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[pt] Neste estudo, investigo a relação família-escola no contexto da avaliação da aprendizagem – fonte de tensão, implícita ou explícita no domínio escolar – por meio da investigação de entendimentos acerca de experiências vividas no fazer docente e reelaboradas, pelos professores, de forma colaborativa na interação em três reuniões pedagógicas. Na reflexão, também considero as concepções e crenças emergentes na interação sobre o processo de ensino-aprendizagem e a avaliação. O cenário de pesquisa está centrado nas reuniões pedagógicas de professores de inglês como língua estrangeira no Ensino Infantil, Fundamental e Médio, grupo do qual faço parte, em uma escola de elite da rede privada de ensino do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Sob a luz de uma Linguística Aplicada indisciplinar, esta pesquisa de natureza qualitativa busca promover um diálogo entre as áreas dos estudos da linguagem e da educação, abordando a relação entre linguagem e sociedade. Para a análise, recorro à teoria do posicionamento em interface com postulados teóricos de estudos da narrativa. Pautando-me em pressupostos sobre a conarração, articulo elementos da narrativa conversacional a conceitos da narrativa laboviana. A sequencialidade e a interação são analisadas no cenário coletivo e partilhado pelos professores, com inserção de narrativas sobre o fazer docente, envolvendo pais de alunos e alunos, participantes não presenciais da reunião, trazidos para a interação por intermédio da narrativização de experiências vividas pelos professores no âmbito escolar. Os resultados revelam que os professores recorrem à narrativização de experiências da prática profissional para expressar percepções que são resignificadas à luz de novos entendimentos construídos na interação. A construção de entendimentos realiza-se em dois níveis discursivos: a conarração interacional e as narrativas encaixadas, e indica que o fazer docente dos participantes é alicerçado pelas experiências partilhadas na interação em reuniões pedagógicas. A análise dos posicionamentos de conarradores e personagens sugere a necessidade de reconfigurações na relação família-escola quanto à conscientização e ao cumprimento de responsabilidades de docentes, discentes e famílias acerca da avaliação, no sentido de evitar a transferência de responsabilidades e a culpabilização dos professores por resultados insatisfatórios no desempenho dos alunos. Os resultados fomentam a discussão a respeito da relação família-escola no contexto da avaliação da aprendizagem, pondo foco em cinco aspectos do processo de avaliação: i) o processo e suas etapas; ii) o resultado da avaliação; iii) o papel do professor no desenvolvimento do processo; iv) a responsabilidade e autonomia do aluno na construção do processo e no resultado da avaliação; v) a função da família no referido cenário. / [en] In this study, I investigate the family-school relationship in the context of learning assessment – an implicit or explicit source of tension in the school domain – by means of the construction of understandings about experiences lived by teachers in their pedagogical practices, and rebuilt collaboratively in on-going interaction in three pedagogical meetings. The research context is the pedagogical meetings of Elementary and High School teachers of English as a foreign language at a private elite school in the state of Rio de Janeiro. In light of a crtical Applied Linguistics, this qualitative research seeks to promote dialogue between the field of language studies and education, by addressing the relationship between language and society. In the investigation, I also consider the concepts and beliefs about the teaching-learning process and learning assessment that emerge in on-going interaction. For the analysis, I resort to positioning theory in interface with theoretical constructs from narrative studies. Subsidized by pressupositions about co-narration, I employ elements of Labovian narrative and concepts about conversational narrative. Sequentiality and interaction are analyzed in the context shared collectively by teachers, with the embedding of narratives related to their pedagogical practice, involving students and students parents, participants not present in the meetings, brought to interaction by narrativization of the teachers experiences in the school setting. Results reveal that teachers resort to narrativization of experiences from their pedagogical practice in order to express perceptions which are resignified in light of new understandings constructed in interaction. The construction of understandings takes place on two discourse levels: the interactional co-narration and the embedded narratives, and indicates that these teachers pedagogical practice is based on the experiences shared in interaction in pedagogical meetings. The positioning of co-narrators and characters in narrative and the construction of understandings suggest the need of reconfigurations in the family-school relationship regarding teachers, students and parents awareness and fulfillment of responsibilities about the learning assessment so as to avoid transfering responsibilities and blamimg teachers for the unsatisfactory results of students performances. The results foster a discussion about family-school relationship in the context of learning assessment by fousing on five aspects of the learning assessment process: i) the process and its different stages; ii) the assessment result; iii) the teacher’s role in the development of the process; iv) the student s responsibility and autonomy in the construction of the process and in the assessment result; v) the family function in the aforementioned context.
