Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ethical""
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Unethical Prosocial Behavior: Theory Development and Experimental FindingsHerchen, Julia L. 08 1900 (has links)
Job performance has historically been divided into two subsets, that which is prescribed and that which is discretionary. Further, discretionary workplace behavior has typically been described as either helpful or ethical (i.e. organizational citizenship behavior) or harmful and unethical (i.e. workplace deviance behavior) with behavior that is both helpful and unethical rarely discussed. I term this lesser discussed type of discretionary workplace behavior unethical prosocial behavior and define it as discretionary actions that are intended to benefit a specific referent outside the self, either an individual or a group, that are illegal and/or morally inappropriate to larger society. In addition to defining unethical prosocial behavior, this paper places the behavior in an organizing framework of discretionary workplace behaviors and tests several hypotheses regarding unethical prosocial behavior. The hypotheses address three primary research questions. First, are there contextual conditions that make it more likely that a person will engage in unethical prosocial behavior? Second, does the nature of the relationship between the actor and the beneficiary make unethical prosocial behavior more or less likely? And third, are there individual characteristics that serve to either constrain or enhance the likelihood that and individual will engage in unethical prosocial behavior? A 2 x 2 experimental design was used to test these hypotheses. As expected, in-group (vs. out-group) salience increased the likelihood of UPB. Individuals in the in-group condition engaged in significantly greater UPBs than those in the out-group condition. Contrary to expectations, shared reward (vs. no reward) decreased the likelihood of UPB. Individuals who were due a reward engaged less in UPBs than those who were not due a reward. Possible explanations for this relationship (both methodological and theoretical) are explored. While the overall effect of reward structure on UPB was in the opposite direction from that which was expected, propensity to morally disengage had the anticipated effect on the relationship between rewards and UPB. Those high in propensity to morally disengage were more likely to engage in UPB when a shared reward was offered (vs. no reward). Due to the nature of the task and the data collected, it was possible to operationalize UPB as a continuous measure as well as a dichotomous event (UPB/no UPB). This lead to a supplemental analysis that shed additional light on the nature of the relationship between group salience and UPB. The analysis shows that not only do subjects tend to over report the scores for fellow in-group members, but they also tend to underreport scores for out-group members. Fruitful areas for future work on the nascent UPB construct are discussed.
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Inte så cool längre coolaste apan i djungeln : Varumärkesbild och attityder / Not so cool anymore coolest monkey in the jungle : Brand image and attitudesFransson, Nea, Kahlin, Hedvig January 2018 (has links)
I början av året 2018 lanserade modeföretaget H&M en kampanjbild där en mörkhyad pojke bar en tröja med texttrycket ”Coolest monkey in the jungle”. Bilden fick global spridning, H&M kritiserades av media och på företagets egna sociala kanaler ramlade kommentarer in av både positiva och negativa ordalag. H&M publicerade därefter tre inlägg där företaget tog på sig ansvaret för incidenten och bad om ursäkt. Sociala medier karaktäriseras av öppna kommentarsfält där användare och besökare fritt kan uttrycka sina åsikter, samtidigt som detta innebär ett minerat landskap för företag som står utom kontroll för informationen som sprids. Denna studie diskuterar även ämnen som krishantering, oetiskt företagshandlande, konsumentattityder, samt etik och moral ur ett konsumentperspektiv. Genom att utföra en innehållsanalys av alla kommentarer direkt relaterade till de tre ursäkts inläggen söker denna studie att kartlägga kundkretsens uppfattningar om H&M som varumärke efter incidenten och finna indikationer på vilka risker det kan innebära för företaget. Resultatet visar på en tudelad kundkrets där en betydande del uttrycker upprördhet över kampanjbilden och visar på ett skapande av negativa attityder gentemot H&M, varav en likvärdig del uttrycker positiva ord om både bilden och H&M som företag. Resultatet kan förklaras genom att bland annat studera kundkretsens etiska referensram och teorin kring bufferteffekten. Attitydförändringarna som identifieras hos en stor del av kundkretsen utgör i sin tur en risk för H&M genom en försämrad varumärkesbild, negativa köpintentioner och viral spridning av information som är ofördelaktig för företaget. / In the beginning of 2018, the fashion company H&M published a campaign with a dark-skinned boy wearing a sweater with the print “Coolest monkey in the jungle”. The picture was spread globally, H&M was criticised by the media and commentaries in both positive and negative terms was posted on the company’s own social channels. There after, H&M published three posts where they took responsibility for the incident and apologised to the public. Social media is characterised by an opened atmosphere where users and visitors freely can express their opinions, as well as it implicates a mined field for companies out of control for the information being spread. This study also discusses subjects as crisis management, unethical firm behaviour, consumers attitudes, and ethics from a consumer perspective. By conducting a content analysis of all commentaries directly related to H&M’s apology-posts, this study aims to map the clienteles perceptions of H&M as a brand after the incident and find signs of risks that might imply for the company. The results indicate a bisectional clientele where a considerate part expresses revolt and shows an establishment of negative attitudes towards H&M, where of an equivalent part expresses positive words of both the campaign and H&M as a company. The results can be explained by examining the clienteles ethical frame of reference and the theory of the buffering effect. The attitude changes identified within a substantial part of the clientele, in turn constitutes a risk for H&M by a weakened brand image, negative buying intentions and a viral spreading of information that could be unfavourable for the company.
