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On the Aerothermal Flow Field in a Transonic HP Turbine Stage with a Multi-Profile LP Stator VaneLavagnoli, Sergio 13 November 2012 (has links)
The quest for higher performances and durability of modern aero-engines requires the understanding of the complex aero-thermal flow experienced in a multi-row environment. In particular, the high and low pressure turbine components have a great impact into the engine overall performance, and improvements in the turbine efficiencies can only be achieved through detailed research on the three-dimensional unsteady aerodynamics and heat transfer. The present thesis presents an experimental study of the aerothermodynamics in one and a half turbine stage, focusing on: the aero-thermal flow in the overtip region of a transonic highly loaded high pressure (HP) rotor, and the aerodynamics and heat transfer of an innovative low pressure (LP) stator with a multi-profile configuration placed downstream of the high pressure turbine, within an s-shaped duct.
Advanced instrumentation and measurement techniques were used and developed to perform the experimental investigation in a short-duration turbine test rig where both high spatial and time accuracy is indispensable. The flow field at the rotor shroud was investigated with simultaneous measurements of heat transfer, static pressure and blade tip clearance by using fast response pressure, wall temperature and capacitance probes. Through repeat experiments at the same turbine operating point, the time-averaged and time-resolved adiabatic wall temperature and convective heat transfer coefficient were evaluated.
In the frame of new engine architectures, a novel stator for an LP turbine is proposed with a multi-splitter layout that represents a new design solution towards compact, lighter and performing aero-engine turbomachinery. It contains small aero-vanes and large structural aerodynamic airfoils which are used to support the engine shaft and house service devices. The research focuses on the experimental investigation of the global performance, aerodynamics and thermodynamics of this novel HP-LP vane layout. The turbine was / Lavagnoli, S. (2012). On the Aerothermal Flow Field in a Transonic HP Turbine Stage with a Multi-Profile LP Stator Vane [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/17799
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Analysis of Unsteady Incompressible Potential Flow Over a Swimming Slender Fish and a Swept Wing TailNathan, Vinay January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis deals with computing the pressure distribution around a swimming slender fish
and the thrust generated by its flapping motion. The body of the fish is modeled as a missile like slender body to which a tail is attached that is modeled as a swept wing. The tail is attached to the tip of the slender body and maintains its slope with it. The motion for the swimming fish is prescribed. The fluid flow is modeled as an unsteady potential flow problem with the flow around the slender body modeled as flow over an array of cylinders of varying radii and the flow over the swept wing modeled using the vortex panel method.
The pressure distribution is computed using the unsteady Bernoulli equation. The overall
thrust & drag for different parameters are studied and compared
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Analyse expérimentale et numérique du comportement de véhicules terrestres en présence d'un vent latéral instationnaire / Experimental and numerical analysis about ground vehicles behaviour when subjected to an unsteady side windVolpe, Raffaele 11 March 2013 (has links)
L’aérodynamique latérale des véhicules automobiles suscite de nos jours de plus en plus d’intérêt de la part des constructeurs. L’automobiliste est en effet soumis quotidiennement à de forts courants d’air latéraux, que ce soit lors du dépassement d’un autre véhicule, ou alorsen passant dans un couloir de vent du à la topographie du terrain (passage devant un espace entre deux immeubles par exemple). Les efforts aérodynamiques mis en jeu dans ces situations peuvent provoquer des mouvements non désirés du véhicule, pouvant avoir des conséquences dramatiques si le conducteur se laisse surprendre. Des études expérimentales reproduisant les effets d’un dérapage dynamique ont mis en évidence des phénomènes transitoires importants mettant à défaut les modèles stationnaires généralement pratiqués par les constructeurs pour qualifier le comportement de leurs véhicules en présence de dérapage. Les mécanismes responsables de ces phénomènes transitoires sont encore mal connus de la communauté scientifique. Ce travail propose d’approfondir ce sujet au travers de l’étude de l’aérodynamique d’un véhicule terrestre fixe soumis à un vent longitudinal et à une rafale de vent latéral. Le but principal est d’identifier les structures tourbillonnaires au moyen de mesures PIV et de calculs numériques des champs de vitesse autour d’une maquette automobile et de les corréler aux efforts aérodynamiques. Un accord entre l’ISAT, composante de l’Université de Bourgogne, et l’Institut Supérieurde l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace (ISAE) de Toulouse a permis de mener l’étude avec les ressources de cet établissement. Le moyen d’essai principal, créé par l’ISAE, est le banc« rafale latérale », constitué d’une soufflerie principale et d’une soufflerie secondaire, dont la sortie à volet déferlants (« Mexican Wave ») est inspirée de l’approche proposée par Ryan et Dominy (2000). L’analyse expérimentale a été effectuée à l’aide de la PIV résolue en temps et stéréoscopique, et d’une balance dard instationnaire à cinq composantes. Un banc« numérique » identique a été constitué à l’aide du logiciel FLUENT©, pour des calculs 3D. De plus, un modèle 2D annexe, basé sur la méthode « meshless », a été développé pour de futures investigations, en raison de sa robustesse pour des problèmes à fortes discontinuités et sa bonne adaptabilité aux problèmes avec frontières mobiles.Une première phase de ce travail a consisté en la mise au point des bancs expérimental et numérique, avec génération