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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Orální historie tlumočení v Československu před rokem 1989 / Oral History of Interpreting in Czechoslovakia before 1989

Šindelářová, Marie January 2015 (has links)
The objective of the present thesis is to describe the situation in the interpreting industry in Czechoslovakia before the change of regime in 1989. The thesis specifically focuses on self-taught interpreters. The primary objective of the thesis is to collect and present, in a comprehensive way, personal memories of such interpreters. At present such memories are diffuse in texts on various topics or in personal, more or less extensive, memoirs of some of these interpreters. In addition, the thesis aims to present such memories against the background of the general developments in institutional interpreting in Europe and Czechoslovakia during the relevant period. With this thesis being the first domestic study of this kind, the method of oral history has been used and complemented with the analysis of archive materials. The empirical part of the thesis is mainly based on 12 interviews with self-taught interpreters, who were active interpreters in the second half of the twentieth century in our country. Furthermore, it compares and complements this information with written sources from that period (in particular Ad notam, the bulletin of the Czech Union of Interpreters and Translators) and outlines the practical and theoretical aspects of the then interpreting activities outside institutional...

Apport des inclusions magmatiques et de la fusion expérimentale d'une source mixte péridotite-pyroxénite à l'étude des mécanismes de genèse des magmas d'arc sous-saturés en silice / Constraints on the origin of silica-undersaturated arc magmas inferred from melt inclusions and experimental melting of peridotite – pyroxenite mixed source

