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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experiencing Workplace Inclusion: Critical Incidents that Create a Sense of Inclusion for Professional Staff in Higher Education

Lampley, Katherine Penn 25 March 2023 (has links)
No description available.


GABRIEL GOMES FIGUEIREDO 26 September 2023 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação de mestrado aborda um estudo aprofundado do artigo [2]. No Capítulo 2, são introduzidas as definições e conceitos fundamentais necessários para a análise teórica subsequente. Uma proposição é demonstrada, estabelecendo a existência de uma expansão de Taylor para funções em um determinado espaço, enfatizando o papel do expoente de Escauriaza. O capítulo continua apresentando dois lemas que relacionam subsoluções e supersoluções em termos de viscosidade e propriedades de normas. A primeira versão do lema considera a relação entre a dimensão do espaço e a norma, enquanto a segunda versão utiliza o expoente de Escauriaza para obter resultados mais refinados. Também são apresentados dois resultados que explicam a relação entre diferentes noções de soluções viscosas e sua conexão com os espaços de Sobolev. As propriedades dos operadores de Pucci são discutidas como conclusão deste capítulo. No Capítulo 3, a dissertação estabelece a definição da geometria da fronteira do domínio em questão. Em seguida, um importante lema é demonstrado, estabelecendo a existência de soluções fortes em um determinado espaço, explorando a regularidade das funções envolvidas com base nesse lema. Os conceitos de super-diferenciabilidade e sub-diferenciabilidade são introduzidos, desempenhando um papel crucial na compreensão do comportamento das soluções viscosas e suas relações com derivadas de ordem superior. Um resultado geral que amplia essas definições é apresentado. Duas versões em que a função u é duas vezes super-diferenciável são discutidas, considerando o espaço Ld e posteriormente o espaço Lp , de modo que p menor que d. A dissertação prossegue demonstrando a relação entre sub-solução Lp-viscosidade e sub-solução Lp-forte quando u pertence a um espaço específico. Em seguida, é mostrado que os limites uniformes de soluções também são soluções. Por fim, é apresentado o resultado principal da dissertação, demonstrando a unicidade das soluções fortes. / [en] This master s thesis delves into an in-depth study of the article [2]. Chapter2 begins by introducing fundamental definitions and concepts essential forthe subsequent theoretical analysis. A proposition is then demonstrated,establishing the existence of a Taylor expansion for functions in a givenspace, emphasizing the role of the Escauriaza exponent.The chapter proceeds to present two lemmas that relate subsolutions andsupersolutions in terms of viscosity and properties of norms. The firstversion of the lemma considers the relationship between the dimension ofspace and the norm, while the second version uses the Escauriaza exponentto obtain more refined results. Two results are shown to explain that explainthe relationship between different notions of viscous solutions and theirconnection with Sobolev spaces.The properties of the Pucci operators are discussed at the conclusion of thischapter. Chapter 3 begins by establishing the definition of the boundarygeometry of the domain in question. An important lemma is demonstrated,which establishes the existence of strong solutions in a given space andexplores the regularity of the functions involved based on this lemma.The concepts of superdifferentiability and subdifferentiability areintroduced, playing a crucial role in understanding the behavior of viscoussolutions and their relationships with higher order derivatives. A generalresult that extends these definitions is presented. The dissertation discussestwo versions wherein the function u is twice super-differentiable, consideringthe space Ld and later the space Lp, so that p less than d.The dissertation goes on to demonstrate the relationship between Lp-viscosity sub-solution and Lp-strong sub-solution when u belongs to aspecific space. Next, it is shown that the uniform limits of solutions arealso solutions. Finally, the main result of the dissertation is presented,demonstrating the uniqueness of strong solutions.