d’un champ de dérapage homogène, de 21° dans la zone de mesure. L’évolution du dérapage en chaque point respecte bien la forme d’un créneau imposé par la rafale. Pour l’analyse des efforts, deux géométries de maquette ont été étudiées, à savoir un corps de Windsor à culot droit générant, pour un écoulement longitudinal, des structures de sillage bidimensionnelles, et son homologue à culot incliné de 25°, générant des tourbillons « cigare ». Des pics d’efforts ont été observés à l’arrivée de la rafale, tout comme la littérature le prédit. Pour ce qui est du coefficient du moment de lacet, les sursauts sont de 29 % et 19 % respectivement pour la maquette à culot droit et celle à culot incliné, par rapport aux valeurs stationnaires. Concernant le coefficient de force de dérive, ils sont de 10 % et 14 %, respectivement. Lors de nos essais, ces efforts se sont établis après 5.5 longueurs de maquette. Afin d’expliquer la différence de comportement entre les deux maquettes en termes d’efforts, l’évolution temporelle des tourbillons nommés, dans ce mémoire, ΓA, ΓB, ΓC et Γ1 à été discutée. Il en est ressorti une forte corrélation entre la circulation du tourbillon ΓA, le plusénergétique, naissant à l’avant du flanc sous le vent de la maquette, et les efforts latéraux, de sorte que ce tourbillon serait le meilleur témoin des phénomènes instationnaires mis en jeu dans l’étude de l’effet du vent latéral. [...] / The automotive manufacturers are nowadays more and more interested in crosswind aerodynamics. Indeed, the driver is subjected every day to strong side air flows, for example when overtaking another vehicle or when passing through a lateral wind wall, generated by terrain topography (as in the case of the passage near the empty space between two buildings).The aerodynamic efforts generated in these situations can lead to undesired lateral deviations,which can be dramatic if the driver is surprised. Different experimental studies, reproducing the effects of a dynamic yaw angle, pointed out the issues of the steady methods, commonly used to qualify the vehicle crosswind behaviour. Little is still known about the physics behind these unsteady phenomena. This is the main topic of this work, by studying the aerodynamics of a fixed vehicle subjected to both a longitudinal flow and a side wind gust. The goal is the identification of the near-vehicle vortex structures, by means of PIV measurements and CFD calculations, and their correlation with the evolution of the efforts. An agreement between the ISAT, a department of the University of Burgundy, and the ISAE of Toulouse, permitted to carry out this research with the resources of the latter laboratory. The work focuses on the use of the “rafale latérale” (side gust) test bench, made up with a main wind tunnel connected with an auxiliary one by means of a shutter system,whose opening is held by a “Mexican Wave” law. This approach is inspired by the work of Dominy and Ryan (2000). The experimental analysis was carried out by means of Time-Resolved and stereoscopic PIV, and by a five components unsteady balance as well. Anidentical test bench was numerically reproduced with the 3D CFD software FLUENT©.Moreover, an additional 2D CFD model, based on the meshless method, has been developed for future studies. This kind of approximation method has been chosen for its robustness innon-continuous problems and because of its adaptability when moving boundaries are needed.The first phase of this work consisted on wind tunnels set-up, both for the real test bench and for the CFD model. The yaw angle field is homogeneous, 21° in the measurement region. The yaw angle evolution, at given point, respects the step wise behaviour, imposed by the gust passage. As far as the efforts are concerned, two versions of the Windsor body car model were studied, that is a squareback geometry, generating, for longitudinal flows, 2D wakestructures, and a fastback geometry (rear window inclined by 25°), producing cone-liketrailing vortices. Force overshoots were seen after the gust arrival, as seen in literature. In particular, the yaw moment coefficient overshoots are 29% and 19% higher than the steady yaw angle tests, for the squareback and the fastback geometries, respectively. If the side forceis concerned, the entities of these overshoots are 10% and 14%, respectively. Our testspointed out that efforts establish after the vehicle has driven 5.5 times its length in thecrosswind. In order to explain the different behaviour of the two geometries, it is discussed about the unsteady evolution of the vortices called, in this report, ΓA, ΓB, ΓC et Γ1. A strong correlation between the side efforts and the circulation of the most energetic vortex, ΓA,having its origin in the front leeward side of the vehicle. The ΓA vortex is so the best index for the study of the crosswind unsteady phenomena. The coupled analysis between vortex structures and efforts confirmed the presence of a higher side force for the squareback geometry. The inverted effect has been observed for the yaw moment
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High Reynolds Number Flow Over A Backward-Facing StepNadge, Pankaj M 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Flow separation and reattachment happens in many fluid mechanical situations occurring in engineering applications as well as in nature. The flow over a backward-facing step represents a geometrically simple flow situation exhibiting both flow separation and reattachment. Broadly speaking there are only two important parameters in the problem, the Reynolds number(Re) based on the step height(h),and a geometrical parameter, referred to as the Expansion ratio(ER), defined as the downstream channel height to the upstream channel height. In spite of the relative simplicity of this geometry, the flow downstream is quite complex. The main focus of the present work is to elucidate the unsteady three-dimensional coherent structures present in this flow at large Re, Re>36,000,based on the step height(h). For this, we use velocity field measurements from Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV)in conjunction with hotwire anemometry measurements.