Sorbadère, Fanny 14 February 2013 (has links)
Les laves émises en domaine de subduction sont dominées par des compositions calcoalcalines à hypersthène normatif. En revanche, les inclusions magmatiques piégées dans les olivines magnésiennes (Fo ≥ 88) des basaltes d’arc présentent des compositions alcalines, à néphéline normative. Bien que leurs compositions en éléments traces incompatibles ne diffèrent pas de celles de leurs laves hôtes, ces magmas ne peuvent pas s’expliquer par les modèles classiques de formation des laves d’arc. L’étude d’inclusions magmatiques alcalines de plusieurs arcs du monde a permis de mettre en évidence leur variabilité de composition, en particulier en CaO et Sc, deux éléments compatibles dans le clinopyroxène. Le couplage de cette étude avec des modélisations thermodynamiques a aboutit à l’élaboration d’un modèle de source impliquant la contribution de clinopyroxénites à amphibole à environ 1 GPa. Les inclusions magmatiques à néphéline normative d’arc seraient ainsi les témoins de l’hétérogénéité de source à l’origine des magmas d’arc. Les expériences de fusion partielle du mélange homogène clinopyroxénite à amphibole – péridotite hydratée réalisées à 1 GPa permettent d’apporter des informations supplémentaires quant aux mécanismes de genèse des magmas d’arc sous-saturés en silice et de mieux comprendre les comportements de fusion des deux types de lithologies. Pour des proportions inférieures à ~ 50 % de pyroxénite dans la source, les magmas produits présentent des compositions à hypersthène normatif, comparables aux laves d’arc issues de la fusion de lithologies péridotitiques. Pour des proportions de pyroxénites supérieures, les magmas sont à néphéline normative et s’enrichissent en calcium, reproduisant ainsi la gamme de compositions observée pour les inclusions magmatiques. 50 % de mélange correspond à la limite de stabilité de l’orthopyroxène. Tant que cette phase est présente dans le résidu, les magmas engendrés restent à hypersthène normatif. De plus, la présence d’amphibole dans la source permet d’augmenter la sous-saturation des liquides résultants et d’expliquer ainsi les termes les plus riches en néphéline normative de certaines inclusions. Nos expériences de fusion d’une source homogène ont également permis de déterminer la composition des magmas formés par un processus de fusion plus réaliste, impliquant une source hétérogène pyroxénite-péridotite. La productivité de liquides des pyroxénites étant supérieure à celles des péridotites, les magmas générés à partir d’une source hétérogène seront donc principalement pyroxénitiques, c’est-à-dire davantage sous-saturés en silice. Ainsi, dans le cas d’un mélange de magmas issus d’une source hétérogène, la transition entre les compositions à hypersthène et à néphéline normatifs s’effectue aux alentours de 30-40 % de liquides pyroxénititiques, soit pour environ 20-25 % de pyroxénite dans la source. L’origine de ces lithologies dans le manteau sub-arc est attribuée à la délamination de cumulats à clinopyroxène + amphibole présents à la base de la croute des arcs. Les inclusions magmatiques à néphéline normative d’arc auraient enregistré plusieurs étapes de mélange entre des liquides quasi-purs de clinopyroxénites et des liquides péridotitiques. L’homogénéité de compositions des laves à hypersthène normatif traduirait en revanche, un stade de mélange et de différenciation plus avancé, atténuant ainsi la signature pyroxénitique. / Lavas erupted in subduction zones are dominated by calc-alkaline, hypersthene-normative compositions. However, melt inclusions trapped in magnesian olivines (Fo ≥ 88) from arc basalts often show alkaline, nepheline-normative compositions. Although their trace element compositions are comparable to those of their host lavas, these melt inclusions cannot be simply explained by the typical models for arc lava genesis. The study of melt inclusions from several island arcs from all over the world has emphasized their compositional variability, in particular in calcium and Sc, two elements compatible in clinopyroxene. The coupling of this study with thermodynamic modelling has led to the development of a source model involving the contribution of amphibole-bearing clinopyroxenites at about 1 GPa. Nepheline-normative arc melt inclusions thus underline the source heterogeneity at the origin of arc magmas. Partial melting experiments of amphibole-clinopyroxenite – hydrous peridotite homogeneous mixtures performed at 1 GPa have provided additional information on the origin of silica-undersaturated arc magmas, and also a better understanding of the melting behaviour of the two types of lithologies. For proportions of pyroxenite lower than 50 % in the mixed source, the derived melts show hypersthene-normative compositions that are comparable to peridotite-derived arc lavas. For higher proportions of pyroxenite in the source, the derived magmas become nepheline-normative, calcium-rich, and reproduce the compositional range of the melt inclusions. Fifty percent of mixing corresponds to the limit of orthopyroxene stability. As long as this phase is present in the residue, the generated melts are hypersthene-normative. In addition, the presence of amphibole in the source increases the silica under-saturation of liquids and thus accounts for the extreme enrichment in normative nepheline of some inclusions. Our melting experiments of a homogeneous source have allowed to determine the compositions of magmas derived from a mode realistic melting process, involving a heterogeneous source. As pyroxenites have higher melt productivity than peridotites, most melts produced from a pyroxenite-peridotite mixed source are comparable to those produced by a dominantly pyroxenitic source, i.e., they display normative nepheline compositions. Thus, in the case of mixing of magmas derived from heterogeneous source, the transition between hypersthene- and nepheline-normative compositions occurs for 30-40 % of pyroxenite melts, generated from 20-25 % of pyroxenite in the source. The origin of these lithologies in the subarc mantle is explained by the delamination of lower crustal cumulates consisting of clinopyroxene + amphibole. Nepheline-normative arc melt inclusions would record multi-stage mixing between clinopyroxenite and peridotite melts. In contrast, the compositional homogeneity of hypersthene-normative lavas would reflect a more advanced stage of mixing and differentiation, thereby reducing the pyroxenite signature in derived magmas.

