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La educación superior tecnológica y el retorno del salario para el periodo 2015 al 2019 en PerúCarita Ucharico, Cinthya Cleofe 28 June 2020 (has links)
Existe una vasta información sobre los retornos de la educación, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, tal es así, que se ha ido extendiendo un sin fin de investigaciones, como la decisión de elección del tipo de institución educativa o la evidencia del retorno de un nivel educativo superior técnico y tecnológico. Sin embargo, estas últimas investigaciones no se han profundizado en Perú, por ello, nuestro objetivo central de este estudio es evidenciar el retorno del salario de la educación tecnológica, medido bajo características del individuo como el género, edad y nivel socioeconómico. En tal sentido nos planteamos las siguientes preguntas; ¿Cuál es la tasa de retorno de la educación superior tecnológica en el salario del individuo? Y ¿Cuál es la probabilidad que un individuo de un nivel socioeconómico bajo pueda seguir estudios superiores no universitarios? Para responder a nuestras preguntas de investigación realizamos una estimación de data panel para 5 años (2015-2019) y una ecuación lineal Mincer, dado que presenta variables inobservables, la||| ecuación será corregida por efectos fijos y efectos aleatorios; y para la segunda pregunta realizamos el modelo de probabilidad lineal logit y probit. Los resultados nos muestran que los programas de educación superior tecnológica presentan retornos positivos del salario frente a la educación regular media (educación secundaria). Además, se evidencia una relación directa y creciente entre el nivel socioeconómico del individuo con la probabilidad de predisposición de continuar estudios de nivel superior, es decir, el individuo que se encuentre en un nivel socioeconómico C tiene 13.2% más de probabilidad para continuar estudios de nivel tecnológico, mientras que un individuo del nivel socioeconómico E tiene un 4.4% más de probabilidad. / There is vast information on the returns to education, both nationally and internationally, so much so that endless research has been spreading, such as the decision to choose the type of educational institution or evidence of the return of a higher technical and technological educational level. However, these latest investigations have not been studied in depth in Peru, therefore, our main objective of this study is to demonstrate the return of technological education wages, measured under the characteristics of the individual such as gender, age and socioeconomic level. In this sense we ask ourselves the following questions; What is the rate of return of technological higher education on the individual's salary? What is the probability that an individual from a low socioeconomic level can pursue higher non-university studies? To answer our research questions, we carried out a modification of the data panel for 5 years (2015-2019) and a linear Mincer equation, since it presents unobservable variables, the equation will be corrected for fixed effects and random effects; and for the second question we perform the logit and probit linear probability model. The results show us that higher education programs show positive salary results compared to middle regular education (secondary education). In addition, a direct and growing relationship between the socioeconomic level of the individual with the probability of predisposition to continue higher level studies, that is, the individual who is at a socioeconomic level C is 13.2% more likely to continue studies of technological level, while an individual of socioeconomic level E has a 4.4% more probability. / Trabajo de investigación
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Fit für die Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft: Wissen und Können von kaufmännischen Fach- und Führungskräften: eine repräsentative UnternehmensbefragungKlauser, Fritz, Krah, Nils, Moschner, Ute, Schlicht, Juliana January 2012 (has links)
Die Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft ist seit geraumer Zeit einem dynamischen Wandel unterworfen, der einhergeht mit neuen und veränderten Anforderungen an kaufmännische Fach- und Führungskräfte in den Unternehmen. Diese Entwicklungen sowie der sich abzeichnende demografisch bedingte Mangel an Fachkräften erfordern eine branchennahe Neuausrichtung der kaufmännischen akademischen Aus- und Weiterbildung. Gegenstand dieser Publikation sind vor allem die Ergebnisse der schriftlichen Befragung der Unternehmen, ergänzt durch typische Zitate und Aussagen aus den 26 Interviews mit Experten der Branche. Der im Rahmen der schriftlichen, standardisierten Befragung eingesetzte Fragebogen wurde am Institut für Wirtschaftspädagogik der Uni-versität Leipzig entwickelt und mit dem Wissenschaftlichen Beirat für Energiewirtschaft-liche Bildung an der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig abgestimmt. Der Fragebogen umfasst sieben Themenkomplexe mit 27 Fragen und 168 Items.