The time-averaged structure of this flow is first studied in detail, including the effect of Reynolds number(Re) and Expansion Ratio(ER), on it. These studies show that at sufficiently large Re (Re>20,000), the reattachment length becomes independent of Re. The detailed internal structure of the separation bubble is also found to be independent of Re, but for Revalues that are relatively larger(Re>36,000). At large Re, the main effect of ER ,is found to be on the reattachment length, which increases with ER and saturates for ER values greater than about 1.8. The detailed internal structure of the separation bubble has been mapped at high Re and is found to be nearly the same for all ER, when the streamwise length is normalized by the reattachment length.
In order to elucidate the unsteady coherent vortical structures, PIV measurements are done in two orthogonal planes downstream of the backward-facing step. These measurements are done for ER= 1.50 at large Re(Re=36,000) and in a large aspect ratio facility(AR= span length/step height= 24); the latter being important to avoid any effects due to span-wise confinement. In the spanwise plane parallel to the lower wall(x-z plane),instantaneous velocity fields show counter rotating vortex pairs, which is a signature of the three-dimensional vortical structures in this plane. Using conditional averaging, this counter-rotating vortex pair signature is captured right from upstream of the step, to well after reattachment. Spatial correlations are used to get the length scale of these coherent vortical structures, which varies substantially from the attached boundary layer before separation to the region after reattachment. The variation of these structures in the cross-stream (vertical) direction at reattachment and beyond gives an idea about their three dimensional shape. The circulation of these counter-rotating pairs is measured from the conditionally aver-aged fields, and is found to increase with streamwise distance reaching normalized circulation values (Γ/Uoh) of about 0.5 around reattachment.
Velocity spectra downstream of the step show peaks corresponding to both the shear layer frequency(Stsl)and a relatively lower frequency that corresponds to large-scale shedding from the separation bubble (Stb); the latter in particular being quasi-periodic. Small amplitude sinusoidal forcing at the shedding frequency(Stb) is applied close to the step, by blowing and suction, to make the quasi-periodic shedding more regular. Measurements show that this has a very small effect on both the mean separation bubble and on the counter-rotating structures in the x-z plane. This mild forcing however enables phase locked PIV measurements to be made which shows the bubble shedding phenomenon in the cross-stream plane(side view or x-y plane).
The phase-averaged velocity fields show significant variations from phase to phase. Although there is some hint of structures being shed, from these phase-averaged fields, it is not very clear. One of the primary reasons is the fact that the flow is effectively spanwise averaged, as the three-dimensional structures are not locked in the spanwise direction. To get a three dimensional view of the sheddin gphenomenon, it is necessary to lock the spanwise location with respect to the three-dimensional vortical structures before averaging across the different phases. We use the condition, u’<- urms, to locate the central plane between the counter-rotating structures, which in effect are the “legs” of the three-dimensional structure. With this condition, we effectively get a slice of the shedding cycle cutting through the “head” of the three-dimensional structure. Apart from this cut, we also get a cut between adjacent structures from the weak sweep events, with the condition u’<- urms. Using these conditions, on the phase-locked velocity fields, we effectively lock the structures in time, as well as in the spanwise direction. With this ,a clearer picture of the shedding process emerges. The flow is highly three-dimensional near reattachment and the shedding of the separation bubble is modulated in the spanwise direction owing to the three-dimensional hairpin like vortical structures in the flow. The separation bubble is seen bulged out and lifted high at locations where the head of the hairpin vortex passes, owing to the strong ejection of fluid caused by the vortical structure. On the other hand, outside the hairpin vortices, weak sweep events push the flow towards the wall and make it shallow and less prominent, with the shedding being very weak in this plane. From these observations, a three-dimensional picture of the flow is proposed.