Les effets des contextes territoriaux ruraux sur les trajectoires scolaires des garçons et des filles : l'exemple du rural isolé et du rural sous faible influence urbaine / The effects of rural territorial contexts on educational trajectories of boys and girls : the case of rural and isolated areas in low urban influence

May-Carle, Thierry 12 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse se situe dans le prolongement direct des travaux de recherche de l'« Observatoire de l'école rurale », dont l'auteur est membre depuis 2002, qui a étudié la scolarité de près de 2400 élèves du rural français depuis l'année 1999/2000 correspondant à la classe de CM2 pour tous jusqu'à l'année 2006/ 2007 correspondant à la classe de terminale pour ceux qui n'ont jamais pris de retard. Elle aborde une thématique jusque là peu traitée par les membres de l'OER : une approche croisant genre et typologie des territoires au niveau des trajectoires scolaires des jeunes ruraux. L'objectif est de déterminer s'il existe des « effets de territoire » qui impactent de façon distincte la scolarité des filles et celle des garçons et de mesurer leur incidence sur celle-ci. Pour y parvenir, deux types de milieux ruraux ont été étudiés : le « rural isolé » et le « rural sous faible influence urbaine ». L'étude s'est appuyée sur six variables de la scolarité des élèves ruraux : les résultats scolaires ; le goût pour les études ; les ambitions scolaires ; l'opinion des élèves sur leur propre niveau scolaire ; les pratiques culturelles ; le potentiel de mobilité. Cette recherche a l'ambition d'ouvrir de nouvelles pistes de recherches prenant en compte l'évolution d'un milieu en perpétuelle mutation et l'espoir de contribuer à nourrir les débats éducatifs autour de « l'école rurale » au sens générique du terme. / This thesis is situated in the direct continuation of the research works of the Monitoring Observatory of the rural school the author of which is member and which studied the schooling of about 2400 pupils of the French countryman for the year 1999/2000 corresponding to the 5th year of primary school for all until year 2006/2007 corresponding to the final year of high school for those who have never taken delay. It approaches a theme to there little treated by the members of the OER: an approach by kind(genre) and typology of the school trajectories of the young countrymen. The objective to determine if there are « effects of territory «which impact in a different way on the schooling of the girls and on that of the boys and to measure their incidence on this one. To reach there, two types of rural circles were studied: the isolated countryman and the countryman under low urban influence and the study leaned on six variables of the schooling of the rural pupils: The school results; the motivation for the studies; the school ambitions; the opinion of the pupils on their own school level; the cultural practices; the potential of mobility. This research has also the ambition to open new avenues of research in connection with the evolution of an environment in perpetual transformation and the hope to contribute to feed the educational debates around «the rural school" in the generic sense of the term.

Signalizace podhodnocením IPO: studie střední Evropy / Signaling by IPO Under-Pricing: Evidence from the Central Europe

Čornanič, Aleš January 2011 (has links)
i Abstract This Master Thesis is focused on under-pricing of initial public offering. We examine the possibility of signaling by IPO under-pricing on Polish data over the period 2005 - 2010. Signaling by IPO under-pricing is analyzed using signaling model. Taking into consideration the uniqueness of Polish sample, we also analyze the signaling by IPO under- pricing used to the build up the government reputation as market-oriented. Our results suggest the statistical significant positive effect of IPO under-pricing on probability of seasoned equity issue as well as on size of seasoned issue. These findings together with negative relation between IPO under-pricing and lag between IPO and seasoned issue are consistent with predictions of signaling model. We do not find any statistical significant evidence that the Polish government tries to build up reputation for its privatization policy over time by under-pricing and selling a high fraction at the initial offer. Keywords IPO under-pricing, signaling hypothesis, Central Europe, asymmetric information, seasoned equity offering, privatization

Teorie a praxe výchovy dětí do tří let v prostředí německé mateřské školy / Preschool education theory and practice at German nursery school

Vacková, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
ANNOTATION: This thesis deals with institutional upbringing and education of children up to three years in the Czech and German environment. It introduces the current situation of early childhood education with regard to historical context, legislative arrangement and initial models of both countries. The practical part compares examples from the following institutions: Children's nursery Jihlava, Czech-German kindergarten KIDS Company Prague and Kindertagestätte Entdeckerkiste Dresden. The paper provides analysis of their educational documents, describes the conditions of upbringing and education and examines thein impal on the children in these institutions. Assessment of the strengths and weaknesses is reflected in the proposal of optimal educational plan for early childhood.

