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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les hedge funds : "Contribution à la connaissance des acteurs de la compétitivité réglementaire / The hedge funds : contribution to the knowledge of the actors of forum shopping

Zouioueche, Dalil 11 December 2017 (has links)
Les hedge funds sont devenus des acteurs incontournables des marchés financiers et, pourtant, ils demeurent toujours inconnus ou «mal connus» à la fois par le grand public, les régulateurs et les juristes. À l’heure du bilan de la directive AIFM qui avait pour ambition de proposer une réglementation ambitieuse de l’industrie des hedge funds au sein de l’Union européenne, il convient de revenir sur ces entités dont l’histoire, les stratégies, le statut juridique, les caractéristiques et le régime juridique demeurent, encore, flous. La thèse vise à proposer une définition et un portrait-robot précis des hedge funds via leur identification par leurs caractéristiques, qu’elles soient propres ou empruntées à d’autres entités. Un hedge fund n’est pas un fonds de gestion collective ni une forme juridique à part entière. Un hedge fund peut revêtir tout type de forme sociale et sera communément considéré comme tel dès lors que l’entité s’emploiera à adopter certaines stratégies d’investissement et disposera d’une structure de rémunération et organisationnelle particulière. Ces dernières sont des indices permettant la caractérisation d’un hedge fund dont la nature juridique est quasi-exclusivement celle d’un fonds.Le hedge fund en tant que fonds est, selon le droit français, dépourvu, à tort, de la personnalité juridique alors même qu’il dispose de tous les attributs juridiques nécessaires à une telle reconnaissance. La présente étude démontre que le législateur français a ôté la personnalité juridique à la forme sociale originelle du hedge fund en droit français alors que les arguments en faveur de cette reconnaissance étaient plus convaincants. Un hedge fund en tant que fonds s’apparente davantage à une société hybride qu’à un numéro de compte. Cette théorie s’appuie principalement sur l’argument selon lequel il existe une personnalité morale embryonnaire où la personnalité juridique serait graduelle selon l’entité concernée. / Hedge funds have become key players in financial markets and are still unknown or « poorly known » by the general public, regulators and lawyers. At the time of the review of the AIFM directive which aimed to propose an ambitious regulation of the hedge fund industry within the European Union, it is necessary to return to these entities whose history, strategies, legal status, characteristics and legal regime remain, still, unclear. The thesis aims to propose a definition and an accurate robot portrait of hedge funds through their identification by their characteristics. These characteristics are both specific to hedge funds and borrowed from other entities. A hedge fund is not a collective fund or a legal form in its own right. A hedge fund can take any legal form and will be commonly considered as such when the entity strives to adopt certain investment strategies and will have a particular compensation and organizational structure. These characters are clues allowing the characterization of a hedge fund whose legal nature is almost exclusively that of a fund. However, the hedge fund as a fund is, under French law, wrongly deprived of legal personality even though it has all the legal attributes necessary for such recognition. The present study demonstrates that the French legislature removed the legal personality from the original social form of the hedge fund in French law while the arguments in favor of this recognition were more convincing. A hedge fund as a fund is more like a hybrid company than an account number. This theory is based mainly on the argument that there is a cohabiting legal personality where the legal personality is gradual depending on the entity concerned.

