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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lois limites uniformes et estimation non-paramétrique de la régression

Blondin, David 10 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Nous utilisons la théorie moderne des processus empiriques indicés par des classes de fonctions afin d'établir la vitesse exacte de convergence presque sûre d'une large classe d'estimateurs par la méthode du noyau de la fonction de régression dont les estimateurs par lissage polynomial local. Ces résultats prennent la forme de lois limites uniformes du logarithme dans le prolongement des travaux de Deheuvels et Mason (2004) et permettent la construction de bornes de confiance asymptotiquement optimales. La démonstration s'appuie principalement sur une inégalité exponentielle pour la déviation par rapport à l'espérance de la norme du supremum du processus empirique indexé par des classes de fonctions à nombre de recouvrement uniformément polynomial. Nous présentons également une loi limite uniforme du logarithme dans un cadre semi-paramétrique concernant l'estimateur du maximum de vraisemblance local lorsque la loi conditionnelle est paramétrée par une fonction.

Ordonnancement avec communications pour systèmes multiprocesseurs dans divers modèles d'exécution

Guinand, Frédéric 07 June 1995 (has links) (PDF)
En quelques dizaines d'années, l'informatique a vu naître et se développer des machines fonctionnant avec plusieurs processeurs. Les difficultés techniques rencontrées pour la conception de ces ordinateurs ont été surmontées et l'un des défis majeur d'aujourd'hui est de fournir une plateforme pour la programmation parallèle. Ce travail de thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre du projet IMAG APACHE qui a pour but la conception d'un tel environnement. Le modèle de graphes que nous manipulons est un graphe de tâches orienté sans cycle. Le processus consistant à paralléliser une application est découpé en trois phases principales, avec l'ordonnancement et le placement des différentes parties de l'application comme étape centrale. Dans ce contexte, nous avons concentrés nos efforts sur la recherche de stratégies d'ordonnancement présentant de réelles qualités de robustesse et d'efficacité pour des graphes de différentes granularités, et pour des ensembles d'hypothèses d'exécution différents. A partir d'un algorithme produisant des ordonnancements optimaux dans le cas de graphes à structure arborescente formés de tàches de durées unitaires et de communications unitaires, nous avons montré qu'il était possible d'obtenir des ordonnancements, dont l'écart par rapport à l'optimal est borné, pour des arbres de granularité différente. Nous avons montré également que ce même algorithme permettait d'obtenir dans certains cas des ordonnancements optimaux pour un modèle d'exécution totalement différent de celui pour lequel il avait été originellement conçu. Cette étude sur deux processeurs a été mené pour un nombre supérieur de processeurs identiques et pour deux processeurs uniformes. Enfin, une partie de ce travail est dédiée à la recherche de stratégies d'ordonnancement pour des graphes générés par l'environnement Athapascan (projet APACHE) qui présentent la particularité de permettre l'adaptation de la granularité en fonction de la machine cible.

Proposta de procedimento para estudar a ampliação dos parâmetros: densidade de pontos por centímetro e espessura das agulhas, especificados pela norma ABNT NBR 9925:2009, utilizados na verificação da costurabilidade de vestuário escolar / Proposal for a procedure to study the expansion of parameters: density of dots per inch and thickness of the needles, specified by the ABNT NBR 9925: 2009, used for verification of school clothing sewability.