Ochrana hospodářské soutěže - blokové výjimky / Protection of competition - block exemptions

Marešová, Denisa January 2013 (has links)
Block Exemptions represent means of exemption from the prohibition of restrictive agreements set by the Article 101 (1) TFEU. The main aim of my thesis is to analyze and describe the development of an approach to block exemptions and to present how the block exemptions work in practice. Generally, block exemptions are issued in the form of Block Exemption Regulations according to Article 101 (3) TFEU. The wording of this provision specifies the conditions under which certain types of agreements may be exempted from the prohibition set by Article 101 (1) TFEU. Regulations are issued by the Council or by the Commission, which is more often. If an agreement accomplishes the criteria laid down in a block exemption regulation, there is no need to notify that agreement individually because the agreement is automatically valid and effective. The thesis is composed of six chapters. The first two chapters are introductory. Chapter One refers to the protection of competition in general. Subsequently, Chapter Two deals with main exemptions from the prohibition of restrictive agreements, such as agreements exempted from the prohibition under Article 101 (3) TFEU or the de minimis rule of exemption from the prohibition. Chapter Three, which is subdivided into three parts, explains the development of the...

Inference for the K-sample problem based on precedence probabilities

Dey, Rajarshi January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Statistics / Paul I. Nelson / Rank based inference using independent random samples to compare K>1 continuous distributions, called the K-sample problem, based on precedence probabilities is developed and explored. There are many parametric and nonparametric approaches, most dealing with hypothesis testing, to this important, classical problem. Most existing tests are designed to detect differences among the location parameters of different distributions. Best known and most widely used of these is the F- test, which assumes normality. A comparable nonparametric test was developed by Kruskal and Wallis (1952). When dealing with location-scale families of distributions, both of these tests can perform poorly if the differences among the distributions are among their scale parameters and not in their location parameters. Overall, existing tests are not effective in detecting changes in both location and scale. In this dissertation, I propose a new class of rank-based, asymptotically distribution- free tests that are effective in detecting changes in both location and scale based on precedence probabilities. Let X_{i} be a random variable with distribution function F_{i} ; Also, let _pi_ be the set of all permutations of the numbers (1,2,...,K) . Then P(X_{i_{1}}<...<X_{i_{K}}) is a precedence probability if (i_{1},...,i_{K}) belongs to _pi_. Properties of these of tests are developed using the theory of U-statistics (Hoeffding, 1948). Some of these new tests are related to volumes under ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) surfaces, which are of particular interest in clinical trials whose goal is to use a score to separate subjects into diagnostic groups. Motivated by this goal, I propose three new index measures of the separation or similarity among two or more distributions. These indices may be used as “effect sizes”. In a related problem, Properties of precedence probabilities are obtained and a bootstrap algorithm is used to estimate an interval for them.

