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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Localisation, reconstruction et mosaïque appliquées aux peintures sur cylindres généralisés à axe droit en vision monoculaire

Perret, Stéphane 03 September 1997 (has links)
Ces travaux concernent la localisation et la reconstruction de surfaces cylindriques sur lesquelles sont projetées ou plaquées des scènes que le capteur perçoit comme des images. Du fait d'une étude limitée à la vision monoculaire, l'utilisation de connaissances a priori est nécessaire. On se propose d'approfondir des méthodes intégrant des contours contenus dans l'image, qui sont supposés être des projections de sections de Cylindres Généralisés Homogènes à axe Droit (CGHD). Les résultats sont appliqués principalement au domaine des oeuvres d'art comme les peintures sur voutes ou les fresques sur colonnes. Compte tenu de la limitation du champ d'observation des capteurs, nous sommes aussi amenés à aborder le problème de mosaïque de surfaces. Dans un premier temps nous présentons un ensemble de définitions concernant le modèle d'une caméra et les surfaces cylindriques généralisées, nous développons les connaissances a priori utilisées et le contexte d'application reliant le traitement d'images et les oeuvres d'art. Nous décrivons alors des mèthodes de localisation de Cylindres Généralisés Uniformes à axe Droit (CGUD) dans le repère de la caméra. Nous présentons deux mèthodes de détection de la projection de l'axe d'un CGUD, puis nous décrivons comment obtenir un deuxième axe dans l'image. Nous interprétons alors la signification de ces deux axes. Nous décrivons ensuite une méthode de reconstruction 3D de CGUD pouvant être étendue aux CGHD de sections fermées circulaires ou elliptiques, ou de sections ouvertes paraboliques ou elliptiques. Dans un premier temps, nous démontrons que l'évolution des courbures des ellipses dans l'image, projections de sections du CGUD de sections circulaires, est fonction linéaire de l'altitude de la section dans l'espace 3D. Nous étendons ces travaux aux problèmes de mosaïques de surfaces cylindriques. Nous analysons les distorsions dues à la projection perspective sur le plan image d'une scène issue d'une surface cylindrique. Nous présentons aussi une estimation du nombre de vues d'un CGUD nécessaire pour obtenir une scène complète. Tout au long de ces travaux, des résultats issus d'images synthètiques ou de peintures illustrent les méthodes développées.

Entre a igualdade e a distinção = a trama social de uma grande empresa / Between equality and distinction : the social fabric of a large company embodied in the working unform

Farias, Rita de Cassia Pereira 15 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Heloisa Andre Pontes / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T05:39:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Farias_RitadeCassiaPereira_D.pdf: 14862274 bytes, checksum: b61bd368269386238fab9faf056d9729 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: A tese analisa os usos sociais e significados simbólicos presentes no uniforme de trabalho, adotado em uma grande siderúrgica, a Usiminas, sediada em Ipatinga (MG). Esse uniforme tem a particularidade de ser um dos maiores símbolos de prestígio na região, já que todos os funcionários o vestem, independentemente do nível hierárquico ou gênero (até mesmo o presidente da companhia o usa, sob a justificativa de se igualar a todos). Entretanto, a rígida hierarquia da empresa - herdada dos japoneses - aponta para diferenças (nos cargos, salários, diplomas e exercícios de poder). Assim, para apreender a eficácia simbólica do uniforme no contexto em que foi implantado e usado, a análise articula antropologia simbólica, cultura material e história social, recuperando o percurso histórico quanto à sua adoção nas fábricas brasileiras, bem como o contexto em que a Usiminas foi implantada, possibilitando consolidar uma elite local e hierarquizar as classes. No processo de disputas simbólicas no espaço urbano, o uniforme foi útil para moldar comportamentos e "civilizar" os operários. Entretanto, o controle que ele possibilita foi transformado em símbolo de status. Dentre as estratégias que favorecem essa transubstanciação simbólica, estão as performances do presidente como "um igual" e os rituais ricamente elaborados pela empresa. Em uma perspectiva relacional de gênero, a pesquisa aponta que a siderúrgica foi concebida como locus de homens. Apesar disso, a gradual participação feminina nesse espaço e o uso de um uniforme "masculinizado" - que a princípio visava o controle da sexualidade - conferiram novas oportunidades às mulheres que chegaram a ocupar postos de comando na hierarquia da empresa. Por acompanhar a dinâmica da sociedade, o significado do uniforme mudou ao longo das gerações, envolvendo um misto de prestígio, disputas e tensões. Perpassando diversas instâncias da sociedade local, os dados evidenciam que, mais que um material inerte destinado a proteger os trabalhadores, o uniforme materializa relações de gênero e de classe, possui uma vida social essencialmente dinâmica, "impregnada" de memórias, sonhos e conquistas, além de ser marcado por perseguições, demissões, medo e dor. / Abstract: The thesis examines the social uses and symbolic meanings which are present in the working uniform adopted by a large steel company, Usiminas, located in Ipatinga (MG). This uniform has the particularity of being one of the greatest symbols of prestige in the region, since all the employees wear it, regardless of hierarchy level or gender (even the president of the company wears it, under a discourse of equality). However, the rigid hierarchy of the company - inherited from the Japanese - points to differences (in position, salary, qualifications and exercise of power). Thus, to grasp the symbolic effectiveness of uniform, in the context in which it was implanted and used, this analysis articulates symbolic anthropology, material culture and social history, restoring the historical trajectory regarding its adoption in Brazilian factories, as well as the context in which Usiminas was constructed, allowing to consolidate the local elite and to rank the classes. In the process of symbolic disputes in urban areas, the uniform was useful to shape behaviors and "civilize" the workers. However, the control that it provides has been transformed into a status symbol. Among the strategies that favor the symbolic transubstantiation, there are the president's performances as "an equal" and the rituals which are richly drawn by the company. In a relational perspective of gender, the study reveals that the steel company was conceived as a locus of men. In spite of that, the progressive female participation in this space and the adoption of a "masculinized" uniform - which at first aimed to control the sexuality - have given new opportunities to women who have come to occupy positions of leadership in the company hierarchy. Following the dynamics of the society, the meaning of the uniform has changed over the generations, involving a mix of prestige, disputes and tensions. Bypassing various levels of the local society, the data show that, rather than an inert material to protect the workers, the uniform materializes gender and class relations, has an essentially dynamic social life, "impregnated" by memories, dreams and achievements, besides being marked by harassment, layoffs, fear and pain. / Doutorado / Doutor em Antropologia Social

