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Fackligt oarganiserade arbetares förhållningssätt till fackët och fackligt medlemskap : En kvalitativ studie om erfarenheter och handlingsmotivStrömvall, Catrin, Jens, Andersson January 2014 (has links)
The union organization rate has continuously diminished since the mid 90's. The aim of this essay is to investigate non-members approach to the union. Central questions are what personal experiences the respondents have of the union and how they view the union as a phenomenon. According to previous research the main cause of the great decline in membership to LO are the increased membership fees to the union and the unemployment insurance funds (UIF) in 2007. The increased fee led to a greater accumulated cost for those who were both union- and UIF -members, which had a negative effect on the membership numbers for the union. This study is based on qualitative interviews with three persons working within the agreement area of IF Metall and three persons within the agreement area of Kommunal. To interpret our empirical material we use Max Weber´s theory of social action. The study shows that the membership fee is an important factor for the decision to stay out of the union but even more important is the lack of personal benefits that union membership is associated with. Generally the interviewees think that the union, to increase the personal benefits, should be more present in the working place and that they should work more intensively to improve the work environment, workplace safety and job security. The union is not considered to offer personal safety to the extent they ought to. The protection that is requested stretch from qualified support in labour law negotiations to a secure and steady income in case of unemployment or sickness. / Den fackliga organisationsgraden har kontinuerligt minskat sedan mitten av 1990-talet. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka fackligt oorganiserades förhållningssätt till facket. Centrala frågor är vilka personliga erfarenheter respondenterna har av facket samt vilken syn de har på facket som fenomen. Enligt tidigare forskning är de höjda egenavgifterna till a-kassorna och de stigande medlemsavgifterna till fackförbunden kring 2007 den främsta orsaken till medlemsraset inom LO. De ökade avgifterna ledde till en ökad ackumulerad kostnad för de som både var fack- och a-kassemedlemmar, vilket påverkade medlemsantalet negativt för facket. Denna studie baseras på kvalitativa intervjuer med tre fackligt oorganiserade personer inom IF Metalls avtalsområde och tre inom Kommunals. I tolkningen av det empiriska materialet använder vi oss av Max Webers teori om sociala handlingstyper. Vår studie visar att medlemskostnaden spelar en viktig roll i beslutet att avstå medlemskap men att den upplevda personliga nyttan med medlemskap är ännu mer avgörande. Intervjupersonerna anser generellt att facket, för att öka den personliga nyttan, skulle behöva vara mer närvarande ute på arbetsplatserna och ta mer kamp för en förbättrad fysisk och psykosocial arbetsmiljö och anställningstrygghet. Facket anses inte heller i tillräcklig grad ge det personliga skydd som det borde till medlemmarna. Skyddet de efterfrågar kan handla om allt från ett kvalificerat stöd i arbetsrättsliga förhandlingar till en tryggad inkomst vid arbetslöshet och sjukdom.