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Numerical algorithms for the computation of steady and unsteady compressible flow over moving geometries: application to fluid-structure interaction / Méthodes numériques pour le calcul d'écoulements compressibles stationnaires et instationnaires, sur géométries mouvantes: application en interaction fluide-structureDobes, Jiri 02 November 2007 (has links)
<p align="justify">This work deals with the development of numerical methods for compressible flow simulation with application to the interaction of fluid flows and structural bodies.</p><p><p><p align="justify">First, we develop numerical methods based on multidimensional upwind residual distribution (RD) schemes. Theoretical results for the stability and accuracy of the methods are given. Then, the RD schemes for unsteady problems are extended for computations on moving meshes. As a second approach, cell centered and vertex centered finite volume (FV) schemes are considered. The RD schemes are compared to FV schemes by means of the 1D modified equation and by the comparison of the numerical results for scalar problems and system of Euler equations. We present a number of two and three dimensional steady and unsteady test cases, illustrating properties of the numerical methods. The results are compared with the theoretical solution and experimental data.</p><p><p><p align="justify">In the second part, a numerical method for fluid-structure interaction problems is developed. The problem is divided into three distinct sub-problems: Computational Fluid Dynamics, Computational Solid Mechanics and the problem of fluid mesh movement. The problem of Computational Solid Mechanics is formulated as a system of partial differential equations for an anisotropic elastic continuum and solved by the finite element method. The mesh movement is determined using the pseudo-elastic continuum approach and solved again by the finite element method. The coupling of the problems is achieved by a simple sub-iterative approach. Capabilities of the methods are demonstrated on computations of 2D supersonic panel flutter and 3D transonic flutter of the AGARD 445.6 wing. In the first case, the results are compared with the theoretical solution and the numerical computations given in the references. In the second case the comparison with experimental data is presented.</p> / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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CFD-simulations of urea-waterspray in an after-treatment systemusing Star-CCM+Trigell, Emelie January 2018 (has links)
The legislation has forced the vehicle industry to reduce tail-end emissions. The air pollutant nitrogen oxide (NOX) has been shown to have a negative impact on human health and the environment. One of the key technologies to reduce the levels of NOX emitted from a vehicle is by implementing an after-treatment system. The after-treatment system includes catalysts, a particle filter and an evaporation system. In the evaporation system a liquid jet containing a urea-water solution known as AdBlue is injected into the hot exhaust gases to evaporate into gaseous ammonia NH3 and water H2O. Then NH3 enters the Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) catalyst where it chemically reacts with NOX to form N2 and H2O. Problems can arise if an excessive amount of AdBlue is injected and a fluid film is formed on evaporation surfaces. At certain operating conditions the fluid film can crystallise and form solid deposits. The solid deposits can cause high back-pressure, material deterioration and ammonia slip. This project is done in collaboration with Scania CV AB. Scania is a world-leading manufacturer of heavy-duty vehicles, busses and engines. Scania works continuously to develop new simulation methods to capture the complex phenomena of AdBlue spray, wall film dynamics and risk of solid deposits, to use in the development process of new components. The aim of this project is to implement and evaluate a new method to predict the risk of crystallisation of urea (AdBlue) using the software Star-CCM+. Two different geometries are studied, a test rig and a Scania silencer. Different operating conditions, parameter settings and a speed-up method are analysed. During the project a base-line model has been created and the results have been compared with measurement results and the software AVL Fire. The results on the test rig show the effect of altering the mesh and important model parameters. Injected particles are grouped into parcels with the same properties. The number of parcels is a crucial factor for the wall film formation and should be sufficiently high to get a statistical representation of the droplet size distribution. The results from the real silencer show strong evaporation and thin wall film formation with the suggested method. The method is shown to be stable and the software is user-friendly. A speed-up method was investigated to decrease the computational time. The computational time was reduced by a factor 20. The outcome of this project is a guide for set-up of AdBlue spray and wall film simulations. Recommendations to future work includes further validation of the settings, investigation of the evaporation rate and droplet size distribution and the application to other cases. The next step is also to tune the critical thresholds for deposit risk assessment. / Lagstiftning har tvingat fordonstillverkare att minska avgasutsläppen. Luftföroreningen kväveoxid (NOX) har visat sig ha en negativ inverkan på människors hälsa och på miljön. En viktig teknik för att minska utsläppen av NOX ¨ar att implementera ett efterbehandlingssystem. Efterbehandlingssystemet tar hand om avgaserna genom substrat, filter och ett förångningssystem. I förångningssystemet sprutas en urea-vattenlösning, som kallas AdBlue, in i de heta avgaserna där den förångas till ammoniak NH3 och vatten H2O. Ammoniakgasen leds därefter in till SCR katalysatorn där den kemiskt reagerar med NOX och bildar kvävgas N2 och vattenånga. Problem kan uppstå om fel mängd AdBlue sprutas in, då kan vätska byggas upp på förångsningsytor, kristallisera och bilda avlagringar. Avlagringarna kan bygga upp en solid klump som kan orsaka ett högt mottryck, nedbrytning av material och ammoniakslip. Detta arbete är ett samarbete med Scania CV AB som är en världsledande producent av lastbilar, bussar och motorer. Scania arbetar kontinuerligt med att utveckla nya simuleringsvertyg för att beskriva uppkomsten av Urea avlagringar för att använda i utvecklingen av nya komponenter. Syftet med detta arbete är att implementera och utvärdera en ny metod för att prediktera klump mha simuleringsverktyget Star-CCM+. Två olika geometrier är använd i arbetet: en testrigg och en av Scanias ljuddämpare. Olika driftspunkter, parametrar och en uppsnabbad metod är studerade. Under projektets gång har en modell byggts upp och jämförts med mätningar och simuleringar från programvaran AVL Fire. Resultatet från simuleringarna på testriggen visar effekten av att variera olika parametrar. Partiklarna som sprutas in i systemet är grupperade i paket med liknande egenskaper. Antalet paket påverkar uppbyggnaden av väggfilm och det rekommenderas att denna parameter hålls hög för att statistiskt beskriva droppfördelningen av partiklar. Resultaten på ljuddämparen visar en stark förångning och en tunn väggfilm för samtliga driftspunkter. Den implementerade metoden har visat sig vara stabil och användarvänlig. En uppsnabbad metod har utvärderats för att minska beräkningstiden. Beräkningstiden kunde minskas med en faktor 20. Resultatet av arbetet är en guide för hur metoden implementeras och bör användas. Rekommendationer till framtida arbete är en fortsatt undersökning av parametrar, utvärdering av förångningsmodellen, validering av droppstorleksfördelningen och tillämpningen på andra geometrier. Nästa steg i utvecklingen skulle vara att kalibrera tröskelvärden för prediktering av klump.