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Manipulation av moraliskt frikopplande och dess effekter på bedömning av oetiska beteenden / Manipulation of moraldisengagement and the effects on the assessment of unethical behaviorKarlsson, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka om en manipulation av mekanismerna moraliskt rättfärdigande, språklig omskrivning och förskjutning av ansvar, från Banduras (1999) teori om moraliskt frikopplande, påverkar bedömningen av oetiska beteenden. I studien användes en flerfaktoriell experimentell design. 195 försökspersoner fördelades slumpmässigt till åtta olika grupper (en kontrollgrupp och sju experimentgrupper). Försökspersonerna fick läsa texter om två oetiska beteenden, tortyr och mobbning. Åtta versioner av texterna användes, en utan manipulation av mekanismerna (kontrollbetingelse), tre versioner där respektive mekanism manipulerades enskilt, tre versioner där mekanismerna manipulerades i parvisa kombinationer och en sista version där alla tre mekanismerna manipulerades samtidigt. Försökspersonerna fick sedan bedöma hur acceptabla/oacceptabla beteendena var. Datan analyserades via två tre-vägs variansanalyser med bedömning av tortyr respektive mobbning som beroendevariabler. Resultaten visar att en manipulation av mekanismen moraliskt rättfärdigande har en stark signifikant effekt på bedömningen av mobbning och en medelstark effekt på bedömningen av tortyr. Resultaten visar även att en manipulation av mekanismen förskjutning av ansvar har en signifikant men svag effekt på både bedömningen av tortyr och mobbning. Vad gäller mobbning bedömde deltagarna beteendet som mindre acceptabelt med manipulation än utan manipulation. Språklig omskrivning hade inte enskilt någon effekt vare sig i tortyr eller mobbningsbeteendet. Däremot uppvisades en signifikant interaktionseffekt mellan moraliskt frikopplande och språklig omskrivning vad gäller beteendet tortyr. Resultaten visar att en manipulation av mekanismer för moraliskt frikopplande påverkar bedömningen av oetiskt beteende. / The purpose of the present study is to examine whether a manipulation of the mechanisms moral justification, euphemistic labeling and displacement of responsibility, from Banduras theory (1999) of moral disengagement, influences the assessment of unethical behavior. The study utilized a factorial experimental design. 195 participants were randomly assigned to eight different groups (one control group and seven experimental groups). The participants read a text about two unethical behaviors, torture and bullying. Eight versions of the texts were used, one without manipulation of any independent variable (control condition), three with manipulation on each mechanism, three with manipulation were made in pairs and the last version where all three mechanisms were manipulated toghether. The participants then got to determine whether the the behavoir is accepteble or unacceptable. The data were analyzed via Anova with assessment of torture and bullying as dependent variables. The result show that a manipulation of the mechanism of moral justification has a strong significant effect on the assessment of bullying and a medium effect on the assessment of torture. The result also show that a manipulation of the mechanism displacement of responsibility has a significant but weak effect on both the assessment of torture and bullying. Regarding bullying, participants rated the behavior as less acceptable with manipulation than without manipulation. Euphemistic labeling alone had no effect on eighter torture or bullying. However a significant interaction effect was found between moral justification and euphemistic labeling regarding to the behavior of torture.