L’ordre juridique communautaire ‘’ohada’’ et les enjeux d’integration du droit des affaires / The community legal "ohada" issues and integration of business law

Mikponhoue, Hervis Igor Cariol 01 April 2016 (has links)
Au lendemain de leur accession à l'indépendance dans les années 1960, les pays d'Afrique Francophone étaient dotés d'un système de droit privé étroitement dérivé de celui de l'ex-puissance coloniale. Pendant près de deux décennies, ces États ont fait évoluer séparément leurs législations conformément à l'expression de la souveraineté nationale même si la volonté d'unifier le droit en Afrique était matérialisée par des tentatives sous-régionales ayant peu abouti.Aujourd’hui, l’Organisation pour l’Harmonisation en Afrique du droit des Affaires(OHADA), créée depuis 1993 à Port-Louis œuvre pour une harmonisation du droit desaffaires en Afrique. Par l’adoption de ses divers actes uniformes, elle a su harmoniser voire uniformiser au plan communautaire les domaines essentiels du droit des affaires, notamment le droit commercial, le droit des sociétés et le droit des sûretés. Dans sa perspective d’intégration, elle envisage aussi d’énormes chantiers de codification afin d’étendre sa communauté à d’autres Etats encore réticents à une perte de leur souveraineté au profit d’une instance d’intégration et d’harmonisation du Droit des affaires.Dans la logique des objectifs poursuivis, nos premiers travaux de terrain ont porté sur l’ERSUMA étant donné qu’elle dispose d’une documentation très fournie sur l’OHADA, et que cette institution dont le rôle consiste à former les magistrats des divers Etats membres sur les textes communautaires, est ainsi le principal outil de vulgarisation des actes uniformes et des traités de l’organisation. Elle est donc l’une des instances les plus actives et les plusindispensables de l’OHADA.Retenons que cette perspective d’intégration de l’OHADA soulève encore d’énormesinterrogations relatives à la finalité des objectifs de l’Organisation, qui s’inscrit plus dans une perspective d’uniformisation que d’harmonisation comme le laisserait penser sa dénomination ; ajouté à l’épineuse question de la criminalisation des infractions en droit des affaires en Afrique et surtout à l’existence ou non d’un ordre juridique pour l’OHADA. Aussi, d’autres points importants, et diverses autres problématiques liées à l’intégration africaine du droit des affaires, ne présagent pas encore d’un avenir glorieux pour l’Organisation. / Following their accession to independence in the 1960s, the countries of Francophone Africa were equipped with a system of private law closely derived from that of the former colonial power. During about two decades, these States have separately evolved their legislation in accordance with the expression of national sovereignty even if the desire to unify law in Africa was marked by sub regional attempts little successful. Today, the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA), created 1993 since in Port Louis works for business law harmonization in Africa. With the adoption of its various uniform acts, it has managed to harmonize or standardize at community level the essential areas of business law, including business law, corporation law and reliability law. In its perspective of integration, it is also considering consolidation sites in order to expand its community in other States which still reluctant to a loss of sovereignty for the benefit of an instance of integration and harmonization of business law. Let us remember that this OHADA integration perspective still raises huge questions regarding the purpose of the Organization's objectives, which fits more in a perspective of standardization over harmonization as its name would suggest; added to this sensitive issue of offenses criminalization in Business Law in Africa. Also, other important points and various issues related to African integration, which do not portent a glorious future for the Organization.