Le retour de l'enfant enlevé / The return of the abducted child

Khunthongjan, Artra 21 January 2013 (has links)
Avec la croissance des familles binationales, les divorces et séparations des époux donnent souvent lieu aux problèmes d’enlèvement parental d’enfant : l'un d’eux décide de déplacer l'enfant à l'étranger sans le consentement de l'autre afin de se faire accorder le droit de garde par un juge étranger plus clément. Des instruments juridiques internationaux tendent à résoudre ce problème d’enlèvement international d’enfants par le mécanisme de retour immédiat. La Convention de La Haye du 25 octobre 1980 sur les aspects civils de l'enlèvement international d'enfants est l'instrument principal qui est ratifié par un grand nombre d'États. Son effectivité dépend de la conformité de l'application par les États. Autrement dit, il est important d'interpréter des termes principaux et des exceptions de la Convention de manière conforme, voire similaire. Pour ce faire, le principe est l'interprétation autonome des notions de la Convention. Outre que la question d'interprétation de la Convention, l'attention est aussi portée sur l'exécution de l'ordonnance de retour. Cette exécution est en effet encadrée par l'obligation de célérité et elle requiert en même temps une forte coopération entre les autorités judiciaires et administratives entre les deux États concernés. Les États sont donc invités à donner effet aux ordonnances de retour à travers les différentes mesures, y compris les mesures coercitives. Cependant, la remise volontaire de l'enfant reste la meilleure solution qui doit être favorisée, notamment à travers le recours à une procédure amiable telle que la médiation familiale internationale. / With the increase of binational families, the divorces and separations between the married couple always give rise to problems of parental child kidnapping: one of them decides to remove the couple's child abroad, without consent of the other, with a view to having the child custody awarded by more clement foreign judges. International legal instruments tend to solve this problem of international child abduction through the summary return mechanism. The Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, as the main instrument, is now ratified by a great number of States. Its effectiveness depends on the compliance of the application of the Convention by member States. In other words, it is important for member States to interpret the Convention terms in the way to comply with the other. In doing so, the proposed principle must be the autonomous interpretation of the Convention terms. In addition to the issue of interpretation, attention must also be placed on the enforcement of return orders. This enforcement must be guided by the celerity obligation. At the same time, the enforcement of return orders requires a strong cooperation between judicial and administrative authorities of the States involved in each abduction case. The States are, thus, invited to give effect to return orders by taking different measures, including coercive ones. However, voluntary return of the abducted child is always the best solution that must be favored, especially through the use of amicable settlement between the parties, such as the international family mediation.


張建隆 Unknown Date (has links)
反壟斷法(我國為公平交易法)上的效率抗辯,是指經營者通過證明結合的效率效果足以抵消或超過反競爭效果而取得反壟斷法豁免。“減損競爭”和“促進效率”這兩大因素的權衡是企業結合反壟斷控制的核心內容。 第一章為引言部分,提出本文的研究動機,並對研究方法、研究限制及論文大綱進行簡要介紹。在第二章介紹效率抗辯定義,及反壟斷法視野下普遍被接受的主要效率類型。第三章對效率抗辯制度在歐美國家的發展作了回顧。第四章則是利用經濟分析方法,計算反競爭效果,再比較分析實質性減少競爭標準和嚴重妨礙有效競爭標準之差異。第五章分三部份,第5.1章提及普遍被採納的效率抗辯模式,主要係一體分析模式、抵消分析模式和混合分析模式三種。並建議基於我國國情和《公平交易法》的相關規定,我國宜採用混合分析模式。第5. 2章就效率抗辯制度的適用標準而言,主要有價格標準、消費者剩餘標準、總剩餘標準和權重平衡標準。第5. 3章建議確立效率抗辯制度的證明標準、證明方法。尤其,就效率抗辯制度的適用條件而言,主要有效率為集中所特有、效率的及時性、效率的可證實性、在壟斷或接近壟斷的集中案件不應適用等要件。第六章建議我國明確建立安全港標準,凡屬於安全港範圍的結合不再作進一步審查。第七章綜合上述的結論,試著對我國效率抗辯制度建立提供建議 。 關鍵字:效率抗辯、事業結合、實質性減少競爭標準、嚴重妨礙有效競爭標準、抵消分析、一體分析、混合分析、價格標準、消費者福利標準、總剩餘標準、權重平衡標準 / The efficiency plea on the antitrust law refers that the intensified efficiency effect proved by the operator is sufficient to set off or stronger than the anti-competition effect so as to be exempted by the antitrust law. Competition impairment and efficiency promotion are two factors need to be traded off during the anti-monopoly control on concentration for business operators. Chapter One presents the motive , approach, framework, scope and limitations of the paper. Chapter Two introduces the definition of efficiency and the main types of efficiency which includes production efficiency, allocative efficiency, dynamic efficiency and other efficiencies. Chapter Three provides a brief history of efficiency plea practices in Europe and the United States . Chapter 4 tries to compare the Substantial Lessening of Competition test (SLC) with Significantly Impedes Effective Competition test (SIEC ) standards and try to prove the SIEC is suitable for our country. Chapter 4 also attempts to analyze anti-competitive effects of mergers by using economic analysis methods. Chapter Five is divided into three sections. Section one analyzes the main types of efficiency defense system models, including the integrated analysis model, offset analysis model and mixed analysis model. Considering the actual situation in our country and in accordance with regulations by the Antitrust Law of Taiwan, a mixed analysis mode is suggested for application. Section two focuses on the welfare standards of price standard, consumer welfare standard, the total surplus standard and the balancing weights standard. Section three recommends that standard of proof and method of proof and types of application conditions shall be established. Especially, the main types of application conditions are efficiency specific to concentration, the timeliness of the efficiency, the verifiability of the efficiency and whether the efficiency defense system is applied in the situation of near monopoly. Chapter Six defines the relevant market and suggest Critical loss analysis should be introduced for the relevant market definition. Chapter Six also suggests to adopt the " strong safe harbor" standard which means that once undertakings belong to the safe harbor range,they will no longer be subject to further review. The final chapter tries to offer some suggestions on the establishment of efficiency defense in Taiwan . Key words: efficiency plea, concentration of undertakings, the Substantial Lessening of integrated analysis model, offset analysis model, mixed analysis model, price standard, consumer welfare standard, the total surplus standard, the balancing weights standard