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Oetisk marknadsföring i sociala medier : ur ett konsumentperspektiv / Unethical social media marketing : from a consumer perspectiveJonsson, Rebecca, Lundin, William, Mikulic, Valentina January 2020 (has links)
Teorin som ställs i denna studie är att det utvecklats ny problematik i samband med uppkomsten av marknadsföring i sociala medier. I denna studie identifieras de etiska utmaningarna och hur konsumenterna påverkas av dem. Det empiriska materialet är baserat på en enkätundersökning med 115 respondenter och en jämn fördelning mellan kvinnor och män. Då studien stämmer överens med tidigare forskning kring traditionell marknadsföring kan antagandet att den speglar verkligheten om digital marknadsföring göras. I resultatkapitlet går det att utläsa att de huvudsakliga anledningarna till att respondenterna uppfattar marknadsföring i sociala medier som oetisk är att det inte framgår att det är reklam, att reklamen är riktad mot barn (under 16 år), att reklamen är påträngande (individanpassad) och att reklamen är sexistisk. Respondenternas svar visade att deras köpbeslut och uppfattning av företag påverkas av om den uppfattat reklam som oetisk. I resultatet går det även att utläsa att konsumenterna anser att marknadsföring i sociala medier helt borde exkluderas för brukare under 18 år. Slutsatsen som kan dras är att respondenterna har en etisk medvetenhet gällande marknadsföring i sociala medier. / The theory posed in this study is that new problems have developed in connection with the emergence of marketing in social media. This study identifies the ethical challenges and how consumers are affected by them. The empirical material is based on a survey of 115 respondents and an even distribution between women and men. Since the study is consistent with previous research on traditional marketing, the assumption that it reflects the reality of digital marketing can be made. In the results chapter it can be seen that the main reasons why respondents perceive marketing in social media as unethical is that it does not appear that it is advertising, that advertising is aimed at children (under 16), that advertising is intrusive (individualized) and that the advertising is sexist. Respondents' responses indicated that their purchasing decisions and perceptions of companies are affected by whether the perceived advertising is unethical. The result also shows that consumers believe that social media marketing should be completely excluded for users under the age of 18. The conclusion that can be drawn is that the respondents have an ethical awareness regarding marketing in social media. This study is written in Swedish.
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Avkastning till vilket pris som helst? : En kvantitativ studie om portföljval ur ett oetiskt perspektivKapell, Jamie, Lundholm, Alfred January 2021 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to analyze how different portfolio compositions on the Stockholm Stock Exchange perform in relation to its risk between the years 2008-2020. The thesis analyzes how an unethical portfolio performs in comparison with a value portfolio, growth portfolio, random portfolio and OMX30 index. Theory: This thesis is based on the effective market hypothesis, Portfolio theory, Holding Period Returns, Sharpe ratio, Fama & French's three factor model and Oparat T-test. Method: A quantitative study with a deductive approach. The study collected data between 2008-01-01 and 2020-12-31 to see what portfolio construction generated the most returns. Results: The unethical portfolio generated the worst returns in relation to its risk. The random portfolio had the highest returns, however the value portfolio generated the best returns in relation to its risk. Conclusion: The conclusion for this thesis can be seen as that it is not worthwhile to invest in Swedish unethical companies listed on Nasdaq. To increase returns, investors should review other securities to invest in as unethical stocks neither maximize profits nor contribute to a better planet. However the unethical portfolio has a higher return than the OMX30 index. / Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera hur olika portföljsammansättningar på Stockholmsbörsen presterar i relation till dess risk mellan åren 2008-2020. Där uppsatsen analyserar hur en oetisk portfölj presterar i jämförelse med en värdeportfölj, tillväxtportfölj, slumpmässig portfölj och OMX30 index. Teori: Denna studie grundar sig i den effektiva marknadshypotesen, Portföljteori, Holding Period Returns, Sharpekvot, Fama & Frenchs tre faktors modell och Oparat T-test. Metod: En kvantitativ studie med ett deduktivt förhållningssätt. Forskningen har bestått av datainsamling för aktier under perioden 2008-01-01 till 2020-12-31 för att undersöka vilken portföljsammansättning som genererar högst avkastning. Resultat: Den oetiska portföljen genererar minst avkastning i relation till dess risk. Den slumpmässiga portföljen genererar högst avkastning men värdeportföljen genererar högst avkastning i relation till dess risk. Slutsats: Slutsatsen för denna uppsats kan ses som att det inte är lönt att investera i svenska oetiska bolag noterade på Nasdaq. För att höja avkastningen bör investerare se över andra värdepapper att investera i då oetiska aktier varken vinstmaximerar eller bidrar till en bättre planet. Den oetiska portföljen har en högre avkastning än OMX30 index dock.