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Problemas e perspectivas da integração na União Europeia = um olhar sobre os progrssos de alargamento / Problems and perspectives of the integration in the European Union : a glance over the enlargement processesOliveira, Denise Lícia Boni de 17 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Shiguenoli Miyamoto / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-17T14:16:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar uma visão da União Europeia, através dos processos de alargamento, para observar as possíveis perspectivas futuras a que o bloco pode optar. A União Européia é um processo de integração regional sem um projeto específico, sem um fim conhecido, ainda em constante construção. Observá-la a partir dos processos de alargamento traz uma dimensão mais dinâmica às alterações sofridas pelo bloco ao longo do tempo e apresenta duas opções como perspectivas de futuro: o aprofundamento da integração - com a delimitação de novas competências para a União e a conseqüente oposição que isso suscita nos Estados-membros - e o alargamento, que ao permitir a entrada de novos Estados acrescenta o debate sobre até onde devem ir as fronteiras do bloco. Esta dissertação está organizada em quatro capítulos. O primeiro apresenta a UE, suas características e um pouco de sua história, importante para entender as motivações do processo. O segundo faz uma abordagem sobre as etapas do crescimento da integração na Europa, os novos Tratados introduzidos e os alargamentos, que transformaram a CECA do pós-guerra e a CEE da Guerra Fria na UE dos dias de hoje. O terceiro capítulo trata dos principais problemas que envolvem o processo. Alguns deles existem desde os primeiros passos da integração, não tendo sido solucionados com as constantes reformulações do bloco. Outros são fruto de fatores do contexto internacional dos dias atuais, como o neoliberalismo e o final da Guerra Fria. Encerramos com um quarto capítulo que faz a discussão sobre os futuros possíveis a que a UE pode perseguir, decidindo entre aprofundar a integração ou ampliar o número de Estados participantes. E, na conclusão, temos o entendimento permitido a partir da observação do desenvolvimento da integração, de seus problemas e das possíveis soluções e caminhos a seguir / Abstract: This work has in its objectives to present a view of the European Union, through the enlargement processes, to observe the possible future perspectives that the EU can choose. The European Union is an integration process without a specific project, without a known end and in incessant construction. To observe it from the enlargement processes brings a more dynamic dimension to the modifications took by the european process as the passing of the time and presents two options as perspectives of future: the deepening of the integration - determining new competences to the Union and the sequent opposition that it brings to the member States - and the enlargement, when the permission of the access of new members increases the debate on where should end the European Union's frontiers. This dissertation is organized in four chapters. The first one presents the UE, its characteristics and a bit of its history, very important to understand the motivations of this process. The second makes an approach on the european integration growing fases, the new Treaties introduced and the enlargement processes, that turned the ECSC from the post-war period and the EEC from the Cold War period in the current EU. The third chapter discuss mabout the problems the EU is involved. Some of them came since the first steps of the integration, unsolved even with the constant reforms of the EU. Other problems are results of factors of the international context of the current days, such as the neoliberalism and the Cold War. Ending the dissertation we have a forth chapter that debate about the possiblefutures the EU can choose, the deepening or the enlargement. End in the conclusion, we have the understanding arrived from the observation of the EU's development, its problems and the possible solutions and paths to follow / Mestrado / Relações Internacionais / Mestre em Ciência Política
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Jurisprudential criteria of the Supreme Court about the dismissal null / Criterios jurisprudenciales de la Corte Suprema sobre el despido nuloToyama Miyagusuku, Jorge, Neyra Salazar, Carole Ivonne 12 April 2018 (has links)
In this article, the authors explain some notions about job security and some general aspects of the nullity of the dismissal (proof of the dismissal null and its causes). Also, they explain the judicial criteria on the nullity of dismissal that have been issued through cassation rulings by the Supreme Court. Among these criteria are union membership or participation in union activities, filing a complaint or participation in processes against the employer, discrimination, and pregnancy. / En el presente artículo, los autores explican algunas nociones acerca de la estabilidad laboral y algunos aspectos generales de la nulidad del despido (la prueba del despido nulo y sus causales). Asimismo, posteriormente explican los criterios jurisprudenciales sobre la nulidad del despido que han sido emitidos a través de sentencias de casación por la Corte Suprema. Dentro de estos criterios se encuentran la afiliación a un sindicato o la participación en actividades sindicales, la presentación de una queja o la participación en un proceso contra el empleador, la discriminación, y el embarazo.
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Les déterminants de l’adhésion syndicale : le cas de l’industrie de la construction au QuébecGuay-Glaude, Jean-Philippe 05 1900 (has links)
Résumé :
Le mouvement syndical au cours des dernières années est en déclin, notamment au Québec. Plus précisément, le taux de présence syndicale était de 40,3% et il est descendu à 39.1% en 2020 (INSPQ, 2020). Mais pourquoi donc ?
Plusieurs recherches ont abordé cette question en soulevant que les causes du déclin du syndicalisme sont principalement externes aux organisations syndicales (ex. : montée des valeurs individualistes) et d’autres évoquent des causes plutôt internes aux organisations syndicales (ex. : structures syndicales complexes).