Modelo prolab: Ecostyle, modelo de negocio sostenible basado en la producción de buzos escolares a base de tela PET reciclada

Gómez Quispe, Vanesa, Huambo López, Miriam Sofia, Pacheco Lasteros, Javier, Amache Arcondo, Madeleyne Sharon Geena 12 October 2023 (has links)
El presente trabajo busca contribuir con una solución viable ante el problema de la contaminación ambiental que es una de las preocupaciones más importantes a nivel mundial y que es originado por el irresponsable consumo de los recursos y la generación de materiales que no son biodegradables, lo que a su vez origina una alta contaminación en nuestro medio ambiente, alterando el hábitat para las diferentes especies y provocando su fututa extinción. Los desechos plásticos son uno de los más grandes desafíos del siglo XXI. Según los últimos análisis de la ONU se calcula que cada año se vierten en los océanos 8 millones de toneladas de plástico. En el 2025 los océanos tendrán una tonelada de plástico por cada tres peces y en 2050 habrá más plástico que peces. Es así como se crea Ecostyle que es una empresa enfocada en la conservación del medioambiente, cuya propuesta está dirigida al reciclaje de residuos plásticos Polietileno Tereftalato (PET) y su reutilización en la creación de prendas de buzos escolares conservando siempre la comodidad, calidad y durabilidad. Para lograr este objetivo se contará con personal calificado, capacitado y materia prima de calidad. El target estará dirigido a la confección de uniformes escolares para entidades educativas públicas, privadas y empresas alineadas a objetivos de responsabilidad social. El proyecto es un modelo socialmente sostenible, ya que se encuentra alineado con la ODS No12 Producción y consumo responsable y ODS No13 Acción por el clima, con un VAN de S/ 4,057,987 un TIR de 74%, WACC de 8,16% y VAN Social será de $970,408 para los próximos 5 años, y una rentabilidad social al primer año de $169,608. / The present work seeks to contribute to a viable solution to the problem of environmental pollution that is one of the most important concerns worldwide and that is caused by the irresponsible consumption of resources and the generation of materials that are not biodegradable, which in turn causes high pollution in our environment, altering the habitat for the different species and causing their future extinction. Plastic waste is one of the greatest challenges of the twenty-first century. According to the latest UN analysis, it is estimated that 8 million tons of plastic are dumped into the oceans every year. In 2025 the oceans will have one ton of plastic for every three fish and in 2050 there will be more plastic than fish. This is how Ecostyle was created, which is a company focused on the conservation of the environment, whose proposal is aimed at the recycling of plastic waste Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) and its reuse in the creation of school divers' garments, always preserving comfort, quality, and durability. To achieve this goal, there will be qualified, trained personnel and quality raw materials. The target will be aimed at making school uniforms for public and private educational entities and companies aligned with social responsibility objectives. The project is a socially sustainable model, since it is aligned with SDG No. 12 Responsible production and consumption and SDG No. 13 Climate action, with a NPV of S / 4,057,987 an IRR of 74%, WACC of 8.16% and Social NPV will be $970,408 for the next 5 years, and a social return to the first year of $169,608.