Karina dos Santos Galego Pessoa 27 April 2015 (has links)
A indústria de confecção de vestuário transforma um tecido bidimensional em um artigo tridimensional. Embora existam vários métodos para unir as partes de um artigo de vestuário, a costura com linhas é o método mais utilizado. A costura é quem fornece resistência à peça, e nesse sentido, perde sua funcionalidade se por acaso romper os fios do tecido, ou ainda, se houver rompimento da linha, ou outro problema como esgarçamento, deslizamento do tecido ou da costura. A qualidade de uma costura é definida pelos seus desempenhos funcionais e estéticos. A norma ABNT NBR 9925:2009 estabelece as condições do ensaio que indica se a costura tem tendência a abrir-se mediante a aplicação de uma força; também aponta os tipos de agulhas, linhas e fios, e ainda indica a densidade de pontos e máquinas adequadas para a confecção dos corpos de prova que serão ensaiados. O objetivo deste trabalho é utilizar o planejamento de experimentos para estudar a possibilidade de ampliar dos valores de densidade de pontos por centímetro e espessuras das agulhas, propostos pela referida norma ABNT NBR 9925:2009 para verificar a costurabilidade de uniformes escolares. Foram selecionados no mercado três tecidos normalmente utilizados na confecção desses artigos; e em seguida, realizados os ensaios físicos de gramatura, determinação da densidade de pontos por centímetro e determinação do esgarçamento de uma costura padrão. O modelo estatístico escolhido foi o planejamento aleatorizado por níveis; e para a análise dos resultados foram utilizados a ANOVA (análise de variância), com intervalo de confiança de 95%, e o box plot. Os resultados obtidos indicam a viabilidade do uso do estudo proposto para a seleção da densidade de pontos e tipo de agulhas em função da aplicação do produto final. / The industry of making clothing becomes a two-dimensional fabric in a three-dimensional article. Although there are several methods to connect the parts of an article of clothing, the seam with lines is the most used method. The sewing is who provides resistance to the part and, in this sense, the seam loses its functionality if by chance breaking the wires of the tissue, or even if there is no line rupture, or another problem such as fraying, slip the fabric or sewing. The quality of a seam is defined by its functional performance and aesthetic. The ABNT NBR 9925:2009 establishes the conditions for the test that indicates if the seam has a tendency to open up through the application of a force and also indicates the types of needles, lines, wires, dot density and suitable machines for the manufacture of bodies of evidence to be tested. The objective of this work is to use the planning of experiments to study the possibility of expanding the density values of points per centimeter and thicknesses of needles, proposed by ABNT NBR 9925:2009 for the verification of sewability school uniforms. They were selected on the market three tissues normally used in the manufacture of these articles and the tests of physical weight, determination of the density of dots per centimeter and determination of the fraying of a sewing pattern. The statistical model chosen was the randomised trial planning by levels and for the analysis of the results were used for the ANOVA (Analysis of variance), with 95% confidence interval, and the box plot. The results indicate the feasibility of the use of the proposed study to selecting the density of stitches and needle type depending on the application of the final product.

Uniformes da Guarda Nacional: 1831-1852. A Indumentária na Organização e Funcionamento de uma Associação Armada / Uniforms of the National Guard: 1831-1852; the clothing in the organization and functioning of an armed association

Adilson Jose de Almeida 08 March 1999 (has links)
Não consta resumo na publicação. / Abstract not available.

Comportements dynamiques de la détonation dans des compositions gazeuses non-uniformes / Dynamical Behaviours of Detonation in Non-Uniform Gaseous Compositions