Toutefois, dans un contexte où les travailleurs ont l’obligation de choisir un syndicat, quels seront les facteurs qui influenceront l’adhésion syndicale de ces travailleurs ? Cette recherche tente de répondre à cette question avec le cas de l’industrie de la construction au Québec. Dans cette industrie, les travailleurs, dès leur entrée, doivent adhérer à une des cinq organisations syndicales reconnues, et ce, indépendamment des choix des autres travailleurs de son métier ou de l’entreprise pour laquelle ils travaillent. Il pourra revisiter son choix lors d’un scrutin syndical qui a lieu tous les quatre (4) ans.
Pour répondre à notre question de recherche, nous présentons une revue de littérature riche sur l’adhésion syndicale ; le maraudage syndical ; l’engagement syndical ; et les facteurs explicatifs de l’adhésion syndicale. Nous consacrons notre deuxième chapitre complet à l’industrie de la construction pour bien comprendre les différents aspects de cette industrie qui ont une influence sur les facteurs d’adhésion syndicale des travailleurs. Nous présentons au chapitre trois, notre modèle concept et notre méthodologie de recherche appuyés par notre revue de littérature du premier chapitre. Avec les données statistiques que nous avons obtenues de la Commission de la Construction du Québec (CCQ), nous présentons au quatrième chapitre les résultats des maraudages de 2012, 2016 et 2020. Lors du cinquième et dernier chapitre, nous traitons des résultats obtenus au précédent chapitre, des hypothèses que nous avons émises, des limites de notre recherche et ainsi que des pistes de réflexion futures. / The union movement has been in decline in the recent years, particularly in Quebec. More precisely, the union presence rate was 40.3% and it went down to 39.1% in 2020 (INSPQ, 2020). But why?
Several studies have addressed this question by pointing out that the causes of the unionism’s decline are mainly external to union organizations (e.g., the rise of individualistic values), while others point to causes that are more internal to union organizations (e.g., complex union structures).
However, in a context where workers are obliged to choose a union, what factors will influence union membership among these workers? This research attempts to answer this question with the case of the construction industry in Quebec. As soon as the workers enter this industry, they must join one of the five recognized union organizations, regardless of the choices made by other workers in their trade or the company they work for. They can revisit their choice during a union vote that takes place every four (4) years.
To answer our research question, we present a rich review of the literature on union membership; union raiding; union involvement; and factors that explain union membership. We devote our second full chapter to the construction industry to fully understand the different aspects of this industry that influence the factors of union membership among workers. In chapter three we present our conceptual model and research methodology supported by our literature review in chapter one. With the statistical data we obtained from the Commission de la Construction du Québec (CCQ), we present in the fourth chapter the results of the 2012, 2016 and 2020 union raids. In the fifth and last chapter, we discuss the results obtained in the previous chapter, the hypotheses we have put forward, the limits of our research and future avenues of reflection.
