia de estar registrado y la negligencia de los padres fueron otros dos obstáculos importantes para el registro de nacimientos. El estudio fue realizado con el apoyo de la organización non gubernamental Plan International- República Dominicana.</p>

Invisible children in the Dominican Republic : A Minor Field Study on obstacles to birth registration / Niños invisibles en la República Dominicana : Un estudio de campo acerca de los obstáculos para el registro de nacimientos

Flygge, Mikaela January 2009 (has links)
Birth registration is a fundamental key in ensuring several essential rights of the child; including the right to a name and a nationality, the right to education and health care, and protection from abuse and exploitation among others. The United Nation’s Convention on the Right of the Child establishes that the child shall be registered immediately after birth and have the right to a name and a nationality. A total of 22 % of the Dominican children under the age of five are lacking an official proof of their existence within the Dominican society and in the world. A Minor Field study was conducted during a period of two months in 2009 with the aim of clarifying what obstacles to birth registration exist in the South-western part of the Dominican Republic. This clarification will contribute to a wider understanding of the causes to non-registration and the birth registration process in the country. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted with parents to unregistered children, civil registry officials and other relevant actors in the Dominican society. The findings of the study present a wide range of obstacles to birth registration and it is clear that the reasons behind non-registration in this region are numerous, complex and often inter-related. According to most parents, officials and other informants the main obstacle to birth registration was found to be the parents’ lack of a Dominican identification card, a cédula. The lack of awareness about the importance of being registered and neglect by the parents were two other significant barriers to birth registration. The Minor Field Study was conducted with the support of the child rights organisation Plan International - República Dominicana. / Registro de nacimiento es una de las claves más importantes para asegurar los derechos fundamentales del niño; derecho a un nombre y una nacionalidad, derecho a la educación, derecho a servicio de salud, protección contra el abuso y la explotación entre otras cosas. La Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño establece que el niño será inscripto inmediatamente después de su nacimiento y tendrá derecho a un nombre y una nacionalidad. Un total de 22 % de los niños Dominicanos menores de cinco años de edad carece de una prueba oficial de su existencia dentro de la sociedad Dominicana y en el mundo. Un estudio de campo (Minor Field Study) fue realizado durante un período de dos meses en 2009 con el objetivo de aclarar cuáles son los obstáculos para el registro de nacimiento en la parte Sur-occidental de la República Dominicana. Esta aclaración contribuirá a una mayor comprensión de las causas de la no inscripción y el proceso de inscripción de nacimientos en el país. Entrevistas semi-estructuradas fueron realizadas con padres de niños sin registrar, oficiales del Estado civil y otros actores en la sociedad Dominicana. Los resultados de este estudio presentan varios obstáculos para la inscripción de nacimiento y es evidente que las razones de la no inscripción en esta región son numerosas, complejas e interrelacionadas. Según la mayoría de los padres, oficiales del Estado civil y otros informantes el principal obstáculo para el registro de nacimientos se encontró en la falta de cédula de los padres, un problema que muchas veces pasa de una generación a otra. La falta de conciencia sobre la importancia de estar registrado y la negligencia de los padres fueron otros dos obstáculos importantes para el registro de nacimientos. El estudio fue realizado con el apoyo de la organización non gubernamental Plan International- República Dominicana.

Children’s Rights: the balance between children’s participation and protection : A policy analysis of the government report “A window of opportunity- a strengthen children’s rights perspective for children in refuges”

Liljekvist, Frida January 2018 (has links)
In November 2016 the Swedish government requested a study where actions were suggested in order to strengthen the children's rights perspective for those children living at refuges. This resulted in the commission of inquiry "A window of opportunity- a strengthen children's rights perspective for children in refuges" (SOU 2017:112). The aim for this paper is to study how this inquiry is constructed and in which way it problematize children's rights and will be guided by three research questions: how is the concept ‘children's rights' problematized in the report SOU 2017:112, how does the problematization of children's rights position children living at the refuges in order to strengthen them as rights holders and what implicit assumptions are made as a way to increase the children's rights perspective for the children living at refuges? To investigate these questions this paper will do a policy analysis based on Carol Bacchi’s (2009) “What’s the Problem Represented to Be?” (WPR) approach. The method is chosen since the WPR-approach is used for the study of policies and especially studies the way a policy constructs a problem. This paper argues that the problematization of children's rights positions the children at the refuges as in need of protection and care and at the same time emphasizes their right to get their voice heard, as they are being active individuals. The urge to strengthen the children is argued to be a way to prevent the children who have experienced violence to become abusive themselves. As such, the conclusion is that a strengthen children's rights perspective for those children living in refuges transmits to them becoming ‘good citizens'.