La protection des travailleurs en Chine

Liu, Yafei 16 March 2013 (has links)
L'économie chinoise a connu une croissance économique importante depuis 30 ans, mais celle-ci n'a pas bénéficié aux travailleurs chinois, qui supportent toujours des conditions de travail très éprouvantes, avec un niveau de protection très insuffisant. Pourquoi les travailleurs chinois ne profitent-ils pas de ce développement économique ? Les causes sont multiples : outre le facteur démographique, la recherche prioritaire des intérêts économiques constitue la raison principale. Pourquoi faut-il améliorer la protection des travailleurs en Chine ? Et par quels moyens cette amélioration peut-elle se produire ? La thèse montre, d'une part, l'évolution et les mouvements de la classe ouvrière dans l'histoire chinoise, en comparant sa situation avant et après 1949, et les raisons, historiques et politiques, qui ont conduit le gouvernement chinois à négliger la protection des travailleurs, bien que ces derniers aient bénéficié d'une place privilégiée dans le système communiste. D'autre part, sont envisagés les moyens, politiques et législatifs, pour initier l'amélioration de cette protection. Pour cela, une réforme politique serait la solution radicale, impliquant une démocratisation à long terme et mettant l'accent sur la protection des droits de l'homme, et sur les droits des travailleurs en particulier Ce qui suppose notamment que soit garantie l'indépendance des syndicats. La protection des travailleurs est donc indissociable de la construction de l'Etat de Droit. / Chinese economy has made significant progress for more than thirty years, but the Chinese laborers still benefit very little from the economic growth, who have to endure difficult working conditions with insufficient working protection. Why can the Chinese laborers not profit from the economic development? The pursuit for the economic interests as the highest priority is the main cause in addition to a large population. Why must the laborers' working protection be improved? By what means can this working protection be improved? This paper describes the history of the development of Chinese working class and workers' movement, especially the difference between before and after 1949 and analyzes the reasons why the Chinese government ignored the workers' protection from the point of history and politics, even the working class has preferential position in the Communist system. On the other, it analyzes the ways to improving the laborers' protection from the political and judicial points of view. In the long term, the political reform is the fundamental approach, which means the democracy and the protection of human rights, especially protecting the legitimate rights and interests of workers, which requires guaranteeing the independence of trade unions. The protection of workers' rights cannot be separated from the realization of a state under the rule of law as well.

Contrôle cognitif en situation d'audience et de coaction : Une approche à l'Interface de la Psychologie Sociale Expérimentale, de la Psychologie Cognitive et des Neurosciences Intégratives / Cognitive control in audience and coaction conditions : an approach at the interface of experimental social psychology, cognitive psychology and integrative neuroscience

Belletier, Clément 13 December 2013 (has links)
La présence des congénères constitue l’élément de base du contexte social, dont la psychologie sociale expérimentale tente depuis un siècle de comprendre les influences (positives et négatives) et autres mécanismes sous-jacents. Chez l’homme, ces influences repérables sur la cognition dépendent souvent de la capacité évaluative de la personne présente. À l’interface de la psychologie sociale, de la psychologie cognitive et des neurosciences intégratives, notre thèse est que la présence évaluative d’autrui (la présence de l’expérimentateur) affaiblit de manière transitoire le contrôle exécutif, avec une double influence : néfaste dans les activités complexes impliquant un conflit de réponses, et bénéfique dans les activités dont la réussite n’implique que l’émission de réponses automatiques. Nos résultats (quatre études) soutiennent la thèse défendue à partir du couplage de la tâche de Simon (permettant une mesure du contrôle exécutif) ou de son adaptation récente en version partagée (présence d’un coacteur) avec des enregistrements électromyographiques. Ces résultats confortent ainsi notre approche intégrative des influences attachées à la présence d’autrui, dont les implications pratiques sont fortes s’agissant notamment de l’étude des processus cognitifs en laboratoire. / The presence of conspecifics is the basic element of the social context, whose experimental social psychology has been trying for a century to understand the influences (positive and negative) and underlying mechanisms. In humans, these influences on cognition often depend on the evaluative capacity of the person present. At the interface of social psychology, cognitive psychology, and integrative neuroscience, our thesis is that the presence of evaluative others (experimenter presence) temporarily weakens executive control, with a negative influence in complex activities involving response conflict, and a beneficial influence in activities requiring only the emission of automatic responses to succeed. Our results (four studies) support our thesis based on the coupling of the Simon task (measuring executive control) or its recent adaptation (shared version implying the presence of a coactor) with electromyographic recordings. Our findings confirm our integrative approach of social presence effects, whose practical implications are strong, particularly with regard to the study of cognitive processes in the laboratory.

Styl vedení a efektivita práce v podmínkách změny / Management Style and Efficiency of Work in the Conditions of Change

Matheisl, Josef January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the work is to compare with the help of appropriately chosen procedural parameters the work efficiency of work groups, which are managed in a different way under the conditions of a change, and at the same time to establish possible connection between the management style and work efficiency. The research was made in Rohde & Schwarz Company, branch Vimperk Ltd.

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