Méthodes numériques hybrides basées sur une approche Boltzmann sur réseau en vue de l'application aux maillages non-uniformes / Hybrid numerical methods based on the lattice Boltzmann approach with application to non-uniform grids

Horstmann, Tobias 12 October 2018 (has links)
Malgré l'efficacité informatique et la faible dissipation numérique de la méthode de Boltzmann sur réseau (LBM) classique reposant sur un algorithme de propagation-collision, cette méthode est limitée aux maillages cartésiens uniformes. L'adaptation de l'étape de discrétisation à différentes échelles de la mécanique des fluides est généralement réalisée par des schémas LBM à échelles multiples, dans lesquels le domaine de calcul est décomposé en plusieurs sous-domaines uniformes avec différentes résolutions spatiales et temporelles. Pour des raisons de connectivité, le facteur de résolution des sous-domaines adjacents doit être un multiple de deux, introduisant un changement abrupt des échelles spatio-temporelles aux interfaces. Cette spécificité peut déclencher des instabilités numériques et produire des sources de bruit parasite rendant l'exploitation de simulations à finalités aéroacoustiques impossible. Dans la présente thèse, nous avons d'abord élucidé le sujet du raffinement de maillage dans la LBM classique en soulignant les défis et les sources potentielles d'erreur. Par la suite, une méthode de Boltzmann sur réseau hybride (HLBM) est proposée, combinant l'algorithme de propagation-collision avec un algorithme de flux au sens eulérien obtenu à partir d'une discrétisation en volumes finis des équations de Boltzmann à vitesse discrète. La HLBM combine à la fois les avantages de la LBM classique et une flexibilité géométrique accrue. La HLBM permet d'utiliser des maillages cartésiens non-uniformes. La validation de la méthode hybride sur des cas tests 2D à finalité aéroacoustique montre qu'une telle approche constitue une alternative viable aux schémas Boltzmann sur réseau à échelles multiples, permettant de réaliser des raffinements locaux en H. Enfin, un couplage original, basé sur l'algorithme de propagation-collision et une formulation isotherme des équations de Navier-Stokes en volumes finis, est proposé. Une telle tentative présente l'avantage de réduire le nombre d'équations du solveur volumes finis tout en augmentant la stabilité numérique de celui-ci, en raison d'une condition CFL plus favorable. Les deux solveurs sont couplés dans l'espace des moments, où la solution macroscopique du solveur Navier-Stokes est injectée dans l'algorithme de propagation-collision à l'aide de la collision des moments centrés. La faisabilité d'un tel couplage est démontrée sur des cas tests 2D, et les résultas obtenus sont comparés avec la HLBM. / Despite the inherent efficiency and low dissipative behaviour of the standard lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) relying on a two step stream and collide algorithm, a major drawback of this approach is the restriction to uniform Cartesian grids. The adaptation of the discretization step to varying fluid dynamic scales is usually achieved by multi-scale lattice Boltzmann schemes, in which the computational domain is decomposed into multiple uniform subdomains with different spatial resolutions. For the sake of connectivity, the resolution factor of adjacent subdomains has to be a multiple of two, introducing an abrupt change of the space-time discretization step at the interface that is prone to trigger instabilites and generate spurious noise sources that contaminate the expected physical pressure signal. In the present PhD thesis, we first elucidate the subject of mesh refinement in the standard lattice Boltzmann method and point out challenges and potential sources of error. Subsequently, we propose a novel hybrid lattice Boltzmann method (HLBM) that combines the stream and collide algorithm with an Eulerian flux-balance algorithm that is obtained from a finite-volume discretization of the discrete velocity Boltzmann equations. The interest of a hybrid lattice Boltzmann method is the pairing of efficiency and low numerical dissipation with an increase in geometrical flexibility. The HLBM allows for non-uniform grids. In the scope of 2D periodic test cases, it is shown that such an approach constitutes a valuable alternative to multi-scale lattice Boltzmann schemes by allowing local mesh refinement of type H. The HLBM properly resolves aerodynamics and aeroacoustics in the interface regions. A further part of the presented work examines the coupling of the stream and collide algorithm with a finite-volume formulation of the isothermal Navier-Stokes equations. Such an attempt bears the advantages that the number of equations of the finite-volume solver is reduced. In addition, the stability is increased due to a more favorable CFL condition. A major difference to the pairing of two kinetic schemes is the coupling in moment space. Here, a novel technique is presented to inject the macroscopic solution of the Navier-Stokes solver into the stream and collide algorithm using a central moment collision. First results on 2D tests cases show that such an algorithm is stable and feasible. Numerical results are compared with those of the previous HLBM.