Direkt ur händerna : "Höringar" med döva och hörselskadade ungdomar om skolsituationen

Yström, Gabriella January 2007 (has links)
<p>Tidigare forskning kring funktionshindrade elevers skolgång och behov har oftast kretsat runt föräldrarnas eller andra vuxnas perspektiv. Barn och unga med funktionshinder har setts med vuxnas ögon. Röster och erfarenheter från barn och ungdomar med funktionshinder har i stort saknats i utredningar och betänkanden. Detta trots att Sverige förbundit sig att efterleva FN:s konvention om barnets rättigheter och inlemma barn och unga i beslutsprocesser. Med utgångspunkt från artikel 12 i FN:s barnkonvention, om barns rätt att höras och bli hörda och den nyligen initierade utredningen om bland annat behovet av en specialskola för elever i gymnasieålder, samt kommunernas möjlighet att anordna utbildning för elever med vissa funktionshinder, var syftet med den aktuella studien att belysa funktionshindrade barn och ungdomars erfarenheter och upplevelser av sin skolsituation. Metoden som använts i denna studie är kvalitativ och med hjälp av en relativt ny och kreativ teknik som kallas ”höringar” försökte vi kartlägga och fördjupa kunskaperna om hörselskadade och döva ungdomars skollinje och erfarenheter från olika skolformer. Utifrån ett barnperspektiv försökte vi besvara dessa frågeställningar; Hur upplever RGD/RGH-elever sin nuvarande skolsituation? Hur gestaltar sig deras erfarenheter av tidigare skolformer? Är ”höringar” en användbar teknik för att få fram de döva och hörselskadades röster? Målgruppen för den aktuella studien består av nio döva och hörselskadade ungdomar som går på riksgymnasiet för döva och hörselskadade i Örebro. Avsikten med studien har inte varit att utröna vilken skolform som kan anses mest lämplig för döva och hörselskadade elever. Studiens litteraturgenomgång berörde centrala begrepp och definitioner på funktionshinder, från de döva och hörselskadades perspektiv. Det svenska teckenspråkets ställning, förhållandet mellan barnperspektiv och barns perspektiv samt internationella politiska styrdokument låg till grund för denna studie. Resultaten från höringarna presenterades i enlighet med modellen i text och bild, så tolkningsfritt som möjligt. Av resultaten framkom det att ungdomarnas upplevelser och erfarenheter låg i linje med den litteratur som granskats i denna studie. Studien visade att ungdomarna upplevelser av RGD/RGH i stort är positiv när det gäller boende-skola-fritid i Örebro. Slutsatsen blev att, för att kartlägga funktionshindrades upplevelser och erfarenheter med ett barnperspektiv utifrån barnkonventionen, så är tekniken ”höring” en passande metod.</p> / <p>Earlier research concerning disabled children’s school attendance or needs often did focus from the parent’s or other adult’s point of view. Disabled youths and children has been seen through the eyes of the adults. Views and experiences of disabled youth and children has clearly been missing in inquiries and reports. Even though that Sweden has undertaken to live up to UN:s Convention about the Rights of Children and involve young people in the decision-making. Setting out from the UNCRC, article 12, about children’s rights to be heard and the recently proposed inquiry of the need of a special upper secondary school for students with disabilities, and the ability of the municipalities to organize education for students with certain disabilities, the purpose of this study was to shed light upon disabled youths and children’s experiences of their school situation. The method used in this study is qualitative, and with this new and creative technique called ”hearings” we tried to map out and engross the knowledge about the line of school for deaf and heaing impaired youth and their views on these different types of schools. Attempts were made to answer these questions from a child’s perspective; how do RGD/RGH-students find their present schoolsituation? What shapes have their experiences from earlier schools they attended? Was ”hearings” a useful technique to express the views of the young deaf and the hearing impareds? The target group in this study consisted of nine deaf and hearing impared youths attending the national upper secondary school for the deaf and hearing impared in Örebro. The purpose of this study was not to find out what would be the best kind of school for the deaf and hearing impared students. The litterature review in the study touched upon central concepts and definitions on disabilities, from the perspective of deaf and hearing impared. Status of the Swedish sign language, relationship between childperspective/ children’s perspective and international political treaties and document was the basis of this study. The results from the ”hearings” was presented accordingly to this techique in texts and pictures, as free from interpretations as possible. The study concluded that the experiences of these youths were in line with the literature review being used in this study. The study shows that their experiences are of the positive kind concerning housing-school-leisure in Örebro. The study also concluded that, in order to map out the experiences of disabled people from a children’s point of view according to the UNCRC, ”hearing” as a technique is suitable.</p>