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Mathematical modelling of nonlinear internal waves in a rotating fluidAlias, Azwani B. January 2014 (has links)
Large amplitude internal solitary waves in the coastal ocean are commonly modelled with the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation or a closely related evolution equation. The characteristic feature of these models is the solitary wave solution, and it is well documented that these provide the basic paradigm for the interpretation of oceanic observations. However, often internal waves in the ocean survive for several inertial periods, and in that case, the KdV equation is supplemented with a linear non-local term representing the effects of background rotation, commonly called the Ostrovsky equation. This equation does not support solitary wave solutions, and instead a solitary-like initial condition collapses due to radiation of inertia-gravity waves, with instead the long-time outcome typically being an unsteady nonlinear wave packet. The KdV equation and the Ostrovsky equation are formulated on the assumption that only a single vertical mode is used. In this thesis we consider the situation when two vertical modes are used, due to a near-resonance between their respective linear long wave phase speeds. This phenomenon can be described by a pair of coupled Ostrovsky equations, which is derived asymptotically from the full set of Euler equations and solved numerically using a pseudo-spectral method. The derivation of a system of coupled Ostrovsky equations is an important extension of coupled KdV equations on the one hand, and a single Ostrovsky equation on the other hand. The analytic structure and dynamical behaviour of the system have been elucidated in two main cases. The first case is when there is no background shear flow, while the second case is when the background state contains current shear, and both cases lead to new solution types with rich dynamical behaviour. We demonstrate that solitary-like initial conditions typically collapse into two unsteady nonlinear wave packets, propagating with distinct speeds corresponding to the extremum value in the group velocities. However, a background shear flow allows for several types of dynamical behaviour, supporting both unsteady and steady nonlinear wave packets, propagating with the speeds which can be predicted from the linear dispersion relation. In addition, in some cases secondary wave packets are formed associated with certain resonances which also can be identified from the linear dispersion relation. Finally, as a by-product of this study it was shown that a background shear flow can lead to the anomalous version of the single Ostrovsky equation, which supports a steady wave packet.