Boulal, Stéphane 17 February 2017 (has links)
Notre étude porte sur la caractérisation expérimentale et numérique de la dynamique des ondes de détonation dans des prémélanges gazeux non-uniformément distribués dont les gradients de composition sont orientés selon la direction de propagation de la détonation. Elle vise à améliorer la compréhension des phénomènes complexes présents dans une chambre de combustion de moteur à détonations pulsées (PDE) ou rotatives (RDE) et dans des situations de fuites accidentelles de combustibles. Nous rappelons d’abord le contexte de notre étude, la phénoménologie de la détonation dans les gaz et les travaux antérieurs sur la propagation de la détonation dans des compositions non-uniformes. Nous décrivons ensuite le banc expérimental que nous avons conçu pour satisfaire à la contrainte de génération contrôlée de gradients de composition dans une chambre d’étude de section carrée 50⇥50 mm2 et de longueur 665 mm, et les diagnostics que nous avons mis en œuvre : sondes à oxygène, capteurs de pression dynamique, enregistrements sur plaques recouvertes d’un dépôt de carbone, strioscopie et spectroscopie par chimiluminescence ultra-rapides. Nous présentons alors les résultats de nos expériences dans des compositions de propane ou d’éthane et d’oxygène à la pression et à la température initiales 200 mbar et 290 K. Nous avons considéré des distributions monotones, de richesse décroissante, et des distributions non-monotones, de richesse décroissante puis croissante. Dans les distributions monotones, nous avons identifié deux types d’extinction de la détonation, l’un brusque, par découplage choc-flamme, pour des gradients suffisamment forts, l’autre progressif, par transition vers des modes marginaux de propagation, pour des gradients plus faibles. Nous avons proposé et validé des critères d’existence de la détonation fondés sur les échelles caractéristiques du problème. Nous avons démontré, pour ces distributions, la capacité de simulations numériques avec cinétique chimique détaillée à représenter nos expériences, dans le cadre d’une collaboration avec l’Université Keio. Dans les distributions non-monotones, nous avons identifié des comportements super-critique, critique et sous-critique, selon que la détonation est transmise ou non de la zone où la richesse diminue vers celle où elle augmente. Nous avons en particulier identifié les conditions de réamorçage d’une détonation éteinte dans la zone de richesse décroissante. Notre étude souligne l’intérêt de travaux futurs sur des non-uniformités de compositions initiales constitués de gaz brûlés et de gaz frais et donc, également, des non-uniformités de température initiale. Elle souligne aussi la nécessité de diagnostics optiques et d’outils numériques performants, et de schémas détaillés de cinétique chimique adaptés aux hautes pressions et températures caractérisant la dynamique des détonations. / Our study is an experimental and numerical work on the dynamical behaviours of detonation waves in non-uniformly distributed premixed gases with composition gradients parallel to the direction of the detonation propagation. The study aims at improving the understanding of the complex phenomena involved in the combustion chambers of pulsed or rotating detonation engine (PDE, RDE) and after accidental leaks of fuels. We first remind the context of our study, the phenomenology of gaseous detonation and the previous works on detonation propagation in non-uniform compositions. We then describe the experimental set-up that we have designed in order to meet the constraint of a controlled generation of composition gradients in a 50⇥50 mm2 square-section, 665-mm length test chamber, and the diagnoses that we have implemented : oxygen probes, fast pressure transducers, carbon-sooted plates and ultrafast Schlieren and chemiluminescence spectroscopy. Next, we present the results of our experiments in mixtures of propane or ethane and oxygen with initial pressure and temperature 200 mbar and 290 K, respectively. We have considered monotonic distributions, with decreasing equivalence ratio, and non- monotonic distributions, with decreasing then increasing equivalence ratio. In the monotonic distributions, we have identified two types of detonation quenching, one sudden, with a shock-flame decoupling, for the steeper gradients, the other progressive, with a transition through marginal modes of detonation propagation, for the weaker gradients. We have proposed and validated criteria for detonation, based on the characteristic scales of the problem. We have demonstrated, for these monotonic distributions, the ability of numerical simulations with detailed schemes of chemical kinetics to represent our experimental observations, through a collaboration with Keio University. In the non-monotonic distributions, we have identified super-critical, critical and sub-critical behaviours, depending on whether the detonation is transmitted or not from the domain where the equivalence ratio decreases to that where it increases. In particular, we have identified the re-initiation conditions for a detonation that was quenched in the domain of decreasing equivalence ratio. Our study stresses the interest for future works to consider non-uniform distributions of mixtures comprising burnt gases and fresh reactants, and, consequently, non-uniform distributions of temperature. It also stresses the need for performing optical diagnoses and numerical capacities and for detailed schemes of chemical kinetics adapted to the high pressures and temperatures characterizing detonation dynamics.

Quelques théorèmes ergodiques pour des suites de fonctions

Cyr, Jean-François 12 1900 (has links)
Le théorème ergodique de Birkhoff nous renseigne sur la convergence de suites de fonctions. Nous nous intéressons alors à étudier la convergence en moyenne et presque partout de ces suites, mais dans le cas où la suite est une suite strictement croissante de nombres entiers positifs. C’est alors que nous définirons les suites uniformes et étudierons la convergence presque partout pour ces suites. Nous regarderons également s’il existe certaines suites pour lesquelles la convergence n’a pas lieu. Nous présenterons alors un résultat dû en partie à Alexandra Bellow qui dit que de telles suites existent. Finalement, nous démontrerons une équivalence entre la notion de transformatiuon fortement mélangeante et la convergence d'une certaine suite qui utilise des “poids” qui satisfont certaines propriétés. / Birkhoff’s ergodic theorem gives us information about the convergence of sequences of functions. We are then interested in studying the mean and pointwise convergence of these sequences, but in the case the sequence is a strictly increasing sequence of positive integers. With that goal in mind, we will define uniform sequences and study the pointwise convergence for these sequences. We will also explore the possibility that there exists some sequences for which the convergence of the sequence does not occur. We will present a result of Alexandra Bellow that says that such sequences exist. Finally, we will prove a result which establishes an equivalence between the notion of a strongly mixing transformation and the convergence of a sequence that uses “weights” which satisfies certain properties.