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Fit für die Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft: Wissen und Können von kaufmännischen Fach- und Führungskräften: Zusammenschau der ErgebnisseKlauser, Fritz, Krah, Nils, Moschner, Ute, Schlicht, Juliana January 2012 (has links)
Die Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft ist einem dynamischen Wandel unterworfen, der einhergeht mit neuen und veränderten Anforderungen an kaufmännische Fach- und Führungskräfte in den Unternehmen. Diese Entwicklungen sowie der sich abzeichnende demografisch bedingte Mangel an Fachkräften erfordern eine branchennahe Neuausrichtung der kaufmännischen akademischen Aus- und Weiterbildung. Dafür sind Curricula erforderlich, die sich sowohl an neueren wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen in unterschiedlichen Disziplinen als auch an den aktuellen und künftigen Anforderungen der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft an Fach- und Führungskräfte orientieren. Letztere sind bisher allerdings kaum systematisch untersucht worden. Die vorliegende Studie füllt diese Lücke.
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Ready for the energy and water industries: knowledge and skills of business professionals and excecutives: synopsis of the resultsEulitz, Christin, Klauser, Fritz, Moschner, Ute, Schlicht, Juliana January 2012 (has links)
Dynamic changes taking place in the energy and water industries are bringing with them new and different demands on business specialists and managers of enterprises. These developments, together with an emerging, demographically induced shortages of specialists call for an industry-focused realignment of academic business education and training. This will require curricula geared to both recent scientific findings in various disciplines and the current and future needs of the energy and water industries for specialists and managers. So far, the latter have hardly been studied systematically. The present study fills this gap.
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Comparative Study of Indiana University Foundation and Peking University Education Foundation: Why they are different and what to learn?Xu, Zheng 19 July 2010 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The thesis made a comparative study of two university foundations, namely Indiana University Foundation, the United States, and Peking University Education Foundation, China, from a historical approach. Many theories influenced the author’s thinking about the issues, such as nonprofit organizations, elite philanthropy, and civil society. The paper seeks to: (1) make an overview of the development of the two foundations; (2) analyze and compare their differences in nature, structure, and fundraising practices, etc.; (3) examine the underlying reasons which may involve social, political, economic and legal factors; and (4) explore the future development of university foundations in China. In an era of accelerated globalization, the boom of diaspora giving and growth of nonprofits set the stage for the development of philanthropy in China. While continuing to draw from the extensive experiences of its American counterparts, the Peking University Education Foundation needs to reflect on its own actual situation and explore a road tailored to Chinese-style university foundations.
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Universitetsutbildning, internutbildning och arbetserfarenheters påverkan på revisionsassistenters etiska förhållningssättCarlsson, Maria, Larsson, Sanna January 2017 (has links)
Redovisningsskandaler leder till ett ökat tryck på etik inom revisionsbranschen. Denna studie intresserar sig för vad som påverkar det etiska förhållningssättet hos revisionsassistenter. Syftet är att beskriva och analysera om och i så fall hur revisionsassistenters syn på etiskt förhållningssätt påverkas av universitetsutbildning, byråintern utbildning och arbetserfarenhet. Detta testades med regressionsanalyser på basis av utskickade enkäter. Urvalet bestod av 34 revisionsassistenter anställda på revisionsbyråer i Sundsvall och Östersund. Studien ger indikationer på att internutbildning har en positiv inverkan på det etiska förhållningssättet. Studien ger dock inget stöd för ett samband att en högre utbildning (magisterutbildning i förhållande till kandidatutbildning) leder till ett bättre etiskt förhållningssätt eller att anställningstid påverkar det etiska förhållningssättet till det bättre. Studien ger inga generaliserbara resultat på grund av det begränsade urvalet. / Accounting scandals leads to increased pressure on ethics in the audit industry. This study is interested in what influences the ethical approach of audit assistants. The purpose is to describe and analyze whether and, if so, how audit assistants view of ethical behavior is influenced by university education, internal agency education and work experience. This was tested with regression analyzes on basis of sent questionnaires. The sample consisted of 34 audit assistants employed at audit firms in Sundsvall and Östersund. However, the study does not provide support for a relationship that a higher education (master’s education in relation to a bachelor’s education) leads to a better ethical approach or that employment time affects the ethical approach for the better. The study does not provide generalizable results due to the limited sample.