Direkt ur händerna : "Höringar" med döva och hörselskadade ungdomar om skolsituationen

Yström, Gabriella January 2007 (has links)
Tidigare forskning kring funktionshindrade elevers skolgång och behov har oftast kretsat runt föräldrarnas eller andra vuxnas perspektiv. Barn och unga med funktionshinder har setts med vuxnas ögon. Röster och erfarenheter från barn och ungdomar med funktionshinder har i stort saknats i utredningar och betänkanden. Detta trots att Sverige förbundit sig att efterleva FN:s konvention om barnets rättigheter och inlemma barn och unga i beslutsprocesser. Med utgångspunkt från artikel 12 i FN:s barnkonvention, om barns rätt att höras och bli hörda och den nyligen initierade utredningen om bland annat behovet av en specialskola för elever i gymnasieålder, samt kommunernas möjlighet att anordna utbildning för elever med vissa funktionshinder, var syftet med den aktuella studien att belysa funktionshindrade barn och ungdomars erfarenheter och upplevelser av sin skolsituation. Metoden som använts i denna studie är kvalitativ och med hjälp av en relativt ny och kreativ teknik som kallas ”höringar” försökte vi kartlägga och fördjupa kunskaperna om hörselskadade och döva ungdomars skollinje och erfarenheter från olika skolformer. Utifrån ett barnperspektiv försökte vi besvara dessa frågeställningar; Hur upplever RGD/RGH-elever sin nuvarande skolsituation? Hur gestaltar sig deras erfarenheter av tidigare skolformer? Är ”höringar” en användbar teknik för att få fram de döva och hörselskadades röster? Målgruppen för den aktuella studien består av nio döva och hörselskadade ungdomar som går på riksgymnasiet för döva och hörselskadade i Örebro. Avsikten med studien har inte varit att utröna vilken skolform som kan anses mest lämplig för döva och hörselskadade elever. Studiens litteraturgenomgång berörde centrala begrepp och definitioner på funktionshinder, från de döva och hörselskadades perspektiv. Det svenska teckenspråkets ställning, förhållandet mellan barnperspektiv och barns perspektiv samt internationella politiska styrdokument låg till grund för denna studie. Resultaten från höringarna presenterades i enlighet med modellen i text och bild, så tolkningsfritt som möjligt. Av resultaten framkom det att ungdomarnas upplevelser och erfarenheter låg i linje med den litteratur som granskats i denna studie. Studien visade att ungdomarna upplevelser av RGD/RGH i stort är positiv när det gäller boende-skola-fritid i Örebro. Slutsatsen blev att, för att kartlägga funktionshindrades upplevelser och erfarenheter med ett barnperspektiv utifrån barnkonventionen, så är tekniken ”höring” en passande metod. / Earlier research concerning disabled children’s school attendance or needs often did focus from the parent’s or other adult’s point of view. Disabled youths and children has been seen through the eyes of the adults. Views and experiences of disabled youth and children has clearly been missing in inquiries and reports. Even though that Sweden has undertaken to live up to UN:s Convention about the Rights of Children and involve young people in the decision-making. Setting out from the UNCRC, article 12, about children’s rights to be heard and the recently proposed inquiry of the need of a special upper secondary school for students with disabilities, and the ability of the municipalities to organize education for students with certain disabilities, the purpose of this study was to shed light upon disabled youths and children’s experiences of their school situation. The method used in this study is qualitative, and with this new and creative technique called ”hearings” we tried to map out and engross the knowledge about the line of school for deaf and heaing impaired youth and their views on these different types of schools. Attempts were made to answer these questions from a child’s perspective; how do RGD/RGH-students find their present schoolsituation? What shapes have their experiences from earlier schools they attended? Was ”hearings” a useful technique to express the views of the young deaf and the hearing impareds? The target group in this study consisted of nine deaf and hearing impared youths attending the national upper secondary school for the deaf and hearing impared in Örebro. The purpose of this study was not to find out what would be the best kind of school for the deaf and hearing impared students. The litterature review in the study touched upon central concepts and definitions on disabilities, from the perspective of deaf and hearing impared. Status of the Swedish sign language, relationship between childperspective/ children’s perspective and international political treaties and document was the basis of this study. The results from the ”hearings” was presented accordingly to this techique in texts and pictures, as free from interpretations as possible. The study concluded that the experiences of these youths were in line with the literature review being used in this study. The study shows that their experiences are of the positive kind concerning housing-school-leisure in Örebro. The study also concluded that, in order to map out the experiences of disabled people from a children’s point of view according to the UNCRC, ”hearing” as a technique is suitable.