Design of a Hardware Security PUF Immune to Machine Learning Attacks

Pundir, Nitin K., Pundir January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Johannese perspektiewe oor inklusiwiteit en eksklusiwiteit van verlossing / Johannine perspectives on inclusivity and exclusivity of salvation

Rousseau, Pieter Abraham 06 1900 (has links)
Die Johannese geskrifte (Evangelie en Briewe) word veralgemenend binne die Christendom gelees en die uniekheidsbeklemtoninge ten opsigte van Jesus as enige Verlosser word ook so verstaan. Hierdie hoofsaaklik sosiaal-wetenskaplike ondersoek was gefokus op Johannes se aansprake ten opsigte van Jesus en is gedoen om bewus te maak van die sosiaal-kulturele onderbou van die geskrifte. As sodanig is dit bedoe! om heuristies in te werk ten einde bestaande hermeneuse beter te dien sodat die boodskap van die Nuwe Testament effektiewer oorgedra kan word. Dit is ook gepoog om bevindinge uit die studie deur te trek na die gesekulariseerde samelewing en pluralistiese religieuse standpunt wat te Iande bestaan. Die teksgedeeltes wat eksegeties ondersoek is, bevat die aspekte van aanvaarding of verwerping van Jesus as die unieke Godsagent wat ewige /ewe meedeel. Dit het geblyk dat die begrip in Johannes nie net op oneindigheid in die hiemamaals dui nie, maar veral op kwaliteit in die hede. Johannes se postulaat is dat Jesus konstant hierdie lewe meedeel aan hulle wat in Hom glo. Die vraag na relevansie van 'n religie uit Judaistiese oorsprong in 'n AfroWesterse samelewing en kultuur is vanuit die aspekte van kulturele relatiwisme en relatiwiteit hanteer. Dit word aanvaar dat die ingrype van God deur Jesus Christus binne die Israelitiese volksmilieu en Mediterreense kultuur plaasgevind het, maar dat dit wat Johannes aan sy lesers herbevestig het, vir aile mense relevant is. Jesus is die unieke Godsagent wat ewige lewe meedeel, wat, as sodanig, nie menslike sterflikheid negeer nie, maar dit transendeer. / The social-scientific research for this treatise concentrated on John's assertion of Jesus' uniqueness. The selected Scripture portions for exegesis contain the aspects of receiving or rejecting Him as God's Agent who bestows eternal life. Eternal lifo in John does not so much denote never ending life, but rather excellent quality of life in the present. The relevancy of a religion from a Judaistic origin in an Afro-Western cultural society was treated on the aspects of cultural relativism and cultural relativity. The conclusion accedes to the fact that God's interaction with man in the person of Jesus Christ took place within an Israelite national milieu and Mediterranean culture, but what John reasserted is relevant for all time- the life that Jesus bestows does not negate mortality, but transcends it. / New Testament / M. Th. (Nuwe Testament)

以諾貝爾物理學獎得主著作為例比較商業資料庫與開放取用系統之研究 / A Webometric Study on Comparing Commercial Databases and Open Access Systems: The Nobel Laureates in Physics