Moments method for random matrices with applications to wireless communication. / La méthode des moments pour les matrices aléatoires avec application à la communication sans fil

Masucci, Antonia Maria 29 November 2011 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, on étudie l'application de la méthode des moments pour les télécommunications. On analyse cette méthode et on montre son importance pour l'étude des matrices aléatoires. On utilise le cadre de probabilités libres pour analyser cette méthode. La notion de produit de convolution/déconvolution libre peut être utilisée pour prédire le spectre asymptotique de matrices aléatoires qui sont asymptotiquement libres. On montre que la méthode de moments est un outil puissant même pour calculer les moments/moments asymptotiques de matrices qui n'ont pas la propriété de liberté asymptotique. En particulier, on considère des matrices aléatoires gaussiennes de taille finie et des matrices de Vandermonde al ?eatoires. On développe en série entiére la distribution des valeurs propres de differents modèles, par exemple les distributions de Wishart non-centrale et aussi les distributions de Wishart avec des entrées corrélées de moyenne nulle. Le cadre d'inference pour les matrices des dimensions finies est suffisamment souple pour permettre des combinaisons de matrices aléatoires. Les résultats que nous présentons sont implémentés en code Matlab en générant des sous-ensembles, des permutations et des relations d'équivalence. On applique ce cadre à l'étude des réseaux cognitifs et des réseaux à forte mobilité. On analyse les moments de matrices de Vandermonde aléatoires avec des entrées sur le cercle unitaire. On utilise ces moments et les détecteurs à expansion polynomiale pour décrire des détecteurs à faible complexité du signal transmis par des utilisateurs mobiles à une station de base (ou avec deux stations de base) représentée par des réseaux linéaires uniformes. / In this thesis, we focus on the analysis of the moments method, showing its importance in the application of random matrices to wireless communication. This study is conducted in the free probability framework. The concept of free convolution/deconvolution can be used to predict the spectrum of sums or products of random matrices which are asymptotically free. In this framework, we show that the moments method is very appealing and powerful in order to derive the moments/asymptotic moments for cases when the property of asymptotic freeness does not hold. In particular, we focus on Gaussian random matrices with finite dimensions and structured matrices as Vandermonde matrices. We derive the explicit series expansion of the eigenvalue distribution of various models, as noncentral Wishart distributions, as well as correlated zero mean Wishart distributions. We describe an inference framework so flexible that it is possible to apply it for repeated combinations of random ma- trices. The results that we present are implemented generating subsets, permutations, and equivalence relations. We developped a Matlab routine code in order to perform convolution or deconvolution numerically in terms of a set of input moments. We apply this inference framework to the study of cognitive networks, as well as to the study of wireless networks with high mobility. We analyze the asymptotic moments of random Vandermonde matrices with entries on the unit circle. We use them and polynomial expansion detectors in order to design a low complexity linear MMSE decoder to recover the signal transmitted by mobile users to a base station or two base stations, represented by uniform linear arrays.

Análisis de sistemas radiantes sobre geometrías arbitrarias definidas por superficies paramétricas