Protection of the right to a family within the context of separated and unaccompanied children in natural disasters

Okon, Ekanem 25 May 2012 (has links)
The years 2010 and 2011 recorded a number of incidents of natural disasters around the globe. These disasters resulted in death, injuries and loss of family members. Children, a vulnerable group of persons, found themselves caught up in the chaos of the natural disasters. Some children lost family members, others became separated from their families and caregiver(s) as a result of the disaster, and those who were "alone" prior to the natural disasters became completely exposed to serious physical and psychological harm. Yet, every child has the right to a family. States have a duty to protect separated and unaccompanied children. Such protection involves prevention of separation, assessment of the child's situation, registration, documentation, family tracing, verification and reunification, emergency care arrangements, and permanent care arrangements. Based on the premise that every child has a right to grow up in a family environment this dissertation attempts to answer the question: How can separated children and unaccompanied children, in the African context, be protected in the event of natural disasters such that their right to a family is promoted and protected? In so doing, it presents an explanation of the concepts of separated children and unaccompanied children through investigation xii into the practical effects of separation on children. It also presents discussions on the concept "natural disasters" and some of the effects of natural disasters on separated children and unaccompanied children. There is an attempt at defining the concept "family" based on its internal and external constitution and function, and a consideration of the needs which a family should satisfy in a child. Familial rights enjoyed by children are presented and analysed as rights which exist under the canopy of the "right to a family". In line with the Interagency Guiding Principles, the different stages of protection in natural disasters are highlighted and particular attention is given to intercountry adoption and the implications of placing moratoriums on intercountry adoptions at different stages of the intercountry adoption process, following events of natural disasters. The study stresses the need to balance the importance of protecting the child with the need to provide the child with a permanent family. Copyright / Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Private Law / unrestricted

Vaccination Hesitancy Among Parents in Stockholm, Sweden : A qualitative study examining the effect of the incorporation of the “United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child” into Swedish Law in 2020