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Havet är djupt : En studie om gymnasieelevers förståelse av havetFransson, Elin January 2023 (has links)
As climate changes are progressing so is the need for further knowledge surrounding them and their consequences. This includes the ocean’s role in the climate system. Previous studies indicate a general lack of research in students’ understanding of the ocean, which this thesis aims to fill a part of. This thesis has investigated upper secondary school students’ basic knowledges of the ocean’s natural processes and chemistry, as well as the students’ understanding of the consequences of the ongoing ocean warming. The methods used have been a combination of participant observation and a quiz, considering students in an upper secondary school in Stockholm. The results of the quiz show that two thirds of the students have a basic understanding of the ocean’s processes and chemistry. The participant observation supports this conclusion. It additionally showed that most students displayed superficial knowledge of oceanic processes, while having a poorer understanding of more complex processes and the concurrence between processes. Some misunderstandings and alternative understandings surfaced amongst the students’ answers. These, along with systematic geography and its preconditions, are discussed in the discussion section. While the present study was too limited to draw definite conclusions, this study indicated preliminary that students with focus on natural science display a deeper knowledge in the ocean’s chemistry and natural processes than students with focus on social sciences, which would be interesting to investigate further in future research.
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Community Engagement: Home School PartnershipHolmes, Marilyn 16 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Five year old children starting their formal education in primary schools bring with them a range of informal mathematical understandings. Transitioning from an early childhood setting to the reception class at school can have a profound impact on their developing mathematical concepts. Traditionally
their first teachers (parents, caregivers and whanau) gradually remove the support and encouragement and some of the familiar surroundings of their early childhood centres are no longer there. As children from 5 – 13 years of age spend approximately 85% of their time out of school it is important that their first teachers are encouraged to continue that support. This paper outlines a New Zealand project ‘Home School Partnership: Numeracy’ that gives one approach to enhancing children’s mathematical learning through shared understandings between home and school.
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Psychopathologie des tentatives de suicide des jeunes adultes dans le sud Bénin / Psychodynamic understanding of reactive suicide attempts in the south of BeninBamisso, Olga 11 June 2015 (has links)
En Afrique de l’Ouest, les conduites suicidaires, estimées autrefois rares, sont de plus en plus fréquentes. Dans le Sud Bénin, les études effectuées au centre national hospitalier soulignent non seulement l’augmentation de la fréquence des tentatives de suicide et l’absence de prise en charge psychologique des suicidants, mais aussi la nécessité de prendre en compte des interprétations culturelles. La question du sens et de la prise en charge des actes suicidaires s’y pose donc avec une grande acuité.En conséquence, l’objectif de la présente recherche est d’approcher le sens psychique des tentatives de suicide des jeunes adultes dans le Sud Bénin et d’y évaluer le rôle et la place du psychologue clinicien d’orientation psychanalytique.Il s’agit d’une étude qualitative. La mise en tension des références psychanalytiques avec des éléments d’anthropologie sociale ou des caractéristiques du contexte constitue un des axes principaux de ce travail. La méthodologie adoptée est une recherche-action comprenant l’instauration d’un protocole d’accueil des suicidants et la réalisation de « rencontres anthropologiques » afin de mieux cerner les questions suicidaires dans le contexte béninois.Il ressort de l’analyse que les suicidants sont en proie à une crise identitaire où l’acte, réactionnel, prend la valeur d’une recherche de refondation psychique et répond à un double mouvement de désintrication et réintrication pulsionnelle. Tandis qu’une situation-écran engendre un vécu traumatique qui conduit à l’autodestructivité, l’acte suicidaire s’inscrit dans un processus de réintrication pulsionnelle et de remaniement identitaire. Ce processus, que j’ai nommé ici refondation, est rendu possible par l’accueil fait au suicidant à l’issue de sa tentative de suicide. De cette compréhension découlent un cadre conceptuel pour le clinicien et des dispositifs cliniques pertinents pour la prise en charge des suicidants dans le Sud Bénin. / In West Africa, suicidal behaviors, estimated once rare, are increasingly becoming frequent. Yet, in Southern Benin, previous studies at the National University Hospital have noted an increase in young adults’ suicide attempts and the lack of psychological assessment and support to the attempters, but also the need to take cultural interpretations into account. So, the question of the meaning and the care of suicidal acts arises with acuity.It is in this framework that our research is being carried out. The aim is to achieve a better psychodynamic understanding of young adults’ suicide attempts in Southern Benin, and to assess, in this particular context, the role of a psychoanalytically oriented psychologist. This