Saiz Ipiña, Juan Antonio 01 December 1995 (has links)
En esta tesis se presenta un método para analizar antenas montadas sobre estructuras arbitrarias. La Optica Geométrica (GO) y la Teoría Uniforme de la difraccion (UTD), han sidoempleadas para analizar los efectos que la estructura produce sobre el diagrama de radiación de la antena emisora. Para la descripción geométrica de la estructura, han sido utilizados parches NURBS (Non Uniform Rational B-Spline), por lo que el método presentado, es compatible con la mayoría de los programas gráficos disponibles en el mercado.EL tratamiento de geometrías arbitrarias requiere un código eficiente en el análisis de tres dimensiones.Por otro lado, para obtener resultados satisfactorios, la descripción de la superficie de la estructura, debe ser muy próxima al modelo real, sin embargo, esto complica el tratamiento computacional. Aquí la estructura es modelada mediante un conjunto de parches NURBS, que unidos entre sí, describen el modelo completo. Esta descripción permite manipular superficies arbitrarias con un bajo numero de parches, lo que significa un volumen de información reducido.La descripción inicial por NURBS del modelo, es acompañada con información complemetaria como por ejemplo: la tipología de las superficies, las curvas frontera, el tipo de material, etc. Esto es imprescindible para la aplicación de criterios de selección dedicados a la aceleración del proceso.El método tras leer la descripción del modelo, descompone los parches NURBS en superficies racionales de Bezier. Un parche de Bezier es también una superficie paramétrica definida en términos de una combinación lineal de los polinomios de Bernstein.Las antenas son modeladas usando modelos numéricos simples basados en agrupaciones de dipolos infinitesimales eléctricos y magnéticos. Esta caracterización de la antena es muyventajosa ya que con un numero reducido de datos de entrada, la fuente queda definida para cualquier dirección del espacio y el valor del campo radiado puede ser calculado fácilmente.El análisis electromagnético de los efectos que contribuyen al campo dispersado por la geometría comienza con una selección rigurosa de la geometría iluminada desde la fuente.Unicamente los parches de Bezier iluminados serán almacenados por el ordenador durante el análisis. La filosofía de este proceso es descartar aquella parte de la geometría que no contribuye a los efectos de dispersión.El campo total calculado es la superposición de los siguientes efectos pertenecientes a la GO y a la UTD: campo directo procedente de la fuente, campo reflejado por los parches de Bezier, campo difractado por las aristas del modelo definidas como curvas de Bezier, ondas de superficie, dobles reflexiones, reflexione-difraccion y difraccion-reflexión. El método ha sido diseñado para analizar campo cercano y lejano. El mayor gasto computacional se debe a la búsqueda de los puntos de dispersión, por lo que antes de emplear los algoritmos de intersección es necesario aplicar un conjunto de criterios rápidos dependientes de la dirección de observación.El principio de Fermat en combinación con el Gradiente Conjugado (CGM) es usado para obtener de manera eficiente los puntos de dispersión sobre la estructura. Para cada efecto, laposible ocultación de la trayectoria completa del rayo es examinada, por ello, si el rayo corta alguno de los parches de Bezier su contribución será descartada. Los dobles efectos son tratados como una generalización de los simples efectos.El método desarrollado es eficiente ya que precisa de un numero reducido de superficies para modelar objetos complejos lo que se traduce en bajos requerimientos de memoria y reducidos tiempos de calculo. / In this thesis a method to analyze antennas on board of complex bodies is presented. The Geometrical Optics (GO) and Uniform Theory of Diffraction (UTD) have been used to analyze the effect of the structure in the radiation pattern of the antennas. The bodies are geometrically modelled by using NURBS (Non Uniform Rational B-Spline) surfaces. In addition to be accurate and efficient, the method is compatible with most of the modern CAGD (Computer Aided Geometric Design) available programs.The treatment of arbitrary geometries requires a code which can carry out an efficient 3D analysis. To obtain accurate results the description of the surface must be close to the real model, however this complicates the computational procedure. Here the structure is modeled by a collection of individual N.U.R.B.S. surface patches joined to form a complete description of the surface model. The NURBS description is able to manipulate free form surfaces with a low number of patches, and therefore, with a low amount of information. The initial description of the model by NURBS surfaces is accompanied with other complementary data for example : the topology of the surfaces, the boundary curves, the types of material and other inputs. It is very interesting to apply criteria to make the complete analysis faster.The method reads the NURBS description of the model and transforms the NURBS into the rational BEZIER surfaces. A rational BEZIER patch is also a parametric surface defined in terms of a linear combination of Bernstein polynomials.The antennas are modelled using simple numerical models based on arrays of electric and magnetic infinitesimal dipoles. This antenna modelization is very advantageous because with a little input data, the source is defined in any direction and the field value is readily accessible.The electromagnetic analysis of the contributive effects to the scattering field by the geometry, starts with the rigorous selection of the geometry illuminated from the source. Only the Bezier patches illuminated will be in memory of the computer during the analysis. The philosophy of this previous process is to discard in the process the part of the geometry which does not contribute to the scattering effects.The total field is the superposition of the following GO and UTD field components: direct field from the source, reflected fields from the Bezier patches of the model, diffracted fields from the arbitrary edges defined as a Bezier curves, creeping waves, double reflected field and diffracted-reflected and reflected-diffracted fields. The search of specular and diffraction points are the most CPU time consuming, thus before using the intersection algorithms it is necessary to apply a set of fast selection criteria which depend on the observation direction.The Fermat principle in conjunction with the Conjugate Gradient Method (CGM) is used for obtaining efficiently the reflection points and diffraction points on the structure. For each effect the complete ray path is examined to see whether or not it is interrupted by any Bezier patch of the model, in this case the field component is not computed. The double effects are treated using a generalization of the single effects algorithms. The method has been developed to analyze the near and far field cases for different frequencies.The developed method is quite efficient because it makes use of a small number of surfaces to model complex bodies, so it requires few memory and low computing time.

Aplicabilidade das normas de tratados internacionais no direito comercial: caso da Ohada no ordenamento jurídico guineense.