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Etude expérimentale de l'interaction d'une onde de choc avec une structure mobile autour d'un axeBiamino, Laurent 30 November 2011 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s’appuie sur une étude expérimentale en tube à choc, plus précisément, c’est une approche expérimentale de l'étude de l'interaction fluide-structure. Considérons un solide indéformable auquel on laisse un degré de liberté en rotation autour d'un axe. Cette structure ferme un espace clos. Si le contenu de l'espace clos subit le passage d'une onde de choc, ce solide va être mis mouvement et tourner autour de son axe. Concrètement, l'onde de choc va augmenter les caractéristiques physiques, en particulier sa pression, du fluide en contact avec la face impactée de cette porte. La face opposée de la porte ne subissant pas ou que très peu l'influence de l'onde de choc, une seule de ses faces est soumise à la surpression. Au moment de l'impact, le déséquilibre ainsi créé impose une action mécanique sur la porte qui va la faire accélérer et tourner autour de son axe de rotation. Jusqu'à ce stade tout est relativement simple. La difficulté intervient à l'instant où la porte commence à s'ouvrir, car les frontières du volume dans lequel le fluide évolue sont modifiées. Des fuites apparaissent et le gaz qui était maintenu dans un volume clos peut maintenant s'écouler vers un milieu libre. Une communication entre les gaz agissant de chaque coté de la porte est créée modifiant leurs propriétés et par conséquent la pression agissant sur chaque côté de la porte. Les actions mécaniques qui s'appliquent sur la porte ne sont plus les mêmes, et par conséquent l'accélération que la porte subit aussi. Au fur et à mesure que la porte change de position, le problème fluide continue d'être modifié et change en retour son action sur la porte. Cette interaction perdure soit jusqu'à ce que les limites du problème cessent d'être modifiées, la porte ne peut plus bouger, ou bien lorsque les actions mécaniques agissant sur la porte s'équilibrent, les fluides de chaque côté de la porte étant dans le même état physique. Le travail présenté ici est une étude des paramètres du fluide ou du solide en mouvement qui sont les acteurs de la loi comportementale gérant ce système complexe. Pour ce faire, nous avons réalisé une maquette expérimentale mettant en action la physique que nous venons de décrire et nous l'avons adaptée à un tube à choc. En éprouvant de nombreuses configurations expérimentales, nous avons pu déterminer comment l'écoulement interne d'un tube à choc évolue lorsqu'il est plus ou moins ouvert à son extrémité. Comment une porte fermée réagit-elle à l'impact d'une onde de choc et quelles en sont les conséquences sur l'évolution des fluides mis en jeu? Quelles sont les conséquences d'une position différente de la porte au moment de l'impact avec l'onde de choc? Ou encore, quel rôle joue l'intensité de l'onde de choc incidente ou l'inertie de la porte sur toute cette dynamique? / This thesis is based on an experimental study carried out in shock tube; in particular, this is an experimental approach to the study of fluid-structure interaction. Consider a rigid body which is allowed to rotate only around an axis and which closes a confined space. If a shock wave crosses the content of the confined space, the body will accelerate and rotate around its axis. Specifically, the shock wave will increase the physical characteristics, especially its pressure, of the fluid acting on the impacted face of the door. The opposite side of the door is not influenced by the incident shock wave, only one of its faces is subjected to overpressure. Following the first impact, the resulting imbalance imposes a mechanical action on the door that will increase its speed and make it turn around its rotation axis. The difficulty comes when the door begins to open: the volume boundaries in which the fluid is contained are modified. Leaks occur and the gas kept in this closed volume can now flow to the atmosphere. Communication between the gas acting on each side of the door is created modifying their properties and consequently the pressure acting on each side of the door.The mechanical actions that apply to the door are no more the same with time, and therefore the acceleration of the door is changing. As the door moves, the fluid problem continues to be changed and in turn it changes its action on the door. This interaction process continues until either the limits of the problem ceases to be changed, the door cannot move, or when the mechanical actions acting on the door are in equilibrium, fluids on each side of the door are in the same physical state. The presented work is a study of the parameters of the fluid or the solid motion which are main actors in the behavioral law managing this complex system. In this aim, we designed an experimental device involving the physics that we have described and we have adapted it to a shock tube. Testing many experimental configurations, we could determine how the internal flow of a shock tube evolves when the end of this shock tube is more or less open.How a closed door reacts to the impact of a shock wave and what are the implications for the evolution of the involved fluids? What are the consequences of a different position of the door at the instant of the impact with the incident shock wave? What role plays the intensity of the incident shock wave or the inertia of the door on this dynamic?
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Investigation of experimental and numerical methods, and analysis of stator clocking and instabilities in a high-speed multistage compressor / Investigation des méthodes expérimentales et numériques, et analyse du clocking et des instabilités aérodynamique dans un compresseur axial haute-vitesse multi-étagesSchreiber, Johannes 16 December 2016 (has links)