is a qualitative study. The confrontation of psychoanalytic references with social anthropology elements or characteristics of the context is one of the main focuses of this work. The methodological procedure used for data collection includes a clinical intake protocol, which is adapted to the context and implemented to suicide attempters, and «anthropological encounters» as a way to open up local concepts of suicide in order to better identify suicidal issues. It appears from the clinical understanding that attempters are experiencing an identity crisis wherein the suicidal act represents a research of psychic overhaul. One can thus argue that some young adult suicide attempts in Southern Benin meet two movements of drive defusion and fusion. While screen-circumstances produce a traumatic experience which leads to self-destructiveness, the suicidal act is part of a drive fusion process and specific rearrangements in identity processes. This process, which I named here “psychic refondation” or “psychic rebirth”, is made possible by the clinical reception given to attempters after their suicide attempts. From this understanding arises a conceptual framework for clinical psychologists and relevant clinical settings to take care of suicide attempters in Southern Benin.
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Community Engagement: Home School PartnershipHolmes, Marilyn 16 April 2012 (has links)
Five year old children starting their formal education in primary schools bring with them a range of informal mathematical understandings. Transitioning from an early childhood setting to the reception class at school can have a profound impact on their developing mathematical concepts. Traditionally
their first teachers (parents, caregivers and whanau) gradually remove the support and encouragement and some of the familiar surroundings of their early childhood centres are no longer there. As children from 5 – 13 years of age spend approximately 85% of their time out of school it is important that their first teachers are encouraged to continue that support. This paper outlines a New Zealand project ‘Home School Partnership: Numeracy’ that gives one approach to enhancing children’s mathematical learning through shared understandings between home and school.
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[pt] Este estudo busca entender a (re)construção identitária de uma professora de inglês, que, como parte de seu processo de formação continuada, foi incentivada a tornar-se pesquisadora reflexiva e exploratória. O contexto escolhido foi um curso de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu em Língua Inglesa em que a professora e eu trabalhamos colaborativamente para entender o processo de tornar-se pesquisadora assim como o nosso envolvimento nele. Os dados principais do estudo foram gerados ao nos engajarmos em entrevistas de pesquisa adaptadas para estabelecer um foco exploratório para nossas questões. O caráter híbrido da Prática Exploratória contribuiu para que a geração dos dados também suscitasse entendimentos acerca de questões de interesse das duas praticantes do estudo. Servindo-se de construtos da Sociolinguística Interacional, a análise voltou-se para a (re)criação da trajetória de pesquisa da professora, bem como para a (re)construção de sua identidade exploratória. O foco da análise recaiu sobre a coconstrução de explicações e de uma crônica, em forma de histórias apoiadas em sistemas de coerência. Na articulação da trajetória reflexiva de suas histórias, a professora buscou construir-se como membro iniciante da Comunidade de Prática Exploratória. O olhar analítico foi lançado não apenas à construção discursiva da professora-pesquisadora, mas também à minha, especialmente em relação ao meu desenvolvimento como membro mais sênior dessa comunidade de prática. Acredito que o paradigma de pesquisa do praticante, balizado pelos princípios ético-inclusivos da Prática Exploratória, possibilitou o envolvimento de ambas praticantes exploratórias no trabalho para entender o processo reflexivo de tornar-se pesquisador. / [en] This investigation aims at understanding the identity construction of a developing language teacher, as she takes up practitioner research as part of a pre-requisite for her academic work in a teacher development course. The teacher and I worked collaboratively to understand both the process of becoming a practitioner researcher and our involvement in it. The primary data of the study was generated through research interviews with an exploratory focus to understand the reflection process. The development of hybridity in Exploratory Practice enabled the data generated to constitute work for understanding for both practitioners intriguing puzzles. In the light of Interactional Sociolinguistics, the analysis concentrated on the (re)creation of the developing teacher s research trajectory, as well as the (re)construction of her exploratory identity. The discursive production of explanations and one chronicle in the form of stories was analyzed based on the coherence systems present in them. Along with the reflective trajectory of her stories, the teacher was discursively becoming a new member of the Exploratory Practice Community. It is important to highlight that the analysis did not only focus on the teacher s discourse actions, but also on mine; especially, as I was becoming more senior in this community and developing as a practitioner researcher. Practitioner research based on the inclusive principles of Exploratory Practice has provided opportunities for both practitioners to gain deeper understandings of the process of becoming researchers.