Valdez, Alassana January 2007 (has links)
Submitted by Edileide Reis (leyde-landy@hotmail.com) on 2013-04-11T17:02:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Alassana.pdf: 921475 bytes, checksum: 1a3200ff14f69c80d13422277df8a17b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Meirelles(rodrigomei@ufba.br) on 2013-05-09T17:22:19Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Alassana.pdf: 921475 bytes, checksum: 1a3200ff14f69c80d13422277df8a17b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-09T17:22:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Alassana.pdf: 921475 bytes, checksum: 1a3200ff14f69c80d13422277df8a17b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / O presente trabalho objetivou analisar a aplicabilidade das normas de tratados internacionais no direito comercial particularmente no caso do Tratado da OHADA na Guiné-Bissau do ponto de vista jurídico-constitucional e de direito internacional. Analisam-se na presente pesquisa os conflitos emergentes com a adesão da Guiné-Bissau a essa organização internacional não olvidando as teorias clássicas sobre o tema isto é as teorias monista e dualista. Neste caso enfatizou-se a problemática da supranacionalidade da OHADA a questão da aplicação direta e obrigatória dos seus atos normativos por parte dos Estados-Membros e na falta de normas constitucionais guineenses respeitantes à relação com as normas do direito internacional verificou-se quais as possíveis soluções oferecidas pela doutrina. Ademais procurou-se comparar os dois ordenamentos jurídicos com a finalidade de constatar as inovações introduzidas pelos atos normativos da OHADA considerando que não houve uma revogação total e global das normas comerciais vigentes. Tudo isso sem perder de vista a análise do seu ordenamento jurídico e suas características. Foi observado por outro lado que a Guiné-Bissau não somente carece de preceitos sobre o valor que as normas internacionais ocupam no seu direito interno, como também constatou-se que não admite a supranacionalidade, constituindo assim um verdadeiro obstáculo à integração política e supranacional visada pela OHADA. / Salvador

Sem uniforme não entra : o uniforme escolar na escola técnica federal de Santa Catarina (1962-1983) / "Without even not enter" school uniforms in the Federal Technical School of Santa Catarina (1962-1983)

Ribeiro, Ivanir 11 May 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T16:35:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ivanir Ribeiro.pdf: 2720499 bytes, checksum: 537f42d76b01856090eb6eeedd10826c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-05-11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The research that underpins this paper was developed with the aim to investigate on the use of the school uniform of the Federal Technical School of Santa Catarina - ETFSC between 1962-1983, in order to understand the purposes that justifying its adoption. The year 1962 is taken as a starting point, according to a set of structural changes that occurred in the institution, both in physical and didactic procedure. These changes have configured a new phase of professional education in the Santa Catharina s State, which moved toward the consolidation of a technical- scientific culture in the school, quite different from its institutional image of the beginning of the century, thought to caring for poor children. Just in this moment the school establishes a school uniform as well as adopted criteria considered very hard to ensure your everyday use. 1983 is the year in which case occurs the replacement of the uniform known as "mostardão", whose symbolic appeal marks the institution and its students. The period defined in this study also coincides with the period of military dictatorship in Brazil, time of great social movements and strong repression by the dictatorial government. In this context, one could not fail to establish some relations between the tensions experienced in the country and the institution of the school uniform in the ETFSC. The study of history cuts across the areas of education and sociology because we understand that is in the basis of the adoption and the transformation in the aesthetics of uniform, the educational concepts are included which show a close relationship to social changes. In order to construct the base of this analysis, we used several sources: educational legislation, minutes, reports of direction, bylaws, offices, institutional resolutions and photographs. The results of the study pointed out several issues. Firstly, the school uniform was introduced in ETFSC at a time when the institution was projected as a major trainer of skilled professionals to meet needs of expanding industries in the country. So, ETFSC sought greater visibility in society of Florianopolis city and Santa Catharina state. Along with this, trying to discipline the students in order to assimilate a new institutional aesthetic. As for the different models according to the course attended, indicated its close relationship with the curriculum and prevailing concepts in professional education, which revealed the demarcation of social stratification and social positions. In summary, the study showed that school uniforms can express different meanings. We seek only to point out some possibilities of understanding this object constituting the school culture - the uniform - other readings can be made. It is hoped that this research raises questions that allow a deeper understanding of the meanings attributed to school uniforms / A pesquisa que está na base deste texto foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de investigar acerca do uso do uniforme escolar da Escola Técnica Federal de Santa Catarina ETFSC, entre 1962-1983, procurando compreender finalidades que justificaram sua adoção. O ano de 1962 é tomado como marco inicial, em função de um conjunto de mudanças estruturais que ocorreram na instituição, tanto físicas quanto didático-pedagógicas. Tais mudanças configuraram uma nova fase da educação profissional no Estado, a qual se encaminhava para a consolidação de uma cultura escolar técnico-científica, bem diferente de sua imagem institucional do início do século, voltada ao atendimento de crianças pobres. É nesse momento que essa escola institui o uniforme escolar, além de adotar critérios considerados bastante rígidos para garantir seu uso cotidiano. 1983 é o ano no qual acontece a substituição do uniforme conhecido por mostardão , cujo apelo simbólico marca a instituição e seus discentes. O período delimitado nessa pesquisa coincide também com o período da ditadura militar no Brasil, momento esse de grandes mobilizações sociais e de forte repressão por parte do governo ditatorial. Neste cenário, não se poderia deixar de estabelecer algumas relações entre as tensões vivenciadas no país e a instituição do uniforme escolar da ETFSC. O estudo transversaliza as áreas da história da educação e da sociologia por compreendermos que na base da adoção e transformação na estética do uniforme estão inscritas concepções educacionais as quais apresentam estreita relação com as transformações sociais. Para construção da base de análise utilizou-se fontes diversas: legislação educacional, atas, relatórios da direção, regimentos internos, ofícios, resoluções institucionais e fotografias. Os resultados do trabalho apontaram várias questões. Em primeiro lugar, que o uniforme escolar foi instituído na ETFSC em um momento em que a instituição se projetava como importante formadora de profissionais qualificados para suprir necessidades das indústrias em expansão no país. Assim, ela buscava maior visibilidade na sociedade catarinense e florianopolitana. Juntamente com isso, procurava disciplinar os alunos de modo a assimilarem uma nova estética institucional. Quanto às diferenças de modelos de acordo com o curso frequentado, indicaram sua estreita relação com o currículo e as concepções vigentes na educação profissional, as quais revelavam a estratificação social e a demarcação de posições sociais. Em síntese, o estudo mostrou que os uniformes escolares podem expressar diversos sentidos. Procuramos apontar apenas algumas possibilidades de compreensão desse objeto constitutivo da cultura escolar o uniforme , outras leituras podem ser feitas. Espera-se que essa pesquisa suscite questionamentos que permitam aprofundar a compreensão dos sentidos atribuídos aos uniformes escolares