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O programa de DTS/AIDS e a formação em psicologia: determinações e cotradições para o trabalho do psicólogo / The IST/Aids Programme and the Psychology University Education: Determinations and contradictions to Psychologists workMartins, Ricardo Barbosa 23 April 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa foi motivada por nossa experiência de quartorze anos como psicólogo no CRT Centro de referencia e Treinamento em DST/Aids. Tem como objetivo principal o estudo das relações estabelecidas entre os psicólogos, que estão na assistência, com as instituições que embasam seu trabalho: a Formação universitária e o Programa de DST/Aids. Isso se deve ao fato de que os profissionais se apropriam de formas muito variadas, tanto com relação aos aspectos contidos na formação, quanto frente as estratégias difundidas pelo Programa. Algumas vezes essas relações são produtoras de conflitos para a prática do profissional, uma vez que se estabelecem frágeis diálogos com aquilo que a configuração do Programa destina ao trabalho do psicólogo. Sendo assim, nossas perspectivas nessa pesquisa nos insere como sujeito do processo que descrevemos, na medida em que nossa primeira observação parte da experiência enquanto profissional. Para a realização da presente investigação examinamos a formação da psicologia no Brasil e suas principais características legadas. Em seguida, estudamos os processos em que os psicólogos entram para o serviço público de saúde principalmente o SUS, em seguida descrevemos e analisamos as passagens realizadas pelo profissional de psicologia no Programa de DST/Aids. Realizamos entrevistas com quatro psicólogos da instituição que estão em diferentes setores. Compreendemos nossos entrevistados a partir das posições teóricas de René Kaës sobre o sujeito do inconsciente como sujeito do grupo, juntamente com as formações psíquicas exigidas nesses processos. Vimos ao final, que os psicólogos apresentam uma série de pactos organizados pelas Alianças Inconscientes posição teórica definida por esse autor. Tais pactos surgem para produzir determinados apaziguamentos de conflitos que surgem no exercício das atividades dos psicólogos e para que se estabeleça algum nível de adaptação. Discutimos por fim que os processos que sustentam e constroem os pactos institucionais tendem a tornar, como processos defensivos, o enfrentamento das contradições e tensões de modo mais suportável. No entanto, tem-se perdas e prejuízos significativos nesses processos, na medida em que as possibilidades criativas do trabalho e a execução de atividades sofrem ameaças; há perdas que se deve enfrentar. Tais enfretamentos devem estar no âmbito da universidade, do diálogo entre esta e as demandas que se estabelecem pela área da saúde e finalmente pela formação de profissionais mais investigadores / This research has been motivated from our fourteen years of experience as psychologist at CRT Centre of Reference and Training on IST/Aids. We have been observed such as different forms of appropriations of the strategies from the programme; sometimes traditionally or others in conflict, by psychologist community. The observation of conflicts related to new needs of approaches in the Aids fields was kept along all our experience in the institution. The forms from which psychologists use the university education in order to give them background are not always steady among them. So, this present work aims to investigate the relations built and kept by psychologists with those responsible institutions for their carrying out work: University Education and the IST/Aids Programme public policies. As first plan, we developed investigation on the origins of psychology in Brazil, considering its main aspects and trends. As following, we studied the formation and organization of public health in Brazil and the belonging process of psychologists to this. After this we studied and analized aspects of the appropriation by psychologists in the IST/Aids Programme and its proposed strategies, in order to verify how psychologists handle with strategies which might be familiar or not to them. We interviewed four psychologists who act out in distinct sectors of CRT. Some of them