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Investigating the Role of Self-Regulation on Active and Passive Unethical Decision-MakingZhang, Don January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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O lado obscuro do comprador organizacionalSantos, Manuela Gomes de Oliveira dos 09 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2017-10-16T15:41:16Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-06-09 / Nenhuma / É frequente a divulgação de atos de corrupção, suborno e fraudes envolvendo políticos e governo. Entretanto, os atos de desonestidade também estão presentes no dia a dia das relações entre empresas privadas com funcionários que estão em cargos que possuem o poder de tomada de decisão. Dificilmente uma pessoa não tenha conhecido um colega de trabalho que já tenha alterado relatórios, ocultado informações no seu trabalho ou inflado despesas de viagem e tenha se considerado extremamente moral. Com o intuito de investigar o comportamento antiético, este trabalho focou na relação entre o agente de compras e fornecedor organizacional, por entender que o agente de compras possui em sua rotina de trabalho oportunidade de ter um benefício financeiro pessoal em detrimento a empresa. Essa dissertação testou a influência do ambiente transgressor na tomada de decisão de ética, o emprego do priming ético como um estímulo capaz de engajar a tomada de decisão ética e o padrão moral do indivíduo como forma de influenciar o efeito do priming ético. Foram desenvolvidos três estudos experimentais em laboratório. O resultado prova que o ambiente transgressor influência sobre a tomada de decisão ética e que o priming ético estimula o indivíduo a tomar decisões éticas. O resultado desse trabalho contribui fortemente para área de Comportamento Ético e Comportamento Operacional, encorajando as organizações ao uso do priming Ético, além de códigos de éticas e sanções. / The disclosure of acts of corruption, bribery and fraud involving politicians and the government has become frequent. However, acts of dishonesty are also present in day-to-day relations among private companies with employees who hold positions having decision-making power. Hardly ever would one find a person who has not known coworkers who had already altered reports, hidden information at work or inflated travel expenses and even so considered themselves extremely moral. Aiming at investigating unethical behavior, this study focused on the relationship between organizational buyer and supplier, given the fact it understands that the organizational buyer has an opportunity in his/her work routine to have personal financial benefit to the detriment of the company. This dissertation tested the influence of the transgressive environment on ethical decision-making, the use of ethical priming as a stimulus capable of engaging ethical decision-making, and the individual moral standards as a way of influencing the ethical priming effect. Three experimental studies were developed. Result proves that a transgressive environment influences ethical decision-making and that ethical priming encourages the individual to make ethical decisions. Our findings strongly contribute to the areas of Ethical Behavior and Operational Behavior, encouraging organizations to use ethical priming, as well as codes of ethics and sanctions.
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The Relationship Between the Big Five Personality Traits and Authentic LeadershipBaptiste, Bronti 01 January 2018 (has links)
Effective leadership, ethical leadership, and leadership emergence have been extensively researched, but there remains a lack of research on the relationship between the big 5 personality traits and authentic leadership. This quantitative study was based on the empirical principles of the big 5 model and guided by the big 5 theory. In addition, this research asked if there was a relationship between the big 5 model and authentic leadership, and which combination of the 5 personality traits best predict authentic leadership. Fifty-five adult participants, employed in various corporations, were recruited from a convenience sample. They rated their leaders by completing an Authentic Leadership Questionnaire, the NEO Five-Factor Inventory-3, and a demographic questionnaire. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analyses and the results showed that the big 5 personality model explained 46.9% of the variance (F (5, 49) = 8.65, p < .001. Conscientiousness positively (β = 0.40, p = .003) correlated with authentic leadership while neuroticism was inversely (β = -0.04, p = .046) correlated. These 2 traits best predicted authentic leadership and provided the strongest correlation. Extraversion (β = -.04, p = .739) and openness-to-experience (β = .25, p = .080) were non-significant traits. In the Pearson Correlation analysis, agreeableness had a weak inverse correlation with authentic leadership, (r (53) = -0.30, p = .027), and contributed 8.9% of the variance in predicting authentic leadership. Conscientious leaders with low level of neuroticism, who practice authentic leadership, will bring about positive social change by reducing unethical practices, improving communication with employers, employees, and consumers, and improving employee morale.