Continuité de l’emploi et évolution des activités publiques / Public activities' changes and employement's continuity

Juan, Muriel 28 June 2012 (has links)
Phénomène classique en droit privé du travail, l’évolution d’une activité et le sort réservé aux salariés de droit privé qui y sont affectés figure parmi les thèmes fondamentaux du droit social contemporain, et fait, à ce titre, l’objet d’une jurisprudence relativement stabilisée et d’une littérature abondante. La problématique sociale des évolutions d’activités publiques, pour être tout aussi essentielle sinon plus que celle qui irrigue le secteur économique classique, souffre à l’inverse d’un manque d’analyse globale et approfondie, du moins de l’absence d’une mise en perspective de l’ensemble des hypothèses où elle est amenée à être soulevée. L’approche de la présente recherche est donc d’envisager la problématique sociale liée aux évolutions d’activités publiques dans sa globalité, en embrassant l’ensemble des hypothèses génériques concernées tant d’un point de vue organique – nature des personnels concernés comme nature des entités d’origine et d’accueil – que matériel – externalisation d’activités publiques, reprise en régie, décentralisation de compétences, transfert intercommunal de compétences, privatisation d’établissements publics, etc. L’ambition est ici de révéler le caractère primordial de la donnée sociale dans la conduite des évolutions d’organisation ou de gestion des activités publiques, et d’apporter, dans la démarche pratique qui est la nôtre, les clés essentielles à la résolution de la problématique sociale qu’elle peut engendrer, quelque soit l’hypothèse sur laquelle elle porte. Il s’agit, en premier lieu, en fonction de la nature publique et/ou privée des personnels concernés, d’identifier clairement les obligations de transfert des personnels de nature légales - d’ordre interne comme communautaire - ou conventionnelles, et de les confronter à la volonté politique de conserver ou réaffecter ces personnels. Il convient, en deuxième lieu, de préciser les modalités de transfert des personnels concernés. Il s’agit tout particulièrement de vérifier la nécessité d’obtenir un accord exprès de leur part, de formaliser le transfert par la signature par un contrat de travail ou encore de solliciter les institutions représentatives du personnel pour procéder au transfert effectif des agents. Il est, en troisième et dernier lieu, important d’envisager précisément les conséquences du transfert des personnels tant pour la structure d’accueil que pour les agents eux-mêmes, en termes financiers (niveau de rémunération, avantages individuels acquis, etc.) et opérationnels (organisation interne des ressources humaines, répartition des pouvoirs hiérarchiques entre structure d’origine et d’accueil pour les personnels mis à disposition, etc.). / Classical phenomenon in labour law, the changes which happens in an activity’s management or organisation and the resulting question of the employee’s fate appears like one of the most important contemporary labour law’s subject. Despite it concerns public undertakings engaged in economic activities, whether or not they are operating for gain, as well as private undertakings, this dimension is nevertheless well known and characterised by a lack of detailed analysis, at least by a putting in perspective’s lack of all hypothesis concerned. Consequently, this study chooses to consider the social issue following public activities changes in its globality by including all cases concerned, as well in an organic point of vue (employees nature, original structure or welcoming structure nature) then in a material point of vue (public activities externalization, return of an activity under a public control, decentralization, powers’ transfers between local authorities, privatization of public ownerships, etc.). This study’s aim is to reveal the importance of the human element in the event of a change on activity’s management or organisation and to give, in a practical view, the keys to resolve the social issue which belongs to each activity’s changes, whatever is the working hypothesis concerned. First, depending on the public or private nature of the personnel, it should be clearly identified the tranfer’s obligations which could exist according to labour legislation or a collective agreement and to bring them face to political decision to keep or redeploy employees. Then, it must be explained the procedure of transfer. More particularly, it should be confirmed if the transfer needs to be accepted by each employee, to be formalized by a contract signature or as well to be submitted to union companies. Finally, it is important to envisage precisely the transfer consequences as for employers then for employees, in financial (wages, individual or collective benefits, etc.) and operational terms (human resources organisation, management rules between original employer and new employer in case of provided civil servant, etc.).