are much more closed to a sort of clinical work and the two others act out more closed to the Programme strategies. We understood our subjects of research the psychologists from the theoretical position developed by the french psychoanalyst René Kaës, for whom the subject of unconscious as being subject of the group and in the same time there are the particular psychic formation demanded by such processes. In the end, we could observe that the psychologists have been developed an amount of pacts structured by Unconscious Alliances, theory developed by René Kaës. These pacts occur in order to produce such as appeasement of conflicts, present in the institutional activities and still to promote such a kind of adaptation and belonging to the group. We discussed, as last words, that those institutional pacts work as defensive processes, in order to avoid contradictions and tensions and, by other side keeping the life in institution under control. However, one can notice losses and damages during theses processes in that creative potential and the activities work can be threatened. It is important to face all of this in the field of university in dialogue with the strategies proposed by the public health and, as final, one must face that by building investigator professionals, as well
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Avaliação das atitudes no curso de estatística: contextos universitários latino-americanos / Evaluation of attitudes in the statistics course: Latin American university contextsPereda, Ana Sofia Aparicio 04 March 2015 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo é fornecer uma visão geral e atualizada da pesquisa empírica e transcultural das atitudes dos estudantes universitários em relação à Estatística. A nossa enfases é a avaliação a nivel pessoal, especialmente o estudo do aspecto afetivo através das atitudes frente à Estatística para o qual fazemos uma revisão das escalas propostas assim como propomos uma escala originalmente desenvolvida para professores de escola e adaptada neste estudo. Considerando os resultados, fazemos um longo estudo das caracteristicas psicométricas desta escala em populaçoes de estudantes universitarios de diferentes especialidades e caracteristicas do Perú, Colombia, Chile e Brasil. Antes de fazer a parte avaliativa e comparativa entre os países, fazemos uma proposta metodológica das práticas de avaliação do processo de ensino-aprendizagem em cursos de Estatística para uma instituição superior considerando uma adaptação da proposta do Enfoque Ontosemiotico da cognição e Instrução Matemática (EOS) de Godino et al, 2008. Também fazemos uma aproximação na avaliação institucional dos cursos de graduação e pós graduação em Estatística desenvolvidos pelo governo federal no Brasil e as políticas de avaliação no Peru, Colômbia e Chile. Todos os capítulos são trabalhos a maneira de artigos trabalhados durante o período do doutorado. / The objective of this study is to provide a comprehensive and updated overview of empirical research and cross-cultural attitudes of college students towards Statistics . Our emphasis is on the personal level evaluation, especially through study of the affective aspect of attitudes toward statistics for which we review the proposed scales well as propose a scale originally developed for school teachers and adapted in this study. Considering the results, we made a long study of the psychometric characteristics of this scale in populations of college students from different specialties and characteristics of Peru, Colombia, Chile and Brazil. Before doing the part evaluative and comparative between the countries, do a methodological proposal of the practices of evaluation of the process of educationlearning in courses of Statistics for an upper institution considering An adaptation of the proposal of the Approach Ontosemiotico of the cognition and Mathematical Instruction (EOS) of Godino et al, 2008. Also we make an approach to institutional assessment of undergraduate and graduate programs in Statistics developed by the federal government in Brazil and assessment policies in Peru, Colombia and Chile. All the chapters are works the way of articles worked during the period of the doctored.