吳岱欒, Wu, Tai Luan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以2001年至2013年諾貝爾物理學獎得主之著作為研究樣本,比較八個商業資料庫(Scopus和Web of Science)與開放取用系統(搜尋引擎:Google Scholar、Microsoft Academic;匯集式機構典藏系統:OpenDOAR、OAIster;學科性開放取用系統:arXiv.org和Astrophysics Data System),於物理學文獻收錄之正確性、完整性、重複性(包含內部重複與外部重複性)和獨特性,並評析各資料庫與系統之檢索功能、資料呈現等面向。期望能對圖書館資料庫選購以及使用者檢索資料庫與系統提供建議,並為各資料庫與系統之未來發展提出建議。 研究結果顯示:(一)諾貝爾物理學獎得主之個人著作揭露情形尚未普遍;(二)商業資料庫檢索功能較為多元,搜尋引擎容錯機制較強;(三)開放取用系統Astrophysics Data System和Microsoft Academic改版上線後,檢索功能Google化,重視全文鏈結、圖像化資訊呈現與語意網連結資訊;(四)各資料庫與系統普遍出現書目著錄格式不統一之問題,影響書目品質與檢索效率;(五)一般而言搜尋引擎資料完整性高於商業資料庫,商業資料庫高於機構典藏系統,但學科性開放取用系統Astrophysics Data System之資料收錄完整性僅低於Google Scholar;(六) arXiv內部重複性最低,Google Scholar和OpenDOAR內部重複性最高;(七)開放取用系統彼此重複性高,且與搜尋引擎Google Scholar和Astrophysics Data System重複性達100%。由於各資料庫與系統之收錄範圍各不相同,不同資料庫與系統亦提供不同的功能,使用者應依個人資訊需求與目的選擇資料庫與系統使用,如欲檢索物理學文獻,使用搜尋引擎與開放取用系統Astrophysics Data System可獲得較完整之文獻:若使用者欲取得引文分析之相關資訊,則以選擇商業資料庫Scopus和Web of Science為佳,亦可選擇Astrophysics Data System。 / In this study, scholarly communication system of commercial services and open access will be examined through comprehensiveness, overlap and database variation of coverage via field operations of commercial citation index databases (Web of Science and Scopus) and open access citation system (search engine: Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic; disciplinary of physics: arXiv.org and Astrophysics Data System; prestigious institutional repository: OAIster and OpenDOAR). Retrievals will be conducted in the two commercial databases, two search engines, and four open access systems stated above to analyze and compare their retrieval interfaces, and evaluations of each system will be made as well according to presentation and output of retrieval results. Noble laureates in physics sciences from 2001 to 2013 are selected as samples in this study. Records of their publications over time will be retrieved and downloaded from each system, and a computer program will be developed to perform the analytical tasks of sorting, comparison, elimination, aggregation and statistics. Bibliographic records retrieved from the two databases and six systems will undertake quantitative analyses and cross references to determine the comprehensiveness and uniqueness of their system coverage. The results of the study may provide better references for libraries to acquire citation index databases, to build institutional repositories, or to create citation index systems on their own in the future. Suggestions on indices and tools for academic assessment will be presented based on the comprehensiveness assessment of each system as well.

Numerical Solutions of Generalized Burgers' Equations for Some Incompressible Non-Newtonian Fluids

Shu, Yupeng 11 August 2015 (has links)
The author presents some generalized Burgers' equations for incompressible and isothermal flow of viscous non-Newtonian fluids based on the Cross model, the Carreau model, and the Power-Law model and some simple assumptions on the flows. The author numerically solves the traveling wave equations for the Cross model, the Carreau model, the Power-Law model by using industrial data. The author proves existence and uniqueness of solutions to the traveling wave equations of each of the three models. The author also provides numerical estimates of the shock thickness as well as maximum strain $\varepsilon_{11}$ for each of the fluids.

Equações diferenciais funcionais em medida e equações dinâmicas funcionais impulsivas em escalas temporais / Measure functional differential equations and impulse functional dynamic equations on time scales