Performance Evaluation of Public Bus Transport Operations in Karnataka by using Non-parametric and Multivariate Analysis

Mulangi, Raviraj H January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Indian cities rely predominantly on buses for public transport. The issues of performance measurement and efficiency analyses for the bus company have been gaining significance due to severe operating conditions and financial constraints in which these bus companies provide the service. Performance is defined as the levels of success of the service with respect to different parameters such as quality of service, cost effectiveness and safety. Performance is measured in terms of operational efficiency and financial efficiency. Operational Efficiency of an organization is the ability to utilize its available resources to the maximum extent. Financial Efficiency is a measure of the organization’s ability to translate its financial resources into revenue. Public bus transportation plays a pivotal role in India in bringing about greater mobility both within and between urban and rural areas. Through increased mobility, road transport also contributes immensely to social and economic development of different regions of the country. Public transport is provided by surface road transport using buses by the State Road Transport Undertakings (SRTUs) and by private operators. In this thesis, scientific analysis of the performance of SRTUs is carried out at different levels considering physical and financial parameters through multivariate techniques, non-parametric techniques and qualitative techniques. A comprehensive study on all the SRTUs of Karnataka at depot, division level are done and determined which quantitative method is suited for depot level and division level studies. From quantitative and qualitative studies of SRTUs strategies are developed and recommendations are made to improve the performance of SRTUs. Further, in addition to Bangalore metropolitan transport corporation (BMTC) performance analyses, the routes are analyzed to reduce the dead kilometer. Major contributions from this work: 1. Both inter and intra city operations of the public transport corporation in the state of Karnataka have been exhaustively analysed using operational and financial parameters. 2. Large amount of data over a long period has been collated from State road transport units and a standard format has been developed for collecting both operational and financial parameters for SRTU’s. 3. A generic framework and plan for performance evaluation of SRTU’s has been developed using ratio and benchmarking analysis, and, non-parametric and multivariate techniques like DEA (constant return to scale (CRS) and variable return to scale (VRS)), DEA-principal component analysis (PCA), DEA- bootstrapping. These analyses have been carried out at different levels, like transport corporations level (KSRTC NEKRTC, NWKRTC, BMTC), division level (33 divisions), and Depot level (193 depots). 4. Non parametric and multivariate Models have been developed and validated using DEAP and GAMS software before embarking on the above detailed analyses. 5. Analytical hierarchy approach (AHP), which is multi criteria structured technique, has been adopted to evaluate and analyze performance of the SRTU’s, divisions and depots based on qualitative and quantitative data. 6. User and operator perception studies of different SRTU’s of Karnataka have been done to evaluate the performance of these corporations from qualitative techniques. 7. From these comprehensive non parametric techniques, the efficiency of the SRTU’s have been evaluated and found that KSRTC has been the best operating unit among the SRTU’s considered for the study. The same has been observed from the AHP as well as perception surveys carried out as part of this thesis. 8. Operation and financial performance including profitability studies of Mysore urban transportation (Mysore city transport division) has been carried out before and after implementation of intelligent transport system (ITS). 9. The dead kilometer minimization model was formulated, which is a mixed integer programming problem, to get the optimal solution considering the capacity of the depot and time period of operation for the chosen network. An optimization technique has been developed for solving the dead kilometer problem in the operations of BMTC buses for the Volvo division (division operates 794 schedules). The alternative depot locations have been identified to reduce the dead kilometer, leading to large amount of savings for the corporation. 10. From the detailed analyses using non parametric techniques, multivariate and multi-criteria techniques along with perception surveys, strategies and recommendations have been arrived at to improve performance of the public transport corporations. This thesis consists of nine chapters and they are as below; Chapter 1 provides a brief introduction of public bus transport systems in India, their problems and need for performance evaluation of SRTUs. The impacts study of Mysore ITS, dead kilometer minimization problem for BMTC along with evaluating the performance of SRTUs by quantitative and qualitative data. This chapter provides the objective of the work and scope of the work. The main objectives of this research are 1. To develop a generic framework and plan for evaluation by identifying the performance indicators and data sources for evaluation.

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