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O processo de socialização profissional de professores do ensino superior atuantes no curso de administração: trajetórias, saberes e identidades / The professional socialization process of university professors in an administration course: trajectories, knowledges and identitiesCunha, Marciano de Almeida 28 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:32:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011-02-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research has been developed from the interest in understanding which
knowledges university professors have, how they have been built and organized through
the professional socialization process. The focus is on professors who teach at the
Administration course once most of them do not notably have a pedagogic formation. In
order to identify the twelve subjects of this research, we used the results from the
teachers evaluation carried out by private university students. The subjects were chosen
according to the extreme results aiming heterogeneity of profiles. Through the
biographical narratives obtained, in depth of knowledge, in long semi-structured
intensive interviews, it was possible to know the life history and the professional
trajectory of this intentional sample of professors. The data were organized and
analyzed according to categories that emerged from the conceptual table and that
alluded to the professional socialization process (biographical and relational means) and
to the pre-professional and professional knowledges built through this process. The
theoretical methodological referential is constituted by studies by Dubar, Tardif, Dubet
and considers that the professors knowledges are a social knowledge, built in a context
of professional socialization, legitimated by a system of institutions and the history of a
society, nevertheless, without disconnecting who the professors are, what they do, think
and say. The data revealed the professors heterogeneity due to a possible porosity of
the teaching field in the Administration education. Those professors demonstrated that
they have knowledges of epistemological (non teaching trajectory) and pedagogical
(teaching trajectory) nature that are organized and articulated by the processes of
communication in the teaching activity / Esta pesquisa surgiu do interesse em conhecer quais os saberes que professores
do ensino superior possuem, como foram construídos e são mobilizados ao longo do
processo de socialização profissional. São focalizados professores que exercem a
docência no curso de Administração porque, notadamente, em sua maioria, não
possuem formação pedagógica. O ponto de partida para identificação dos doze sujeitos
da pesquisa foi o resultado da avaliação docente realizada pelos alunos numa
universidade privada. Os sujeitos foram escolhidos em função das extremidades dos
resultados visando obter heterogeneidade de perfis. Através de narrativas biográficas
obtidas por meio de entrevista intensiva, em profundidade, semi-estruturada e de longa
duração foi possível o conhecimento da história de vida e do percurso profissional dessa
amostra intencional de professores. Os dados foram organizados e analisados segundo
categorias que emergiram do quadro conceitual e que remetem ao processo de
socialização profissional (vias biográfica e relacional) e aos saberes (pré-profissionais e
profissionais) construídos ao longo desse processo. O referencial teórico-metodológico
é constituído pelos estudos de Dubar, Tardif, Dubet e considera que os saberes do
professor são um saber social, construído num contexto de socialização profissional,
legitimado por um sistema de instituições e da história de uma sociedade, no entanto,
sem dissociar do que os professores são, fazem, pensam e dizem. Os dados revelaram a
heterogeneidade do corpo professoral decorrente de uma possível porosidade do campo
da docência no ensino de Administração. Esses professores demonstraram que possuem
saberes de origem epistemológica (trajetória não docente) e pedagógica (trajetória
docente) que são mobilizados e se articulam pelos processos de comunicação no
exercício docente
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Integração dos países constituintes do Mercosul por meio da educação superior universitária: análise em uma perspectiva histórico-cultural / Integration of the constituent countries of MERCOSUR through Higher Education: analysis in a Cultural-Historical Perspective.Rita de Cássia Marques Lima de Castro 25 October 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho de tese apresenta uma investigação sobre os sistemas, processos e leis de Educação Superior Universitária adotados nos países formuladores do projeto de criação do Mercado Comum do Sul MERCOSUL, Argentina, Brasil, Paraguai e Uruguai, signatários do Tratado de Assunção, firmado em 26 de março de 1991, procurando identificar (i) em que medida esses sistemas, leis e processos, isto é, as distintas estruturas, abarcam a possibilidade integradora entre esses países e, por extensão, os demais países da América Latina e (ii) se aspectos culturais e os interesses dos atores em campo educacional dos países constituintes do MERCOSUL apontam perspectivas de