Aplicações da teoria dos espaços coarse a espaços de Banach e grupos topológicos / Applications of coarse spaces theory to Banach spaces and topological groups

Garcia, Denis de Assis Pinto 24 June 2019 (has links)
Este trabalho é uma contribuição ao estudo da geometria de larga escala de espaços de Banach e de grupos topológicos. Embora esses dois campos sejam tradicionalmente estudados de forma independente, em 2017, Christian Rosendal mostrou que eles podem ser encarados como faces distintas de algo maior: a geometria grosseira de grupos topológicos. Uma ferramenta essencial para o desenvolvimento dessa nova abordagem é a noção de estrutura coarse, introduzida por John Roe em 2003, a qual pode ser vista como a contraparte de larga escala do conceito de estrutura uniforme. Por essa razão, os capítulos iniciais da dissertação destinam-se a apresentar uma introdução elementar à teoria dos espaços uniformes e dos espaços coarse, destacando os conceitos-chave para a compreensão dos demais capítulos e conferindo particular atenção ao estudo de uniformidades e estruturas coarse associadas a grupos topológicos, dentre as quais são enfatizadas as estruturas uniforme à esquerda e coarse à esquerda de um grupo topológico. No capítulo 5, são discutidos resultados recentes de Christian Rosendal acerca da existência de mergulhos uniformes e mergulhos grosseiros entre espaços de Banach. Dois dos mais importantes afirmam que, se existir uma função f uniformemente contínua e não colapsada entre os espaços de Banach (X, ||·||_X) e (E, ||·||_E), então, para todo p em [1, + infty[, existirá um mergulho uniforme de (X, ||·||_X) em (l_p(E), ||·||_p) o qual é, também, um mergulho grosseiro, e que, se f for, também, limitada, existirá um mergulho grosseiro uniformemente contínuo de (X, ||·||_X) em (ExE, ||·||_(ExE)). Já no capítulo 6, estuda-se a classe das estruturas coarse invariantes à esquerda sobre grupos. Inicialmente, mostra-se como uma estrutura coarse invariante à esquerda em um grupo (G, · ) pode ser descrita em função de um certo ideal sobre G, e vice-versa. Em seguida, utiliza-se esse resultado para caracterizar a estrutura coarse à esquerda E_L de um grupo topológico (G, · , T) em termos da coleção dos conjuntos grosseiramente limitados em (G, E_L) e, com isso, provar que a estrutura coarse à esquerda associada ao grupo aditivo de um espaço normado coincide com a estrutura coarse limitada induzida pela norma. / This work is a contribution to the study of large-scale geometry of Banach spaces and topological groups. Although these two fields are traditionally studied independently, in 2017, Christian Rosendal showed they can be regarded as different aspects of a more general theory: the coarse geometry of topological groups. An essential tool for the development of this new approach is the notion of coarse structure, introduced by John Roe in 2003, which can be seen as the large-scale counterpart of the concept of uniform structure. For this reason, the initial chapters of this work intend to present an elementary introduction to both uniform and coarse spaces theory, highlighting the key concepts for the understanding of the other chapters and paying particular attention to the study of uniform and coarse structures associated with topological groups, and, mainly, to the left-uniform and the left-coarse structures of a topological group. In Chapter 5, we discuss Rosendal\'s recent results on the existence of uniform and coarse embeddings between Banach spaces. Two of the most important state that, if there is an uncollapsed uniformly continuous function f between the Banach spaces (X, ||·||_X) and (E, ||·||_E), then, for all p in [1, + infty[, (X, ||·||_X) admits a simultaneously uniform and coarse embedding into (l_p(E), ||·||_p), and that, if, in addition, we assume that f maps into a bounded set, then (X, ||·||_X) also admits a uniformly continuous coarse embedding into (ExE, ||·||_(ExE)). On the other hand, in chapter 6, we focus our attention on the class of left-invariant coarse structures on groups. In the first section, we show how a left-invariant coarse structure on a group (G, · ) can be described in terms of a certain ideal on G, and vice versa. After that, we use this result to characterize the left-coarse structure E_L of a topological group (G, · , T) in terms of the collection of the coarsely bounded sets of (G, E_L) and, with this, we prove that the left-coarse structure associated with the additive group of a normed space is simply the bounded coarse structure induced by its norm.