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Specifika marketingového výzkumu u dětí / Specifications of marketing research conducted with underage respondentsČepek, Michal January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the ethics of marketing research conducted with underage respondents. Child security is a very hot topic these days; therefore the field of market research should use only methods tolerated by parents. Global as well as local market research associations regularly publish codes of conduct and guidelines dealing with the ethics in market research. However, they define only basic rules and regulations and do not reflect the specificity of each method and technique. The goal of this diploma thesis is to identify methods used in market research that are not perceived as ethical by parents. Results should motivate research agencies to eliminate using such methods or at least modify them to decrease the level of controversy among general public. In order to identify unethically perceived market research methods, the author of the thesis conducted a quantitative research among the needed target group: parents of school kids. The survey found 5 methods that are considered ethical and thus do not pose any significant threat to the industry of market research: taste test, observation, product test, eye-tracking and communication test. Two methods were labeled as unethical by the respondents: field experiment and online discussion groups. Those methods can be used without any major changes provided that agencies communicate openly with parents all details regarding the research. They have to make sure that parents understand the methodology and are sure to let their children participate in such a project. Finally, three methods were recognized as highly unethical or even illegal: neuromarketing, netnography and geolocation (geomarketing). These methods carry a high probability of damaging the positive image of market research industry among general public. Less than one quarter of respondents consider these methods as suitable for use with kids and at the same time more than 25 % of parents think that those methods are illegal. In case of neuromarketing, it is recommended to firstly explain the used methodology in detail and, if possible, demonstrate its 100 % safety in presence of a doctor. Netnography was evaluated as highly unethical. On the other hand, it is a type of observation; therefore, its use in reality is unlikely to be registered by public. As a result, there does not have to be any severe steps taken to regulate this method. Geolocation scored as the most unethical market research method in the survey. This method is therefore not recommended for use as it carries an enormous risk of damaging the whole market research industry.
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An investigation into the prevalence of unethical behaviour in a South African Municipality: A case of Vhembe District MunicipalityMufamadi, Musiwa Collen 18 May 2018 (has links)
PhD (Public and Development Administration) / Department of Public and Development Administration / The aim of the study was to investigate the prevalence of unethical behaviour in the South African municipalities. Municipalities are responsible for providing services such as maintenance of local roads, refuse removals, water supply and sanitation, amongst others. However municipalities’ unethical behaviour have produced many disadvantages for themselves and the society at large. Effective and efficient service delivery is negatively affected by unethical behaviour resulting in the waste of government millions of rands each year, money that could have been spent on delivering services. The fact that there is unethical behaviour in municipalities can be interpreted as a total absence of ethical culture in the behaviour of municipal officials. Municipal officials are encouraged to uphold moral principles such as impartiality, accountability and trustworthy while performing their official duties.
Given this background, the research project attempted to provide explanations for the patterns of unethical conduct and also pointed out strategies that could be employed to curb unethical behaviour in municipalities. For the purpose of this study, the researcher employed both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. The researcher used purposive sampling to select respondents of the study. Two (2) instruments were used to collect data, namely, questionnaires and interviews. To analyse data, two types of data analysis were used. For data collected through questionnaires, the researcher used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences to analyse data. Data collected through interviews were analysed through the use of thematic analysis in the form of narrative.
The study revealed specific unethical behaviour that were prevalent at Vhembe District Municipality. The study indicated that senior municipal officials must ensure that ethics initiatives systems and programmes should be put in place so that conducive ethical environment is created. The results indicated that despite challenges, employed strategies provided desired results. Specific solutions such improving employment practices and procurement activities were recommended that could improve ethical standards in the municipalities. / NRF
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