um processo de integração que favoreça a consolidação dos objetivos do bloco no campo educacional. Mediante (i) estudo em uma perspectiva histórico-cultural, (ii) investigação comparada de leis magnas, leis referentes ao Ensino Superior universitário, instrumentos legais do Setor Educacional do MERCOSUL e (iii) aplicação de questionário via web para análise de percepções dos atores da Educação Superior Universitária no tocante a ser o Setor Educacional do MERCOSUL um marco na integração, identifica-se que, em especial no Brasil, é maior o nível de desconhecimento do tema, por parte de professores e dirigentes de cursos e que a percepção acerca de ser o Setor Educacional do MERCOSUL um marco é a menor também neste país em comparação à Argentina, Uruguai e Paraguai; bem como se constata que os respondentes não demonstram identificar o impacto do Setor Educacional do MERCOSUL em ações como reconhecimento de títulos ou mudanças nas formas das leis, embora haja diferença significativa quanto ao reconhecimento do MERCOSUL como um órgão que cumpre o que se propôs, ao se comparar as respostas do grupo I - Argentina, Paraguai e Uruguai, com maior índice de respostas favoráveis, e os do grupo II Brasil. Conclui-se, ademais, que não obstante os esforços de integração expressos nos instrumentos legais, acordos e políticas públicas mais recentes, aspectos estruturais, culturais e os interesses dos atores em campo educacional dos países constituintes do MERCOSUL apontam mais entraves do que avanços nas perspectivas de um processo de integração por meio da Educação Superior universitária entre Argentina, Brasil, Paraguai e Uruguai. Possíveis caminhos para pavimentar essa integração e acelerá-la podem ser: (i) o reforço à criação de agências de acreditação em cada país envolvido, que respeitem as peculiaridades locais, mas tenham, também, foco no caráter transfronteira que a integração exige e favoreça a redução de assimetrias; (ii) o maior envolvimento dos atores do campo educacional - corpo gestor e docente das Instituições de Ensino Superior - na construção e aplicação dos acordos de integração do Setor Educacional do MERCOSUL que se mostram, especialmente no Brasil, pouco conhecidos. / This thesis presents an investigation into the Higher University Education systems, processes, laws, adopted in the countries that have formulated the creation project of the Southern Common Market MERCOSUR. They are Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, which have signed the Treaty of Asuncion on March 26, 1991. It aims to identify (i) to what extent these systems, laws, processes, ie the different structures embrace the possibility of integration among those countries and, by extension, with other Latin American countries and (ii) if the cultural aspects and interests of the actors in the MERCOSUR countries educational field indicate perspectives of an integration process that might favor the consolidation of the block objectives in the educational field. By means of (i) study in a cultural-historical perspective, (ii) comparative research of Laws Magnas, laws concerning Higher University Education, MERCOSUR Educational Sector legal instruments, and (iii) a web questionnaire to analyze the perceptions of the Higher University Education actors, as for being the Educational Sector of MERCOSUR a landmark in its integration, it is possible to identify that, especially in Brazil, the level of ignorance of such subject is higher, either by teachers and also course leaders. Also the perception of being the Educational Sector of MERCOSUR a landmark is lower in this country, when compared to Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. Likewise it is clear that the respondents do not seem to identify the impact of the Educational Sector of MERCOSUR on actions such as the recognition of titles or changes in forms of laws, although there are significant differences as for the acknowledgement of MERCOSUR as a body that fulfills what it set, when comparing the responses of group I - Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, with a higher rate of favorable responses, and group II - Brazil. Therefore, the conclusion is despite the efforts for integration expressed in the legal instruments, agreements and recent public policies, the structural and cultural aspects, as well as the interests of the actors in the educational field of the MERCOSUR countries indicate more barriers than advancements in the prospects of an integration process through the Higher University Education among Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. The possible ways to pave this integration and accelerate it may be: (i) to strengthen the creation of agencies to promote accreditation in each of the involved countries, which should respect the local peculiarities, but also focus on the cross-border character required by the integration, and favor the reduction of asymmetries, (ii) a greater involvement of stakeholders in the educational field - the managers and teachers of the Higher Education Institutions in the construction and application of the integration agreements of the MERCOSUR Educational Sector that are little known, especially in Brazil.
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