Quelques théorèmes ergodiques pour des suites de fonctions

Cyr, Jean-François 12 1900 (has links)
Le théorème ergodique de Birkhoff nous renseigne sur la convergence de suites de fonctions. Nous nous intéressons alors à étudier la convergence en moyenne et presque partout de ces suites, mais dans le cas où la suite est une suite strictement croissante de nombres entiers positifs. C’est alors que nous définirons les suites uniformes et étudierons la convergence presque partout pour ces suites. Nous regarderons également s’il existe certaines suites pour lesquelles la convergence n’a pas lieu. Nous présenterons alors un résultat dû en partie à Alexandra Bellow qui dit que de telles suites existent. Finalement, nous démontrerons une équivalence entre la notion de transformatiuon fortement mélangeante et la convergence d'une certaine suite qui utilise des “poids” qui satisfont certaines propriétés. / Birkhoff’s ergodic theorem gives us information about the convergence of sequences of functions. We are then interested in studying the mean and pointwise convergence of these sequences, but in the case the sequence is a strictly increasing sequence of positive integers. With that goal in mind, we will define uniform sequences and study the pointwise convergence for these sequences. We will also explore the possibility that there exists some sequences for which the convergence of the sequence does not occur. We will present a result of Alexandra Bellow that says that such sequences exist. Finally, we will prove a result which establishes an equivalence between the notion of a strongly mixing transformation and the convergence of a sequence that uses “weights” which satisfies certain properties.

Construction d'ensembles de points basée sur des récurrences linéaires dans un corps fini de caractéristique 2 pour la simulation Monte Carlo et l'intégration quasi-Monte Carlo

Panneton, François January 2004 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

O uniforme enquanto elemento de reforço da identidade das organizações: o caso da 1ª Corporação Feminina da Brigada Militar do RGS

Silva, Lívia Accioly Menezes da 23 July 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Maicon Juliano Schmidt (maicons) on 2015-06-15T18:28:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Lívia Accioly Menezes da Silva.pdf: 2843537 bytes, checksum: d89f0eff69dfb14e63b0fed8baec825f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-15T18:28:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Lívia Accioly Menezes da Silva.pdf: 2843537 bytes, checksum: d89f0eff69dfb14e63b0fed8baec825f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-07-23 / Nenhuma / No mundo empresarial, a moda pode ser vista como uma estratégia utilizada por instituições e organizações para a construção e valorização da sua imagem dentro da sociedade. Muitas vezes, parte dessa estratégia inclui o desenvolvimento de uniforme para seus funcionários, já que este identifica os indivíduos como pertencentes a uma determinada organização. Nesse contexto, esta dissertação de mestrado tem como objeto de estudo os uniformes da primeira corporação feminina da Brigada Militar do Estado Rio Grande do Sul, apresentados sob a ótica do sistema produto-serviço, conceito essencial ao Design Estratégico. Sistema produto-serviço pode ser considerado como estratégia, analisando-se a interação estabelecida entre o produto e as demais esferas que norteiam o projeto. Assim, busca-se identificar de que forma os uniformes da Brigada Militar Feminina relacionam-se com a organização enquanto elemento de reforço da sua identidade dentro de um sistema produto-serviço. Para a realização desta pesquisa, foi desenvolvido um estudo de caso, por meio de entrevistas em profundidade com dois distintos grupos. O primeiro inclui o ex-governador do Estado do RS (1983-1987) e o estilista Rui Spohr, e o segundo grupo é integrado por um Coronel e uma Major da corporação estudada. Foi realizada uma análise das entrevistas, em conjunto com o acervo do Museu da Comunicação e os jornais do Estado (Zero Hora e Correio do Povo) e também do próprio estilista. Como principais resultados, têm-se que o uniforme foi analisado a partir de três categorias: elementos visuais, comunicação e comportamento –, e estas podem ser consideradas como elementos fortalecedores da identidade da corporação. / In the business world, fashion can be seen as a strategy used by institutions, specially related to the construction and valorization of their image in society. Often part of this strategy includes the creation and development of clothing to be used by the employees. This clothing, also known by uniform, identifies the individuals as part of a particular organization. In this context, this dissertation aimed to study the creation of the first female corporation of the Military Brigade of Rio Grande do Sul State’s uniform, analyzed by the perspective of the product-service system, an essential concept of Strategic Design. Product-service system can be considered as strategic, that analyzes the interaction established between the product and the other spheres that guide the design project. Thus, the goal of this paper was to identify how the uniforms of the Female Military Brigade relate to the organization as a means of strengthening their identity within this product-service system. For the development of this research, a case study was fulfilled, through in-depth interviews with two groups, that includes the former Governor of RS (1983-1987) and the stylist Rui Spohr on the first group, and the Colonel and a Major of the studied corporation on the second one. An analysis of interviews was held in conjunction with the Museum of Communication, the main newspapers of the State (Zero Hora and Correio do Povo) and also the designer himself and the designer himself. The main results show that the uniform can be analyzed from three different categories – visual elements, communication and behavior –, and indeed can be considered as empowering elements of the identity of the corporation.

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