Les études expérimentales et numériques suivantes visent à la compréhension profonde de l’écoulement se développant dans le compresseur haute-vitesse axial de 3.5 étages CREATE, étudié sur un banc d’essai de 2 MW au Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides et Acoustique (LMFA) à Lyon, France. Ce travail a trois objectifs principaux : D’abord, une description globale de l’écoulement avec une identification des limites aux méthodes d’exploration utilisées ; Ensuite, la caractérisation de l’effet du clocking stator-stator dans un compresseur à haute-vitesse ; Troisièmement, l’identification des instabilités à faibles débits pour confirmer les études sur les compresseurs à basse-vitesse et contribuer à plus de compréhension.Il est montré qu’une mauvaise interprétation des données de performance stationnaire se fait facilement en raison des contraintes de mesure et des coefficients de correction sont proposés. À certains endroits dans le compresseur, des limites aux méthodes d’exploration (expérimentales et numériques) de l’écoulement sont identifiées. Cette identification va permettre la poursuite du développement des méthodes. Les principales erreurs de prédiction des simulations concernent la surestimation du blocage induit par l’écoulement de jeu et l’augmentation de pression. En outre, les mesures fournies par les sondes de pression pneumatique surestiment la pression statique en amont des stators. Cette erreur est probablement provoquée par l’interaction entre le champ potentiel du stator et la sonde elle-même. De plus, l’anémométrie Doppler laser surestime la vitesse en aval des stators. Le transport des sillages du rotor à travers des stators n’est pas correctement capturé avec les particules d’ensemencement.Le clocking a seulement un petit effet global dans la bande d’incertitude de mesure dans ce compresseur. Plusieurs contributions à ce faible effet de clocking sont identifiées par l’analyse du transport des structures d’écoulement : Le mélange circonférentiel du sillage de stator et la déformation des sillages le long de leur trajet dans l’écoulement. L’effet local du clocking dépend de la hauteur de veine en raison de la variation de la forme des aubages et du transport des sillages. Des effets positifs et négatifs sont présentés, qui globalement se compensent dans ce compresseur. Les instabilités dans ce compresseur dépendent du point de fonctionnement et des méthodes d’exploration de l’écoulement. Aux points de fonctionnement stables et à la vitesse nominale du compresseur, les résultats numériques montrent une perturbation tournante dans les rotors 2 et 3, alors que les mesures montrent une perturbation tournante que dans le premier rotor et seulement à basse vitesse du compresseur. Dans les deux cas, les perturbations montrent des caractéristiques semblables. Une étude numérique permet d’exclure l’influence des interactions rotor-stator sur la perturbation tournante et met en évidence sa source. Des nouvelles connaissances sur le comportement stable et la périodicité du rotating instability (mesuré) sont dérivées contrairement au comportement instable suggéré par la dénomination et la littérature. Il est montré que cette perturbation évolue en cellule de décrochage tournante à l’approche de la limite de stabilité. A la vitesse nominale du compresseur, une entrée en instabilités de type spike est identifiée expérimentalement. Une description précise de l’apparition brutale du spike et sa différence par rapport à une cellule de décollement tournant sont présentées. / The following experimental and numerical investigations aim at the deep understanding of the flow field in the 3.5 stages high-speed axial compressor CREATE, studied on a 2 MW test rig at the Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Acoustics (LMFA) in Lyon, France. This work focuses on three major objectives: Firstly, a global description of the flow field with an identification of limitations to the used exploration methods; Secondly, the characterization of the effect of stator-stator clocking in a high-speed compressor; Thirdly, the identification of instabilities arising at low mass flow rates for confirming studies on low-speed compressors and giving new insights.This work demonstrates that a mis-interpretation of steady performance data occurs easily due to measurement constraints and correction coefficients are proposed. At certain locations in the compressor, the flow field exploration (experimental and numerical) methods are identified to be challenged. This identification will initiate further development of the methods. The main mis-predictions of the simulations concern the over-prediction of the blockage induced by the tip leakage flow and eventually an over-predicted pressure rise. Furthermore, the measurements provided by the pneumatic pressure probes over-estimate the static pressure upstream of the stators. This error is induced by the interaction between the stator potential field and the probe it-self. In addition, the laser Doppler anemometry method over-estimates the velocity downstream the stators. The transport of the rotor wakes through the stators might not be correctly captured with the seeding particles in this high-speed compressor.The investigation of the stator clocking reveals only a small global effect within the measurement uncertainty band. Several contributions to the weak effect of clocking are identified by analysis of the flow structure transport, namely the time-mean mixing out of the stator wakes and the deformation of wakes along their flow path. The local effect of clocking depends on the span-height because of the variation of the circumferential position of the stator wakes and the stator blade shape over the span-height. Local possible positive and negative effects of clocking are identified and are shown to be almost in balance in this compressor. Furthermore, this work demonstrates that the unsteadiness in the flow field is not linked conclusively to the stator clocking.In this compressor, the arising instabilities depend on the operating point and flow field exploration methods. At stable operating points and nominal compressor speed, the numerical results reveal a rotating disturbance in the rotors 2 and 3, whereas the measurements show a rotating disturbance only in the first rotor and only at part speed. In both cases the disturbance exhibits rotating instability like characteristics. An exhaustive numerical study allows to exclude the commonly assumed influence of rotor-stator interactions on the rotating disturbance and pinpoints its source. New insights into the stable behavior and periodicity of the measured rotating instability are derived contrary to the unstable behavior suggested by the naming and literature. This disturbance is shown to evolve into rotating stall cells when approaching the stability limit. At nominal compressor speed, a spike type surge inception is identified I n the measured field. A precise description of the abrupt onset of the spike cell and its difference to a rotating stall cell are presented.