Mesquita, Jaqueline Godoy 03 September 2012 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar e desenvolver a teoria de equações dinâmicas funcionais impulsivas em escalas temporais. Mostramos que estas equações representam um caso especial de equações diferenciais funcionais em medida impulsivas. Também, apresentamos uma relação entre estas equações e as equações diferenciais funcionais em medida e, ainda, mostramos uma relação entre elas e as equações diferenciais ordinárias generalizadas. Relacionamos, também, as equações diferenciais funcionais em medida e as equações dinâmicas funcionais em escalas temporais. Obtemos resultados sobre existência e unicidade de soluções, dependência contínua, método da média periódico e não-periódico bem como resultados de estabilidade para todos os tipos de equações descritos anteriormente. Também, provamos algumas propriedades relativas às funções regradas e aos conjuntos equiregrados em espaços de Banach, que foram essenciais para os nossos propósitos. Os resultados novos apresentados neste trabalho estão contidos em 7 artigos, dos quais dois já foram publicados e um aceito. Veja [16], [32], [34], [36], [37], [38] e [84] / The aim of this work is to investigate and develop the theory of impulsive functional dynamic equations on time scales. We prove that these equations represent a special case of impulsive measure functional differential equations. Moreover, we present a relation between these equations and measure functional differential equations and, also, a correspondence between them and generalized ordinary differential equations. Also, we clarify the relation between measure functional differential equations and functional dynamic equations on time scales. We obtain results on the existence and uniqueness of solutions, continuous dependence on parameters, non-periodic and periodic averaging principles and stability results for all these types of equations. Moreover, we prove some properties concerning regulated functions and equiregulated sets in a Banach space which were essential to our purposes. The new results presented in this work are contained in 7 papers, two of which have already been published and one accepted. See [16], [32], [34], [36], [37], [38] and [84]

Reduced shape-space : approach to material characterization instrumented indentation test case / Technique de réduction d'espace de formes pour la caractérisation mécanique des matériaux : application à l'essai d'indentation instrumentée

Meng, Liang 19 October 2017 (has links)
Ce travail se situe à l’intersection des trois disciplines : méthodes numériques, techniques expérimentales et du machine learning, a pour but de proposer une famille de techniques d’identification par analyse inverse des lois de comportement en mécanique. Dans le domaine d’identification des matériaux, l’indentation instrumentée est particulièrement attractive, car elle permet de procéder à des essais non-destructifs sur l’échantillon ou sur une structure en service. L’essai d’indentation, similaire à un test de dureté, consiste à enfoncer la pointe de l’indenteur à une faible profondeur dans la matière tout en enregistrant le déplacement en fonction de la force appliquée. L’identification des propriétés élastoplastiques des matériaux est basée alors sur l’exploitation de la courbe force-déplacement (courbe P-h). Toutefois, le problème inverse est souvent mal posé et des problèmes d’unicité mènent à la notion de paires de "matériaux mystiques" produisant, dans des conditions d’essai donnés, des courbes P-h identiques, malgré des propriétés différentes. L’idée de notre travail est de compléter la procédure d’identification en faisant appel à des dispositifs expérimentaux récents, notamment à la microscopie laser, permettant de mesurer la carte 3D de l’empreinte résiduelle obtenue après le retrait de l’indenteur. Pour aborder la question de la richesse d’information de l’empreinte par rapport à la courbe P-h seule, nous proposons de construire, dans un espace affine réduit, la variété des formes d’empreinte admissibles au sens d’une loi de comportement et du modèle d’éléments finis de l’essai. La mesure de la dimension intrinsèque nous indique alors le nombre maximal de paramètres potentiellement identifiables. Cela nous permet de proposer et de valider numériquement des nouveaux procédés expérimentaux, plus représentatifs, à partir des données synthétiques, ainsi que des algorithmes d’identification associés. La prise en compte de l’erreur de modèle et de l’erreur de mesure, nous mène ensuite à proposer un ensemble d’algorithmes de projection d’empreintes expérimentales, réalisées en collaboration avec l’INSA de Rennes sur la variété synthétique. Nous abordons alors le problème d’identification des propriétés d’écrouissage de plusieurs matériaux de complexité croissante et départageons des "jumeaux mystiques" par des essais de multi-indentation, basés sur l’exploitation de l’empreinte seule ou en complément de la courbe P-h. / The thesis lies at the intersection of three disciplines : numerical methods, experimental techniques, and machine learning. The primary aim of this work is to develop a group of algorithms for characterization by inverse analysis of a material’s constitutive law. In the field of material characterization, indentation test is especially attractive since it is considered non-destructive, and may be performed even on a structure in service. The test, similar to a hardness test, consists in penetrating an indenter into the surface of the material. The force exerted on the indenter is recorded against the penetration depth over a series of time instants, leading to a force-displacement (P-h) curve, which is the most frequently used source of information for the identification of material properties. However, the inverse problem based solely on this curve tends to be ill-posed, leading to nonunique identification solution, i.e., the "mystical material pair", for whom the corresponding force-displacement curves are almost identical despite the very different material properties. The basic idea is then to complete the identification process with innovative experimental measurements, such as laser microscope, which allows measuring the 3D residual imprint after the withdrawal of the indenter. To address the advantage of this measurement over P-h curve, we propose to construct, within a reduced affine space, a manifold of shapes admissible to the postulated constitutive law, experimental and simulation setups, based on synthetic data. The intrinsic dimensionality of the manifold limits the number of identifiable parameters allowing to validate numerically experimental procedures. Considering both the model and measurement errors, we develop a series of local manifold learning algorithms to solve the inverse problem iteratively for experimental results obtained in cooperation with INSA de Rennes. This approach allows us to characterize diverse metallic materials of increasing complexity, based on actual experimental measurements. For example, for the Hollomon’s law, the mystical pair is alleviated in using a single imprint, while for the Voce law, a multi-depth experimental protocol is proposed to differentiate mystical siblings.