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[pt] A presente pesquisa apresenta entendimentos gerados a partir de alguns
tropeços durante a minha caminhada de prática na Prática Exploratória. O jogo
de palavras é intencional, porque me deparei com determinadas lacunas entre o
que estudei em textos sobre a Prática Exploratória, e o que aconteceu nas minhas
aulas enquanto praticante da mesma. Realizei o trabalho exploratório, em 2008,
em turmas do oitavo ano do ensino fundamental e do segundo ano do ensino médio em uma
escola particular na zona sul do Rio de Janeiro. A partir de questionamentos ou
puzzles de sala de aula que instigavam os alunos e a mim, elaborei atividades
pedagógicas com potencial exploratório (APPE), que visavam trabalhar a
construção de conhecimento em língua inglesa, mas tinham como objetivo último,
entendermos mais profundamente a qualidade de vida de nossa na sala de aula. O
discurso produzido durante este trabalho para entender foi analisado em busca
das crenças dos alunos como aprendizes de inglês como língua estrangeira.
Apesar da palavra tropeços, empregada no título e no início deste resumo, ter
uma conotação negativa, não é meu propósito significar as práticas apresentadas
como erros ou falhas. Busco gerar reflexões sobre exemplos reais de
atividades que, apesar de não terem acontecido como esperado, produziram
entendimentos diversos sobre os alunos, minha atuação profissional, a instituição
e nosso contexto pedagógico. Espero, através desta dissertação, incentivar outros
professores-pesquisadores, que por ventura não tenham obtido resultados que
julguem satisfatórios em seus primeiros passos na Prática Exploratória, a
continuarem neste trajeto apesar de, às vezes, encontrarem, como diria Drummond, uma pedra no meio do caminho. / [en] This research aims at presenting understandings generated from some
stumbles on my Exploratory Practice path. It is important to mention that I had to
deal with some obstacles when I tried to put into practice the theory I had studied
about Exploratory Practice. I carried out the exploratory work during 2008 in two
different classes (8th year of Middle School and 2nd year of High School) at a
private school in the south zone of Rio de Janeiro. Using my students’ and my
own classroom puzzles expressed as a starting point, I designed some potentially
exploitable pedagogic activities (PEPAs), which had language learning objectives
but whose main purpose was to fundamentally help us understand the quality of
our classroom lives. The discourse produced during this work for understanding
was analyzed to unearth my students beliefs about their experience as foreign
language learners. Although the word stumbles, used in the title and in the
beginning of the present abstract, carries a negative connotation, my intention is
by no means to consider the activities presented here as mistakes or flaws. On
the contrary, my ultimate goal is to reflect upon examples of real activities that,
even though did not happen as expected, were able to generate several
understandings about my students, myself as a professional, the institution and our
educational context. With this dissertation, I intend to motivate other teacherresearchers,
who might not have obtained a satisfactory outcome following the
path of Exploratory Practice, to keep on this track despite the occasional obstacles
they may find.
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The essence of awareness of implicit bias: A phenomenological case study of educators' stories of coming to the realization they possess implicit biasMiller, Kurtz Karlmichael 23 November 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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