PAULO IVSON NETTO SANTOS 14 September 2017 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver uma solução completa para o traçado de raios de cenas dinâmicas utilizando a GPU. Para que este algoritmo atinja desempenho interativo, é necessário utilizar uma estrutura espacial para reduzir os testes de interseção entre raios e triângulos da cena. Observa-se que, quando há movimento na cena, é necessário atualizar esta estrutura de aceleração, seja alterando-a parcialmente ou reconstruindo-a inteiramente. Adotamos a segunda estratégia por ser capaz de tratar o caso geral de movimento não-estruturado. Como a construção da estrutura deve ser feita da forma mais eficiente possível, escolhemos utilizar uma Grade Uniforme como foco de nossa pesquisa. Suas vantagens incluem um algoritmo de construção simples e um percurso de raios eficiente. Para explorar o poder de processamento em paralelo de uma GPU, é necessário manter os dados da cena e da estrutura de aceleração dentro da placa gráfica, evitando transferências custosas de memória entre a GPU e a CPU. Propomos neste trabalho uma técnica para construir uma grade uniforme inteiramente na GPU. Usando nosso método, é possível reconstruir toda a estrutura em poucos milissegundos, enquanto mantém-se a alta qualidade da grade obtida. Além disso, propomos uma implementaçoes do algoritmo de traçado de raios de forma a aproveitar o processamento em paralelo da GPU. Nosso procedimento é implementado inteiramente dentro da placa gráfica, onde há acesso direto para os dados dos triângulos da cena, bem como as informações da grade uniforme construída. Utilizando a solução proposta, somos capazes de obter taxas de visualização interativas mesmo para cenas com movimentos não-estruturados, incluindo texturas, sombras e até mesmo reflexões. / [en] We present a technique for ray tracing dynamic scenes using the GPU. In order to achieve interactive rendering rates, it is necessary to use a spatial structure to reduce the number of ray-triangle intersections performed. Whenever there is movement in the scene, this structure is entirely rebuilt. This way, it is possible to handle general unstructured motion. For this purpose, we have developed an algorithm for reconstructing Uniform Grids entirely inside the graphics hardware. In addition, we present ray-traversal and shading algorithms fully implemented on the GPU, including textures, shadows and reections. Combining these techniques, we demonstrate interactive ray tracing performance for dynamic scenes, even with unstructured motion and advanced shading effects.

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