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Impact of EU enlargement on EU-China tradeTan, Bo January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration
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Public Service Labour Relations: Centralised Collective Bargaining and Social dialogue in the Public Service of South Africa(1997 to 2007)Clarke, Arthur Russel January 2007 (has links)
Magister Administrationis - MAdmin / Through South African labour legislation, bargaining councils are empowered to conclude collective agreements between employers and trade unions. While bargaining councils were created for virtually every sector within the South African private sector, only one bargaining council exists for the public sector. This public sector bargaining council is known
as the Public Service Co-ordinating Bargaining Council (PSCBC). The PCSBC subsequently established four sectoral councils to further collectively bargain on matters pertaining to sectoral issues relevant to the sector it represents. However, the PSCBC remains the apex of these four
public service sectoral bargaining councils. This thesis focuses on how the Public Service Co-ordinating Bargaining Council (PSCBC) contributes to social dialogue within South African public service. This thesis seeks to fill a significant literature gap on collective bargaining as accomplished by the PSCBC. The thesis briefly examines the history of collective bargaining in the South African public service. The
research methodology utilised includes information gleaned from annual reports published by the PSCBC. Interviews of selected stakeholders such as government officials and labour organisations involved in the PSCBC were conducted. The PSCBC objectives are identified and analysed against the performance of the PSCBC for the period 1997 to 2007. The
relevant PSCBC role players are identified. The power realities between these role players are reflected. The criteria for remaining a party to these PSCBC will be explained. The thesis holds that historically an adversarial relationship existed
between the state as employer and the recognised trade unions. The establishment of the PSCBC created the opportunity for the historical adversaries between an employer and trade union to be converted into social dialogue interactions, which are commonly believed to be a better
approach in resolving their differences. / South Africa
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Hemleverans, på vilka villkor? : En sociologisk intervjustudie om hur det fackliga arbetet påverkas i förhållande till gig-ekonomins framväxtPaulander, Erica, Petersson, Sara January 2021 (has links)
Med huvudsakligt fokus på budföretaget Foodora och de otrygga arbetsförhållanden som växer fram i samband med gig-ekonomins utbredning har denna studie som syfte att bilda en djupare förståelse för hur det fackliga arbetet påverkas, samt vilka huvudsakliga utmaningar som finns med att höja den fackliga organisationsgraden inom företaget Foodora. Det teoretiska ramverk som använts genom studien utgörs av Guy Standings teori om prekariatet. Standing framhåller hur prekariatet är en klass i vardande som idag växer fram till följd av de otrygga förhållanden denna grupp tvingas förhålla sig till. För att besvara studiens syfte har en kvalitativ metod använts där semistrukturerade intervjuer med fackligt anställda på Svenska Transportarbetarförbundet utgjort vårt empiriska material. Vår slutsats visar hur det fackliga arbetet påverkas negativt av hur de potentiella medlemmarna befinner sig i otrygga arbetsförhållanden och därför upplever det som riskfyllt att engagera sig fackligt. Vi identifierade främst hur en avsaknad av anställning-, inkomst- och representationstrygghet hos buden orsakade svårigheter för Transport med att organisera gruppen. Vi kunde även identifiera att det främst är migranter som anställs inom Foodora, där både den typ av dubbla otrygghet individen befinner sig i, samt kulturella skillnader och språkliga barriärer var försvårande i arbetet med att organisera gruppen fackligt. / With the main focus on the company Foodora and the precarious working conditions that emerge in connection with the gig economy, this study aims to gain a deeper understanding of how union work is affected and which primary challenges there are in reaching a higher level of trade union organization within the company Foodora. The theoretical framework used in the study is based on Guy Standing’s theory concerning the precariat. Standing emphasizes how the precariat is a becoming class whose growth is caused by the precarious work conditions that this group is forced to adhere to. The basis for gathering our empirical material has been a qualitative method with semi structured interviews with employees organized within the Transport union. Our results show that there is a negative attitude towards engaging in organized unions among the potential members since they perceive it as a risk, which then has a negative effect on the work of the union. We identified that the lack of insecurity with employment, insecurity with salary and lack of representation caused problems when trying to organize members in the trade union. We could also identify that those who are mainly employed at Foodora are immigrants, who are affected by insecurity based on various interplaying factors. Caused by the lack of civil rights as well as the lack of work-related safety. The cultural and linguistic barriers, in combination with the insecurity within the group caused obstacles when trying to organize members in the trade union.
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From Negotiations to Reality : A qualitative analysis of the European Union’s assessment onTürkiye’s association processEnç, Damlanur January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this Thesis is to analyse Türkiye’s progress and setbacks withinits association process and quest for EU membership. By examining Chapter23 in annual reports released by the European Commission for the years2013, 2018 and 2023, the role of the EU as a democracy promoter isdiscussed and questioned. In order to do this, this Thesis basis it’s theoreticalframework around Samuel Huntington’s (1991) theory of democratisation,which is applied and questioned. This Thesis uses a qualitative methoddesign to comprehensively analyse how the European Union (Commission)perceives Türkiye’s progress, and to be able to answer if over the last tenyears even any progress is made.
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