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Tratabilidade de águas residuárias de indústrias petroquímicas - estudo de caso. / Treatability of petrochemical industries wastewaters - case study.Hilsdorf, Antonio Sérgio de Carvalho 02 September 2008 (has links)
O tratamento de águas residuárias industriais, submetido constantemente a cargas de choque, é pouco estudado no Brasil, sendo limitado o grau de conhecimento que se tem no mundo sobre os mecanismos de remoção de disruptores endócrinos nos sistemas de tratamento físico-químicos e biológicos. O presente trabalho traz um estudo de caso, envolvendo uma indústria com uma composição de produtos muito diversificada, com despejos líquidos de unidades isoladas de qualidades diversas e que tem como uma das principais matérias-primas, nonil fenóis, conhecidos disruptores endócrinos. Os mecanismos de remoção de carga orgânica e a avaliação da toxicidade da água residuária ao processo biológico de tratamento foram estudados em escala de laboratório, enquanto que a sua tratabilidade por coagulação, floculação, flotação com ar dissolvido seguido de sistema de lodos ativados, em escala piloto. Avaliou-se, também, a aplicabilidade do tratamento biológico com carvão ativado em pó. A grande variação qualitativa e quantitativa da água residuária bruta requer uma unidade de equalização com tempo de detenção de pelo menos 30 horas. O maior responsável por esta variação de qualidade é o processo da unidade química, cujo efluente é proveniente de lavagens de tanques e reatores. Apesar da reduzida eficiência de remoção de DQO obtida com a coagulação, floculação e flotação com ar dissolvido (20 a 30%), constatou-se que este tratamento é essencial para a redução da toxicidade ao processo biológico. A dosagem de coagulante e o pH ótimos variam conforme a característica do despejo e devem ser determinadas diariamente. No sistema biológico, observou-se uma remoção significativa da DQO do efluente bruto gerado na indústria, não apenas por biodegradação, mas também por volatilização e adsorção. Os testes de bancada evidenciaram remoções de DQO por arraste com ar de 47 a 77 % e por adsorção no lodo biológico, de 42%. Apesar dos constantes choques de carga orgânica e de poluentes tóxicos, conseguiu-se atingir o estado estacionário com variações máximas da concentração de sólidos em suspensão voláteis no tanque de aeração entre 20 e 30%. Neste período, a idade do lodo situou-se em torno de 25 a 30 dias e o tempo de detenção hidráulico foi de 3,8 dias. A eficiência média de remoção de DQO neste período foi de 86%. Os testes com a unidade piloto demonstraram que a utilização de carvão ativado em pó (CAP) produz resultados satisfatórios, comprovando a redução de poluentes tóxicos da água residuária e refletindo em uma significativa melhora na biodegradabilidade do efluente, com aumento da concentração de sólidos em suspensão voláteis no tanque de aeração (de 1380 mg/L para 3820 mg/L) e redução da amplitude de variação da DQO do efluente tratado que passou de 600 a 3200 mgO2/L para o sistema sem CAP para 300 a 600 mgO2/L para o sistema com CAP. Notou-se, também, com a adição de CAP, melhoria na sedimentação do lodo. Pode-se concluir também que o sistema de tratamento atendeu a legislação atual do Estado de São Paulo, com uma remoção média de 80% da DBO5. / Wastewater treatment systems continuously receiving shock loads and the behavior of contaminants under unsteady state conditions are not very well documented in our country, with limited degree of knowledge in the world on the removal of specific pollutants like endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC) in physical chemical and biological wastewater treatment systems. The present work brings a case study regarding an industry which wastewaters were generated from plants with multiproducts and campaign production with variable composition, and with nonylphenols as one of their raw materials which is known as an endocrine disrupting chemical. The organic load and toxicity removal mechanisms of the wastewater to the biological treatment were studied in bench scale whilst their treatability was evaluated through coagulation, flocculation, dissolved air flotation followed by activated sludge, in pilot scale. The feasibility of the addition of powdered activated carbon to the biological system was also studied. The large qualitative and quantitative variability of the wastewater requires an equalization time of at least 30 hours. The main responsible for this variability in quality is the chemical unit process which wastewaters are originated from reactors and tanks cleanings. Although the low efficiency in COD removal obtained with coagulation, flocculation and dissolved air flotation (20 to 30%), it was found that this process is essential to the toxicity reduction for the biological process. Optimum pH and coagulant dose vary with the wastewater characteristics, and must be determined on a daily basis. On the biological system, it was observed important raw wastewater COD elimination not only through biodegradation, but also through volatilization and adsorption. Bench tests revealed COD elimination of 47 to 77% by air stripping and 42% by adsorption onto the biological sludge. Despite of constant organic and toxic shock loads, it had been possible to reach the steady state during which the maximum variation on the volatile suspended solids concentration was 20 to 30%. During this period, sludge age was around 25 to 30 days, and the hydraulic detention time was 3,8 days. Average efficiency on COD removal in this period was 86%. Tests results with PAC dosage on the pilot plant showed satisfactory, proving the reduction of toxic compounds from the wastewater and resulting in biodegradability improvement. The increase of volatile suspended solids in the aeration tank was from 1380 mg/L to 3820 mg/L, and reduction in the range of variation of remaining treated water COD from 600 to 3200 mgO2/L (system without CAP) down to 300 to 600 mgO2/L (system with CAP). The improvement on the sludge sedimentation with PAC addition was also remarkable. One can also conclude the treatment system attained the current legislation of the State of São Paulo, with 80% BOD5 removal.
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