Décomposition tensorielle de signaux luminescents émis par des biosenseurs bactériens pour l'identification de Systèmes Métaux-Bactéries / Tensor decomposition approach for identifying bacteria-metals systems

Caland, Fabrice 17 September 2013 (has links)
La disponibilité et la persistance à l'échelle locale des métaux lourds pourraient être critiques notamment pour l'usage futur des zones agricoles ou urbaines, au droit desquelles de nombreux sites industriels se sont installés dans le passé. La gestion de ces situations environnementales complexes nécessitent le développement de nouvelles méthodes d'analyse peu invasives (capteurs environnementaux), comme celles utilisant des biosenseurs bactériens, afin d'identifier et d'évaluer directement l'effet biologique et la disponibilité chimique des métaux. Ainsi dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons cherché à identifier, à l'aide d'outils mathématiques de l'algèbre multilinéaire, les réponses de senseurs bactériens fluorescents dans des conditions environnementales variées, qu'il s'agisse d'un stress engendré par la présence à forte dose d'un métal ou d'une carence nutritive engendrée par son absence. Cette identification est fondée sur l'analyse quantitative à l'échelle d'une population bactérienne de signaux multidimensionnels. Elle repose en particulier sur (i) l'acquisition de données spectrales (fluorescence) multi-variées sur des suspensions de biosenseurs multicolores interagissant avec des métaux et sur (ii) le développement d'algorithme de décomposition tensoriels. Les méthodes proposées, développées et utilisées dans ce travail s'efforcent d'identifier « sans a priori» a minima, la réponse fonctionnelle de biosenseurs sous différentes conditions environnementales, par des méthodes de décomposition de tenseurs sous contraintes des signaux spectraux observables. Elles tirent parti de la variabilité des réponses systémiques et permettent de déterminer les sources élémentaires identifiant le système et leur comportement en fonction des paramètres extérieurs. Elles sont inspirées des méthodes CP et PARALIND . L'avantage de ce type d'approche, par rapport aux approches classiques, est l'identification unique des réponses des biosenseurs sous de faibles contraintes. Le travail a consisté à développer des algorithmes efficaces de séparations de sources pour les signaux fluorescents émis par des senseurs bactériens, garantissant la séparabilité des sources fluorescentes et l'unicité de la décomposition. Le point original de la thèse est la prise en compte des contraintes liées à la physique des phénomènes analysés telles que (i) la parcimonie des coefficients de mélange ou la positivité des signaux source, afin de réduire au maximum l'usage d'a priori ou (ii) la détermination non empirique de l'ordre de la décomposition (nombre de sources). Cette posture a permis aussi d'améliorer l'identification en optimisant les mesures physiques par l'utilisation de spectres synchrones ou en apportant une diversité suffisante aux plans d'expériences. L'usage des spectres synchrones s'est avéré déterminant à la fois pour améliorer la séparation des sources de fluorescence, mais aussi pour augmenter le rapport signal sur bruit des biosenseurs les plus faibles. Cette méthode d'analyse spectrale originale permet d'élargir fortement la gamme chromatique des biosenseurs fluorescents multicolores utilisables simultanément. Enfin, une nouvelle méthode d'estimation de la concentration de polluants métalliques présents dans un échantillon à partir de la réponse spectrale d'un mélange de biosenseurs non-spécifiques a été développée / Availability and persistence of heavy metals could be critical for future use of agricultural or urban areas, on which many industrial sites have installed in the past. The management of these complex environmental situations requiring the development of new analytical methods minimally invasive, such as bacterial biosensors, to identify and directly assess the biological effects and the chemical availability of metals. The aims of this thesis