Danovska, Ketija January 2020 (has links)
Background: On 1 January 2020, the UNCRC was incorporated into the Swedish national law. The Convention argues that all children have the right to health, life, survival and development. The Articles of the UNCRC require higher authorities, health facilities and parents to act in the best interest of children, and to do everything to secure children’s rights. Interpreting the Convention, it is possible to conclude that all children have the right to safe and effective vaccines. Even though vaccines are accessible and free of charge to all children in Sweden, vaccination coverage for multiple vaccine-preventable diseases in Sweden has dropped. As one of the reasons for this drop in vaccination coverage is proposed vaccination hesitancy. To fulfil children’s rights as proposed in the UNCRC, vaccination hesitancy needs to be understood and addressed.  Aim: The objective of the study is to understand causes of vaccination hesitancy among parents living in Stockholm, Sweden and to examine how healthcare professionals in Stockholm County are working to eliminate vaccination hesitancy, in goal to promote children’s rights to health, life, survival and development after the UNCRC became a Swedish law on 1 January 2020. Additionally, to analyze if strategies applied by Stockholm County are truly addressing identified causes of vaccination hesitancy among parents living in Stockholm, Sweden and in that way increasing vaccination rates this year. Method: This study used a qualitative research strategy. Vaccination hesitancy in Sweden was studied using 20 semi-structured interviews with parents living in Stockholm, while effect of the UNCRC incorporation into Swedish law on vaccination hesitancy was studied using a semi-structured interview with one health professional working in Stockholm County. The gathered data was summarized, categorized and analyzed according to the proposed themes of two theories. The theoretical framework consisted of the Health Belief Model and Social-Ecological Model. Conclusion: It was possible to conclude that the choice of immunization among parents is shaped by; 1) sources and type of the received information on vaccines, vaccination and vaccine-preventable diseases included in the general Swedish child vaccination program, 2) their views on vaccine quality, safety, effectiveness and necessity for satisfying children’s rights to health, life, survival and development, 3) the level of knowledge of epidemiological concepts, mechanisms, infectious diseases and vaccines included in the vaccination program, and 4) the level of trust in the Swedish Government and healthcare, and belief if they are acting in the best interest of children. After the UNCRC incorporation into Swedish law, there have not been observed any changes in the strategic work of Stockholm County against vaccination hesitancy. For the past ten years, they are applying methods at the individual- and interpersonal level, which are not quite reaching vaccine hesitant parents living in Stockholm. Other methods at the community- and public policy level are needed. Due to unclear implications of the UNCRC entrance as a national law and COVID-19 pandemic, it is not possible to estimate if there are any changes in the vaccination rates this year.

”Man tappar bort det här lilla barnet i allt det här.” : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterare tror att lagstiftningen av Barnkonventionen kan påverka livssituationen för barn som bevittnar eller utsätts för våld i nära relation.

Oresved, Wendela, Sehati, Tina January 2020 (has links)
This study is exploring how social workers working for the Social Services in the Stockholm area, experience the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), which has become part of the Swedish law. The Social workers that participated in the study, are working with children that are being abused or witnessing abuse in their home environment. The students of the study focus on how the social workers think the new law can affect them in their work with the children. Furthermore, this study wants to investigate, if the new law can give the social workers a different approach when working. There were six social workers that participated in the study from different Social Service offices within the Stockholm area. The result of the study showed that the social workers were positive towards UNCRC becoming part of the Swedish law, but they illustrated having a low trust in how it will affect them in the practical work. However, collaboration with the welfare system, could make a difference on the children's future. The social workers also explained, that with the right knowledge, they could intercept the abused kids in their home earlier and faster.

Understanding children's perceptions and use of the neighbourhood: a participatory method : A Malmö case study focused on aspects of liveability / Att förstå barns uppfattning och användning av sitt närområde: en delaktighetsmetod : En fallstudie i Malmö med fokus på aspekter av livskvalitet

Van der Auweraert, Saida, Ahmadi, Amelia January 2022 (has links)
This thesis aims to develop a participatory method with children that allows them to organically share their experiences of the built environment, for urban planning bodies to utilise and integrate children’s localised knowledge and expertise in their work. The method development was conducted for Malmö’s Planning Office (SBK), who highlight a lack of qualitative data on children’s use of space and experiences of their built environment, preventing the proper fulfilment of children’s needs in their planning work. Using SBK’s requirements, three framing principles based on existing literature on children’s participation in planning - namely accountability and transparency, agency and sustainability - , Third-Generation CPTED’s liveability principle and existing best practice examples and case studies, a tangible participatory method consisting of two techniques was developed. The method, which was tested twice, starts with a mental mapping technique to gain an initial understanding of children’s use of space and which locations in the neighbourhood are important to them. From the locations included in the children’s mental maps, a limited number are selected to conduct a Gåtur, i.e. a walk through the neighbourhood during which the children answer a set questionnaire at each location. With the data collected from the mental mapping and the Gåtur, the children can design a malmöinitaitiv or make a formal complaint to impact their neighbourhood. Hereby, the method not only allows planning practitioners to gain a detailed understanding of children’s local knowledge that can be directly utilised in their work, but it also develops the democratic capabilities of the children as they are taught to advocate for themselves through existing channels of participation. It also demonstrates that including children in planning does not have to be complex, highlighting the importance of adapting existing planning processes to children’s communication culture, capabilities and agency in order to lower the threshold for participation.

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