was to identify the responses of fluorescent bacterial sensors various environmental conditions, using mathematical tools of algebra multi-linear, whether stress caused by the presence of high dose of a metal or a nutrient deficiency caused by his absence. This identification is based on quantitative analysis of multidimensional signals at the bacterial population-scale. It is based in particular on (i) the acquisition of multivariate spectral data on suspensions of multicolored biosensors interacting with metals and (ii) the development of algorithms for tensor decomposition. The proposed methods, developed and used in this study attempt to identify functional response of biosensors without \textsl{a priori} by decomposition of tensor containing the spectral signals. These methods take advantage of the variability of systemic responses and allow to determine the basic sources identifying the system and their behavior to external factors. They are inspired by the CP and PARALIND methods. The advantage of this approach, compared to conventional approaches, is the unique identification of the responses of biosensors at low constraints. The work was to develop efficient algorithms for the source separation of fluorescent signals emitted by bacterial sensors, ensuring the sources separability and the uniqueness of the decomposition. The original point of this thesis is the consideration of the physical constraints of analyzed phenomena such as (i) the sparsity of mixing coefficients or positivity of sources signals in order to minimize the use of a priori or (ii) the non-empirical determination of the order of decomposition (number of sources).This posture has also improved the identification optimizing physical measurements by the use of synchronous spectra or providing sufficient diversity in design of experiments. The use of synchronous spectra proved crucial both to improve the separation of fluorescent sources, but also to increase the signal to noise ratio of the lowest biosensors. This original method of spectral analysis can greatly expand the color range of multicolored fluorescent biosensors used simultaneously. Finally, a new method of estimating the concentration of metal pollutants present in a sample from the spectral response of a mixture of non-specific biosensor was developed

Qualitative Properties of Stochastic Hybrid Systems and Applications

Alwan, Mohamad January 2011 (has links)
Hybrid systems with or without stochastic noise and with or without time delay are addressed and the qualitative properties of these systems are investigated. The main contribution of this thesis is distributed in three parts. In Part I, nonlinear stochastic impulsive systems with time delay (SISD) with variable impulses are formulated and some of the fundamental properties of the systems, such as existence of local and global solution, uniqueness, and forward continuation of the solution are established. After that, stability and input-to-state stability (ISS) properties of SISD with fixed impulses are developed, where Razumikhin methodology is used. These results are then carried over to discussed the same qualitative properties of large scale SISD. Applications to automated control systems and control systems with faulty actuators are used to justify the proposed approaches. Part II is devoted to address ISS of stochastic ordinary and delay switched systems. To achieve a variety stability-like results, multiple Lyapunov technique as a tool is applied. Moreover, to organize the switching among the system modes, a newly developed initial-state-dependent dwell-time switching law and Markovian switching are separately employed. Part III deals with systems of differential equations with piecewise constant arguments with and without random noise. These systems are viewed as a special type of hybrid systems. Existence and uniqueness results are first obtained. Then, comparison principles are established which are later applied to develop some stability results of the systems.

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